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We investigated the streptomycin-induced stress response in Salmonella enterica serovars with a laser optical sensor, BARDOT (bacterial rapid detection using optical scattering technology). Initially, the top 20 S. enterica serovars were screened for their response to streptomycin at 100 μg/mL. All, but four S. enterica serovars were resistant to streptomycin. The MIC of streptomycin-sensitive serovars (Enteritidis, Muenchen, Mississippi, and Schwarzengrund) varied from 12.5 to 50 μg/mL, while streptomycin-resistant serovar (Typhimurium) from 125–250 μg/mL. Two streptomycin-sensitive serovars (Enteritidis and Mississippi) were grown on brain heart infusion (BHI) agar plates containing sub-inhibitory concentration of streptomycin (1.25–5 μg/mL) and a streptomycin-resistant serovar (Typhimurium) was grown on BHI containing 25–50 μg/mL of streptomycin and the colonies (1.2 ± 0.1 mm diameter) were scanned using BARDOT. Data show substantial qualitative and quantitative differences in the colony scatter patterns of Salmonella grown in the presence of streptomycin than the colonies grown in absence of antibiotic. Mass-spectrometry identified overexpression of chaperonin GroEL, which possibly contributed to the observed differences in the colony scatter patterns. Quantitative RT-PCR and immunoassay confirmed streptomycin-induced GroEL expression while, aminoglycoside adenylyltransferase (aadA), aminoglycoside efflux pump (aep), multidrug resistance subunit acrA, and ribosomal protein S12 (rpsL), involved in streptomycin resistance, were unaltered. The study highlights suitability of the BARDOT as a non-invasive, label-free tool for investigating stress response in Salmonella in conjunction with the molecular and immunoassay methods.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that low-shear modeled microgravity (low-shear MMG) serves to enhance the virulence of a bacterial pathogen, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. The Salmonella response to low-shear MMG involves a signaling pathway that we have termed the low-shear MMG stimulon, though the identities of the low-shear MMG stimulon genes and regulatory factors are not known. RpoS is the primary sigma factor required for the expression of genes that are induced upon exposure to different environmental-stress signals and is essential for virulence in mice. Since low-shear MMG induces a Salmonella acid stress response and enhances Salmonella virulence, we reasoned that RpoS would be a likely regulator of the Salmonella low-shear MMG response. Our results demonstrate that low-shear MMG provides cross-resistance to several environmental stresses in both wild-type and isogenic rpoS mutant strains. Growth under low-shear MMG decreased the generation time of both strains in minimal medium and increased the ability of both strains to survive in J774 macrophages. Using DNA microarray analysis, we found no evidence of induction of the RpoS regulon by low-shear MMG but did find that other genes were altered in expression under these conditions in both the wild-type and rpoS mutant strains. Our results indicate that, under the conditions of these studies, RpoS is not required for transmission of the signal that induces the low-shear MMG stimulon. Moreover, our studies also indicate that low-shear MMG can be added to a short list of growth conditions that can serve to preadapt an rpoS mutant for resistance to multiple environmental stresses.  相似文献   

Salmonella is an important cause of bacterial food-borne gastroenteritis. Salmonella encounters multiple abiotic stresses during pathogen elimination methods used in food processing, and these stresses may influence its subsequent survivability within the host or in the environment. Upon ingestion, Salmonella is exposed to gastrointestinal acidity, a first line of the host innate defense system. This study tested the hypothesis that abiotic stresses encountered during food processing alter the metabolic mechanisms in Salmonella that enable survival and persistence during subsequent exposure to the host gastrointestinal acidic environment. Out of the four different abiotic stresses tested, viz., cold, peroxide, osmotic, and acid, preadaptation of the log-phase culture to cold stress (5°C for 5 h) significantly enhanced survival during subsequent acid stress (pH 4.0 for 90 min). The gene expression profile of Salmonella preadapted to cold stress revealed induction of multiple genes associated with amino acid metabolism, oxidative stress, and DNA repair, while only a few of the genes in the above-mentioned stress response and repair pathways were induced upon exposure to acid stress alone. Preadaptation to cold stress decreased the NAD+/NADH ratio and hydroxyl (OH·) radical formation compared with those achieved with the exposure to acid stress alone, indicating alteration of aerobic respiration and the oxidative state of the bacteria. The results from this study suggest that preadaptation to cold stress rescues Salmonella from the deleterious effect of subsequent acid stress exposure by induction of genes involved in stress response and repair pathways, by modification of aerobic respiration, and by redox modulation.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the Na+-coupled melibiose permease of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (MelBSt) demonstrates that MelB is a member of the major facilitator superfamily of transporters. Arg residues at positions 295, 141, and 363 are involved in interdomain interactions at the cytoplasmic side by governing three clusters of electrostatic/polar interactions. Insertion of (one at a time) Glu, Leu, Gln, or Cys at positions R295, R141, and R363, or Lys at position R295, inhibits active transport of melibiose to a level of 2 to 20% of the value for wild-type (WT) MelBSt, with little effect on binding affinities for both sugar and Na+. Interestingly, a spontaneous suppressor, D35E (periplasmic end of helix I), was isolated from the R363Q MelBSt mutant. Introduction of the D35E mutation in each of the mutants at R295, R141 (except R141E), or R363 rescues melibiose transport to up to 91% of the WT value. Single-site mutations for the pair of D35 and R175 (periplasmic end of helix VI) were constructed by replacing Asp with Glu, Gln, or Cys and R175 with Gln, Asn, or Cys. All mutants with mutations at R175 are active, indicating that a positive charge at R175 is not necessary. Mutant D35E shows reduced transport; D35Q and D35C are nearly inactivated. Surprisingly, the D35Q mutation partially rescues both R141C and R295Q mutations. The data support the idea that Arg at position 295 and a positive charge at positions 141 and 363 are required for melibiose transport catalyzed by MelBSt, and their mutation inhibits conformational cycling, which is suppressed by a minor modification at the opposite side of the membrane.  相似文献   

Sulfatases of enteric bacteria can provide access to heavily sulfated mucosal glycans. In this study, we show that aslA (STM0084) of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium LT2 encodes a sulfatase that requires mildly acidic pH for its expression and activity. AslA is not regulated by sulfur compounds or tyramine but requires the EnvZ-OmpR and PhoPQ regulatory systems, which play an important role in pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Microcin 24 is an antimicrobial peptide secreted by uropathogenic Escherichia coli. Secretion of microcin 24 provides an antibacterial defense mechanism for E. coli. In a plasmid-based system using transformed Salmonella enterica, we found that resistance to microcin 24 could be seen in concert with a multiple-antibiotic resistance phenotype. This multidrug-resistant phenotype appeared when Salmonella was exposed to an E. coli strain expressing microcin 24. Therefore, it appears that multidrug-resistant Salmonella can arise as a result of an insult from other pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

Rugose phenotypes, such as those observed in Vibrio cholerae, have increased resistance to chlorine, oxidative stress, and complement-mediated killing. In this study we identified and defined a rugose phenotype in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 and showed induction only on certain media at 25°C after 3 days of incubation. Incubation at 37°C resulted in the appearance of the smooth phenotype. Observation of the ultrastructure of the rugose form and a stable smooth variant (Stv), which was isolated following a series of passages of the rugose cells, revealed extracellular substances only in cells from the rugose colony. Observation of the extracellular substance by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was correlated with the appearance of corrugation during development of rugose colony morphology over a 4-day incubation period at 25°C. In addition, the cells also formed a pellicle in liquid broth, which was associated with the appearance of interlacing slime and fibrillar structures, as observed by SEM. The pellicle-forming cells were completely surrounded by capsular material, which bound cationic ferritin, thus indicating the presence of an extracellular anionic component. The rugose cells, in contrast to Stv, showed resistance to low pH and hydrogen peroxide and an ability to form biofilms. Based on these results and analogy to the rugose phenotype in V. cholerae, we propose a possible role for the rugose phenotype in the survival of S. enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is a main cause of bacterial food-borne diseases. As Salmonella can form biofilms in which it is better protected against antimicrobial agents on a wide diversity of surfaces, it is of interest to explore ways to inhibit biofilm formation. Brominated furanones, originally extracted from the marine alga Delisea pulchra, are known to interfere with biofilm formation in several pathogens. In this study, we have synthesized a small focused library of brominated furanones and tested their activity against S. enterica serovar Typhimurium biofilm formation. We show that several furanones inhibit Salmonella biofilm formation at non-growth-inhibiting concentrations. The most interesting compounds are (Z)-4-bromo-5-(bromomethylene)-3-alkyl-2(5H)-furanones with chain lengths of two to six carbon atoms. A microarray study was performed to analyze the gene expression profiles of Salmonella in the presence of (Z)-4-bromo-5-(bromomethylene)-3-ethyl-2(5H)-furanone. The induced genes include genes that are involved in metabolism, stress response, and drug sensitivity. Most of the repressed genes are involved in metabolism, the type III secretion system, and flagellar biosynthesis. Follow-up experiments confirmed that this furanone interferes with the synthesis of flagella by Salmonella. No evidence was found that furanones act on the currently known quorum-sensing systems in Salmonella. Interestingly, pretreatment with furanones rendered Salmonella biofilms more susceptible to antibiotic treatment. Conclusively, this work demonstrates that particular brominated furanones have potential in the prevention of biofilm formation by Salmonella serovar Typhimurium.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is frequently isolated from humans and animals. Phage typing is historically the first-line reference typing technique in Europe. It is rapid and convenient for laboratories with appropriate training and experience, and costs of consumables are low. Phage typing and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) were performed on 503 isolates of serovar Typhimurium. Twenty-nine phage types and 53 PFGE patterns were observed. Most isolates of phage types DT104, DT104b, and U310 are not distinguishable from other members of their phage type by PFGE. By contrast, PFGE of isolates of phage types DT193 and U302 shows great heterogeneity. Analysis of experience with PFGE and phage typing can facilitate the selective application of PFGE to maximize the yield of epidemiologically relevant additional information while controlling costs.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is frequently isolated from humans and animals. Phage typing is historically the first-line reference typing technique in Europe. It is rapid and convenient for laboratories with appropriate training and experience, and costs of consumables are low. Phage typing and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) were performed on 503 isolates of serovar Typhimurium. Twenty-nine phage types and 53 PFGE patterns were observed. Most isolates of phage types DT104, DT104b, and U310 are not distinguishable from other members of their phage type by PFGE. By contrast, PFGE of isolates of phage types DT193 and U302 shows great heterogeneity. Analysis of experience with PFGE and phage typing can facilitate the selective application of PFGE to maximize the yield of epidemiologically relevant additional information while controlling costs.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the long-term survival of and morphological changes in Salmonella strains at low water activity (aw). Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis PT4 and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 survived at low aw for long periods, but minimum humectant concentrations of 8% NaCl (aw, 0.95), 96% sucrose (aw, 0.94), and 32% glycerol (aw, 0.92) were bactericidal under most conditions. Salmonella rpoS mutants were usually more sensitive to bactericidal levels of NaCl, sucrose, and glycerol. At a lethal aw, incubation at 37°C resulted in more rapid loss of viability than incubation at 21°C. At aw values of 0.93 to 0.98, strains of S. enterica serovar Enteritidis and S. enterica serovar Typhimurium formed filaments, some of which were at least 200 μm long. Filamentation was independent of rpoS expression. When the preparations were returned to high-aw conditions, the filaments formed septa, and division was complete within approximately 2 to 3 h. The variable survival of Salmonella strains at low aw highlights the importance of strain choice when researchers produce modelling data to simulate worst-case scenarios or conduct risk assessments based on laboratory data. The continued increase in Salmonella biomass at low aw (without a concomitant increase in microbial count) would not have been detected by traditional microbiological enumeration tests if the tests had been performed immediately after low-aw storage. If Salmonella strains form filaments in food products that have low aw values (0.92 to 0.98), there are significant implications for public health and for designing methods for microbiological monitoring.  相似文献   

Extracellular DNA (eDNA) was identified and characterized in a 2-day-old biofilms developed by Salmonella enterica ser. Typhimurium SR-11 and S. enterica ser. Typhi ST6 using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and enzymatic extraction methods. Results of microtitre plate assay and CLSM analysis showed both Salmonella strains formed significantly more biofilms in the presence of DNase I; Furthermore, a remarkable decrease of biofilm formation was observed when eDNA was added in the inoculation. However, for the pre-established biofilms on polystyrene and glass, no significant difference was observed between the DNase I treated biofilm and the corresponding non-treated controls. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that eDNA is a novel matrix component of Salmonella biofilms. This is the first evidence for the presence of eDNA and its inhibitive and destabilizing effect during biofilm development of S. enterica ser. Typhimurium and S. enterica ser. Typhi on abiotic surfaces.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (STM) is a major cause of gastroenteritis and transmitted by consumption of contaminated food. STM is associated to food originating from animals (pork, chicken, eggs) or plants (vegetables, fruits, nuts, and herbs). Infection of warm-blooded mammalian hosts by STM and the underlying complex regulatory network of virulence gene expression depend on various environmental conditions encountered in hosts. However, less is known about the proteome and possible regulatory networks for gene expression of STM outside the preferred host. Nutritional limitations and changes in temperature are the most obvious stresses outside the native host. Thus, we analyzed the proteome profile of STM grown in rich medium (LB medium) or minimal medium (PCN medium) at temperatures ranging from 8 °C to 37 °C. LB medium mimics the nutritional rich environment inside the host, whereas minimal PCN medium represents nutritional limitations outside the host, found during growth of fresh produce (field conditions). Further, the range of temperatures analyzed reflects conditions within natural hosts (37 °C), room temperature (20 °C), during growth under agricultural conditions (16 °C and 12 °C), and during food storage (8 °C). Implications of altered nutrient availability and growth temperature on STM proteomes were analyzed by HPLC/MS-MS and label-free quantification. Our study provides first insights into the complex adaptation of STM to various environmental temperatures, which allows STM not only to infect mammalian hosts but also to enter new infection routes that have been poorly studied so far. With the present dataset, global virulence factors, their impact on infection routes, and potential anti-infective strategies can now be investigated in detail. Especially, we were able to demonstrate functional flagella at 12 °C growth temperature for STM with an altered motility behavior.  相似文献   

The melibiose permease of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (MelBSt) catalyzes symport of melibiose with Na+, Li+, or H+. Bioinformatics and mutational analyses indicate that a conserved Gly117 (helix IV) is a component of the Na+-binding site. In this study, Gly117 was mutated to Ser, Asn, or Cys. All three mutations increase the maximum rate (Vmax) for melibiose transport in Escherichia coli DW2 and greatly decrease Na+ affinity, indicating that intracellular release of Na+ is facilitated. Rapid melibiose transport, particularly by the G117N mutant, triggers osmotic lysis in the lag phase of growth. The findings support the previous conclusion that Gly117 plays an important role in cation binding and translocation. Furthermore, a spontaneous second-site mutation (P148L between loop4-5 and helix V) in the G117C mutant prevents cell lysis. This mutation significantly decreases Vmax with little effect on cosubstrate binding in G117C, G117S, and G117N mutants. Thus, the P148L mutation specifically inhibits transport velocity and thereby blocks the lethal effect of elevated melibiose transport in the Gly117 mutants.  相似文献   

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