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Oceanographic processes play a key role in influencing the structure of the marine planktonic ecosystems. Taking advantage of the quasi-simultaneous collection of a large ichthyoplanktonic dataset in different regions of the Central Mediterranean Sea (Italian/Maltese, Tunisian and Libyan waters), this study aimed at the identification of the main environmental drivers that control the structure of the larval fish assemblages. Spatial distribution and taxa composition were related to physical forcings (geostrophic currents and wind stress) and environmental conditions (bottom depth, temperature, salinity, chlorophyll-a concentration). ANOSIM and SIMPER identified contribution of fish taxa to the average Bray–Curtis dissimilarity among regions. In Italian and Libyan waters, two assemblages (neritic and oceanic) were identified, while a mixed assemblage characterized only some stations. Two neritic and one oceanic assemblages were discriminated in Tunisian waters. Random Forest classification model highlighted the essential role of the bathymetry, while Lagrangian simulations evidenced the action of the hydrodynamics in mixing neritic and oceanic assemblages in the Italian/Maltese and partially in Libyan waters. These findings highlighted the importance of the multidisciplinary approach and shed light on the potential value of the ichthyoplanktonic surveys for the assessment of the state of the marine ecosystem and the conservation of the fishery resources.  相似文献   

Resource availability is an important factor affecting the capacity of compensatory growth after grazing. We performed a greenhouse experiment with Poa bulbosa, a small perennial grass of the Mediterranean and Central Asian grasslands, to test the importance of nutrient availability for compensatory growth after clipping. We also compared the results with predictions of the limited resource model (LRM). Plants were grown at low and high fertilization levels and subjected to a clipping treatment. Contrary to the LMR, we found that in Poa plants compensatory growth occurred under the high fertilization level, while it did not occur under the low level. The LMR predicts a higher tolerance for grazing in the stressful environment. Our plants showed a significant decrease in their relative growth rates (RGR) after clipping. Although the plants allocated a 32–188% greater fraction of the mass to lamina growth after clipping, this greater allocation to the leaves did not fully compensate for the initial reduction in leaf area ratio (LAR). A sensitivity analysis showed for the clipped plants under the high fertilization treatment, that changes in leaf allocation (f lam) enabled the plants to compensate for a part of the potential loss caused by defoliation. Probably, the increased biomass allocation comes largely from the bulbs. We conclude that the inconsistency of the LRM with our results originates in the lack of compensatory mechanisms in the model. To better understand how environmental conditions affect tolerance to herbivory, the effects of compensatory growth should be taken into account.  相似文献   

The relationship was studied between shoot biomass, nutrient concentration in the soil and number of species per unit area. The study was carried out in two different parts of the Netherlands, the Gelderse Vallei (east of Amersfoort) and the Westbroekse Zodden (northwest of Utrecht). Four series of vegetation and soil samples were taken: one series in grassland and wetland communities, one series in grassland communities, one series in fen communities and one series in only one wetland community. The two series in grassland communities show a negative correlation between shoot biomass and species number and a positive correlation between shoot biomass and nutrient concentration in the soil. The opposite was found in the series in the fen communities: there was a positive correlation between species number and shoot biomass and a negative correlation between shoot biomass and nutrient concentrations. The series of samples that had been taken in only one wetland community showed an optimum curve for the relation between shoot biomass and number of species. It is concluded that in the plant communities studied the species richness per unit area increases with increasing productivity at low production levels (< 400–500 g/m2) and decreases with increasing productivity at higher production levels (> 400–500 g/m2).  相似文献   

We exposed cuttings of two poplar species, Populus cathayana Rehder and Populus przewalskii Maximowicz, from Sect. Tacamahaca Spach to two watering regimes (well-watered and water-stressed conditions) and to two nutrient regimes (with or without fertilization) in a greenhouse to determine how fertilization affects the growth, morphology and physiology of poplars under different water conditions. Under stress conditions, changes in early growth and dry matter allocation, and decrease in gas exchange and the related functions are usually observed. Moreover, the measurement of carbon isotope composition (δ13C) provides an integrated measurement of water use efficiency. And abscisic acid (ABA) is a phytohormone which plays a prominent role in various physiological and biochemical processes related to environmental stresses. So we determine these characteristics and related parameters, and our results showed the following: (1) Fertilization promoted the growth of poplars under well-watered conditions, while under water-stressed conditions its effect on growth was negative. (2) Fertilization increased δ13C, total N concentration, chlorophyll a/b and intrinsic efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) but decreased relative water content of leaves, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and C/N ratio under both well-watered and water-stressed conditions. (3) Fertilization appeared to increase net photosynthesis rate and decrease ABA content under well-watered conditions, while it decreased net photosynthesis rate and increased ABA content under water-stressed conditions. Moreover, compared to P. cathayana, collected from a lower altitude region, P. przewalskii, collected from a high-altitude region, has a slower growth rate and stronger adaptability to drought stress, which perhaps resulted from its chronic adaptability to the low water availability of high-altitude region; but to the nutrient stress, there was no difference between the two species.  相似文献   

1. Several theoretical models predict under what conditions maximum species diversity can be maintained, and they are often used to develop effective ecosystem management plans. 2. Two models that are currently used to predict patterns of species diversity were empirically tested in marine subtidal benthic communities of different successional stages. 3. The two models were: the interactive effects of nutrient availability and disturbance frequency proposed by Kondoh (2001; Proceedings of the Royal Society London B, 268, 269-271), and the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) proposed by Connell (1978; Science, 199, 1302-1310). 4. Interactive effects were found to be transient and only occurred in the older communities, while the unimodal pattern suggested by the IDH was not supported in either successional stage. 5. It is concluded that these models are very general and thus lack sufficient explanatory power. Both models require a number of specific prerequisites for maximum diversity to be found, and though applicable in many different ecosystems they need to be refined as tools in order that they can be effectively used in habitat management plans.  相似文献   

Records from a considerable number of meiofaunal samples are reexamined in relation to the depth within sediment distribution of various taxa especially Schizorhynchidae and the main turbellarian orders.Frequency and density records in samples with particular oxygen flow rates and redox potentials confirm that the ranges of Schizochilus, Proschizorhynchus and Neoschizorhynchus spp. within these factors may help account for congeneric occurrence within cores. However, statistical analysis of the records is seldom able to confirm apparent differences. There is, for example, a statistically significant difference in distribution in relation to redox potential between the red schizorhynchians Pseudoschizorhynchides ruber, Diascorhynchus rubrus and the red acoelan Paratomella rubra but not in relation to oxygen availability and depth within sediment. On one beach Gnathostomula aff. paradoxa was found at Eh and O2 availability values under which it must be assumed to be living anaerobically.Contingency and other analyses are extended to differences between higher taxa and the results discussed in relation to habitat evolution of the Turbellaria. The suggestion that structural complexity of turbellarians has increased with increased oxygenation of the environment is tentatively supported.  相似文献   

Martin Dokulil 《Hydrobiologia》1988,161(1):185-201
Quantitative data are presented on the depth-time distribution of four cryptophycean species (Cryptomonas marssonii, C. cf. ovata, C. pusilla and Rhodomonas minuta var. nannoplanktica) over a three year investigation period in Mondsee, Austria, a deep, stratifying alpine lake. Net rates of population increase and decrease are calculated and related to environmental variables (temperature, light, turbulence) and impact by herbivorous zooplankton. Although cryptophyceans rarely comprise more than 15 – 20% of total phytoplankton biovolume they contribute considerably to plankton community dynamics.  相似文献   

The North Sea, one of the most productive of the earth's seas and oceans, is also surrounded by some of earth's most densely populated and heavily industrialized regions. A growing number of signals are being received which indicate that this valuable ecosystem is increasingly under stress. This has generated a corresponding increase in concern over the steps to be taken to protect the North Sea. While there are divergent views on what constitutes an ‘ideal’ North Sea, there is a general recognition that any decisions that are made should be based on a good understanding of this ecosystem. The intention of this paper is to give an overview of what is presently known, and to identify areas where more studies are needed. A brief summary of the hydrography and the biota of the North Sea is given. Biotic and abiotic structure justify partitioning the North Sea into three ecologically different regions: southern, central, and northern. For the most part, neither the top predators,e.g. marine birds and mammals, nor the macroalgae and sea grasses are included in this overview.  相似文献   

The significance of bottom-up controls on biological communities has been a long-standing topic of interest in ecology. However, before environmental effects on communities can be properly assessed, a thorough knowledge of the individual species' responses is required. We studied effects of food availability on population development and on different life-history traits in three species of bacterial-feeding nematodes, Diplolaimelloides oschei, Diplolaimelloides meyli (both Monhysteridae) and Pellioditis marina (Rhabditidae), which co-occur on macrophyte detritus in the Westerschelde Estuary (SW Netherlands). The bacteria Escherichia coli was offered in five food-availability treatments corresponding to initial cell densities from 3 × 1010 cells ml− 1 to 3 × 107 cells ml− 1. The three bacterial-feeding nematode species studied here showed differential responses to food availability, which agreed with the general idea that Rhabditidae have extreme colonization abilities under very high food availability, while Monhysteridae tend to have a somewhat slower population development and comparatively lower food requirements. Several life-history traits, including juvenile mortality and development time, did not exhibit a clear food-availability dependence, but bioenergetics-related parameters did. Results on the F1 generation may, however, be affected by strong maternal effects on life-history traits of their progeny. Patterns of food-availability dependence of population increase and size at maturity were similar in P. marina. Both Diplolaimelloides species, however, exhibited a large body size at maturity but a very low population increase at the highest food availability, suggesting a trade-off between biomass and reproduction. Comparison with published data on other nematode species reveals that nematode responses to food availability as well as to other environmental factors are highly species-specific.  相似文献   

Brian Moss  Mark Timms 《Hydrobiologia》1989,185(3):249-257
The sedimentary benthos of a series of shallow, eutrophicated lakes, the Norfolk Broads is, in general, low not only in number of species but unexpectedly in number of individuals. In two of the lakes, Hudsons Bay and Hoveton Great Broad, chironomids and oligochaetes dominated the fauna. Hudsons Bay has an extensive stand of water lilies (Nuphar lutea); Hoveton Great Broad does not. There were significant relationships between number of chironomids and of Potamothrix hammoniensis with organic content of the sediments, but these were due not to food availability but to the structure imparted to the otherwise fluid sediment by the organic matter. Sediment stabilised in plastic bowls developed much larger populations of oligochaetes than found in the unrestricted sediment. Protection of the community from fish predation resulted in a further major increase in numbers. Sediment stability and predation rather than food supply were the major determinants of these benthic populations.  相似文献   

Aim Local‐regional (LR) species diversity plots were conceived to assess the contribution of regional and local processes in shaping the patterns of biological diversity, but have been used also to explore the scaling of diversity in terms of its alpha, beta, and gamma components. Here we explore the idea that patterns in the geographical ranges of species over a continent can determine the shape of small region to large region (SRLR) plots, which are equivalent to LR plots when comparing the diversity of sites at two regional scales. Location To test that idea, we analysed the diversity patterns at two regional scales for the mammals of North America, defined as the mainland from Alaska and Canada to Panama. Method We developed a theoretical model relating average range size of species over a large‐scale region with its average regional point species diversity (RPD). Then, we generated a null model of expected SRLR plots based on theoretical predictions. Species diversities at two scales were modelled using linear and saturation functions for Type I and Type II SRLR relationships, respectively. We applied the models to the case of North American mammals by examining the regional diversity and the RPD for 21 large‐scale quadrats (with area equal to 160,000 km2), arranged along a latitudinal gradient. Results Our model showed that continental and large‐scale regional patterns of distribution of species can generate both types of SRLR relationship, and that these patterns can be reflected in LR plots without invoking any kind of local processes. We found that North American nonvolant mammals follow a Type I SRLR relationship, whereas bats follow a Type II pattern. This difference was linked to patterns in which species of the two mammalian groups distribute in geographical space. Conclusion Traditional LR plots and the new SRLR plots are useful tools in exploring the scaling of species diversity and in showing the relationship between distribution and diversity. Their usefulness in comparing the relative role of local and regional processes is, however, very limited.  相似文献   

Climate change has been suggested to lead to higher temperature and increased heterotrophy in aquatic systems. The aim of this study was to test how these two factors affect metazooplankton and food web efficiency (FWE was defined as metazooplankton production divided by basal production). We tested the following hypotheses: (1) that lower metazooplankton production and lower FWE would be found in a food web based on heterotrophic production (bacteria) relative to one based on autotrophic production (phytoplankton), since the former induces a larger number of trophic levels; (2) the metazooplankton in the heterotrophic food web would contain less essential fatty acids than those from the autotrophic food web; and (3) that higher temperature would lead to increased FWE. To test these hypotheses, a mesocosm experiment was established at two different temperatures (5 and 10°C) with a dominance of either autotrophic (NP) or heterotrophic basal production (CNP). Metazooplankton production increased with temperature, but was not significantly affected by differences in basal production. However, increased heterotrophy did lead to decreased fatty acid content and lower individual weight in the zooplankton. FWE increased with autotrophy and temperature in the following order: 5CNP < 10CNP < 5NP < 10NP. Our results indicate that in the climate change scenario we considered, the temperature will have a positive effect on FWE, whereas the increase in heterotrophy will have a negative effect on FWE. Furthermore, the quality and individual weight of the metazooplankton will be reduced, with possible negative effects on higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Invasive species can have major impacts on ecosystems, yet little work has addressed the combined effects of multiple invaders that exploit different habitats. Two common invaders in aquatic systems are pelagic fishes and crayfishes. Pelagic-oriented fish effects are typically strong on the pelagic food web, whereas crayfish effects are strong on the benthic food web. Thus, co-invasion may generate strong ecological responses in both habitats. We tested the effects of co-invasion on experimental pond ecosystems using two widespread invasive species, one pelagic (western mosquitofish) and one benthic (red swamp crayfish). As expected, mosquitofish had strong effects on the pelagic food web, reducing the abundance of Daphnia and causing a strong trophic cascade (increase in phytoplankton). Crayfish had strong effects on the benthic food web, reducing the abundance of benthic filamentous algae. Yet, we also found evidence for important cross-habitat effects. Mosquitofish treatments reduced the biomass of benthic filamentous algae, and crayfish treatments increased Daphnia and phytoplankton abundance. Combined effects of mosquitofish and crayfish were primarily positively or negatively additive, and completely offsetting for some responses, including gross primary production (GPP). Though co-invasion did not affect GPP, it strongly shifted primary production from the benthos into the water column. Effects on snail abundance revealed an interaction; snail abundance decreased only in the presence of both invaders. These results suggest that cross-habitat effects of co-invaders may lead to a variety of ecological outcomes; some of which may be unpredictable based on an understanding of each invader alone.  相似文献   

Previous studies on biodiversity and soil food web composition have mentioned plant species identity, as well as plant species diversity as the main factors affecting the abundance and diversity of soil organisms. However, most studies have been carried out under limitations of time, space, or appropriate controls. In order to further examine the relation between plant species diversity and the soil food web, we conducted a three-year semi-field experiment in which eight plant species (4 forb and 4 grass species) were grown in monocultures and mixtures of two, four and eight plant species. In addition there were communities with 16 plant species. We analyzed the abundance and identity of the nematodes in soil and roots, including feeding groups from various trophic levels (primary and secondary consumers, carnivores, and omnivores) in the soil food web.
Plant species diversity and plant identity affected the diversity of nematodes. The effect of plant diversity was attributed to the complementarity in resource quality of the component plant species rather than to an increase in total resource quantity. The nematode diversity varied more between the different plant species than between different levels of plant species diversity, so that plant identity is more important than plant diversity. Nevertheless the nematode diversity in plant mixtures was higher than in any of the plant monocultures, due to the reduced dominance of the most abundant nematode taxa in the mixed plant communities. Plant species identity affected the abundances of the lower trophic consumer levels more than the higher trophic levels of nematodes. Plant species diversity and plant biomass did not affect nematode abundance. Our results, therefore, support the hypothesis that resource quality is more important than resource quantity for the diversity of soil food web components and that plant species identity is more important than plant diversity per se.  相似文献   

It is widely held that when predator avoidance conflicts with other activities, such as feeding, avoidance of predators often takes precedence. In this study, we examine how predation risk and food distribution interact to influence the schooling behavior and swimming speed of foraging juvenile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. Fish were acclimated to either spatially and temporally clumped, or spatially and temporally dispersed food for 3 weeks. Fish were then monitored while feeding in the absence and presence of predatory sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria. Fish foraging for clumped food swam rapidly in a loose school when predators were absent, but swam more slowly and adopted more cohesive schooling in the presence of predators, trading-off foraging opportunity for decreased vulnerability to predators. Fish foraging for dispersed food swam about slowly and did not engage in cohesive schooling in either the absence or presence of predators. These fish accepted greater predation risk in order to continue foraging, suggesting that the cost of schooling, in terms of decreased foraging opportunity, was greater when food was dispersed than when it was clumped. This lower responsiveness to predators among fish receiving dispersed food demonstrates that predator avoidance does not always take precedence over other activities, but rather, that a balance is maintained between predator avoidance and feeding, which shifts as food distribution changes.  相似文献   

Animals foraging in heterogeneous environments benefit from information on local resource density because it allows allocation of foraging effort to rich patches. In foraging groups, this information may be obtained by individuals through sampling or by observing the foraging behaviour of group members. We studied the foraging behaviour of goldfish (Carassius auratus) groups feeding in pools on resources distributed in patches. First, we determined if goldfish use sampling information to distinguish between patches of different qualities, and if this allowed goldfish to benefit from a heterogeneous resource distribution. Then, we tested if group size affected the time dedicated to food searching and ultimately foraging success. The decision of goldfish to leave a patch was affected by whether or not they found food, indicating that goldfish use an assessment rule. Giving-up density was higher when resources were highly heterogeneous, but overall gain was not affected by resource distribution. We did not observe any foraging benefits of larger groups, which indicate that grouping behaviour was driven by risk dilution. In larger groups the proportion searching for food was lower, which suggests interactions among group members. We conclude that competition between group members affects individual investments in food searching by introducing the possibility for alternative strategies, such as scrounging or resource monopolisation.  相似文献   

We measured specific leaf area (SLA) and six of its determinants (the thickness of lamina, mesophyll, epidermis, mid-vein and mid-vein support tissues and leaf water content) in a collection of 22 herbaceous species grown in factorial combinations of high μ 1100 (mol m–2 s–1) and low (200) irradiance crossed with high (1 : 1) and low (1 : 6 dilution) concentrations of a modified Hoagland hydroponic solution. SLA increased with both decreasing irradiance and with increasing nutrient availability but there was a strong interaction between the two. Lamina and mesophyll thickness both increased with increasing irradiance and nutrient availability without any interaction. The experimental treatments had complicated effects on mid-vein thickness and its support tissues. Leaf water content (a measure of leaf tissue density) decreased with increasing irradiance levels and with decreasing nutrient supply, but with an interaction between the two treatments. Changes in nutrient supply had no effect on SLA at high irradiance because leaf thickness and leaf tissue density changed in a compensatory way. A path analysis revealed that each of the components affected SLA when the others were statistically controlled but the strengths of the effects of mesophyll thickness, mid-vein thickness and water content differed between treatment groups. The effect of epidermal thickness on SLA was constant across environments and it showed no significant covariation with the other determinants. There was significant covariation between mesophyll thickness, mid-vein thickness and water content and this covariation was constant across the treatment groups.  相似文献   

Large populations of sika deer occur in lowland heath, woodland, and grassland mosaics in southern England. Previous studies have focused on understanding single factors potentially affecting distribution and habitat selection of sika deer rather than considering simultaneously effects of landscape configuration and human disturbance on their distribution and habitat selection. This study measured effects of habitat availability, landscape structure, and human disturbance on where sika deer placed their home ranges and habitat selection within those ranges. Two main hypotheses were tested: (1) habitat selection differs according to landscape structure and habitat availability at both landscape and home range scales and (2) distribution of sources of human disturbance within the home range of deer affects their distribution. Results from radiotracking 31 females provided support for the first hypothesis and partial support for the second. Habitat selection at the landscape and home range scales differed between landscapes with different habitat structure and availability and was driven by distribution and availability of food and cover and a perceived risk linked to disturbance. Furthermore, deer selected open areas close to cover and this selection was stronger with presence of human disturbance, although results differed between study areas with different habitat distribution and level of disturbance. The study highlights the importance for managing deer of a balance between grazing and cover resources and the distribution of human disturbance.  相似文献   

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