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Brazilian Purpuric Fever (BPF) is a hemorrhagic pediatric illness caused by Haemophilus influenzae biogroup aegyptius (Hae), a bacterium that was formerly associated with self-limited purulent conjunctivitis. BPF is assumed to be eradicated. However, the virulence mechanisms inherent to Hae strains associated with BPF is still a mystery and deficient in studies. Here, we aim to analyze the role of the autotransporter genes related to adherence and colonization las, tabA1, and hadA genes through RT-qPCR expression profiling and knockout mutants. Relative quantification by real-time PCR after infection in human cells and infant rat model suggests that las was initially downregulated probably duo to immune evasion, tabA1, and hadA were overexpressed in general, suggesting an active role of TabA1 and HadA1 adhesins in Hae in vitro and in vivo. Transformation attempts were unsuccessful despite the use of multiple technical approaches and in silico analysis revealed that Hae lacks genes related to competence in Haemophilus, which could be part of the elucidation of the difficulty of genetically manipulating Hae strains.  相似文献   

Brazilian purpuric fever (BPF) is a recently described pediatric septicemia caused by a strain of Haemophilus influenzae biogroup aegyptius. The pilus specified by this bacterium may be important in BPF pathogenesis, enhancing attachment to host tissue. Here, we report the cloning of two haf (for H. influenzae biogroup aegyptius fimbriae) gene clusters from a cosmid library of strain F3031. We sequenced a 6.8-kb segment of the haf1 cluster and identified five genes (hafA to hafE). The predicted protein products, HafA to HafD, are 72, 95, 98, and 90% similar, respectively, to HifA to HifD of the closely related H. influenzae type b pilus. Strikingly, the putative pilus adhesion, HifE, shares only 44% identity with HafE, suggesting that the proteins may differ in receptor specificity. Insertion of a mini-gammadelta transposon in the hafE gene eliminated hemadsorption. The nucleotide sequences of the haf1 and haf2 clusters are more than 99% identical. Using the recently published sequence of the H. influenzae Rd genome, we determined that the haf1 complex lies at a unique position in the chromosome between the pmbA gene and a hypothetical open reading frame, HI1153. The location of the haf2 cluster, inserted between the purE and pepN genes, is analogous to the hif genes on H. influenzae type b. BPF fimbrial phase switching appears to involve slip-strand mispairing of repeated dinucleotides in the pilus promoter. The BPF-associated H. influenzae biogroup aegyptius pilus system generally resembles other H. influenzae, but the possession of a second fimbrial gene cluster, which appears to have arisen by a recent duplication event, and the novel sequence of the HafE adhesin may be significant in the unusual pathogenesis of BPF.  相似文献   

Certain non-capsulate strains belonging to the Haemophilus influenzae/Haemophilus aegyptius complex show unusually high pathogenicity, but the evolutionary origin of these virulent phenotypes, termed H. influenzae biogroup aegyptius, is as yet unknown. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the mechanisms of evolution of two paralogous genes, hap and iga, which encode the adhesion and penetration Hap protein and the IgA1 protease respectively. Partial sequencing of hap and iga genes in a comprehensive collection of strains belonging to the H. influenzae/H. aegyptius complex revealed considerable genetic polymorphism and pronounced mosaic-like patterns in both genes, but no evidence of intrastrain recombination between the two genes. A conserved hap pseudogene was present in all strains of H. aegyptius and H. influenzae biogroup aegyptius, each of which constituted distinct subpopulations as revealed by phylogenetic analysis. There was no evidence for a second, functional copy of the hap gene in these strains. The perturbed expression of the Hap serine protease appears to be associated with the formation of elongated bacterial cells growing in chains and a distinct colonization pattern on conjunctival cells, previously termed microcolony formation. The fact that individual hap pseudogenes differed from the ancestral sequence by zero to two positions within a 1.5 kb stretch suggests that the silencing event happened approximately 2000-11,000 years ago. Divergence of H. aegyptius and H. influenzae biogroup aegyptius occurred subsequent to this genetic event. The loss of Hap protein expression may be one of the genetic events that facilitated exploitation of the conjunctivae as a new niche.  相似文献   

The Oca (Oligomeric coiled-coil adhesin) family is a subgroup of the bacterial trimeric autotransporter adhesins, which includes structurally related proteins, such as YadA of Yersinia enterocolitica and NadA of Neisseria meningitidis . In this study, we searched in silico for novel members of this family in bacterial genomes and identified HadA ( Haemophilus adhesin A), a trimeric autotransporter expressed only by Haemophilus influenzae biogroup aegyptius causing Brazilian purpuric fever (BPF), a fulminant septicemic disease of children. By comparative genomics and sequence analysis we predicted that the hadA gene is harboured on a mobile genetic element unique to BPF isolates. Biological analysis of HadA in the native background was limited because this organism is not amenable to genetic manipulation. Alternatively, we demonstrated that expression of HadA confers to a non-invasive Escherichia coli strain the ability to adhere to human cells and to extracellular matrix proteins and to induce in vitro bacterial aggregation and microcolony formation. Intriguingly, HadA is predicted to lack the typical N-terminal head domain of Oca proteins generally associated with cellular receptor binding. We propose here a structural model of the HadA coiled-coil stalk and show that the N-terminal region is still responsible of the binding activity and a KGD motif plays a role. Interestingly, HadA promotes bacterial entry into mammalian cells. Our results show a cytoskeleton re-arrangement and an involvement of clathrin in the HadA-mediated internalization. These data give new insights on the structure-function relationship of oligomeric coiled-coil adhesins and suggest a potential role of this protein in the pathogenesis of BPF.  相似文献   

Brazilian purpuric fever (BPF) is a fulminant septicaemic infection of young children, caused by a clonal group of strains of Haemophilus influenzae biogroup aegyptius (Hae), an organism previously solely associated with conjunctivitis. Their special capacity to invade from the initial site of conjunctival infection is unexplained. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified subtractive hybridization technique was used to identify genes specific to the BPF clonal group. A copy of bacteriophage HP1 and 46 further chromosomal loci were identified in the BPF but not in the conjunctivitis strain of Hae. Sixteen were characterized further, and one - encoding an analogue of the Legionella pneumophila epithelial cell entry-enhancing protein EnhC - was investigated in depth. Two genes, bpf001 and bpf002, unique to the BPF clonal group were identified between homologues of HI1276 and HI1277 in a complex locus close to H. influenzae genetic island 1, recently identified in pathogenic H. influenzae type b. Bpf001 encodes a protein homologous to EnhC and to the previously uncharacterized product of the meningococcal gene NMB0419. Functional studies of bpf001 proving intractable, NMB0419 was chosen as a surrogate for investigation and shown to modulate bacterial interaction with monolayers of human respiratory epithelial cells, promoting invasion, the first stage (for Hae) in the pathogenesis of BPF.  相似文献   

Transfer of genetic information within a colony of Haemophilus influenzae.   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:2  
Different Haemophilus cultures were mixed and then spotted onto an agar plate. These mixed colonies were incubated at 37 degrees C and then scored for the presence of recombinants. It was found that conjugative plasmids transferred very efficiently and quickly under these conditions, but only between cells of the same species. Four small plasmids did not transfer at all, nor were they mobilized by the two conjugative plasmids studied. Chromosomal markers transferred very inefficiently. The evidence favored transfer by genetic transformation rather than by conjugation. When mixed cultures were inoculated into broth and then incubated, the transfer of conjugative plasmids was not observed. Transfer of chromosomal markers occurred only when the media used contained Eugonbroth in addition to brain heart infusion, and even then it was very inefficient. The addition of DNase completely eliminated such transfers. This and other evidence indicate that in cell suspensions, chromosomal marker transfer also occurs through transformation. A corrected map of several genetic markers is presented.  相似文献   

In response to environmental signals in the host, bacterial pathogens express factors required during infection and repress those that interfere with specific stages of this process. Signalling pathways controlling virulence factors of the human respiratory pathogen, Haemophilus influenzae, are predominantly unknown. The lipooligosaccharide (LOS) outer core represents a prototypical virulence trait of H. influenzae that enhances virulence but also provides targets for innate and adaptive immunity. We report regulation of the display of the virulence-associated phosphorylcholine (PC) epitope on the LOS in response to environmental conditions. PC display is optimal under microaerobic conditions and markedly decreased under conditions of high culture aeration. Gene expression analysis using a DNA microarray was performed to begin to define the metabolic state of the cell under these conditions and to identify genes potentially involved in PC epitope modulation. Global gene expression profiling detected changes in redox responsive genes and in genes of carbohydrate metabolism. The effects on carbohydrate metabolism led us to examine the role of the putative H. influenzae homologue of csrA, a regulator of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis in Escherichia coli. A mutant containing an in-frame deletion of the H. influenzae csrA gene showed increased PC epitope levels under aerobic conditions. Furthermore, deletion of csrA elevated mRNA expression of galU, an essential virulence gene that is critical in generating sugar precursors needed for polysaccharide formation and LOS outer core synthesis. Growth conditions predicted to alter the redox state of the culture modulated the PC epitope and galU expression as well. The results are consistent with a multifactorial mechanism of control of LOS-PC epitope display involving csrA and environmental signals that coordinately regulate biosynthetic and metabolic genes controlling the LOS structure.  相似文献   

We have purified to homogeneity a peptidoglycan-associated protein from Haemophilus influenzae. Our purification process used differential extraction of cell envelopes with nondenaturing detergents. Solubilization of this protein was accomplished by heating a peptidoglycan-enriched subcellular fraction in the presence of one of several nondenaturing detergents at 55-60 degrees C. The purified protein migrated as a single band, with a Mr approximately 15,000, following sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This protein contains covalently linked fatty acids, is rich in tyrosine, but lacks methionine and tryptophan. Amino acid analysis also revealed the presence of glycerylcysteine, which has been shown to be the site of fatty acylation in other bacterial lipoproteins. Over 87% of the primary structure has been determined by sequencing high pressure liquid chromatography purified fragments derived from several endoproteinase digests. This protein belongs to a family of proteins, known as peptidoglycan associated lipoproteins, which appear to be components of the outer membranes of most Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

The plasmid pMucAMucB, constructed from the Haemophilus influenzae vector pDM2, and a similar plasmid, constructed from pBR322, increased the survival after UV irradiation of Escherichia coli AB1157 with the umu-36 mutation and also caused UV-induced mutation in the E. coli strain. In H. influenzae, pMucAMucB caused a small but reproducible increase in survival after UV irradiation in wild-type cells and in a rec-1 mutant, but there was no increase in spontaneous mutation in the wild type or in the rec-1 mutant and no UV-induced mutation.  相似文献   

The ampicillin-resistant Haemophilus influenzae strain Ve445 which caused purulent meningitis and septicaemia in a newborn child in Germany contained a 4.4 megadalton (Mdal) plasmid (pVe445) and produced a TEM type beta-lactamase. The transformation to ampicillin resistance of a sensitive Escherichia coli strain with isolated pVe445 DNA proved that the structural gene for the beta-lactamase resided on this plasmid genome. Molecular DNA-DNA hybridization studies and electron microscope DNA heteroduplex analysis indicated that pVe445 probably contained 38 to 41% of the ampicillin translocation DNA segment (TnA) found on R factors of enteric origin. The TnA fragment present in pVe445 most likely does not contain both of the inverted repeat sequences of TnA. DNA-DNA polynucleotide sequence studies indicated that the 4.4 Mdal plasmid pVe445 was unrelated to the 30 to 38 Mdal H. influenzae R plasmids but was closely related to the 4.1 Mdal ampicillin resistance specifying H. influenzae plasmid RSF0885 isolated in the U.S.A. The H. influenzae plasmid pVe445 shared 91% of its base sequences with the beta-lactamase specifying Neisseria gonorrhoeae plasmid pMR0360 (4.4 Mdal) and had 85% of its base sequences in common with the beta-lactamase specifying N. gonorrhoeae plasmid pMR0200 (3.2 Mdal). All of the four 3.2 to 4.4 Mdal beta-lactamase specifying R plasmids of H. influenzae and N. gonorrhoeae investigated probably have a common evolutionary origin.  相似文献   

Of beta-lactamase-producing strains of Haemophilus influenzae, 65% do not contain extrachromosomal plasmid DNA. These strains, however, conjugally transfer beta-lactamase production to a recipient strain from which a 30-megadalton plasmid can be isolated. Restriction enzyme analysis and Southern transfer of DNA from both donor and recipient strains revealed that chromosomal integration of plasmid sequences occurred in all donor strains examined.  相似文献   

Homology was previously detected between the DNA restriction fragments containing Rhizobium meliloti nodulation genes and the 90-MDa plasmid, p90, of Azospirillum brasilense Sp7. Two DNA loci from Sp7 genome that complement mutations in the exopolysaccharide synthesis genes, exoB and exoC, of R. meliloti were also shown to be present on the plasmid. A more detailed characterization of the plasmid was undertaken to establish its physical map and to localize the nod homologies and other specific regions. Six loci were mapped, the region homologous to the nodulation genes, nodPQ, of R. meliloti, the exoB and exoC mutation-correcting loci, a locus for Ap resistance, a bla homology region different from the Ap resistance locus, and a region necessary for the maintenance of p90 as an independent replicon. Mobilization into Agrobacterium tumefaciens of p90-Tn5-Mob was obtained at a frequency of 10(-4), with the plasmid helper pJB3JI. Self-transfer of p90 was not demonstrated. Fragments of p90 hybridized with a plasmid of 90 MDa present in most A. brasilense and some A. lipoferum strains, suggesting a plasmid family in Azospirillum.  相似文献   

Plasmids that share homology with the Haemophilus influenzae chromosome transform wild-type cells more efficiently than they transform recombination-defective mutants. A 5.2-kilobase-pair chromosomal fragment containing the strA gene of H. influenzae was found to promote efficient plasmid establishment in recombination-defective mutants. A cis-acting element in the insert, called rpe for rec-less plasmid establishment, promoted plasmid transformation in rec-1 and rec-2 mutants without suppressing the recombination defects of these strains. The rpe locus increased plasmid transformation in wild-type cells without interfering with the pathway of plasmid establishment that is dependent on recombination functions.  相似文献   

To date two classes of shikimate dehydrogenases have been identified and characterized, YdiB and AroE. YdiB is a bifunctional enzyme that catalyzes the reversible reductions of dehydroquinate to quinate and dehydroshikimate to shikimate in the presence of either NADH or NADPH. In contrast, AroE catalyzes the reversible reduction of dehydroshikimate to shikimate in the presence of NADPH. Here we report the crystal structure and biochemical characterization of HI0607, a novel class of shikimate dehydrogenase annotated as shikimate dehydrogenase-like. The kinetic properties of HI0607 are remarkably different from those of AroE and YdiB. In comparison with YdiB, HI0607 catalyzes the oxidation of shikimate but not quinate. The turnover rate for the oxidation of shikimate is approximately 1000-fold lower compared with that of AroE. Phylogenetic analysis reveals three independent clusters representing three classes of shikimate dehydrogenases, namely AroE, YdiB, and this newly characterized shikimate dehydrogenase-like protein. In addition, mutagenesis studies of two invariant residues, Asp-103 and Lys-67, indicate that they are important catalytic groups that may function as a catalytic pair in the shikimate dehydrogenase reaction. This is the first study that describes the crystal structure as well as mutagenesis and mechanistic analysis of this new class of shikimate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

We have identified a gene for the addition of N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) in an alpha-2,3-linkage to a lactosyl acceptor moiety of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of the human pathogen Haemophilus influenzae. The gene is one that was identified previously as a phase-variable gene known as lic3A. Extracts of H. influenzae, as well as recombinant Escherichia coli strains producing Lic3A, demonstrate sialyltransferase activity in assays using synthetic fluorescent acceptors with a terminal galactosyl, lactosyl or N-acetyl-lactosaminyl moiety. In the RM118 strain of H. influenzae, Lic3A activity is modulated by the action of another phase-variable glycosyltransferase, LgtC, which competes for the same lactosyl acceptor moiety. Structural analysis of LPS from a RM118:lgtC mutant and the non-typeable strain 486 using mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy confirmed that the major sialylated species has a sialyl-alpha-(2-3)-lactosyl extension off the distal heptose. This sialylated glycoform was absent in strains containing a lic3A gene disruption. Low amounts of sialylated higher molecular mass glycoforms were present in RM118:lgtC lic3A, indicating the presence of a second sialyltransferase. Lic3A mutants of H. influenzae strains show reduced resistance to the killing effects of normal human serum. Lic3A, encoding an alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase activity, is the first reported phase-variable sialyltransferase gene.  相似文献   

Oxygen free radicals present a serious potential threat to microbial survival, through their ability to inflict Indiscriminate damage on proteins and DNA. Superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC, among other oxygen-metabolizing enzymes, is essential to prevent these toxic molecules from accumulating in the bacterial cytosol during aerobic metabolism. The gene sodA, encoding manganese-containing SOD ([Mn]-SOD), has been cloned from a virulent strain of Haemophilus influenzae type b using degenerate oligonucleotides encoding regions of the gene conserved across different bacterial species. The gene product has been identified as [Mn]-SOD by its similarity at key amino acid residues to known examples of the enzyme, by expression of enzymatically active protein from cloned DNA expressed in Escherichia coli, and by demonstration that an in-frame deletion in the gene abolishes this activity. In contrast to the situation in E. coli, this [Mn]-SOD is the only active SOD detected in H. influenzae. In further contrast to E. coli, [Mn]-SOD gene expression in H. influenzae has been found to be only partially repressed under anaerobic conditions. When expressed in E. coli the gene is regulated by Fur and Fnr, and the promoter region, identified experimentally, has been found to contain nucleotide sequence motifs similar to the Fur- and Fnr-binding sequences of E. coli, suggesting the involvement of analogues of these aerobiosis- responsive activators in H. influenzae gene expression.  相似文献   

Johnson CM  Huang B  Roderick SL  Cook PF 《Biochemistry》2004,43(49):15534-15539
The pH dependence of kinetic parameters was determined in both reaction directions to obtain information about the acid-base chemical mechanism of serine acetyltransferase from Haemophilus influenzae (HiSAT). The maximum rates in both reaction directions, as well as the V/K(serine) and V/K(OAS), decrease at low pH, exhibiting a pK of approximately 7 for a single enzyme residue that must be unprotonated for optimum activity. The pH-independent values of V(1)/E(t), V(1)/K(serine)E(t), V/K(AcCoA)E(t), V(2)/E(t), V(2)/K(OAS)E(t), and V/K(CoA)E(t) are 3300 +/- 180 s(-1), (9.6 +/- 0.4) x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1), 3.3 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1), 420 +/- 50 s(-1), (2.1 +/- 0.5) x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1), and (4.2 +/- 0.7) x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1), respectively. The K(i) values for the competitive inhibitors glycine and l-cysteine are pH-independent. The solvent deuterium kinetic isotope effects on V and V/K in the direction of serine acetylation are 1.9 +/- 0.2 and 2.5 +/- 0.4, respectively, and the proton inventories are linear for both parameters. Data are consistent with a single proton in flight in the rate-limiting transition state. A general base catalytic mechanism is proposed for the serine acetyltransferase. Once acetyl-CoA and l-serine are bound, an enzymic general base accepts a proton from the l-serine side chain hydroxyl as it undergoes a nucleophilic attack on the carbonyl of acetyl-CoA. The same enzyme residue then functions as a general acid, donating a proton to the sulfur atom of CoASH as the tetrahedral intermediate collapses, generating the products OAS and CoASH. The rate-limiting step in the reaction at limiting l-serine levels is likely formation of the tetrahedral intermediate between serine and acetyl-CoA.  相似文献   

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