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Autophagy is an intracellular catabolic mechanism that maintains the balance of proteins, lipids and aging organelles. 3-Methyladenine (3-MA) is a selective inhibitor of autophagy, whereas rapamycin, an antifungal agent, is a specific inducer of autophagy, inhibiting the protein mammalian target of rapamycin. In the present study, we examined the role of autophagy, inhibited by 3-MA and enhanced by rapamycin, in a model of acute spinal cord injury in rats. We found that rapamycin could significantly increase the expression of microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3) and Beclin1 at the injury site. At the same time, the number of neurons and astrocytes with LC3 positive in the spinal cord was upregulated with time. In addition, administration of rapamycin produced an increase in the Basso, Beattie and Bresnahan scores of injured rats, indicating high recovery of locomotor function. Furthermore, expression of the proteins Bcl-2 and Bax was upregulated and downregulated, respectively. By contrast, the results for rats treated with 3-MA, which inhibits autophagy, were the opposite of those seen with the rapamycin-treated rats. These results show that induction of autophagy can produce neuroprotective effects in acute spinal cord injury in rats via inhibition of apoptosis.  相似文献   

The study was performed to investigate the effect of combination therapy with aminoguanidine (AG) and dexamethasone (DEX) on the compression spinal cord injury (SCI) in rat. Compared to the control group, the combination therapy group with AG (75 mg/kg) and DEX (0.025 mg/kg) significantly reduced the degree of (1) spinal cord edema, (2) the permeability of blood spinal cord barrier (measured by 99mTc-Albumin), (3) infiltration of neutrophils (MPO evaluation), (4) cytokines expression (tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1β), and (5) apoptosis (measured by Bax and Bcl-2 expression). In addition, we have also clearly demonstrated that the combination therapy significantly ameliorated the recovery of limb function (evaluated by motor recovery score). Taken together, our results clearly indicated for the first time that strategies targeting multiple proinflammatory pathways may be more effective than a single effector molecule for the treatment of SCI.  相似文献   

Yu CG  Geddes JW 《Neurochemical research》2007,32(12):2046-2053
Following contusive spinal cord injury (SCI), calpain activity is dramatically increased and remains elevated for days to weeks. Although calpain inhibition has previously been demonstrated to be neuroprotective following spinal cord injury, most studies administered the calpain inhibitor at a single time point. We hypothesized that sustained calpain inhibition would improve functional and pathological outcomes, as compared to the results obtained with a single postinjury administration of the calpain inhibitor. Contusion SCI was produced in female Long-Evans rats using the Infinite Horizon spinal cord injury impactor at the 200 kdyn force setting. Open-field locomotor function was evaluated until 6 weeks postinjury. Histological assessment of lesion volume and tissue sparing was performed at 6 weeks after SCI. Calpain inhibitor MDL28170 administered as a single postinjury i.v. bolus (20 mg/kg) or as a daily i.p. dose (1 mg/kg) improved locomotor function, but did not increase tissue sparing. Combined i.v. and daily i.p. MDL28170 administration resulted in significant improvement in both functional and pathological outcome measures, supporting the calpain theory of SCI proposed by Dr. Banik and colleagues. Special issue in honor of Naren Banik.  相似文献   

Injury to the spinal cord (SCI) can produce a constellation of problems including chronic pain, autonomic dysreflexia, and motor dysfunction. Neuroplasticity in the form of fiber sprouting or the lack thereof is an important phenomenon that can contribute to the deleterious effects of SCI. Aberrant sprouting of primary afferent fibers and synaptogenesis within incorrect dorsal horn laminae leads to the development and maintenance of chronic pain as well as autonomic dysreflexia. At the same time, interruption of connections between supraspinal motor control centers and spinal cord output cells, due to lack of successful regenerative sprouting of injured descending fiber tracts, contributes to motor deficits. Similarities in the molecular control of axonal growth of motor and sensory fibers have made the development of cogent therapies difficult. In this study, we discuss recent findings related to the degradation of inhibitory barriers and promotion of sprouting of motor fibers as a strategy for the restoration of motor function and note that this may induce primary afferent fiber sprouting that can contribute to chronic pain. We highlight the importance of careful attentiveness to off-target molecular- and circuit-level modulation of nociceptive processing while moving forward with the development of therapies that will restore motor function after SCI.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating neurologic disorder with significant impacts on quality of life, life expectancy, and economic burden. Although there are no fully restorative treatments yet available, several animal and small-scale clinical studies have highlighted the therapeutic potential of cellular interventions for SCI. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)—which are conventionally isolated from the bone marrow—recently emerged as promising candidates for treating SCI and have been shown to provide trophic support, ameliorate inflammatory responses, and reduce cell death following the mechanical trauma. Here we evaluated the human skin as an alternative source of adult MSCs suitable for autologous cell transplantation strategies for SCI. We showed that human skin-derived MSCs (hSD-MSCs) express a range of neural markers under standard culture conditions and are able to survive and respond to neurogenic stimulation in vitro. In addition, using histological analysis and behavioral assessment, we demonstrated as a proof-of-principle that hSD-MSC transplantation reduces the severity of tissue loss and facilitates locomotor recovery in a rat model of SCI. Altogether, the study provides further characterization of skin-derived MSC cultures and indicates that the human skin may represent an attractive source for cell-based therapies for SCI and other neurological disorders. Further investigation is needed to elucidate the mechanisms by which hSD-MSCs elicit tissue repair and/or locomotor recovery.  相似文献   

Embryonic neural stem cell (ENSC) transplantation is used experimentally for the improvement of spinal cord repair following spinal cord injury (SCI). However, the effects of such intervention on oxidative stress and cell death remain unknown. We used in vivo Comet assay in the acute and chronic SCI groups compared with the SCI+ENSC transplantation groups of experimental rats in order to evaluate DNA damage in the spinal cord. Chronic SCI resulted in the generation of oxidative DNA damage in the spinal cord brain and kidneys, as indicated by high Comet assay parameters, including the percentage of DNA in the tail (T%, or TD), tail moment (TM), and tail length (TL). The DNA damage levels significantly decreased after ENSC transplantation in the spinal cords of acute and chronic SCI groups within the lesion site and rostrally and caudally to the injury, and in the brains and kidneys of the chronic SCI group. Thus, ENSC transplantation is found to be an effective tool for limitation of DNA damage following spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

The family of interleukin (IL)-6 like cytokines plays an important role in the neuroinflammatory response to injury by regulating both neural as well as immune responses. Here, we show that expression of the IL-6 family member oncostatin M (OSM) and its receptor is upregulated after spinal cord injury (SCI). To reveal the relevance of increased OSM signaling in the pathophysiology of SCI, OSM was applied locally after spinal cord hemisection in mice. OSM treatment significantly improved locomotor recovery after mild and severe SCI. Improved recovery in OSM-treated mice was associated with a reduced lesion size. OSM significantly diminished astrogliosis and immune cell infiltration. Thus, OSM limits secondary damage after CNS trauma. In vitro viability assays demonstrated that OSM protects primary neurons in culture from cell death, suggesting that the underlying mechanism involves direct neuroprotective effects of OSM. Furthermore, OSM dose-dependently promoted neurite outgrowth in cultured neurons, indicating that the cytokine plays an additional role in CNS repair. Indeed, our in vivo experiments demonstrate that OSM treatment increases plasticity of serotonergic fibers after SCI. Together, our data show that OSM is produced at the lesion site, where it protects the CNS from further damage and promotes recovery.  相似文献   

Yang  Longfei  Zhang  Jinlong  Chen  Jiajia  Jin  Huricha  Liu  Jian  Huang  Shen  Cui  Zhiming 《Neurochemical research》2015,40(9):1966-1975
Neurochemical Research - CUG-binding protein 1, a member of the CELF (CUGBP and embryonic lethal abnormal vision-like factor) family of RNA-binding proteins, is shown to be multifunctional,...  相似文献   

Abstract : A standardized compression injury of rat spinal cord brought about a time-dependent biphasic production of thromboxane A2 (detected as thromboxane B2) and prostaglandin I2 (detected as 6-ketoprostaglandin F. Thromboxane B2 was predominant during the first 1 h, whereas the 6-ketoprostaglandin F level exceeded that of thromboxane B2 at 8 h postinjury. As examined by inhibitor experiments and northern blotting, cyclooxygenase-1 was responsible for the first phase, and cyclooxygenase-2 was involved in the second phase. On compression injury the levels of interleukin-1α and -1β detected as mRNA and protein increased and peaked at 2-4 h. Injection of exogenous interleukin-1 α into the spinal cord resulted in an increase of cyclooxygenase-2 mRNA content and a predominant production of 6-ketoprostaglandin F resembling the second phase of eicosanoid production. Concomitantly, extravascular migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes was enhanced after the interleukin-1α injection. These cells together with vascular endothelial cells and glial cells were stained positively with an anti-cyclooxygenase-2 antibody. The results suggest that the immediate eicosanoid synthesis after spinal cord injury was due to the constitutive cyclooxygenase-1 and the delayed synthesis of eicosanoids was attributable to the induction of cyclooxygenase-2 mediated by interleukin-1 α.  相似文献   

High mobility group box 1 (HMGB1, also called amphoterin) facilitates neurite outgrowth in early development, yet can exacerbate pathology and inhibit regeneration by inducing adverse neuroinflammation when released from dying cells, suggesting that HMGB1 plays a critical, yet undefined role in neuroregeneration. We explored whether HMGB1 contributes to recovery after complete spinal cord transection in adult zebrafish. Quantitative PCR and in situ hybridization revealed that HMGB1 mRNA levels decreased between 12 h to 11 days after spinal cord injury (SCI), then returned to basal levels by 21 days. Western blot and immunohistological analyses indicated that the time course of HMGB1 protein expression after SCI parallels that of mRNA. Immunofluorescence staining revealed that HMGB1 translocates from nuclei into the cytoplasm of spinal motoneurons at 4 and 12 h (acute stage) following SCI, then accumulates in the nuclei of motoneurons during the ensuing chronic stage (after 6 days following SCI). Immunohistology of transgenic zebrafish, expressing green fluorescent protein in blood vessels, showed enhanced HMGB1 expression in blood vessels in the vicinity of motoneurons. Application of anti-sense HMGB1 morpholinos inhibited locomotor recovery by 34 % and decreased axonal regeneration by 34 % compared to fish treated with a control morpholino. The present study shows that HMGB1 expression increases in both endothelial cells and motoneurons, suggesting that HMGB1 promotes recovery from SCI not only through enhancing neuroregeneration, but also by increasing angiogenesis. The inflammatory effects of HMGB1 are minimized through the decrease in HMGB1 expression during the acute stage.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury (SCI) triggers the re-expression of inhibitory molecules present in early stages of development, contributing to prevention of axonal regeneration. Upregulation of EphA receptor tyrosine kinases after injury suggest their involvement in the nervous system’s response to damage. However, the expression profile of their ephrinA ligands after SCI is unclear. In this study, we determined the expression of ephrinA ligands after contusive SCI. Adult Sprague-Dawley female rats were injured using the MASCIS impactor device at the T10 vertebrae, and levels of ephrinA mRNA and protein determined at different time points. Identification of the cell phenotype expressing the ephrin ligand and colocalization with Eph receptors was performed with immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy. Behavioral studies were made, after blocking ephrinA1 expression with antisense (AS) oligonucleotides, to assess hindlimb locomotor activity. Real-time PCR demonstrated basal mRNA levels of ephrin (A1, A2, A3, and A5) in the adult spinal cord. Interestingly, ephrinA1 was the only ligand whose mRNA levels were significantly altered after SCI. Although ephrinA1 mRNA levels increased after 2 weeks and remain elevated, we did not observe this pattern at the protein level as revealed by western blot analysis. Immunohistochemical studies showed ephrinA1 expression in reactive astrocytes, axons, and neurons and also their colocalization with EphA4 and A7 receptors. Behavioral studies revealed worsening of locomotor activity when ephrinA1 expression was reduced. This study suggests that ephrinA1 ligands play a role in the pathophysiology of SCI.  相似文献   

Selective sodium glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor (SGLT2i) treatment promotes urinary glucose excretion, thereby reducing blood glucose as well as body weight. However, only limited body weight reductions are achieved with SGLT2i treatment. Hyperphagia is reportedly one of the causes of this limited weight loss. However, the effects of SGLT2i treatment on systemic energy expenditure have not been fully elucidated. Herein, we investigated the acute effects of dapagliflozin, a SGLT2i, on systemic energy expenditure in mice. Eighteen hours after dapagliflozin treatment oxygen consumption and brown adipose tissue (BAT) expression of ucp1, a thermogenesis-related gene, were significantly decreased as compared to those after vehicle treatment. In addition, dapagliflozin significantly suppressed norepinephrine (NE) turnover in BAT and c-fos expression in the rostral raphe pallidus nucleus (rRPa) which contains the sympathetic premotor neurons responsible for thermogenesis. These findings indicate that the dapagliflozin-mediated acute decrease in energy expenditure involves a reduction in BAT thermogenesis via decreased sympathetic nerve activity from the rRPa. Furthermore, common hepatic branch vagotomy abolished the reductions in ucp1 expression and NE contents in BAT and c-fos expression in the rRPa. In addition, alterations in hepatic carbohydrate metabolism, such as decreases in glycogen contents and upregulation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, manifested prior to the suppression of BAT thermogenesis, e.g. 6 hours after dapagliflozin treatment. Collectively, these results suggest that SGLT2i treatment acutely suppresses energy expenditure in BAT via regulation of an inter-organ neural network consisting of the common hepatic vagal branch and sympathetic nerves.  相似文献   

Preventing demyelination and promoting remyelination of denuded axons are promising therapeutic strategies for spinal cord injury (SCI). Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibition was reported to benefit the neural functional recovery and the axon regeneration after SCI. However, its role in de- and remyelination of axons in injured spinal cord is unclear. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of EGFR inhibitor, PD168393 (PD), on the myelination in mouse contusive SCI model. We found that expression of myelin basic protein (MBP) in the injured spinal cords of PD treated mice was remarkably elevated. The density of glial precursor cells and oligodendrocytes (OLs) was increased and the cell apoptosis in lesions was attenuated after PD168393 treatment. Moreover, PD168393 treatment reduced both the numbers of OX42 + microglial cells and glial fibrillary acidic protein + astrocytes in damaged area of spinal cords. We thus conclude that the therapeutic effects of EGFR inhibition after SCI involves facilitating remyelination of the injured spinal cord, increasing of oligodendrocyte precursor cells and OLs, as well as suppressing the activation of astrocytes and microglia/macrophages.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating clinical condition causing permanent changes in sensorimotor and autonomic functions of the spinal cord (SC) below the site of injury. The secondary ischemia that develops following the initial mechanical insult is a serious complication of the SCI and severely impairs the function and viability of surviving neuronal and non-neuronal cells in the SC. In addition, ischemia is also responsible for the growth of lesion during chronic phase of injury and interferes with the cellular repair and healing processes. Thus there is a need to develop a spinal cord ischemia model for studying the mechanisms of ischemia-induced pathology. Focal ischemia induced by photothrombosis (PT) is a minimally invasive and very well established procedure used to investigate the pathology of ischemia-induced cell death in the brain. Here, we describe the use of PT to induce an ischemic lesion in the spinal cord of mice. Following retro-orbital sinus injection of Rose Bengal, the posterior spinal vein and other capillaries on the dorsal surface of SC were irradiated with a green light resulting in the formation of a thrombus and thus ischemia in the affected region. Results from histology and immunochemistry studies show that PT-induced ischemia caused spinal cord infarction, loss of neurons and reactive gliosis. Using this technique a highly reproducible and relatively easy model of SCI in mice can be achieved that would serve the purpose of scientific investigations into the mechanisms of ischemia induced cell death as well as the efficacy of neuroprotective drugs. This model will also allow exploration of the pathological changes that occur following SCI in live mice like axonal degeneration and regeneration, neuronal and astrocytic Ca2+ signaling using two-photon microscopy.  相似文献   

We investigated the involvement of tPA after SCI in rats and effect of treatment with human umbilical cord blood derived stem cells. tPA expression and activity were determined in vivo after SCI in rats and in vitro in rat embryonic spinal neurons in response to injury with staurosporine, hydrogen peroxide and glutamate. The activity and/or expression of tPA increased after SCI and reached peak levels on day 21 post-SCI. Notably, the tPA mRNA activity was upregulated by 310-fold compared to controls on day 21 post-SCI. As expected, MBP expression is minimal at the time of peak tPA activity and vice versa. Implantation of hUCB after SCI resulted in the downregulation of elevated tPA activity/expression in vivo in rats as well as in vitro in spinal neurons. Our results demonstrated the involvement of tPA in the secondary pathogenesis after SCI as well as the therapeutic potential of hUCB.  相似文献   

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