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水稻对褐飞虱抗性相关蛋白的双向电泳分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以药用野生稻 (Oryzaofficinalis)的转育后代B5 (高抗褐飞虱 (NilaparvatalugensSt l) )与感虫品种明恢 6 3(OryzasativaL .)为亲本 ,构建了一个重组自交系群体。通过抗褐飞虱鉴定 ,筛选出极端抗虫株系和极端感虫株系 ,运用分群分析法 (bulkedsegregantanalysis ,BSA)分别建成了极端抗虫集团 (resistantbulk)和极端感虫集团 (susceptiblebulk)的蛋白质池。利用双向电泳技术 ,分别分析了极端抗虫集团和极端感虫集团受虫害与未受虫害的秧苗蛋白质的变化。结果发现 ,虫害 48h后 ,感虫集团的一个分子量为 40kD的蛋白质P40 (pI=6 .3)的表达明显减弱甚至消失 ,而在抗虫集团中 ,P40的表达未受影响。与褐飞虱为害后抗虫株系和感虫株系不同的生理反应相联系 ,推测P40与水稻受褐飞虱虫害后引起的应答反应相关  相似文献   

以药用野生稻(Oryza officinalis)的转育后代B5(高抗褐飞虱(Nilaparvata lugens Stl))与感虫品种明恢63 (Oryza sativa L.)为亲本,构建了一个重组自交系群体.通过抗褐飞虱鉴定,筛选出极端抗虫株系和极端感虫株系,运用分群分析法(bulked segregant analysis,BSA)分别建成了极端抗虫集团(resistant bulk)和极端感虫集团(susceptible bulk)的蛋白质池.利用双向电泳技术,分别分析了极端抗虫集团和极端感虫集团受虫害与未受虫害的秧苗蛋白质的变化.结果发现,虫害48 h后,感虫集团的一个分子量为40 kD的蛋白质P40 (pI=6.3)的表达明显减弱甚至消失,而在抗虫集团中,P40的表达未受影响.与褐飞虱为害后抗虫株系和感虫株系不同的生理反应相联系,推测P40与水稻受褐飞虱虫害后引起的应答反应相关.  相似文献   

为探讨灰飞虱为害对水稻叶片的防御酶及细胞结构的影响,利用透射电镜观察了灰飞虱取食不同时间后叶片细胞超微结构的变化并测定了防御酶的活性。灰飞虱为害后,透射电子显微镜观察显示,随着灰飞虱取食时间延长,感虫水稻‘Kittake’的叶片细胞逐渐出现质壁分离,叶绿体发育异常,结构趋于模糊,72h后叶绿体膜破裂,叶绿体基粒片层完全溶解或断裂;抗虫品种‘Mudgo’叶绿体结构完整,基粒及片层结构完好,抗虫水稻的厚壁组织细胞内聚集了大量电子致密物,细胞内结晶状物质可能为酚类化合物。抗感水稻植株体内的苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)和过氧化物酶(POD)的活性随灰飞虱取食时间延长而显著升高,多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性则表现出先上升后下降的趋势,且‘Mudgo’中的3种防御酶活性明显高于‘Kit—take’的,表明3种酶的活性均受灰飞虱为害诱导升高,但‘Mudgo’中3种酶活性上升的速度和幅度均高于‘Kittake’。  相似文献   

云南野生稻抗褐飞虱评价及其抗性基因鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
褐飞虱是水稻生产中最严重的害虫之一,从野生稻中发掘抗虫基因,有利于培育具有抗虫能力强的水稻新品种。该研究通过对云南野生稻进行温室和大田抗虫鉴定以及9个已知抗褐飞虱基因的PCR鉴定,发现云南野生稻对褐飞虱表现出不同程度的抗性,尤其疣粒野生稻和药用野生稻对褐飞虱表现出高抗,可作为抗虫基因发掘的优良抗源材料;不同褐飞虱抗性的云南野生稻中含有的抗褐飞虱基因差异很大,3种野生稻中均不含Bph1和Bph18(t)抗病基因,景洪普通野生稻和元江普通野生稻可能含bph2基因,东乡普通野生稻可能含bph2、Bph15和Bph27(t)基因,疣粒野生稻中可能含bph2和bph19(t)基因,药用野生稻和药用野生稻(宽叶型)中可能含bph2和Bph6基因,药用野生稻F1中可能含bph2、Bph14和bph20(t)基因,药用野生稻F2中可能含bph2和Bph27(t)基因或者其同源基因。该研究为快速发掘利用云南野生稻中的抗虫基因奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

对水稻品种特青与Lemont杂交组合的F2 单株无性系群体,进行 2年有重复的抗水稻纹枯病QTLs定位,在特青的第 9号染色体和Lemont的第 11号染色体上分别定位到了 1个主效抗纹枯病QTL,各自命名为qSB 9和qSB 11。从该F2 定位群体中,根据位点双侧标记带型,选取 2个位点均为感病等位基因纯合的 2个单株作为双感亲本,均为抗病等位基因纯合的 1个单株作为双抗亲本,分别与轮回亲本特青和Lemont进行回交。标记辅助选择始于BC2F1 及以后的各回交世代,并于BC2F1 和BC4F1 世代进行了病原菌人工接种鉴定。鉴定结果表明,qSB 9和qSB 11确实存在于原定位区间,各等位基因也在回交过程中被成功选择。BC3F2 采用秧田期大群体标记检测,从中选取符合要求的单株,分别混合得到特青背景下的双感纯合系, Lemont背景下的双感、双抗纯合系,将这些纯合系连同轮回亲本同时种植于扬州大学农学院试验田和江苏里下河农科所试验田, 2次重复,随机区组设计,进行接种实验。结果表明: 1 )相同背景下的不同纯合系间在发病程度上存在极显著的差异,不同纯合系的病情严重程度依次为:Lemont双感系>特青双感系>Lemont>特青 >Lemont双抗系; 2 )2个位点上的抗性等位基因qSB 9和qSB 11单独存在时,分别可减轻病级 1 2级左右,同时存在时可减轻病级 2级左右;  相似文献   

水稻穗瘟防卫反应相关基因的分离和鉴定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以遗传背景相近、对叶瘟抗性相同但对穗瘟抗性不同的两个水稻株系为材料,利用抑制消减杂交(SSH)技术构建穗瘟抗/感消减cDNA文库,经差异筛选及序列分析,共获得90个独立的差异表达cDNA克隆,根据与它们刚源的基因功能推测,这些克隆可能参与了对病原菌的防卫反应、信号传导和转录等一些重要的生物学过程。利ⅢRT-PCR分析了26个所筛选到的cDNA克隆在抗/感植株接种后的表达,17个基因的表达差异得到验证。对这螳差异表达基因在抗感株系接种后不同时间点的表达谱也进行了RT-PCR的分析。文章首次报道了什关水稻对穗瘟抗性在mRNA水平进行研究,为深入研究水稻对穗瘟抗性的遗传机理打下了基础。  相似文献   

Blast caused by Magnaporthe oryzae is the most devastating disease causing significant loss in rice production. The destructive nature of the disease is mainly due to the genetic plasticity of M. oryzae which complicates the breeding strategies. Blast can be effectively managed by the deployment of R genes. In this study, broad‐spectrum blast resistance genes Pi2 and Pi5 were introgressed independently into popular but blast susceptible rice variety, Samba Mahsuri (BPT5204) by applying marker‐assisted backcross breeding approach. Tightly linked markers AP5930 for Pi2 and 40N23r for Pi5 gene were used in foreground selection. Background selection helped to identify the lines with maximum recovery of recurrent parent genome (RPG). The RPG recovery in Pi2 introgression lines was up to 90.17 and 91.46% in Pi5 lines. Homozygous introgression lines in BC3F4 generation carrying Pi2 and Pi5 gene were field evaluated for blast resistance, yield per se and yield‐related traits. The lines showed resistance to leaf and neck blast in multilocation field evaluation. Improved BPT5204 lines with improvement for blast resistance were on par with original BPT5204 in terms of grain yield and grain features.  相似文献   

We amplified resistance gene analogues (RGAs) from the genomic DNA of 10 rice lines having varying degree of resistance to Magnaporthe grisea by using degenerate primers and various RGAs were mapped in silico on different rice chromosomes. The amplified products were grouped into 3–8 restriction fragment length polymorphic classes by using Mbo1 and Alu1 restriction enzymes. Of 98 RGAs obtained in this study, 65 RGA clones showed more than 95% homology with various RGAs sequences present in the GenBank. Phylogenetic analysis of these RGAs formed 11 groups. Using sequence homology approach, RGAs isolated in this study were physically mapped on 23 loci on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12. Twenty RGAs were mapped near to the chromosomal regions containing known genes/QTLs for rice blast, bacterial leaf blight and sheath blight resistance. Thirty‐nine RGA sequences also contained open reading frame representing signature of potential disease resistance genes.  相似文献   

Bacterial blight (BB) caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) is a major disease of rice in the tropics for which genetic resistance in the host plants is the only effective solution. This study aimed at identification of resistance gene combinations effective against Xoo isolates and fingerprinting of the Xoo isolates of Andaman Islands (India). Here, we report the reaction of 21 rice BB differentials possessing Xa1 to Xa21 genes individually and in different combinations to various isolates of pathogen collected from Andaman Islands. Pathological screening results of 14 isolates revealed that among individual genes tested across 2 years, Xa4, Xa7 and Xa21 conferred resistance reaction across all isolates, whereas among combinations, IRBB 50 (Xa4 + xa5), IRBB 52 (Xa4 + Xa21) and IRBB 60 (Xa4 + xa5 + xa13 + Xa21) conveyed effective resistance against tested isolates. The nature of genetic diversity among four isolates selected on the basis of geographical isolation in the islands was studied through DNA finger printing. The RAPD primers S111, S119, S1117, S1109, S1103, S109 and S105 were found to be better indicators of molecular diversity among isolates than JEL primers. The diversity analysis grouped 14 isolates into three major clusters based on disease reaction wherein isolate no. 8 was found the most divergent as well as highly virulent. The remaining isolates were classified into two distinct groups. The importance of the study in the context of transfer of resistance gene(s) in the local cultivars specifically for tropical island conditions is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

针对闽西北海拔300-500m的单、双季水稻混栽区稻瘿蚊危害重、单季稻三代稻瘿蚊危害突出的情况,通过研究提出“晚改中”的依据和技术,在正常年份下,把以往5月份播种的单季稻的播种期提早到4月5日前,就可以有效地避开三代稻瘿蚊的危害,而不必提早到3月20日前,与农民农时操作习惯更吻合,农民更易接受采用。  相似文献   

Sheath blight disease caused by the necrotrophic, soil-borne pathogen Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn, is the global threat to rice production. Lack of reliable stable resistance sources in rice germplasm pool for sheath blight has made resistance breeding a very difficult task. In the current study, 101 rice landraces were screened against R. solani under artificial epiphytotics and identified six moderately resistant landraces, Jigguvaratiga, Honasu, Jeer Sali, Jeeraga-2, BiliKagga, and Medini Sannabatta with relative lesion height (RLH) range of 21–30%. Landrace Jigguvaratiga with consistent and better level of resistance (21% RLH) than resistant check Tetep (RLH 28%) was used to develop mapping population. DNA markers associated with ShB resistance were identified in F2 mapping population developed from Jigguvaratiga × BPT5204 (susceptible variety) using bulk segregant analysis. Among 56 parental polymorphic markers, RM5556, RM6208, and RM7 were polymorphic between the bulks. Single marker analysis indicated the significant association of ShB with RM5556 and RM6208 with phenotypic variance (R2) of 28.29 and 20.06%, respectively. Co-segregation analysis confirmed the strong association of RM5556 and RM6208 located on chromosome 8 for ShB trait. This is the first report on association of RM6208 marker for ShB resistance. In silico analysis revealed that RM6208 loci resides the stearoyl ACP desaturases protein, which is involved in defense mechanism against plant pathogens. RM5556 loci resides a protein, with unknown function. The putative candidate genes or quantitative trait locus harbouring at the marker interval of RM5556 and RM6208 can be further used to develop ShB resistant varieties using molecular breeding approaches.  相似文献   

Ankyrin repeat‐containing proteins comprise a large family whose members have been shown to play important roles in various aspects of biological processes in plant growth and development as well as in responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. We previously identified a rice gene, OsBIANK1, encoding an ankyrin repeat‐containing protein and found that expression of OsBIANK1 can be induced by defence signalling molecules and by infection of Magnaporthe oryzae, the causal agent of blast disease. To better understand the possible function of OsBIANK1 in disease resistance, we generated transgenic Arabidopsis plants that constitutively overexpress the OsBIANK1 gene. Results from disease assays revealed that the OsBIANK1‐overexpressing plants display increased resistance against Botrytis cinerea and Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 as compared with the wild‐type plants. In OsBIANK1‐overexpressing plants, expression of some of well‐known defence genes (e.g. PR1, PR2 and PDF1.2) was up‐regulated after infection with B. cinerea or P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000. Furthermore, the OsBIANK1‐overexpressing plants showed decreased levels of reactive oxygen species (i.e. superoxide anion and H2O2) after Botrytis infection. Thus, our present results further support the role of OsBIANK1 in regulation of defence responses against different types of pathogens.  相似文献   

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