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Territorial and non-territorial spawning behaviour in the bream   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The spawning behaviour of bream Abramis brama was studied in 1993, in a harbour on the River Meuse, Belgium. Fish spawned from 22 to 27 April and from 11 to 14 May, when the water temperature rose to 14.5) C. The reproductive behaviour of the bream was studied within a 15 m long part of the harbour using a video camera. Territorial males with tubercles (33–43 cm total length; >5 years old) defended bank areas of diameter 80–150 cm which included spawning substratum, i.e. roots of alder and willow trees and aquatic plants. Water depth ranged from 25 to 50 cm. Non-territorial males without tubercles (24–33 cm; 3–4 years old), remained 2–4 m away from the bank. Aggressive behaviour between males was frequent and, occasionally, males with tubercles were unable to defend a territory. Mature females (25–43 cm; >3 years old), coming from the deeper water of the surrounding area, were followed by non-territorial males before spawning in territories near the bank.  相似文献   

In the bulbus arteriosus of goldfish Carassius auratus a subendothelial 'reticular space' was comprised of reticular-like cells, neutrophils, medium-sized granular leucocytes, phagocytes, endothelial cells and reticulo-endothelial cells; herein, rodlet cells (RCs) accumulated and probably matured. Four classes of RCs were identified: (1) Those occurring in the reticular space and contacting reticular-like cells; (2) those present in the reticular space contacting reticular-like and endothelial cells; here the RCs were discharging; (3) those occurring in the bulbar lumen anchored to lining endothelial cells or other RCs; (4) those free in the bulbar lumen. There was no significant difference in the number of RCs among control and saline- and dexamethasone-treated fish, but significant differences were found in RCs' class partition and in their discharge modality. In dexamethasone-treated goldfish class (3) RCs were almost absent (2% v. 10% of the other experimental groups), moreover 35% of the RCs developed a 'bleb' discharge modality rather than the most typical 'koronenartigen konfiguration' which developed in the vast majority (90%) of the other experimental groups.  相似文献   

Success of embryonic development of reciprocal hybrids of bream Abramis brama and white bream Blicca bjoerkna was tested under laboratory conditions. Fertilization and embryonic development success of hybrids until hatching was high and comparable to that of pure species.  相似文献   

The growth of bream, Abrumis brumu (L.), in a gravel pit lake was considered to be good in 1982/1983 (Lx=663cm, K=0.105). Theadult breampopulationwasdominated by the 1973and 1976 year-classes. These year classes still formed most of the spawning population in 1987, but had grown very little (<2 cm) in the previous 5 years. In November 1987, 158 kg ha−1 of bream were removed from this lake and in I988 the remaining bream population showed an increase in growth (mean length by 2.7 cm and mean weight by 0.5 kg) and condition (1.87 in 1987 to 2.09 in 1988) in one growing season. This additional growth of an ageing stunted bream population is considered to be the result of an increased food supply after reducing the fish density.  相似文献   

Bream Abramis brama , white bream Blicca bjoerkna and roach Rutilus rutilus all undertook spawning migrations from the River Rhine into oxbows. Adult white bream and roach returned to the river after spawning. This indicates an annual change of habitat allowing the use of optimal conditions in oxbows for spawning and growth of juvenile fish, and the use of feeding grounds rich in benthos in the main river by the adults. In contrast, adult bream were still present in large numbers in the oxbows over the summer. Juvenile bream (0+ and 1+) migrated to the main river. Bream aged 2+ to 4+ were not found in the oxbows, whereas they occurred frequently in the river. Thus bream show ontogenetic changes in their use of the main river and oxbows. The young fish spend their long juvenile phase in the river after leaving the oxbows. Reproduction in oxbows is ensured by mature fish migrating in for a short period from the river as well as by other adults (≥5+) that live permanently in the oxbows. The strong tendency of adult bream to develop permanent stocks in the oxbows gives this species a reproductive advantage, since many oxbows are accessible to Rhine fish only occasionally in the present hydrological situation.  相似文献   

The technique of X-ray cinematography was used to study pharyngeal movements in Abramis brama (L.). The theoretical and practical problems in X-ray cinematography of feeding fish are discussed, as well as criteria for the selection of images suited for detailed measurements.
Respiration and filter-feeding on Daphnia pulex (length c . 1 mm) show different gill arch movement patterns in bream. Slits between gill-arches are kept smaller during filter-feeding. In addition, during filter-feeding, this inter-arch distance decreases considerably in a posterior direction. The hypothesis that particle retention occurs on the slits formed between adjacent gillarches and their gill-rakers is not supported by the present results.  相似文献   

The effect of osmotic shock was investigated mainly in the chloride cells (CCs) and rodlet cells (RCs) of gills, and RCs of intestine and kidney of the European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax obtained from a farm in the northern Adriatic Sea. During the experiment, fish were abruptly transferred from sea water to a salinity of 15 (15 SW) or to fresh water (FW). Numeric variation and ultrastructural changes of both cell types were evaluated at 24, 48 and 96 h after the transfer to lower salinity levels, using light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Exposure to FW produced a significant increase ( P < 0·05) in the number of branchial CCs and RCs within 96 and 24 h, respectively. Following osmotic challenge (either transfer to 15 SW or FW), kidney and intestine showed an evident increase in RC numbers. The cellular damage detected by TEM was the same for each sampling time (24, 48 and 96 h), but appeared more severe in fish exposed to FW (higher osmotic shock) than in those exposed to 15 SW. In RCs cytoplasmic vacuolizations, autophagosomes and autophagolysosomes with myelinoid bodies, dissolution and shrinkage of the typical inclusions were documented. Nevertheless, CCs showed vacuolization of endoplasmic reticulum and cytoplasmic dissolution and maintained the apical crypt typical of seawater acclimated fish. Renal tubular cells and intestinal epithelial cells showed similar changes to those reported for CCs and RCs.  相似文献   

A novel method, heteroduplex analysis, was applied for detecting variation in an amplified growth hormone (GH) gene segment of common bream Abramis brama. Two-allele polymorphism was detected within a 262 bp restriction fragment. The frequency of the variant haplotype in the Main River was 0–50 and in the Danube River 0–32, but the difference was Statistically not significant.  相似文献   

The body attack angle of common bream Abramis brama varied with swimming speed and was best described by θ = −3·32 (±0·24) − 9·23 (±0·54)e− u ( r 2 = 0·56, P  < 0·0001; ±1 s . e . given in parentheses), where θ is the body attack angle and u is swimming speed. The hypothesis that neutrally buoyant fishes may swim with body attack angles deviating increasingly from 0° as the swimming speed decreases is supported.  相似文献   

Handling stress and exposure to the herbicide Stam® M-4 (Propanil) were associated with an exponential depletion of the rodlet cells (RC) in the bulbus arteriosus of chub Leuciscus cephalus . Structural changes of the RC in herbicide-exposed fish were encountered, including the occurrence of myeloid bodies in the cytoplasm of the RC of the intestine, various degrees of rodlet degeneration and high vacuolization in the cytoplasm of RC in almost all examined organs of exposed chub.  相似文献   

In the angelfish ( Pterophyllum scalare scalare ) numerous rodlet cells were found in the large post-orbital blood vessel caudal to the eye and in the surrounding extravascular space. Within the vessel the rodlet cells formed striking regular arrays, along the inner aspect of the wall. The rodlets within the cells were positive to PAS but negative to Sudan Black B, Masson's, and the Fuelgen stain. The capsule around the cells was negative for all these stains. These rodlet cells appeared to be traversing the vessel endothelium, and to be pushing the endothelium aside without damaging it. Some discharged their contents into the vessel, but we never observed the release of intact rodlets. The nuclei of rodlet cells in actual contact with the vessel were at the end of the cell more distant from the endothelial wall. Cell-to-cell adhesion structures or communications junctions between rodlet cells and the endothelium were not evident. A putative rodlet cell precursor in the extravascular space contained large electron-dense granules, and extended pseudopodia that contacted nearby rodlet cells. Based on their morphology, tissue distribution, and their behaviour, we conclude that the rodlet cell is an endogeneous teleost cell type, and possibly represents a form of matured granulocyte.  相似文献   

Rodlet cells in intestinal epithelia of infected and uninfected European eels Anguilla anguilla from brackish and fresh water were studied by light and electron microscopy. Deropristis inflata (Trematoda) was found in eels from brackish water, whereas eels from fresh water were infected with Acanthocephalus clavula (Acanthocephala). In a comparison between uninfected and infected eels from brackish water, a higher number of rodlet cells was recorded in the intestinal epithelia of infected fish. Evidence is presented that rodlet cells secrete their contents in a holocrine manner into the lumen of the eel intestine. The occurrence of organelles within the mature rodlet cell was rare. ? 1998 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles  相似文献   

Niche variation between hybrid taxa and their parental species has been deemed imperative to the persistence of hybrid populations in nature. However, the ecological factors promoting hybrid establishment remain poorly understood. Through the application of a multidisciplinary approach integrating genetics, morphometry, life‐history, and trophic ecology, we studied the hybrids of roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) and bream (Abramis brama L.), and their parental species inhabiting an Irish lake. The roach × bream hybrid exhibited a body shape intermediate of that of the parental species. Diet analyses depicted the hybrid as a generalist, feeding on all prey items consumed by either parental species. Stable isotope data confirm the trophic niche breadth of hybrids. A significant correlation between body shape and diet was detected, suggesting that the intermediate phenotype of hybrids might play a role in their feeding abilities, resulting in the utilization of a broader trophic spectrum than the parental species. Growth and age class structure analyses also yielded a scenario that is consistent with the ecological success of hybrids. Genetic analyses suggest that the majority of hybrids result from first‐generation crosses between the parental species; however, a potentially significant proportion of back‐crosses with bream were also detected. The recent introduction of roach and bream into Irish waters, as well as the climatic and ecological features of the colonized habitats, can explain the remarkable success of the roach × bream hybrid in Ireland. The adaptive significance of hybridization and its demographic consequences for the parental species are discussed. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 768–783.  相似文献   

The abundance of benthic macroinvertebrate taxa and the relative abundance of zooplankton taxa were compared with the diet of bream, tench. perch and roach from two gravel pit lakes during May-July 1986 and 1987. Significant food preferences were demonstrated between species and between lakes. Chironomid pupae dominated the macroinvertebrate diet of perch, roach, ate predominantly either Spirogyra sp. (St Peters Lake) or Daphniu hyalina (Main Lake).
The Main Lake, bream fed largely upon chironomid larvae and the bivalve Sphuerium but in St Peters Lake they positively selected a variety of less abundant benthic invertebrate taxa. Bream switched from benthos to zooplankton in the Main Lake in 1986. Tench ate large numbers of Aselhs and showed positive selection of various macroinvertebrate prey in St Peters but ate D. hjulim in Main Lake. Tropic overlap for chironomids and other macroinvertebrate prey was demonstrated between perch, bream and tench, and potentially with wildfowl which used the gravel pits for breeding and wintering.  相似文献   

DNA of rodlet cells and erythrocytes from three species of freshwater teleosts, Semotilus atromaculatus atromaculatus, Catostomus commersoni and Cyprinus carpio , was stained with the Feulgen reaction and examined by microdensitometry. Rodlet cells showed nuclear DNA content significantly different from erythrocytes of the same species, but the difference was less than a factor of C, assuming that erythrocytes reflect the normal 2C genome of somatic cells. In two species, S. atromaculatus and C. carpio , the rodlet cell nuclei contained less DNA than the erythrocytes; in C. commersoni they contained more. The identity of the rodlet cell is unknown; the results of these experiments lead to the rejection of the hypothesis that rodlet cells and erythrocytes of a species have the same DNA content, i.e. that the rodlet cell is a normal somatic component of fish tissue.  相似文献   

Observations were made on mast cells/eosinophilic granule cells in swimbladder tissue spreads and sections of gills and intestinal tissues from species of the generaSalmoOncorhynchusSalvelinusCoregonusThymallus. Some individuals had been reared in captivity and others were caught in rivers or lakes, and both apparently healthy fish and fish with persistent inflammation, due to helminths or unknown causative agents, were included in the study. Acute responses to noxious agents were studied in swimbladder tissue spreads after intraperitoneal injections of inactivatedAeromonas salmonicida, compound 48/80 and hydrocortisone. The tissue spreads were fixed in ethanol and stained with thionin. Other tissues were fixed in a solution containing 4% formaldehyde and 5% acetic acid in methanol, and stained with May-Grünwald Giemsa combination dye, haematoxylin and eosin, or Alcian blue. Intestinal tissue histamine was assayed fluorometrically, and vascular responses to histamine and compound 48/80 were studied in perfused gill preparations. The staining properties of salmonid mast cells/eosinophilic granule cells resembled those of mammalian mucosal mast cells and globule leucocytes, with both acidophilic and basophilic components in their granules. May-Grünwald Giemsa staining revealed that in cells found in connective tissues the basophilic character was dominant, whereas the acidophilic character was most marked in those present in epithelia. The granule cells in swimbladder tissue spreads stained metachromatically with alcoholic thionin. Intraperitoneal injections of inactivatedA. salmonicidaproduced acute inflammatory reactions, with degranulation of mast cells/eosinophilic granule cells, in tissues of the swimbladder. Degranulation of the granule cells was also noticed after injection of compound 48/80. Massive degranulation of mast cells/eosinophilic granule cells in the swimbladder wall, followed by an acute inflammatory reaction, was induced by intraperitoneal injections of hydrocortisone. Persistent inflammation, e.g. in tissues infected with helminths, was accompanied by recruitment of mast cells/eosinophilic granule cells. Presence of many or few mast cells/eosinophilic granule cells in tissues of the intestine seemed to have no influence on the content of histamine, which was always low. Compound 48/80 produced increased resistance in the perfused branchial vascular bed, but effects of histamine were slight or completely absent. The responses of mast cells/eosinophilic granule cells of salmonids in acute and persistent inflammation, as revealed in the present investigation, are similar to the known responses of mammalian mast cells. Since their staining properties are also similar, the term ‘mast cell’ should be adequate.  相似文献   

An increase in the number of mucous cells of the epidermis, as well as qualitative changes of the mucus composition from predominantly neutral to a mixture of neutral and sulphated glycoproteins occurred during the development from a pelagic larva to a bottom-dwelling flatfish. Numerous saccular cells were observed in the epidermis of the yolk-sac larvae that disappeared simultaneously as the mucous cells increased in number in the epidermis of the metamorphosed halibut. These findings may help to understand the protective role of the mucus layer of Atlantic halibut during development as compared to other fish species in aquaculture.  相似文献   

To examine the relative importance of leaf age and season on the occurrence of phyllosphere fungi, temporal patterns of epiphytic and endophytic phyllosphere fungi of giant dogwood (Swida controversa) were studied with reference to leaf emergence at first occurrence and in the middle of the growing season. A total of 15 and 44 species were isolated from the surface and interior of leaves, respectively. On the leaf surface, detection rate of fungi was consistently 100% and their frequencies increased during the growing season, whereas in the leaf interior, detection rate of fungi and their frequencies were low at leaf emergence and gradually increased during the growing season. Six epiphytic and two endophytic fungi were observed frequently. A white sterile mycelium was frequent only on the surface of newly emerged leaves in the first-order shoot in May. The other 7 species increased during the growing season. The frequencies of Phomopsis sp., Pestalotiopsis sp. 1, and Trichoderma viride were higher on the leaves of first-order shoots than those of higher-order shoots that emerged between July and September, suggesting the possible effects of leaf age on their occurrence. On the other hand, the frequencies of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Clonostachys rosea, Cladosporium cladosporioides, and Phoma sp. 1 were not different between the first- and higher-order shoots, suggesting the negligible effect of leaf age. The influence of phenological patterns of leaf emergence of deciduous trees on the diversity and composition of assemblages of phyllosphere fungi is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The relative volume of the RPD region of the pituitary gland of Gasterosteus aculeatus form leiurus was greater in animals collected in the spring than in winter. A morphometric analysis of the prolactin cells from spring animals showed only slight changes in cell ultrastructure compared with winter animals. However, in spring the prolactin cells apparently formed and released more secretory granules. Three distinct sites for the release of secretory granules are described. A preliminary study of the response of prolactin cells from spring animals to 70% sea water did not reveal any large scale changes in cell ultrastructure. The significance of this finding is discussed. It is concluded that although the freshwater stickleback cannot be regarded as physiologically hypophysectomised: with regard to prolactin secretion in the winter, it still shows a seasonal change in prolactin cell ultrastructure.This work formed part of a thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in 1973 and for which the author was in receipt of an S.R.C. studentship. My thanks are due to Dr. M.P. Ireland for his support and supervision throughout the course of the work.  相似文献   

The annual changes in the composition and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) were analyzed monthly in surface waters of three high mountain lakes within the Limnological Observatory of the Pyrenees (LOOP; northeast Spain) using both 16S rRNA and functional (ammonia monooxygenase gene, amoA) gene sequencing as well as quantitative PCR amplification. The set of biological data was related to changes in nitrogen species and to other relevant environmental variables. The whole archaeal assemblage was dominated by phylotypes closely related to the crenarchaeal 1.1a group (58% ± 18% of total 16S rRNA gene sequences), and consistent structural changes were detected during the study. Water temperature was the environmental variable that better explained spring, summer, and winter (ice-covered lakes) archaeal assemblage structure. The amoA gene was detected year round, and seasonal changes in amoA gene composition were well correlated with changes in the archaeal 16S rRNA gene pool. In addition, copy numbers of both the specific 1.1a group 16 rRNA and archaeal amoA genes were well correlated, suggesting that most freshwater 1.1a Crenarchaeota had the potential to carry out ammonia oxidation. Seasonal changes in the diversity and abundance of AOA (i.e., amoA) were better explained by temporal changes in ammonium, the substrate for nitrification, and mostly nitrite, the product of ammonia oxidation. Lacustrine amoA gene sequences grouped in coherent freshwater phylogenetic clusters, suggesting that freshwater habitats harbor typical amoA-containing ecotypes, which is different from soils and seas. We observed within the freshwater amoA gene sequence pool a high genetic divergence (translating to up to 32% amino acid divergence) between the spring and the remaining AOA assemblages. This suggests that different AOA ecotypes are adapted to different temporal ecological niches in these lakes.  相似文献   

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