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Malaria parasites replicate asexually within their mammalian hosts as haploid cells and are subject to DNA damage from the immune response and chemotherapeutic agents that can significantly disrupt genomic integrity. Examination of the annotated genome of the parasite Plasmodium falciparum identified genes encoding core proteins required for the homologous recombination (HR) pathway for repairing DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), but surprisingly none of the components of the canonical non-homologous end joining (C-NHEJ) pathway were identified. To better understand how malaria parasites repair DSBs and maintain genome integrity, we modified the yeast I-SceI endonuclease system to generate inducible, site-specific DSBs within the parasite’s genome. Analysis of repaired genomic DNA showed that parasites possess both a typical HR pathway resulting in gene conversion events as well as an end joining (EJ) pathway for repair of DSBs when no homologous sequence is available. The products of EJ were limited in number and identical products were observed in multiple independent experiments. The repair junctions frequently contained short insertions also found in the surrounding sequences, suggesting the possibility of a templated repair process. We propose that an alternative end-joining pathway rather than C-NHEJ, serves as a primary method for repairing DSBs in malaria parasites.  相似文献   

In the present study, 2 alternative strategies to optimize ketorolac transdermal delivery, namely, prodrugs (polyoxyethylene glycol ester derivatives, I–IV) and nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) were investigated. The synthesized prodrugs were chemically stable and easily degraded to the parent drug in human plasma. Ketorolac-loaded NLC with high drug content could be successfully prepared. The obtained products formulated into gels showed a different trend of drug permeation through human stratum corneum and epidermis. Particularly, skin permeation of ester prodrugs was significantly enhanced, apart from ester IV, compared with ketorolac, while the results of drug release from NLC outlined that these carriers were ineffective in increasing ketorolac percutaneous absorption owing to a higher degree of mutual interaction between the drug and carrier lipid matrix. Polyoxyethylene glycol esterification confirmed to be a suitable approach to enhance ketorolac transdermal delivery, while NLC seemed more appropriate for sustained release owing to the possible formation of a drug reservoir into the skin. Published: August 4, 2006  相似文献   

Weber  Gerhard E.  Moloney  Kirk  Jeltsch  Florian 《Plant Ecology》2000,150(1-2):77-96
Increasing cover by woody vegetation, prevalent in semiarid savanna rangelands throughout the world, is a degrading process attributed to the grazing impact as a major causal factor. We studied grazing effects on savanna vegetation dynamics under alternative stocking strategies with a spatially explicit grid-based simulation model grounded in Kalahari (southern Africa) ecology. Plant life histories were modeled for the three major life forms: perennial grasses, shrubs, annuals. We conducted simulation experiments over a range of livestock utilization intensities for three alternative scenarios of small scale grazing heterogeneity, and two alternative strategies: fixed stocking versus adaptive stocking tracking herbage production. Additionally, the impact of the duration of the management planning horizon was studied, by comparing community response and mean stocking rates after 20 and 50 years. Results confirmed a threshold behavior of shrub cover increase: at low, subcritical utilization intensity little change occurred; when utilization intensity exceeded a threshold, shrub cover increased drastically. For both stocking strategies, thresholds were highly sensitive to grazing heterogeneity. At a given critical utilization intensity, the long term effect of grazing depended on the level of grazing heterogeneity: whereas under low heterogeneity, shrub cover remained unchanged, a large increase occurred under highly heterogeneous grazing. Hence, information on spatial grazing heterogeneity is crucial for correct assessment of the impact of livestock grazing on vegetation dynamics, and thus for the assessment of management strategies. Except for the least heterogeneous grazing scenario, adaptive stocking allowed a more intensive utilization of the range without inflating the risk of shrub cover increase. A destabilizing feedback between rainfall and herbage utilization was identified as the major cause for the worse performance of fixed compared to adaptive stocking, which lacks this feedback. Given the usually high grazing heterogeneity in semiarid rangelands, adaptive stocking provides a management option for increasing herbage utilization and thus returns of livestock produce without increasing degradation risks.  相似文献   

Space use including territoriality and spatial arrangement within a population can reveal important information on the nature, dynamics, and evolutionary maintenance of alternative strategies in color polymorphic species. Despite the prevalence of color polymorphic species as model systems in evolutionary biology, the interaction between space use and genetic structuring of morphs within populations has rarely been examined. Here, we assess the spatial and genetic structure of male throat color morphs within a population of the tawny dragon lizard, Ctenophorus decresii. Male color morphs do not differ in morphology but differ in aggressive and antipredator behaviors as well as androgen levels. Despite these behavioral and endocrine differences, we find that color morphs do not differ in territory size, with their spatial arrangement being essentially random with respect to each other. There were no differences in genetic diversity or relatedness between morphs; however, there was significant, albeit weak, genetic differentiation between morphs, which was unrelated to geographic distance between individuals. Our results indicate potential weak barriers to gene flow between some morphs, potentially due to nonrandom pre‐ or postcopulatory mate choice or postzygotic genetic incompatibilities. However, space use, spatial structure, and nonrandom mating do not appear to be primary mechanisms maintaining color polymorphism in this system, highlighting the complexity and variation in alternative strategies associated with color polymorphism.  相似文献   

Partial migration occurs when only some animals in a population migrate. While evidence suggests that migratory strategies are partially controlled by genes, individual and environmental conditions which alter the cost‐benefit trade‐off of migration among individuals are also likely to play a role. Three hypotheses have been advanced to explain condition‐dependent partial migration: the arrival time, dominance and body size hypotheses. In this study, we asked whether these hypotheses explained differences in migratory strategy among individuals in a partially migratory population of western bluebirds Sialia mexicana breeding in southern British Columbia, Canada. We used stable hydrogen isotope signatures in claw tissue to determine migratory strategy of individual bluebirds, and examined patterns of migration at both individual and population levels. The proportion of resident bluebirds varied significantly over the three years of the study, and across study sites. Several migrants switched to the resident strategy between years; however, we found no evidence of strategy switching in the opposite direction. Young birds were significantly more likely to be resident than older birds, a pattern which could arise if early arrival is particularly important for birds obtaining a territory for the first time. Furthermore, young females were the most likely of all sex–age classes to be resident, which may reflect a survival advantage of residency for young females. Finally, birds mated assortatively by migratory strategy and isotopic evidence suggests that members of a pair often wintered in the same place. Our results provided no support for the dominance or body size hypotheses, and only limited support for the arrival time hypothesis in bluebirds. However, taken together, we suggest that our findings indicate that social factors may influence migratory strategies in this system.  相似文献   

The development of the malolactic fermentation, bioconversion of L-malic acid to L-lactic acid, is a difficult and time-consuming process that does not always proceed favorably under the natural conditions of wine. Traditional fermentations are used worldwide to produce high-quality wines, although delay or failure is not an unusual outcome. During recent years several technologies have been proposed to induce biological deacidification of wines by using malolactic bacteria, principally Oenococcus oeni and Lactobacillus sp. These alternative technologies usually involve the use of high densities of cells or enzymes, free or immobilized onto different matrices. Immobilization materials, several types of bioreactors, and the properties of many specific systems are discussed in this review.  相似文献   

The evolution of alternative mating strategies in variable environments   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary We assessed the influence of phenotypic plasticity in age at maturity on the maintenance of alternative mating strategies in male Atlantic salmon,Salmo salar. We calculated the fitness,r, associated with the parr and the anadromous strategies, using age-specific survival data from the field and strategy-specific fertilization data from the laboratory. The fitness of each strategy depended largely on mate competition (numbers of parr per female, i.e. parr frequency) and on age at maturity. Fitness declined with increasing numbers of parr per female with equilibrium frequencies (at which the fitnesses of each strategy are equal) being within the range observed in the wild. Equilibrium parr frequencies declined with decreasing growth rate and increasing age at maturity. Within populations, the existence of multiple age-specific sets of fitness functions suggests that the fitnesses of alternative strategies are best represented as multidimensional surfaces. The points of intersection of these surfaces, whose boundaries encompass natural variation in age at maturity and mate competition, define an evolutionarily stable continuum (ESC) of strategy frequencies along which the fitnesses associated with each strategy are equal. We propose a simple model that incorporates polygenic thresholds of a largely environmentally-controlled trait (age at maturity) to provide a mechanism by which an ESC can be maintained within a population. An indirect test provides support for the prediction that growth-rate thresholds for parr maturation exist and are maintained by stabilizing selection. Evolutionarily stable continua, maintained by negative frequency-dependent selection on threshold traits, provide a theoretical basis for understanding how alternative life histories can evolve in variable environments.  相似文献   



Commercial breeding programs seek to maximise the rate of genetic gain while minimizing the costs of attaining that gain. Genomic information offers great potential to increase rates of genetic gain but it is expensive to generate. Low-cost genotyping strategies combined with genotype imputation offer dramatically reduced costs. However, both the costs and accuracy of imputation of these strategies are highly sensitive to several factors. The objective of this paper was to explore the cost and imputation accuracy of several alternative genotyping strategies in pedigreed populations.


Pedigree and genotype data from a commercial pig population were used. Several alternative genotyping strategies were explored. The strategies differed in the density of genotypes used for the ancestors and the individuals to be imputed. Parents, grandparents, and other relatives that were not descendants, were genotyped at high-density, low-density, or extremely low-density, and associated costs and imputation accuracies were evaluated.


Imputation accuracy and cost were influenced by the alternative genotyping strategies. Given the mating ratios and the numbers of offspring produced by males and females, an optimized low-cost genotyping strategy for a commercial pig population could involve genotyping male parents at high-density, female parents at low-density (e.g. 3000 SNP), and selection candidates at very low-density (384 SNP).


Among the selection candidates, 95.5 % and 93.5 % of the genotype variation contained in the high-density SNP panels were recovered using a genotyping strategy that costs respectively, $24.74 and $20.58 per candidate.  相似文献   

Many species have extreme within-sex morphological and behavioral polymorphisms, most commonly different male phenotypes that practice different reproductive strategies. Although much is known about the role of hormones in sexual differentiation, little is known about what role hormones might play in within-sex differentiation. The relative plasticity hypothesis is derived from the classical organization-activation model of hormone action. It distinguishes between two types of polymorphic systems: a fixed system in which individual males assume one phenotype for their adult lives and a plastic system in which individual males can change phenotypes at least once. By analogy to sexual differentiation, the relative plasticity hypothesis generally predicts that organizational influences of hormones will be more important in fixed systems and activational influences of hormones will be more important in plastic systems. A review of our knowledge of the role of hormones in differentiation of within-sex polymorphisms indicates that the relative plasticity hypothesis accounts for otherwise diverse and contradictory results. This further supports the hypothesis that the organizational-activational model of hormone action derived from sexual differentiation generalizes to within-sex polymorphisms. However, studies of the effects of hormone manipulations on within-sex differentiation are rare but are desperately needed to further our understanding of this problem. Further studies of discontinuous behavioral variation characteristic of polymorphic species may further our understanding of the physiological basis of within-sex behavior variation in all species.  相似文献   

The life cycle of the Atlantic salmon is extremely variable. In good growing conditions, juvenile salmon either metamorphose into the migratory phase by their second spring, or delay this for at least another year. The strategy appears to be decided in their first summer. This study compared competitive responses of fish adopting the two strategies. Laboratory experiments showed that the two types of fish had similar foraging efficiencies in isolation. However, although a simulated competitor had little effect on the feeding behaviour of fast-developing fish, it caused an 18-fold increase in the incidence of failed feeding attempts by fish delaying development. The probability of an attack failing was dependent on how close the competitor came.  相似文献   

Intraspecific predation is a special case of prey–predator system that is taxonomically widespread. While a heterospecific predator's main goal is to achieve nutrition, intraspecific predation provides conspecifics with other benefits including elimination of competitors for resources and mates. Traditionally intraspecific predation is termed based on the context they occur within, for example egg cannibalism, infanticide and sexual cannibalism. These diverse forms of intraspecific predation and the strategies by which animals are known to deter them are summarized categorically in this review. The diversity of defence strategies animals deploy against conspecific predators is appreciable and raises interesting questions on their evolution for future research.  相似文献   

Genome maintenance requires coordinated actions of diverse DNA metabolism processes. Scaffolding proteins, such as those containing multiple BRCT domains, can influence these processes by collaborating with numerous partners. The best-studied examples of multi-BRCT scaffolds are the budding yeast Dpb11 and its homologues in other organisms, which regulate DNA replication, repair, and damage checkpoints. Recent studies have shed light on another group of multi-BRCT scaffolds, including Rtt107 in budding yeast and related proteins in other organisms. These proteins also influence several DNA metabolism pathways, though they use strategies unlike those employed by the Dpb11 family of proteins. Yet, at the same time, these 2 classes of multi-BRCT proteins can collaborate under specific situations. This review summarizes recent advances in our understanding of how these multi-BRCT proteins function in distinct manners and how they collaborate, with a focus on Dpb11 and Rtt107.  相似文献   

Functional worker sterility is the defining feature of insect societies. Yet, workers are sometimes found reproducing in their own or foreign colonies. The proximate mechanisms underlying these alternative reproductive phenotypes are keys to understanding how reproductive altruism and selfishness are balanced in eusocial insects. In this study, we show that in honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies, the social environment of a worker, that is, the presence and relatedness of the queens in a worker's natal colony and in surrounding colonies, significantly influences her fertility and drifting behaviour. Furthermore, subfamilies vary in the frequency of worker ovarian activation, propensity to drift and the kind of host colony that is targeted for reproductive parasitism. Our results show that there is an interplay between a worker's subfamily, reproductive state and social environment that substantially affects her reproductive phenotype. Our study further indicates that honeybee populations show substantial genetic variance for worker reproductive strategies, suggesting that no one strategy is optimal under all the circumstances that a typical worker may encounter.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The horn fly, Haematobia irritans (Linnaeus 1758) (Diptera: Muscidae) is one of the most widespread and economically important pests of cattle. Although insecticides have been used for fly control, success has been limited because of the development of insecticide resistance in all countries where the horn fly is found. This problem, along with public pressure for insecticide-free food and the prohibitive cost of developing new classes of compounds, has driven the investigation of alternative control methods that minimize or avoid the use of insecticides. This review provides details of the economic impact of horn flies, existing insecticides used for horn fly control and resistance mechanisms. Current research on new methods of horn fly control based on resistant cattle selection, semiochemicals, biological control and vaccines is also discussed.  相似文献   

Dispersal (i.e. movement from a natal or breeding site to another breeding site) is a central process in ecology and evolution as it affects the eco‐evolutionary dynamics of spatially structured populations. Dispersal evolution is regulated by the balance between costs and benefits, which is influenced by the individual phenotype (i.e. phenotype‐dependent dispersal) and environmental factors (i.e. condition‐dependent dispersal). Even though these processes have been extensively studied in species with simple life cycles, our knowledge about these mechanisms in organisms displaying complex life cycles remains fragmentary. In fact, little is specifically known about how the interplay between individual and environmental factors may lead to alternative dispersal strategies that, in turn, lead to the coexistence of contrasted site fidelity phenotypes. In this paper, we examined breeding dispersal in a pond‐breeding amphibian, the great crested newt Triturus cristatus, within usual walking distances for a newt. We took advantage of recent developments in multi‐event capture–recapture models and used capture–recapture data (946 newts marked) collected in a spatially structured population occupying a large pond network (73 ponds). We showed a high rate of breeding site infidelity (i.e. pond use) and the coexistence of two dispersal phenotypes, namely, a highly pond faithful phenotype and a dispersing phenotype. Individuals that were site faithful at time t – 1 were therefore more likely to remain site faithful at time t. Our results also demonstrated that the probability that individuals belong to one or the other dispersal phenotypes depended on environmental and individual factors. In particular, we highlighted the existence of a dispersal syndrome implying a covariation pattern among dispersal behavior, body size, and survival. Our work opens new research prospects in the evolution of dispersal in organisms displaying complex life cycles and raises interesting questions about the evolutionary pathways that contribute to the diversification of movement strategies in the wild.  相似文献   

The release of nonexchangeable potassium by the different particle size fractions of two soils was studied with a culture device designed to confine soil samples in the rhizosphere of rape (Brassica napus cv Drakkar). After 8 days of cropping, the contribution of nonexchangeable K to K uptake ranged from 50% in the fine clay to 80–100% in the coarser fractions. Due to their high supplying power and their relative abundance, the silt fractions provided a major part of the supply of K by these soils.  相似文献   

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