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Development and maturation of thymic dendritic cells during human ontogeny   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thymic dendritic cells (TDC) are dendritic cells situated mainly in the cortico-medullary zone and in the medullary region of the thymus. However, the phenotype of TDC during ontogeny is poorly documented. The aim of this study has been to investigate the development and maturation of TDC during human ontogeny. Immunohistochemical analyses and immunoelectron-microscopic investigation of 21 human thymus specimens have been performed to detect the subtypes of TDC by using various DC-related and DC-development-related markers. TDC express a Langerhans-cell-like phenotype during human ontogeny. Cells expressing thymic stromal lymphopoietin receptor have been observed in Hassal’s corpuscles of the thymus. Granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) is also expressed in thymic epithelial cells (TEC) localized in Hassal’s corpuscles. During human ontogeny, GM-CSF is produced by TEC of Hassal’s corpuscles and might play a key role in the differentiation of TDC having Langerhans-cell-like phenotypes.  相似文献   

Ishida A  Ohta M  Toda M  Murata T  Usui T  Akita K  Inoue M  Nakada H 《Proteomics》2008,8(16):3342-3349
Many tumors arising from epithelial tissues produce mucins, which readily come into contact with infiltrating cells in cancer tissues. MUC2 mucins were purified from the conditioned medium of a colorectal cancer cell line, LS180 cells. It is known that in cancer patients, the number of dendritic cells (DCs) is reduced and their function is impaired. Mature DCs were generated from human peripheral blood monocytes through successive treatments with GM-CSF and IL-4, and then with proinflammatory mediators. When monocytes were cultured in the presence of MUC2 mucins in addition to GM-CSF and IL-4 at an early stage of development, mature DCs expressing CD83 decreased and apoptotic cells increased in a dose-dependent manner. During the development of DCs, sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin (Siglec)-3 was constantly expressed. We prepared recombinant soluble Siglec-3 corresponding to the ectodomain of Siglec-3 and confirmed the binding of soluble Siglec-3 to the MUC2 mucins, probably through alpha2,6-sialic acid-containing O-glycans including a sialyl Tn antigen, which is known to bind to Siglec-3. Apoptosis was partially inhibited by anti-Siglec-3 mAb or recombinant soluble Siglec-3. These results suggest that apoptosis was partially induced through the ligation of the MUC2 mucins with Siglec-3.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylserine regulates the maturation of human dendritic cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phosphatidylserine (PS), which is exposed on the surface of apoptotic cells, has been implicated in immune regulation. However, the effects of PS on the maturation and function of dendritic cells (DCs), which play a central role in both immune activation and regulation, have not been described. Large unilamellar liposomes containing PS or phosphatidylcholine were used to model the plasma membrane phospholipid composition of apoptotic and live cells, respectively. PS liposomes inhibited the up-regulation of HLA-ABC, HLA-DR, CD80, CD86, CD40, and CD83, as well as the production of IL-12p70 by human DCs in response to LPS. PS did not affect DC viability directly but predisposed DCs to apoptosis in response to LPS. DCs exposed to PS had diminished capacity to stimulate allogeneic T cell proliferation and to activate IFN-gamma-producing CD4(+) T cells. Exogenous IL-12 restored IFN-gamma production by CD4(+) T cells. Furthermore, activated CTLs proliferated poorly to cognate Ag presented by DCs exposed to PS. Our findings suggest that PS exposure provides a sufficient signal to inhibit DC maturation and to modulate adaptive immune responses.  相似文献   

Briegert M  Enk AH  Kaina B 《DNA Repair》2007,6(9):1255-1263
Dendritic cells (DCs) maturated from monocytes play an important role in the immune system, not only in defense against conventional infections but also in cancer rejection. Because of the central role of DCs in tumor host defense it is highly important that DCs as well as the progenitor cell population are protected during cancer therapy. Since most anticancer drugs target DNA, the DNA repair capacity is most importance for the response of DCs and their precursor cells. Here, we studied the expression of the DNA repair protein O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) in monocytes obtained from peripheral blood of healthy donors and DCs maturated from monocytes (moDCs). We show that MGMT is expressed at high level in monocytes, comparable to peripheral lymphocytes. The MGMT expression level declines, however, during DC maturation reaching the low level of CD34+ haematopoetic stem cells. Decline of MGMT was observed on activity, protein and RNA level. It is not related to MGMT promoter methylation, suggesting silencing of the MGMT gene in moDCs occurs by other means. Since maturation of monocytes into DCs is provoked by IL-4 and GM-CSF, the data indicate that MGMT is subject to cytokine-mediated regulation. Despite of the high MGMT level, monocytes were more sensitive to methylating agents (MNNG, temozolomide) and equally sensitive to the chloroethylating agent fotemustine than moDCs, undergoing apoptosis upon treatment. The data provide an example that high MGMT expression level does not necessarily implicate a higher level of resistance against O6-alkylating agents.  相似文献   

Migration and maturation of human colonic dendritic cells   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Dendritic cells (DC) in the colon may regulate intestinal immunity but remain poorly characterized. In this study a CD11c(+)HLA-DR(+)lin(-) (CD3(-)CD14(-)CD16(-)CD19(-)CD34(-)) population has been identified by flow cytometry in cells obtained by rapid collagenase digestion of human colonic and rectal biopsies. These day 0 (d0) CD11c(+)HLA-DR(+)lin(-) cells comprised approximately 0.6% of the mononuclear cells obtained from the lamina propria, were endocytically active, and had the phenotype of immature DC; they were CD40(+) and expressed low levels of CD83 and CD86, but little or no CD80 or CD25. Similar d0 DC populations were isolated from the colonic mucosa of healthy controls and from both inflamed and noninflamed tissue from patients with Crohn's disease. The lamina propria also contained a population of cells capable of migrating out of biopsies during an overnight culture and differentiating into mature DC with lower levels of endocytic activity and high cell surface expression of CD40, CD80, CD86, CD83, and CD25. This mature DC population was a potent stimulator of an allogeneic mixed leukocyte (MLR). Overnight culture of cells isolated by enzymatic digestion on d0 yielded DC with a phenotype intermediate between that of the d0 cells and that of the cells migrating out overnight. Overnight culture of colonic cells in which DC and HLA-DR(+)lin(+) cells were differentially labeled with FITC-dextran suggested that some of the maturing DC might differentiate from HLA-DR(+)lin(+) progenitors. This study presents the first analysis of the phenotype, maturational status, and migratory activity of human gut DC.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitters are potential regulators of proliferation and differentiation of neural progenitor cells (NPC). To gain insight into the dynamics of neurotransmitter responsiveness, neurospheres were prepared from the lateral ventricles of postnatal day 6/7 mice. Individual NPCs migrating out from spheres were simultaneously monitored using Ca2+ imaging, during the initial 8 days of differentiation, at an area between the inner edge of the sphere and outer periphery of the area of migration. At the first day of differentiation most cells showed metabotropic responses (Ca2+ discharge from stores) to glutamate (pharmacologically identified as metabotropic glutamate receptor 5, mGluR 5), norepinephrine (NE), acetylcholine (Ach) and ATP, and a smaller proportion of cells also responded to substance P (SP). When outside the neurosphere, many of mGluR5 responding cells gained immunostaining for markers of neuronal lineage (Tuj-1 and NeuN). The number of cells responding through mGluR5 (and responses to Ach, NE and SP) showed during subsequent days of differentiation (day 2–3 onwards) a decline with time and progressively disappeared at the outer periphery of the area of migration. Conversely the number ionotropic glutamate responses as well as responses to depolarization increased in this area. After 5–8 days of differentiation mGluR5 responses could only be observed at the very inner edge of the neurosphere. At 8 days the migrated cells showed very robust ionotropic responses to glutamate, NMDA and depolarization comparable to mature neurons. Taken together, the data presented here suggest that differentiation of NPCs is a dynamic process triggered by cell migration, which leads to a loss of regulatory influences imposed by the inner milieu of the neurosphere. The subsequent switch or loss of metabotropic responses to glutamate, SP, NE, Ach and ATP with the gain of excitable characteristics such as ionotropic responses appears to be a key event in the final differentiation process.  相似文献   

Although macrophages (Mphi) and monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDC) come from a common precursor, they are distinct cell types. This report compares the two cell types with respect to the metabolism of platelet-activating factor (PAF), a biologically active lipid mediator. These experiments were prompted by our studies of localized juvenile periodontitis, a disease associated with high IgG2 production and a propensity of monocytes to differentiate into MDDC. As the IgG2 Ab response is dependent on PAF, and MDDC selectively induce IgG2 production, we predicted that PAF levels would be higher in MDDC than in Mphi. To test this hypothesis, human MDDC were prepared by treating adherent monocytes with IL-4 and GM-CSF, and Mphi were produced by culture in M-CSF. Both Mphi and MDDC synthesized PAF; however, MDDC accumulated significantly more of this lipid. We considered the possibility that PAF accumulation in MDDC might result from reduced turnover due to lower levels of PAF acetylhydrolase (PAFAH), the enzyme that catabolizes PAF. Although PAFAH increased when monocytes differentiated into either cell type, MDDC contained significantly less PAFAH than did Mphi and secreted almost no PAFAH activity. The reduced levels of PAFAH in MDDC could be attributed to lower levels of expression of the enzyme in MDDC and allowed these cells to produce PGE(2) in response to exogenous PAF. In contrast, Mphi did not respond in this manner. Together, these data indicate that PAF metabolism may impinge on regulation of the immune response by regulating the accessory activity of MDDC.  相似文献   

The capacity of dendritic cells to initiate T cell responses is related to their ability to redistribute MHC class II molecules from the intracellular MHC class II compartments to the cell surface. This redistribution occurs during dendritic cell development as they are converted from an antigen capturing, immature dendritic cell into an MHC class II-peptide presenting mature dendritic cell. During this maturation, antigen uptake and processing are down-regulated and peptide-loaded class II complexes become expressed in a stable manner on the cell surface. Here we report that the tetraspanin CD63, that associates with intracellularly localized MHC class II molecules in immature dendritic cells, was modified post-translationally by poly N-acetyl lactosamine addition during maturation. This modification of CD63 was accompanied by a change in morphology of MHC class II compartments from typical multivesicular organelles to structures containing densely packed lipid moieties. Post-translational modification of CD63 may be involved in the functional and morphological changes of MHC class II compartments that occur during dendritic cell maturation.  相似文献   

Contrasting observations raise the question of the role of mycobacterial derived products as compared with the whole bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis on maturation and function of human dendritic cells (DCs). DC-SIGN has been identified as the key DC receptor for M. tuberculosis through its interaction with the mannosylated lipoarabinomannan (ManLAM). Although ManLAM is a major mycobacterial component released from infected antigen-presenting cells, there is no formal evidence yet for an effect of ManLAM per se on DC maturation and function. DCs activated with purified ManLAM displayed an intermediate maturation phenotype as compared with lipopolysaccharide fully matured DCs with reduced expression of MHC class I and class II molecules, CD83 and CD86 and of the chemokine receptor CCR7. They were sensitive to autologous natural killer (NK) lysis, thus behaving like immature DCs. However, ManLAM-activated DCs lost phagocytic activity and triggered priming of naive T-cells, confirming their intermediate maturation. Partial maturation of ManLAM-activated DCs was overcome by triggering the CD40/CD40L pathway as a second signal, which completed maturation phenotypically and abolished autologous NK lysis susceptibility. Altogether, these data provide evidence that ManLAM may induce a partial maturation phenotype on non-infected bystander DCs during infection suggesting that ManLAM released from infected cells might impair adaptive immune response towards M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Maturation of dendritic cells (DCs) is critical for initiation of immune responses and is regulated by various stimulatory signals. We assessed the role of galectin (Gal)-9 in DC maturation. Culture of immature DCs with exogenous Gal-9 markedly increased the surface expression of CD40, CD54, CD80, CD83, CD86, and HLA-DR in a dose-dependent manner, although Gal-9 had no or little effect on differentiation of human monocytes into immature DCs. Gal-9-treated DCs secreted IL-12 but not IL-10, and they elicited the production of Th1 cytokines (IFN-gamma and IL-2) but not that of the Th2 cytokines (IL-4 and IL-5) by allogeneic CD4+ T cells. These effects of Gal-9 on immature DCs were not essentially dependent on its lectin properties, given that they were inhibited only slightly by lactose. We further found that a Gal-9 mutant that lacks beta-galactoside binding activity reproduced the above activities and that an anti-Gal-9 mAb suppressed them. Gal-9 induced phosphorylation of the MAPK p38 and ERK1/2 in DCs, and an inhibitor of p38 signaling, but not inhibitors of signaling by either ERK1/2 or PI3K, blocked Gal-9-induced up-regulation of costimulatory molecule expression and IL-12 production. These findings suggest that Gal-9 plays a role not only in innate immunity but also in acquired immunity by inducing DC maturation and promoting Th1 immune responses.  相似文献   

Celiac disease (CD) is a small intestinal enteropathy, triggered in susceptible individuals by the ingestion of dietary gluten.  相似文献   

The differential expression of surface molecules on dendritic cells (DC) reflects their functional differences as immature and mature subsets. It is difficult, however, to characterize differences in surface expression by standard proteomic approaches, due mainly to the hydrophobic nature and low abundance of the individual proteins in question. We have established a method for obtaining high-yield plasmalemma preparations which contain surface molecules enriched more than 200-fold by coating cells with beads conjugated with antibody against a cell type-specific cell-surface molecule, followed by nitrogen cavitated disruption, magnetic separation, and density gradient ultracentrifugation. We identified and quantified 339 human monocyte-derived DC transmembrane proteins, including 33 previously uncharacterized molecules. Whereas 106 proteins were selectively expressed in immature cells or down-regulated after maturation, 191 proteins were selectively expressed in mature cells or up-regulated after maturation.  相似文献   

Celiac disease is a chronic inflammatory disease developing in genetically predisposed individuals. Ingested gliadin, the triggering agent of the disease, can cross the epithelial barrier and elicit a harmful T cell-mediated immune response. Dendritic cells (DC) are supposed to play a pivotal role in shaping the immune response. The direction of the immune response toward immunity or tolerance depends on the stage of maturation and the functional properties of the DC. DC become fully functional APC upon maturation by various stimuli. We investigated the effect of a peptic digest of gliadin on the maturation of human monocyte-derived DC. Stimulation of cells with gliadin, in contrast with other tested food proteins, led to enhanced expression of maturation markers (CD80, CD83, CD86, and HLA-DR molecules) and increased secretion of chemokines and cytokines (mainly of IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-alpha, growth-related oncogene, MCP-1, MCP-2, macrophage-derived chemokine, and RANTES). Maturation was accompanied by a greater capacity to stimulate proliferation of allogeneic T cells and significantly reduced endocytic activity. Furthermore, gliadin-induced phosphorylation of members of three MAPK families (ERK1/2, JNK, and p38 MAPK) was demonstrated. The largest contribution of p38 MAPK was confirmed using its inhibitor SB203580, which markedly down-regulated the gliadin-triggered up-regulation of maturation markers and cytokine production. Gliadin treatment also resulted in increased NF-kappaB/DNA binding activity of p50 and p65 subunits. Taken together, gliadin peptides can contribute to overcoming the stage of unresponsiveness of immature DC by inducing phenotypic and functional DC maturation, resulting in more efficient processing and presentation of gliadin peptides to specific T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Platelet-activating factor (PAF), a phospholipid mediator with broad and potent biologic activities, is synthesized by several inflammatory cells including endothelial cells (EC). PAF is also an effective stimulating agent for EC leading to increased cell permeability and adhesivity. We examined the synthesis of PAF in human umbilical cord vein EC after stimulation of EC with PAF or with its nonmetabolizable analog 1-O-alkyl-2-N-methyl-carbamyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (C-PAF). PAF (1 to 100 nM) induced a dose- and time-dependent increase of PAF synthesis as detected by [3H]acetate incorporation into PAF fraction. Stimulation of PAF synthesis occurred via activation of the "remodeling pathway" as the 1-O-alkyl-2-lyso-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (lyso-PAF):acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase was dose-dependently increased after PAF treatment. The de novo pathway of PAF synthesis was not activated under these conditions. C-PAF was able to mimic the effect of authentic PAF on [3H] acetate incorporation. The inactive metabolite lyso-PAF (100 nM) had no influence on PAF synthesis in EC. CV-3988, BN 52021, and WEB 2086, potent and specific antagonists of PAF suppressed PAF effects on the remodeling pathway completely. The PAF- and C-PAF-induced [3H]PAF remained 93% cell-associated and was not degraded up to 10 min after stimulation. Characterization of the [3H]acetate-labeled material co-migrating with authentic PAF revealed that a significant proportion (approximately 57%) was actually 1-acyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. PAF-induced PAF synthesis might be an important mechanism for amplifying original PAF signals and potentiating adhesive interactions of circulating cells with the endothelium.  相似文献   

TGF-beta 1 is critical for differentiation of epithelial-associated dendritic Langerhans cells (LC). In accordance with the characteristics of in vivo LC, we show that LC obtained from human monocytes in vitro in the presence of TGF-beta 1 1) express almost exclusively intracellular class II Ags, low CD80, and no CD83 and CD86 Ags and 2) down-regulate TNF-RI (p55) and do not produce IL-10 after stimulation, in contrast to dermal dendritic cells and monocyte-derived dendritic cells. Surprisingly, while LC exhibit E-cadherin down-regulation upon exposure to TNF-alpha and IL-1, TGF-beta 1 prevents the final LC maturation in response to TNF-alpha, IL-1, and LPS with respect to Class II CD80, CD86, and CD83 Ag expression, loss of FITC-dextran uptake, production of IL-12, and Ag presentation. In sharp contrast, CD40 ligand cognate signal induces full maturation of LC and is not inhibited by TGF-beta 1. The presence of emigrated immature LCs in human reactive skin-draining lymph nodes provides in vivo evidence that LC migration and final maturation may be differentially regulated. Therefore, due to the effects of TGF-beta 1, inflammatory stimuli may not be sufficient to induce full maturation of LC, thus avoiding potentially harmful immune responses. We conclude that TGF-beta 1 appears to be responsible for both the acquisition of LC phenotype, cytokine production pattern, and prevention of noncognate maturation.  相似文献   

Immunosuppressive membrane gangliosides are released by tumor cells and inhibit normal antigen presenting cell (APC) function. To better understand this process, we have studied the effect of gangliosides on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced maturation of human dendritic cells (DCs). Immature DCs were generated in vitro from human peripheral blood monocytes and were exposed for 72 h to a highly purified ganglioside, G(D1a). During the last 24 h, LPS was added to effect maturation. As assessed by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis, incubation in 50 microM G(D1a) significantly blunted the LPS-induced maturation of the dendritic cells. The expected up-regulation of expression of the co-stimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86 was ablated and that of CD40 was reduced, as were surface CD83 expression and intracellular CD208 production. In addition, ganglioside pretreatment of DC markedly inhibited the allostimulatory capacity and partially prevented the down-regulation of FITC-dextran uptake characteristic of LPS-activated DC. Furthermore, ganglioside-exposed DC also evidenced a broad down-regulation of the cytokine release that is normally initiated by LPS exposure, i.e., there was no increase in IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, or tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha release. That a common mechanism may underlie these defects was suggested by the finding that G(D1a) exposure of DC also inhibited the nuclear binding of NF-kappa B that is normally induced by LPS. These results suggest that tumor gangliosides may blunt the anti-tumor immune response in vivo by binding and interfering with dendritic cell maturation.  相似文献   

The release of platelet-activating factor (PAF) from stimulated human endothelial cells (HEC) cultured from normal term, umbilical cord veins is described. HEC in primary cultures released PAF after challenge with A23187, rabbit anti-human factor VIII (RaHu/FVIII), angiotensin II, and vasopressin. HEC subcultures maintained the ability to release PAF in the presence of A23187 and RaHu/FVIII, whereas the release of PAF in response to angiotensin II and vasopressin was not constant and was reduced. Control cultured, smooth muscle cells derived from umbilical cord veins, previously depleted of endothelial cells, did not release PAF under the above-mentioned stimulation. Plastic-adherent or cultured monocytes released PAF with A23187, but not with RaHu/FVIII, angiotensin II, and vasopressin. The release of PAF from HEC in primary cultures required the presence of extracellular cations and the activation of membrane phospholipase A2. PAF release induced by A23187, RaHu/FVIII, angiotensin II, and vasopressin was unaffected by indomethacin, an inhibitor of cyclooxygenase, which, however, favored the release of PAF from HEC stimulated with thrombin, a stimulus that did not affect HEC in the absence of indomethacin. PGI2 inhibited PAF release from stimulated HEC. The relevance of an acetylation process in the biosynthesis of PAF and HEC was supported by the following evidence: 1) the increase in PAF yield in the presence of sodium acetate and, particularly, of acetyl-CoA; 2) the incorporation of [14C]acetate into PAF molecules; 3) the loss of radioactivity and of biologic activity after treatment with phospholipase A2. These results indicate that HEC in culture are able to release PAF and that metabolic pathways similar to those described for leukocytes are involved.  相似文献   

Increased exposure to air pollutants such as diesel exhaust particles (DEP) has been proposed as one mechanism to explain the rise in allergic disorders. However, the immunologic mechanisms by which DEP enhance allergic sensitization and asthma remain unclear. We hypothesized that DEP act as an adjuvant for immature dendritic cell (DC) maturation via its effect on airway epithelial cell-derived microenvironment for DC. Immature monocyte-derived DC (iMDDC) failed to undergo phenotypic (CD80, CD83, CD86) or functional (T cell activation) maturation in response to exposure to DEP (0.001-100 mug/ml). In contrast, primary cultures of human bronchial epithelial cells (HBEC) treated with DEP induced iMDDC phenotypic maturation (2.6 +/- 0.1-fold increase in CD83 expression, n = 4, p < 0.05) and functional maturation (2.6 +/- 0.2-fold increase in T cell activation, n = 4, p < 0.05). Functional maturation of iMDDC was induced by conditioned medium derived from DEP-treated HBEC, and was inhibited in cultures with DEP-treated HBEC and blocking Abs against GM-CSF, or GM-CSF-targeted small interfering RNA. These data suggest that DEP induce Ag-independent DC maturation via epithelial cell-DC interactions mediated by HBEC-derived GM-CSF. Although additional signals may be required for polarization of DC, these data suggest a novel mechanism by which environmental pollutants alter airway immune responses.  相似文献   

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