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Monard C McHergui C Nunan N Martin-Laurent F Vieublé-Gonod L 《FEMS microbiology ecology》2012,81(3):673-683
The impact of the soil matric potential on the relationship between the relative abundance of degraders and their activity and on the spatial distribution of both at fine scales was determined to understand the role of environmental conditions in the degradation of organic substrates. The mineralization of (13) C-glucose and (13) C-2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) was measured at different matric potentials (-0.001, -0.01 and -0.316?MPa) in 6?×?6?×?6?mm(3) cubes excised from soil cores. At the end of the incubation, total bacterial and 2,4-D degrader abundances were determined by quantifying the 16S rRNA and the tfdA genes, respectively. The mineralization of 2,4-D was more sensitive to changes in matric potential than was that of glucose. The amount and spatial structure of 2,4-D mineralization decreased with matric potential, whilst the spatial variability increased. On the other hand, the spatial variation of glucose mineralization was less affected by changes in matric potential. The relationship between the relative abundance of 2,4-D degraders and 2,4-D mineralization was significantly affected by matric potential: the relative abundance of tfdA needed to be higher to reach a given level of 2,4-D mineralization in dryer than in moister conditions. The data show how microbial interactions with their microhabitat can have an impact on soil processes at larger scales. 相似文献
Nunan N Singh B Reid E Ord B Papert A Squires J Prosser JI Wheatley RE McNicol J Millard P 《FEMS microbiology ecology》2006,56(2):310-320
Soil microbial communities play an important role in nutrient cycling and nutrient availability, especially in unimproved soils. In grazed pastures, sheep urine causes local changes in nutrient concentration which may be a source of heterogeneity in microbial community structure. In the present study, we investigated the effects of synthetic urine on soil microbial community structure, using physiological (community level physiological profiling, CLPP), biochemical (phospholipid fatty acid analysis, PLFA) and molecular (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, DGGE) fingerprinting methods. PLFA data suggested that synthetic urine treatment had no significant effect on total microbial (total PLFA), total bacterial or fungal biomass; however, significant changes in microbial community structure were observed with both PLFA and DGGE data. PLFA data suggested that synthetic urine induced a shift towards communities with higher concentrations of branched fatty acids. DGGE banding patterns derived from control and treated soils differed, due to a higher proportion of DNA sequences migrating only to the upper regions of the gel in synthetic urine-treated samples. The shifts in community structure measured by PLFA and DGGE were significantly correlated with one another, suggesting that both datasets reflected the same changes in microbial communities. Synthetic urine treatment preferentially stimulated the use of rhizosphere-C in sole-carbon-source utilisation profiles. The changes caused by synthetic urine addition accounted for only 10-15% of the total variability in community structure, suggesting that overall microbial community structure was reasonably stable and that changes were confined to a small proportion of the communities. 相似文献
硫对铅污染水稻土微生物活性及群落结构的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对含有不同浓度铅的水稻土添加硫代硫酸钠进行土培试验,研究硫作用下铅污染水稻土微生物活性及群落结构的变化.结果表明:添加硫底物后,土壤的氧化还原电位(Eh)升高,呼吸强度增强,硫氧化菌的数量显著增加.硫促进了土壤中硫氧化菌等微生物的生长并引起群落结构的变化,克隆测序表明,加硫处理下土壤微生物的特异性条带与拟杆菌、硫杆菌、β-变形菌和嗜酸菌具有很高的相似性.硫处理下土壤碳酸盐结合态及铁锰结合态铅含量发生了显著变化. 相似文献
Calibration of Watermark soil moisture sensors for soil matric potential and temperature 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
Rapid, accurate, and automated measurement of soil matric potential is desirable. Evidence suggested that the Watermark resistance block might be an appropriate and inexpensive tool, so we conducted an evaluation of its relevant characteristics. A number of these blocks were calibrated under laboratory conditions to determine their individual and aggregate responses to soil matric potential, soil type, and temperature. We found that the temperature response could be expressed as a single equation, valid for all tested blocks, but comparison against matric potential revealed that each block had a characteristic response. Furthermore, block responses were different in two soils and, for a given soil, not necessarily reproducible. Given these limitations, these sensors are probably useful only as relative indicators of soil water status. 相似文献
Computerized equipment to control soil temperature and soil water matric potential, at high soil hydric conditions was developed and evaluated. A series of experiments demonstrated the accuracy and reproducibility of the equipment's performance and its adequacy for the assessment of the inoculum potential of soil-borne pathogens in soils with different characteristics. Control of soil water potential is achieved by variation in the height of the water table in a medium with high water conductivity supporting the soil. The equipment consists of double-walled tanks, permitting the adjustment of soil temperature. It is provided with sensors, control software and valves for automatic operation. in a growth chamber at 24°C. with RH 70% and irradiation of 90 W.m–2, was maintained in dynamic equilibrium for pF values ranging from 1 (–1 kPa) to 2 (–10 kPa) in various arable soil samples during the four to five weeks period of the bioassays. During the fourth week of pea or iris growth at pF=2, the system controlled within an amplitude of 0.4 pF-units. Between replications, variance was approximately 0.1 at F=2, decreasing with increasing. Soil temperature in the system could be maintained at a constant level with a variance below 0.1, within an amplitude of 0.3°C. 相似文献
Fan Zhang Yue Hui She Sha Sha Ma Ji Ming Hu Ibrahim M. Banat Du Jie Hou 《Applied microbiology and biotechnology》2010,88(6):1413-1422
Microbial plugging, a microbial enhancement of oil recovery (MEOR) technique, has been applied in a candidate oil reservoir
of Daqing Oil Field (China). The goal of this study is to monitor the survival of injected bacteria and reveal the response
of microbial communities in field trial of microbial plugging through injection of selected microbial culture broth and nutrients.
Culture-dependent enrichment and culture-independent 16S rDNA clone library methods were used. The results show that it was
easy to activate targeted biopolymer-producing bacteria in a laboratory environment, and it was difficult for injected exogenous
bacteria to survive. In addition, microbial communities in the oil reservoir also changed before and after the field trial.
However, microbial communities, activated by fermentative medium for biopolymer-producing bacteria, appeared to show greater
differences in the laboratory than in the natural reservoir. It was concluded that microbial populations monitoring was important
to MEOR; results of response of microbial communities could provide a guide for the future field trials. 相似文献
Du Plessis KR Botha A Joubert L Bester R Conradie WJ Wolfaardt GM 《Journal of applied microbiology》2005,98(4):901-909
AIMS: Determining the response of different microbial parameters to copper oxychloride in acidic sandy loam soil samples using cultivation-dependent and direct microscopic techniques. METHODS AND RESULTS: Culturable microbial populations were monitored for 245 days in a series of soil microcosms spiked with different copper oxychloride concentrations. Microbial populations responded differently to additional Cu. Protistan numbers and soil metabolic potential decreased. Experiments with more soil samples revealed that metabolic potential was not significantly affected by < or =100 mg kg(-1) additional Cu. However, a negative impact on protista was noted in soil containing only 15 mg kg(-1) EDTA-extractable Cu. The negative impact on protistan numbers was less severe in soils with a higher phosphorous and zinc content. CONCLUSIONS: Bacterial populations responded differently, and protista were most sensitive to elevated Cu levels. Protistan numbers in soil from uncultivated land were higher and seemed to be more sensitive to additional Cu than the numbers of these organisms in soil originating from cultivated land. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Protistan sensitivity to small increases in Cu levels demonstrates the vulnerability of the soil ecosystem to Cu perturbations, especially when the importance of protista as link in the flow of energy between trophic levels is considered. 相似文献
Litter fingerprint on microbial biomass,activity, and community structure in the underlying soil 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Little is known about how plant leaf litter decomposing on the soil surface is affecting microbial communities in the underlying soil. Here we examined the effects of decomposing leaf litter of different initial chemistry on biomass, stoichiometry, community structure and activity of microorganisms in the soil underneath the decaying litter layer.Methods
Leaf litter from six different neotropical tree species with contrasted quality decomposed on top of a common tropical soil in a laboratory microcosm experiment over 98 days. At the end of the experiment we determined microbial biomass C, N, and P, microbial community structure (PLFA), and community level physiological profiles (CLPP) from the top soil.Results
Despite growing in a common soil substrate, soil microorganisms were strongly affected by litter species, especially by the soluble litter fraction. While litters with low soluble C content did not affect the soil microbial community, litters with high soluble C content led to an increase of microbial biomass and to a structural shift to relatively more Gram-negative bacteria. Changing community structure resulted in changes of catabolic capacity of microorganisms to metabolize a range of different C substrates. The large differences in leachate N and P among litter species, in contrast, had no effect on soil microbial parameters.Conclusions
Our data suggest that plant litter decomposing on the soil surface exhibit a strong and predictable leachate C-control over microbial community biomass, structure and function in the underlying soil.10.
The aims of the study were to determine group specificity in microbial utilization of root-exudate compounds and whole rhizodeposition; quantify the proportions of carbon acquired by microbial groups from soil organic matter and rhizodeposition, respectively; and assess the importance of root-derived C as a driver of soil microbial community structure. Additions of 13C-labelled root-exudate compounds to organic soil and steady-state labelling of Lolium perenne, coupled to compound-specific isotope ratio mass spectrometry, were used to quantify group-specific microbial utilization of rhizodeposition. Microbial utilization of glucose and fumaric acid was widespread through the microbial community, but glycine was utilized by a narrower range of populations, as indicated by the enrichment of phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis fractions. In L. perenne rhizospheres, high rates of rhizodeposit utilization by microbial groups showed good correspondence with increased abundance of these groups in the rhizosphere. Although rhizodeposition was not the quantitatively dominant C source for microbes in L. perenne rhizospheres, relative utilization of this C source was an important driver of microbial group abundance in organic soil. 相似文献
The changes in the structure and activity of a soil microbial community caused by addition of moderate and high rates of the mineral nitrogen fertilizer (KNO3) were studied in a laboratory incubation experiment. The structure of the microbial community was evaluated from the phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profile; specific growth rate of the microorganisms was determined by the method of the kinetics of substrate-induced respiration; the total pool of microbial carbon was estimated by the fumigation-extraction method. The amounts of nitrogen fertilizer applied in three treatments of the experiment were 0 (control), 100, and 2000 ??g N/g soil. Even in the absence of additional sources of organic carbon, a considerable portion of the added 15N (up to 74%) was immobilized. No significant increase in the amount of microbial carbon was observed during incubation. The specific growth rate of the microbial community in soil supplemented with glucose decreased twofold after addition of 2000 ??g N/g soil. In this treatment, the ratio of cyclic fatty acids to their monoenoic precursors also increased, indicating the adaptation of microbial cells to extremely high amounts of nitrogen fertilizer. Moreover, considerable changes in the structure of the soil microbial community, such as an increase in the ratio of fungalto bacterial markers and a decrease in the ratio between PLFA of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, were observed in the treatment with addition of 2000 ??g N/g soil. Our data clearly indicate that mineral nitrogen fertilization of soil under carbon limitation has a pronounced impact on the structure and activity of soil microbial communities. 相似文献
杉木人工林土壤微生物群落结构特征 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
采用氯仿熏蒸法、稀释平板法和磷脂脂肪酸(phospholipid fatty acid,PLFA)方法,分析了常绿阔叶林转变成杉木人工林后土壤微生物种群数量和群落结构的变化特征.结果表明:常绿阔叶林转变为杉木人工林后,林地土壤的微生物生物量碳、可培养细菌和放线菌数降低.杉木人工林地总PLFAs、细菌PLFAs、真菌PLFAs比常绿阔叶林分别降低了49.4%、52.4%和46.6%,革兰氏阳性和阴性细菌PLFAs远低于常绿阔叶林.杉木人工林根际土壤微生物生物量碳、可培养细菌和放线菌数显著高于杉木人工林林地土壤,根际土壤中总PLFAs、细菌PLFAs、革兰氏阳性和阴性细菌PLFAs的含量也高于林地土壤,但真菌PLFAs和细菌PLFAs之比却低于林地土壤.对土壤微生物群落结构进行主成分分析发现,第1主成分和第2主成分共解释了土壤微生物群落结构变异的78.2%.表明常绿阔叶林与杉木人工林土壤的微生物群落结构间存在差异. 相似文献
The side effects of glyphosate on the soil microflora were monitored by applying a range of glyphosate concentrations (0,
2, 20, and 200 μg g−1 herbicide) to incubated soil samples, and following changes in various microbial groups over 27 days. Bacterial propagule
numbers were temporarily enhanced by 20 μg g−1 and 200 μg g−1 glyphosate, while actinomycete and fungal propagule numbers were unaffected by glyphosate. The frequency of three fungal
species on organic particles in soil was temporarily enhanced by 200 μg g−1 glyphosate, while one was inhibited. One species was temporily enhanced on mineral particles. However, many of these fungi
were inhibited by 200 μg g−1 glyphosate in pure culture. There was little agreement between species responses to glyphosate in incubated soil samples
and in pure culture. 相似文献
A sandy loam soil was brought to 6 water contents (13-100% WHC) to study the effects of extreme soil moistures on the physiological status of microbiota (represented by biomass characteristics, specific respiration, bacterial growth, and phospholipid fatty acid, PLFA, stress indicators) and microbial community structure (assessed using PLFA fingerprints). In dry soils, microbial biomass and activity declined as a consequence of water and/or nutrient deficiency (indicated by PLFA stress indicators). These microbial communities were dominated by G+ bacteria and actinomycetes. Oxygen deficits in water-saturated soils did not eliminate microbial activity but the enormous accumulation of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate by bacteria showed the unbalanced growth in excess carbon conditions. High soil water content favored G bacteria. 相似文献
Root controls on soil microbial community structure in forest soils 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
We assessed microbial community composition as a function of altered above- and belowground inputs to soil in forest ecosystems of Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Hungary as part of a larger Detritus Input and Removal Treatment (DIRT) experiment. DIRT plots, which include root trenching, aboveground litter exclusion, and doubling of litter inputs, have been established in forested ecosystems in the US and Europe that vary with respect to dominant tree species, soil C content, N deposition rate, and soil type. This study used phospholipid fatty-acid (PLFA) analysis to examine changes in the soil microbial community size and composition in the mineral soil (0–10 cm) as a result of the DIRT treatments. At all sites, the PLFA profiles from the plots without roots were significantly different from all other treatments. PLFA analysis showed that the rootless plots generally contained larger quantities of actinomycete biomarkers and lower amounts of fungal biomarkers. At one of the sites in an old-growth coniferous forest, seasonal changes in PLFA profiles were also examined. Seasonal differences in soil microbial community composition were greater than treatment differences. Throughout the year, treatments without roots continued to have a different microbial community composition than the treatments with roots, although the specific PLFA biomarkers responsible for these differences varied by season. These data provide direct evidence that root C inputs exert a large control on microbial community composition in the three forested ecosystems studied. 相似文献
Leticia Regueiro Patricia Veiga Mónica Figueroa Jorge Alonso-Gutierrez Alfons J.M. Stams Juan M. Lema Marta Carballa 《Microbiological research》2012,167(10):581-589
High activity levels and balanced anaerobic microbial communities are necessary to attain proper anaerobic digestion performance. Therefore, this work was focused on the kinetic performance and the microbial community structure of six full-scale anaerobic digesters and one lab-scale co-digester. Hydrolytic (0.6–3.5 g COD g?1 VSS d?1) and methanogenic (0.01–0.84 g COD g?1 VSS d?1) activities depended on the type of biomass, whereas no significant differences were observed among the acidogenic activities (1.5–2.2 g COD g?1 VSS d?1). In most cases, the higher the hydrolytic and the methanogenic activity, the higher the Bacteroidetes and Archaea percentages, respectively, in the biomasses. Hydrogenotrophic methanogenic activity was always higher than acetoclastic methanogenic activity, and the highest values were achieved in those biomasses with lower percentages of Methanosaeta. In sum, the combination of molecular tools with activity tests seems to be essential for a better characterization of anaerobic biomasses. 相似文献
The main objective was to describe the effects of plant litter on SOC and on soil microbial activity and structure in extensively managed grasslands in Central Germany that vary in biomass production and plant community composition.Methods
The decomposition of shoot and root litter was studied in an incubation experiment. Labile C and N were isolated by hot water extraction (CHWE, NHWE), while functional groups of microbes were identified by PLFA analysis and microbial activity was measured using a set of soil exo-enzymes.Results
The plant community composition, particulary legume species affected SOC dynamics and below-ground microbial processes, especially via roots. This was reflected in about 20% lower decomposition of root litter in low productivity grassland soil. The CHWE soil pool was found to be a key driver of the below-ground food web, controlling soil microbial processes.Conclusions
Below-ground responses appear to be related to the presence of legume species, which affected the microbial communities, as well as the ratio between fungal and bacterial biomass and patterns of soil enzyme activity. Low productivity fungal-dominated grasslands with slow C turnover rates may play an important role in SOC accumulation. The approach used here is of particular importance, since associated biological and biochemical processes are fundamental to ecosystem functioning. 相似文献20.