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Policy evolution in China has made great achievements in economic development, while its impact on water has also been significant. This study provides detailed insight into how diverse policy evolution affected the water footprint (WF) in China from 1997 to 2007 through input–output analysis and structural decomposition analysis. Input–output analysis was used to measure China's WF. The results indicate that the total WF in China decreased from 495.5 billion m3 in 1997 to 447.6 billion m3 in 2007. Structural decomposition analysis was applied to quantify the determinants of the changes in WF. The driving factors of the WF changes were decomposed into technology, sectoral connection, economic structure, gross economic scale and population. The results show that the sector with the most space to save water changed from agriculture to tertiary industry during the periods under study. Technology and economic structure effects always offset the WF increase, whereas gross economic scale effect always hindered water conservation. In 2002–2005, the sectoral connection effect abruptly changed from negative to positive, with the proportion of the total contribution rising to 60%. This phenomenon can be linked to market expansion, which led to a decrease in water utilization when China joined the WTO in 2001. To promote water conservation in China, macro-control policies should be formulated in coordination with self-readjustment policies. 相似文献
Heather E. Wright Qiong Zhang James R. Mihelcic 《The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment》2008,13(5):412-420
Goal, Scope, and Background The paper describes the integration of the economic input–output life cycle assessment (EIO-LCA) model and the environmental
fate and transport model (CHEMGL) with a risk assessment tool. Utilizing the EIO-LCA, instead of a traditional LCA, enables
a rapid, screening-level analysis of an emerging chemical of concern, decabromodiphenyl ether (DecaBDE). The risk assessment
in this study is evaluated based on the mass of chemical released, estimated concentrations, exposure, and chemical toxicity.
Methods The relative risk from ten economic sectors identified within the EIO-LCA model, 55 chemicals utilized in those sectors and
DecaBDE along with four potential DecaBDE breakdown products, were evaluated for the life cycle stages and exposure pathways.
The relative risk (expressed as toluene equivalents) of the different chemicals, sectors, and life cycle stages were compared
to assess those representing the greatest overall relative risks to humans (via inhalation and ingestion) and fish.
Results The greatest overall risk to human health resulted from the manufacturing and production stages. For fish, the manufacturing
stage represented virtually all of the risk. Of the 56 chemicals evaluated, DecaBDE represented the majority of the total
risk to humans. However, DecaBDE posed the least risk compared to its potential breakdown products.
Discussion The risk to humans from ingestion, which represented the greatest risk, from the production, manufacturing, and consumption
stages can be controlled and reduced through various safety precautions in the workplace. Additionally, the increasing concentration
of DecaBDE in anaerobic compartments represents a threat to humans and fish via the higher risk DecaBDE breakdown products.
Conclusions Overall, the manufacturing and production life cycle stages pose the greatest risk to humans and fish. The sediment compartment
received the highest DecaBDE concentration for the production, manufacturing, and consumption stages. This case study demonstrates
that the integrated EIO-LCA with risk assessment is suitable for screening-level analysis of emerging chemicals due to rapid
life cycle inventory analysis.
Recommendations The production and manufacturing stages allow for greater industry control and government regulation, compared to the consumption
stage, because there are fewer point sources. This integrated life cycle methodology may allow chemical designers to evaluate
each stage and assess areas where risks can be minimized. 相似文献
Nuri Cihat Onat Murat Kucukvar Omer Tatari 《The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment》2014,19(8):1488-1505
With the increasing concerns related to integration of social and economic dimensions of the sustainability into life cycle assessment (LCA), traditional LCA approach has been transformed into a new concept, which is called as life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA). This study aims to contribute the existing LCSA framework by integrating several social and economic indicators to demonstrate the usefulness of input–output modeling on quantifying sustainability impacts. Additionally, inclusion of all indirect supply chain-related impacts provides an economy-wide analysis and a macro-level LCSA. Current research also aims to identify and outline economic, social, and environmental impacts, termed as triple bottom line (TBL), of the US residential and commercial buildings encompassing building construction, operation, and disposal phases.Methods
To achieve this goal, TBL economic input–output based hybrid LCA model is utilized for assessing building sustainability of the US residential and commercial buildings. Residential buildings include single and multi-family structures, while medical buildings, hospitals, special care buildings, office buildings, including financial buildings, multi-merchandise shopping, beverage and food establishments, warehouses, and other commercial structures are classified as commercial buildings according to the US Department of Commerce. In this analysis, 16 macro-level sustainability assessment indicators were chosen and divided into three main categories, namely environmental, social, and economic indicators.Results and discussion
Analysis results revealed that construction phase, electricity use, and commuting played a crucial role in much of the sustainability impact categories. The electricity use was the most dominant component of the environmental impacts with more than 50 % of greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption through all life cycle stages of the US buildings. In addition, construction phase has the largest share in income category with 60 % of the total income generated through residential building’s life cycle. Residential buildings have higher shares in all of the sustainability impact categories due to their relatively higher economic activity and different supply chain characteristics.Conclusions
This paper is an important attempt toward integrating the TBL perspective into LCSA framework. Policymakers can benefit from such approach and quantify macro-level environmental, economic, and social impacts of their policy implications simultaneously. Another important outcome of this study is that focusing only environmental impacts may misguide decision-makers and compromise social and economic benefits while trying to reduce environmental impacts. Hence, instead of focusing on environmental impacts only, this study filled the gap about analyzing sustainability impacts of buildings from a holistic perspective. 相似文献4.
Understanding the state of forest resource utilization in China and correctly evaluating the role and function of forest resources in national economic development are essential for realizing balanced development of forests, the environment, and the economy. This is especially true given the present situation of increasingly scarce forest resources. Using data from Chinese forest industry statistical yearbooks, forestry development reports, and other documents, this paper examines the current state of forest resource utilization in China from the angle of combining quantities and values based on input–output tables. We show that demand for and input use of forest resources varies greatly across industrial sectors; the paper products and furniture manufacturing industries have the greatest direct consumption coefficient for timber use. When considering direct and indirect demand, it is clear that forest resources restrict different industrial sectors in diverse ways. These results provide an important set of reference values regarding the utilization of forest resources and coordinated industrial development in China. 相似文献
With the most recent statistics available, a concrete emissions inventory is compiled for an input–output analysis to investigate the embodied CO2 emissions induced by fossil fuel combustion of Beijing economy in 2007. Results show that the total direct CO2 emissions amount to 9.45E + 07 t, within which 56.81% are released from coal combustion, 11.50% from coke combustion, 9.03% from kerosene combustion, 8.70% from natural gas and 6.40% from diesel, respectively. The average intensity of secondary industries (3.12 t/1E + 4 Yuan) is 0.65 times larger than that of primary industries (1.89 t/1E + 4 Yuan) and 1.58 times larger than that of tertiary industries (1.21 t/1E + 4 Yuan). The sector of Construction Industry contributes the largest share (21.98%) of CO2 emissions embodied in final demand for Beijing due to its considerable capital investment. Beijing is a net importer of embodied CO2 emissions with total import and export of 3.06E + 08 and 2.00E + 08 t, respectively. Results of this study provide a sound scientific database for effective policy making in Beijing to reduce CO2 emissions. 相似文献
Allelochemical interactions among aquatic macrophytes and between macrophytes and attached microbial assemblages (epiphyton) influence a number of ecological processes. The ecological importance of these interactions, however, is poorly understood; we hypothesize that paucity has resulted, in part, from (1) a narrow focus on exploration for herbicidal plant products from aquatic macrophytes, (2) the difficulties in distinguishing resource competition from allelopathic interference, and (3) a predominance of approaching aquatic allelopathy from a terrestrial perspective. Based upon recent thorough investigations of allelopathy among aquatic vascular plants, chemical compounds that influence competitive interactions among littoral organisms are amphiphilic compounds that tend to remain near the producing organism (e.g., polyphenolic compounds and volatile fatty acids). Production of these compounds may be influenced by relative availability of nutrients (particularly phosphorus and nitrogen), inorganic carbon, and light. Macrophyte strategies of clonal reproduction, in an effort to persist in these highly productive and competitive habitats, have contributed to reduced reliance upon sexual reproduction that is correlated with allelopathic autotoxicity among several dominant wetland plant species. Although few studies document the importance of allelochemical interactions in the wetland and littoral zones of aquatic ecosystems, abundant evidence supports the potential for significant effects on competition and community structure; effects of altered nutrient ratios and availability on plant chemical composition; and resultant effects on trophic interactions, particularly suppression of herbivory, competitive attached algae and cyanobacteria, and heterotrophic utilization of organic matter by bacteria and fungi. 相似文献
Usva Kirsi Sinkko Taija Silvenius Frans Riipi Inkeri Heusala Hannele 《The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment》2020,25(10):1976-1990
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - Coffee is one of the most widely grown cash crops globally, but there are few scientific articles on its carbon footprint and water scarcity... 相似文献
The Adirondack region of New York is characterized by soils and surface waters that are sensitive to inputs of strong acids, receiving among the highest rates of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition in the United States. Atmospheric N deposition to Adirondack ecosystems may contribute to the acidification of soils through losses of exchangeable basic cations and the acidification of surface waters in part due to increased mobility of nitrate (NO3–). This response is particularly evident in watersheds that exhibit nitrogen saturation. To evaluate the contribution of atmospheric N deposition to the N export and the capacity of lake-containing watersheds to remove, store, or release N, annual N input–output budgets were estimated for 52 lake-containing watersheds in the Adirondack region from 1998 to 2000. Wet N deposition was used as the N input and the lake N discharge loss was used as the N output based on modeled hydrology and measured monthly solute concentrations. Annual outputs were also estimated for dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Wet N deposition increased from the northeast to the southwest across the region. Lake N drainage losses, which exhibited a wider range of values than wet N deposition, did not show any distinctive spatial pattern, although there was some evidence of a relationship between wet N deposition and the lake N drainage loss. Wet N deposition was also related to the fraction of N removed or retained within the watersheds (i.e., the fraction of net N hydrologic flux relative to wet N deposition, calculated as [(wet N deposition minus lake N drainage loss)/wet N deposition]). In addition to wet N deposition, watershed attributes also had effects on the exports of NO3–, ammonium (NH4+), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), and DOC, the DOC/DON export ratio, and the N flux removed or retained within the watersheds (i.e., net N hydrologic flux, calculated as [wet N deposition less lake N drainage loss]). Elevation was strongly related with the lake drainage losses of NO3–, NH4+, and DON, net NO3– hydrologic flux (i.e., NO3– deposition less NO3– drainage loss), and the fraction of net NO3– hydrologic flux, but not with the DOC drainage loss. Both DON and DOC drainage losses from the lakes increased with the proportion of watershed area occupied by wetlands, with a stronger relationship for DOC. The effects of wetlands and forest type on NO3– flux were evident for the estimated NO3– fluxes flowing from the watershed drainage area into the lakes, but were masked in the drainage losses flowing out of the lakes. The DOC/DON export ratios from the lake-containing watersheds were in general lower than those from forest floor leachates or streams in New England and were intermediate between the values of autochthonous and allochthonous dissolved organic matter (DOM) reported for various lakes. The DOC/DON ratios for seepage lakes were lower than those for drainage lakes. In-lake processes regulating N exports may include denitrification, planktonic depletion, degradation of DOM, and the contribution of autochthonous DOM and the influences of in-lake processes were also reflected in the relationships with hydraulic retention time. The N fluxes removed or stored within the lakes substantially varied among the lakes. Our analysis demonstrates that for these northern temperate lake-containing watershed ecosystems, many factors, including atmospheric N deposition, landscape features, hydrologic flowpaths, and retention in ponded waters, regulated the spatial patterns of net N hydrologic flux within the lake-containing watersheds and the loss of N solutes through drainage waters. 相似文献
The ecological price of economic growth is a heavily debated issue, where ideologies often neglect factual information. In this paper, through the relationship of the ecological footprint and GDP, we examine the tendencies of eco-efficiency in the first decade of the 21st century. We conclude that the average ecological footprint intensity of countries have improved significantly in the given period. In 2009, 50 percent less area was needed to produce a unit of GDP. Many countries could reach the so-called strong decoupling − these countries could increase GDP while decreasing the ecological footprint in absolute terms. We also repeated the analysis of a scientific article published in 2004. We managed to update data and identify ecologically positive tendencies. In ten years, the average of the world’s ecological footprint intensity has significantly improved, it halved all in all. We found that 90 percent of the countries started to move to the direction of sustainable development. Among the studied 131 countries, 40 experienced strong decoupling (absolute decrease of resource use), in 77 countries weak decoupling occurred (relative decrease of resource use), and there were only 14 countries, where no decoupling could be observed (relative increase of resource use). 相似文献
Jia-Yi Huang Qiang Liu Hao Zhu Shuo-Feng Lin Ke-Xin Yang Hua-Li He Xun-Gang Gu Yong-Hui Shen Ling Qin 《Luminescence》2024,39(5):e4743
A unique luminescent lanthanide metal–organic framework (LnMOF)–based fluorescence detection platform was utilized to achieve sensitive detection of vomitoxin (VT) and oxytetracycline hydrochloride (OTC-HCL) without the use of antibodies or biomolecular modifications. The sensor had a fluorescence quenching constant of 9.74 × 106 M−1 and a low detection limit of 0.68 nM for vomitoxin. Notably, this is the first example of a Tb-MOF sensor for fluorescence detection of vomitoxin. We further investigated its response to two mycotoxins, aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A, and found that their Stern–Volmer fluorescence quenching constants were lower than those of VT. In addition, the fluorescence sensor realized sensitive detection of OTC-HCL with a detection limit of 0.039 μM. In conclusion, the method has great potential as a sensitive and simple technique to detect VT and OTC-HCL in water. 相似文献
The theoretical framework and methodology of a water ecological–economic system (WEES) assessment based on emergy synthesis are proposed in this paper. Through calculating ecological and economic inputs and outputs within and outside the complex system, this paper discusses the system's economic situation, water resources development and system sustainability based on a series of emergy indicators. Besides traditional indices, following the principle of system assessment, four new indices, water emergy ratio (WER), water emergy utilization ratio (WEUR), water emergy self-support ratio (WESR), and water emergy density (WED) are formulated to assess the state of water resources development quantitatively. Taking the Zhengzhou water ecological–economic system as a study area, through the comparison of the systematic indicators of Zhengzhou with those of the selected Chinese cities, the general status of the Zhengzhou water ecological–economic system in China is identified. The results also show that most indicators of Beijing are located at middle levels among the selected Chinese cities. In particular, the sustainability, expressed by the indicators emergy-based sustainability index (ESI) and water resources population carrying capacity (WPC) were 1.34 and 1.94 million, respectively, in Zhengzhou in 2005, which indicates that the Zhengzhou WEES is in heavy pressure of water resources and is located at low levels of sustainability. 相似文献
Martin R. Tillotson Junguo Liu Dabo Guan Pute Wu Xu Zhao Guoping Zhang Stephan Pfister Markus Pahlow 《The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment》2014,19(8):1561-1565
Recognizing the need for a comprehensive review of the tools and metrics for the quantification and assessment of water footprints, and allowing for the opportunity for open discussion on the challenges and future of water footprinting methodology, an international symposium on water footprint was organized. The Water Footprint Symposium was held in December 2013 at the University of Leeds, UK. In particular, four areas were highlighted for discussion: water footprint and agriculture, quantification of water footprint, industrial water footprint, and from theory to practice. Discussion was organized to focus on the “prioritization of water footprint research & applications to practical sectors”. The concept of water footprinting has helped to better communicate water management and assessment among different research and user communities. Significant research progress has been made in the relations between water footprint and agriculture, quantification of water footprint, industrial water footprint, and the transition from theory to practice. Future water footprint research needs to further enhance assessment accuracy, improve sustainability assessment methodology, develop databases, address uncertainties, and prioritize application by government and in practical sectors. More information on the symposium can be found on the water@leeds website: http://www.wateratleeds.org/conferences/2013/water-footprint-symposium. 相似文献
Water shortages and the uneven distribution of water resources restrict China’s sustainable development. The concepts of virtual water and water footprints provide a new approach to alleviate regional shortages of Chinese water resources by the inter-provincial allocation of commercial water resources. In this study, an interregional input-output model was applied to quantitatively estimate the water footprint of each province in China and to quantify the inter-provincial transfer of virtual water. The results indicated that there was considerable diversity in the water footprints of the various provinces. Provinces with larger populations and greater GDP had larger water footprints, and developed regions had higher proportions of external water footprints. From the perspective of final demand, local consumption was the main factor driving the water footprints of these provinces. From the perspective of sectoral structure, the agricultural water footprint had a larger proportion in these provinces. The transfer of virtual water in China did not occur from regions with abundant water resources to those suffering from water shortages, but it generally occurred from west to east, from inland to coastal areas, and from underdeveloped to developed regions. Many water-deficient regions also had large net virtual water exports. Water shortages in China will be alleviated by the enhancement of industrial water-use efficiency in water-deficient regions, the transfer of water-intensive industries to regions with abundant water resources, and the development of tertiary industries with low water consumption. 相似文献
Martin I. Bidartondo Jeffrey G. Duckett 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2010,277(1680):485-492
Liverworts, the most ancient group of land plants, form a range of intimate associations with fungi that may be analogous to the mycorrhizas of vascular plants. Most thalloid liverworts contain arbuscular mycorrhizal glomeromycete fungi similar to most vascular plants. In contrast, a range of leafy liverwort genera and one simple thalloid liverwort family (the Aneuraceae) have switched to basidiomycete fungi. These liverwort switches away from glomeromycete fungi may be expected to parallel switches undergone by vascular plants that target diverse lineages of basidiomycete fungi to form ectomycorrhizas. To test this hypothesis, we used a cultivation-independent approach to examine the basidiomycete fungi associated with liverworts in varied worldwide locations by generating fungal DNA sequence data from over 200 field collections of over 30 species. Here we show that eight leafy liverwort genera predominantly and consistently associate with members of the Sebacina vermifera species complex and that Aneuraceae thalloid liverworts associate nearly exclusively with Tulasnella species. Furthermore, within sites where multiple liverwort species co-occur, they almost never share the same fungi. Our analyses reveal a strikingly conservative ecological and evolutionary pattern of liverwort symbioses with basidiomycete fungi that is unlike that of vascular plant mycorrhizas. 相似文献
Water footprinting has emerged as an important approach to assess water use related effects from consumption of goods and services. Assessment methods are proposed by two different communities, the Water Footprint Network (WFN) and the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) community. The proposed methods are broadly similar and encompass both the computation of water use and its impacts, but differ in communication of a water footprint result. In this paper, we explain the role and goal of LCA and ISO-compatible water footprinting and resolve the six issues raised by Hoekstra (2016) in “A critique on the water-scarcity weighted water footprint in LCA”. By clarifying the concerns, we identify both the overlapping goals in the WFN and LCA water footprint assessments and discrepancies between them. The main differing perspective between the WFN and LCA-based approach seems to relate to the fact that LCA aims to account for environmental impacts, while the WFN aims to account for water productivity of global fresh water as a limited resource. We conclude that there is potential to use synergies in research for the two approaches and highlight the need for proper declaration of the methods applied. 相似文献
On the suitability of input–output analysis for calculating product-specific biodiversity footprints
Recently it has been estimated that one third of biodiversity threats are driven by consumer demand from outside the country in which the threat occurs. This occurs when the production of export goods exerts pressure on vulnerable populations. While population biologists have in cases been able to establish links between species threats and the causative industry(s), little has been done to trace this biodiversity footprint from the directly implicated industry out to final consumers, a step that would open a wider variety of policy responses. Here we investigate the suitability of multi-region input–output (MRIO) analysis for tracing out links between particular species threats, directly implicated industries, and the countries and consumer goods sectors ultimately driving these industries. Environmentally extended MRIO models are understood to provide reliable results at a macroeconomic level but uncertainty increases as the models are used to investigate individual sectors, companies, and products. In this study we examine several case studies (nickel mining in New Caledonia, coltan from the Democratic Republic of Congo, cut flowers from Kenya, and forestry in Papua New Guinea) in order to understand how and when MRIO techniques can be useful for studying biodiversity implicated supply chains. The study was conducted using the Eora global input–output database that documents >5 billion global supply chains. Calculating the biodiversity footprint at this level of detail, between specific threats, supply chains, and consumer goods, has not been done before. These case studies provide interesting insights in their own right and also serve to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of using input–output analysis techniques to calculate detailed biodiversity footprints. We conclude that MRIO analysis, while no panacea, can be useful for outlining supply chains and identifying which consumption sectors and trade and transformation steps can be subjected to closer analysis in order to enable remedial action. 相似文献
《Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience》2016,10(7):1093-1100
Our objective was to genetically characterize post-weaning weight gain (PWG), over a 345-day period after weaning, of Brangus-Ibagé (Nelore×Angus) cattle. Records (n=4016) were from the foundation herd of the Embrapa South Livestock Center. A Bayesian approach was used to assess genotype by environment (G×E) interaction and to identify a suitable model for the estimation of genetic parameters and use in genetic evaluation. A robust and heteroscedastic reaction norm multiple-breed animal model was proposed. The model accounted for heterogeneity of residual variance associated with effects of breed, heterozygosity, sex and contemporary group; and was robust with respect to outliers. Additive genetic effects were modeled for the intercept and slope of a reaction norm to changes in the environmental gradient. Inference was based on Monte Carlo Markov Chain of 110 000 cycles, after 10 000 cycles of burn-in. Bayesian model choice criteria indicated the proposed model was superior to simpler sub-models that did not account for G×E interaction, multiple-breed structure, robustness and heteroscedasticity. We conclude that, for the Brangus-Ibagé population, these factors should be jointly accounted for in genetic evaluation of PWG. Heritability estimates increased proportionally with improvement in the environmental conditions gradient. Therefore, an increased proportion of differences in performance among animals were explained by genetic factors rather than environmental factors as rearing conditions improved. As a consequence response to selection may be increased in favorable environments. 相似文献
Fluoride (F) pollution is a serious environmental problem in some areas of China, but it has yet to be reported in a soil–water–plant system in Shihezi, Xinjiang. This study was undertaken to investigate the distribution and migration rule of F in soil, water, and plants, and to evaluate F pollution of soil. Results showed that the average concentration of total F (T-F) in the topsoil in the northwest, north, and southeast of Shihezi was higher than the national average T-F (478 mg/kg), while it was lower in southwest. The highest T-F contents of the soil profile were detected in the depth of 20 cm. The F content in groundwater in the northwest region was higher than the GB/T 14848–93 (1.0 mg/L), whereas the F contents in other water samples were within the standard. The F contents (1.75?2.81 mg/kg) in plant leaves were higher than the food limits (1.0 mg/kg). The obtained comprehensive pollution index of the soil was 1.86, which means a mild concentration of F in Shihezi. This research has reference value for the study of F pollution and comprehensive control in the northwest oasis with the typical arid and saline conditions. 相似文献