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Acupuncture is widely used for pain treatment in patients with osteoarthritis or low back pain, but molecular mechanisms remain largely enigmatic. In the early phase of inflammation neutrophilic chemokines direct opioid-containing neutrophils in the inflamed tissue and stimulate opioid peptide release and antinociception. In this study the molecular pathway and neuroimmune connections in complete Freund''s adjuvant (CFA)-induced hind paw inflammation and electroacupuncture for peripheral pain control were analyzed. Free moving Wistar rats with hind paw inflammation were treated twice with electroacupuncture at GB30 (Huan Tiao - gall bladder meridian) (day 0 and 1) and analyzed for mechanical and thermal nociceptive thresholds. The cytokine profiles as well as the expression of opioid peptides were quantified in the inflamed paw. Electroacupuncture elicited long-term antinociception blocked by local injection of anti-opioid peptide antibodies (beta-endorphin, met-enkephalin, dynorphin A). The treatment altered the cytokine profile towards an anti-inflammatory pattern but augmented interferon (IFN)-gamma and the chemokine CXCL10 (IP-10: interferon gamma-inducible protein) protein and mRNA expression with concomitant increased numbers of opioid peptide-containing CXCR3+ macrophages. In rats with CFA hind paw inflammation without acupuncture repeated injection of CXCL10 triggered opioid-mediated antinociception and increase opioid-containing macrophages. Conversely, neutralization of CXCL10 time-dependently decreased electroacupuncture-induced antinociception and the number of infiltrating opioid peptide-expressing CXCR3+ macrophages. In summary, we describe a novel function of the chemokine CXCL10 - as a regulator for an increase of opioid-containing macrophages and antinociceptive mediator in inflammatory pain and as a key chemokine regulated by electroacupuncture.  相似文献   

RNA结合蛋白(RNA-binding proteins, RBPs)是转录后基因表达的关键调控因子,参与剪接、出核、翻译和稳定性等RNA代谢调控。RBPs表达或功能异常可导致炎症性疾病、代谢性疾病以及神经系统疾病等多种疾病的发生发展。炎症是机体对外界刺激及损伤的防御性免疫反应。巨噬细胞作为机体重要的免疫细胞,通过快速响应刺激并且释放大量炎症因子,进而调控炎症反应。巨噬细胞中炎症因子的表达受到转录以及转录后水平的调控。其中,RBPs参与大量RNA的转录后调控过程。研究发现,一方面,RBPs直接结合炎症因子mRNA中的顺式作用元件,参与其mRNA稳定性和翻译等过程,例如TTP(tristetraprolin);另一方面,某些RBPs通过参与炎症信号通路中一些关键基因mRNA的稳定性、翻译或选择性剪接调控,进而间接影响炎症因子表达及分泌。例如,剪接因子3A亚基1(splicing factor 3A subunit 1, SF3A1)。本文主要总结RBPs在mRNA稳定性、翻译和选择性剪接不同转录后水平调控巨噬细胞炎症因子表达的作用机制。这些RBPs从不同的层面直接或者间接参与调控炎症因子...  相似文献   

Ganglia of monkeys with reactivated simian varicella virus (SVV) contained more CD8 than CD4 T cells around neurons. The abundance of CD8 T cells was greater less than 2 months after reactivation than that at later times and correlated with that of CXCL10 RNA but not with those of SVV protein or open reading frame 61 (ORF61) antisense RNA. CXCL10 RNA colocalized with T-cell clusters. After SVV reactivation, transient T-cell infiltration, possibly mediated by CXCL10, parallels varicella zoster virus (VZV) reactivation in humans.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis is a Gram-negative, facultative intracellular pathogen that replicates in the cytosol of macrophages and is the causative agent of the potentially fatal disease tularemia. A characteristic feature of F. tularensis is its limited proinflammatory capacity, but the mechanisms that underlie the diminished host response to this organism are only partially defined. Recently, microRNAs have emerged as important regulators of immunity and inflammation. In the present study we investigated the microRNA response of primary human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) to F. tularensis and identified 10 microRNAs that were significantly differentially expressed after infection with the live vaccine strain (LVS), as judged by Taqman Low Density Array profiling. Among the microRNAs identified, miR-155 is of particular interest as its established direct targets include components of the Toll-like receptor (TLR) pathway, which is essential for innate defense and proinflammatory cytokine production. Additional studies demonstrated that miR-155 acted by translational repression to downregulate the TLR adapter protein MyD88 and the inositol 5′-phosphatase SHIP-1 in MDMs infected with F. tularensis LVS or the fully virulent strain Schu S4. Kinetic analyses indicated that miR-155 increased progressively 3-18 hours after infection with LVS or Schu S4, and target proteins disappeared after 12–18 hours. Dynamic modulation of MyD88 and SHIP-1 was confirmed using specific pre-miRs and anti-miRs to increase and decrease miR-155 levels, respectively. Of note, miR-155 did not contribute to the attenuated cytokine response triggered by F. tularensis phagocytosis. Instead, this microRNA was required for the ability of LVS-infected cells to inhibit endotoxin-stimulated TNFα secretion 18–24 hours after infection. Thus, our data are consistent with the ability of miR-155 to act as a global negative regulator of the inflammatory response in F. tularensis-infected human macrophages.  相似文献   

It has been shown that enhancement of blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability is modulated by the expression of chemokines/cytokines and reduction of tight junction (TJ) proteins in the brains of mice infected with rabies virus (RABV). Since CXCL10 was found to be the most highly expressed chemokine, its temporal and spatial expression were determined in the present study. The expression of the chemokine CXCL10 was initially detected in neurons as early as 3 days postinfection (p.i.) in the brains of RABV-infected mice, after which it was detected in microglia (6 days p.i.) and astrocytes (9 days p.i.). Neutralization of CXCL10 by treatment with anti-CXCL10 antibodies reduced gamma interferon (IFN-γ) production and Th17 cell infiltration, as well as restoring TJ protein expression and BBB integrity. Together, these data suggest that it is the neuronal CXCL10 that initiates the cascade that leads to the activation of microglia/astrocytes, infiltration of inflammatory cells, expression of chemokines/cytokines, reduction of TJ protein expression, and enhancement of the BBB permeability.  相似文献   

Immune cell-type specific miRNA expression patterns have been described but the detailed role of single miRNAs in the function of T-cells remains largely unknown. We investigated the role of miR-21 in the function of primary human CD4+ T-cells. MiR-21 is substantially expressed in T-cells with a memory phenotype, and is robustly upregulated upon αCD3/CD28 activation of both naive and memory T-cells. By inhibiting the endogenous miR-21 function in activated naive and memory T-cells, we showed that miR-21 regulates fundamentally different aspects of T-cell biology, depending on the differentiation status of the T-cell. Stable inhibition of miR-21 function in activated memory T-cells led to growth disadvantage and apoptosis, indicating that the survival of memory T-cells depends on miR-21 function. In contrast, stable inhibition of miR-21 function in activated naive T-cells did not result in growth disadvantage, but led to a significant induction of CCR7 protein expression. Direct interaction between CCR7 and miR-21 was confirmed in a dual luciferase reporter assay. Our data provide evidence for a dual role of miR-21 in CD4+ T cells; Regulation of T-cell survival is confined to activated memory T-cells, while modulation of potential homing properties, through downregulation of CCR7 protein expression, is observed in activated naive T-cells.  相似文献   

Inflammatory myopathies (IMs) are systemic diseases characterized by a T helper (Th) 1 type inflammatory response and cell infiltrates within skeletal muscles. The mainstay of treatment is drugs aimed at suppressing the immune system - corticosteroids and immunosuppressants. About 25% of patients are non-responders. Skeletal muscle cells seem actively involved in the immune-inflammatory response and not only a target; understanding the molecular bases of IMs might help drug development strategies. Within muscles the interaction between the chemokine interferon (IFN)γ inducible 10 kDa protein, CXCL10 or IP-10, and its specific receptor CXCR3, present on Th1 type infiltrating cells, likely plays a pivotal role, potentially offering the opportunity for therapeutic intervention. We aimed to clarify the involvement of human skeletal muscle cells in inflammatory processes in terms of CXCL10 secretion, to elucidate the engaged molecular mechanism(s) and, finally, to evaluate muscular cell responses, if any, to some immunosuppressants routinely used in IM treatment, such as methylprednisolone, methotrexate, cyclosporin A and Infliximab. We first isolated and characterized human fetal skeletal muscle cells (Hfsmc), which expressed the specific lineage markers and showed the competence to react in the context of an in vitro alloresponse. CXCL10 protein secretion by Hfsmc was similarly induced by the inflammatory cytokines interferon (IFN)γ and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)α, above undetectable control levels, through the activation of Stat1 and NF-kB pathways, respectively; CXCL10 secretion was significantly magnified by cytokine combination, and this synergy was associated to a significant up-regulation of TNFαRII; cytokine-induced CXCL10 secretion was considerably affected only by Infliximab. Our data suggested that human skeletal muscle cells might actively self-promote muscular inflammation by eliciting CXCL10 secretion, which is known to amplify Th1 cell tissue infiltration in vivo. In conclusion, we sustain that pharmacological targeting of CXCL10 within muscular cells might contribute to keep in control pro-Th1 polarization of the immune/inflammatory response.  相似文献   

CXC ligand 17 (CXCL17) is a novel CXC chemokine whose clinical significance remains largely unknown. In the present study, we characterized the prognostic value of CXCL17 in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and evaluated the association of CXCL17 with immune infiltration. We examined CXCL17 expression in 227 HCC tissue specimens by immunohistochemical staining, and correlated CXCL17 expression patterns with clinicopathological features, prognosis, and immune infiltrate density (CD4 T cells, CD8 T cells, B cells, natural killer cells, neutrophils, macrophages). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed that both increased intratumoral CXCL17 (P = 0.015 for overall survival [OS], P = 0.003 for recurrence-free survival [RFS]) and peritumoral CXCL17 (P = 0.002 for OS, P<0.001 for RFS) were associated with shorter OS and RFS. Patients in the CXCL17low group had significantly lower 5-year recurrence rate compared with patients in the CXCL17high group (peritumoral: 53.1% vs. 77.7%, P<0.001, intratumoral: 58.6% vs. 73.0%, P = 0.001, respectively). Multivariate Cox proportional hazards analysis identified peritumoral CXCL17 as an independent prognostic factor for both OS (hazard ratio [HR] = 2.066, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.296–3.292, P = 0.002) and RFS (HR = 1.844, 95% CI = 1.218–2.793, P = 0.004). Moreover, CXCL17 expression was associated with more CD68 and less CD4 cell infiltration (both P<0.05). The combination of CXCL17 density and immune infiltration could be used to further classify patients into subsets with different prognosis for RFS. Our results provide the first evidence that tumor-infiltrating CXCL17+ cell density is an independent prognostic factor that predicts both OS and RFS in HCC. CXCL17 production correlated with adverse immune infiltration and might be an important target for anti-HCC therapies.  相似文献   


miRNAs are endogenous non-coding RNAs that are ~22 nucleotides in length and can have structural, enzymatic and regulatory functions. miRNAs play important roles in the progression of renal fibrosis. miR-21, through a feed-forward loop and a downstream mediator of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), amplifies TGF-β signaling and promotes fibrosis. miR-21 is high on the list of non-coding, small, regulatory RNAs that promote renal fibrosis and emerges as a serum biomarker for kidney diseases, but many questions await answers. This review was performed to sum up the role of miR-21 and its signaling pathways in renal diseases.  相似文献   



Chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC), a life-threatening inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy, affects 30% of the approximately 8 million patients infected by Trypanosoma cruzi. Even though the Th1 T cell-rich myocarditis plays a pivotal role in CCC pathogenesis, little is known about the factors controlling inflammatory cell migration to CCC myocardium.

Methods and Results

Using confocal immunofluorescence and quantitative PCR, we studied cell surface staining and gene expression of the CXCR3, CCR4, CCR5, CCR7, CCR8 receptors and their chemokine ligands in myocardial samples from end-stage CCC patients. CCR5+, CXCR3+, CCR4+, CCL5+ and CXCL9+ mononuclear cells were observed in CCC myocardium. mRNA expression of the chemokines CCL5, CXCL9, CXCL10, CCL17, CCL19 and their receptors was upregulated in CCC myocardium. CXCL9 mRNA expression directly correlated with the intensity of myocarditis, as well as with mRNA expression of CXCR3, CCR4, CCR5, CCR7, CCR8 and their ligands. We also analyzed single-nucleotide polymorphisms for genes encoding the most highly expressed chemokines and receptors in a cohort of Chagas disease patients. CCC patients with ventricular dysfunction displayed reduced genotypic frequencies of CXCL9 rs10336 CC, CXCL10 rs3921 GG, and increased CCR5 rs1799988CC as compared to those without dysfunction. Significantly, myocardial samples from CCC patients carrying the CXCL9/CXCL10 genotypes associated to a lower risk displayed a 2–6 fold reduction in mRNA expression of CXCL9, CXCL10, and other chemokines and receptors, along with reduced intensity of myocarditis, as compared to those with other CXCL9/CXCL10 genotypes.


Results may indicate that genotypes associated to reduced risk in closely linked CXCL9 and CXCL10 genes may modulate local expression of the chemokines themselves, and simultaneously affect myocardial expression of other key chemokines as well as intensity of myocarditis. Taken together our results may suggest that CXCL9 and CXCL10 are master regulators of myocardial inflammatory cell migration, perhaps affecting clinical progression to the life-threatening form of CCC.  相似文献   

已知miR-21在多种生物学过程中发挥重要的调控作用,然而有关鸡miR-21功能的研究尚未见报道。为了解鸡miR 21的潜在生物学功能,采用qRT-PCR检测了固始鸡5个发育阶段、15种组织中miR-21的表达情况。同时,利用Pictar和TargetScan算法预测了miR-21的靶基因并对预测的靶基因进行了Gene Ontology分析和通路分析。结果显示,miR-21的表达具有明显的时序特征,除14胚龄鸡的小脑和腺胃外,胚胎期各组织中miR-21的表达水平均显著低于出壳后对应组织的表达水平;出壳后鸡的下丘脑、大脑、小脑、小肠、肝脏、胸肌和肾脏等组织中miR-21的表达水平随发育进程均显著上调。生物信息学分析显示,预测的miR-21的靶基因在基因表达调控、大分子代谢调控、转录调控、细胞代谢调控、细胞衰老和增殖、呼吸系统发育、骨骼发育、心脏发育和神经系统发育等广泛的生物学过程中显著富集。总之,鸡miR-21为广泛性时序表达miRNA,可能参与鸡出壳后诸多器官发育相关的生物学过程的调控。  相似文献   

目的:研究脑胶质瘤患者血浆中miR-21的水平,并评价其作为临床诊断标志物的可能性。方法:收集临床确诊的胶质瘤患者和健康对照人群的血浆标本,常规方法提取血浆中RNA,采用茎环结构的引物将其逆转录成cDNA,实时定量PCR的方法分别检测miR-21在胶质瘤患者和健康对照人群中的水平,根据ROC分析评价miR-21作为诊断标志物的可能性。结果:分别收集了胶质瘤患者和健康对照人群血浆标本52例和43例,实时定量PCR结果显示,相对于健康对照人群,miR-21在胶质瘤患者血浆中呈高水平状态。ROC分析说明血浆miR-21水平作为诊断胶质瘤标志物具有较高的灵敏度和特异度。结论:血浆miR-21水平具有作为胶质瘤诊断的生物标志物的潜能。  相似文献   

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