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During flagellar morphogenesis in Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli, the fliK gene product is responsible for hook length control. A previous study (M. Homma, T. Iino, and R. M. Macnab, J. Bacteriol. 170:2221-2228, 1988) had suggested that the fliK gene may generate two products; we have confirmed that both proteins are products of the fliK gene and have eliminated several possible explanations for the two forms. We have determined the DNA sequence of the fliK gene in both bacterial species. The deduced amino acid sequences of the wild-type FliK proteins of S. typhimurium and E. coli correspond to molecular masses of 41,748 and 39,246 Da, respectively, and are fairly hydrophilic. Alignment of the sequences gives an identity level of 50%, which is low for homologous flagellar proteins from S. typhimurium and E. coli; the C-terminal sequence is the most highly conserved part (71% identity in the last 154 amino acids). The central and C-terminal regions are rich in proline and glutamine residues, respectively. Linker insertion mutagenesis of the conserved C-terminal region completely abolished motility, whereas disruption of the less conserved N-terminal and central regions had little or no effect. We suggest that the N-terminal (or N-terminal and central) and C-terminal regions may constitute domains. For several reasons, we consider it unlikely that FliK is functioning as a molecular ruler for determining hook length and conclude that it is probably employing a novel mechanism.  相似文献   

FlgD is known to be absolutely required for hook assembly, yet it has not been detected in the mature flagellum. We have overproduced and purified FlgD and raised an antibody against it. By using this antibody, we have detected FlgD in substantial amounts in isolated basal bodies from flgA, flgE, flgH, flgI, flgK, and fliK mutants, in much smaller amounts in those from the wild type and flgL, fliA, fliC, fliD, and fliE mutants, and not at all in those from flgB, flgD, flgG, and flgJ mutants. In terms of the morphological assembly pathway, these results indicate that FlgD is first added to the structure when the rod is completed and is discarded when the hook, having reached its mature length, has the first of the hook-filament junction proteins, FlgK, added to its tip. Immunoelectron microscopy established that FlgD initially is located at the distal end of the rod and eventually is located at the distal end of the hook. Thus, it appears to act as a hook-capping protein to enable assembly of hook protein subunits, much as another flagellar protein, FliD, does for the flagellin subunits of the filament. However, whereas FliD is associated with the filament tip indefinitely, FlgD is only transiently associated with the hook tip; i.e., it acts as a scaffolding protein. When FlgD was added to the culture medium of a flgD mutant, cells gained motility; thus, although the hook cap is normally added endogenously, it can be added exogenously. When culture media were analyzed for the presence of hook protein, it was found only with the flgD mutant and, in smaller amounts, the fliK (polyhook) mutant. Thus, although FlgD is needed for assembly of hook protein, it is not needed for its export.  相似文献   

The flagellar filament of the mutant Salmonella typhimurium strain SJW814 is straight, and has a right-handed twist like the filament of SJW1655. Three-dimensional reconstructions from electron micrographs of ice-embedded filaments reveal a flagellin subunit that has the same domain organization as that of SJW1655. Both show slight changes from the domain organization of the subunits from SJW1660, which possesses a straight, left-handed filament. This points to the possible role of changes in subunit conformation in the left-to-right-handed structural transition in filaments. Comparison of the left and right-handed filaments shows that the subunit's orientation and intersubunit bonding appear to change. The orientation of the subunit in the SJW814 filament is intermediate between that of SJW1655 and SJW1660. Its intermediate orientation may explain why the filaments of SJW1655 and SJW1660 are locked in one conformation, whereas the filament of SJW814 can be induced to switch by, for example, changes in pH and ionic strength.  相似文献   

Morphological pathway of flagellar assembly in Salmonella typhimurium.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The process of flagellar assembly was investigated in Salmonella typhimurium. Seven types of flagellar precursors produced by various flagellar mutants were purified by CsCl density gradient protocol. They were characterized morphologically by electron microscopy, and biochemically by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The MS ring is formed in the absence of any other flagellar components, including the switch complex and the putative export apparatus. Four proteins previously identified as rod components, FlgB, FlgC, FlgF, FlgG, and another protein, FliE, assemble co-operatively into a stable structure. The hook is formed in two distinct steps; formation of its proximal part and elongation. Proximal part formation occurs, but elongation does not occur, in the absence of the LP ring. FlgD is necessary for hook formation, but not for LP-ring formation. A revised pathway of flagellar assembly is proposed based on these and other results.  相似文献   

The hooks of the flagella of Salmonella typhimurium were purified by a newly developed method, using a flaL mutant without a filament, and the hook components were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. As a result, we detected three protein species in addition to hook protein. We call these three proteins hook-associated proteins (HAPs). Their molecular weights were 59,000 for HAP1, 53,000 for HAP2, and 31,000 for HAP3. The HAP1/hook protein/HAP3/HAP2 molar ratio, calculated from their relative amounts and their molecular weights, was 1:10:1.1:0.53. The compositions of HAPs were analyzed in the hooks from the other filamentless mutants which were defective in H1 H2, flaV, flaU, or flaW. Hooks from the H1 H2 mutant had the same HAP composition as hooks from the flaL mutant. Hooks from the flaV mutants contained HAP1 and HAP3. Hooks from the flaU mutants contained HAP1. Hooks from the flaW mutants contained a very small amount of HAP3. From these results, the process of hook morphogenesis and the genes responsible for each step were postulated. Electron micrographs of hooks from the filamentless mutants showed that hooks which contained all three HAPs had a sharp clawlike tip, whereas hooks lacking any HAP had a flat tip. Electron micrographs of hooks treated with antibody against the hook protein showed that each claw-shaped end was not covered with antibody. These results strongly suggest that all three HAPs or at least some of them are located at the claw-shaped end and play an essential role in filament formation.  相似文献   

Hook forms a universal joint, which mediates the torque of the flagellar motor to the outer helical filaments. Domain organization of hook protein from Salmonella typhimurium was investigated by exploring thermal denaturation properties of its proteolytic fragments. The most stable part of hook protein involves residues 148 to 355 and consists of two domains, as revealed by deconvolution analysis of the calorimetric melting profiles. Residues 72-147 and 356-370 form another domain, while the terminal regions of the molecule, residues 1-71 and 371-403, avoid a compact tertiary structure in the monomeric state. These folding domains were assigned to the morphological domains of hook subunits known from EM image reconstructions, revealing the overall folding of hook protein in its filamentous state.  相似文献   

Nine temperature-sensitive nonflagellate mutants defective in flaFV were isolated from a strain of Salmonella typhimurium. Among them three mutants were found to produce flagella with abnormally shaped (either straight or irregularly curved) hooks at the permissive temperature. Two mutations that rendered hooks straight were located in one of the eight segments of flaFV defined by deletion mapping. The mutation that rendered hooks irregularly curved was located in a different segment. An flaR mutation was introduced into the latter mutant. At the permissive temperature, the resulting double mutant produced polyhooks whose wavelength and amplitude were both exceedingly reduced. These polyhook structures were more thermolabile than those of the flaFV+ strain. Hook protein of the former strain was shown to have a slightly positive electric charge compared with that of the latter. From these results and other available information, it is inferred that flaFV is the structural gene for the hook protein in Salmonella.  相似文献   

A positive selection procedure has been devised for isolating mutant strains of Salmonella typhimurium with altered glutamine synthetase activity. Mutants are derived from a histidine auxotroph by selecting for ability to grow on D-histidine as the sole histidine source. We hypothesize that the phenotype may be based on a regulatory increase in the activities of the D-histidine racemizing enzymes, but this has not been established. Spontaneous glutamine-requiring mutants isolated by the above selection procedure have two types of alterations in glutamine synthetase activity. Some have less than 10% of parent activity. Others have significant glutamine synthetase activity, but the enzyme have an altered response to divalent cations. Activity in mutants of the second type mimics that of highly adenylylated wild-type enzyme, which is believed to be in-active in vivo. Glutamine synthetase from one such mutant is more heat labile than wild-type enzyme, indicating that it is structurally altered. Mutations in all strains are probably in the glutamine synthetase structural gene (glnA). They are closely linked on the Salmonella chromosome and lie at about min 125. The mutants have normal glutamate dehydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

Electron micrographs of frozen-hydrated preparations of flagellar filaments of Salmonella typhimurium were used to obtain a three-dimensional reconstruction of the structure. The filaments were obtained from the mutant SJW1660, which produces straight, left-handed filaments. The subunits in this filament are thought to be all in the L-state. The structure consists of a set of 11 longitudinal segmented rods of density that lie at a radius of 70 A. The outermost feature of the filament is a set of knobs of density that project outward from the rods. The interior of the filaments consists of arms that extend inward radially from the segmented rods. The 11 segmented rods and their interconnections are noteworthy because current theories regarding filament structure involve switching of subunits between the L and R states co-operatively along the directions of the rods.  相似文献   

The length of flagellar hooks isolated from wild-type and mutant cells with various hook lengths were measured on electron micrographs. The length of the wild-type hook showed a narrow distribution with a peak (+/- standard deviation) at 55.0 +/- 5.9 nm, whereas fliK mutants (so-called polyhook mutants) showed a broad distribution of hook lengths ranging from 40 to 900 nm, strongly indicating that FliK is involved in hook length determination. Among pseudorevertants isolated from such polyhook mutants, fliK intragenic suppressors gave rise to polyhook filaments. However, intergenic suppressors mapping to flhB also gave rise to hooks of abnormal length, albeit they were much shorter than polyhooks. Furthermore, double mutations of flhB and flgK (the structural gene for hook-associated protein 1; HAP1) resulted in polyhooks, suggesting another way in which hook length can be affected. The roles of FliK, FlhB, and HAP1 in hook length determination are discussed.  相似文献   

Salmonella typhimurium SJW23 has a right-handed, non-helically perturbed filament of serotype gt with a unique surface pattern. Non-helical perturbations involve symmetry reduction along the five-start helical lines resulting in layer lines of fractional Bessel orders and a consequent seam. The flagellin gene, fliC23, which we sequenced, differs from the sequence of the canonic, plain SJW1655 flagellin, fliC1655. We modified discrete components of fliC23 in order to localize, in the expressed filament, the submolecular site responsible for the non-helical perturbation. These modifications include (i) deleting the outermost domain  D323, (ii) replacing D323 with D31655, (iii) substituting a hydrophilic α-helix at the interface between the neighboring domains D1 and D2 with a hydrophobic one from fliC1655, and (iv) substituting a serine/glycine pair in the loop connecting the modified α-helix to its neighbor; these modifications were made in the presence and absence of D323. We used S. typhimurium SJW1655 both as a reference and as a source for ‘spare parts’. The symmetry of the constructs was assessed from the power spectra through changes in the layer lines at a height of 〈1/105〉 and 〈1/35〉 Å? 1 , unique to the non-helical perturbation. Deleting D323, either alone or in combination with various substitutions, or replacing it with D31655 transforms the non-helically perturbed filament into a plain one as judged by the disappearance of the typical layer lines from the power spectra. We conclude that the non-helical perturbation is a product of unique interactions in the D323 density shell. Whereas other minor structural changes may occur at the filaments interior, they are all helically symmetric.  相似文献   

In wild-type Salmonella, the length of the flagellar hook, a structure consisting of subunits of the hook protein FlgE, is fairly tightly controlled at approximately 55 nm. Because fliK mutants produce abnormally elongated hook structures that lack the filament structure, FliK appears to be involved in both the termination of hook elongation and the initiation of filament formation. FliK, a soluble protein, is believed to function together with a membrane protein, FlhB, of the export apparatus to mediate the switching of export substrate specificity (from hook protein to flagellin) upon completion of hook assembly. We have examined the location of FliK during flagellar morphogenesis. FliK was found in the culture supernatants from the wild-type strain and from flgD (hook capping protein), flgE (hook protein) and flgK (hook-filament junction protein) mutants, but not in that from a flgB (rod protein) mutant. The amount of FliK in the culture supernatant from the flgE mutant was much higher than in that from the flgK mutant, indicating that FliK is most efficiently exported prior to the completion of hook assembly. Export was impaired by deletions within the N-terminal region of FliK, but not by C-terminal truncations. A decrease in the level of exported FliK resulted in elongated hook structures, sometimes with filaments attached. Our results suggest that the export of FliK during hook assembly is important for hook-length control and the switching of export substrate specificity.  相似文献   

The flhB and flhA genes constitute an operon called flhB operon on the Salmonella typhimurium chromosome. Their gene products are required for formation of the rod structure of flagellar apparatus. Furthermore, several lines of evidence suggest that they, together with FliI and FliH, may constitute the export apparatus of flagellin, the component protein of flagellar filament. In this study, we determined the nucleotide sequence of the entire flhB operon from S. typhimurium. It was shown that the flhB and flhA genes encode highly hydrophobic polypeptides with calculated molecular masses of 42,322 and 74,848 Da, respectively. Both proteins have several potential membrane-spanning segments, suggesting that they may be integral membrane proteins. The flhB operon was found to contain an additional open reading frame capable of encoding a polypeptide with a calculated molecular mass of 14,073 Da. We designated this open reading frame flhE. The N-terminal 16 amino acids of FlhE displays a feature of a typical signal sequence. A maxicell labeling experiment enabled us to identify the precursor and mature forms of the flhE gene products. Insertion of a kanamycin-resistant gene cartridge into the chromosomal flhE gene did not affect the motility of the cells, indicating that the flhE gene is not essential for flagellar formation and function. We have overproduced and purified N-terminally truncated FlhB and FlhA proteins and raised antibodies against them. By use of these antibodies, localization of the FlhB and FlhA proteins was analyzed by Western blotting (immunoblotting) with the fractionated cell extracts. The results obtained indicated that both proteins are localized in the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

Specific inhibition of flagellar rotation reversal was observed after exposure of chemotactic Salmonella typhimurium to citrate autoclaved at neutral pH. The presence of a rotation reversal inactivator was established in autoclaved citrate-containing media and nutrient broth. Since modulation of flagellar rotation by attractants and repellents is the basis of chemotactic behavior, a specific inhibitor of rotation reversal, which is essential for tumble generation, provides a useful probe into the molecular mechanism of bacterial chemotaxis. The inactivator inhibits clockwise rotation without affecting counterclockwise rotation, speed of rotation, or the capacity of the cells to grow and divide. Inactivation of clockwise rotation is gradual and irreversible, differing from the transient inhibition of clockwise rotation by attractants, which is characterized by an immediate suppression followed by a return to normal rotation patterns. The rotation reversal inactivator is stable to acidification, rotary evaporation, lyophilization, and rehydration.  相似文献   

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