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Tetanus toxin binds neuronal tissue prior to internalization and trafficking to the central nervous system. Binding of the carboxy-terminal 50 kDa HC fragment of tetanus toxin to polysialogangliosides is important for this initial cell binding step. Using the three-dimensional structure of HC, mutants were designed to investigate the role of individual residues in ganglioside binding. Mutant proteins were tested for binding to GT1b gangliosides, to primary motoneurons and for their ability to undergo retrograde transport in mice. Two classes of mutant were obtained: (i) those containing deletions in loop regions within the C-terminal beta-trefoil domain which showed greatly reduced ganglioside and cell binding and did not undergo retrograde transport and (ii) those that showed reduced ganglioside binding, but retained primary neuronal cell binding and retrograde transport. The second class included point mutants of Histidine-1293, previously implicated in GT1b binding. Our deletion analysis is entirely consistent with recent structural studies which have identified sugar-binding sites in the immediate vicinity of the residues identified by mutagenesis. These results demonstrate that ganglioside binding can be severely impaired without abolishing cell binding and intracellular trafficking of tetanus toxin.  相似文献   

Functions of retrograde axonal transport   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Retrograde axonal transport conveys materials from axon to cell body. One function of this process is recycling of materials originally transported from cell body to axon. In motoneurons, 50% of fast-transported protein is returned. Reversal probably occurs mainly at nerve terminals and, for labeled proteins, is nonselective. Proteolysis is not required, although changes in tertiary protein structure may occur with a repackaging of molecules in organelles different from those in which they were anterograde-transported. A second function is transfer of information about axonal status and terminal environment. Premature reversal of transport adjacent to an axon injury may be a component of a signal that initiates cell body chromatolysis. Transport of target cell-derived molecules with trophic effects on the cell body is exemplified by nerve growth factor transport in neurons dependent on it, and is probably a widespread phenomenon in the developing nervous system. Disorders in retrograde transport or reversal occur in some experimental neuropathies, and certain viruses, as well as tetanus toxin, may gain access to the central nervous system by this route.  相似文献   

Attempt to replace enzymes in a number of fatal lysosomal storage disease involving the central nervous system have as yet been unsuccessful owing to the impermeability of the blood/brain barrier to macromolecules. In order to treat storage disease due to enzyme deficiencies, we investigated the feasibility of transporting an enzyme into the central nervous system without crossing the blood/brain barrier. Using the B-IIb fragment of tetanus toxin (because it is involved in recognition by the nerve-cell endings), retrograde axonal transport toward the spinal cord and trans-synaptic movement, and glucose oxidase as a marker, we demonstrated that a non-toxic enzyme-vector conjugate was taken up by axon terminals. After injection into the gastrocnemius muscle, the B-IIb-glucose oxidase conjugate was detected, both histologically and electrochemically, distally to a ligature on the sciatic nerve. Thus the B-IIb fragment could serve as a vector for glucose oxidase transport into the central nervous system. It was also verified that the transported enzyme retained its activity. Transport of this 150 kDa molecule by fragment B-IIb of tetanus toxin suggests that other enzymes of a lesser molecular mass may also be transported.  相似文献   

In vitro studies have recently identified receptors and signal transduction systems for many neurotrophic factors. In vivo, however, target-derived factors act over distances that are too great to be accounted for by simple diffusion of factors or classical second messengers. The active translocation of neurotrophic factors from the axon to the cell body by receptor-mediated retrograde transport provides a means by which factors presented at distal sites may influence somal signal transduction. We hypothesize that retrograde transport of receptors and other receptor-associated proteins leads to signalling at the cell body.  相似文献   

A series of specific macromolecules (tetanus toxin, cholera toxin, nerve growth factor [NGF], and several lectins) have been shown to be transported retrogradely with high selectivity from terminals to cell bodies in various types of neurons. Under identical experimental conditions (low protein concentrations injected), most other macromolecules, e.g. horseradish peroxidase (HRP), albumin, ferritin, are not transported in detectable amounts. In the present EM study, we demonstrate selective binding of tetanus toxin to the surface membrane of nerve terminals, followed by uptake and subsequent retorgrade axonal transport. Tetanus toxin or albumin was adsorbed to colloidal gold particles (diam 200 A). The complex was shown to be stable and well suited as an EM tracer. 1-4 h after injection into the anterior eye chamber of adult rats, tetanus toxin-gold particles were found to be selectively associated with membranes of nerve terminals and preterminal axons. Inside terminals and axons, the tracer was localized mainly in smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)-like membrane compartments. In contrast, association of albumin-gold complexes with nervous structures was never observed, in spite of extensive uptake into fibroblasts. Electron microscope and biochemical experiments showed selective retrograde transport of tetanus toxin-gold complexes to the superior cervical ganglion. Specific binding to membrane components at nerve terminals and subsequent internalization and retrograde transport may represent an important pathway for macromolecules carrying information from target organs to the perikarya of their innervating neurons.  相似文献   

The bacterial exotoxin Shiga toxin is endocytosed by mammalian host cells and transported retrogradely through the secretory pathway before entering the cytosol. Shiga toxin also increases the levels of microfilaments and microtubules (MTs) upon binding to the cell surface. The purpose for this alteration in cytoskeletal dynamics is unknown. We have investigated whether Shiga toxin-induced changes in MT levels facilitate its intracellular transport. We have tested the effects of the Shiga toxin B subunit (STB) on MT-dependent and -independent transport steps. STB increases the rate of MT-dependent Golgi stack repositioning after nocodazole treatment. It also enhances the MT-dependent accumulation of transferrin in a perinuclear recycling compartment. By contrast, the rate of MT-independent transferrin recycling is not significantly different when STB is present. We found that STB normally requires MTs and dynein for its retrograde transport to the juxtanuclear Golgi complex and that STB increases MT assembly. Furthermore, we find that MT polymerization is limiting for STB transport in cells. These results show that STB-induced changes in cytoskeletal dynamics influence intracellular transport. We conclude that the increased rate of MT assembly upon Shiga toxin binding facilitates the retrograde transport of the toxin through the secretory pathway.  相似文献   

The kinematics of turnaround and retrograde axonal transport   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rapid axonal transport of a pulse of 35S-methionine-labelled material was studied in vitro in the sensory neurons of amphibian sciatic nerve using a position-sensitive detector. For 10 nerves studied at 23.0 +/- 0.2 degrees C it was found that a pulse moved in the anterograde direction characterized by front edge, peak, and trailing edge transport rates of (mm/d) 180.8 +/- 2.2 (+/- SEM), 176.6 +/- 2.3, and 153.7 +/- 3.0, respectively. Following its arrival at a distal ligature, a smaller pulse was observed to move in the retrograde direction characterized by front edge and peak transport rates of 158.0 +/- 7.3 and 110.3 +/- 3.5, respectively, indicating that retrograde transport proceeds at a rate of 0.88 +/- 0.04 that of anterograde. The retrograde pulse was observed to disperse at a rate greater than the anterograde. Reversal of radiolabel at the distal ligature began 1.49 +/- 0.15 h following arrival of the first radiolabel. Considerable variation was seen between preparations in the way radiolabel accumulated in the end (ligature) regions of the nerve. Although a retrograde pulse was seen in all preparations, in 7 of 10 preparations there was no evidence of this pulse accumulating within less than 2-3 mm of a proximal ligature; however, accumulation was observed within less than 5 mm in all preparations.  相似文献   

A subclone of rat pheochromocytoma cells expresses high affinity receptors for tetanus toxin on differentiation with NGF [Walton, K.M., Sandberg, K., Rogers, T.B. and Schnaar, R.L. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 2055–2063]. In the presence of protein cross-linking agents, [125I]tetanus toxin, bound to these cells at 0°C, forms a cross-linked product with apparent molecular weight of 120 kDa. The formation of [125I]tetanus toxin conjugate involves the heavy chain of the toxin, is prevented by cold toxin and it is largely reduced by pretreating cells with proteases, The cross-linked product is formed only upon incubation of the toxin with NGF-differentiated cells. These results suggest that a protein with apparent molecular weight of 20 kDa is involved in the neurospecific binding of tetanus toxin.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In previous studies, we showed that the immobilisation of DNAs encoding basic fibroblast growth factor, neurotrophin-3 and brain-derived neurotrophic factor in a gene-activated matrix (GAM) promotes sustained survival of axotomised retinal ganglion cells after optic nerve injury. Here, we evaluated if the immobilisation of DNAs in a GAM could be an effective approach to deliver genes to axotomised dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurones after spinal cord injury and if the matrix component of the GAM would modulate the deposition of a dense scar at the injury site. METHODS: We evaluated the expression of the thymidine kinase (TK) reporter gene in brain cortex and DRG after a bilateral T8 dorsal column (DC) lesion using PCR, RT-PCR and in situ hybridisation analyses. Collagen-based GAMs were implanted at the lesion site and the cellular response to the GAM was assessed using cell-specific markers. RESULTS: At 1 week post-injury, PCR analyses confirmed that DNATK was retrogradely transported from the DC lesion where the GAM was implanted to the brain cortex and to caudal DRG neurones, and RT-PCR analyses showed expression of mRNATK. At 7 weeks post-injury, DNATK was still be detected in the GAM and DRG. In situ hybridisation localised DNATK and mRNATK within fibroblasts, glia, endothelial and inflammatory cells invading the GAM and in DRG neurones. Interestingly, the presence of a GAM also reduced secondary cavitation and scar deposition at the lesion site. CONCLUSIONS: These results establish that GAMs act as bridging scaffolds in DC lesions limiting cavitation and scarring and delivering genes both locally to injury-reactive cells and distally to the cerebral cortex and to DRG neuronal somata through retrograde axonal transport.  相似文献   

Tetanus neurotoxin (TeNT) produced by Clostridium tetani specifically cleaves VAMP/synaptobrevin (VAMP) in central neurons, thereby causing inhibition of neurotransmitter release and ensuing spastic paralysis. Although polysialogangliosides act as components of the neurotoxin binding sites on neurons, evidence has accumulated indicating that a protein moiety is implicated as a receptor of TeNT. We have observed that treatment of cultured mouse neuronal cells with the phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PIPLC) inhibited TeNT-induced cleavage of VAMP. Also, we have shown that the blocking effects of TeNT on neuroexocytosis can be prevented by incubation of Purkinje cell preparation with PIPLC. In addition, treatment of cultured mouse neuronal cells with cholesterol sequestrating agents such as nystatin and filipin, which disrupt clustering of GPI-anchored proteins in lipid rafts, prevented intraneuronal VAMP cleavage by TeNT. Our results demonstrate that high sensitivity of neurons to TeNT requires rafts and one or more GPI-anchored protein(s) which act(s) as a pivotal receptor for the neurotoxin.  相似文献   

Calcium plays a regulatory role in several aspects of protein trafficking in the cell. Both vesicle fusion and vesicle formation can be inhibited by the addition of calcium chelators. Because the effects of calcium chelators have been studied predominantly in cell-free systems, it is not clear exactly which transport steps in the secretory pathway are sensitive to calcium levels. In this regard, we have studied the effects of calcium chelators on both anterograde and retrograde protein transport in whole cells. Using both cytochemical and biochemical analyses, we find that the anterograde-directed exit of vesicular stomatitis virus G protein and the retrograde-directed exit of Shiga toxin from the Golgi apparatus are both inhibited by calcium chelation. The exit of vesicular stomatitis virus G from a pre-Golgi compartment and the exit of Shiga toxin from an endosomal compartment are sensitive to the membrane-permeant calcium chelator 1,2-bis(2-amino phenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid-tetrakis (acetoxymethyl ester) (BAPTA-AM). By contrast, endoplasmic reticulum exit and endocytic internalization from the plasma membrane are not affected by BAPTA. Together, our data show that some, but not all, trafficking steps in the cell may be regulated by calcium. These studies provide a framework for a more detailed analysis of the role of calcium as a regulatory agent during protein transport.  相似文献   

The MAPs (microtubule-associated proteins) MAP1B and tau are well known for binding to microtubules and stabilizing these structures. An additional role for MAPs has emerged recently where they appear to participate in the regulation of transport of cargos on the microtubules found in axons. In this role, tau has been associated with the regulation of anterograde axonal transport. We now report that MAP1B is associated with the regulation of retrograde axonal transport of mitochondria. This finding potentially provides precise control of axonal transport by MAPs at several levels: controlling the anterograde or retrograde direction of transport depending on the type of MAP involved, controlling the speed of transport and controlling the stability of the microtubule tracks upon which transport occurs.  相似文献   

Neuroinvasion of the CNS during orally acquired transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) may involve the transport of the infectious agent from the periphery to the CNS via the peripheral nerves. If this occurs within axons, the mechanism of axonal transport may be fundamental to the process. In studies of peripheral nerve we observed that the cellular prion protein (PrPc) is highly resistant to detergent extraction. The implication of this is an underestimation of the abundance of PrPc in peripheral nerve. We have developed nerve extraction conditions that enhance the quantification of the protein in nerve 16-fold. Application of these conditions to evaluate the accumulation of PrPc distal to a cut nerve now reveals that PrPc is retrogradely transported from the axon ending. These results provide a potential cellular mechanism for TSE infectivity to gain entry to the CNS from the periphery.  相似文献   

Axonal retrograde transport is essential for neuronal growth and survival. However, the nature and dynamics of the membrane compartments involved in this process are poorly characterized. To shed light on this pathway, we established an experimental system for the visualization and the quantitative study of retrograde transport in living motor neurons based on a fluorescent fragment of tetanus toxin (TeNT HC). Morphological and kinetic analysis of TeNT HC retrograde carriers reveals two major groups of organelles: round vesicles and fast tubular structures. TeNT HC carriers lack markers of the classical endocytic pathway and are not acidified during axonal transport. Importantly, TeNT HC and NGF share the same retrograde transport organelles, which are characterized by the presence of the neurotrophin receptor p75NTR. Our results provide the first direct visualization of retrograde transport in living motor neurons, and reveal a novel retrograde route that could be used both by physiological ligands (i.e., neurotrophins) and TeNT to enter the central nervous system.  相似文献   

An apparatus was devised which utilizes local cooling to reversibly interrupt the axonal transport of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH) in rabbit sciatic nerves in vitro. Lowering the temperature of a short region of nerve to between 1 and 3 degrees C, while keeping the remainder at 37 degrees C, caused DBH activity to accumulate in and proximal to the cooled region. This accumulation was evident after 0.5 hr of cooling and increased in a nearly linear fashion with time for about 3 hr. The cooling-induced interruption in transport was rapidly reversed when nerves were rewarmed to 37 degrees C. Upon rewarming after local cooling for 1.5 hr, a peak of accumulated DBH activity migrated toward the distal end of the nerve at a velocity of 300 +/- 17 mm/day. This velocity was maintained for as long as the peak could be followed and was four times greater than the average velocity estimated from the rate of accumulation of DBH activity above a ligature at the distal end of these same nerves. It is concluded that ligation experiments grossly underestimate the true velocity of axonal transport of DBH and that the present technique offers great advantages in permitting direct study of the migration of separate axonal compartments of transported materials.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that a virally encoded yeast 'killer' toxin is entering its eukaryotic target cell by endocytosis, subsequently travelling the yeast secretory pathway in reverse to exhibit its lethal effect. The K28 killer toxin is a secreted alpha/beta heterodimer that kills sensitive yeasts in a receptor-mediated fashion by blocking DNA synthesis in the nucleus. In vivo processing of the toxin precursor results in a protein whose beta-C-terminus carries the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention signal HDEL, which, as we show here, is essential for retrograde toxin transport. Yeast end3/4 mutants as well as cells lacking the HDEL receptor (Deltaerd2) or mutants defective in Golgi-to-ER protein recycling (erd1) are toxin resistant because the toxin can no longer enter and/or retrograde pass the cell. Site-directed mutagenesis further indicated that the toxin's beta-HDEL motif ensures retrograde transport, although in a toxin-secreting yeast the beta-C-terminus is initially masked by an R residue (beta-HDELR) until Kex1p cleavage uncovers the toxin's targeting signal in a late Golgi compartment. Prevention of Kex1p processing results in high-level secretion of a biologically inactive protein incapable of re-entering the secretory pathway. Finally, we present evidence that ER-to-cytosol toxin export is mediated by the Sec61p translocon and requires functional copies of the lumenal ER chaperones Kar2p and Cne1p.  相似文献   

Retrograde axonal transport of antibodies against synaptic membrane glycoproteins was studied in the hypoglossal nerve and several CNS pathways of the rat. Injection into the tongue of polyclonal antibodies against synaptic membrane glycoproteins produced immunocytochemically labeled cells in the hypoglossal nucleus 4-5 hr later. Immunoreactive staining increased through 48 hr after injection and then declined. Injections of Fab preparations of the antibody gave labeling patterns indistinguishable from those of the whole antibody. The specificity of this method is shown by control studies in which antibodies against antigens that are not known to be present on the surface of presynaptic membranes were injected and gave no retrograde labeling. Retrograde labeling was also demonstrated in CNS pathways. However, labeling was never as intense as that seen in the hypoglossal nucleus, and some CNS pathways failed to show any retrograde labeling. Furthermore, retrograde labeling after control injections could be demonstrated in some cases. To determine if antibodies were also transported anterogradely, injections were made into the vitreous body of the eye, and the superior colliculus was processed for immunocytochemistry. Unlike wheat-germ agglutinin and several other tracers, antibodies were not found to be anterogradely transported in the optic nerve.  相似文献   

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