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Sequence of PRAT Satellite DNA ``Frozen' in Some Coleopteran Species   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The intriguing diversity of highly abundant satellite repeats found even among closely related species can result from processes leading to dramatic changes in copy number of a particular sequence in the genome and not from rapid accumulation of mutations. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the distribution of the PRAT satellite DNA family, a highly abundant major satellite in the coleopteran species Palorus ratzeburgii, in eight species belonging to the related genera (Tribolium, Tenebrio, Latheticus), the subfamily (Pimeliinae), and the family (Chrysomelidae). Dot blot analysis and PCR assay followed by Southern hybridization revealed that the PRAT satellite, in the form of low-copy number repeats, was present in all tested species. The PRAT satellite detected in the species Pimelia elevata has been sequenced, and compared with previously cloned PRAT monomers from Palorus ratzeburgii and Palorus subdepressus. Although the two Palorus species diverged at least 7 Myr ago, and the subfamily Pimeliinae separated from the genus Palorus 50–60 Myr ago, all PRAT clones exhibit high mutual homology, with average variability relative to the common consensus sequence of 1.3%. The presence of ancestral mutations found in PRAT clones from all three species as well as the absence of species diagnostic mutations illustrate extremely slow sequence evolution. This unexpectedly high conservation of PRAT satellite DNA sequence might be induced by a small bias of turnover mechanisms favoring the ancestral sequence in the process of molecular drive.  相似文献   

Many small, isolated north temperate waterbodies experience hypoxic conditions and winterkill events. Although such waterbodies are found in the natural ranges of two congeneric sunfishes (pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus and bluegill, L. macrochirus), many contain pumpkinseed but no bluegill; a biogeographic pattern that has remained unexplained. To test whether a greater hypoxia tolerance in pumpkinseeds could explain these differences in distribution, we conducted hypoxia tolerance trials by subjecting each species to declining oxygen concentrations over ca. 16 h in aquaria. We also measured the activities of key metabolic enzymes in the muscle of wild individuals. Pumpkinseeds showed significantly higher tolerance to hypoxic stress than bluegills, as indicated by dissolved oxygen concentration at the time of equilibrium loss. Consistent with this result, white muscle from pumpkinseed had higher levels of lactate dehydrogenase, a marker enzyme for anaerobic capacity. There was no difference between species in the activity level of pyruvate kinase, suggesting that pumpkinseed do not display a general upregulation of glycolysis, but rather an upregulation of anaerobic capacity. Our results support the hypothesis that evolved differences in winter hypoxia tolerance can act as a macrohabitat partitioning mechanism in North American sunfishes.  相似文献   

The behavior and physiology of two parapatric sibling species, i Heliconius erato cyrbia Godt. and H. himera Hew., were investigated to assess if environmental adaptation enabled stable morphological, genetic, and ecological differences to exist in the face of hybridization. Morning and evening activity, egg production, and larval development time of H. himera and H. erato in insectaries were recorded; individuals were collected in allopatry and in sympatry from a hybrid zone in which the species overlapped. Studies were performed at ambient conditions within the natural range of H. himera. H. himera was considerably more active than H, erato flying earlier in the morning and later in the evening, even when both species were collected in sympatry. Similarly, H. himera laid more eggs, and the hatched larvae developed more rapidly. The results suggest that physiological constraints are an important selective force that may have been important in speciation and counteracts hybridization in the maintenance of the H. himeral H. erato contact zone. Ecological selection, arising from adaptation to low temperatures, may help explain the competitive exclusion of H. erato by H. himera in the drier, cooler montane habitat favored by the latter species.  相似文献   

Female chickens known to be heterozygous for resistance to subgroups A and B of the avian leukosis-sarcoma viruses were mated to males known to be homozygously resistant to both. The progeny were assayed both on the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) and in tissue culture for resistance to representative viruses of the A, B, and tentatively defined C subgroups. Segregation ratios of resistance to A and B subgroup viruses agreed with the previously suggested hypothesis of single-autosomal-recessive genes controlling resistance to each subgroup. Mixed infection on the CAM and replicate plate infection in tissue culture with subgroup A and B viruses showed that resistance to the A and B subgroups was inherited independently. Assays with viruses tentatively classified as subgroup C indicated that they were largely composed of a mixture of subgroup A and B viruses or of particles possessing the host range specificity of both. However, virus stocks of the subgroup C category, as well as some stocks classified as subgroup B, produced small numbers of pocks or foci on individuals known to be resistant to subgroup A and B viruses. It is suggested that these Rous sarcoma virus stocks carry between 1 and 10% of a true subgroup C virus.  相似文献   

When hybridization between two species in secondary contact is costly, natural selection should favor pre‐mating isolation barriers. The invasive Gambusia affinis has been introduced to habitats of a closely related species, the endangered Gambusia nobilis. Although other Gambusia species readily hybridize in secondary contact, previous studies in this system found low abundance of hybrids in sympatry. To examine whether hybridization is limited by behavioral pre‐mating isolation that may have evolved in allopatry, I examined each species’ mating preferences using individuals from allopatric populations in male and female visual/olfactory association preference tests as well as open mating tests with and without male–male competition. Gambusia affinis and G. nobilis males had significant association preference for conspecific females in visual/olfactory tests. Only G. nobilis females had statistically significant preference for conspecific males. In open mating tests, males of both species had lower chase times overall when in competition, but there was no difference in number of copulation attempts. Males of both species had higher copulatory success rates with conspecific females when in competition, suggesting females may exert some control over copulation success of males. These results suggest that there are differences in mating preferences between these species. This mate choice may act as a pre‐mating isolating barrier to reduce hybridization in sympatry, a proposed threat to the endangered G. nobilis.  相似文献   

Graft transmission of the floral stimulus was studied in homograftsof Kleinia articulata (SDP) and heterografts between K. articulataand K. repens (LSDP). While receptor shoots of K. repens graftedonto induced donor plants of K. articulata flowered readilyin LD (16 h) as well as SD (8 h), graft-induced flowering failedto take place in LD receptors of K. articulata. Neither theinduced shoots and detached leaves from induced plants of K.articulata nor the induced shoots of K. repens could evoke theflowering response in the K. articulata receptors. Increasingthe donor pool of induced leaves even up to ten per receptoralso had no effect. It is known that the very young leaf primordiaof K. articulata are photoperiodically sensitive, and it seemsthat they may prevent the stimulus from reaching the apex. Key words: Kleinia, Flowering stimulus, Graft transmission  相似文献   

气候变化对鸟类迁徙时间的影响是目前生态学研究的热点问题.本文利用鸟类环志的方法分析了2010至2019年河北秦皇岛两种鸟类春季迁徙时间变化趋势及其差异性,并进一步探讨了差异性的原因.选择环志数量较多的食虫鸟黄眉柳莺(Phylloscopus inornatus)和食谷鸟灰头鹀(Emberiza spodocephala...  相似文献   

A phenol sulfotransferase from rat liver (EC, expressed inEscherichia colifrom a single cDNA, was purified as two separable but catalytically active proteins. The proteins appeared to be identical to each other and to the natural liver sulfotransferase by comparison of their amino acid constitution, amino-terminal end group, and interaction with a polyclonal antibody raised against the liver enzyme. Each of the recombinant forms, α and β, catalyzed the sulfuryl group transfer from 4-nitrophenylsulfate to an acceptor phenol, a reaction in which 3′-phospho-adenosine 5′-phosphate (PAP) is a necessary intermediate. Only form β, however, catalyzes the physiological transfer of a sulfuryl group from 3′-phosphoadenosine 5′-phosphosulfate (PAPS) to the free phenol. Evidence is presented that sulfotransferase α, but not β, has 1 mol of PAP tightly bound per enzyme dimer. The ability to utilize PAPS as a sulfate donor could be altered: form α could be treated and purified as form β to acquire the ability to use PAPS, whereas form β was treated by extended incubation with PAP, lost its ability to use PAPS, and was purified as form α.  相似文献   

Low-G+C thermophilic obligate anaerobes in the class Clostridia are considered among the bacteria most resistant to genetic engineering due to the difficulty of introducing foreign DNA, thus limiting the ability to study and exploit their native hydrolytic and fermentative capabilities. Here, we report evidence of natural genetic competence in 13 Thermoanaerobacter and Thermoanaerobacterium strains previously believed to be difficult to transform or genetically recalcitrant. In Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum JW/SL-YS485, natural competence-mediated DNA incorporation occurs during the exponential growth phase with both replicating plasmid and homologous recombination-based integration, and circular or linear DNA. In T. saccharolyticum, disruptions of genes similar to comEA, comEC, and a type IV pilus (T4P) gene operon result in strains unable to incorporate further DNA, suggesting that natural competence occurs via a conserved Gram-positive mechanism. The relative ease of employing natural competence for gene transfer should foster genetic engineering in these industrially relevant organisms, and understanding the mechanisms underlying natural competence may be useful in increasing the applicability of genetic tools to difficult-to-transform organisms.The genera Thermoanaerobacter and Thermoanaerobacterium contain bacteria which are thermophilic, obligate anaerobes that specialize in polysaccharide and carbohydrate fermentation, producing primarily l-lactic acid, acetic acid, ethanol, CO2, and H2 (24, 27, 49). Taxonomically, they are distinguished from other anaerobic thermophilic clostridia by the ability to reduce thiosulfate to hydrogen sulfide or elemental sulfur (21). The majority of characterized Thermoanaerobacter and Thermoanaerobacterium strains have been isolated from hot springs and other thermal environments (20-22, 38, 47); however, they have also been isolated from canned foods (4, 10), soil (48), paper mills and breweries (41, 43), and deep subsurface environments (5, 13, 35), suggesting a somewhat ubiquitous environmental presence.Representatives of the Thermoanaerobacter and Thermoanaerobacterium genera have been considered for biotechnological applications, such as conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to ethanol (8, 27) or other fuels and chemicals (3, 24). However, the branched fermentation pathways of these organisms generally require modification for industrial application. Several studies have investigated manipulating bioprocess and growth conditions to alter end product ratios and yields, but this has not resulted in reliable conditions to maximize the yield of a single end product (18, 25). Genetic engineering is likely necessary for commercial application of Thermanaerobacter or Thermoanaerobacterium species (26, 27, 44). As genetic systems for these bacteria have emerged (28, 45), increased product yields have been demonstrated by gene knockout of l-lactate dehydrogenase (9, 14), phosphotransacetylase and acetate kinase (40), and hydrogenase (39). Despite this recent progress, genetic transformation is still considered the greatest barrier for engineering these organisms (44).In contrast, some of the bacteria most amenable to genetic manipulation are those exhibiting natural competence; for example, work with the naturally competent Streptococcus pneumoniae first established DNA as the molecule containing inheritable information (42). Naturally competent organisms are found in many bacterial phyla, although the overall number of bacteria known to be naturally competent is relatively small (16).The molecular mechanisms of natural competence are often divided into two stages: early-stage genes that encode regulatory and signal cascades to control competence induction, and late-stage genes that encode the machinery of DNA uptake and integration (16). The Gram-positive late-stage consensus mechanism for DNA uptake and assimilation, elucidated primarily through work with Bacillus subtilis, occurs through several molecular machinery steps. First, DNA is believed to interact with a type IV pilus (T4P) or pseudopilus that brings it into close proximity of the cell membrane. The precise mechanism of this phenomenon is unclear; although components of the T4P in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria have been shown to bind DNA (7, 19), in specific studies, a full pilus structure has been either not observed or shown not to be essential during natural competence (6, 36). Two proteins, ComEA and ComEC, are then involved in creation and transport of single-stranded DNA across the membrane, where it is subsequently bound by CinA-localized RecA and either integrated into the genome or replicated at an independent origin, as for plasmid DNA (6).Here, we report that several Thermoanaerobacter and Thermoanaerobacterium strains are naturally competent, characterize growth conditions conducive to natural competence, and identify genes in Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum JW/SL-YS485 required for competence exhibition.  相似文献   

Many pathogens infect more than one host species, and clarifying how these different hosts contribute to pathogen dynamics can facilitate the management of pathogens and can lend insight into the functioning of pathogens in ecosystems. In this study, we investigated a suite of native and non-native amphibian hosts of the pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) across multiple scales to identify potential mechanisms that may drive infection patterns in the Colorado study system. Specifically, we aimed to determine if: 1) amphibian populations vary in Bd infection across the landscape, 2) amphibian community composition predicts infection (e.g., does the presence or abundance of any particular species influence infection in others?), 3) amphibian species vary in their ability to produce infectious zoospores in a laboratory infection, 4) heterogeneity in host ability observed in the laboratory scales to predict patterns of Bd prevalence in the landscape. We found that non-native North American bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus) are widespread and have the highest prevalence of Bd infection relative to the other native species in the landscape. Additionally, infection in some native species appears to be related to the density of sympatric L. catesbeianus populations. At the smaller host scale, we found that L. catesbeianus produces more of the infective zoospore stage relative to some native species, but that this zoospore output does not scale to predict infection in sympatric wild populations of native species. Rather, landscape level infection relates most strongly to density of hosts at a wetland as well as abiotic factors. While non-native L. catesbeianus have high levels of Bd infection in the Colorado Front Range system, we also identified Bd infection in a number of native amphibian populations allopatric with L. catesbeianus, suggesting that multiple host species are important contributors to the dynamics of the Bd pathogen in this landscape.  相似文献   

Quadrastichus citrella Reina and La Salle (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is a parasitoid of Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), indigenous to South Eastern Asia where it is considered a key natural enemy of this pest. It was introduced in Spain in a classical biological control program and became established, but was not as successful as forecast. To check whether its biology could explain this lack of control, development and reproduction at different temperatures were studied. Quadrastichus citrella can survive at temperatures between 15 and 35 °C. Lower development threshold was 12.3 °C, which resulted in a thermal constant of 138.06 DD. The combination of development and reproduction into demographic parameters resulted in highest net reproduction occurring in the range 20–25 °C (78.2 females per female), and highest intrinsic rate of increase at 30 °C (0.2571 females per female per day). These values make Q. citrella an intrinsically superior natural enemy compared to other leaf miner parasitoids. However, overwintering of Q. citrella in Spain may present a barrier, especially in areas like Valencia, where average winter temperatures are around 11 °C. This could account for the low recovery rates observed in Spain in spite of the key natural enemy status enjoyed by this species in its area of origin.  相似文献   

Large animals, having large vocal organs, produce low sound frequencies more efficiently. Accordingly, the frequency of vocalizations is often negatively related to body size across species, and also among individuals of many species, including several non‐oscine birds (non‐songbirds). Little is known about whether song frequency reveals information about body size within oscine species, which are characterized by song learning and large repertoires. We asked whether song frequency is related to body size in two oscines that differ in repertoire size: the dark‐eyed junco (Junco hyemalis) and the serin (Serinus serinus). We also asked whether the extent to which receivers sample repertoires might influence the reliability of their assessment of body size. We found that none of the frequency traits of song that we investigated was related to male body size, nor did more extensive sampling of repertoires lead to any relationship between frequency and body size. Possible reasons for these results are the small range of variation in size within species, or the elaborate vocal physiology of oscines that gives them great control over a wide frequency range. We discuss these results as they relate to female preferences for high‐frequency song that have been previously reported for oscine species.  相似文献   

《Cell Stem Cell》2014,14(2):174-187
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《Current biology : CB》2020,30(13):2520-2531.e7
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