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Female parasitoid Leptopilina heterotoma inject a factor, lamellolysin, along with their eggs into the host hemocoel to destroy selectively host hemocytes that encapsulate foreign objects. In parasitized Drosophila melanogaster larvae, these hemocytes (lamellocytes) change from discoidal cells to bipolar cells that no longer adhere to each other to form capsules. To study the effects of lamellolysin on Drosophila lamellocytes in vitro, a giant strain of D. melanogaster was constructed to yield hemolymph with an abundance of lamellocytes. The effect of lamellolysin on the adhesivity of lamellocytes in vitro was demonstrated when the cells were gently rotated in the culture medium. Under these conditions, the bipolar shape of the affected lamellocytes resembled that of lamellocytes in parasitized hosts. When lamellocytes were exposed to lamellolysin in stationary culture medium, the elongation of the bipolar cells continued until they became threadlike. Lamellocytes fragmented in both stationary and rotating culture medium in the presence of lamellolysin, although loss of cellular material was more pronounced in the latter. This study demonstrates that lamellolysin acts directly and destructively on lamellocytes.  相似文献   

Laboratory trials were conducted to determine whether the spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae), puparium can provide an effective physical barrier to protect immature stages of the pupal parasitoid Pachycrepoideus vindemiae (Rondani) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) from spinosad treatments. Spinosad insecticides are currently an important suppression strategy for D. suzukii in organically managed fruit orchards although they are well known to cause mortality in hymenopteran parasitoids. High adult P. vindemiae female mortality (83%) occurred within 24 h of exposure to D. suzukii pupae treated with 10 mg a.i. l?1 spinosad and female parasitoids did not avoid the pupae treated with similar low levels of spinosad in choice tests that included untreated pupae. Pachycrepoideus vindemiae develops as an idiobiont ectoparasitoid on host fly pupa within the sclerotized host puparium. Significant P. vindemiae survival and emergence was recorded when parasitized D. suzukii puparia were exposed to field treatment levels of spinosad; however, the parasitoid survival was dependent on the time of the spinosad treatment of the host post‐parasitization. Significant parasitoid survival occurred when the host puparia were treated at 2 weeks when the parasitoid was in the pupal stage but did not occur when the host puparia were treated at 1 week post‐parasitization, when the parasitoids were still in a larval stage. The parasitoid adults consumed or otherwise came in contact with residual degrading spinosad when they exited the treated host, and consequently high and low adult parasitoid mortality occurred when the adults emerged from puparia treated at 2 and 1 week(s), respectively. Our study indicates that generally the integration of P. vindemiae parasitism into a sustainable D. suzukii management program is not compatible with spinosad treatments, although P. vindemiae in the pupal stage inside sclerotized host puparia appear to be minimally impacted by spinosad treatments, provided that the spinosad degrades before parasitoid emergence.  相似文献   

The parasitoid wasp A. compressa hunts cockroaches as a live food supply for its offspring. The wasp selectively injects venom into the cerebral ganglia of the prey to induce long-term hypokinesia [1-5], during which the stung cockroach, although not paralyzed, does not initiate spontaneous walking and fails to escape aversive stimuli. This allows the wasp to grab the cockroach by the antenna and walk it to a nest much like a dog on a leash. There, the wasp lays an egg on the prey, seals the nest, and leaves. The stung cockroach, however, does not fight to escape its tomb but rather awaits its fate, being consumed alive by the hatching larva over several days. We investigated whether the venom-induced hypokinesia is a result of an overall decrease in arousal or, alternatively, a specific decrease in the drive to initiate or maintain walking. We found that the venom specifically affects both the threshold for the initiation and the maintenance of walking-related behaviors. Nevertheless, the walking pattern generator itself appears to be intact. We thus report that the venom, rather than decreasing overall arousal, manipulates neuronal centers within the cerebral ganglia that are specifically involved in the initiation and maintenance of walking.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a correlated response of the virulence and the mode of transmission of the microsporidian parasite Edhazardia aedis to selection on the age at pupation of its host, the mosquito Aedes aegypti. We selected three lines of mosquitoes each for early or late pupation and exposed the larvae after zero, two and four generations of selection to a low and a high concentration of the parasite’s spores. Before selection the parasites induced a similar level of mortality in the six lines; after four generations of selection mortality was higher in the mosquitoes selected for late pupation than in those selected for early pupation. Overall, parasite-induced mortality was positively correlated with the mean age at pupation of the matching uninfected line. When they died, mosquitoes selected for early pupation harboured mostly binucleate spores, which are responsible for vertical transmission. Mosquitoes selected for late pupation were more likely to harbour uninucleate spores, which are responsible for horizontal transmission. The parasite enhanced this tendency for horizontal transmission by prolonging the larval period in the lines selected for late pupation, but not in the ones selected for early pupation. These results suggest that the genetic basis of the mosquito’s age at pupation helps to determine the parasite’s mode of transmission: parasites in rapidly developing mosquitoes are benign and transmit vertically, while parasites in slowly developing mosquitoes are virulent and transmit horizontally. Thus, as the host’s life history evolves, the parasite’s performance changes, because the host’s evolution changes the environment in which the parasite develops.  相似文献   

Parasitoid wasps represent a large proportion of hymenopteran species. They have complex evolutionary histories and are important biocontrol agents. To advance parasitoid research, a combination of Illumina short‐read, PacBio long‐read and Hi‐C scaffolding technologies was used to develop a high‐quality chromosome‐level genome assembly for Pteromalus puparum, which is an important pupal endoparasitoid of caterpillar pests. The chromosome‐level assembly has aided in studies of venom and detoxification genes. The assembled genome size is 338 Mb with a contig N50 of 38.7 kb and a scaffold N50 of 1.16 Mb. Hi‐C analysis assembled scaffolds onto five chromosomes and raised the scaffold N50 to 65.8 Mb, with more than 96% of assembled bases located on chromosomes. Gene annotation was assisted by RNA sequencing for the two sexes and four different life stages. Analysis detected 98% of the BUSCO (Benchmarking Universal Single‐Copy Orthologs) gene set, supporting a high‐quality assembly and annotation. In total, 40.1% (135.6 Mb) of the assembly is composed of repetitive sequences, and 14,946 protein‐coding genes were identified. Although venom genes play important roles in parasitoid biology, their spatial distribution on chromosomes was poorly understood. Mapping has revealed venom gene tandem arrays for serine proteases, pancreatic lipase‐related proteins and kynurenine–oxoglutarate transaminases, which have amplified in the P. puparum lineage after divergence from its common ancestor with Nasonia vitripennis. In addition, there is a large expansion of P450 genes in P. puparum. These examples illustrate how chromosome‐level genome assembly can provide a valuable resource for molecular, evolutionary and biocontrol studies of parasitoid wasps.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesised that the 2‐year oscillations in abundance of Xestia moths are mediated by interactions with 1‐year Ophion parasitoid wasps. We tested this hypothesis by modelling a 35‐year time series of Xestia and Ophion from Northern Finland. Additionally, we used DNA barcoding to ascertain the species diversity of Ophion and targeted amplicon sequencing of their gut contents to confirm their larval hosts. Modelling of the time‐series data strongly supported the hypothesised host–parasitoid dynamics and that periodic occurrence of Xestia moths is mediated by Ophion. DNA barcodes revealed that Ophion included five species rather than just one while targeted amplicon sequencing verified that Ophion does parasitise Xestia. At least one Ophion species employs 1‐year Syngrapha interrogationis as an alternate host, but it did not detectably affect Xestia–Ophion dynamics. We also demonstrate the previously unrecognised complexity of this system due to cryptic parasitoid diversity.  相似文献   

Amino acid compositions of the eggs of five lepidopteran hosts for Trichogramma minutum were compared with each other and with a non-host species, Rhodnius prolixus, in which T. minutum oviposits but does not develop. Host eggs are quite homogeneous, particularly when compared according to groupings of potentially interconvertible amino acids. Combined mole percent values for glycine, serine and alanine were higher in hosts (27.5–29.2 mole%) than in R. prolixus eggs (21.5 mole%), in bovine serum albumin (14.9%), which has been used as a protein source in artificial diets for T. minutum, or in many of the mixtures used in published diets for this species. Since these three amino acids make up 26.3 mole% of the adult amino acid content of T. minutum, their deficiency in diets could require metabolic compensation detrimental to development.Adult T. minutum arising from eggs of Manduca sexta, Choristoneura fumiferana, and Sitotroga cerealella are similar in amino acid composition to each other and, in general, to their hosts. Variability appears greater in hosts than in adult wasp composition, suggesting some interconversion of host amino acids to accommodate inflexible nutritional requirements of T. minutum.In the three host species tested, free amino acids constituted 15.8–19.3% by weight of the amino acid in egg contents. In M. sexta eggs, glycine, serine and alanine together make up 28.4% by weight of the total free amino acid, a much higher proportion than in many published diets. The four free amino acids (isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine and histidine) reported to be oviposition stimulants in experiments on encapsulated diets are present in sufficient concentrations to induce oviposition in the host species tested and in R. prolixus. S. cerealella egg contents having approximately 1.8 g amino acid, yield one or rarely two adult T. minutum (1g amino acid/insect). In contrast, M. sexta eggs with 94 g amino acid each yield an average of 10–12 adults (8.2g amino acid/insect). This suggests that small hosts are allocated few eggs which can only develop into small adults because of nutrient supply (parasitoid size in metabolically restricted), whereas much larger hosts are allocated proportionately fewer eggs than the former resulting in larger, and presumably more viable and fecund, adults (parasitoid size is established behaviourally).  相似文献   

Chemical information is crucial to insect parasitoids for successful host location. Here, we evaluated the innate response of Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a fruit fly larval parasitoid, to cues from host and host habitat (i.e., fruit infested with host larvae). We first assessed the preference of female parasitoids between oranges infested with Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) and non‐infested fruit. Females were highly attracted towards infested oranges on the basis of volatile chemical cues. After this initial experiment, we aimed at revealing the potential sources of volatile cues present in an infested fruit. To this end, we considered five potential sources: (1) punctured fruit; (2) fly feeding, frass, or host‐marking pheromone deposited on the orange surface; (3) larval activity inside the fruit; (4) the larvae themselves; and (5) fungi associated with infestation of oranges. Habitat cues associated with host activity and those produced by rotten oranges or oranges colonized by fungi were highly attractive for female wasps, whereas odours associated with the activity of the adults on the surface of the fruit, and those released by the fruit after being damaged (as happens during fruit fly egg‐laying) were not used as cues by female parasitoids. Once the female had landed on the fruit, direct cues associated with larval activity became important although some indirect signals (e.g., products derived from larval activity inside the fruit) also increased host searching activity. Our findings indicate that naïve D. longicaudata uses chemical cues during host habitat searching and that these cues are produced both by the habitat and by the host larvae.  相似文献   

作为重要的生态系统服务之一, 传粉与粮食生产和食品安全密切相关。传粉者的下降直接影响人类的福祉, 因此近年来受到全球各界的广泛关注。基于此, 生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学-政策平台(Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, IPBES)将“传粉者、传粉和粮食生产评估”列为2014-2018年工作方案中最优先开展的快速评估。其“决策者摘要”已在IPBES第四届全体会议上获得通过。本文以IPBES框架为背景, 介绍了该评估专题的由来和评估报告的主要内容。IPBES评估报告强调了传粉和传粉者在生态系统中的重要价值, 分析了传粉和传粉者的现状与濒危趋势, 通过案例详细介绍了全球传粉者面临的威胁、驱动因素和缓解措施等。本文同时探讨了该评估与其他进程的关系及可能产生的影响, IPBES不仅是千年生态系统评估(Millennium Ecosystem Assessment)的后续, 它同时应各国政府和7个生物多样性相关公约的评估请求, 对实现《2011-2020生物多样性战略计划》和《生物多样性爱知目标》具有重要意义。作为科学和政策的桥梁, IPBES通过科学层面的评估分析, 将为决策者提供工具和方法。通过深入分析这次评估的经验教训以及我国存在的问题, 我们提出以下建议: (1)开展传粉者本底调查, 评估传粉服务的价值; (2)建立传粉监测体系; (3)深入开展致危因素分析, 制定并开展传粉者保护和恢复行动; (4)促进耕作模式优化, 加强政策支持; (5)扩大宣传, 提高公众 参与。  相似文献   

Local extinction and colonisation rates are key factors in host–parasitoid metapopulation theory, but experimental evidence from the field is scarce. We studied the host–parasitoid system consisting of the aphid Metopeurum fuscoviride and its specialist parasitoid Lysiphlebus hirticornis. This system is characterised by a patchy distribution of the host plants (Tanacetum vulgare) and by frequent extinctions of local aphid populations. In a first field experiment, we found that the presence of the parasitoid increases the likelihood of extinction of local host populations (=all aphids living on one plant). In a second field experiment, we manipulated the distance between local host populations. Parasitoid colonisation rate strongly decreased with increasing distance between local host populations. Thus, our results show the importance of parasitoids for local host populations extinction and of distance between local host populations for parasitoid colonisation rate, suggesting the importance of spatial processes for host–parasitoid systems in the field.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the performance of two immunomagnetic separation technologies to deplete T cells from buffy coats of human blood. Specifically, two versions of the commercial MACS(R) Technology: MiniMACS and SuperMACS, and a prototype, flow-through system, the QMS, were evaluated. Peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes (PBL) were isolated from buffy coats and an immunomagnetic separation of CD3(+) cells was conducted using company and optimized labeling protocols. To mimic peripheral blood containing bone marrow purged hematopoietic stem cells, HSC, CD34 expressing-cells (KG1a) were spiked into PBL prior to T-cell depletion once optimized depletion conditions were determined. Once the labeling protocol was optimized, the MiniMACS system performed well by producing a highly enriched CD3(+) fraction, and a respectable level of depletion of T cells and recovery of KG1a cells in the depleted fraction; an average log(10) depletion of T cells of 2.88 +/- 0.17 and an average recovery of the KG1a cells of 60.8 +/- 5.94% (n = 14). The performance of the SuperMACS system was very similar with an average log(10) depletion of T cells of 2.89 +/- 0.22 and an average recovery of KG1a of 63.1 +/- 8.55% (n = 10). In contrast, the QMS system produced an average log(10) depletion of T cells of 3.98 +/- 0.33 (n = 16) with a corresponding average recovery of 57.9 +/- 16.6% of the spiked CD34+ cells. The aforementioned QMS performance values were obtained using sorting speeds ranging from 2.5 x 10(4) to 1.7 x 10(5) cells per second. It is suggested that the lack of a 100% recovery of the unlabeled KG1a cells is the result of a previously reported "drafting" phenomena which pulls unlabeled cells in the direction of the magnetically labeled cells thereby resulting in loss of the unlabeled cells.  相似文献   

An individual’s antibody titers to influenza A strains are a result of the complicated interplay between infection history, cross-reactivity, immune waning, and other factors. It has been challenging to disentangle how population-level patterns of humoral immunity change as a function of age, calendar year, and birth cohort from cross-sectional data alone. We analyzed 1,589 longitudinal sera samples from 260 children across three studies in Nicaragua, 2006–16. Hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) titers were determined against four H3N2 strains, one H1N1 strain, and two H1N1pdm strains. We assessed temporal patterns of HAI titers using an age–period–cohort modeling framework. We found that titers against a given virus depended on calendar year of serum collection and birth cohort but not on age. Titer cohort patterns were better described by participants’ ages relative to year of likely introduction of the virus’s antigenic cluster than by age relative to year of strain introduction or by year of birth. These cohort effects may be driven by a decreasing likelihood of early-life infection after cluster introduction and by more broadly reactive antibodies at a young age. H3N2 and H1N1 viruses had qualitatively distinct cohort patterns, with cohort patterns of titers to specific H3N2 strains reaching their peak in children born 3 years prior to that virus’s antigenic cluster introduction and with titers to H1N1 and H1N1pdm strains peaking for children born 1–2 years prior to cluster introduction but not being dramatically lower for older children. Ultimately, specific patterns of strain circulation and antigenic cluster introduction may drive population-level antibody titer patterns in children.  相似文献   

Host‐associated differentiation (HAD) appears to be an important driver of diversification in the hyperdiverse phytophagous and parasitoid insects. The gallmaking moth Gnorimoschema gallaesolidaginis has undergone HAD on two sympatric goldenrods (Solidago), and HAD has also been documented in its parasitoid Copidosoma gelechiae, with the intriguing suggestion that differentiation has proceeded independently in multiple populations. We tested this suggestion with analysis of Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) markers for C. gelechiae collections from the midwestern and northeastern United States and eastern Canada. AFLP data were consistent with the existence of HAD, with between‐host FST significant before Bonferroni correction in two of seven sympatric populations. amova analysis strongly rejected a model of HAD with a single historical origin, and thus supported the repeated‐HAD hypothesis. Copidosoma gelechiae shows significant host‐associated divergence at a number of allozyme loci ( Stireman et al., 2006 ), but only weak evidence via AFLPs for genome‐wide differentiation, suggesting that this species is at a very early stage of HAD.  相似文献   

Genetic comparisons of parasitoids and their hosts are expected to reflect ecological and evolutionary processes that influence the interactions between species. The parasitoid wasp, Cotesia vestalis, and its host diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella, provide opportunities to test whether the specialist natural enemy migrates seasonally with its host or occurs as resident population. We genotyped 17 microsatellite loci and two mitochondrial genes for 158 female adults of C. vestalis collected from 12 geographical populations, as well as nine microsatellite loci for 127 DBM larvae from six separate sites. The samplings covered both the likely source (southern) and immigrant (northern) areas of DBM from China. Populations of C. vestalis fell into three groups, pointing to isolation in northwestern and southwestern China and strong genetic differentiation of these populations from others in central and eastern China. In contrast, DBM showed much weaker genetic differentiation and high rates of gene flow. TESS analysis identified the immigrant populations of DBM as showing admixture in northern China. Genetic disconnect between C. vestalis and its host suggests that the parasitoid did not migrate yearly with its host but likely consisted of resident populations in places where its host could not survive in winter.  相似文献   

1. Plant defensive chemistry is predicted to have a more negative effect on generalist herbivores and their parasitoids than on specialist herbivores and their parasitoids. 2. This prediction was examined by comparing the effects of the wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) toxin, xanthotoxin, on a generalist herbivore–parasitoid association [the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni Hübner, and its polyembryonic parasitoid, Copidosoma floridanum (Ashmead)] and a specialist herbivore–parasitoid association [the parsnip webworm, Depressaria pastinacella (Duponchel), and its polyembryonic parasitoid, Copidosoma sosares (Walker)]. 3. Copidosoma floridanum brood sizes were smaller and experienced lower survivorship when reared in a host feeding on an artificial diet containing a low concentration of xanthotoxin. No T. ni hosts, parasitised or unparasitised, survived on a diet high in xanthotoxin. In contrast, C. sosares brood size and survivorship were unaffected by the presence of low levels of xanthotoxin in the host diet. Copidosoma sosares experienced reduced brood size and survivorship only when its host consumed a diet containing 15 times the level of xanthotoxin as the diet adversely affecting its congener. 4. The differences in response to xanthotoxin exhibited by C. floridanum and C. sosares are explained partly by a differential reduction in host quality and partly by differential exposure to xanthotoxin in host haemolymph. Unlike D. pastinacella, T. ni experienced reduced pupal weight and survivorship and prolonged developmental time on a low‐xanthotoxin diet. More xanthotoxin passed unmetabolised into the haemolymph of T. ni than into the haemolymph of D. pastinacella.  相似文献   

Cotesia kariyai Watanabe (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a specialist larval parasitoid of Mythimna separata Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Cotesia kariyai wasps use herbivore‐induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) to locate hosts. However, complex natural habitats are full of volatiles released by both herbivorous host‐ and non‐host‐infested plants at various levels of intensity. Therefore, the presence of non‐hosts may affect parasitoid decisions while foraging. Here, the host‐finding efficiency of naive C. kariyai from HIPVs influenced by host‐ and non‐host‐infested maize [Zea mays L. (Poaceae)] plants was investigated with a four‐arm olfactometer. Ostrinia furnacalis Guenée (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) was selected as a non‐host species. One unit (1 U) of host‐ or non‐host‐infested plant was prepared by infesting a potted plant with five host or seven non‐host larvae. In two‐choice bioassays, host‐infested plants fed upon by different numbers of larvae, and various units of host‐ and non‐host‐infested plants (infestation units; 1 U, 2 U, and 3 U) were arranged to examine the effects of differences in volatile quantity and quality on the olfactory responses of C. kariyai with the assumption that volatile quantity and quality changes with differences in numbers of insects and plants. Cotesia kariyai was found to perceive quantitative differences in volatiles from host‐infested plants, preferring larger quantities of volatiles from larger numbers of larvae or plants. Also, the parasitoids discriminated between healthy plants, host‐infested plants, and non‐host‐infested plants by recognising volatiles released from those plants. Cotesia kariyai showed a reduced preference for host‐induced volatiles, when larger numbers of non‐host‐infested plants were present. Therefore, quantitative and qualitative differences in volatiles from host‐ and non‐host‐infested plants appear to affect the decision of C. kariyai during host‐habitat searching in multiple tritrophic systems.  相似文献   

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