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泛素激活酶(E1)、泛素耦联酶(E2)和泛素连接酶(E3)是蛋白质泛素化修饰的关键酶。在真核基因组上有大量基因编码这些泛素化相关的酶类或蛋白。检测这些泛素化修饰酶及其底物蛋白的生化特性和特异性是分析其生物学功能的重要内容。该文提供了一种简便快速检测体外泛素化反应的方法, 不仅可通过检测对DTT敏感的硫酯键的形成来判断E2的活性、检测E3的体外泛素化活性, 而且可以检测E2-E3和E3-底物的特异性。所用蛋白主要来源于拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana), 包括分属于绝大多数E2亚家族的成员, 可用于不同RING类型E3的活性检测。该方法不仅可以采用多种E2进行E3活性分析, 而且可以分析不同组合的E2-RING E3、RING E3-底物的泛素化活性等, 亦可应用于真核生物蛋白质尤其是植物蛋白的体外泛素化活性分析。  相似文献   

泛素激活酶(E1)、泛素耦联酶(E2)和泛素连接酶(E3)是蛋白质泛素化修饰的关键酶。在真核基因组上有大量基因编码这些泛素化相关的酶类或蛋白。检测这些泛素化修饰酶及其底物蛋白的生化特性和特异性是分析其生物学功能的重要内容。该文提供了一种简便快速检测体外泛素化反应的方法, 不仅可通过检测对DTT敏感的硫酯键的形成来判断E2的活性、检测E3的体外泛素化活性, 而且可以检测E2-E3和E3-底物的特异性。所用蛋白主要来源于拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana), 包括分属于绝大多数E2亚家族的成员, 可用于不同RING类型E3的活性检测。该方法不仅可以采用多种E2进行E3活性分析, 而且可以分析不同组合的E2-RING E3、RING E3-底物的泛素化活性等, 亦可应用于真核生物蛋白质尤其是植物蛋白的体外泛素化活性分析。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) cell culture techniques using a bioreactor have been used to co-culture various breast cancer cell lines. Comparisons between 3D co-cultures containing different proportions of breast cancer cell lines have been made with respect to cluster size, cell surface marker distribution, and Ki67 expression. Furthermore, an observed difference in invasion through collagen between co-cultures has been briefly reported. However, these assays have not yet been developed into a quantifiable methodology to assess the effects of drugs and/or microenvironments on cellular invasion. From a cancer perspective, two important aspects of cellular invasion that are often left out of in vitro assays are considerations about the 3D structural heterogeneity of the primary tumor and the ability of cells to migrate in all directions. Accordingly, we have taken advantage of the methodology previously described for 3D cell culture techniques and have developed a 3D invasion assay using cell clusters that can be used to assess the effects of different drugs and treatment conditions on cancer cell invasion. We also describe a novel whole-mount technique that permits fluorescence-based immunolocalization of proteins through the entire tumorsphere, without the need for sectioning. Our assay provides a simple, inexpensive, and physiologically relevant context to study cellular invasion in vitro, in a way that recapitulates an in vivo milieu.  相似文献   



The heart is one of the least regenerative organs in the body and any major insult can result in a significant loss of heart cells. The development of an in vitro-based cardiac tissue could be of paramount importance for many aspects of the cardiology research. In this context, we developed an in vitro assay based on human cardiomyocytes (hCMs) and ad hoc micro-technologies, suitable for several applications: from pharmacological analysis to physio-phatological studies on transplantable hCMs. We focused on the development of an assay able to analyze not only hCMs viability, but also their functionality.


hCMs were cultured onto a poly-acrylamide hydrogel with tunable tissue-like mechanical properties and organized through micropatterning in a 20×20 array. Arrayed hCMs were characterized by immunofluorescence, GAP-FRAP analyses and live and dead assay. Their functionality was evaluated monitoring the excitation-contraction coupling.


Micropatterned hCMs maintained the expression of the major cardiac markers (cTnT, cTnI, Cx43, Nkx2.5, α-actinin) and functional properties. The spontaneous contraction frequency was (0.83±0.2) Hz, while exogenous electrical stimulation lead to an increase up to 2 Hz. As proof of concept that our device can be used for screening the effects of pathological conditions, hCMs were exposed to increasing levels of H2O2. Remarkably, hCMs viability was not compromised with exposure to 0.1 mM H2O2, but hCMs contractility was dramatically suppressed. As proof of concept, we also developed a microfluidic platform to selectively treat areas of the cell array, in the perspective of performing multi-parametric assay.


Such system could be a useful tool for testing the effects of multiple conditions on an in vitro cell model representative of human heart physiology, thus potentially helping the processes of therapy and drug development.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis is a vital process for normal tissue development and wound healing, but is also associated with a variety of pathological conditions. Using this protocol, angiogenesis may be measured in vitro in a fast, quantifiable manner. Primary or immortalized endothelial cells are mixed with conditioned media and plated on basement membrane matrix. The endothelial cells form capillary like structures in response to angiogenic signals found in conditioned media. The tube formation occurs quickly with endothelial cells beginning to align themselves within 1 hr and lumen-containing tubules beginning to appear within 2 hr. Tubes can be visualized using a phase contrast inverted microscope, or the cells can be treated with calcein AM prior to the assay and tubes visualized through fluorescence or confocal microscopy. The number of branch sites/nodes, loops/meshes, or number or length of tubes formed can be easily quantified as a measure of in vitro angiogenesis. In summary, this assay can be used to identify genes and pathways that are involved in the promotion or inhibition of angiogenesis in a rapid, reproducible, and quantitative manner.  相似文献   


Inhibitors of thromboxane A, (TxA2) synthase are regarded as potentially useful agents in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and in the prevention of tumour cell metastases. We report here a novel in vitro assay for the evaluation of TxA2 synthase inhibitors. For the determination of inhibitory activity, malondialdehyde (MDA) formation by TxA2 synthase in whole blood was utilized. After reaction with thiobarbituric acid MDA was quantified spectrofluorimetrically. The blank value was obtained by incubation with a selective TxA2 synthase inhibitor. For the screening of compounds the simple MDA assay represents an alternative to the rather expensive and time consuming radioimmunoassay, HPLC and TLC methods. Only for compounds which have been shown to be good inhibitors in the MDA assay should a radioimmunoassay for selective inhibition of TxA2 synthase be performed.  相似文献   

A novel single step assay approach to screen a library of photdynamic therapy (PDT) compounds was developed. Utilizing high content analysis (HCA) technologies several robust cellular parameters were identified, which can be used to determine the phototoxic effects of porphyrin compounds which have been developed as potential anticancer agents directed against esophageal carcinoma. To demonstrate the proof of principle of this approach a small detailed study on five porphyrin based compounds was performed utilizing two relevant esophageal cancer cell lines (OE21 and SKGT-4). The measurable outputs from these early studies were then evaluated by performing a pilot screen using a set of 22 compounds. These data were evaluated and validated by performing comparative studies using a traditional colorimetric assay (MTT). The studies demonstrated that the HCS assay offers significant advantages over and above the currently used methods (directly related to the intracellular presence of the compounds by analysis of their integrated intensity and area within the cells). A high correlation was found between the high content screening (HCS) and MTT data. However, the HCS approach provides additional information that allows a better understanding of the behavior of these compounds when interacting at the cellular level. This is the first step towards an automated high-throughput screening of photosensitizer drug candidates and the beginnings of an integrated and comprehensive quantitative structure action relationship (QSAR) study for photosensitizer libraries.  相似文献   

Abstract: Prosaposin, a 517-amino-acid glycoprotein, not only acts as the precursor of saposin A, B, C, and D but also possesses neurotrophic activity to rescue hippocampal CA1 neurons from ischemic damage in vivo and to promote neurite extension of neuroblastoma cells in vitro. Recently, the trophic activity of prosaposin on human neuroblastoma cells has been shown to reside in the NH2-terminal hydrophilic sequence (LIDNNRTEEILY) of the human saposin C. Here we show that prosaposin, saposin C, and a peptide comprising the 18-amino-acid sequence (18-mer peptide; LSELIINNATEELLIKGL) located in the NH2-terminal hydrophilic sequence of the rat saposin C-domain promoted survival and neurite outgrowth of cultured rat hippocampal neurons in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, infusion for 7 days of the 18-mer peptide into the lateral ventricle of gerbils, starting either 2 h before or immediately after 3 min of forebrain ischemia, protected ischemia-induced learning disability and hippocampal CA1 neuronal loss. Thus, we ascribe the in vitro and in vivo trophic actions of prosaposin on hippocampal neurons to the linear 18-mer sequence and raise the possibility that this peptide can be used as an agent for the treatment of forebrain ischemic damage.  相似文献   

Extracellular trypanosomes can cause a wide range of diseases and pathological complications in a broad range of mammalian hosts. One common feature of trypanosomosis is the occurrence of anemia, caused by an imbalance between erythropoiesis and red blood cell clearance of aging erythrocytes. In murine models for T. brucei trypanosomosis, anemia is marked by a very sudden non-hemolytic loss of RBCs during the first-peak parasitemia control, followed by a short recovery phase and the subsequent gradual occurrence of an ever-increasing level of anemia. Using a newly developed quantitative pHrodo based in vitro erythrophagocytosis assay, combined with FACS-based ex vivo and in vivo results, we show that activated liver monocytic cells and neutrophils as well as activated splenic macrophages are the main cells involved in the occurrence of the early-stage acute anemia. In addition, we show that trypanosomosis itself leads to a rapid alteration of RBC membrane stability, priming the cells for accelerated phagocytosis.  相似文献   

Research in the epilepsy field is moving from a primary focus on controlling seizures to addressing disease pathophysiology. This requires the adoption of resource- and time-consuming animal models of chronic epilepsy which are no longer able to sustain the testing of even moderate numbers of compounds. Therefore, new in vitro functional assays of epilepsy are needed that are able to provide a medium throughput while still preserving sufficient biological context to allow for the identification of compounds with new modes of action. Here we describe a robust and simple fluorescence-based calcium assay to measure epileptiform network activity using rat primary cortical cultures in a 96-well format. The assay measures synchronized intracellular calcium oscillations occurring in the population of primary neurons and is amenable to medium throughput screening. We have adapted this assay format to the low magnesium and the 4-aminopyridine epilepsy models and confirmed the contribution of voltage-gated ion channels and AMPA, NMDA and GABA receptors to epileptiform activity in both models. We have also evaluated its translatability using a panel of antiepileptic drugs with a variety of modes of action. Given its throughput and translatability, the calcium oscillations assay bridges the gap between simplified target-based screenings and compound testing in animal models of epilepsy. This phenotypic assay also has the potential to be used directly as a functional screen to help identify novel antiepileptic compounds with new modes of action, as well as pathways with previously unknown contribution to disease pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT/A), the most poisonous substance known to humans, is a potential bioterrorism agent. The light-chain protein induces a flaccid paralysis through cleavage of the 25-kDa synaptosome-associated protein (SNAP-25), involved in acetylcholine release at the neuromuscular junction. BoNT/A is widely used as a therapeutic agent and to reduce wrinkles. The toxin is used at very low doses, which have to be accurately quantified. With this aim, internally quenched fluorescent substrates containing the fluorophore/repressor pair pyrenylalanine (Pya)/4-nitrophenylalanine (Nop) were developed. Nop and Pya were, respectively, introduced at positions 197 and 200 of the cleavable fragment (amino acids 187 to 203) of SNAP-25 (with norleucine at position 202 [Nle202]), which is acetylated at its N terminus and amidated at its C terminus. Cleavage of this peptide occurred between positions 197 and 198, as in SNAP-25, and was easily quantified by the strong fluorescence emission of the metabolite. To increase the assay sensitivity, the peptide sequence of the previous substrate was lengthened to account for exosite binding to BoNT/A. We synthesized the peptide PL50 (SNAP-25-NH2 acetylated at positions 156 to 203 [Nop197, Pya200, Nle202]) and its analogue PL51, in which all methionines were replaced by nonoxidizable Nle. Consistent with a large increase in affinity for BoNT/A, PL50 and PL51 exhibit catalytic efficiencies of 2.6 × 106 M−1 s−1 and 8.85 × 106 M−1 s−1, respectively, and behave as the best fluorigenic substrates of BoNT/A reported to date. Under optimized assay conditions, they allow simple quantification of as little as 100 and 60 pg of BoNT/A, respectively, within 2 h with a classical fluorimeter. Calibration of the method against the mouse 50% lethal dose assay unequivocally validates the enzymatic assay.The botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) family consists of seven antigenically distinct serotypes, BoNT/A to BoNT/G, which act on the peripheral nervous system (19). Of these toxins, serotypes A, B, E, and F cause botulism in humans, a disease characterized by flaccid muscular paralysis. The neurotoxins are produced as single inactive polypeptides of 150 kDa, which are subsequently processed by proteolytic cleavage into biologically active di-chains (19). These forms consist of an approximately 50-kDa light chain (LC) linked by a disulfide bridge to a 100-kDa heavy chain (HC) that contains two domains, designated the binding and translocation domains. The neurotoxins reach their intracellular targets by translocating the LC into the cytosol after endocytosis via interaction of the HC with a high-affinity membrane-bound receptor complex (9, 20). The LC, which possesses a highly specific zinc-endopeptidase activity (29), then blocks the fusion of synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic membrane by selectively cleaving one of the three polypeptides involved in neuroexocytosis. BoNT/A, for instance, cleaves the 206-amino-acid, 25-kDa synaptosome-associated protein (SNAP-25) exclusively between the Q197 and R198 residues, thus inhibiting neurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular junction (37, 38).BoNT/A is recognized as the most toxic serotype; its oral 50% lethal dose (LD50) for humans is estimated at 1 μg/kg of body weight (2). Because of this extreme toxicity and prolonged effect, BoNTs are classified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as one of the six highest-risk threat agents for bioterrorism in “category A” (27). In spite of this, BoNT/A and -B are widely used as therapeutic agents for the treatment of muscular and nerve disorders, as well as in the treatment of neurological diseases (14, 15, 28). There is also an increasing use of BoNT/A in esthetics for wrinkle reduction (4). Because of their high toxicity, BoNTs are used at very low concentrations, and procedures to be used for their detection and quantification in toxin preparations for medical applications or in the event of malevolent bioterrorist acts have to be highly sensitive, rapid, and easy to use; the use of all lengthy in vivo assays is excluded (2, 11). The advantage of the currently used pharmacotoxicological mouse LD50 (MLD50) assay, considered the gold standard assay, is that it provides the in vivo toxicity of a given botulinum toxin sample, whatever the nature of the infected medium. However, this assay is time-consuming, requires the use of a large number of animals, and has poor repeatability due to many fluctuant parameters involved in this method (22). Several in vitro assays have been reported for the detection of BoNT/A, relying either on mass spectrometry (3, 16), immunological detection (10, 25), or BoNT/A''s endopeptidase activity (12, 30). The advantage of the endopeptidase assay is that it measures and quantifies the “active” part of the toxin, which is directly responsible for neurotransmission inhibition. Various methods have been developed to quantify the BoNT/A proteolytic activity (12, 23, 32-33). Although some of these assays are very sensitive (11), they cannot be used for the field detection of BoNT/A, as they require a multistep procedure, and they are also not easily amenable to quantification of toxin preparations used for medical applications.In this paper, we have designed novel, specific, high-affinity, mimetic peptide substrates for BoNT/A using the internal-collision-induced fluorescence-quenching technique (13). This technique, the use of which has previously been successful in the design of peptide substrates for other Zn-metallopeptidases, e.g., ECE-1 (18) and BoNT/B (1, 26), involves the introduction of a fluorophore/repressor pair, here the highly fluorescent pyrenylalanine (Pya) along with a nitro-phenylalanine (Nop) repressor residue on each side of the cleavage site. Once the better positions of the fluorophore/repressor pair Pya/Nop were determined using a fragment of the SNAP-25 sequence from amino acids 187 to 203 [(187-203) SNAP-25] (30), the kinetic parameters of the peptide substrate were optimized and the stability of the final substrate, acetylated SNAP-25 from positions 156 to 203 [(Ac-156-203) SNAP-25] (Nop197, Pya200, Nle202), also called PL50, was finally improved in PL51 by replacing the oxidizable methionine residues within the sequence with norleucines. Thus, the specificity constants (catalytic constant [kcat]/Michaelis constant [Km]) of PL50 and of its analogue PL51 were 2.6 × 106 M−1 s−1 and 8.85 × 106 M−1 s−1, respectively. The use of these novel high-affinity substrates provides a simple, one-step, specific, robust, and rapid enzymatic assay, thus fulfilling all the requirements for BoNT/A field detection and for BoNT/A''s quantification in preparations for medical applications.  相似文献   

目的:构建40S核糖体蛋白S6的原核表达载体,表达并纯化S6蛋白,将其作为底物用于S6激酶(S6K)的体外活性测定。方法:采用RT-PCR方法从人胚肾细胞HEK293中获取S6 cDNA,将扩增产物克隆至大肠杆菌表达载体中,进行酶切及测序鉴定;IPTG诱导GST-S6融合蛋白在大肠杆菌中表达,用谷胱甘肽亲和层析纯化GST-S6,免疫沉淀法检测该蛋白是否可作为底物用于S6K的体外激酶活性测定。结果:酶切及测序鉴定表明构建了S6原核表达载体,并表达及纯化出GST-S6融合蛋白,相对分子质量为55×103。该蛋白可用于S6K的体外激酶活性测定,特异性强。结论:S6蛋白的克隆、表达与纯化成功,可用于S6K的体外激酶活性测定,为研究S6K的功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A colorimetric assay for antibacterial susceptibility testing of clinical isolates (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shigella dysenteriae, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, and Streptococcus pneumoniae) is described based on the reduction of a novel tetrazolium salt, 3‐(4,5‐dimethylthiazol‐2‐yl)‐5‐(3‐carboxymethoxyphenyl)‐2‐(4‐sulfophenyl)‐2H‐tetrazolium (MTS), in the presence of phenazine methosulfate (PMS) as an electron‐coupling agent. The combination of 200 μg/mL MTS with 25 μmol/L PMS resulted in production of large amounts of formazan within 1 h of exposure. In this setting, fractions extracted from Chinese Masson pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.) needles damaged by the pine caterpillar Dendrolimus punctatus Walker were found to have enhanced levels of antibacterial activity. These fractions, which were designated “Master”, “Technique”, and “Strength”, were isolated and identified by reverse‐phase C18 cartridge concentration, gel filtration, and affinity chromatography. Two fractions purified from healthy and undamaged needles were designated H1 and H2, respectively. For all test bacteria species. Technique produced the lowest minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs), ranging from 2 to 32 μg/mL, and H2 produced the highest values, with four of the six MICs being higher than 128 μg/mL We found that the Rmax model fitted the data well in that the r2 ranged between 0.87 and 0.96 (median, 0.92) and no statistically significant deviations from the model were found (P= 0.23). The median coefficient of variation of the log RC50 values and the slope m of the fitted model for all six strains among the replicates were 38 and 41%, respectively. In the course of the investigation, the physiological and functional factors involved in pest damage to plants were also explored. In summary, the MTS‐PMS colorimetric assay has advantages over existing methods for the examination of antibacterial activity, and could be developed further such that it would be suitable for screening new antibiotic molecules. (Managing editor: Ping He)  相似文献   

Therapeutic oligonucleotides including siRNA and immunostimulatory ligands of Toll-like receptors (TLR) or RIG-I like helicases (RLH) are a promising novel class of drugs. They are in clinical development for a broad spectrum of applications, e.g. as adjuvants in vaccines and for the immunotherapy of cancer. Species-specific immune activation leading to cytokine release is characteristic for therapeutic oligonucleotides either as an unwanted side effect or intended pharmacology. Reliable in vitro tests designed for therapeutic oligonucleotides are therefore urgently needed in order to predict clinical efficacy and to prevent unexpected harmful effects in clinical development. To serve this purpose, we here established a human whole blood assay (WBA) that is fast and easy to perform. Its response to synthetic TLR ligands (R848: TLR7/8, LPS: TLR4) was on a comparable threshold to the more time consuming peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) based assay. By contrast, the type I IFN profile provoked by intravenous CpG-DNA (TLR9 ligand) in humans in vivo was more precisely replicated in the WBA than in stimulated PBMC. Since Heparin and EDTA, but not Hirudin, displaced oligonucleotides from their delivery agent, only Hirudin qualified as the anticoagulant to be used in the WBA. The Hirudin WBA exhibited a similar capacity as the PBMC assay to distinguish between TLR7-activating and modified non-stimulatory siRNA sequences. RNA-based immunoactivating TLR7/8- and RIG-I-ligands induced substantial amounts of IFN-α in the Hirudin-WBA dependent on delivery agent used. In conclusion, we present a human Hirudin WBA to determine therapeutic oligonucleotide-induced cytokine release during preclinical development that can readily be performed and offers a close reflection of human cytokine response in vivo.  相似文献   

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