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Fertilization or activation by ionophore A 23187 induces a transient acid release in prophase-blocked and in maturing oocytes of Asterias rubens and Marthasterias glacialis. 1-Methyladenine-induced maturation is not accompanied by acid release. There is no significant difference in the kinetic and amount of acid release related to the nature of activation or the stage of oocytes in each species. The amount of acid released per oocyte volume is smaller than total "fertilization acid" of sea urchin eggs but comparable to its Na-insensitive component. Cortical reaction can be initiated without significant acid release in ammonia treated oocytes. A burst of sodium influx occurs at activation or fertilization of oocytes. Kinetic and amount of Na influx are comparable to acid release. Vitelline membrane elevation is impaired upon activation of oocytes in the absence of extracellular sodium but a significant although smaller release of acid occurs. This suggests that starfish oocytes release acid by a mechanism differing from the Na+-H+ exchange of sea urchin eggs.  相似文献   

Basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF) is a potent angiogenic factor that stimulates several cell types to migrate along a chemotactic gradient. Most chemoartractant receptors appear to share a common mechanism that involves activation of phospholipase C (PLC), hydrolysis of phosphotidylinositol, and mobilization of intracellular calcium. We transf ected two different cell lines with either human FGF receptor-1 cDNA or chimeric FGF receptor cDNA. Ligand stimulation induced chemotaxis, activation of PLOγ, phosphotidylinositol hydrolysis, and calcium mobilization in both wild-type receptor cell lines. No such response was elicited in control cells. Mutation of the two fibroblast growth factor receptors at residue 766, replacing tyrosine with phenylalanine, made the receptors incapable of associating with and activating PLCγ following ligand stimulation. These mutant receptors also failed to mediate phosphotidylinositol hydrolysis and calcium mobilization. However, cells transfected with the mutant fibroblast growth factor receptors were as chemotactically responsive to the appropriate ligand as were cells transfected with the wild-type receptors. These findings demonstrate that the ability of the fibroblast growth factor receptor to promote chemotaxis is not dependent on increased activation of PLCγ, increased hydrolysis of phosphotidylinositol, or increased global mobilization of calcium.  相似文献   

The development and growth of the skull is controlled by cranial sutures, which serve as growth centers for osteogenesis by providing a pool of osteoprogenitors. These osteoprogenitors undergo intramembranous ossification by direct differentiation into osteoblasts, which synthesize the components of the extracellular bone matrix. A dysregulation of osteoblast differentiation can lead to premature fusion of sutures, resulting in an abnormal skull shape, a disease called craniosynostosis. Although several genes could be linked to craniosynostosis, the mechanisms regulating cranial suture development remain largely elusive. We have established transgenic mice conditionally expressing an autoactivated platelet-derived growth factor receptor α (PDGFRα) in neural crest cells (NCCs) and their derivatives. In these mice, premature fusion of NCC-derived sutures occurred at early postnatal stages. In vivo and in vitro experiments demonstrated enhanced proliferation of osteoprogenitors and accelerated ossification of osteoblasts. Furthermore, in osteoblasts expressing the autoactivated receptor, we detected an upregulation of the phospholipase C-γ (PLC-γ) pathway. Treatment of differentiating osteoblasts with a PLC-γ-specific inhibitor prevented the mineralization of synthesized bone matrix. Thus, we show for the first time that PDGFRα signaling stimulates osteogenesis of NCC-derived osteoblasts by activating the PLC-γ pathway, suggesting an involvement of this pathway in the etiology of human craniosynostosis.  相似文献   

A transient rise in the concentration of Ca2+ in the cortex upon fertilization was demonstrated in medaka eggs injected with aequorin. Detection of the aequorin luminescence with an ultra-high sensitivity photonic microscope system revealed a wave of increased Ca2+ concentration starting at the site of sperm entry (animal pole) and being propagated along the cortex of the egg toward the antipode. The wave traversed the entire egg surface within 2–3 min. The peak value of the aequorin luminescence, and therefore the peak value of the Ca2+ transient, was generally higher at the site of sperm entry than in other regions. The peak values of the luminescence (and therefore of the Ca2+ concentration in the cortex) remained fairly constant during propagation of the wave. Microinjection of Ca2+ into the cortex also induced a Ca2+ wave. When the egg was stimulated by microinjection of Ca2+ at the equatorial region, the Ca2+ wave was propagated at a fairly constant speed over the egg surface, except at the region near the vegetal pole where the wave was retarded. Simultaneous recording of the Ca2+ wave and the wave of cortical change (breakdown of cortical alveoli) in eggs during fertilization revealed that the Ca2+ wave preceded the wave of cortical change.
A Ca2+ wave was also demonstrated in sand dollar eggs, although due to their smaller size the phenomenon was not as clear as in medaka eggs.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of phospholipase C‐δ1 (PLC‐δ1) in vitro and in vivo was investigated. Of the serine/threonine kinases tested, protein kinase C (PKC) phosphorylated the serine residue(s) of bacterially expressed PLC‐δ1 most potently. It was also demonstrated that PLC‐δ1 directly bound PKC‐α via its pleckstrin homology (PH) domain. Using deletion mutants of PLC‐δ1 and synthetic peptides, Ser35 in the PH domain was defined as the PKC mediated in vitro phosphorylation site of PLC‐δ1. In vitro phosphorylation of PLC‐δ1 by PKC stimulated [3H]PtdIns(4,5)P2 hydrolyzing activity and [3H]Ins(1,4,5)P3‐binding of the PLC‐δ1. On the other hand, endogenous PLC‐δ1 was constitutively phosphorylated and phosphoamino acid analysis revealed that major phosphorylation sites were threonine residues in quiescent cells. The phosphorylation level and the species of phosphoamino acid were not changed by various stimuli such as PMA, EGF, NGF, and forskolin. Using matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization time‐of‐flight (MALDI‐TOF) mass spectrometry, we determined that Thr209 of PLC‐δ1 is one of the constitutively phosphorylated sites in quiescent cells. The PLC activity was potentiated when constitutively phosphorylated PLC‐δ1 was dephosphorylated by endogenous phosphatase(s) in vitro. Additionally, coexpression with PKC‐α reduced serine phosphorylation of PLC‐δ1 detected by an anti‐phosphoserine antibody and PLC‐δ1‐dependent basal production of inositol phosphates in NIH‐3T3 cells, suggesting PKC‐α activates phosphatase or inactivates another kinase involved in PLC‐δ1 serine phosphorylation to modulate the PLC‐δ1 activity in vivo. Taken together, these results suggest that PLC‐δ1 has multiple phosphorylation sites and phosphorylation status of PLC‐δ1 regulates its activity positively or negatively depends on the phosphorylation sites. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 638–650, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic regions of the receptors for epidermal growth factor (EGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) bind and activate phospholipase C-γ1 (PLC-γ1) and other signaling proteins in response to ligand binding outside the cell. Receptor binding by PLC-γ1 is a function of its SH2 domains and is required for growth factor-induced cell cycle progression into the S phase. Microinjection into MDCK epithelial cells and NIH 3T3 fibroblasts of a polypeptide corresponding to the noncatalytic SH2-SH2-SH3 domains of PLC-γ1 (PLC-γ1 SH2-SH2-SH3) blocked growth factor-induced S-phase entry. Treatment of cells with diacylglycerol (DAG) or DAG and microinjected inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3), the products of activated PLC-γ1, did not stimulate cellular DNA synthesis by themselves but did suppress the inhibitory effects of the PLC-γ1 SH2-SH2-SH3 polypeptide but not the cell cycle block imposed by inhibition of the adapter protein Grb2 or p21 Ras. Two c-fos serum response element (SRE)-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter plasmids, a wild-type version, wtSRE-CAT, and a mutant, pm18, were used to investigate the function of PLC-γ1 in EGF- and PDGF-induced mitogenesis. wtSRE-CAT responds to both protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent and -independent signals, while the mutant, pm18, responds only to PKC-independent signals. Microinjection of the dominant-negative PLC-γ1 SH2-SH2-SH3 polypeptide greatly reduced the responses of wtSRE-CAT to EGF stimulation in MDCK cells and to PDGF stimulation in NIH 3T3 cells but had no effect on the responses of mutant pm18. These results indicate that in addition to Grb2-mediated activation of Ras, PLC-γ1-mediated DAG production is required for EGF- and PDGF-induced S-phase entry and gene expression, possibly through activation of PKC.  相似文献   

The pheromone response pathway of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is initiated in MATa cells by binding of α-factor to the α-factor receptor. MATa cells in which the a-factor receptor is inappropriately expressed exhibit reduced pheromone signaling, a phenomenon termed receptor inhibition. In cells undergoing receptor inhibition, activation of the signaling pathway occurs normally at early time points but decreases after prolonged exposure to pheromone. Mutations that suppress the effects of receptor inhibition were obtained in the STE4 gene, which encodes the β-subunit of the G protein that transmits the pheromone response signal. These mutations mapped to the N terminus and second WD repeat of Ste4p in regions that are not part of its Gα binding surface. A STE4 allele containing several of these mutations, called STE4SD13, reversed the signaling defect seen at late times in cells undergoing receptor inhibition but had no effect on the basal activity of the pathway. Moreover, the signaling properties of STE4SD13 were indistinguishable from those of STE4 in wild-type MATa and MATα cells. These results demonstrate that the effect of the STE4SD13 allele is specific to the receptor inhibition function of STE4. STE4SD13 suppressed the signaling defect conferred by receptor inhibition in a MATa strain containing a deletion of GPA1, the G protein α-subunit gene; however, STE4SD13 had no effect in a MATα strain containing a GPA1 deletion. Suppression of receptor inhibition by STE4SD13 in a MATa strain containing a GPA1 deletion was unaffected by deletion of STE2, the α-factor receptor gene. The results presented here are consistent with a model in which an a-specific gene product other than Ste2p detects the presence of the a-factor receptor and blocks signaling by inhibiting the function of Ste4p.  相似文献   

Migration of cells within epithelial sheets is an important feature of embryogenesis and other biological processes. Previous work has demonstrated a role for inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-mediated calcium signalling in the rearrangement of epidermal cells (also known as hypodermal cells) during embryonic morphogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans. However the mechanism by which IP3 production is stimulated is unknown. IP3 is produced by the action of phospholipase C (PLC). We therefore surveyed the PLC family of C. elegans using RNAi and mutant strains, and found that depletion of PLC-1/PLC-ε produced substantial embryonic lethality. We used the epithelial cell marker ajm-1::gfp to follow the behaviour of epidermal cells and found that 96% of the arrested embryos have morphogenetic defects. These defects include defective ventral enclosure and aberrant dorsal intercalation. Using time-lapse confocal microscopy we show that the migration of the ventral epidermal cells, especially of the leading cells, is slower and often fails in plc-1(tm753) embryos. As a consequence plc-1 loss of function results in ruptured embryos with a Gex phenotype (gut on exterior) and lumpy larvae. Thus PLC-1 is involved in the regulation of morphogenesis. Genetic studies using gain- and loss-of-function alleles of itr-1, the gene encoding the IP3 receptor in C. elegans, demonstrate that PLC-1 acts through ITR-1. Using RNAi and double mutants to deplete the other PLCs in a plc-1 background, we show that PLC-3/PLC-γ and EGL-8/PLC-β can compensate for reduced PLC-1 activity. Our work places PLC-ε into a pathway controlling epidermal cell migration, thus establishing a novel role for PLC-ε.  相似文献   

External addition of the β-lactam precursor α-aminoadipic acid to the filamentous fungus Penicillium chrysogenum leads to an increased intracellular α-aminoadipic acid concentration and an increase in penicillin production. The exact route for α-aminoadipic acid uptake is not known, although the general amino acid and acidic amino acid permeases have been implicated in this process. Their corresponding genes, PcGAP1 and PcDIP5, of P. chrysogenum were cloned and functionally expressed in a mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (M4276) in which the acidic amino acid and general amino acid permease genes (DIP5 and GAP1, respectively) are disrupted. Transport assays show that both PcGap1 and PcDip5 mediated the uptake of α-aminoadipic acid, although PcGap1 showed a higher affinity for α-aminoadipic acid than PcDip5 (Km values, 230 and 800 μM, respectively). Leucine strongly inhibits α-aminoadipic acid transport via PcGap1 but not via PcDip5. This difference was exploited to estimate the relative contribution of each transport system to the α-aminoadipic acid flux in β-lactam-producing P. chrysogenum. The transport measurements demonstrate that both PcGap1 and PcDip5 contribute to the α-aminoadipic acid flux.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that protein kinase Cepsilon (PKCepsilon) induces neurite outgrowth via its regulatory domain and independently of its kinase activity. This study aimed at identifying mechanisms regulating PKCepsilon-mediated neurite induction. We show an increased association of PKCepsilon to the cytoskeleton during neuronal differentiation. Furthermore, neurite induction by overexpression of full-length PKCepsilon is suppressed if serum is removed from the cultures or if an actin-binding site is deleted from the protein. A peptide corresponding to the PKCepsilon actin-binding site suppresses neurite outgrowth during neuronal differentiation and outgrowth elicited by PKCepsilon overexpression. Neither serum removal, deletion of the actin-binding site, nor introduction of the peptide affects neurite induction by the isolated regulatory domain. Membrane targeting by myristoylation renders full-length PKCepsilon independent of both serum and the actin-binding site, and PKCepsilon colocalized with F-actin at the cortical cytoskeleton during neurite outgrowth. These results demonstrate that the actin-binding site is of importance for signals acting on PKCepsilon in a pathway leading to neurite outgrowth. Localization of PKCepsilon to the plasma membrane and/or the cortical cytoskeleton is conceivably important for its effect on neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

Sheep erythrocyte ghosts released water-soluble organic phosphorus when treated with purified beta-hemolysin. Phospholipid analysis demonstrated that sphingomyelin accounted for 53% of the phospholipids present in sheep erythrocytes. Purified beta-hemolysin showed phospholipase C activity when purified ox brain or sheep erythrocyte sphingomyelin was used as substrate. Such studies have also revealed that the disappearance of sphingomyelin from the reaction mixture was accompanied by a comparable increase in the concentration of phosphoryl choline. Thin-layer chromatography of phospholipids, extracted from sheep erythrocytes which had been exposed to beta-hemolysin, demonstrated that sphingomyelin was rapidly degraded. Activators of beta-hemolysin, such as Mg(++), enhanced the release of organic phosphorus from erythrocyte ghosts and from sphingomyelin. Inhibitors of beta-hemolysin, such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, p-chloromercuribenzoate, and iodoacetamide, also inhibited the release of organic phosphorus from erythrocyte ghosts and from sphingomyelin. These studies strongly suggested that beta-hemolysin enzymatically degraded the sphingomyelin of the erythrocyte membrane. Such degradation probably resulted in the eventual lysis of the erythrocyte.  相似文献   

G protein beta-gamma (Gβγ) subunits anchor to the plasma membrane (PM) through the carboxy-terminal (CT) prenyl group in Gγ. This interaction is crucial for the PM localization and functioning of Gβγ, allowing GPCR-G protein signaling to proceed. The diverse Gγ family has 12 members, and we have recently shown that the signaling efficacies of major Gβγ effectors are Gγ-type dependent. This dependency is due to the distinct series of membrane-interacting abilities of Gγ. However, the molecular process allowing for Gβγ subunits to exhibit a discrete and diverse range of Gγ-type–dependent membrane affinities is unclear and cannot be explained using only the type of prenylation. The present work explores the unique designs of membrane-interacting CT residues in Gγ as a major source for this Gγ-type–dependent Gβγ signaling. Despite the type of prenylation, the results show signaling efficacy at the PM, and associated cell behaviors of Gβγ are governed by crucially located specific amino acids in the five to six residue preprenylation region of Gγ. The provided molecular picture of Gγ–membrane interactions may explain how cells gain Gγ-type–dependent G protein-GPCR signaling as well as how Gβγ elicits selective signaling at various subcellular compartments.  相似文献   

Extra-large stimulatory Gα (XLαs) is a large variant of G protein αs subunit (Gαs) that uses an alternative promoter and thus differs from Gαs at the first exon. XLαs activation by G protein–coupled receptors mediates cAMP generation, similarly to Gαs; however, Gαs and XLαs have been shown to have distinct cellular and physiological functions. For example, previous work suggests that XLαs can stimulate inositol phosphate production in renal proximal tubules and thereby regulate serum phosphate levels. In this study, we show that XLαs directly and specifically stimulates a specific isoform of phospholipase Cβ (PLCβ), PLCβ4, both in transfected cells and with purified protein components. We demonstrate that neither the ability of XLαs to activate cAMP generation nor the canonical G protein switch II regions are required for PLCβ stimulation. Furthermore, this activation is nucleotide independent but is inhibited by Gβγ, suggesting a mechanism of activation that relies on Gβγ subunit dissociation. Surprisingly, our results indicate that enhanced membrane targeting of XLαs relative to Gαs confers the ability to activate PLCβ4. We also show that PLCβ4 is required for isoproterenol-induced inositol phosphate accumulation in osteocyte-like Ocy454 cells. Taken together, we demonstrate a novel mechanism for activation of phosphoinositide turnover downstream of Gs-coupled receptors that may have a critical role in endocrine physiology.  相似文献   

Previously, we showed caveolae contain a population of protein kinase Cα (PKCα) that appears to regulate membrane invagination. We now report that multiple PKC isoenzymes are enriched in caveolae of unstimulated fibroblasts. To understand the mechanism of PKC targeting, we prepared caveolae lacking PKCα and measured the interaction of recombinant PKCα with these membranes. PKCα bound with high affinity and specificity to caveolae membranes. Binding was calcium dependent, did not require the addition of factors that activate the enzyme, and involved the regulatory domain of the molecule. A 68-kD PKCα-binding protein identified as sdr (serum deprivation response) was isolated by interaction cloning and localized to caveolae. Antibodies against sdr inhibited PKCα binding. A 100–amino acid sequence from the middle of sdr competitively blocked PKCα binding while flanking sequences were inactive. Caveolae appear to be a membrane site where PKC enzymes are organized to carry out essential regulatory functions as well as to modulate signal transduction at the cell surface.  相似文献   

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