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In songbirds, territorial songs are key regulators of sexual selection and are learned from conspecifics. The cultural transmission of songs leads to divergence in song characteristics within populations, which can ultimately lead to speciation. Many songbirds also migrate, and individual differences in migratory behaviours can influence population genetic structure and local song differentiation. Blackcaps, Sylvia atricapilla, exhibit versatile territorial songs and show diversity in migration behaviours. They therefore comprise a good model for investigating the relationships between migratory patterns, song variation, and genetic diversity. We studied a migratory population (two groups near Paris) and a sedentary population (three groups in Corsica). All of the birds were ringed and blood sampled to investigate genetic relatedness using 17 microsatellite loci. A detailed song analysis showed that this species has a complex repertoire (> 100 syllables), which required the development of a semi‐supervised method to classify different categories of syllables and compare sequences of syllables. Our analysis showed no genetic structuring among populations: individuals belonging to the same group were not genetically closer than those from different groups. However, we found a strong wingsize difference between sedentary and migratory populations. We also showed that geographical variations in songs rely at least on both syllable and sequence content. Unexpectedly, despite a higher turnover of individuals, migratory groups share as many syllables and sequences as sedentary groups, which raises interesting issues on song learning and the maintenance of dialects in migratory birds.  相似文献   

In migratory species, the way in which conspecifics from different breeding populations are distributed during the non‐breeding period is important from and ecological, evolutionary and conservation perspective, but such knowledge is still limited for most species. Migratory and sedentary blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla wintering in southern Spain can occupy two habitat types: forests and shrublands. According to earlier studies, blackcaps prefer forests over shrublands, and residents remain nearly restricted to forests. However, whether migrants with different breeding origin occupy the two habitats differently is unknown. We used morphological and biogeochemical data (hydrogen isotope ratios measured on feathers: δ2Hf), which show variation along the breeding range of the species, to answer this question. Isotope analyses supported the reliability of morphology as a method for distinguishing between migratory and sedentary blackcaps in sympatry, showing that sedentary individuals are rare in shrublands while migratory ones are abundant in both habitat types. However, migratory blackcaps scored similar δ2Hf values in forests and shrublands, and neither did vary in structural size or flight morphology between habitats. Our study suggests that migrants from a wide range of breeding origins end up mixing between forests and shrublands, which may explain the patterns of variation in space and time in the abundance of blackcaps in this area, and supports the view that inequalities may arise among migrants with the same origin but wintering in different habitats. Such inequalities might carry over into other stages of blackcaps’ life cycle contributing to the regulation of its migratory populations.  相似文献   

In migratory birds, traits such as orientation and distance are known to have a strong genetic background, and they often exhibit considerable within‐population variation. How this variation relates to evolutionary responses to ongoing selection is unknown because the underlying mechanisms that translate environmental changes into population genetic changes are unclear. We show that within‐population genetic structure in southern German blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) is related to individual differences in migratory behavior. Our 3‐year study revealed a positive correlation between individual migratory origins, denoted via isotope (δ2H) values, and genetic distances. Genetic diversity and admixture differed not only across a recently established migratory polymorphism with NW‐ and SW‐migrating birds but also across δ2H clusters within the same migratory route. Our results suggest assortment based on individual migratory origins which would facilitate evolutionary responses. We scrutinized arrival times and microhabitat choice as potential mechanisms mediating between individual variation in migratory behavior and assortment. We found significant support that microhabitat choice, rather than timing of arrival, is associated with individual variation in migratory origins. Moreover, examining genetic diversity across the migratory divide, we found migrants following the NW route to be genetically more distinct from each other compared with migrants following the traditional SW route. Our study suggests that migratory behavior shapes population genetic structure in blackcaps not only across the migratory divide but also on an individual level independent of the divide. Thus, within‐population variation in migratory behavior might play an important role in translating environmental change into genetic change.  相似文献   

When different populations of the same bird species share non‐breeding habitats, competition for food may promote resource partitioning. We studied food choice by resident and migratory Blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla in sympatric wintering grounds in southern Spain. Resident Blackcaps have a larger bill, which may allow them to feed on a broader range of fruit sizes, and they may know the distribution of food better than do migrants. Based on fruit and bird counts, we transformed both fruit crop and bird abundance to a common energy currency. During two winters with low and high fruit production, available energy from fruit in mid‐January was estimated to be 80 and 1300 times, respectively, the daily requirements of Blackcaps. Furthermore, Blackcap numbers did not track between‐winter changes in fruit abundance during 10 consecutive years of monitoring, further suggesting that fruit food is not limiting. Analysis of food items from 760 samples of 717 individuals showed that migrants and residents fed primarily on fruits of Wild Olive Olea europaea sylvestris, the most energetic fruit resource. There was no evidence that the larger bills of resident Blackcaps provided any foraging benefit. Migratory Blackcaps fed on Wild Olives and invertebrates, two resources with high energetic and structural value, more frequently than did residents. This food choice could be more important for migratory Blackcaps because they have lower body mass to reduce wing load. Our results suggest that the wintering grounds of Blackcaps in Iberia provide abundant food that is used by sympatric migrants and residents without resource partitioning. Slight differences in food choice suggest that migrants might benefit from feeding on more nutritive food than residents to counteract the energetic constraints associated with a smaller body size.  相似文献   

The ability to fly is crucial for migratory insects. Consequently, the accumulation of damage on the wings over time can affect survival, especially for species that travel long distances. We examined the frequency of irreversible wing damage in the migratory butterfly Vanessa cardui to explore the effect of wing structure on wing damage frequency, as well as the mechanisms that might mitigate wing damage. An exceptionally high migration rate driven by high precipitation levels in their larval habitats in the winter of 2018–2019 provided us with an excellent opportunity to collect data on the frequency of naturally occurring wing damage associated with long-distance flights. Digital images of 135 individuals of V. cardui were collected and analyzed in Germany. The results show that the hindwings experienced a greater frequency of damage than the forewings. Moreover, forewings experienced more severe damage on the lateral margin, whereas hindwings experienced more damage on the trailing margin. The frequency of wing margin damage was higher in the painted lady butterfly than in the migrating monarch butterfly and in the butterfly Pontia occidentalis following artificially induced wing collisions. The results of this study could be used in future comparative studies of patterns of wing damage in butterflies and other insects. Additional studies are needed to clarify whether the strategies for coping with wing damage differ between migratory and nonmigratory species.  相似文献   

In the Blackcap (Aves: Sylvia atricapilla), a widespread passerine noctural migrant, a “migratory divide” between SE- and SW-migrating populations exists in Central Europe at about 14° E and south of 52° N. The autumn migratory directions are known to have a genetic basis and are expressed in orientation cages in captivity. Migratory directions of birds in the contact zone between the two populations were studied by analysing ringing data and by testing three groups of hand-raised individuals in orientation cages. Available ringing data are insufficient to establish migratory directions in the contact zone north of the Alps. Hand-raised birds from south-west Germany and the most eastern part of Austria oriented SW and SE, respectively, confirming directions known from ringing recoveries. A sample of birds from the contact zone near Linz (Austria) oriented SW to NW (mean = 268°) and was significantly different from both adjoining populations. This contrasts with results of a cross-breeding experiment with mixed pairs of SW- and SE-migrants bred in captivity: The F1-offspring chose southerly directions, intermediate between both parental populations (Helbig, 1991). It is suggested, therefore, that a distinct subpopulation with a large fraction of birds wintering in the British Isles has established itself in the contact zone. Differences in directional choices between groups of siblings from this area indicate that intrapopulation genetic variability is present. This may have led to a rapid spread of the novel W-NW migratory direction, because north of the Alps strong selection seems to be acting against mixing of SE- with SW-migrating populations.  相似文献   

Variation of wing pointedness index between groups of juveniles captured in different months (July, August, and September) and at different stages of juvenile moult was studied in three Acrocephalus warbler species captured on the Courish Spit on the Baltic Sea. Sedge warblers (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) captured in July had less pointed wings than sedge warblers captured in August or September. Marsh warblers (A. palustris) showed no significant difference between birds in early and in late moult. No differences in wing pointedness were found between different cohorts of reed warblers (A. scirpaceus), including known locally hatched birds and late migrants captured in September. It is hypothesised that reed warbler populations in the northeastern Baltic are too evolutionarily young to have evolved a different wing shape as compared with the local Courish population.Communicated by F. Bairlein  相似文献   

Bird song is a sexually selected signal that serves two main functions, attracting a mate and deterring rivals. Different signal parameters may be important in advertising to females compared to advertising to rival males. Species solve the problem of this dual function in a variety of ways, one of which may be to have separate parts of song directed at male and female receivers. The blackcap song has two distinct parts, a complex warble, assumed to be directed at female receivers, followed by a louder and more stereotyped whistle putatively directed at males. We simulated territorial intrusions by broadcasting blackcap song in territories. Comparing songs sung prior, with those produced in response to playback, showed that the proportion of the whistle component of songs increased, but not the warble. This study thus provides empirical evidence that the whistle component of the blackcap song plays a prominent role in male–male competition. The warble component of the blackcap song may be directed at females, but this requires further testing.  相似文献   

Fuel accumulation, mainly as fatty acids, is one of the main characteristics of migratory, birds. Studying to what extent each population or species manages fuel load and how it varies along routes of migration or between seasons (autumn and spring migrations) is crucial to our understanding of bird migration strategies. Our aim here was to analyse whether migratory blackcaps Sylvia atrieapilla passing through northern Iberia differ in their mean fuel loads, rate of fuel accumulation and ' potential' flight ranges between migration seasons. Blackcaps were mist netted for 4 h-periods beginning at dawn from 16 September to 15 November 2003 - 2005, and from 1 March to 30 April 2004 - 2006 in a European Atlantic hedgerow at Loza, northern Iberia. Both fuel load and fuel deposition rate (this latter assessed with difference in body mass of within-season recaptured individuals) were higher in autumn than in spring. Possible hypotheses explaining these results could be seasonal-associated variations in food availability (likely lower during spring than during autumn), the fact that a fraction of the migrants captured in spring could breed close to the study area and different selective pressures for breeding and wintering  相似文献   

During northward migration, blackcaps that arrive to refuel at stopover sites in Israel's Negev Desert have reduced masses of organs that are important in food digestion and assimilation. We tested several predictions from the general hypothesis that smaller organs of digestion (small intestine and pancreas) and nutrient assimilation (liver) bring about a lower capacity to consume food and that the organs must be restored before blackcaps can feed and digest at a high rate. We used a fasting protocol to create a group of blackcaps with reduced intestine and liver mass (reduced by 45% and 36%, respectively) compared with controls fed ad lib. Because most of the small intestine's biochemical digestive capacity reside in enterocytes found on villi, we predicted and found that reduced intestinal mass in fasted blackcaps related mainly to changes in enterocytes rather than other cells and tissues such as nonabsorptive crypt cells or underlying muscle. Because migrating blackcaps that stop over to feed begin to increase in body mass only 2 d after arrival, we predicted and found a similar recovery period in blackcaps that were first fasted but then refed--the organ mass, structure, function, and ability to consume food was restored after 2 d of feeding. Another group of food-restricted blackcaps (fed at one-third ad lib. level) lost similar amounts of body mass as fasted blackcaps but had much greater capacity to consume food than fasted blackcaps, and so we predicted that they would exhibit little or no reduction in alimentary organs relative to controls fed ad lib. A surprising result was that, as in fasted blackcaps, in food-restricted blackcaps, the decreases in masses of small intestine, liver, and pancreas were proportionally greater than the decreases in body mass or in masses of nonalimentary organs (heart, pectoralis). Food restriction, like fasting, caused a decrease in amount of intestinal mucosa and an alteration in the phenotype of enterocytes. These results are thus not consistent with the general hypothesis, and although they can be rationalized by assuming that blackcaps fed ad lib. have excess digestive capacity, it may also be that the physiological process or processes limiting very high feeding rate lie elsewhere than in the digestive system.  相似文献   

The Sahara desert acts as an ecological barrier for billions of passerine birds on their way to and from their African wintering areas. The Garden Warbler Sylvia borin is one of the most common migrants involved. We used body mass of this species from Greece in autumn and spring to simulate the desert crossing and to assess how body mass relates to fuel requirement. The flight range estimates were adjusted to the seasonal extent of the desert, 2200 km in autumn and about 2800 km in spring. In autumn, with an average fuel load of about 100% of body mass without fuel, birds were not able to cross the desert in still air, but northerly winds prevail during September and with the average wind assistance only one in 14 was predicted to fail to make the crossing. Body mass data from spring, after the desert crossing, was used to estimate departure body mass from south of the desert. The average wind assistance in spring is close to zero and departure body mass of the average bird arriving at Antikythira, a small Greek island, under such conditions was estimated to be 34.6 g, which corresponded to a fuel load of 116%. Calculations based on 1% body mass loss per hour of flight showed slightly larger body mass loss than that calculated from flight range estimates. The results suggest that passerine birds about to cross the eastern part of the Sahara desert need to attain a larger fuel load in spring than in autumn.  相似文献   

Flightlessness has evolved independently in at least 11 extant avian families. A number of hypotheses have been proposed to explain these transitions in individual families, including release from predation on oceanic islands, energetic costs of flight and use of forelimbs for activities other than flying. Few studies have sought to explore factors common to all families containing flightless species, which may explain the taxonomic distribution of flightlessness. In this study, we found that for all eight avian families which contain both flightless and flighted species, the flighted species have shorter wing lengths relative to body mass than their sister families. This result is not biased by taxon size. Models of avian aerodynamics predict that birds with relatively short wings pay a high energetic cost of flight. We suggest that these increased energetic costs of flying predispose these avian families to evolve flightless species. The various causes for the shortening of wings among flighted species of birds and the possibility of future transitions to flightlessness are discussed.  相似文献   

IDO IZHAKI  ASAF MAITAV 《Ibis》1998,140(2):234-243
Spring and autumn Palaearctic-African migration patterns of Blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla during stopover at Elat, Israel, showed that males appeared significantly earlier than females during spring but not during autumn migration, suggesting that in males there is a stronger drive to reaching breeding territories early. The difference in mean appearance dates between sexes in spring tended to be greatest in years when the males appeared earliest. Longer spread of passage (the dates between which the central 50% of individuals were captured) for each sex in spring was found in years with an early mean passage datebut was significant only for females. These observations suggest that the timing of Blackcap migration is governed not only by endogenous factors but also by exogenous factors, and when the environmental conditions are unfavourable, the differences in passage dates between sexes decrease and the passage lengths shorten. The early individuals (both males and females) that stopped over at Elat in spring were those with relatively small body size (as indicated by relatively short wings) and relatively large fat reserves and in good body condition (as indicated from fat score and body mass/wing-length ratio). No differences in body size between early and late transients were detected during the autumn migration, but late birds of both sexes carried larger fat reserves. These phenomena may be explained either by leap-frog migration or by differential fitness among wintering males and females or both, with only the fittest Blackcaps being capable of an early departure. These individuals probably face much less intensive intra- and interspecific competition with residents and other transients in stopover sites than do later transients.  相似文献   

Behaviour has direct links to wing morphology in bird species. Many studies have postulated migration to be one of the most important forces of selection acting on wing morphology, particularly in relation to wing pointedness. Studies in passerines have found that adults have longer and more pointed wings than juveniles, especially in migratory species. We analysed differences in wing morphology between age groups of the European Turtle Dove, a non‐passerine migratory species that benefits from rounded wings during their daily activity, due to its ground‐feeding behaviour and acrobatic flight style. Our results show that adults of this species have longer but more rounded wings than juveniles. This suggests that in this species wing morphology in juveniles is selected to facilitate the first migration, whereas other selection forces (e.g. flight manoeuvrability) are more important after the first moult. These data also explain why juveniles are not as adept at escaping from predators or hunters as adults.  相似文献   

A major goal in evolutionary biology is to understand the genetic basis of adaptive traits. In migratory birds, wing morphology is such a trait. Our previous work on the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) shows that wing length is highly heritable and under sexually antagonistic selection. Moreover, a quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping analysis detected a pronounced QTL for wing length on chromosome 2, suggesting that wing morphology is partly controlled by genes with large effects. Here, we re‐evaluate the genetic basis of wing length in great reed warblers using a genomewide association study (GWAS) approach based on restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) data. We use GWAS models that account for relatedness between individuals and include covariates (sex, age and tarsus length). The resulting association landscape was flat with no peaks on chromosome 2 or elsewhere, which is in line with expectations for polygenic traits. Analysis of the distribution of p‐values did not reveal biases, and the inflation factor was low. Effect sizes were however not uniformly distributed on some chromosomes, and the Z chromosome had weaker associations than autosomes. The level of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the population decayed to background levels within c. 1 kbp. There could be several reasons to why our QTL study and GWAS gave contrasting results including differences in how associations are modelled (cosegregation in pedigree vs. LD associations), how covariates are accounted for in the models, type of marker used (multi‐ vs. biallelic), difference in power or a combination of these. Our study highlights that the genetic architecture even of highly heritable traits is difficult to characterize in wild populations.  相似文献   

Migration is a significant trait of the animal kingdom that can impose a strong selective pressure on several structures to overcome the amount of energy that the organism invests in this particular behaviour. Wing linear dimensions and planform have been a traditional focus in the study of flying migratory species; however, other traits could also influence aerodynamic performance. We studied the differences in several flight‐related traits of migratory and nonmigratory Libellulid species in a phylogenetic context to assess their response to migratory behaviour. Wings were compared by linear measurements, shape, surface corrugations and microtrichia number. Thorax size and pilosity were also compared. Migratory species have larger and smoother wings, a larger anal lobe that is reached through an expansion of the discoidal region, and longer and denser thoracic pilosity. These differences might favour gliding as an energy‐saving displacement strategy. Most of the changes were identified in the hind wings. No differences were observed for the thorax linear dimensions, wetted aspect ratio, some wing corrugations or the wing microtrichiae number. Similar changes in the hind wing are present in clades where migration evolved. Our results emphasize that adaptations to migration through flight may extend to characteristics beyond the wing planform and that some wing characteristics in libellulids converge in response to migratory habits, whereas other closely related structures remain virtually unchanged. Additionally, we concluded that despite a close functional association and similar selective pressures on a structure, significant differences in the magnitude of the response may be present in its components.  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone protein Hsp90 has been widely discussed as a candidate gene for developmental buffering. We used the methods of geometric morphometrics to analyze its effects on the variation among individuals and fluctuating asymmetry of wing shape in Drosophila melanogaster. Three different experimental approaches were used to reduce Hsp90 activity. In the first experiment, developing larvae were reared in food containing a specific inhibitor of Hsp90, geldanamycin, but neither individual variation nor fluctuating asymmetry was altered. Two further experiments generated lines of genetically identical flies carrying mutations of Hsp83, the gene encoding the Hsp90 protein, in heterozygous condition in nine different genetic backgrounds. The first of these, introducing entire chromosomes carrying either of two Hsp83 mutations, did not increase shape variation or asymmetry over a wild-type control in any of the nine genetic backgrounds. In contrast, the third experiment, in which one of these Hsp83 alleles was introgressed into the wild-type background that served as the control, induced an increase in both individual variation and fluctuating asymmetry within each of the nine genetic backgrounds. No effect of Hsp90 on the difference among lines was detected, pro,iding no evidence for cryptic genetic variation of wing shape. Overall, these results suggest that Hsp90 contributes to, but is not controlling, the buffering of phenotypic variation in wing shape.  相似文献   

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