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Post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL) is a rare disease. This is a solitary case report from Orissa, India. We describe a case of PKDL in a 55-year-old male who presented with multiple nodular lesions over face, trunk, and extremities. The patient had been to an endemic area of kala-azar and had a previous history of leishmaniasis. Fine needle aspiration cytology samples from skin nodules revealed Leishmania amastigotes.  相似文献   

In Central America, apparently genetically identical Leishmania chagasi/infantum parasites cause cutaneous (CL) and visceral leishmaniasis (VL), the latter being more frequent in young children. The present study investigated if there were pathology-related differences in virulence between Honduran CL and VL strains using Mediterranean L. infantum strains as a reference. Macrophage infectivity and serum sensitivity, properties thought to be associated with virulence, were similar between CL and VL strains from both regions. Attention focused on the genome organisation of genes for two candidate virulence factors: Leishmania mitogen activated protein kinase (LMPK) and cysteine proteinase b (Cpb). Interestingly, the Mediterranean strains exhibited restriction enzyme polymorphisms associated with tropism for both LMPK and Cpb genes whereas no differences were observed for the Honduran strains. We also report relative genetic homogeneity of the Honduran strains as compared to the Mediterranean strains and discuss it in terms of the probable origin for the Central American L. chagasi/infantum.  相似文献   

All New World Leishmania species can cause cutaneous lesions, while only Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis has been associated with mucosal metastases. Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) is the optimal standard for species identification but is slow and costly. New methods for species identification are needed to ensure proper identification and therapy. The coding regions of four metabolic enzyme markers in the MLEE typing method: mannose phosphate isomerase (MPI), malate dehydrogenase (MDH), glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI), and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD), were analysed from seven species of New World Leishmania isolated from patients with either cutaneous or mucosal lesions to identify specific genetic polymorphisms responsible for the phenotypic variations observed in the MLEE typing scheme. We identified species-specific polymorphisms and determined that a combination of sequencing of the mpi and 6pgd genes was sufficient to differentiate among seven closely related species of New World Leishmania and among isolates of L. braziliensis shown previously to have atypical MLEE patterns. When DNA isolated from 10 cutaneous lesion biopsies were evaluated, the sequence typing method was 100% concordant with the published MLEE/monoclonal antibody identification methods. The identification of species-specific polymorphisms can be used to design a DNA-based test with greater discriminatory power that requires shorter identification times. When the causative agent of the disease is L. braziliensis, this method ensures correct species identification, even when the agent is a genetic variant. Proper identification could facilitate adequate treatment, preventing the onset of the disfiguring mucosal form of the disease.  相似文献   

Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is an endemic parasitic infection in the Mediterranean region, including Libya and its Al-jabal Al-gharbi province. We aimed at studying the occupational relevance as well as other epidemiological aspects of CL. We investigated 140 CL cases who attended at Gharyan outpatient polyclinic during a period of 6 months in 2009. CL infection was clinically diagnosed and confirmed by demonstration of Leishmania parasites on smears from lesions. Our findings showed that males were more affected than females (P=0.04), and people above 10-years were more affected than younger ones (P=0.0001). A significant percent of CL cases belonged to Al-Kawasem subprovince (P=0.0001). Farm-related activities were the most frequent occupations among CL cases (P=0.04). In addition to farm workers, housewives and students are at risk groups since they are engaged at farm activities. Moreover, those who have occupations that require staying outdoors for a part of night, e.g., policemen, are also at risk. Compared to children, adult CL patients had multiple lesions (P=0.001) that were more prevalent in their upper and lower extremities than the face (P=0.0001). We conclude that CL is a major health problem in Al-jabal Al-gharbi province of Libya. The presence of rodents and sandflies makes it a suitable environment for Leishmania to spread in an endemic epidemiological pattern. Being engaged in farming activities or outdoor occupations increases the risk of infection. Various clinical patterns of CL suggest the presence of more than 1 species of Leishmania at Al-jabal Al-gharbi province. We propose that the 2 species responsible for CL in this area are L. major and L. tropica. Further investigations to identify the leishmanial species responsible for CL at Al-jabal Al-gharbi together with adoption of preventive and control programs are needed.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old spayed female mixed-bred dog presented with nasal bleeding of 2 days duration and a skin nodule in the left flank. No abnormalities were found in coagulation profiles and blood pressure. Cytological evaluation of the nodule revealed numerous characteristic round organisms having a nucleus and a bar within macrophages and in the background, consistent with leishmaniasis. In vitro culture was unsuccessful but PCR of the nodular aspirate identified the organisms as Leishmania infantum, and the final diagnosis was canine leishmaniasis. No history of travel to endemic countries was noted. Because the dog had received a blood transfusion 2 years before the illness, serological screening tests were performed in all donor dogs of the commercial blood bank using the commercial Leishmania ELISA test kit, and there were no positive results. Additional 113 dogs with hyperglobulinemia from Seoul were also screened with the same kits but no positive results were obtained. To the best of the author''s knowledge this is the first autochthonous case of canine leishmaniasis in Korea.  相似文献   

The control of the protozoan parasite Leishmania relies on few drugs with unknown cellular targets and unclear mode of action. Several antileishmanials, however, were shown to induce apoptosis in Leishmania and this death mechanism was further studied in drug-sensitive and drug-resistant Leishmania infantum. In sensitive parasites, antimonials (SbIII), miltefosine (MF) and amphotericin B (AMB), but not paromomycin (PARO), triggered apoptotic cell death associated with reactive oxygen species (ROS). In contrast, Leishmania mutants resistant to SbIII, MF or AMB not only failed to undergo apoptosis following exposure to their respective drugs, but also were more tolerant towards apoptosis induced by other antileishmanials, provided that these killed Leishmania via ROS production. Such tolerance favored the rapid acquisition of multidrug resistance. PARO killed Leishmania in a non-apoptotic manner and failed to produce ROS. PARO resistance neither protected against drug-induced apoptosis nor provided an increased rate of acquisition of resistance to other antileishmanials. However, the PARO-resistant mutant, but not SbIII-, MF- or AMB-resistant mutants, became rapidly cross-resistant to methotrexate, a model drug also not producing ROS. Our results therefore link the mode of killing of drugs to tolerance to cell death and to a facilitated emergence of multidrug resistance. These findings may have fundamental implications in the field of chemotherapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) or kala-azar mainly affects children in endemic areas. This study was conducted to determine the seroprevalence of VL using direct agglutination test (DAT) in children living in rural districts of Alborz Province located 30 km from Tehran capital city of Iran. Multi-stage cluster random sampling was applied. Blood samples were randomly collected from 1,007 children under 10 years of age in the clusters. A total of 37 (3.7%) of the studied population showed anti-Leishmania infantum antibodies with titers of ≥1:800. There was a significant association between positive sera and various parts of the rural areas of Alborz Province (P<0.002). Two children with anti-Leishmania infantum antibodies titers of ≥1:3,200 indicated kala-azar clinical features and treated with anti-leishmaniasis drugs in pediatric hospital. The findings of this study indicated that Leishmania infection is prevalent in rural areas of Alborz Province. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the awareness and alertness among physicians and public health managers, particularly in high-risk rural areas of the province in Iran.  相似文献   

Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a parasitic disease characterized by single or multiple ulcerations. Secondary bacterial infections are one of the complications that can increase the tissue destruction and the resulting scar. To better determine the incidence of real secondary bacterial infections in CL, we designed the current study. This was a cross-sectional study performed in Skin Diseases and Leishmaniasis Research Centre, Isfahan, Iran. A total of 1,255 patients with confirmed CL enrolled in the study. Sterile swaps were achieved for ulcer exudates and scraping was used for non-ulcerated lesions. All samples were transferred to tryptic soy broth medium. After 24 hr of incubation at 37 degrees C they were transferred to eosin methylene blue agar (EMB) and blood agar. Laboratory tests were used to determine the species of bacteria. Among 1,255 confirmed CL patients, 274 (21.8%) had positive cultures for secondary bacterial infections. The bacteria isolated from the lesions were Staphylococcus aureus in 190 cases (69.3%), coagulase negative Staphylococcus in 63 cases (23.0%), E. coli in 10 cases (3.6%), Proteus sp. in 6 cases (2.2%), and Klebsiella sp. in 5 cases (1.9%). The results show that the overall incidence of secondary bacterial infections in the lesions of CL was 21.8%, considerably high. The incidence of secondary bacterial infections was significantly higher in ulcerated lesions compared with non-ulcerated lesions.  相似文献   

Geographic and ecological distributions of three Lutzomyia sand flies that are cutaneous leishmaniasis vectors in South America were analysed using ecological niche modelling. This new tool provides a large-scale perspective on species' geographic distributions, ecological and historical factors determining them, and their potential for change with expected environmental changes. As a first step, the ability of this technique to predict geographic distributions of the three species was tested statistically using two subsampling techniques: a random-selection technique that simulates 50% data density, and a quadrant-based technique that challenges the method to predict into broad unsampled regions. Predictivity under both test schemes was highly statistically significant. Visualisation of ecological niches provided insights into the ecological basis for distributional differences among species. Projections of potential geographic distributions across scenarios of global climate change suggested that only Lutzomyia whitmani is likely to be experiencing dramatic improvements in conditions in south-eastern Brazil, where cutaneous leishmaniasis appears to be re-emerging; Lutzomyia intermedia and Lutzomyia migonei may be seeing more subtle improvements in climatic conditions, but the implications are not straightforward. More generally, this technique offers the possibility of new views into the distributional ecology of disease, vector, and reservoir species.  相似文献   

Successful immunity to Leishmania depends on recruitment of appropriate immune effector cells to the site of infection and chemokines play a crucial role in the process. At the same time, Leishmania parasites possess the ability to modify the chemokine profiles of their host thereby facilitating establishment of progressive infection. Therapeutic and prophylactic strategies targeted at chemokines and their receptors provide a promising area for further research. This review highlights our current knowledge concerning the role of chemokines and their receptors in modulating leishmaniasis in both clinical settings and experimental disease models.  相似文献   

An RNA editing reaction that is both essential and specific to the trypanosomatid parasites is an attractive target for new drug development. Although high-throughput screening of chemical libraries is a powerful strategy often used to identify new drugs, the available in vitro editing assays do not have the necessary sensitivity and format for this approach to be feasible. A ruthenium labeled reporter RNA is described here that overcomes these limitations as it can both detect edited product in the low femtomole range and is ideal for high-throughput format. The reporter RNA consists of an RNA editing substrate linked to a streptavidin-binding aptamer that is initially held within an inactive conformation. An in vitro selection strategy optimized the linkage so that the streptavidin-binding aptamer is only activated by an editing-induced conformational change. An electrochemiluminescent signal results from the ruthenium label when the reporter is bound to the bottom of a streptavidin-coated microtiter plate where it can be stimulated by a carbon electrode. Chemical probing, mutagenesis, and binding affinity measurements were used to characterize the reporter. The highly sensitive assay could be adapted to a broad range of RNA processing reactions.  相似文献   

The nematodes, Pratylenchus brachyurus, Trichodorus christiei, and T. porosus and the soil-borne fungi, Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium debaryanum, P. irregulare, P. ultimum, and Fusarium spp. were the pathogens most frequently found in the roots and rhizosphere of field-grown cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) showing "stunt" symptoms. Field-plot application of the nematicide D-D (l,2-dichloropropane, 1,3-dichloropropene) at 373.4 liter/ha (40 gal/A) significantly increased plant growth and yield. A fungicidal mixture of Dexon (p-dimethylaminobenzenediazo sodium sulfonate at 23.5 kg/ha (2l lb/A) and Terraclor (pentachloronitrobenzene at 25.2 kg/ha (22.5 lb/A) was phytotoxic, but combined nematicide/fungicide treatments were not. Greenhouse temperature-tank experiments in soils from two locations showed significantly improved root and shoot growth following methyl bromide fumigation at both 25 C and 18 C and more severe "stunt" at the lower temperature.  相似文献   

Visceral leishmaniasis or kala-azar is an endemic parasitic disease in some parts of the world which is characterized by fever, splenomegaly, and pancytopenia in most of the cases. Herein we report an 11 month-old male infant with diagnosis of kala-azar who presented with pallor, hepatosplenomegaly, failure to gain weight, and no history of fever. Surprisingly, fever started after beginning of meglumine antimoniate treatment in this patient. As far as we are aware of, this is a rare presentation of visceral leishmaniasis. Therefore, clinicians especially in endemic areas are highly recommended to include kala-azar among differential diagnosis of unexplained anemia without fever to prevent misdiagnosis of this potentially fatal, but treatable condition.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a central process behind the cellular remodeling that occurs during differentiation of Leishmania, yet the cargo of the protozoan parasite''s autophagosome is unknown. We have identified glycosomes, peroxisome-like organelles that uniquely compartmentalize glycolytic and other metabolic enzymes in Leishmania and other kinetoplastid parasitic protozoa, as autophagosome cargo. It has been proposed that the number of glycosomes and their content change during the Leishmania life cycle as a key adaptation to the different environments encountered. Quantification of RFP-SQL-labeled glycosomes showed that promastigotes of L. major possess ∼20 glycosomes per cell, whereas amastigotes contain ∼10. Glycosome numbers were significantly greater in promastigotes and amastigotes of autophagy-defective L. major Δatg5 mutants, implicating autophagy in glycosome homeostasis and providing a partial explanation for the previously observed growth and virulence defects of these mutants. Use of GFP-ATG8 to label autophagosomes showed glycosomes to be cargo in ∼15% of them; glycosome-containing autophagosomes were trafficked to the lysosome for degradation. The number of autophagosomes increased 10-fold during differentiation, yet the percentage of glycosome-containing autophagosomes remained constant. This indicates that increased turnover of glycosomes was due to an overall increase in autophagy, rather than an upregulation of autophagosomes containing this cargo. Mitophagy of the single mitochondrion was not observed in L. major during normal growth or differentiation; however, mitochondrial remnants resulting from stress-induced fragmentation colocalized with autophagosomes and lysosomes, indicating that autophagy is used to recycle these damaged organelles. These data show that autophagy in Leishmania has a central role not only in maintaining cellular homeostasis and recycling damaged organelles but crucially in the adaptation to environmental change through the turnover of glycosomes.  相似文献   

An understanding of host-parasite interplay is essential for the development of therapeutics and vaccines. Immunoparasitologists have learned a great deal from ‘conventional’ in vitro and in vivo approaches, but recent developments in imaging technologies have provided us (immunologists and parasitologists) with the ability to ask new and exciting questions about the dynamic nature of the parasite-immune system interface. These studies are providing us with new insights into the mechanisms involved in the initiation of a Leishmania infection and the consequent induction and regulation of the immune response. Here, we review some of the recent developments and discuss how these observations can be further developed to understand the immunology of cutaneous Leishmania infection in vivo.  相似文献   

Molecular chaperone proteins play a pivotal role in the protozoan parasite Leishmania donovani, controlling cell fate and ensuring intracellular survival. In higher eukaryotes, the so-called co-chaperone proteins are required for client protein recognition and proper function of chaperones, among them the small glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide repeat proteins (SGT) which interact with both HSP70 and HSP90 chaperones. An atypical SGT homolog is found in the L. donovani genome, encoding a protein lacking the C-terminal glutamine-rich region, normally typical for SGT family members. The gene is expressed constitutively during the life cycle and is essential for survival and/or growth of the parasites. LdSGT forms large, stable complexes that also include another putative co-chaperone, HSC70 interacting protein (HIP). The gene product forms cytoplasmic clusters, matching the subcellular distribution of HIP and partly that of the major cytoplasmic chaperones, HSP70 and HSP90, reflecting a direct molecular interaction with both chaperones.  相似文献   

In the New World, visceral leishmaniasis (VL), which is a progressive disease and frequently fatal, is caused by Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum/chagasi. It is endemic in many regions of Brazil and occasionally occurs in non-endemic regions when dogs from an endemic area are introduced. The aim of the present study is to compare different skin infection patterns of dogs from two leishmaniasis endemic areas. A histological analysis of dogs from Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul state, a region where epidemic episodes are currently taking place, showed dermic inflammatory infiltrates, composed of numerous vacuolated parasitized macrophages, few lymphocytes, plasma cells and many degranulated mast cells. In the other region of the study, São Luís, Maranhão state, the skin of dogs presented a remarkable inflammatory reaction composed mainly of plasma cells, lymphocytes and very few parasites. We concluded that there is a difference in the skin lesion patterns of dogs with leishmaniasis that is directly related to the endemic area where the animals live.  相似文献   

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