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One goal of research using induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) is to generate patient-specific cells which can be used to obtain multiple types of differentiated cells as disease models. Minimally or non-integrating methods to deliver the reprogramming genes are considered to be the best but they may be inefficient. Lentiviral delivery is currently among the most efficient methods but it integrates transgenes into the genome, which may affect the behavior of the iPSC if integration occurs into an important locus. Here we designed a polycistronic lentiviral construct containing four pluripotency genes with an EGFP selection marker. The cassette was excisable with the Cre-loxP system making possible the removal of the integrated transgenes from the genome. Mouse embryonic fibroblasts were reprogrammed using this viral system, rapidly resulting in large number of iPSC colonies. Based on the lowest EGFP expression level, one parental line was chosen for excision. Introduction of the Cre recombinase resulted in transgene-free iPSC subclones. The effect of the transgenes was assessed by comparing the parental iPSC with two of its transgene-free subclones. Both excised and non-excised iPSCs expressed standard pluripotency markers. The subclones obtained after Cre recombination were capable of differentiation in vitro, in contrast to the parental, non-excised cells and formed germ-line competent chimeras in vivo.  相似文献   



Recent progress in rat pluripotent stem cell technology has been remarkable. Particularly salient is the demonstration that embryonic stem cells (ESCs) in the rat (rESCs) can contribute to germline transmission, permitting generation of gene-modified rats as is now done using mouse ESCs (mESCs) or mouse induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs; miPSCs). However, determinations of whether rat iPSCs (riPSCs) can contribute to germ cells are not published. Here we report the germline competency of riPSCs.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We generated riPSCs by transducing three mouse reprogramming factors (Oct3/4, Klf4, and Sox2) into rat somatic cells, followed by culture in the presence of exogenous rat leukemia inhibitory factor (rLIF) and small molecules that specifically inhibit GSK3, MEK, and FGF receptor tyrosine kinases. We found that, like rESCs, our riPSCs can contribute to germline transmission. Furthermore we found, by immunostaining of testis from mouse-rat interspecific chimeras with antibody against mouse vasa homolog, that riPSCs can contribute to embryonic development with chimera formation in mice (rat-mouse interspecific chimeras) and to interspecific germlines.


Our data clearly demonstrate that using only three reprogramming factors (Oct3/4, Klf4, and Sox2) rat somatic cells can be reprogrammed into a ground state. Our generated riPSCs exhibited germline transmission in either rat-rat intraspecific or mouse-rat interspecific chimeras.  相似文献   

The generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by introducing reprogramming factors into somatic cells is a promising method for stem cell therapy in regenerative medicine. Therefore, it is desirable to develop a minimally invasive simple method to create iPSCs. In this study, we generated human nasal epithelial cells (HNECs)-derived iPSCs by gene transduction with Sendai virus (SeV) vectors. HNECs can be obtained from subjects in a noninvasive manner, without anesthesia or biopsy. In addition, SeV carries no risk of altering the host genome, which provides an additional level of safety during generation of human iPSCs. The multiplicity of SeV infection ranged from 3 to 4, and the reprogramming efficiency of HNECs was 0.08-0.10%. iPSCs derived from HNECs had global gene expression profiles and epigenetic states consistent with those of human embryonic stem cells. The ease with which HNECs can be obtained, together with their robust reprogramming characteristics, will provide opportunities to investigate disease pathogenesis and molecular mechanisms in vitro, using cells with particular genotypes.  相似文献   

Epidermal melanocytes play an important role in protecting the skin from UV rays, and their functional impairment results in pigment disorders. Additionally, melanomas are considered to arise from mutations that accumulate in melanocyte stem cells. The mechanisms underlying melanocyte differentiation and the defining characteristics of melanocyte stem cells in humans are, however, largely unknown. In the present study, we set out to generate melanocytes from human iPS cells in vitro, leading to a preliminary investigation of the mechanisms of human melanocyte differentiation. We generated iPS cell lines from human dermal fibroblasts using the Yamanaka factors (SOX2, OCT3/4, and KLF4, with or without c-MYC). These iPS cell lines were subsequently used to form embryoid bodies (EBs) and then differentiated into melanocytes via culture supplementation with Wnt3a, SCF, and ET-3. Seven weeks after inducing differentiation, pigmented cells expressing melanocyte markers such as MITF, tyrosinase, SILV, and TYRP1, were detected. Melanosomes were identified in these pigmented cells by electron microscopy, and global gene expression profiling of the pigmented cells showed a high similarity to that of human primary foreskin-derived melanocytes, suggesting the successful generation of melanocytes from iPS cells. This in vitro differentiation system should prove useful for understanding human melanocyte biology and revealing the mechanism of various pigment cell disorders, including melanoma.  相似文献   

Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) derived from patient samples have tremendous potential for innovative approaches to disease pathology investigation and regenerative medicine therapies. However, most hiPSC derivation techniques use integrating viruses, which may leave residual transgene sequences as part of the host genome, thereby unpredictably altering cell phenotype in downstream applications. In this study, we describe a protocol for hiPSC derivation by transfection of a simple, nonviral minicircle DNA construct into human adipose stromal cells (hASCs). Minicircle DNA vectors are free of bacterial DNA and thus capable of high expression in mammalian cells. Their repeated transfection into hASCs, abundant somatic cell sources that are amenable to efficient reprogramming, results in transgene-free hiPSCs. This protocol requires only readily available molecular biology reagents and expertise, and produces hiPSC colonies from an adipose tissue sample in ~4 weeks.  相似文献   

Han X  Han J  Ding F  Cao S  Lim SS  Dai Y  Zhang R  Zhang Y  Lim B  Li N 《Cell research》2011,21(10):1509-1512

The vast majority of animals mate more or less promiscuously. A few mammals, including humans, utilize more restrained mating strategies that entail a longer term affiliation with a single mating partner. Such pair bonding mating strategies have been resistant to genetic analysis because of a lack of suitable model organisms. Prairie voles are small mouse-like rodents that form enduring pair bonds in the wild as well as in the laboratory, and consequently they have been used widely to study social bonding behavior. The lack of targeted genetic approaches in this species however has restricted the study of the molecular and neural circuit basis of pair bonds. As a first step in rendering the prairie vole amenable to reverse genetics, we have generated induced pluripotent stem cell (IPSC) lines from prairie vole fibroblasts using retroviral transduction of reprogramming factors. These IPSC lines display the cellular and molecular hallmarks of IPSC cells from other organisms, including mice and humans. Moreover, the prairie vole IPSC lines have pluripotent differentiation potential since they can give rise to all three germ layers in tissue culture and in vivo. These IPSC lines can now be used to develop conditions that facilitate homologous recombination and eventually the generation of prairie voles bearing targeted genetic modifications to study the molecular and neural basis of pair bond formation.  相似文献   

基因治疗的效果严重依赖于基因载体。与传统包封技术相比,在自组装技术基础上发展起来的以DNA为聚阴离子,与荷正电的高分子材料在溶液中形成纳米粒的方法,已成为目前最重要的非病毒基因载体制备手段,具有良好的应用前景。采用层层自组装(layer-by-layer assembly,LbL)技术可提高基因装载率,其优势还在于纳米粒表面性质的可控性:在温和的条件下实现多种材料在载体表面的固定,实现载体多功能化等。本文将对近年来国内外有关层层自组装纳米粒作为非病毒基因载体的研究进展以及本课题组在此方向的研究进行简要综述。  相似文献   

Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells have the pluripotency to differentiate into broad spectrum derivatives of all three embryonic germ layers. However, the in vitro organ differentiation potential of iPS cells to organize a complex and functional “organ” has not yet been demonstrated. Here, we demonstrate that mouse iPS cells have the ability to organize a gut-like organ with motor function in vitro by a hanging drop culture system. This “induced gut (iGut)” exhibited spontaneous contraction and highly coordinated peristalsis accompanied by a transportation of contents. Ultrastructural analysis identified that the iGut had large lumens surrounded by three distinct layers (epithelium, connective tissue and musculature). Immunoreactivity for c-Kit, a marker of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs, enteric pacemaker cells), was observed in the wall of the lumen and formed a distinct and dense network. The neurofilament immunoreactivity was identified to form large ganglion-like structures and dense neuronal networks. The iGut was composed of all the enteric components of three germ layers: epithelial cells (endoderm), smooth muscle cells (mesoderm), ICCs (mesoderm), and enteric neurons (ectoderm). This is the first report to demonstrate the in vitro differentiation potential of iPS cells into particular types of functional “organs.” This work not only contributes to understanding the mechanisms of incurable gut disease through disease-specific iPS cells, but also facilitates the clinical application of patient-specific iPS cells for novel therapeutic strategies such as patient-specific “organ” regenerative medicine in the future.  相似文献   

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) hold great promise for regenerative medicine. For the application of iPSCs to forms of autologous cell therapy, suitable animal models are required. Among species that could potentially be used for this purpose, nonhuman primates are particularly important, and among these the marmoset offers significant advantages. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of the application of iPSC technology to this species, here we derived lines of marmoset iPSCs. Using retroviral transduction with human Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc, we derived clones that fulfil critical criteria for successful reprogramming: they exhibit typical iPSC morphology; they are alkaline phosphatase positive; they express high levels of NANOG, OCT4 and SOX2 mRNAs, while the corresponding vector genes are silenced; they are immunoreactive for Oct4, TRA-1-81 and SSEA-4; and when implanted into immunodeficient mice they produce teratomas that have derivatives of all three germ layers (endoderm, α-fetoprotein; ectoderm, βIII-tubulin; mesoderm, smooth muscle actin). Starting with a population of 4 × 105 newborn marmoset skin fibroblasts, we obtained ~ 100 colonies with iPSC-like morphology. Of these, 30 were expanded sufficiently to be cryopreserved, and, of those, 8 were characterized in more detail. These experiments provide proof of principle that iPSC technology can be adapted for use in the marmoset, as a future model of autologous cell therapy.  相似文献   

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) show good promise for the treatment of defects caused by numerous genetic diseases. Herein, we successfully generated CD44 gene-deficient iPSCs using Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and vitamin C. The generated iPSCs displayed a characteristic morphology similar to the well-characterized embryonic stem cells. Alkaline phosphatase, cell surface (SSEA1, NANOG, and OCT4), and pluripotency markers were expressed at high levels in these cells. The iPSCs formed teratomas in vivo and supported full-term development of constructed porcine embryos by inter-species nuclear transplantation. Importantly, incubation with trichostatin A increased the efficiency of iPSCs generation by increasing the histone acetylation levels. Moreover, more iPSCs colonies appeared following cell passaging during colony picking, thus increasing the effectiveness of iPSCs selection. Thus, our work provides essential stem cell materials for the treatment of genetic diseases and proposes a novel strategy to enhance the efficiency of induced reprogramming.  相似文献   

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