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The agricultural industry today consumes large amounts of fossil fuels. This study used consequential life cycle assessment (LCA) to analyse two potential energy self-sufficient systems for organic arable farms, based on agricultural residues. The analysis focused on energy balance, resource use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. A scenario based on straw was found to require straw harvest from 25% of the farm area; 45% of the total energy produced from the straw was required for energy carrier production and GHG emissions were reduced by 9% compared with a fossil fuel-based reference scenario. In a scenario based on anaerobic digestion of ley, the corresponding figures were 13%, 24% and 35%. The final result was sensitive to assumptions regarding, e.g., soil carbon content and handling of by-products.  相似文献   

Ammonium and nitrite oxidizers were counted with the most probable number (MPN) method and potential ammonium- and nitrite-oxidation rates were determined with a chlorate inhibition technique in an arable soil over a 3-year period. Samples were taken from the topsoil once a month for 2 years and a few times during a third year in four cropping systems: unfertilized lucerne ley and barley, and nitrate fertilized grass ley and barley. The distribution of nitrifiers was determined and their activities measured at various soil depths and between and within plant rows of fertilized barley.The numbers and activities of ammonium oxidizers were highest in the spring and autumn samples. Numbers of ammonium oxidizers ranged from 0.2 to 19×104 and nitrite oxidizers from 3 to 870×104 cells g–1 dry soil. Potential ammonium-oxidizer activities ranged from 120 to 1,060 and nitrite-oxidizer activities ranged from 280 to 680 ng N g–1 dry soil hour–1. Lucerne and grass leys generally showed the highest, whereas unfertilized barley had the lowest, abundances and activities.Abundance estimates and activities were 10–20 times higher in the plow layer than in underlying sand and clay layers. A strong correlation was found between organic matter content vs numbers and activities of both ammonium and nitrite oxidizers. Only nitrite oxidizer counts were significantly higher within plant rows compared to between plant rows.  相似文献   

There is a large variability in profitability and productivity between farms operating with automatic milking systems (AMS). The objectives of this study were to identify the physical factors associated with profitability and productivity of pasture-based AMS and quantify how changes in these factors would affect farm productivity. We utilised two different datasets collected between 2015 and 2019 with information from commercial pasture-based AMS farms. One contained annual physical and economic data from 14 AMS farms located in the main Australian dairy regions; the other contained monthly, detailed robot-system performance data from 23 AMS farms located across Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and Chile. We used linear mixed models to identify the physical factors associated with different profitability (Model 1) and partial productivity measures (Model 2). Additionally, we conducted a Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate how changes in the physical factors would affect productivity. Our results from Model 1 showed that the two main factors associated with profitability in pasture-based AMS were milk harvested/robot (MH; kg milk/robot per day) and total labour on-farm (full-time equivalent). On average, Model 1 explained 69% of the variance in profitability. In turn, Model 2 showed that the main factors associated with MH were cows/robot, milk flow, milking frequency, milking time, and days in milk. Model 2 explained 90% of the variance in MH. The Monte Carlo simulation showed that if pasture-based AMS farms manage to increase the number of cows/robot from 54 (current average) to ~ 70 (the average of the 25% highest performing farms), the probability of achieving high MH, and therefore profitability, would increase from 23% to 63%. This could make AMS more attractive for pasture-based systems and increase the rate of adoption of the technology.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) losses from dairy farms can severely damage aquatic ecosystems, so it is important to have tools to assess overfeeding of P. This study screened P intake and faecal excretion of different P fractions in dairy cows on conventional and organic farms, compared the P feeding level of the herds against the recommendations and analysed different sampling and analysis methods for assessing the general status of P feeding on the farms. The organic (n=14) and conventional farms (n=15) were of comparable size and were located in southern Sweden. On each farm, feed intake was registered for 10 cows representing four different lactation stages and their P intake was calculated and related to current recommendations. Faecal samples taken from the same cows were analysed for total P (TP) and soluble P. Milk production data for the cows were obtained from the Swedish official milk recording scheme. TP was determined in one slurry sample per farm. More than 70% of the cows studied, representing both conventional and organic herds, consumed P in excess of the recommendations. Conventional herds had higher P content in the ration than organic herds, and lactating cows in conventional herds had higher faecal concentrations of total and soluble P than those in organic herds. However in dry cows, the P content of the ration and soluble P and TP in faeces did not differ between the two management systems. Soluble P was well correlated to TP in faeces, and both were good indicators of P overfeeding.  相似文献   

We present a rough-cut analysis tool that quickly determines a few potential cost-effective designs at the initial design stage of flexible assembly systems (FASs) prior to a detailed analysis such as simulation. It uses quantitative methods for selecting and configuring the components of an FAS suitable for medium to high volumes of several similar products. The system is organized as a series of assembly stations linked with an automated material-handling system moving parts in a unidirectional flow. Each station consists of a single machine or of identical parallel machines. The methods exploit the ability of flexible hardware to switch almost instantaneously from product to product. Our approach is particularly suitable where the product mix is expected to be stable, since we combine the hardware-configuration phase with the task-allocation phase. For the required volume of products, we use integer programming to select the number of stations and the number of machines at each station and to allocate tasks to stations. We use queueing network analysis, which takes into account the mean and variance of processing times among different products to determine the necessary capacity of the material-handling system. We iterate between the two analyses to find the combined solution with the lowest costs. Work-in-process costs are also included in the analysis. Computational results are presented.  相似文献   

The abundance and distribution of breeding birds were compared on paired fields comprising one set-aside field and one crop field, on 11 intensive arable farms in eastern and western England. A single observer made four visits to all set-aside and crop fields between April and July and recorded all birds seen during standardised counts and transects.
Rotational and non-rotational set-aside supported higher densities and more species of birds than fields of wheat, brassicas, root crops and seed rye. These differences in density, between set-aside and crops, were evident across a suit of species including waders, gamebirds, pigeons and passerines and were particularly marked on rotational set-aside. The majority of species recorded in fields away from boundaries would have been feeding rather than nesting there and higher bird densities on set-aside compared with adjacent arable crops probably reflects greater food abundance in the former.
The study is the first to demonstrate a clear habitat preference for set-aside by a wide range of bird species throughout the breeding season and it allows a number of recommendations to be made concerning the development of cost-effective agri-environment measures. The fact that the majority of birds utilised the outer 5 m, or in some cases 20 m, margin of the field suggests that many of the benefits of whole field set-aside may be derived from marginal strips. A slight, but not significant preference for rotational over non-rotational set-aside suggest such margins should be managed to maintain a patchy, relatively diverse sward of arable plants. A key feature of set-aside is the scale at which it has been incorporated into the arable landscape. Agri-enviromental schemes will only provide similar national benefits if they are implemented on a wide scale in such as way as to promote high uptake by farmers.  相似文献   

Because not all animal factors influencing profitability can be included in total merit breeding indices for profitability, the association between animal total merit index and true profitability, taking cognisance of all factors associated with costs and revenues, is generally not known. One method to estimate such associations is at the herd level, associating herd average genetic merit with herd profitability. The objective of this study was to primarily relate herd average genetic merit for a range of traits, including the Irish total merit index, with indicators of performance, including profitability, using correlation and multiple regression analyses. Physical, genetic and financial performance data from 1131 Irish seasonal calving pasture-based dairy farms were available following edits; data on some herds were available for more than 1 year of the 3-year study period (2007 to 2009). Herd average economic breeding index (EBI) was associated with reduced herd average phenotypic milk yield but with greater milk composition, resulting in higher milk prices. Moderate positive correlations (0.26 to 0.61) existed between genetic merit for an individual trait and average herd performance for that trait (e.g. genetic merit for milk yield and average per cow milk yield). Following adjustment for year, stocking rate, herd size and quantity of purchased feed in the multiple regression analysis, average herd EBI was positively and linearly associated with net margin per cow and per litre as well as gross revenue output per cow and per litre. The change in net margin per cow per unit change in the total merit index was €1.94 (s.e. = 0.42), which was not different from the expectation of €2. This study, based on a large data set of commercial herds with accurate information on profitability and genetic merit, confirms that, after accounting for confounding factors, the change in herd profitability per unit change in herd genetic merit for the total merit index is within expectations.  相似文献   

Factors influencing heifer survival and fertility on commercial dairy farms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The average dairy cow survives only three lactations, reducing the availability of replacement heifers. Prenatal losses occur due to early embryonic mortality (about 40%), later embryo loss (up to 20% in high-yielding herds) or abortion (about 5%). A recent survey of 19 UK herds showed that 7.9% of calves were born dead and 3.4% died within 1 month. During the rearing phase, 6.7% of animals were lost before reaching first service at 15 months due to disease or accident and another 2.3% failed to conceive. Many potential replacements therefore never enter the milking herd. This severely limits opportunities for on-farm selection of breeding cows in addition to presenting a welfare issue and causing economic loss. The most profitable animals once lactation is reached combine good milk production with a regular calving pattern. Some aspects of performance are related to age at first calving (AFC), which in turn is influenced by heifer growth rates. Poorly growing animals required more services to conceive, calved later and subsequently performed badly. Optimum fertility and maximum yield in the first lactation were associated with an AFC of 24 to 25 months. However, heifers calving at 22 to 23 months performed best in terms of total milk yield and survival over the first 5 years, partly because good heifer fertility was associated with better fertility later. We have investigated some possible juvenile predictors of future performance. Low-birth-weight calves were more likely to come from either primiparous mothers or older dams (3+ lactations) with higher peak milk yields, suggesting that the uterine environment may limit prenatal calf growth due to competition for nutrients with maternal growth or milk production. Linear trait classification scores for frame size show genetic correlations with longevity. The skeletal measures of height and crown rump length in 1-month-old calves was correlated to subsequent stature, and frame size was correlated to weight at 15 months. It may thus be possible to predict performance from simple size measurements as juveniles. Neither endogenous nor stimulated growth hormone (GH) release in 6-month-old calves were related to milk yield in the first three lactations, but size of a stimulated GH peak was positively related to milk energy values in the first lactation. Cows with delayed ovulation (>45 days) in the first lactation had a higher GH pulse amplitude and lower IGF-I as a juvenile. Cows that partition excess energy into milk in their first lactation may suffer reduced longevity.  相似文献   

Calving difficulty (CD) is a key functional trait with significant influence on herd profitability and animal welfare. Breeding plays an important role in managing CD both at farm and industry level. An alternative to the economic value approach to determine the CD penalty is to complement the economic models with the analysis of farmer perceived on-farm impacts of CD. The aim of this study was to explore dairy and beef farmer views and perceptions on the economic and non-economic on-farm consequences of CD, to ultimately inform future genetic selection tools for the beef and dairy industries in Ireland. A standardised quantitative online survey was released to all farmers with e-mail addresses on the Irish Cattle Breeding Federation database. In total, 271 farmers completed the survey (173 beef farmers and 98 dairy farmers). Both dairy and beef farmers considered CD a very important issue with economic and non-economic components. However, CD was seen as more problematic by dairy farmers, who mostly preferred to slightly reduce its incidence, than by beef farmers, who tended to support increases in calf value even though it would imply a slight increase in CD incidence. Farm size was found to be related to dairy farmer views of CD with farmers from larger farms considering CD as more problematic than farmers from smaller farms. CD breeding value was reported to be critical for selecting beef sires to mate with either beef or dairy cows, whereas when selecting dairy sires, CD had lower importance than breeding values for other traits. There was considerable variability in the importance farmers give to CD breeding values that could not be explained by the farm type or the type of sire used, which might be related to the farmer non-economic motives. Farmer perceived economic value associated with incremental increases in CD increases substantially as the CD level considered increases. This non-linear relationship cannot be reflected in a standard linear index weighting. The results of this paper provide key underpinning support to the development of non-linear index weightings for CD in Irish national indexes.  相似文献   

Changing rice and millet arable systems were closely linked to social and environmental changes in Neolithic and Early Bronze Age in Central China. Two methods are used here to distinguish between rainfed millet farming and rice farming, using phytoliths from crop weeds found in ash middens and mixed cultural layer contexts. Samples were taken from three sites, Xipo and Huizui, in the Yellow River Valley in Henan, and Baligang which is situated towards the south of the province. The samples are from three cultural phases, Yangshao, Longshan and Erlitou. The phytoliths used are from grass leaves, so are not identified to genera or species but rather grouped into ecological categories, and canonical correspondence analysis was applied. Next, the ratios were calculated of phytolith morphotypes from cells that are genetically predisposed to form phytoliths (fixed), compared to silica bodies from cells that will form silica bodies when there is sufficient water uptake (sensitive). The results show differentiation between millet and rice and differences in how wet the rice fields were. The region experienced social and climate change throughout this time and this is reflected in the results.  相似文献   

As healthcare organizations are struggling to enhance healthcare qualities and efficiencies, they focus on secure and efficient sharing of clinical information among healthcare providers including doctors, nurses, medical laboratories, and informal caregivers, throughout the entire healthcare life cycle. Any failure or error during this clinical collaborative communication can have negative impact on the efficiencies of the whole healthcare delivery system. This paper suggests a methodological approach to address the needs in this area and proposes a methodology for developing clinical collaborative communication (C\(^{3})\) systems. Since C\(^{3}\) demands a variety of collaborative communications among multiple healthcare stakeholders, the proposed approach focuses on the effective system design and analysis with the objective to enhance collaboration and communication in healthcare organizations.  相似文献   

Although many indicator-based sustainability monitoring tools for agriculture have been developed in the last decade, considerably less effort has been put on their validation. In the present study, we developed and applied a procedure to validate (i) MOTIFS (Monitoring Tool for Integrated Farm Sustainability), an indicator-based monitoring tool for integrated farm sustainability of Flemish dairy farms and (ii) a selection of ecological indicators (included in MOTIFS), related to nutrient use, energy use, water use and water quality. The procedure considers two steps. The first step is an accuracy evaluation, which consists of a design validation related to the scientific quality of MOTIFS and its selected indicators, and an output validation that is an evaluation of the information supplied by their output. For both validation types, we applied a transdisciplinary approach of stakeholder participation. The second step is a credibility evaluation, which relates to the degree of confidence potential end-users have in MOTIFS and hence their willingness to effectively use it in practice. This involves an end-use validation, for which we designed a test to evaluate (i) the end-use value of the selected indicators as decision aid tools, (ii) the end-use value of MOTIFS as a decision aid tool and communication tool and (iii) the willingness of potential end-users to use MOTIFS in practice. We considered two potential end-user groups: Flemish dairy farmers and ‘sustainability consultants’ (e.g. agricultural advisors assigned by farmer's organisations). Based on the validation results, we made suggestions to improve the tool and its effective application in practice. We concluded that MOTIFS is a potentially effective sustainability monitoring and management tool, since it has major assets that should be incorporated in any indicator-based system: positioning, informing, learning and communicating.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the effects of agronomic practices on parasite life cycles, and the design of integrated crop protection strategies. Cropping systems have a large effect on the size of the primary inoculum and its localisation, on the development and spread of epidemics, and on the coordination of the life cycle of cultivated plants and that of their parasites. They can disrupt ecological equilibria, either favouring or disfavouring the pathogens. By combining information concerning the effects of agricultural techniques on diseases and the physiological effects of diseases on growth and crop production, it is now possible to develop new crop management systems, in which the use of non-chemical methods for preventing diseases is a priority. However, the current knowledge need to be completed by studies on other scales, particularly of the effect of cropping systems on the genetics of disease populations integrating more completely the 'long-term' dimension of sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

With established ampelographic techniques for grapevine identification it is often difficult to achieve a satisfactory, objective result. We have developed a DNA typing system using sequence-tagged microsatellite site markers as a means of differentiating cultivars of grapevine. A semi-automated analysis procedure was linked to an electronic database and found to be an objective and reliable system for cultivar identification using this simple marker type. The accumulated DNA typing data from over eighty cultivars demonstrated that cultivars that are difficult to differentiate phenotypically using ampelographic techniques can be distinguished by DNA typing. Parentage analysis uncovered errors in parent assignment of cultivar identification in specific cases. The electronic database has a conservative format to take into account the occurrence of null alleles and the possibility of missed alleles. Computer-assisted comparisons of cultivars in the database can be performed and various approaches for estimating the match probability that two unrelated cultivars have the same genotype simply due to chance are discused. We suggest that further development of the database through international co-operation using standardised sequence-tagged site markers offers the possibility of achieving a universal grapevine identification system.  相似文献   

The assemblage of carabid species trapped over a 3 yr period in eight separate but contiguous fields was analysed by Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), Seven of the fields were subject to arable crop rotations involving a mixture of autumn and early spring‐sown cereals (wheat or barley), late spring‐sown crops (potatoes, sugar and fodder beet and maize) and short‐term uncultivated grass leys, The eighth field was an established ‘permanent’ grass pasture of at least 50 yrs standing, Pooled samples collected in the first half of the growing season (April‐June) showed clear evidence of soil cultivation effects on community structure, Systematic exclusion of samples and re‐analysis distinguished the fauna of firstly, old pasture samples, samples from ley pastures of increasing age and finally samples from fields with different times of soil cultivation, In the latter analysis, the main effects of soil cultivation were related to differences in ground cover over the winter and a direct effect of spring soil cultivation on autumn breeding populations, The ordination of pooled catches for the second half of the growing season (July‐September) could not be related to known year, field or crop cultivation variables, The underlying species ordination suggested that later in the summer the effect of crop cover on soil microclimate may mask cultivation effects by influencing the post‐emergence dispersal of autumn‐breeding populations and the reproductive success of spring‐breeders, The combination of earlier soil cultivation effects, and probably microclimatic influences later in the season, resulted in the strong distinction of whole season carabid catches from individual fields, It is concluded that the uniqueness of individual field histories may provide a mechanism to promote the co‐existence of ecologically similar species within the farmed landscape and enhance the abundance and bio‐diversity of species in the face of routine soil cultivation.  相似文献   

Kong  Angela Y. Y.  Six  Johan 《Plant and Soil》2012,356(1-2):315-330
Plant and Soil - Root-derived carbon (C) is preferentially retained in soil compared to aboveground C inputs. Microbial communities in the rhizosphere are crucial to nutrient and organic matter...  相似文献   

Farmery  A. K.  Alexander  K.  Anderson  K.  Blanchard  J. L.  Carter  C. G.  Evans  K.  Fischer  M.  Fleming  A.  Frusher  S.  Fulton  E. A.  Haas  B.  MacLeod  C. K.  Murray  L.  Nash  K. L.  Pecl  G. T.  Rousseau  Y.  Trebilco  R.  van Putten  I. E.  Mauli  S.  Dutra  L.  Greeno  D.  Kaltavara  J.  Watson  R.  Nowak  B. 《Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries》2022,32(1):101-121
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries - Food from the sea can make a larger contribution to healthy and sustainable diets, and to addressing hunger and malnutrition, through improvements in...  相似文献   

Increasing agricultural intensification has put farmland bird populations under great stress. Although organically managed farms tend to have higher densities of farmland birds than conventionally managed holdings, differences in crop management may also lead to differences in breeding success. With the use of agrochemicals prohibited on organic farms, weeds are controlled using mechanical methods that may pose a threat to ground-nesting birds. This study compares the territory densities and nesting success of the Lapwing Vanellus vanellus on organic and conventional arable farms in the Netherlands. Territory densities were generally higher on organic farms, although in one year nesting success was lower on organic than on conventional farms. This was caused by higher nest loss resulting from farming activities on organic farms. There were no differences in predation rates. The results of this study show that breeding Lapwings may face potential threats on organic farms. To sustain or enhance Lapwing populations on these farms, additional conservation measures should be implemented.  相似文献   

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