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Species-specific differences in dynamics of agonistic interactions may influence the outcome of interspecific competition and potentially contribute to competitive advantage of one species over another. In this study, we compared the dynamics of agonistic interactions of one of the most successful crayfish invaders of European freshwater ecosystems, the signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) and the widespread native European species currently undergoing range expansion in Croatia and Europe, the narrow-clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus). Comparisons between P. leniusculus pairs and the A. leptodactylus pairs demonstrated significant differences in frequency and duration of agonistic encounters: P. leniusculus dyads engaged in fewer fights, but their duration was significantly longer. In staged interactions between size-matched interspecific pairs, agonistic behaviour of P. leniusculus individuals translated into dominance over their A. leptodactylus counterparts. This indicates that the success of P. leniusculus in agonistic encounters with the native competitor might stem from its readiness to continue fighting for a longer time period, and could lead to ecological advantages during niche competition even when facing a successful native crayfish species.  相似文献   

Recent increases in biological invasions frequency may have important consequences on native communities. However, functional redundancy between invasive and native species could reduce non-native species effects on native ecosystems. Despite this, even small differences in functional traits between these species may still have unpredictable effects on colonized ecosystems. Invasive crayfish, as ecosystem engineers, potentially have wide and complex effects on recipient ecosystems, even when replacing a native counterpart. We used laboratory microcosms to test whether native (Astacus astacus) and invasive crayfish species (Orconectes limosus, Pacifastacus leniusculus and Procambarus clarkii) are actually functionally redundant in their effects on prey/shredder density and leaf litter breakdown. Results show that crayfish strongly influenced macroinvertebrate numbers and leaf litter breakdown and indicate that differences in direct (prey and leaf litter consumption) and indirect (prey habitat use and leaf litter breakdown) effects between crayfish species do exist. While the replacement of A. astacus by O. limosus may have induced only minor changes in freshwater ecosystems, invasions by the larger and more aggressive P. clarkii and P. leniusculus will likely have strong effects on invaded ecosystem. Overall, there seems to be no functional redundancy between these four species and outcomes of crayfish invasion will likely be species specific.  相似文献   

Consistent inter-individual differences in daily activity rhythms (i.e., chronotypes) can have ecological consequences in determining access to food resources and avoidance of predators. The most common measure to characterize chronotypes in animals as well as humans is the onset of activity (i.e., early or late chronotypes). However, daily activity rhythms may also differ in the relative amount of activity displayed at particular time periods. Moreover, chronotypes may also be linked to other consistent inter-individual differences in behavior (i.e., personality), such as the propensity to take risks. Here, we used the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus to test the presence of chronotypes and risk-taking personality traits and a potential behavioral syndrome between these traits. We first exposed crayfish to 5 days of light–darkness to measure daily activity rhythms and then we applied a visual predator-simulating stimulus in 2 different contexts (neutral and food). Our results showed consistent (i.e., across 5 days) inter-individual differences in the relative nocturnal activity displayed in the early and middle, but not in the late part of darkness hours. Moreover, while crayfish displayed inter-individual differences in risk-taking behavior, these were not found to be consistent across 2 contexts. Therefore, we were not able to formally test a behavioral syndrome between these 2 traits. In conclusion, our study provides the first evidence of chronotypes in the relative amount of activity displayed at particular time periods. This could be a valuable information for applied ecological aspects related to the signal crayfish, which is a major invasive species of freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

North American signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) are invasive in Europe and pose a serious threat to indigenous European crayfish such as the noble crayfish (Astacus astacus). This is mainly because signal crayfish is the carrier of crayfish plague agent, Aphanomyces astaci, which freshwater crayfish from all other continents are highly susceptible to. Until recently, the distribution of signal crayfish in Danish streams has been considered local and restricted to a small geographical area. Here we present data demonstrating that signal crayfish are now widespread in Denmark, including the largest Danish river, River Gudenå. For one of the rivers where co-existing signal crayfish and indigenous noble crayfish were documented, sensitive molecular tests could not detect the crayfish plague agent Aphanomyces astaci in either species. Hence, it seems that not all signal crayfish are chronic carriers of the disease. For the remaining freshwater systems with the introduced signal crayfish, the infection status is presently unknown. Large areas of the freshwater systems in Denmark also remain unexplored with respect to presence/absence of signal crayfish and noble crayfish. Nevertheless, our preliminary data that covers about 14% of the Danish rivers, strongly suggests that signal crayfish should be considered as a common invader that poses an increased threat to the biota in Danish streams, in particular for the indigenous noble crayfish.  相似文献   

The invasive alien crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus is considered harmful to freshwater pearl mussels Margaritifera laevis and M. togakushiensis. It also often colonises mussel habitats in Japan. In order to test the negative effects of alien crayfish on mussels, we evaluated the predation impact of signal crayfish on freshwater pearl mussels in vitro. We tested the relationship between the survival/injury rates of mussels and crayfish predation with respect to different sizes of mussels (four classes based on shell length: 10, 30, 50 and 70 mm). Crayfish selectively fed on the flesh of the 10-mm size class mussels after breaking their shells. The shell margins of mussels in all size classes were injured by crayfish. Results also showed that crayfish particularly injured the 50-mm size class of mussels. This observation could be attributed to this mussel size being the most suitable shell size (29.56–37.73 mm in carapace length) that the crayfish can effectively hold. This study shows that the presence of invasive crayfish reduces freshwater pearl mussel populations by damaging the shell margins and/or killing the mussels. This negative impact of invasive crayfish not only decreases the mussel population but could also limit mussel recruitment, growth and reproduction.  相似文献   

Despite their wide distribution and ecological importance, almost no information is available about the role of freshwater crayfish as basibiont for epizoic algae. Moreover, studies on epizoic freshwater diatoms have been largely neglected. In this study, we examined the occurrence of diatoms on two sympatric species, the native white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes and the non-indigenous signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus, coexisting in the same stream in NW Italy. We detected that signal crayfish showed a far more productive epizoic algal community than white-clawed crayfish. Microscopical analysis confirmed that non-indigenous crayfish hosted rich and diversified diatom communities while virtually no diatom was found on the native. After analyzing different hypotheses, we suggested that this significant difference can be the result of diverse crayfish behavioral habits. Because of the lack of studies investigating epibiontic diatoms on freshwater crayfish, we performed a detailed characterization on the epizoic flora, including comparisons with natural epilithic communities. The exponential diffusion of non-indigenous freshwater crayfish is a subject of greatest interest. Increasing our knowledge on their role as basibionts is definitely necessary to better understand their ecological role, also considering their influence on primary producer community and their role as vectors of algal species of concern, such as Didymosphenia geminata.  相似文献   

Red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) and signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) are two invasive freshwater species with a worldwide distribution. The objective of this work was to investigate how the two species move and use space in an area of recent coexistence. Simultaneously, we test the use of new tools and indices to describe their movement patterns. To accomplish this we performed a radio-tracking program within a river-type habitat during two different periods (September/October 2010 and June/July 2013). We used spatial analysis tools to map crayfish radio-location data with and without accounting for the curvature of the river. To assess the consistency of the direction of movement and of the distances traveled by crayfish, two indices were developed. To assess the habitat preferences of each species we applied Ivlev's Electivity Index and the Standardized Forage Ratio. Movement of P. clarkii and P. leniusculus differed. The average detected movement was 8.8 m day−1 for P. clarkii and 17.5 m day−1 for P. leniusculus. However, crayfish behavior ranged from almost complete immobility – sometimes during several days – to large movements, in half a day, up to a maximum of 255 m for P. clarkii and 461 m for P. leniusculus. The proportion of upstream or downstream movements was independent of the species and both species displayed no preference for either direction. The indices of consistency of movement showed a large interindividual variation. Species and period (2010 or 2013) affected the mean daily distance traveled, maximum observed distance from location of release and percentage of observations under vegetation cover. The Ivlev's Electivity Index and the Standardized Forage Ratio presented similar results. P. clarkii showed a preference for pool areas with riparian vegetation cover while P. leniusculus preferred riffle and pool areas with riparian vegetation cover. Our work provided new and valuable data for modeling the active dispersal of these two problematic invaders in a context of coexistence.  相似文献   

Signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) are an invasive species of global significance because of their detrimental impacts on freshwater environments and native organisms. The movement of signal crayfish was continuously monitored for 150-days through a 20-m reach of an alluvial stream in the UK. Passive integrated transponder-tags were attached to crayfish, allowing their location to be monitored relative to 16 antennae which were buried beneath the river bed. The activity of crayfish was related to water depth and temperature, which were continuously monitored within the instrumented reach. Crayfish were highly nocturnal, with less than 6% of movements recorded during daylight hours. Activity declined from September and was minimal in November when water temperature was low and flow depth was high. However, relations between environmental parameters and crayfish activity had poor explanatory power which may partly reflect biological processes not accounted for in this study. Water depth and temperature had a limiting relationship with crayfish activity, quantified using quantile regression. The results extend existing data on signal crayfish nocturnalism and demonstrate that, although signal crayfish can tolerate a range of flows, activity becomes limited as water temperature declines seasonally and when water depth remains high in autumn and winter months.  相似文献   

Suspended sediment (SS) loadings in freshwater habitats have increased over the past century and SS is now a significant environmental stressor. Greater tolerance to environmental stressors has been proposed as a factor in the success of aquatic invasive species. Further, parasites may interact with environmental stressors to increase host susceptibility to loss of fitness and mortality. We compared the effects of SS exposure on the gill structure and aerobic scope of the endangered white-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes), and the invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus), and assessed impacts in relation to parasite burden. SS caused gill fouling and reduction in aerobic scope in both species, though A. pallipes was more susceptible than invasive P. leniusculus. The parasite Branchiobdella astaci, a crayfish worm that infests the gills, interacted with the sediment to affect gill structure whereas infection with the microsporidian parasite Thelohania contejeani had no effect on crayfish response to SS. Juvenile P. lenisuculus had a higher standard metabolic rate than A. pallipes, which may be linked to competitive advantages such as higher growth rate and behavioural dominance. Conservation of A. pallipes often involves relocation of threatened populations to isolated stillwaters; our findings suggest that SS levels should be assessed before relocation.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are a key threat to freshwater biodiversity, and identifying determinants of invasion success is a global conservation priority. The establishment of introduced species is predicted to be hindered by pre-existing, functionally similar invasive species. Over a five-year period we, however, find that in the River Lee (UK), recently introduced non-native virile crayfish (Orconectes virilis) increased in range and abundance, despite the presence of established alien signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus). In regions of sympatry, virile crayfish had a detrimental effect on signal crayfish abundance but not vice versa. Competition experiments revealed that virile crayfish were more aggressive than signal crayfish and outcompeted them for shelter. Together, these results provide early evidence for the potential over-invasion of signal crayfish by competitively dominant virile crayfish. Based on our results and the limited distribution of virile crayfish in Europe, we recommend that efforts to contain them within the Lee catchment be implemented immediately.  相似文献   

Invasive species are a major cause of species extinction in freshwater ecosystems, and crayfish species are particularly pervasive. The invasive American signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus has impacts over a range of trophic levels, but particularly on benthic aquatic macroinvertebrates. Our study examined the effect on the macroinvertebrate community of removal trapping of signal crayfish from UK rivers. Crayfish were intensively trapped and removed from two tributaries of the River Thames to test the hypothesis that lowering signal crayfish densities would result in increases in macroinvertebrate numbers and taxon richness. We removed 6181 crayfish over four sessions, resulting in crayfish densities that decreased toward the center of the removal sections. Conversely in control sections (where crayfish were trapped and returned), crayfish density increased toward the center of the section. Macroinvertebrate numbers and taxon richness were inversely correlated with crayfish densities. Multivariate analysis of the abundance of each taxon yielded similar results and indicated that crayfish removals had positive impacts on macroinvertebrate numbers and taxon richness but did not alter the composition of the wider macroinvertebrate community. Synthesis and applications: Our results demonstrate that non‐eradication‐oriented crayfish removal programmes may lead to increases in the total number of macroinvertebrates living in the benthos. This represents the first evidence that removing signal crayfish from riparian systems, at intensities feasible during control attempts or commercial crayfishing, may be beneficial for a range of sympatric aquatic macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   

Impacts of invasive species may manifest most strongly if these organisms are highly distinct functionally from the native species they often replace. Yet, should we expect functional differences between native and invasive species of generalist organisms like freshwater crayfish? Some existing evidence has pointed to native and invasive crayfish species as ecologically equivalent. We contribute to this literature by comparing the trophic niches of the globally invasive crayfishes Pacifastacus leniusculus and Procambarus clarkii, by applying carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses to replicated allopatric (alone) and sympatric (together) lake populations in western Washington State, USA, where P. clarkii has been recently introduced and P. leniusculus is presumed native. Our study corrected for potential inherent differences in lake food webs as a consequence of lake abiotic or biotic characteristics using random effects in linear mixed effects models. We found that although overall trophic niche size or area of these species was not significantly different, P. leniusculus was significantly higher in trophic position than P. clarkii when also accounting for the effects of body size, sex, and lakes as random effects. This pattern of increased trophic position of P. leniusculus over P. clarkii was conserved over time in one sympatric lake for which we had data over multiple years. Cumulatively, our findings point to trophic differences between the globally cosmopolitan crayfishes P. leniusculus and P. clarkii, particularly when accounting for the ways that ecosystem context can affect food web structure of communities and the trophic resources available to these consumers.  相似文献   

This study presents a revised method for the extraction of mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) from crayfish species of aquacultural interest, Pacifastacus leniusculus. The mean size of the mitochondrial genome is approximately 18 000 bp. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis performed on the mtDNA has revealed extensive genetic variability within this species. The estimated percentage of nucleotide sequence divergence among the four haplotypes found for P. leniusculus ranges from 1.16 to 3.99%. These data suggest that RFLP analysis of mtDNA may provide greater resolution than protein electrophoresis for population identification among signal crayfish populations. This marker offers new avenues for aquaculture and for understanding the genetic structure and evolutionary history of crayfish populations.  相似文献   

1. The American signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus, an invasive species widely introduced throughout Europe, is a major threat to native European crayfish species and is causing increasing concern because of its wide impact on aquatic ecosystems. 2. Whilst various control and management methods have been proposed, very little is known about the factors influencing dispersal and movements of signal crayfish. 3. Sixty‐four adult signal crayfish (carapace length 31.9–63.8 mm) were radiotagged in upland rivers in northern England, during four periods. Tracking was carried out at two sites, a low‐density establishing population and a high‐density established population. Tracking was carried out at both sites concurrently during midsummer (June to August 2002), during late summer (August to September 2001) at the low‐density population site and during autumn to winter (October to February 2000/01) at the high‐density population site. 4. Maximum movement occurred during midsummer. Temperature appeared to be a major factor influencing the timing and extent of movements between tracking periods. 5. The frequency distribution of the maximum distance moved upstream and downstream by radiotagged crayfish showed an inverse power relationship. The median maximal upstream and downstream distances moved were 13.5 m (range 0–283 m) and 15 m (range 0–417 m), respectively. There was a significant difference between the distributions of upstream and downstream ranges, with greater distances moved downstream. 6. All downstream movements made by crayfish appeared to be active movements and not the result of passive movement during periods of high discharge. There was no apparent influence of size, sex or density on the amount of movement recorded. 7. The study provides important information on the spatial and temporal behaviour of introduced crayfish in upland lotic systems. In contrast to lowland rivers, our results suggest that flow or gradient may influence the invasive potential of signal crayfish in an upstream direction in upland rivers.  相似文献   

This study gives an overview of status and distribution of signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus), the first NICS in Estonia and its influence on native noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) populations. The first specimen of signal crayfish was caught during the monitoring of noble crayfish in North Estonia in 2008. The signal crayfish has since been found in three additional sites. Test fishing has indicated that the abundance of signal crayfish has been fluctuating between years and among localities. It has had strong negative impact on abundance of one noble crayfish population. The disconnected distribution of signal crayfish strongly suggests that these populations are the result of human-assisted introductions. Real-time PCR analyses proved that signal crayfish carry the causative agent of the crayfish plague, an oomycete Aphanomyces astaci, thus contributing to its spread. Mortalities in noble crayfish populations had been caused by A. astaci strains from A, B and E genotype group.  相似文献   

Rates of biodiversity loss are higher in freshwater ecosystems than in most terrestrial or marine ecosystems, making freshwater conservation a priority. However, prioritization methods are impeded by insufficient knowledge on the distribution and conservation status of freshwater taxa, particularly invertebrates. We evaluated the extinction risk of the world''s 590 freshwater crayfish species using the IUCN Categories and Criteria and found 32% of all species are threatened with extinction. The level of extinction risk differed between families, with proportionally more threatened species in the Parastacidae and Astacidae than in the Cambaridae. Four described species were Extinct and 21% were assessed as Data Deficient. There was geographical variation in the dominant threats affecting the main centres of crayfish diversity. The majority of threatened US and Mexican species face threats associated with urban development, pollution, damming and water management. Conversely, the majority of Australian threatened species are affected by climate change, harvesting, agriculture and invasive species. Only a small proportion of crayfish are found within the boundaries of protected areas, suggesting that alternative means of long-term protection will be required. Our study highlights many of the significant challenges yet to come for freshwater biodiversity unless conservation planning shifts from a reactive to proactive approach.  相似文献   

Human mediated introductions of non-indigenous crayfish species (NICS) are responsible for their rapid colonisation of European freshwaters. The introduction of North American crayfish is furthermore linked to the spread of crayfish plague and the decline of indigenous crayfish species (ICS). As the management of ICS and NICS have become necessary, a detailed knowledge on their distribution and ecological requirements is needed. We studied the current range of native noble crayfish Astacus astacus and stone crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium, as well as alien signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus in Carinthia (Austria) and evaluated environmental and physical habitat features in streams with and without crayfish. Meanwhile, the loss of many ICS populations was recorded and alien P. leniusculus was found to be widespread in this region. Most of the habitat features of streams having crayfish differed significantly from sites lacking crayfish for at least one investigated native or alien species. Furthermore, multivariate and regression analyses showed specific differences in the habitat use of the investigated crayfish. Our results showed that the presence of alien P. leniusculus was associated with larger and smoother sloped lowland rivers, while the occurrence of the two native species was confined to smaller streams either at higher altitudes and with distinct physical habitat conditions (A. torrentium) or with moderate water temperatures (A. astacus). This study helps to identify potential refuge areas for the endangered native species and to predict the further spread of the most common non-native crayfish species in European streams.  相似文献   

Female crayfish stores male gametes after mating until the beginning of egg laying and fertilization. The aim of the present study was to investigate the duration of post-mating spermatophore storage as well as the timing and temperature of spawning in two crayfish species of economic importance, namely the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus and the noble crayfish Astacus astacus. Results showed that the average duration of the post-mating spermatophore storage is significantly (P<0.05) longer in the noble crayfish (34.6±1.7 days, range: 19 to 60 days) than the signal crayfish (3.9±0.5 days, range: 1 to 18 days). The highest percentages of the post-mating spermatophore storage duration in the signal crayfish (46.5%) and the noble crayfish (44.5%) were 1 and 31 to 40 days, respectively. While there is an overlap in the timings of mating and egg laying in the signal crayfish, these two reproductive processes were not observed at the same days in the noble crayfish and there was at least 2 weeks interval between last mating and first egg laying individuals. Average mating and egg laying temperatures were significantly (P<0.05) higher in the signal crayfish than the noble crayfish. The average temperatures for mating in both species were significantly (P<0.05) higher than the temperatures that they utilized for egg laying. In conclusion, female noble crayfish stores post-mating spermatophores a longer duration compared with the signal crayfish. Also, the signal crayfish mates and lays egg in temperatures that are higher than the noble crayfish. Spawning season is shorter in the signal crayfish compared with the noble crayfish. The results of present study provide information contributing to the crayfish broodstock management in aquaculture.  相似文献   

Aphanomyces astaci, the crayfish plague pathogen, first appeared in Europe in the mid-19th century and is still responsible for mass mortalities of native European crayfish. The spread of this parasite across the continent is especially facilitated by invasive North American crayfish species that serve as its reservoir. In France, multiple cases of native crayfish mortalities have been suggested to be connected with the presence of the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus, which is highly abundant in the country. It shares similar habitats as the native white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes and, when infected, the signal crayfish might therefore easily transmit the pathogen to the native species. We investigated the prevalence of A. astaci in French signal crayfish populations to evaluate the danger they represent to local populations of native crayfish. Over 500 individuals of Pacifastacus leniusculus from 45 French populations were analysed, plus several additional individuals of other non-indigenous crayfish species Orconectes limosus, O. immunis and Procambarus clarkii. Altogether, 20% of analysed signal crayfish tested positive for Aphanomyces astaci, and the pathogen was detected in more than half of the studied populations. Local prevalence varied significantly, ranging from 0% up to 80%, but wide confidence intervals suggest that the number of populations infected by A. astaci may be even higher than our results show. Analysis of several individuals of other introduced species revealed infections among two of these, O. immunis and P. clarkii. Our results confirm that the widespread signal crayfish serves as a key reservoir of Aphanomyces astaci in France and therefore represents a serious danger to native crayfish species, especially the white-clawed crayfish. The prevalence in other non-indigenous crayfish should also be investigated as they likely contribute to pathogen transmission in the country.  相似文献   

Omnivores can impact ecosystems via opposing direct or indirect effects. For example, omnivores that feed on herbivores and plants could either increase plant biomass due to the removal of herbivores or decrease plant biomass due to direct consumption. Thus, empirical quantification of the relative importance of direct and indirect impacts of omnivores is needed, especially the impacts of invasive omnivores. Here we investigated how an invasive omnivore (signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus) impacts stream ecosystems. First, we performed a large-scale experiment to examine the short-term (three month) direct and indirect impacts of crayfish on a stream food web. Second, we performed a comparative study of un-invaded areas and areas invaded 90 years ago to examine whether patterns from the experiment scaled up to longer time frames. In the experiment, crayfish increased leaf litter breakdown rate, decreased the abundance and biomass of other benthic invertebrates, and increased algal production. Thus, crayfish controlled detritus via direct consumption and likely drove a trophic cascade through predation on grazers. Consistent with the experiment, the comparative study also found that benthic invertebrate biomass decreased with crayfish. However, contrary to the experiment, crayfish presence was not significantly associated with higher leaf litter breakdown in the comparative study. We posit that during invasion, generalist crayfish replace the more specialized native detritivores (caddisflies), thereby leading to little long-term change in net detrital breakdown. A feeding experiment revealed that these native detritivores and the crayfish were both effective consumers of detritus. Thus, the impacts of omnivores represent a temporally-shifting interplay between direct and indirect effects that can control basal resources.  相似文献   

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