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Smooth-muscle contraction without smooth-muscle myosin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Here we have used gene-targeting to eliminate expression of smooth-muscle myosin heavy chain. Elimination of this gene does not affect expression of non-muscle myosin heavy chain, and knockout individuals typically survive for three days. Prolonged activation, by KCl depolarisation, of intact bladder preparations from wild-type neonatal mice produces an initial transient state (phase 1) of high force generation and maximal shortening velocity, which is followed by a sustained state (phase 2) characterized by low force generation and maximal shortening velocity. Similar preparations from knockout neonatal mice do not undergo phase 1, but exhibit a normal phase 2. We propose that, in neonatal smooth muscle phase 1 is generated by recruitment of smooth-muscle myosin heavy chain, whereas phase 2 can be generated by activation of non-muscle myosin heavy chain. We conclude that phase 1 becomes indispensable for survival and normal growth soon after birth, particularly for functions such as homeostasis and circulation.  相似文献   

Photochemical mapping of the active site of myosin.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The active sites of myosin from skeletal, smooth and scallop muscle have been partly characterized by use of a series of photoreactive analogues of ATP. Specific labelling was attained by trapping these analogues in their diphosphate forms at the active sites by either cross-linking two reactive thiols (skeletal myosin) or by formation of stable vanadate-metal ion transition state-like complexes (smooth muscle and scallop myosin). By use of this approach combined with appropriate chemistry, several key residues in all three myosins have been identified which bind at or near the adenine ring, the ribose ring and to the gamma-phosphate of ATP. This information should aid in the solution of the crystal structure of the heads of myosin and in defining a detailed structure of the ATP binding site.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of the active site of Acanthamoeba myosin II   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have used the substrate [5,6-3H]UTP for direct photoaffinity labeling of the active site of the heavy chain of myosin II from Acanthamoeba castellanii. The only labeled peptide in a total tryptic digest had the sequence of Thr-Glu-Asn-Thr-Me2Lys-Lys (where Me2Lys represents dimethyllysine) with the substrate covalently bound to the Glu residue. This sequence differs at only one position from the sequence of residues 184-189 of nematode myosin heavy chain (Me2Lys----Lys), a post-translational modification, and at two additional positions from residues 185-190 of rabbit skeletal muscle myosin (Glu----Val and Lys----Arg). The partial sequence of a larger labeled peptide derived from total chymotryptic digestion was compatible with and extended this sequence. A 20-residue sequence that contains the active site, tryptic hexapeptide is otherwise identical in Acanthamoeba and rabbit skeletal muscle myosins and has only one more difference in nematode myosin. Because UTP is a substrate for myosin II and a "zero-length" probe, we believe that it identifies amino acid residues that are very close to the substrate during the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

Heavy meromyosin subfragment-1 from human platelets and chicken gizzard exhibited an identical chromatographic pattern on agarose-ATP columns both in the absence and in the presence of Ca2+ and Mg2+. In the presence of Ca2+, the behavior differed from that of rabbit white skeletal muscle subfragment-1. The reaction of lysyl residues of platelet myosin with 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonate did not affect the K+- or Mg2+-stimulated ATPase activity. A similar behavior was exhibited by chicken gizzard myosin whereas trinitrophenylation of the more active lysyl residues in skeletal muscle myosin caused a marked increase in Mg2+-stimulated and a decrease in K+-stimulated ATPase activity. These features may point to a similar location of the essential lysyl residue in platelet and smooth muscle myosin, which is different from that of skeletal muscle. Alkylation of thiol groups by N-ethyl maleimide in the absence of added nucleotides resulted in a loss of K+-ATPase and in an increase in the Ca2+-ATPase in all three myosins, the increase for the skeletal myosin being much greater than for the platelet and chicken gizzard preparations. Alkylation of myosin in the presence of MgADP led to a decrease in K+-ATPase of all preparations whereas the Ca2+-ATPase as a function of time exhibited a maximum for the platelet and skeletal muscle proteins. These features may point to a certain similarity with respect to the active site of platelet and smooth muscle myosins and a difference between these and skeletal muscle myosin.  相似文献   

A model for a main element of the active site of skeletal muscle myosin is presented that relates directly to the 92 amino acid fragment (p10) of myosin recently described by Elzinga &; Collins (1977). In this model, the substrate, an eight-membered cyclic complex of MgATP, fits tightly into a 16 amino acid segment of p10 and interacts with seven of its amino acids. A main feature of the model is the important role played by the one molecule of Nτ-methylhistidine2 that is present in each myosin heavy chain. At the site, it is postulated that this rare amino acid functions as a donor ligand to Mg2+. Once Nτ-methylhistidine is put in place next to the metal, the other amino acids that appear to form a pocket come easily into position around the MgATP. These amino acids with their postulated functions are: tyrosine 72, which through a Mg-bound water, or perhaps directly, is attached to the Mg; histidine 76, which donates a proton to the Pγ of ATP; lysine 78, which binds electrostatically to Pβ of ATP; phenylalanines 80 and 81, which flank the purine ring of ATP; and aspartate 66, which forms a hydrogen bond to the 6-amino group of adenine. The Mg-coordination role ascribed to Nτ-methylhistidine 69 in skeletal muscle myosin could be taken by histidine 69 in cardiac myosin and in other muscle myosins that do not contain the methylated amino acid.The choice of p10 to contain a main element of the active site is based on: (a) the presence in p10 of the essential sulfhydryl groups, SH1 and SH2, whose modification affects the ATPase activity of myosin; (b) the presence in ρ10 of Nτ-methylhistidine, an unusual amino acid whose methylation in skeletal muscle we take as an indicator for a special function at the active site; (c) the position of p10 in the primary structure near the junction between subfragment 1 and subfragment 2 (the hinge region) where, we postulate, enzymatic events at the active site are coupled to movements of the hinge that occur during contraction; (d) indications that the DTNB light chain, probably involved in regulation, is also near the hinge; (e) the effects of MgATP at the active site on the chemical reactivity of three SH groups (SH1, SH2 and SH3) located near the hinge; and (f) the effect of hinge cleavage on the oxygen exchange reaction catalyzed at the active site. The correlation of all these observations forms the basis for our placement of part of the active site on p10 near the subfragment 1-subfragment 2 hinge.  相似文献   

Acanthamoeba myosin II is regulated in an unique way by phosphorylation of three serine residues located within nonhelical tailpiece of the rod domain. Phosphorylation inhibits functions associated with the NH2-terminal motor domain, i.e., actin-activated activity and ability to move actin filaments. Number of data indicate functional communication between these distant domains. In this work, effect of modification of arginine residues with phenylglyoxal on the Ca2+-ATPase activity and susceptibility to endoproteinase ArgC cleavage of monomeric phospho- and dephosphomyosin II has been investigated. Upon the phenylglyoxal treatment the activity of dephosphomyosin II was decreasing faster that the activity of phosphomyosin. The modification also affected the proteolytic fragmentation of phospho- and dephosphomyosin II: the cleavage of heavy chain was further inhibited for phosphomyosin and enhanced for dephosphomyosin with a concomitant exposure of an additional cleavage site within the head domain. No difference in the quantity of modified arginines was observed. These results indicate a difference between the conformation of active sites of phospho- and dephosphomyosin II.  相似文献   

1. Hydrolysis of the myosins from smooth and from skeletal muscle by a rat trypsin-like serine proteinase and by bovine trypsin at pH 7 is compared. 2. Proteolysis of the heavy chains of both myosins by the rat enzyme proceeds at rates approx. 20 times faster than those obtained with bovine trypsin. Whereas cleavage of skeletal-muscle myosin heavy chain by both enzymes results in the generation of conventional products i.e. heavy meromyosin and light meromyosin, the heavy chain of smooth-muscle myosin is degraded into a fragment of mol. wt. 150000. This is dissimilar from heavy meromyosin and cannot be converted into heavy meromyosin. It is shown that proteolysis of the heavy chain takes place in the head region. 3. The 'regulatory' light chain (20kDa) of smooth-muscle myosin is degraded very rapidly by the rat proteinase. 4. The ability of smooth-muscle myosin to have its ATPase activity activated by actin in the presence of a crude tropomyosin fraction on introduction of Ca2+ is diminished progressively during exposure to the rat proteinase. The rate of loss of the Ca2+-activated actomyosin ATPase activity is very similar to the rate observed for proteolysis of the heavy chain and 3-4 times slower than the rate of removal of the so-called 'regulatory' light chain. 5. The significance of these findings in terms of the functional organization of the smooth muscle myosin molecule is discussed. 6. Since the degraded myosin obtained after exposure to very small amounts of the rat proteinase is no longer able to respond to Ca2+, i.e. the functional activity of the molecule has been removed, the implications of a similar type of proteolysis operating in vivo are considered for myofibrillar protein turnover in general, but particularly with regard to the initiation of myosin degradation, which is known to take place outside the lysosome (i.e. at neutral pH).  相似文献   

The electrophoretic behavior of Thiocapsa roseopersicina hydrogenase on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels demonstrates that the protein exists in two active forms, A1 and A2, which may be interconverted. Each of these forms has a characteristic electrophoretic mobility and differs in its sensitivity to O2. Form A1 is O2-labile and converts to A2 under O2. Form A2 is less sensitive to O2 and may be converted into A1 under H2 atmosphere. Both active forms are present in aerobically isolated samples. Because the proteins are still active on 15% sodium dodecyl sulfate gels, they are not completely denatured, and the apparent molecular masses do not necessarily represent the true molecular masses of the enzymes. A1 has an Rf = 0.19, corresponding to an apparent molecular mass of 90 kDa, and A2 has an Rf = 0.35, corresponding to an apparent molecular mass of 49 kDa. A sedimentation equilibrium centrifugation study of the active enzyme shows that the holoenzyme has a molecular mass of 98 kDa. Form A2 may be separated into two subunits of molecular mass of 64 kDa and 34 kDa, respectively. Thus, form A2 represents the holoenzyme with a true molecular mass of 98 kDa. Amino acid compositions and N-terminal amino acid sequences of the A2 protein and these subunits are consistent with a heterodimeric holoenzyme. The relationship between the conformational changes detected in this study and a three-state scheme proposed on the basis of EPR spectroscopic studies of the metal-containing cofactors present in the enzyme is also discussed.  相似文献   

ADAM's have various roles in intercellular adhesion and are thought to function by binding integrins through a 13 amino acid motif called the disintegrin loop. Xenopus laevis sperm express the protein ADAM 16, and peptides with the sequence of its disintegrin loop cause downstream events in eggs that require a rise in intracellular calcium similar to that occurring at fertilization. We characterized the portion of the ADAM 16 disintegrin loop responsible for causing egg activation. A peptide based on the C-terminal half of the motif, which includes a known integrin-binding sequence, is a partial agonist of calcium release. A peptide with the N-terminal sequence of the motif activates eggs in a manner virtually identical to the full-length peptide but lacks a recognized integrin-binding sequence. None of these peptides alter the permeability or fluidity of liposomes made from membrane lipids of X. laevis eggs. This result reflects the fact that the peptides do not cause calcium to leak across the egg membrane and indirectly provides evidence that they act through a receptor on the egg surface. The infrared spectrum of the full-length peptide has a strong absorption peak corresponding to a beta-turn. We predict this structure occurs at the N-terminal sequence MPKT. A rearranged peptide lacking any turns fails to activate eggs. These results provide the first structural information about the active site of an ADAM disintegrin loop. We interpret these results in terms of active site sequences from other ADAM's and the role of integrins during fertilization.  相似文献   

Native thermolysin binds a single catalytically essential zinc ion that is tetrahedrally coordinated by three protein ligands and a water molecule. During catalysis the zinc ligation is thought to change from fourfold to fivefold. Substitution of the active-site zinc with Cd2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, and Co2+ alters the catalytic activity (Holmquist B, Vallee BL, 1974, J Biol Chem 249:4601-4607). Excess zinc inhibits the enzyme. To investigate the structural basis of these changes in activity, we have determined the structures of a series of metal-substituted thermolysins at 1.7-1.9 A resolution. The structure of the Co(2+)-substituted enzyme is shown to be very similar to that of wild type except that two solvent molecules are liganded to the metal at positions that are thought to be occupied by the two oxygens of the hydrated scissile peptide in the transition state. Thus, the enhanced activity toward some substrates of the cobalt-relative to the zinc-substituted enzyme may be due to enhanced stabilization of the transition state. The ability of Zn2+ and Co2+ to accept tetrahedral coordination in the Michaelis complex, as well as fivefold coordination in the transition state, may also contribute to their effectiveness in catalysis. The Cd(2+)- and Mn(2+)-substituted thermolysins display conformational changes that disrupt the active site to varying degrees and could explain the associated reduction of activity. The conformational changes involve not only the essential catalytic residue, Glu 143, but also concerted side-chain rotations in the adjacent residues Met 120 and Leu 144. Some of these side-chain movements are similar to adjustments that have been observed previously in association with the "hinge-bending" motion that is presumed to occur during catalysis by the zinc endoproteases. In the presence of excess zinc, a second zinc ion is observed to bind at His 231 within 3.2 A of the zinc bound to native thermolysin, explaining the inhibitory effect.  相似文献   

In vertebrate smooth muscle actomyosin and myofibrils a myosin light chain of molecular weight about 20,000 becomes phosphorylated at the same Ca2+ concentration as required to stimulate the actin-activated ATPase activity of myosin. Further, the degree of phosphorylation in the preparations as well as in various reconstituted actomyosins is proportional to their measured Ca2+ sensitivity. The phosphorylation process is very rapid and is essentially completed before the rise in ATPase activity. The enzyme responsible for the observed myosin phosphoylation is a specific myosin light chain kinase which is routinely co-purified with myosin. This kinase is normally present in actomyosin and its removal together with tropomyosin leads to a complete loss of the actin-activated ATPase activity. It is suggested that the Ca-dependent phosphorylation of the light chain via the light chain kinase represents the initial step in the activation of myosin that leads to contraction. Relaxation is probably effected by an as yet uncharacterised light chain phosphatase.  相似文献   

Smooth-muscle myosin purified as described by Persechini & Hartshorne [(1983) Biochemistry 22, 470-476] contains trace amounts of calmodulin and myosin light-chain kinase, which can be removed by Ca2+-dependent hydrophobic-interaction chromatography followed by calmodulin-Sepharose affinity chromatography. The resultant column-purified myosin exhibits properties similar to those of the non-purified myosin, e.g. actin activation of the Mg2+-ATPase requires Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation of the two 20 kDa light chains. However, unlike the non-purified myosin, the column-purified myosin undergoes a time-dependent transition to a form which no longer requires phosphorylation for actin activation of the myosin Mg2+-ATPase. This transition is identified as a time-dependent change in conformation of the column-purified myosin from a 10 S to 6 S form and is caused by slow oxidation of the column-purified myosin, since it could be prevented by storage under N2 and reversed by 5 mM-dithiothreitol.  相似文献   

The bacterial enzyme 5′‐methylthioadenosine/S‐adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase (MTAN) plays a central role in three essential metabolic pathways in bacteria: methionine salvage, purine salvage, and polyamine biosynthesis. Recently, its role in the pathway that leads to the production of autoinducer II, an important component in quorum‐sensing, has garnered much interest. Because of this variety of roles, MTAN is an attractive target for developing new classes of inhibitors that influence bacterial virulence and biofilm formation. To gain insight toward the development of new classes of MTAN inhibitors, the interactions between the Helicobacter pylori‐encoded MTAN and its substrates and substrate analogs were probed using X‐ray crystallography. The structures of MTAN, an MTAN‐Formycin A complex, and an adenine bound form were solved by molecular replacement and refined to 1.7, 1.8, and 1.6 Å, respectively. The ribose‐binding site in the MTAN and MTAN‐adenine cocrystal structures contain a tris[hydroxymethyl]aminomethane molecule that stabilizes the closed form of the enzyme and displaces a nucleophilic water molecule necessary for catalysis. This research gives insight to the interactions between MTAN and bound ligands that promote closing of the enzyme active site and highlights the potential for designing new classes of MTAN inhibitors using a link/grow or ligand assembly development strategy based on the described H. pylori MTAN crystal structures.  相似文献   

The collagenase from the larvae Hypoderma lineatum is a serine proteinase sequentially related to the trypsin family. The tryptic peptide containing the serine residue of the active site, labelled with [3H] diisopropylfluorophosphate was isolated and determined to be Ser-Pro-Cys-Phe-Gly-Asp-Ser-Gly-Gly-Pro-(Phe-Ser)-Lys. It is highly conservative with respect to the corresponding peptide in other serine proteinases related to trypsin.  相似文献   

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