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Vegetation changes during the late Holocene are interpreted from four fossil pollen sequences from two caves at the Los Toldos archaeological locality, Santa Cruz province, Argentina. Taphonomic processes are particularly taken into account in order to analyze the effects on the fossil pollen records of biotic factors such as human occupation and animals, and abiotic ones such as volcanic ash fall. Fossil pollen assemblages are interpreted using local modern pollen data. The main vegetation change occurred at ca. 3750 uncal b.p., when a shrub steppe of Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae with Schinus, Ephedra frustillata and a high proportion of grasses was replaced by a shrub steppe of Colliguaja integerrima and Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae. This change is synchronous with an archaeological record change and could be related either to moderate climatic variations or the effects of ash fall on the environment. Plant communities similar to the present-day ones were established in the Los Toldos area from ca. 3750 uncal b.p.  相似文献   

We present the pollen analysis of a new sedimentary sequence taken at La Pouretère ( 1720 m), in the mountain vegetation zone of the Marcadau valley (central Pyrenees). The Lateglacial and Holocene chronology is supported by six 14C-dating results. The complementary analysis of some vegetal macroremains, stomata, pollen-clusters and the use of pollen influx allows us to elucidate the dynamic of mountain species such as Pinus and specially Abies but also to infer the unusual part played by Betula at the beginning of the Postglacial period.  相似文献   

The objective of the present paper is to recognize and reconstruct, from the analysis of pollen recovered from sedimentary cores, the predominant plant communities and their variations during the Holocene in Corrientes Argentina, in order to infer changes in climatic conditions, vegetation and paleoenvironmental evolution in the northeast of Argentina. For this study, lakes located in the central region of Corrientes province were selected, comprising part of the western margin of the Iberá Wetland. The palynological analysis of the paleocommunities shows, in a first stage of the mid Holocene, the predominance of marsh grasslands and hygrophilous communities that indicates humid to sub‐humid environmental conditions. In a later stage of the mid Holocene, the paleocommunities show a characteristic association of wetlands, which together with the presence of Typha sp., would indicate sub‐humid to humid conditions and waterlogged or flooded soils with slow‐moving water. For the late Holocene, the paleocommunities show, initially, the presence of a grass‐dominated herbaceous steppe, indicating environmental disturbances, which in the fossil record could reflect the combination of intense wind action under a dry climate. In a later stage, the frequency and variety of species characteristic of humid environments increase, dominated by marshy‐herbaceous species, in addition to the development of the hygrophilous forest. Consequently, since the mid Holocene, the main climate factors responsible for the observed changes in wetland conditions were the location and intensity of the Atlantic and Pacific anticyclones in addition to changes in sea level. These forces mainly affected the distribution of precipitation, causing significant changes in the vegetation communities.  相似文献   

Lucia Roncaglia 《Grana》2013,52(2):81-88
Anther development, microsporogenesis, and microgametogenesis were studied using both light and TEM microscopy in the six accessible subdioecious/cryptically dioecious species of Consolea (Cactaceae). Anther wall development, microsporogenesis, and microgametogenesis are uniform in staminate flowers of all six species, and are typical for Cactaceae. Breakdown of microsporogenesis in male‐sterile anthers occurs early, at the onset of meiosis, and results in anthers bearing no pollen grains. The abortive process follows a common pattern in all investigated species. The tapetum is the first layer to deviate from normal male‐fertile anther development. Tapetal cells in male‐sterile anthers elongate at an early stage and have abundant rER with atypical configurations. Ultimately, the tapetum becomes hypertrophied and non‐functional. Male‐sterility in pistillate flowers appears to be directly related to these anomalies. In addition, other anther layers and tissues are affected, and normal patterns of programmed cell death (PCD) are disrupted. The relationship between these patterns and the pattern of PCD in normal male‐fertile anthers is discussed. We hypothesize a single origin for the cryptically dioecious/subdioecious breeding system of Consolea based on the uniformity of the anther's abortive processes in pistillate flowers.  相似文献   

On the basis of distribution maps showing the first pollen occurrences in the Holocene of the well-known climate indicators Hedera, Ilex and Viscum as well as data for Corylus, a series of maps have been prepared that show summer and winter isotherms at various time intervals during the Holocene. From these maps climate curves for Amsterdam, the Netherlands have been set out. These were compared with curves for the Eemian at the same site. In both of these warm periods there is evidence for increased seasonality in the early phases which were relatively continental. Changes in insolation could account for such differences. Summer optima occurred earlier than winter optima. Changes in land-sea distribution are important, especially with regard to the patterns in winter climate. During the latter half of the Eemian, the climate was distinctly more oceanic than in the Holocene. Early in the Holocene, an influx of warm ocean water resulted in higher winter temperatures in the Gulf of Biscay, the Irish Sea, and areas east of Skagerrak-Kattegat. Temperature decline after the climatic optimum was greatest in the north, i.e. at 60°N, where a depression in the order of 2°C in summer and 2–3°C in winter occurred. Temperature decline was less farther south, i.e. at ca. 50°N, where a distinct west-east gradient in temperature change can be observed.  相似文献   

We examined the mycorrhizal type of 128 plant species in two patches of native vegetation of the Chaco Serrano Woodland, central Argentina, the largest dry forest area in South America. Of the 128 plant species investigated (belonging to 111 genera in 53 families), 114 were colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AM), orchid mycorrhizal associations were present in the five terrestrial orchid species analyzed, one ectomycorrhiza was only present in Salix humboldtiana Willd., and 96 harbored a dark septate endophyte (DSE) association. Co-occurrence of AM and DSE was observed in 88 plant species. We determine morphological types of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Arum, Paris, and intermediate AM structures) and report the mycorrhizal status in 106 new species, 12 of which are endemic to central Argentina and two, Aa achalensis Schltr. and Buddleja cordobensis Griseb., are declared to be vulnerable species. Root colonization in the Chaco Serrano Woodland is widespread and should be considered in revegetation programs due to the deterioration of this particular ecosystem. Considering the predominance of AM and DSE associations and the various potential benefits that these associations may bring to plant establishment, they should receive special attention in conservation and reforestation of these woodlands.  相似文献   

A 3.4 m core was obtained for paleoecological analysis from Naja Lake in the Lacandon region of southeastern Mexico. This is the first study of the Lacandon area aimed at reconstructing late Holocene environmental history. The basal section of the core yielded an AMS date of 2020 14C years b.p. The Naja pollen record shows that the lower montane rain forest characterized by Moraceae, Mimosoideae, Leguminosae and Combretaceae/Melastomataceae, coexisted with a pine-oak forest throughout the late Holocene. No Zea mays pollen was found during routine pollen counts, but the presence of both secondary pollen taxa and abundant charcoal particles suggest some degree of regional human impact. A marked increase in Pinus pollen, together with a reduction in lower montane rain forest taxa, is interpreted as evidence for a strong, protracted drought from 1260 to 730 14C years b.p.  相似文献   

One predicted impact of climate change is a poleward shift in the boundaries of species ranges. Existing methods for identifying such a boundary shift based on changes in the observed pattern of occupancy within a grid of cells are sensitive to changes in the overall rate of sightings and their latitudinal distribution that are unconnected to a boundary shift. A formal test for a boundary shift is described that allows for such changes. The test is applied to detect northward shifts in the northern boundary of the Essex skipper (Thymelicus lineola) butterfly and the European goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) in Great Britain. A shift is detected in the latter case but not in the former. Results from a simulation study are presented showing that the test performs well.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the taphonomic analysis of the late Miocene bone assemblage from the Cerro Azul Formation at Telén (La Pampa Province, Argentina). The faunal assemblage was assigned to the Huayquerian mammal age (late Miocene). The fossiliferous section shows a homogeneous lithology, and is interpreted as a loess deposit with two similar and slightly developed palaeosols, classified as calcic vertisols. The studied sample comprises 5598 remains anatomically and taxonomically determined. They were collected from an area of about 48,000 m2, appearing randomly distributed through the section and with low density. Most remains are small- to very small-sized, disarticulated, and very fragmented. Different taphonomical histories are inferred for microvertebrates and macromammals. The microvertebrate assemblage is interpreted as the result of predator activities. After a brief period of pre-burial exposure, remains were dispersed from the original depositional area. On the other hand, a natural and gradual death process is envisaged for macromammals, followed by a long period of exposure to weathering and dispersal by physical agents. Remains of both groups, once buried, suffered the diagenetic processes of the host rock. Consequently, the fossil assemblage from Telén would represent a condensed assemblage corresponding to two distinct time spans, i.e., the accumulation of microvertebrates took place in a short time interval whereas that of macromammals occurred over a longer period, coincident with the development of both soils.  相似文献   

Erhard Schulz 《Hydrobiologia》1991,214(1):359-365
Palynological investigations of corings in the sebkhas of Taoudenni (N-Mali) and Segedim (N-Niger), archaeological excavations in the Acacus Mts. (SW-Libya) and charcoal records in the central Ténéré (Niger) give evidence for a northward shift of the desert-savanna boundary to 22°–20° N during the middle Holocene. Between Niger and S-Libya there was a ecological gradient from the sudanian, sahelian and saharan savannas to a denser saharan desert vegetation. After a transition phase between 6000 and 4000 BP the saharan desert vegetation was finally established in the Taoudenni and Segedim region and this degraded from ca. 2000 BP to its present condition.During the middle Holocene the central Sahara had a monsoonal summer rain climate with an effective rainfall of 250–300 mm per year near the desert-savanna boundary (ca. 22° N). Interaction between the monsoon and the atlantic cyclones also allowed rainfall in other periods of the year.  相似文献   

Evidence of climatic niche shift during biological invasion   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
Niche-based models calibrated in the native range by relating species observations to climatic variables are commonly used to predict the potential spatial extent of species' invasion. This climate matching approach relies on the assumption that invasive species conserve their climatic niche in the invaded ranges. We test this assumption by analysing the climatic niche spaces of Spotted Knapweed in western North America and Europe. We show with robust cross-continental data that a shift of the observed climatic niche occurred between native and non-native ranges, providing the first empirical evidence that an invasive species can occupy climatically distinct niche spaces following its introduction into a new area. The models fail to predict the current invaded distribution, but correctly predict areas of introduction. Climate matching is thus a useful approach to identify areas at risk of introduction and establishment of newly or not-yet-introduced neophytes, but may not predict the full extent of invasions.  相似文献   

  • Steep climatic gradients boost morphological and physiological adjustments in plants, with consequences on performance. The three principal woody species of the Sierras Grandes Mountains of central Argentina have marked differences in sapling performance along their altitudinal distribution. We hypothesize that the steep gradient of climatic conditions across the species’ altitudinal distribution promotes trait differences between populations of different altitudes that are inherited by the following generation.
  • Seeds from different altitudes were exposed to three temperature regimes to assess differential germination responses. Saplings were then transplanted to a greenhouse to assess possible variations in attributes and performance after 18 months.
  • The three species showed differences in germination responses to temperature among altitudes and/or in sapling attributes and performance. In Maytenus boaria and Escallonia cordobensis, germination success was higher under high temperatures for the highest‐altitude, whereas lower temperatures boosted germination of the lowest altitudes. Polylepis australis showed no differences in germination among temperature treatments. In the greenhouse, saplings of the three species from intermediate altitudes showed high performance, whereas the upper and lower populations seemed to be adjusted to tolerating more stressful conditions (i.e., lower temperatures at the upper end and water stress at the lower end), showing lower performance toward both altitudinal limits.
  • These patterns agree with those described for saplings growing under field conditions, suggesting adjustments in response to environmental changes undergone by populations along the altitudinal range. The marked adjustments of populations to the local environment suggest a potentially high impact of climatic change on species distribution.

Rangeland utilization for livestock production in central Argentina has apparently resulted in the replacement of preferred mid-grasses ( Poa ligularis and Stipa clarazii ) by preferred short-grasses ( Piptochaetium napostaense and Stipa tenuis ) and avoided grasses ( Stipa tenuissima and Stipa eriostachya ). However, the botanical composition in the pristine condition is unknown due to the lack of historical data and relict areas. The objective of this study was to analyze soil phytolith assemblages from a representative site of central Argentina rangelands to test the presumed floristic changes. Soil phytolith assemblages (SPAs) were compared with three plant phytolith assemblages (PPAs), each of it made up of two species. One PPA was integrated by the preferred mid-grasses P. ligularis and S. clarazii , another by the preferred short-grasses P. napostaense and S. tenuis , and a third one by the avoided grasses S. eriostachya and S. tenuissima . For each PPA, the proportion of species representing the best fit with SPAs was estimated by considering all possible lineal combinations between the phytolith assemblage of the two integrating species, and selecting that representing the minimum distance to SPA. The highest degree of similarity between SPAs and PPAs corresponded to the PPA integrated by P. ligularis and S. clarazii . Our results support the hypothesis of the dominance of preferred mid-grasses in the pristine condition in rangelands of central Argentina, and that a shift towards the dominance of preferred short-grasses and avoided grasses has occurred in its present disturbed condition.  相似文献   

Phytosociological studies can be an important tool to detect temporal vegetation changes in response to global climate change. In this study, we present the results of a resurvey of a plot‐based phytosociological study from Sikkilsdalen, central Norway, originally executed between 1922 and 1932. By using a detailed phytosociological study we are able to investigate several aspects of elevational shifts in species ranges. Here we tested for upward and downward shifts in observed upper and lower distribution limits of species, as well as changes in species optima along an elevational gradient, and related the observed range shifts to species traits that could explain the observed trends. More species shifted upwards than downwards, independently of whether we were investigating shifts in species’ upper or lower distribution ranges or in species optima. However, shifts in species upper range margins changed independently of their lower range margins. Linking different species traits to the magnitude of shifts we found that species with a higher preference for prolonged snow cover shifted upwards more in their upper elevational limits and in their optima than species that prefer a shorter snow cover, whereas no species traits were correlated with the magnitude of changes in lower limits. The observed change in species ranges concord both with studies on other mountains in the region and with studies from other alpine areas. Furthermore, our study indicates that different factors are influencing species ranges at the upper and lower range limits. Increased precipitation rates and increased temperatures are considered the most important factors for the observed changes, probably mainly through altering the pattern in snow cover dynamics in the area.  相似文献   

Two new species of poroid Hymenochaetaceae (Aphyllophorales, Basidiomycota) are described and illustrated. They were causing decay on living and standing dead Polylepis australis ("tabaquillo" or "que?oa") in the Córdoba Mountains in central Argentina. Inonotus serranus is characterized by a biannual basidiocarp, with a dark line separating tomentum from context; ellipsoid to ovoid, thick walled, colored spores; and the absence of setae. Phellinus uncisetus is characterized by uncinate setae with ventricose uniradicate base and well-differentiated apical portion; a basidiocarp attached by a narrow area to the substrate; ventricose, hyaline cistidioles; and by subglobose, hyaline spores, with very thick walls. The identity of Phellinus setulosus is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Nutrient resorption from senescing leaves enables plants to conserve and reuse nutrients. As such, it could be expected that plant species adapted to infertile soils have a higher nutrient resorption efficiency (percentage reduction of nutrients between green and senesced leaves) and/or higher nutrient resorption proficiency (absolute reduction of nutrients in senesced leaves) than those adapted to fertile soils. Our objective was to compare nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) resorption of two congener grasses that successfully occupy uplands of relatively low fertility (Stipa gynerioides) or lowlands of relatively high fertility (Stipa brachychaeta) in natural grasslands of central Argentina. The two Stipa species did not differ in N and P resorption efficiency, but S. gynerioides had a higher N and P resorption proficiency than S. brachychaeta. As a consequence, leaf‐level N and P use efficiency were higher in the species adapted to low fertility conditions than in the species adapted to high fertility conditions. The higher nutrient resorption proficiency of S. gynerioides was also associated with relatively low leaf‐litter decomposition and nutrient release rates found in a previous study.  相似文献   

The average temperature of the earth has increased from 0.3 to 0.6 °C, and warming is facilitating faunal reshuffling. Variable thermal environments warrant mechanisms to adjust the expression of phenotypic values to environmental needs. Ectothermic Drosophilids are profoundly affected by thermal selection (i.e., genetic effects) or through induced effects on phenotypes (i.e., plastic effects). Climatic data for the last fifty years involves a significant change in average temperature (Tave) of Western Himalayas, which has affected the distribution and boundaries of various Drosophilids in this region. There is a significant decline in the number of D. nepalensis from lower ranges; whereas D. ananassae is reported to be introduced to lower to mid mountainous ranges. Further, a comparison of fecundity, hatchability, and viability at different growth temperatures has shown significant decrease in trait values at 17 °C in D. ananassae and at 25 °C in D. nepalensis. Thus, the recent range changes of these two species involve genetic effects on ecophysiological and plastic effects on life history traits. Our results indicate that thermal plasticity of life history traits can be species-specific; thus climate change may lead to a mismatch of such traits to the changing environment. We suggest that D. nepalensis and D. ananassae could serve as indicator species for analyzing range changes under changing climatic conditions. Evolutionary biologists can provide unique perspective to the examination of how climate change will affect the earth's biota.  相似文献   

Aim To test the hypothesis that dispersal characteristics alone can explain the past migration patterns of Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies observed in southern Scandinavia. Location Scandinavia, Europe. Methods The spreading dynamics of both species were analysed using a quantitative data–model comparison approach. Pollen data recording the arrival of the two species at 24 small forest‐hollow sites distributed across the study area were compared with simulated arrival times. The simulations were based on diffusive spread combined with long‐distance dispersal events. By systematically applying different parameter combinations yielding the desired colonization speeds we could identify values for the long‐distance dispersal component that minimized deviations from the observed arrival times. Results According to the minimization process, the optimal spreading rates were 100 m year?1 for F. sylvatica and 250 m year?1 for P. abies. Simulated dispersal alone could adequately explain the wave‐like spread of P. abies but failed to explain the scattered establishment pattern observed for F. sylvatica in Scandinavia. At the fine scale of stand establishment, local microclimatic conditions or site disturbance might be more important. The estimated spreading rates are high because the species colonized Scandinavia from different geographic directions and the rates slowed when their ranges overlapped. We present new estimates for the distance and frequency of long‐distance dispersal events for our modelled species. Main conclusions Our analyses suggest that the late Holocene spread of P. abies in Scandinavia was fairly rapid and was limited only by biological processes of dispersal, while that of F. sylvatica was limited by other factors probably controlled by site properties. Picea abies has maintained a rapid and constant rate of spread throughout at least the last 4000 years, despite significant changes in climate. There is uncertainty about the precise relationship between P. abies and climate in Scandinavia, so future distributions are not easy to forecast. For F. sylvatica in Scandinavia, site quality appears to have been a limiting factor, so future land use is likely to dictate its future distribution dynamics in combination with climatic factors.  相似文献   

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