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Previous studies have shown that high levels of complex nutrients (Luria broth or 5% corn steep liquor) were necessary for rapid ethanol production by the ethanologenic strain Escherichia coli KO11. Although this strain is prototrophic, cell density and ethanol production remained low in mineral salts media (10% xylose) unless complex nutrients were added. The basis for this nutrient requirement was identified as a regulatory problem created by metabolic engineering of an ethanol pathway. Cells must partition pyruvate between competing needs for biosynthesis and regeneration of NAD+. Expression of low-Km Zymomonas mobilis pdc (pyruvate decarboxylase) in KO11 reduced the flow of pyruvate carbon into native fermentation pathways as desired, but it also restricted the flow of carbon skeletons into the 2-ketoglutarate arm of the tricarboxylic acid pathway (biosynthesis). In mineral salts medium containing 1% corn steep liquor and 10% xylose, the detrimental effect of metabolic engineering was substantially reduced by addition of pyruvate. A similar benefit was also observed when acetaldehyde, 2-ketoglutarate, or glutamate was added. In E. coli, citrate synthase links the cellular abundance of NADH to the supply of 2-ketoglutarate for glutamate biosynthesis. This enzyme is allosterically regulated and inhibited by high NADH concentrations. In addition, citrate synthase catalyzes the first committed step in 2-ketoglutarate synthesis. Oxidation of NADH by added acetaldehyde (or pyruvate) would be expected to increase the activity of E. coli citrate synthase and direct more carbon into 2-ketoglutarate, and this may explain the stimulation of growth. This hypothesis was tested, in part, by cloning the Bacillus subtilis citZ gene encoding an NADH-insensitive citrate synthase. Expression of recombinant citZ in KO11 was accompanied by increases in cell growth and ethanol production, which substantially reduced the need for complex nutrients.  相似文献   

Limited cell growth and the resulting low volumetric productivity of ethanologenic Escherichia coli KO11 in mineral salts medium containing xylose have been attributed to inadequate partitioning of carbon skeletons into the synthesis of glutamate and other products derived from the citrate arm of the anaerobic tricarboxylic acid pathway. The results of nuclear magnetic resonance investigations of intracellular osmolytes under different growth conditions coupled with those of studies using genetically modified strains have confirmed and extended this hypothesis. During anaerobic growth in mineral salts medium containing 9% xylose (600 mM) and 1% corn steep liquor, proline was the only abundant osmolyte (71.9 nmol ml−1 optical density at 550 nm [OD550] unit−1), and growth was limited. Under aerobic conditions in the same medium, twice the cell mass was produced, and cells contained a mixture of osmolytes: glutamate (17.0 nmol ml−1 OD550 unit−1), trehalose (9.9 nmol ml−1 OD550 unit−1), and betaine (19.8 nmol ml−1 OD550 unit−1). Two independent genetic modifications of E. coli KO11 (functional expression of Bacillus subtilis citZ encoding NADH-insensitive citrate synthase; deletion of ackA encoding acetate kinase) and the addition of a metabolite, such as glutamate (11 mM) or acetate (24 mM), as a supplement each increased the intracellular glutamate pool during fermentation, doubled cell growth, and increased volumetric productivity. This apparent requirement for a larger glutamate pool for increased growth and volumetric productivity was completely eliminated by the addition of a protective osmolyte (2 mM betaine or 0.25 mM dimethylsulfoniopropionate), consistent with adaptation to osmotic stress rather than relief of a specific biosynthetic requirement.  相似文献   

Furfural is an inhibitory side product formed during the depolymerization of hemicellulose by mineral acids. Genomic libraries from three different bacteria (Bacillus subtilis YB886, Escherichia coli NC3, and Zymomonas mobilis CP4) were screened for genes that conferred furfural resistance on plates. Beneficial plasmids containing the thyA gene (coding for thymidylate synthase) were recovered from all three organisms. Expression of this key gene in the de novo pathway for dTMP biosynthesis improved furfural resistance on plates and during fermentation. A similar benefit was observed by supplementation with thymine, thymidine, or the combination of tetrahydrofolate and serine (precursors for 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate, the methyl donor for ThyA). Supplementation with deoxyuridine provided a small benefit, and deoxyribose was of no benefit for furfural tolerance. A combination of thymidine and plasmid expression of thyA was no more effective than either alone. Together, these results demonstrate that furfural tolerance is increased by approaches that increase the supply of pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides. However, ThyA activity was not directly affected by the addition of furfural. Furfural has been previously shown to damage DNA in E. coli and to activate a cellular response to oxidative damage in yeast. The added burden of repairing furfural-damaged DNA in E. coli would be expected to increase the cellular requirement for dTMP. Increased expression of thyA (E. coli, B. subtilis, or Z. mobilis), supplementation of cultures with thymidine, and supplementation with precursors for 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate (methyl donor) are each proposed to increase furfural tolerance by increasing the availability of dTMP for DNA repair.  相似文献   

A strain of Escherichia coli was constructed in which all of the genes involved in polyamine biosynthesis—speA (arginine decarboxylase), speB (agmatine ureohydrolase), speC (ornithine decarboxylase), spe D (adenosylmethionine decarboxylase), speE (spermidine synthase), speF (inducible ornithine decarboxylase), cadA (lysine decarboxylase), and ldcC (lysine decarboxylase)—had been deleted. Despite the complete absence of all of the polyamines, the strain grew indefinitely in air in amine-free medium, albeit at a slightly (ca. 40 to 50%) reduced growth rate. Even though this strain grew well in the absence of the amines in air, it was still sensitive to oxygen stress in the absence of added spermidine. In contrast to the ability to grow in air in the absence of polyamines, this strain, surprisingly, showed a requirement for polyamines for growth under strictly anaerobic conditions.Polyamines are highly abundant in essentially all organisms, ranging from bacteria to humans, and there have been a large number of studies from this and many other laboratories reporting a variety of phenotypic effects resulting from changes in the concentration of polyamines in both in vitro and in vivo experiments. In particular, polyamines have been associated with such biological processes as nucleic acid and protein biosynthesis and structure, cell growth, and differentiation (reviewed in references 5, 22, and 23). Therefore, it was surprising that, in our earlier studies (24), we found that a mutant of Escherichia coli that had mutations in the genes for the biosynthesis of the polyamines (ΔspeA, ΔspeB, ΔspeC, ΔspeD, ΔspeE, and cadA) still grew indefinitely in a polyamine-free medium, albeit at a decreased growth rate (ca. 30% of the normal growth rate).The strain used in our previous studies still had trace amounts of putrescine and significant amounts of cadaverine. To study whether these small amounts of amines could account for the slow growth of these strains, we have now constructed a new strain that is completely deficient in these amines by including deletions of cadA (inducible lysine decarboxylase), ldcC (constitutive lysine decarboxylase), and speF (inducible ornithine decarboxylase) to the strain described above. We found that this strain which is completely deficient in all of the amines still grows well (40 to 50% of normal growth rate) in purified medium in air. This indicates that, at least for this organism, the various physiological functions attributed to polyamines are not required for growth in air. In contrast, we have found that polyamines are required for growth of this strain in 95% oxygen and under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

At different exponential growth rates obtained either by varying the carbon source of the culture medium or limiting glucose uptake, intracellular levels of putrescine and spermidine were measured. Over a ten-fold increase in growth rate an approximately three-fold increase in putrescine level and a 3.5-fold increase in spermidine level per cell absorbance were observed. Conditions favoring an abrupt alteration in growth rate, such as occur following nutritional shiftup of Escherichia coli, resulted in a significant increase in the intracellular level of putrescine and virtually no change in the spermidine level. Because of the magnitude and the timing of the change in polyamine levels, the hypothesis that polyamines are (the components) responsible for inducing the rapid increase in the rate of RNA synthesis following nutritional shiftup is rejected.  相似文献   

We have studied the biosynthesis of polyamines during the multiplication of the RNA bacteriophage R17. R17-sensitive strains of Escherichia coli were derived from the stringent CP78 and the relaxed mutant derivative CP79. The cells were infected with R17 in the presence or absence of arginine, a required amino acid, and both the RNA and polyamine contents of the bacteria were determined before and after the infection. The uninfected CP79 rel derivative accumulated RNA and spermidine in the absence of arginine, unlike the stringent organism that accumulated neither under these conditions. After R17 infection, the stringent strain accumulated RNA and spermidine in the presence or absence of arginine. The data indicate a close correlation between the synthesis of RNA and spermidine, suggesting a significant role for this polyamine in the multiplication of phage R17.  相似文献   

Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology - The characteristics of anaerobic glucose utilization and metabolite production by recombinant Escherichia coli strains with impaired fermentation ability...  相似文献   

Transformation of Nicotiana tabacum leaf explants was attempted with Escherichia coli as a DNA donor either alone or in combination with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. We constructed E. coli donor strains harboring either the promiscuous IncP-type or IncN-type conjugal transfer system and second plasmids containing the respective origins of transfer and plant-selectable markers. Neither of these conjugation systems was able to stably transform plant cells at detectable levels, even when VirE2 was expressed in the donor cells. However, when an E. coli strain expressing the IncN-type conjugation system was coinoculated with a disarmed A. tumefaciens strain, plant tumors arose at high frequencies. This was caused by a two-step process in which the IncN transfer system mobilized the entire shuttle plasmid from E. coli to the disarmed A. tumefaciens strain, which in turn processed the T-DNA and transferred it to recipient plant cells. The mobilizable plasmid does not require a broad-host-range replication origin for this process to occur, thus reducing its size and genetic complexity. Tumorigenesis efficiency was further enhanced by incubation of the bacterial strains on medium optimized for bacterial conjugation prior to inoculation of leaf explants. These techniques circumvent the need to construct A. tumefaciens strains containing binary vectors and could simplify the creation of transgenic plants.  相似文献   

The fermentation and recovery of the EcoRl restriction endonuclease with a genetically modified Escherichia coli strain is investigated. Vast amounts of product could be obtained after cultivation in a 20-L computer-coupled pilot fermentor and purification of the recovered wet cells. It was found that in the end the product is at least inhibitory and probably lethal to the cells (the lethality has been proven with genetic experiments) so that optimum yield requires an optimized choice for the time instant of induction. Growth after induction and product formation require substantial amounts of oxygen, which must be supplied if a high population level is to be achieved. pH control may alleviate the burden of high oxygen supply. Quantitative assessment after the different purification stages indicate that approximately 15% active enzyme can be obtained from the total amount produced.  相似文献   

目的:研究表达重组人骨形态发生蛋白-7工程菌的发酵和表达产物的纯化工艺。方法:利用16L发酵罐发酵培养工程菌,设定了溶氧、搅拌速度、诱导时机、补料和培养基pH值等发酵条件;通过包涵体洗涤、离子交换层析法纯化目的蛋白。结果:工程菌目的蛋白质表达量占菌体总蛋白质的30%以上,纯化后目的蛋白的纯度可达98%。结论:建立了大肠杆菌高效表达人骨形态发生蛋白-7的发酵及纯化工艺。  相似文献   

Interest in the use of corncobs as feedstock for bioethanol production is growing. This study assesses the feasibility of sequential thermochemical diluted sulfuric acid pretreatment of corncobs at moderate temperature to hydrolyze the hemicellulosic fraction, followed by enzymatic hydrolysis of the whole slurry, and fermentation of the obtained syrup. The total sugar concentration after enzymatic hydrolysis was 85.21 g/l, i.e., 86 % of the sugars were liberated from the polymeric fractions, together with a low amount of furfural (0.26 g/l) and 4.01 g/l of acetic acid. The syrups, which contained 36.3, 40.9, 4.47, and 1.84 g/l of xylose, glucose, arabinose, and mannose, respectively, were fermented (pH 7, 37 °C, 150 rpm) to ethanol with the metabolically engineered acetate-tolerant Escherichia coli strain MS04 under non-aerated conditions, producing 35 g/l of ethanol in 18 h (1.94 gEtOH/l/h), i.e., a conversion yield greater than 80 % of the theoretical value based on total sugars was obtained. Hence, using the procedures developed in this study, 288 l of ethanol can be produced per metric ton of dry corncobs. Strain MS04 can ferment sugars in the presence of acetate, and the amount of furans generated during the sequential thermochemical and enzymatic hydrolysis was low; hence, the detoxification step was avoided. The residual salts, acetic acid, and solubilized lignin present in the syrup did not interfere with the production of ethanol by E. coli MS04 and the results show that this strain can metabolize mixtures of glucose and xylose simultaneously.  相似文献   

This study determined the effect of feed fermentation with Lactobacillus reuteri on growth performance and the abundance of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) in weanling piglets. L. reuteri strains produce reuteran or levan, exopolysaccharides that inhibit ETEC adhesion to the mucosa, and feed fermentation was conducted under conditions supporting exopolysaccharide formation and under conditions not supporting exopolysaccharide formation. Diets were chosen to assess the impact of organic acids and the impact of viable L. reuteri bacteria. Fecal samples were taken throughout 3 weeks of feeding; at the end of the 21-day feeding period, animals were euthanized to sample the gut digesta. The feed intake was reduced in pigs fed diets containing exopolysaccharides; however, feed efficiencies did not differ among the diets. Quantification of L. reuteri by quantitative PCR (qPCR) detected the two strains used for feed fermentation throughout the intestinal tract. Quantification of E. coli and ETEC virulence factors by qPCR demonstrated that fermented diets containing reuteran significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the copy numbers of genes for E. coli and the heat-stable enterotoxin in feces compared to those achieved with the control diet. Any fermented feed significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the abundance of E. coli and the heat-stable enterotoxin in colonic digesta at 21 days; reuteran-containing diets reduced the copy numbers of the genes for E. coli and the heat-stable enterotoxin below the detection limit in samples from the ileum, the cecum, and the colon. In conclusion, feed fermentation with L. reuteri reduced the level of colonization of weaning piglets with ETEC, and feed fermentation supplied concentrations of reuteran that may specifically contribute to the effect on ETEC.  相似文献   

The isolation, properties, and genetic analysis of a strain of Escherichia coli K-12 with an amber recA mutation are described. The experiments demonstrate that the recA product is a protein that is probably not essential for growth.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus is a foodborne pathogen causing septicemia with high mortality rate. In this study, we explored how Escherichia coli, one of the commensal bacteria in the human gastrointestinal tract, can interact with V. vulnificus. Our study results show that the amount of biofilm produced by V. vulnificus was reduced in the presence of E. coli ATCC 35218, although the growth of V. vulnificus L-180 remained unaffected. We also detected an antibiofilm effect of E. coli culture supernatant against V. vulnificus, which could not be reduced even after heat treatment. These findings indicate that E. coli and its culture supernatant may be suitable to prevent biofilm formation by V. vulnificus. By contrast, live cells of V. vulnificus could reduce the amount of preformed E. coli biofilm, but its culture supernatant could not. This suggests that the cell-associated factors contribute toward reduction in E. coli biofilm. Therefore, we speculate that ingestion of an infectious dose of V. vulnificus might induce dislodging of the commensal bacteria from the intestinal epithelia and thus can colonize to initiate the infection.  相似文献   

Prior to initiating DNA synthesis, Escherichia coli oriC switches from ORC, comprising initiator DnaA bound at three high-affinity sites, to pre-RC, when additional DnaA molecules interact with low-affinity sites. Two types of low-affinity sites exist: R boxes that bind DnaA-ATP and DnaA-ADP with equal affinity, and I-sites with a three- to fourfold preference for DnaA-ATP. To assess the regulatory role of weak DnaA interactions during pre-RC assembly in vivo, we compared the behaviour of plasmid-borne wild-type oriC with mutants having an increased or decreased number of DnaA-ATP discriminatory I-sites. Increasing the number of discriminatory sites by replacing R5M with I2 inactivated extrachromosomal oriC function. Mutants with no discriminatory sites perturbed host growth and rapidly replaced wild-type chromosomal oriC, but normal function returned if one I-site was restored at either the I2, I3 or R5M position. These observations are consistent with assembly of E. coli pre-RC in vivo from mixtures of DnaA-ATP and DnaA-ADP, with I-site interactions coupling pre-RC assembly to DnaA-ATP levels.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli strains J53(nal) and J53(RP4) were grown together in glucose-limited continuous cultures. Based on the measured growth kinetic constants of the two strains, take-over of the cultures by J53(RP4) was predicted. However, in practice, an initial period of predominance by J53(RP4) was always followed by a prolonged period in which relative numerical proportions of the two strains oscillated widely. This period of oscillation was removed or greatly reduced when the difference between the predicted growth-rate potentials of the two strains was increased by selection of a chemostat-adapted variant of J53(RP4).  相似文献   

The thermodynamic association of RNA polymerase (RNAP) with DNA is sensitive to salt concentration in vitro. Paradoxically, previous studies of changes in osmolarity during steady-state cell growth found no dependence between the association of RNAP to DNA and K+ concentration in Escherichia coli. We reevaluated this issue by following the interaction of RNAP and genomic DNA in time-course experiments during the hyper-osmotic response. Our results show that the interaction is temporally controlled by the same physical chemistry principle in the cell as in vitro. RNAP rapidly dissociates from the genome during the initial response when the cytoplasmic K+ accumulates transiently, and concurrently the nucleoid becomes hyper-condensed. The freed RNAP re-associates with the genome during a subsequent osmoadaptation phase when organic osmoprotectants accumulate as K+ levels decrease. RNAP first surrounds the hyper-condensed nucleoid forming a sphere of RNAP before it progressively moves in to the center of the nucleoid. Our findings reinterpret the dynamic protein–DNA interactions during osmotic stress response. We discuss the implications of the dissociation/association of RNAP for osmotic protection and nucleoid structure.  相似文献   

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