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We report here, for the first time, the occurrence of the toxigenicdinoflagellate species. Alexandrium tamarense, in Tokyo Bay.It suggests the possibility of human intoxication (paralyzingshellfish poisoning) upon consuming local shellfish.  相似文献   

The toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense and other dinoflagellatespecies were studied, along with water temperature and nutrientconcentrations, from September 1995 to December 1998 in theGolfo Nuevo, Chubut, Argentina. Nutrient concentrations werelow, showing a peak of high concentration in winter and a phaseof depletion in late spring and summer. Dinoflagellates tendedto be abundant during spring and summer, when Prorocentrum micanswas the most important species. Other dinoflagellates were Pyrophacushorologium and Dinophysis acuminata. Ceratium tripos, C. fususand C. horridum were present during the autumn, and a C. tripospeak up to 5.9 x 103 cell l–1 was observed in May 1997.Alexandrium tamarense showed strong interannual variation, thehighest concentration being found in spring (September–October)1995, with densities up to 15 x 103 cells l–1. The secondA.tamarense peak was observed during October–November1998 with maximal densities up to 5 x 103 cells l–1. Moderatelyhigh A. tamarense cyst densities, up to 300 cysts cm–3of sediment, were found in the deep zone of the Golfo Nuevobasin. Among meteorolog-ical variables, increased late winterrain and higher solar radiation during spring may have influencedA. tamarense blooms.  相似文献   

中国沿海甲藻两个新记录属——艉杆藻属和易碎藻属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
艉杆藻属Ensiculifera Balech和易碎藻属Fragilidium Balech的营养细胞和孢囊在中国沿海还未被记录过,作者在中国东海发现了它们的孢囊并通过萌发建立了株系,在光镜和电镜下研究了其细胞形态。一种艉杆藻的孢囊为圆形,直径22μm,双层壁,孢囊体内充满淡绿色的颗粒,有一个鲜艳的红色体,孢囊外壁覆盖着2μm长的有机质短刺;营养细胞上壳圆锥形,下壳圆形,细胞平均长17.7μm,宽12.5μm,甲板方程式为po,x,4′,3a,7″,5c,4s,5′′′,2′′′′。墨西哥易碎藻Fragilidium mexicanum Balech的孢囊为圆形,直径54–60μm,孢囊内充满淡白色的颗粒物以及淡褐色的原生质体,有一个鲜艳的黄色体,萌发孔圆形,偏在孢囊的一侧;营养细胞平均长45.3μm,宽42.8μm,甲板方程式po,5′,7″,10c,7s,7″′,2″″,1P。一种易碎藻的孢囊为圆形,直径45μm,孢囊内充满淡白色的颗粒物以及淡褐色的原生质体,黄色体不明显,细胞壁较厚,2–3μm,无色,萌发孔圆形,偏在孢囊的一侧。细胞平均长41.6μm,宽35.3μm,甲板方程式po,5′,7″,7″′,2″″,1P。对该种艉杆藻的转录间隔区(ITS)、2种易碎藻的小亚基(18S)序列进行了测定并建立了系统发育树,它们的系统发育位置和形态学分类相吻合。  相似文献   

To reconsider whether toxin profile could be used as a marker for populations from different geographical areas, clonal isolates of the toxic dinoflagellates Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech and Alexandrium catenella (Whedon et Kofoid) Balech from Ofunato Bay (Iwate Prefecture), Atsumi Bay (Aichi Prefecture), Tanabe Bay (Wakayama Prefecture), Harima‐Nada (Kagawa Prefecture), Uranouchi Bay (Kochi Prefecture), Hiroshima Bay (Hiroshima Prefecture) and Yamakawa Bay (Kagoshima Prefecture), which were identified on the basis of morphotaxonomy, immunological and molecular biological techniques, were subjected to analysis of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins by high performance liquid chromatography‐fluorometric method. All the isolates except A. tamarense OF152 from Ofunato Bay contained mainly N‐sulfocarbamoyl toxins (C1 +2) with various amounts of derivatives, and a typical north‐to‐south trend of decreasing toxicity was observed. In both A. tamarense and A. catenella, toxin profiles were rather constant within a geographical area and divergent among different geographical areas. The toxin profiles of A. tamarense from Harima‐Nada were well conserved among different bloom years. Toxin profile showed that isolates of A. tamarense from Ofunato Bay, A. tamarense from Harima‐Nada isolated in 1988 and A. catenella from Uranouchi Bay were heterogeneous. However, only two or three groups of isolates with different toxin profiles were observed in a geographical region, suggesting that several representative isolates express the genotype in a given region. These observations confirmed that toxin composition could be used as a marker to discriminate different geographical populations of these species.  相似文献   

The toxigenic genus Alexandrium includes ∼30 species, but information about its biogeography at a regional scale is limited. In this study, we explored the diversity of Alexandrium along the coast of China by incubating resting cysts collected from 7 sites. A total of 231 strains of Alexandrium belonging to 7 morphospecies were found. Among them, Alexandrium andersonii, Alexandrium fraterculum, Alexandrium leei, Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax, and Alexandrium tamutum were recorded from the China Sea for the first time. Partial large subunit (LSU) and/or internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1, ITS2, and 5.8S rDNA) sequences revealed two ribotypes of Alexandrium andersonii, Alexandrium leei, and Alexandrium tamarense: Atama complex Group I and IV. Atama complex Group I was exclusively distributed in the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea, whereas Group IV was restricted to the East China Sea and South China Sea. Atama complex Group I produced mainly N-sulfocarbamoyl toxins (C1/C2, 61–79% of total toxins) and gonyautoxins (GTX1/4, 17–37%). Alexandrium ostenfeldii strain ASBH01 produced NEO and STX exclusively (65% and 35%, respectively). Our results support the premise that Atama complex Group I is endemic to the Asian Pacific and includes cold water species, whereas Atama complex Group IV tends to inhabit warmer waters.  相似文献   

Alexandrium catenella (Whedon et Kof.) Balech, A. tamarense (M. Lebour) Balech, and A. fundyense Balech comprise the A. tamarense complex, dinoflagellates responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning worldwide. The relationships among these morphologically defined species are poorly understood, as are the reasons for increases in range and bloom occurrence observed over several decades. This study combines existing data with new ribosomal DNA sequences from strains originating from the six temperate continents to reconstruct the biogeography of the complex and explore the origins of new populations. The morphospecies are examined under the criteria of phylogenetic, biological, and morphological species concepts and do not to satisfy the requirements of any definition. It is recommended that use of the morphospecies appellations within this complex be discontinued as they imply erroneous relationships among morphological variants. Instead, five groups (probably cryptic species) are identified within the complex that are supported on the basis of large genetic distances, 100% bootstrap values, toxicity, and mating compatibility. Every isolate of three of the groups that has been tested is nontoxic, whereas every isolate of the remaining two groups is toxic. These phylogenetic groups were previously identified within the A. tamarense complex and given geographic designations that reflected the origins of known isolates. For at least two groups, the geographically based names are not indicative of the range occupied by members of each group. Therefore, we recommend a simple group‐numbering scheme for use until the taxonomy of this group is reevaluated and new species are proposed.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of paralytic shellfish poisoning caused by the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense (Dinophyceae) are currently a serious problem from an economic and food hygiene point of view throughout the world. We isolated 13 polymorphic microsatellite loci from this species. These loci provided microsatellite markers with high polymorphism ranging from four to 15 alleles per locus and gene diversity between 0.632 and 0.974. The markers are available for more detailed investigations of genetic structure and gene flow of A. tamarense populations.  相似文献   

The distribution of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense Lebour has apparently expanded within the southern hemisphere during the last 2 decades. Toxic blooms of A. tamarense were recorded in Argentinean coastal waters since 1980; however, the first documented bloom in southern Brazil was in 1996. In this study, 13 strains of A. tamarense from southern Brazil were isolated and kept in culture. Phylogenetic analysis using RFLP and DNA sequences of the D1–D2 region of large subunit ribosomal DNA (rDNA) clearly indicates that Brazilian strains are most closely related to other South American strains. The strains from South America are placed firmly within a phylogenetic clade which contains strains from North America, northern Europe and northern Asia, previously called the North American clade. Possible dispersal hypotheses are discussed. The cultures were also analyzed for saxitoxin and its derivatives by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The main saxitoxin groups found were the low toxicity N-sulfocarbamoyl group, C1, 2 (30–84%), followed by the high potency carbamate toxins, gonyautoxins 1, 4 (6.6–55%), gonyautoxins 2, 3 (0.3–29%), neosaxitoxin (1.4–24%) and saxitoxin (0–4.4%). The toxin composition is similar to that of other strains from South America, supporting a close relationship between A. tamarense from southern Brazil and other areas of South America. Toxicity values were variable (7.07–65.92 pg STX cell−1), with the higher range falling among the most toxic values recorded for cultures of A. tamarense, indicating the significant risk for shellfish contamination and human intoxication during blooms of this species along the southern Brazilian coast.  相似文献   

As part of efforts to enhance the strategies employed to manage and mitigate algal blooms and their adverse effects, algicidal bacteria have shown promise as potential suppressors of these events. Nine strains of bacteria algicidal against the toxic dinoflagellate, Alexandrium tamarense, were isolated from the East Sea area, China. Sequence analysis of 16S rDNA showed that all the algicidal bacteria belonged to the γ-proteobacteria subclass and the genera Pseudoalteromonas (strain SP31 and SP44), Alteromonas (strain DH12 and DH46), Idiomarina (strain SP96), Vibrio (strain DH47 and DH51) and Halomonas (strain DH74 and DH77). To assess the algicidal mode of these algicidal bacteria, bacterial cells and the filtrate from bacterial cultures were inoculated into A. tamarense cultures, and fluorescein diacetate vital stain was applied to monitor the growth of the algal cells. The results showed that all the algicidal bacteria exhibited algicidal activity through an indirect attack since algicidal activity was only detected in cell free supernatants but not the bacterial cells. This is the first report of bacteria from the genus Idiomarina showing algicidal activity to the toxic dinoflagellate A. tamarense and these findings would increase our knowledge of bacterial–algal interactions and the role of bacteria during the population dynamics of HABs.  相似文献   

A lectin binding assay was conducted on three Alexandrium tamarenseisolates (AT-A, AT-2 and AT-6). The fatty acid composition ofall three isolates was analyzed, and the total carotenoid contentandß-carotene were also determined. When treated withdifferent lectins in this study, AT-A and AT-2 showed a positiveresponse, whereas the potentially toxic AT-6 did not bind thelectin Dolchis biflorus agglutinin (DBA), regardless of growthphase, but conjugated concanavalin A (ConA), peanut agglutinin(PNA), Ricinus communis agglutinin (RCA), soybean agglutinin(SBA), Ulex europaeus agglutinin (UEA) and wheatgerm agglutinin(WGA). It is possible that the use of DBA is a desirable methodfor rapid and easy discrimination of highly toxic A. tamarense.AT-A, AT-2 and AT-6 comprised saturated fatty acids (49.0–61.9%),monounsaturated fatty acids (8.0–20.5%) and polyunsaturatedfatty acids (23.2–30.5%). In particular, 22:6 (n-3) polyunsaturatedfatty acid had a high abundance in AT-6 compared with AT-A andAT-2. However, carotenoid content and ß-carotene did notcontribute to the discrimination of each isolate. Owing to variabilityin the biochemical composition of different isolates, possiblyDBA and 22:6 (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acid provide good informationfor the discrimination of AT-6.  相似文献   

Several harmful photosynthetic dinoflagellates have been examined over past decades for unique chemical biomarker sterols. Little emphasis has been placed on important heterotrophic genera, such as Amoebophrya, an obligate, intracellular parasite of other, often harmful, dinoflagellates with the ability to control host populations naturally. Therefore, the sterol composition of Amoebophrya was examined throughout the course of an infective cycle within its host dinoflagellate, Alexandrium tamarense, with the primary intent of identifying potential sterol biomarkers. Amoebophrya possessed two primary C(27) sterols, cholesterol and cholesta-5,22Z-dien-3beta-ol (cis-22-dehydrocholesterol), which are not unique to this genus, but were found in high relative percentages that are uncommon to other genera of dinoflagellates. Because the host also possesses cholesterol as one of its major sterols, carbon-stable isotope ratio characterization of cholesterol was performed in order to determine whether it was produced by Amoebophrya or derived intact from the host. Results indicated that cholesterol was not derived intact from the host. A comparison of the sterol profile of Amoebophrya to published sterol profiles of phylogenetic relatives revealed that its sterol profile most closely resembles that of the (proto)dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina rather than other extant genera.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A suite of morphological, histological, and molecular techniques was used to reveal for the first time division, sexuality, mandatory dormancy period of hypnozygotes, and identity of life-history stages of any Protoperidinium spp. In both Protoperidinium steidingerae and Protoperidinium depressum , asexual division occurred by eleutheroschisis within a temporary cyst, yielding two daughter cells. Daughter cells were initially round and one-half to two-thirds the size of parent cells then rapidly increased in size, forming horns before separating. Gamete production and fusion was constitutive in clonal and non-clonal cultures, indicating that both species may be homothallic. Gametes were isogamous, approximately half the size and lacking the pink pigmentation of the vegetative cells, and were never observed to feed. Gamete fusion resulted in a planozygote with two longitudinal flagella. Planozygotes of P. steidingerae formed hypnozygotes. The fate of planozygotes of P. depressum is unknown. Hypnozygotes of P. steidingerae had a mandatory dormancy period of ca. 70 days. Germination resulted in planomeiocytes with two longitudinal flagella. Nuclear cyclosis occurred in the planozygotes of P. depressum , but in the planomeiocytes of P. steidingerae . The plate tabulation and gross morphology of gametes of P. steidingerae and P. depressum differed markedly from those of vegetative cells. Thus, misidentification of morphologically distinct life-history stages and incomplete examination of thecal plate morphology in field specimens has likely led to taxonomic confusion of Protoperidinium spp. in previous studies.  相似文献   

The growth and photosynthesis of Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech in different nutrient conditions were investigated. Low nitrate level (0.0882 mmol/L) resulted in the highest average growth rate from day 0 to day 10 (4.58 × 102 cells mL?1 d?1), but the lowest cell yield (5420 cells mL?1) in three nitrate level cultures. High nitrate‐grown cells showed lower levels of chlorophyll a‐specific and cell‐specific light‐saturated photosynthetic rate (Pmchl a and Pmcell), dark respiration rate (Rdchla and Rdcell) and chlorophyll a‐specific apparent photosynthetic efficiency (αchla) than was seen for low nitrate‐grown cells; whereas the cells became light saturated at higher irradiance at low nitrate condition. When cultures at low nitrate were supplemented with nitrate at 0.7938 mmol/L in late exponential growth phase, or with nitrate at 0.7938 mmol/L and phosphate at 0.072 mmol/L in stationary growth phase, the cell yield was drastically enhanced, a 7–9 times increase compared with non‐supplemented control culture, achieving 43 540 cells mL?1 and 52 300 cells mL?1, respectively; however, supplementation with nitrate in the stationary growth phase or with nitrate and phosphate in the late exponential growth phase increased the cell yield by no more than 2 times. The results suggested that continuous low level of nitrate with sufficient supply of phosphate may facilitate the growth of A. tamarense.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify and characterize a "biomarker of toxicity" from the proteome of Alexandrium tamarense, a paralytic shellfish toxin (PST)-producing dinoflagellate. A combination of 2-DE and MS approaches was employed to identify proteins of interest in the vegetative cells of several strains of A. tamarense with different toxin compositions and from different geographical locations. The electrophoretic analysis of the total water-soluble proteins from these toxic strains by 2-DE showed that several abundant proteins, namely AT-T1, AT-T2 and AT-T3, differing slightly in apparent Mr and pIs, were consistently present in all toxic strains of A. tamarense. Further analysis by MALDI-TOF MS and N-terminal amino acid sequencing revealed that they are isoforms of the same protein. Even more intriguing is that these proteins in A. tamarense have similar amino acid sequences and are closely related to a "biomarker of toxicity" previously reported in A. minutum. Unambiguous and highly species-specific identification was later achieved by comparing the PMFs of proteins in these two species. An initial attempt to characterize these proteins by generation of murine polyclonal antibodies against the AT-T1 protein was successful. Western blot analysis using the murine AT-T1-polycolonal antibodies identified all the toxic strains of A. tamarense and A. minutum, but not the nontoxic strain of A. tamarense. These results indicate that these protein characteristics for toxic strains are species-specific and that they are stable properties of the tested algae which are clearly distinguishable irrespective of geographical location and toxin composition. To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate the use of polyclonal antibodies against marker proteins purified from 2-DE gels to distinguish different strains and species of the PST-producing dinoflagellate Alexandrium. It provides the basis for the production of monoclonal antibody probes against the "biomarkers of toxicity" for those dinoflagellates whose genome is incompletely characterized. Potentially, immunoassays could be developed to detect the presence of toxic algae in routine monitoring programs as well as to predict bloom development and movement.  相似文献   

Routine sampling of the water quality stations in the New River Estuary (Jacksonville, North Carolina, USA) during November 2004 revealed the presence of a previously unidentified dinoflagellate. Preliminary observations of its morphology suggested it to be consistent with that of Alexandrium peruvianum (Balech et Mendiola) Balech et Tangen. Observations using brightfield, epifluorescence and scanning electron microscopy confirmed the diagnostic thecal plates to be those of A. peruvanium. Clonal cultures established from cells isolated from the New River Estuary samples were also used for further studies of morphology and for the presence of toxins. Thecal morphology was consistent with that described by Balech clearly separating it from the sister species Alexandrium ostenfeldii. Three classes of toxins were detected from these cultures. An erythrocyte lysis assay (ELA) was used to confirm the presence of hemolytic toxins in A. peruvianum cultures. A cellular EC50 for lysis was 1.418 × 104 cells, well within the range the maximal cells densities found in the New River and more potent when compared on a cellular basis with Prymnesium parvum. Another toxin class detected in A. peruvianum cultures was the fast acting 13-desmethy C and D spirolides also produced by the sister species A. ostenfeldii. The last toxin type detected in the A. peruvianum cultures was the paralytic shellfish toxins, GTX 2, 3, B1, STX and C1,2. These findings expand the geographic range of occurrence for A. peruvianum in the U.S. to be much greater than previously considered. The morphological characters agreed with previously reported molecular data in separating A. peruvianum from A. ostenfeldii. It is also the first confirmed report that this species produces PSP toxins, spirolides and naturally occurring hemolytic substances. In light of these findings additional attention is needed for the detection of Alexandrium species in all coastal waters of the U.S. This added effort will enhance the evaluation of the relative impacts of the species to shellfish safety and bloom surveillance.  相似文献   

We have developed a method to identify species in the genus Alexandrium using whole-cell fluorescent in situ hybridization with FITC-labeled oligonucleotide probes that target large subunit ribosomal rRNA molecules. The probes were designed based on the sequence of the rDNA D1-D2 region of Alexandrium species. DNA probes specific for toxic A. tamarense and A. catenella and nontoxic A. affine, A. fraterculus, A. insuetum, and A. pseudogonyaulax, respectively, were applied to vegetative cells of all above Alexandrium species to test the sensitivity of the probes. Each DNA probe hybridized specifically with vegetative cells of the corresponding Alexandrium species and showed no cross-reactivity to noncorresponding Alexandrium species. In addition, no cross-reactivity of the probes was observed in experiments using concentrated natural seawater samples. The TAMAD2 probe, which is highly specific to A. tamarense, a common toxic species in Korean coastal waters, provides a simple and reliable molecular tool for identification of toxic Alexandrium species.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton monitoring in Wickford Cove, Rhode Island, US (41°34′10.13″N, 71°26′45.76″W), located in Narragansett Bay, detected an unusual species of Alexandrium in the spring of 2009. Thecal plate analysis using brightfield and SEM microscopy revealed a plate morphology consistent with that of Alexandrium peruvianum (Balech and de Mendiola) Balech and Tangen. Molecular analyses indicated that the sequences of the SSU, ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2 and LSU through the D region of the 18S gene were similar to those of A. peruvianum from North Carolina. Toxin analyses of cells brought into culture revealed saxitoxins, gymnodimine and fast-acting spiroimines were present in the cultured clone. Saxitoxins detected included GTX 2, GTX3, B1, STX, C1 and C2. Also present in the Wickford cove isolates of A. peruvianum were 12-methyl gymnodimine and 13-desmethyl spirolide C. A. peruvianum was detected at four sites in lower Narragansett Bay: at two sites in Wickford and two sites in Jamestown, RI. A. peruvianum was observed in the spring of 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 at maximum abundance levels ranging from tens of cells per liter to 14,000 cells L−1. The discovery of A. peruvianum in Rhode Island coastal waters, with its potential threat to public health, is notable as it appears to be an emergent bloom species globally. The presence of A. peruvianum in Narragansett Bay is the third confirmed observation of this species on the Atlantic coast of North America. Monitoring efforts in the southern New England region should incorporate measures to detect the presence of A. peruvianum toxins.  相似文献   

Toxin producing dinoflagellates of the genus Alexandrium Halim represent a risk to Arctic environments and economies. This study provides the first record and a characterization of Alexandrium ostenfeldii in the western Arctic. During a cruise along the coasts of western and southern Greenland 36 isolates of the species were established in August 2012. Plankton samples taken at three different stations from the upper water layer at water temperatures of approx. 4–7 °C, contained low amounts of A. ostenfeldii. Sequencing of SSU and ITS-LSU rDNA and subsequent phylogenetic analyses identified all Greenland strains as members of a NW Atlantic spirolide producing phylogenetic clade. Molecular results were confirmed by morphological features typical for this group (=Group 5 of a recent ITS-LSU phylogeny of A. ostenfeldii). The Greenland isolates did not contain either Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning toxins or gymnodimines, but produced several spirolides. Altogether 12 different analogs were detected, of which only SPX-1, C, 20-meG and H have been described earlier. The remaining 8 spirolides have not been identified so far. Some of them were found to dominate the toxin profiles of a number of isolates. Among the 36 investigated strains spirolide composition varied considerably, particularly isolates from western Greenland (Station 516) exhibited a high diversity of analogs, with different profiles in nearly all 22 isolates. All of the 34 tested Greenland strains showed considerable lytic capacity when exposed to Rhodomonas salina.  相似文献   

Variations in toxicity of the benthic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis Schmidt 1901 have been attributed to specific molecular clades, biogeography of isolated strains, and the associated bacterial community. Here, we attempted to better understand the biodiversity and the basic biology influencing toxin production of Ostreopsis. Nine clonal cultures were established from Okinawa, Japan, and identified using phylogenetic analysis of the ITS-5.8S rRNA and 28S rRNA genes. Morphological analysis suggests that the apical pore complex L/W ratio could be a feature for differentiating Ostreopsis sp. 2 from the O. ovata species complex. We analyzed the toxicity and bacterial communities using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, and PCR-free metagenomic sequencing. Ovatoxin was detected in three of the seven strains of O. cf. ovata extracts, highlighting intraspecies variation in toxin production. Additionally, two new potential analogs of ovatoxin-a and ostreocin-A were identified. Commonly associated bacteria clades of Ostreopsis were identified from the established cultures. While some of these bacteria groups may be common to Ostreopsis (Rhodobacterales, Flavobacteria-Sphingobacteria, and Enterobacterales), it was not clear from our analysis if any one or more of these plays a role in toxin biosynthesis. Further examination of biosynthetic pathways in metagenomic data and additional experiments isolating specific bacteria from Ostreopsis would aid these efforts.  相似文献   

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