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  • 1.1.|The standard metabolic rates (SMRs) and preferred body temperatures (PBTs) of the tropical cordylid Cordylus jonesi and temperature lacertid Lacerta lilfordi were determined following acclimation to constant environmental temperatures of 20 and 30°C.
  • 2.2.|Although after 5 weeks the SMRs of Cordylus jonesi and Lacerta lilfordi displayed partial compensations of 20.9 and 10.5%, respectively, their PBTs did not alter over this period. Therefore, acclimation does not maintain complete metabolic homeostasis during either the active or inactive phase of the lizard.
  • 3.3.|Cordylus jonesi allowed to thermoregulate behaviourally at their PBT during activity possessed similar SMRs to control animals maintained continually at the same background temperatures, indicating that acclimation state in lizards is determined by the body temperatures experienced while at rest.
  • 4.4.|The particular acclimatory problems of animals exhibiting behavioural homeothermy are discussed.

Chinese bulbuls(Pycnonotus sinensis) are small passerine birds that inhabit areas of central, southern and eastern China. Previous observations suggest that free–living individuals of this species may change their food intake in response to seasonal changes in ambient temperature. In the present study, we randomly assigned Chinese bulbuls to either a 30 °C or 10 °C group, and measured their body mass(BM), body temperature, gross energy intake(GEI), digestible energy intake(DEI), and the length and mass of their digestive tracts over 28 days of acclimation at these temperatures. As predicted, birds in the 30 °C group had lower body mass, GEI and DEI relative to those in the 10 °C group. The length and mass of the digestive tract was also lower in the 30 °C group and trends in these parameters were positively correlated with BM, GEI and DEI. These results suggest that Chinese bulbuls reduced their absolute energy demands at relatively high temperatures by decreasing their body mass, GEI and DEI, and digestive tract size.  相似文献   

温度变化通常会引起鱼类的生理功能和游泳行为产生适应性变化。为考察温度驯化对鲫偏好游泳速度的影响,本研究以鲫(Carassius auratus)为实验对象,分别在(15±1)℃和(25±1)℃条件下将单尾实验鱼置于梯度流速选择仪(流速范围为11.86~65.45 cm·s-1,等距离划分为5个流速区域,从第一到第五流速区域的流速连续增加)中拍摄1 h,采用Ethovision XT9软件分析视频资料并计算实验鱼在不同流速区域平均进入频次(F,次)、单次进入停留时间(T,s·次-1)和平均停留时间百分比(Pt,%)等流速选择行为指标。结果表明:25℃下,随着流速的上升、F值显著增加以及水流速度过高,鲫无法在最高流速区域停留较长时间而导致鲫在第四流速区域的Pt达到47%,显著高于其他流速区域(P0.05);15℃下,鲫第一到第三流速区域的F值相近,而第四和第五流速区域F显著下降;同时其T值的最大值也出现在最低流速区域,导致该温度组的最低流速区域的Pt达到最大(37%),显著高于其他流速区域(P0.05);在第一至第三速流速区域25℃组的F显著低于15℃组,且25℃组实验鱼在第四流速区域的T值显著大于15℃组(P0.05),导致25℃组在第一、第二速流速区域的Pt显著低于15℃组,而25℃组在第四、第五速流速区域的Pt显著高于15℃组(P0.05);实验鱼在25和15℃下其偏好游泳速度分别为27.91~41.30和11.86~15.18 cm·s-1;温度下降导致鲫的偏好游泳速度明显降低,与低温环境下鲫的整体生理功能受限有关。  相似文献   


1. 1.|Body temperature preferences were compared between cockroaches acclimated to different ambient temperatures and between 25°C acclimated cockroaches and cockroaches deprived of their peripheral temperature receptors.

2. 2.|Acclimation to 35°C resulted in a significantly higher mean body temperature and low body temperature selected compared with 25°C acclimated cockroaches.

3. 3.|Cockroaches deprived of their peripheral temperature receptors showed a significantly higher mean high body temperature selected when compared to normal 25°C acclimated cockroaches.

4. 4.|It is concluded that cockroach temperature regulation is more precise than expected and that central temperature receptors are the primary sensing elements for cockroach thermoregulation.

Author Keywords: Temperature preference; thermoregulation; Periplaneta americana; peripheral temperature receptors  相似文献   

黄艳  彭敏锐  夏继刚 《生态学报》2021,41(6):2496-2504
驯化有益假说(Beneficial acclimation hypothesis)认为生物表型的适应性变化会增强其在诱导这些变化产生的环境中的生理机能或适合度。然而,由于动物不同生理生态性能对环境驯化的响应可能不一致,那么,测试表型性状的选择对驯化有益假说的验证就尤为关键。为此,整合表征动物生存适合度的不同生理生态性能并探究其对环境驯化的响应模式就十分必要。以我国长江中上游广泛分布的中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)为对象,考察了驯化温度(18℃、28℃)和测试温度(18℃、28℃)及其交互作用对该物种有氧运动能力和无氧运动能力的影响,为驯化有益假说等相关假说的验证提供参考。研究发现,中华倒刺鲃不同生理生态性能对温度驯化的响应存在差异:(1)驯化温度对表征中华倒刺鲃无氧运动能力的快速启动游泳无显著影响(除最大加速度外)(P>0.05),研究数据倾向于支持无益假说(No-advantage hypothesis);(2)驯化温度对表征中华倒刺鲃有氧运动能力的临界游泳速度(Critical swimming speed,Ucrit)和最大代谢率(Maximum metabolic rate, MMR)影响显著(P<0.05),18℃驯化-18℃测试下的Ucrit和MMR均优于28℃驯化-18℃测试下的Ucrit和MMR,结果部分支持驯化有益假说和冷有益假说(Cooler is better hypothesis);(3)驯化温度、测试温度、游泳速度对中华倒刺鲃的运动代谢率(Active metabolic rate,MO2)和单位距离能量消耗(The energetic cost of transport, COT)影响显著(P<0.05)。值得关注的是,当游泳速度小于30 cm/s时,驯化温度对MO2和COT无影响,结果支持无益假说;而当游泳速度大于30 cm/s时,在特定的流速下经过28℃驯化的中华倒刺鲃无论在28℃还是18℃的测试环境下MO2和COT均较低,结果倾向于支持热有益假说(Warmer is better hypothesis)。研究结果提示:驯化有益假说并不具有普遍性,热驯化相关假说的验证不仅受表型性状选择的影响,而且还与测试的环境选择压力有关。  相似文献   

Seasonal acclimation and thermoregulation represent major components of complex thermal strategies by which ectotherms cope with the heterogeneity of their thermal environment. Some ectotherms possess the acclimatory capacity to shift seasonally their thermoregulatory behavior, but the frequent use of constant acclimation temperatures during experiments and the lack of information about thermal heterogeneity in the field obscures the ecological relevance of this plastic response. We examined the experimentally induced seasonal acclimation of preferred body temperatures (T(p)) in alpine newts Ichthyosaura (formerly Triturus) alpestris subjected to a gradual increase in acclimation temperature from 5°C during the winter to a constant 15°C or diel fluctuations between 10° and 20°C during the spring/summer. Both the mean and range of T(p) followed the increase in mean acclimation temperature without the influence of diel temperature fluctuations. The direction and magnitude of this acclimatory capacity has the potential to increase the time window available for thermoregulation. Although thermoregulation and thermal acclimation are often considered as separate but coadapted adjustments to thermal heterogeneity, their combined response is employed by newts to tackle seasonal variation in a thermoregulatory-challenging aquatic environment.  相似文献   


1. 1.|Body temperature (Tb) and activity of the snake Masticophis flagellum were studied by radiotelemetry in an outdoor enclosure.

2. 2.|Mean diurnal Tb varied little over a wide range of weather conditions, but weather variation was accompanied by major changes in sun exposure and in the timing and duration of activity.

3. 3.|Recently fed snakes reduced activity and exhibited neither a thermophilic response nor increased precision of thermoregulation compared to fasting snakes.

Author Keywords: behaviour; Colubridae; ecology; Masticophis flagellum; radiotelemetry; Reptilia; Serpentes; temperature; thermoregulation  相似文献   

Following artificial hibernation, sexually mature male garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) exhibited a decline in courtship behavior irrespective of castration, sham operation, or castration with testosterone replacement therapy. Behavior declined more rapidly in castrated animals with testosterone replacement than in castrated or sham-operated animals. In sham-operated animals, the decline in courtship was accompanied by changes in testicular weight and spermatogenic state from small spermatogenically inactive testes to large spermatogenically active testes. Serum androgen levels were more than fourfold greater in sham-operated animals than in castrated animals; cell height of the androgensensitive renal sex segment was greatest in castrated animals with testosterone replacement and least in castrated animals. These findings indicate that following artificial hibernation, male courtship behavior of T.s. parietalis is independent of the presence of the testes.  相似文献   

Many ectotherms respond to low temperature by adjusting capacities of enzymes from energy metabolism, restructuring membrane phospholipids and modulating membrane fluidity. Although much is known about the temperature biology of earthworms, it is not known to what extent earthworms employ compensatory changes in enzymatic capacities and membrane physical properties after exposure to low temperature. We examined activities of enzymes from glycolysis and central oxidative pathways as well as fluidity and phospholipid fatty acid composition of mitochondrial membranes prepared from the body wall of the temperate oligochaete Lumbricus terrestris after a one month acclimation to 5 degrees and 15 degrees C. No compensation occurs in central pathways of oxidative metabolism since activities of cytochrome-c oxidase and citrate synthase, when measured at a common temperature, are similar for 5 degrees C and 15 degrees C-acclimated animals. In contrast, activity of pyruvate kinase is elevated 1.3-fold after acclimation to 5 degrees C. Mitochondrial membranes display inverse compensation with respect to temperature (membranes from 5 degrees C animals are more ordered than membranes from 15 degrees C animals). Our results, in combination with earlier reports, indicate that routine metabolism in L. terrestris may be maintained at reduced temperatures with little or no change in enzymatic capacities and inverse compensation of mitochondrial membranes.  相似文献   

在自然环境中,有机体某一特性的可塑性变化在适应和功能方面是非常重要的。以成年白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)为研究对象,分别在野外驯化条件和实验室温度适应条件下测定静止代谢率(RMR)、蒸发失水率(EWL)和代谢活性器官的重量,同时测定肝脏及肌肉的线粒体呼吸和细胞色素C氧化酶活力(COX)。野外季节性驯化在冬季和夏季时测定;实验室温度适应分为2组,分别在10℃和30℃下适应4周后进行测定。结果显示,与夏季驯化和暖适应组相比,冬季驯化和冷适应组RMR和EWL较高、代谢活性器官较重,线粒体呼吸速率和COX活性显著增加;器官重量和细胞产热能力的适应性变化可能是导致了RMR适应性调节。结果表明,白头鹎可以表现出对季节性驯化和温度适应的生理反应,利用这种能力应付野外环境温度的波动。生理能量特性的可塑性是鸟类能量代谢的共同特征。  相似文献   


1. 1.|Studies concerning the seasonal variation and the temperature acclimation of metabolism and their control in Amphibia are reviewed.

2. 2.|Both season and temperature acclimation affect the activities of the central and autonomic nervous systems.

3. 3.|These changes are mediated especially by alterations in the activity of the thyroid and through the autonomic nerves.

4. 4.|The fact that common control mechanisms are involved may explain some of the often observed metabolic interactions of season and temperature acclimation.

Author Keywords: Season; seasonal variation; geographic variation; temperature acclimation; capacity adaptation; metabolism; thyroid; central nervous system; autonomic nervous system; motor system; neurotransmitters; frog; Amphibia; Rana; Bufo  相似文献   

Infusion of 6–12 mg/kg 2,4-dinitrophenol in the awake rat causes cardiovascular and respiratory responses similar to those induced by physical activity. Respiratory rate, tidal volume and minute ventilation rises promptly following DNP infusion indicating that the response to DNP is activated via a reflex loop in respiratory control. On the other hand, heart rate increased gradually as a function of body temperature. The dosages of 6–12 mg/kg DNP are suitable for the awake rat to simulate exercise-induced cardiopulmonary responses.  相似文献   

Eastern red spotted newts, as aquatic adults, are active year round. They are small and easy to handle, and thus lent themselves to a laboratory study of seasonal changes in preferred body temperature and biochemical acclimatization. We collected newts in summer (n=20), late fall (n=10) and winter (n=5). Ten each of the summer and late fall newts were subjected to an aquatic thermal gradient. Summer newts maintained higher cloacal temperatures than late fall newts (26.8+/-0.5 degrees C and 17.2+/-0.4 degrees C, respectively). In addition, the activity of three muscle metabolic enzymes (cytochrome c oxidase (CCO), citrate synthase (CS) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)) was studied in all newts collected. Newts compensated for lower late fall and winter temperatures by increasing the activity of CCO during those seasons over that in summer newts at all assay temperatures (8, 16 and 26 degrees C). The activity of CS was greater in winter over summer newts at 8 and 16 degrees C. No seasonal differences in LDH activity were demonstrated. These data in newts indicate that this amphibian modifies some muscle metabolic enzymes in relation to seasonal changes and can modify its behavioral in a way that correlates with those biochemical changes.  相似文献   


1. 1.|Integrated muscle activity, total number of limb beats and the maximum instantaneous limb beat frequency were measured in crabs during a standardized tilt regime at a series of different water temperatures between 10 and 25°C.

2. 2.|Total integrated activity and total number of limb beats showed a general increase for a decrease in temperature in all groups. Frequency of limb beat was always higher for Macropipus depurator than for Carcinus maenas, with M. depurator showing an increase and C. maenas a decrease in frequencies at extreme temperatures.

3. 3.|The temperature of acclimation of C. maenas affected the response of the crab in all parameters studied while all the results can be related to the size and normal environmental temperature range of the two species studied.

Author Keywords: Temperature; tilt; swimming; crab; Carcinus; Macropipus; muscle; electromyography  相似文献   

Summary Frequencies of scaphognathite (ventilatory,f sc) and heart (f h) pumping, oxygen consumption ( ), and hemolymph oxygen, carbon dioxide and pH levels were measured in adult Dungeness crabs (Cancer magister) during 7–10 day periods of exposure to 7, 12, and 17°C seawater. Ventilation volume ( ) was calculated for individual animals fromf sc and a previously determined relationship between stroke volume and animal mass. increases (Q10=2.3) with temperature were associated with larger increases inf sc (Q10=3.3) and (Q10=3.5) and smaller increases inf h (Q10=1.5). The incidence of unilateral scaphognathite pumping and pausing decreased as temperature rose.Postbranchial oxygen tension was maintained in vivo but hemolymph oxygen content decreased both in vivo and in vitro as temperature rose. Postbranchial carbon dioxide tension did not change significantly but relative alkalinity was maintained as temperature rose by loss of hemolymph bicarbonate. The effects of increased ventilation volume and potential mechanisms of bicarbonate regulation are discussed.The responses of the essentially subtidalCancer magister are compared with those of subtidal, intertidal and terrestrial crabs demonstrating that the concepts of acid-base regulation developed for water and air breathing vertebrates are also applicable to water and air breathing crabs, and that intertidal crabs may exhibit transitional states.This work was supported by Grant No. A.5762 National Research Council of Canada  相似文献   

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