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Glowatzki-Mullis ML Muntwyler J Pfister W Marti E Rieder S Poncet PA Gaillard C 《Animal genetics》2006,37(1):33-39
Genetic characterization helps to assure breed integrity and to assign individuals to defined populations. The objective of this study was to characterize genetic diversity in six horse breeds and to analyse the population structure of the Franches-Montagnes breed, especially with regard to the degree of introgression with Warmblood. A total of 402 alleles from 50 microsatellite loci were used. The average number of alleles per locus was significantly lower in Thoroughbreds and Arabians. Average heterozygosities between breeds ranged from 0.61 to 0.72. The overall average of the coefficient of gene differentiation because of breed differences was 0.100, with a range of 0.036-0.263. No significant correlation was found between this parameter and the number of alleles per locus. An increase in the number of homozygous loci with increasing inbreeding could not be shown for the Franches-Montagnes horses. The proportion of shared alleles, combined with the neighbour-joining method, defined clusters for Icelandic Horse, Comtois, Arabians and Franches-Montagnes. A more disparate clustering could be seen for European Warmbloods and Thoroughbreds, presumably from frequent grading-up of Warmbloods with Thoroughbreds. Grading-up effects were also observed when Bayesian and Monte Carlo resampling approaches were used for individual assignment to a given population. Individual breed assignments to defined reference populations will be very difficult when introgression has occurred. The Bayesian approach within the Franches-Montagnes breed differentiated individuals with varied proportions of Warmblood. 相似文献
Mitochondrial D-loop sequence variation among the 16 maternal lines of the Lipizzan horse breed 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Mitochondrial DNA from 49 Lipizzan horses representing 16 maternal lines from the original stud at Lipica was used for SSCP analysis and DNA sequencing. The SSCP analysis of the 444 bp long fragment of the D-loop region extending from the tRNA(Pro) gene to the central conserved sequence block revealed three distinct groups of SSCP patterns. Both ends of the D-loop region (378 bp and 310 bp), which are considered as the most variable regions within the mammalian mitochondrial DNA, were sequenced. According to 49 polymorphic sites identified within the both parts of the D-loop region, the 16 maternal lines were grouped into 13 distinct mitochondrial haplotypes. The minimal difference between two different haplotype DNA sequences was one nucleotide and the maximal 24 nucleotides. The inheritance of mitochondrial haplotypes was stable and no sequence variation potentially attributable to mutation within maternal line was observed. Considerable DNA sequence similarity of Lipizzan mitochondrial haplotypes with the haplotypes from other breeds was observed. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequence data revealed a dendrogram with three separated branches, supporting the historical data about the multiple origin of the Lipizzan breed. 相似文献
Campana MG Stock F Barrett E Benecke N Barker GW Seetah K Bower MA 《Animal genetics》2012,43(4):447-449
Despite the Icelandic horse enjoying great popularity worldwide, the breed's gene pool is small. This is because of a millennium of isolation on Iceland, population crashes caused by natural disasters and selective breeding. Populations with small effective population sizes are considered to be more at risk of selection pressures such as disease and environmental change. By analysing historic and modern mitochondrial DNA sequences and nuclear coat colour genes, we examined real-time population dynamics in the Icelandic horse over the last 150 years. Despite the small gene pool of this breed, we found that the effective population size and genetic profile of the Icelandic horse have remained stable over the studied time period. 相似文献
Hubert Pausch Bernhard Aigner Reiner Emmerling Christian Edel Kay-Uwe G?tz Ruedi Fries 《遗传、选种与进化》2013,45(1):3
Currently, genome-wide evaluation of cattle populations is based on SNP-genotyping using ~ 54 000 SNP. Increasing the number of markers might improve genomic predictions and power of genome-wide association studies. Imputation of genotypes makes it possible to extrapolate genotypes from lower to higher density arrays based on a representative reference sample for which genotypes are obtained at higher density.Methods
Genotypes using 639 214 SNP were available for 797 bulls of the Fleckvieh cattle breed. The data set was divided into a reference and a validation population. Genotypes for all SNP except those included in the BovineSNP50 Bead chip were masked and subsequently imputed for animals of the validation population. Imputation of genotypes was performed with Beagle, findhap.f90, MaCH and Minimac. The accuracy of the imputed genotypes was assessed for four different scenarios including 50, 100, 200 and 400 animals as reference population. The reference animals were selected to account for 78.03%, 89.21%, 97.47% and > 99% of the gene pool of the genotyped population, respectively.Results
Imputation accuracy increased as the number of animals and relatives in the reference population increased. Population-based algorithms provided highly reliable imputation of genotypes, even for scenarios with 50 and 100 reference animals only. Using MaCH and Minimac, the correlation between true and imputed genotypes was > 0.975 with 100 reference animals only. Pre-phasing the genotypes of both the reference and validation populations not only provided highly accurate imputed genotypes but was also computationally efficient. Genome-wide analysis of imputation accuracy led to the identification of many misplaced SNP.Conclusions
Genotyping key animals at high density and subsequent population-based genotype imputation yield high imputation accuracy. Pre-phasing the genotypes of the reference and validation populations is computationally efficient and results in high imputation accuracy, even when the reference population is small. 相似文献5.
Genetic diversity within the Marwari breed of horses was evaluated using 26 different microsatellite pairs with 48 DNA samples
from unrelated horses. This molecular characterisation was undertaken to evaluate the problem of genetic bottlenecks also,
if any, in this breed. The estimated mean (± s.e.) allelic diversity was 5.9 (± 2.24), with a total of 133 alleles. A high
level of genetic variability within this breed was observed in terms of high values of mean (±s.e.) effective number of alleles
(3.3 ± 1.27), observed heterozygosity (0.5306 ± 0.22), expected Levene’s heterozygosity (0.6612 ± 0.15), expected Nei’s heterozygosity
(0.6535 ± 0.14), and polymorphism information content (0.6120 ± 0.03). Low values of Wright’s fixation index, FIS (0.2433 ± 0.05) indicated low levels of inbreeding. This basic study indicated the existence of substantial genetic diversity
in the Marwari horse population. No significant genotypic linkage disequilibrium was detected across the population, suggesting
no evidence of linkage between loci. A normal ‘L’ shaped distribution of mode-shift test, non-significant heterozygote excess
on the basis of different models, as revealed from Sign, Standardized differences and Wilcoxon sign rank tests as well as
non-significantM ratio value suggested that there was no recent bottleneck in the existing Marwari breed population, which is important information
for equine breeders. This study also revealed that the Marwari breed can be differentiated from some other exotic breeds of
horses on the basis of three microsatellite primers. 相似文献
Zhenming Zhao Nadia Timofeev Stephen W Hartley David HK Chui Supan Fucharoen Thomas T Perls Martin H Steinberg Clinton T Baldwin Paola Sebastiani 《BMC genetics》2008,9(1):1-8
Polymorphism in genes of regulating enzymes, transporters and receptors of the neurotransmitters of the central nervous system have been associated with altered behaviour, and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) represent the most frequent type of genetic variation. The serotonin and dopamine signalling systems have a central influence on different behavioural phenotypes, both of invertebrates and vertebrates, and this study was undertaken in order to explore genetic variation that may be associated with variation in behaviour.Results
Single nucleotide polymorphisms in canine genes related to behaviour were identified by individually sequencing eight dogs (Canis familiaris) of different breeds. Eighteen genes from the dopamine and the serotonin systems were screened, revealing 34 SNPs distributed in 14 of the 18 selected genes. A total of 24,895 bp coding sequence was sequenced yielding an average frequency of one SNP per 732 bp (1/732). A total of 11 non-synonymous SNPs (nsSNPs), which may be involved in alteration of protein function, were detected. Of these 11 nsSNPs, six resulted in a substitution of amino acid residue with concomitant change in structural parameters.Conclusion
We have identified a number of coding SNPs in behaviour-related genes, several of which change the amino acids of the proteins. Some of the canine SNPs exist in codons that are evolutionary conserved between five compared species, and predictions indicate that they may have a functional effect on the protein. The reported coding SNP frequency of the studied genes falls within the range of SNP frequencies reported earlier in the dog and other mammalian species. Novel SNPs are presented and the results show a significant genetic variation in expressed sequences in this group of genes. The results can contribute to an improved understanding of the genetics of behaviour. 相似文献8.
K D Bump L M Lawrence L R Moser P A Miller-Graber E V Kurcz 《Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A, Comparative physiology》1990,96(1):195-197
1. Muscle samples from the M. gluteus medius were obtained from six Quarter Horses (QH), six Thoroughbreds (TB), and five Standardbreds (SB) to determine carnosine values and fiber type percentages. 2. Muscle biopsies were for fiber type percentages and carnosine concentration. 3. QH had a lower percentage of slow twitch oxidative fibers and a higher percentage of past twitch glycolytic fibers than SB or TB. 4. Fast twitch oxidative-glycolytic fibers were lowest in the QH. 5. The QH had mean carnosine values significantly greater (P less than 0.01) than the mean values for SB and TB. 6. Across breeds muscle carnosine concentration was positively correlated (P less than 0.05; r = 0.53) with fast twitch glycolytic fiber percentage and negatively correlated (P less than 0.05, r = -0.51) with fast twitch oxidative fiber percentage. 7. Free intramuscular carnosine is believed to function as an intracellular buffer. Since carnosine was highest in the muscle of horses with the greatest percentage of fast twitch glycolytic fibers, these data are consistent with the proposed function of this dipeptide. 相似文献
Genetic diversity in the Pantaneiro horse breed assessed using microsatellite DNA markers 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The genetic variability for a sample of 227 animals from three populations of Pantaneiro horses was estimated using data from 10 microsatellite loci. The number of alleles and the proportion of heterozygosity indicated high variability. A total of 91 alleles were found, with a significantly high mean number of alleles. The mean polymorphic information content was 0.7 and the paternity exclusion probability was 99.3%. The inbreeding coefficient (F(IS)) was low for the three populations: Ipiranga (F(IS) = 0.147), Nova Esperan?a (F(IS) = 0.094) and Promiss?o (F(IS) = 0.108). Genetic differentiation among all three populations was low (F(ST) = 0.008 to 0.064). Three methods were used to test for a recent bottleneck effect. The graphical method and the Wilcoxon test using the stepwise mutation model showed no bottleneck pattern for any of the populations. The test by two-phase mutation model showed genetic signatures of bottleneck for Ipiranga and Promiss?o. When we consider standard deviation value for Nova Esperan?a, the M-statistic detected a bottleneck pattern, but this result could be explained by a sample size effect. Therefore, there is no immediate cause for concern regarding loss of variation within the breed. 相似文献
Genotype imputation is commonly used as an initial step in genomic selection since the accuracy of genomic selection does not decline if accurately imputed genotypes are used instead of actual genotypes but for a lower cost. Performance of imputation has rarely been investigated in crossbred animals and, in particular, in pigs. The extent and pattern of linkage disequilibrium differ in crossbred versus purebred animals, which may impact the performance of imputation. In this study, first we compared different scenarios of imputation from 5 K to 8 K single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genotyped Danish Landrace and Yorkshire and crossbred Landrace-Yorkshire datasets and, second, we compared imputation from 8 K to 60 K SNPs in genotyped purebred and simulated crossbred datasets. All imputations were done using software Beagle version 3.3.2. Then, we investigated the reasons that could explain the differences observed.Results
Genotype imputation performs as well in crossbred animals as in purebred animals when both parental breeds are included in the reference population. When the size of the reference population is very large, it is not necessary to use a reference population that combines the two breeds to impute the genotypes of purebred animals because a within-breed reference population can provide a very high level of imputation accuracy (correct rate ≥ 0.99, correlation ≥ 0.95). However, to ensure that similar imputation accuracies are obtained for crossbred animals, a reference population that combines both parental purebred animals is required. Imputation accuracies are higher when a larger proportion of haplotypes are shared between the reference population and the validation (imputed) populations.Conclusions
The results from both real data and pedigree-based simulated data demonstrate that genotype imputation from low-density panels to medium-density panels is highly accurate in both purebred and crossbred pigs. In crossbred pigs, combining the parental purebred animals in the reference population is necessary to obtain high imputation accuracy.Electronic supplementary material
The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12711-015-0134-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献11.
Related individuals share potentially long chromosome segments that trace to a common ancestor. We describe a phasing algorithm (ChromoPhase) that utilizes this characteristic of finite populations to phase large sections of a chromosome. In addition to phasing, our method imputes missing genotypes in individuals genotyped at lower marker density when more densely genotyped relatives are available. ChromoPhase uses a pedigree to collect an individual's (the proband) surrogate parents and offspring and uses genotypic similarity to identify its genomic surrogates. The algorithm then cycles through the relatives and genomic surrogates one at a time to find shared chromosome segments. Once a segment has been identified, any missing information in the proband is filled in with information from the relative. We tested ChromoPhase in a simulated population consisting of 400 individuals at a marker density of 1500/M, which is approximately equivalent to a 50K bovine single nucleotide polymorphism chip. In simulated data, 99.9% loci were correctly phased and, when imputing from 100 to 1500 markers, more than 87% of missing genotypes were correctly imputed. Performance increased when the number of generations available in the pedigree increased, but was reduced when the sparse genotype contained fewer loci. However, in simulated data, ChromoPhase correctly imputed at least 12% more genotypes than fastPHASE, depending on sparse marker density. We also tested the algorithm in a real Holstein cattle data set to impute 50K genotypes in animals with a sparse 3K genotype. In these data 92% of genotypes were correctly imputed in animals with a genotyped sire. We evaluated the accuracy of genomic predictions with the dense, sparse, and imputed simulated data sets and show that the reduction in genomic evaluation accuracy is modest even with imperfectly imputed genotype data. Our results demonstrate that imputation of missing genotypes, and potentially full genome sequence, using long-range phasing is feasible. 相似文献
The ultrastructural imaging of melanocytes coupled with analyses to detect sulfur-containing melanosomes by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy were used to test the hypothesis that the yellowish-red and black pigments found in Arabian horses result from pheomelanogenesis and eumelanogenesis, respectively. These procedures detected pheomelanosomes in follicles at the base of hairs in chestnut horses and eumelanosomes in follicles at the base of hairs in black horses. By analyzing tissue obtained by skin biopsy, these procedures also demonstrated that skin melanocytes in a chestnut horse produce eumelanosomes, and follicular melanocytes in the same horse produce pheomelanosomes. It was also shown that the type of follicular melanosome present in light bay horses is correlated with the color of the hair. The results of this study give experimental evidence for the Odriozola-Adalsteinsson hypothesis that the e allele is responsible for the chestnut phenotype; they also give fine structure and chemical confirmation of the action of the A and E loci in the Arabian horse as currently proposed for the mouse and other mammals. 相似文献
A data set concerning 1,816 subjects entered in the Italian Horse Registry from 1925 to 2002 was analyzed to investigate the morphological evolution of the Murgese horse and to obtain useful elements to enhance breeding practices. Three basic body measurements (height at withers, chest girth, and cannon bone circumference) were considered for each subject. Heritabilities were calculated for each parameter to infer the growth and development traits of this breed. Over the past 20 years the Murgese horse has undergone considerable changes, passing from a typical mesomorphic structure (height at withers: 156.30 and 151.04 cm; chest girth: 185.80 and 176.11 cm; cannon bone: 21.10 and 19.82 cm for males and females, respectively) to a mesodolichomorphic structure (height at withers: 160.31 and 156.44 cm; chest girth: 187.89 and 182.48 cm; cannon bone: 21.07 and 20.37 cm, for males and females, respectively). Due to these changes and to its characteristic strength and power, the Murgese, which was once used in agriculture and for meat production (at the end of its life), is now involved in sports, mainly in trekking and equestrian tourism. The heritability estimates for the three body measurements were found to be 0.24, 0.39 and 0.44. 相似文献
The aim of this study was to assess genetic polymorphism at two loci in the exon 1 of the CSN3 gene in Murgese horse breed by PCR-RFLP analysis. The overall frequencies of alleles A and G at c.-66A?>?G locus were 0.80 and 0.20, respectively, and no GG animals were found in the population. At the c.-36C?>?A locus allelic frequencies were 0.74 and 0.26 for allele C and A, respectively, and no AA animals were detected. Population genetic indexes, namely gene heterozygosity, gene homozygosity, effective allele numbers, fixation index, and polymorphism information index were calculated. Combined genotypic frequencies and possible haplotypes frequencies were also reported. Only three out of nine possible genotypic combinations were found in the studied population. The most frequent genotype was AACC (0.49) while the frequency of AGCA was 0.40. Only five animals were genotyped as AACA (11%). Consequently, the most frequent haplotype in the population was AC (0.744), followed by GA (0.200) and AA (0.056). 相似文献
Identification of bovine K-casein genotypes at the DNA level 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
By using a bovine kappa-Cn cDNA as probe and the PstI endonuclease we demonstrate that the DNA restriction patterns of kappa-Cn AA and kappa-Cn BB cows are different. Besides two invariant fragments (about 6.8kb and 1.1kb) the former shows two fragments of about 4.3 kb and 0.3 kb and the latter one fragment of about 4.6 kb. kappa-Cn AB cows show intermediate pattern. Therefore, it is possible to determine the bovine kappa-Cn genotypes even in absence of gene product. 相似文献
The Sorraia horse is a closed breed with reduced effective population size and considered in critical maintained risk status. The breed exists in 2 main breeding populations, one in Portugal and one in Germany, with a smaller population size. A set of 22 microsatellite loci was used to examine genetic diversity and structure of the Sorraia horse breed and to compare individual inbreeding coefficient F, estimated from pedigree data, with individual heterozygosity and mean d(2). The Sorraia horse shows lower levels of microsatellite diversity when compared with other horse breeds. Due to management strategies, there are clear differences in the genetic structure of the 2 main Sorraia horse populations. Individual heterozygosity was shown to be a good estimator, used together with or as an alternative to inbreeding coefficient, in predicting fitness and evaluating the inbreeding level of the Sorraia horse. The information gathered in this study, combined with information available from previous studies, offers an important and wide information base for the future development of an effective breeding management of the Sorraia horse in order to preserve this endangered breed. 相似文献
Genetic analysis, breed assignment and conservation priorities of three native Danish horse breeds 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A genetic analysis was performed on three indigenous Danish horse breeds using 12 microsatellite markers from a standard kit for parental testing. These three breeds are all considered endangered based on their small population sizes. Genetic variation in these three breeds was comparable to other horse breeds in Europe, and they do not seem to be at immediate danger of extinction caused by genetic deterioration. The Knabstrupper breed had more genetic variation, as measured by expected heterozygosity and allelic richness, than the other two breeds (Frederiksborg and Jutland). F(ST) statistics and population assignments confirmed population differentiation into three distinct breeds. The Frederiksborg and Knabstrupper breeds were closer to each other than to the Jutland breed. When establishing conservation priorities for the breeds, the priorities will depend on the conservation goals. Different methods for establishing conservation priorities are also discussed. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to investigate seasonal changes of semen quality parameters in Franches-Montagnes stallions and to compare the freezability of ejaculates collected in autumn and winter. Experiments were performed using 15 stallions from the National Stud Farm in Avenches (Switzerland). Ejaculates were collected and evaluated every month during 1 year as well as cryopreserved in autumn and winter (September to February). In fresh semen the gel-free volume, concentration, motility and morphology (normal sperm, major defects, vacuoles and acrosome defects) were evaluated and in frozen-thawed semen the motility as well as the viability (SYBR-14/PI) were performed. To analyse seasonal differences four periods of 3 months each were defined as autumn (September, October, November), winter (December, January, February), spring (March, April, May) and summer (June, July, August). During the 1-year experiment all fresh semen quality parameters demonstrated a clear seasonal and individual pattern. The gel-free volume was significantly (P<0.05) higher in spring and summer compared to autumn and winter while sperm concentration was significantly (P<0.05) lower in spring than at any other time of the year. Total sperm number was significantly (P<0.05) higher and sperm motility significantly (P<0.05) lower in summer than in other seasons. Regarding sperm morphology, normal sperm was significantly (P<0.05) higher in autumn than in winter and summer and major defects were lowest (P<0.05) in autumn. In frozen-thawed semen motility was significantly (P<0.05) improved in the ejaculates collected in autumn compared to winter, while viability showed no obvious differences. Our results clearly demonstrate that individual and seasonal differences occurred in semen quality of Franches-Montagnes stallions. Ejaculates collected in autumn (September, October, November) demonstrated good quality, especially regarding sperm morphology, and were more suitable for cryopreservation because of better motility in frozen-thawed semen collected during autumn than in winter. 相似文献
An atomic model of horse aquomethaemoglobin extensively refined against 2.0 Å X-ray data suggested that an Ala and a Gly residue in the published sequence of the α chain were interchanged. Chemical analysis has confirmed our interpretation of the model. 相似文献