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Recombinant progeny lines of Cryptosporidium parvum were generated by coinfecting immunosuppressed mice with two genetically distinct isolates of C. parvum. Progeny lines were obtained from a cross of parental lines MD x TU114 through targeted propagation in mice of progeny oocysts originating from populations lacking one parental allele at one or more loci. For each infection lineage this process was repeated until only a single allele remained for each marker, indicating that the progeny line was clonal. To study genetic recombination, 16 progeny clones were genotyped at 40 loci located on each of the eight chromosomes. The inheritance of parental alleles was significantly skewed towards the more virulent parent isolate MD. A contiguous 476 kb segment of chromosome V displayed MD allele in all progeny recovered, while MD and TU114 alleles were detected at other loci throughout the genome. The absence of alleles from one parental isolate in this chromosomal region may indicate phenotypic selection for the MD allele during the generation of these lines. A range for the meiotic crossover frequency was determined on the basis of 40 markers and the number of meioses estimated to have taken place during the crossing experiment. C. parvum exhibits a high rate of recombination commensurate with other Apicomplexa.  相似文献   

A lack of basic understanding of parasite biology has been a limiting factor in designing effective means of treating and preventing disease caused by Cryptosporidium parvum. Since the genomic DNA sequence encodes all of the heritable information responsible for development, disease pathogenesis, virulence, species permissiveness and immune resistance, a comprehensive knowledge of the C. parvum genome will provide the necessary information required for cost-effective and targeted research into disease prevention and treatment. With the recent advances in high-throughput automated DNA sequencing capabilities, large-scale genomic sequencing has become a cost-effective and time-efficient approach to understanding the biology of an organism. In addition, the continued development and implementation of new software tools that can scan raw sequences for signs of genes and then identify clues as to potential functions, has provided the final realization of the potential rewards of genome sequencing. To further our understanding of C. parvum biology, we have initiated a random shotgun sequencing approach to obtain the complete sequence of the IOWA isolate of C. parvum. Our progress to date has demonstrated that sequencing of the C. parvum genome will be an efficient and costeffective method for gene discovery of this important eukaryotic pathogen. This will allow for the identification of key metabolic and immunological features of the organism that will provide the basis for future development of safe and effective strategies for prevention and treatment of disease in AIDS patients, as well as immunocompetent hosts. Moreover, by obtaining the complete sequence of the C. parvum genome, effective methods for subspecific differentiation (strain typing) and epidemiologic surveillance (strain tracking) of this pathogen can be developed.  相似文献   

The observation that Plasmodium falciparum possesses cyanide insensitive respiration that can be inhibited by salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) and propyl gallate is consistent with the presence of an alternative oxidase (AOX). However, the completion and annotation of the P. falciparum genome project did not identify any protein with convincing similarity to the previously described AOXs from plants, fungi or protozoa. We undertook a survey of the available apicomplexan genome projects in an attempt to address this anomaly. Putative AOX sequences were identified and sequenced from both type 1 and 2 strains of Cryptosporidium parvum. The gene encodes a polypeptide of 336 amino acids and has a predicted N-terminal transit sequence similar to that found in proteins targeted to the mitochondria of other species. The potential of AOX as a target for new anti-microbial agents for C. parvum is evident by the ability of SHAM and 8-hydroxyquinoline to inhibit in vitro growth of C. parvum. In spite of the lack of a good candidate for AOX in either the P. falciparum or Toxoplasma gondii genome projects, SHAM and 8-hydroxyquinoline were found to inhibit the growth of these parasites. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that AOX and the related protein immutans are derived from gene transfers from the mitochondrial endosymbiont and the chloroplast endosymbiont, respectively. These data are consistent with the functional localisation studies conducted thus far, which demonstrate mitochondrial localisation for some AOX and chloroplastidic localization for immutans. The presence of a mitochondrial compartment is further supported by the prediction of a mitochondrial targeting sequence at the N-terminus of the protein and MitoTracker staining of a subcellular compartment in trophozoite and meront stages. These results give insight into the evolution of AOX and demonstrate the potential of targeting the alternative pathway of respiration in apicomplexans.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium parvum is a parasitic protozoan that causes the diarrheal disease cryptosporidiosis, for which no satisfactory chemotherapy is currently available. Although the presence of mitochondria in this parasite has been suggested, its respiratory system is poorly understood due to difficulties in performing biochemical analyses. In order to better understand the respiratory chain of C. parvum, we surveyed its genomic DNA database in GenBank and identified a partial sequence encoding cyanide-insensitive alternative oxidase (AOX). Based on this sequence, we cloned C. parvum AOX (CpAOX) cDNA from the phylum apicomplexa for the first time. The deduced amino acid sequence (335 a.a.) of CpAOX contains diiron coordination motifs (-E-, -EXXH-) that are conserved among AOXs. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that CpAOX is a mitochondrial-type AOX, possibly derived from mitochondrial endosymbiont gene transfer. The recombinant enzyme expressed in Escherichia coli showed quinol oxidase activity. This activity was insensitive to cyanide and highly sensitive to ascofuranone, a specific inhibitor of trypanosome AOX.  相似文献   

Cai X  Herschap D  Zhu G 《Eukaryotic cell》2005,4(7):1211-1220
Recently, two types of fatty acid synthases (FASs) have been discovered from apicomplexan parasites. Although significant progress has been made in characterizing these apicomplexan FASs, virtually nothing was previously known about the activation and regulation of these enzymes. In this study, we report the discovery and characterization of two distinct types of phosphopantetheinyl transferase (PPTase) that are responsible for synthesizing holo-acyl carrier protein (ACP) from three apicomplexan parasites: surfactin production element (SFP) type in Cryptosporidium parvum (CpSFP-PPT), holo-ACP synthase (ACPS)-type in Plasmodium falciparum (PfACPS-PPT), and both SFP and ACPS types in Toxoplasma gondii (TgSFP-PPT and TgACPS-PPT). CpSFP-PPT and TgSFP-PPT are monofunctional, cytosolic, and phylogenetically related to animal PPTases. However, PfACPS-PPT and TgACPS-PPT are bifunctional (fused with a metal-dependent hydrolase), likely targeted to the apicoplast, and more closely related to proteobacterial PPTases. The function of apicomplexan PPTases has been confirmed by detailed functional analysis using recombinant CpSFP-PPT expressed from an artificially synthesized gene with codon usage optimized for Escherichia coli. The recombinant CpSFP-PPT was able to activate the ACP domains from the C. parvum type I FAS in vitro using either CoA or acetyl-CoA as a substrate, or in vivo when coexpressed in bacteria, with kinetic characteristics typical of PPTases. These observations suggest that the two types of fatty acid synthases in the Apicomplexa are activated and regulated by two evolutionarily distinct PPTases.  相似文献   

The coccidium Cryptosporidium parvum is an obligate intracellular parasite of the phylum Apicomplexa. It infects the gastrointestinal tract of humans and livestock, and represents the third major cause of diarrhoeal disease worldwide. Scarcely considered for decades due to its apparently non-pathogenic nature, C. parvum has been studied very actively over the last 15 years, after its medical relevance as a dangerous opportunistic parasite and widespread water contaminant was fully recognised. Despite the lack of an efficient in vitro culture system and appropriate animal models, significant advances have been made in this relatively short period of time towards understanding C. parvum biology, immunology, genetics and epidemiology. Until recently, very little was known about the genome of C. parvum, with even basic issues, such as the number and size of chromosomes, being the object of a certain controversy. With the advent of pulsed field gradient electrophoresis and the introduction of molecular biology techniques, the overall structure and fine organisation of the genome of C. parvum have started to be disclosed. Organised into eight chromosomes distributed in a very narrow range of molecular masses, the genome of C. parvum is one of the smallest so far described among unicellular eukaryotic organisms. Although fewer than 30 C. parvum genes have been cloned so far, information about the overall structure of the parasite genome has increased exponentially over the last 2 years. From the first karyotypic analyses to the recent development of physical maps for individual chromosomes, this review will try to describe the state-of-the-art of our knowledge on the nuclear genome of C. parvum and will discuss the available experimental evidence concerning the presence of extra-chromosomal elements.  相似文献   

We have successfully expressed recombinant mitochondrial‐type ferredoxin (mtFd) and ferredoxin:NADP+ reductase (mtFNR) from Cryptosporidium parvum and characterized their biochemical features for the first time for an apicomplexan. Both C. parvum mtFd (CpmtFd) and FNR (CpmtFNR) were obtained and purified as holo‐proteins, in which the correct assembly of [2Fe–2S] cluster in Fd and that of FAD in FNR were confirmed and characterized by UV/vis and electron paramagnetic resonance. These proteins were fully functional and CpmtFNR was capable of transferring electrons from NADPH to CpmtFd in a cytochrome c‐coupled assay that followed a typical Michaelis‐Menten kinetics. Apicomplexan mtFd and mtFNR proteins were evolutionarily divergent from their counterparts in humans and animals and could be explored as potential drug targets in Cryptosporidium and other apicomplexans.  相似文献   



The phylum Apicomplexa comprises important unicellular human parasites such as Toxoplasma and Plasmodium. Eimeria is the largest and most diverse genus of apicomplexan parasites and some species of the genus are the causative agent of coccidiosis, a disease economically devastating in poultry. We report a complete genome sequence of the mouse parasite Eimeria falciformis. We assembled and annotated the genome sequence to study host-parasite interactions in this understudied genus in a model organism host.


The genome of E. falciformis is 44 Mb in size and contains 5,879 predicted protein coding genes. Comparative analysis of E. falciformis with Toxoplasma gondii shows an emergence and diversification of gene families associated with motility and invasion mainly at the level of the Coccidia. Many rhoptry kinases, among them important virulence factors in T. gondii, are absent from the E. falciformis genome. Surface antigens are divergent between Eimeria species. Comparisons with T. gondii showed differences between genes involved in metabolism, N-glycan and GPI-anchor synthesis. E. falciformis possesses a reduced set of transmembrane transporters and we suggest an altered mode of iron uptake in the genus Eimeria.


Reduced diversity of genes required for host-parasite interaction and transmembrane transport allow hypotheses on host adaptation and specialization of a single host parasite. The E. falciformis genome sequence sheds light on the evolution of the Coccidia and helps to identify determinants of host-parasite interaction critical for drug and vaccine development.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-696) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



Whole genome sequencing (WGS) of Cryptosporidium spp. has previously relied on propagation of the parasite in animals to generate enough oocysts from which to extract DNA of sufficient quantity and purity for analysis. We have developed and validated a method for preparation of genomic Cryptosporidium DNA suitable for WGS directly from human stool samples and used it to generate 10 high-quality whole Cryptosporidium genome assemblies. Our method uses a combination of salt flotation, immunomagnetic separation (IMS), and surface sterilisation of oocysts prior to DNA extraction, with subsequent use of the transposome-based Nextera XT kit to generate libraries for sequencing on Illumina platforms. IMS was found to be superior to caesium chloride density centrifugation for purification of oocysts from small volume stool samples and for reducing levels of contaminant DNA.


The IMS-based method was used initially to sequence whole genomes of Cryptosporidium hominis gp60 subtype IbA10G2 and Cryptosporidium parvum gp60 subtype IIaA19G1R2 from small amounts of stool left over from diagnostic testing of clinical cases of cryptosporidiosis. The C. parvum isolate was sequenced to a mean depth of 51.8X with reads covering 100 % of the bases of the C. parvum Iowa II reference genome (Bioproject PRJNA 15586), while the C. hominis isolate was sequenced to a mean depth of 34.7X with reads covering 98 % of the bases of the C. hominis TU502 v1 reference genome (Bioproject PRJNA 15585).The method was then applied to a further 17 stools, successfully generating another eight new whole genome sequences, of which two were C. hominis (gp60 subtypes IbA10G2 and IaA14R3) and six C. parvum (gp60 subtypes IIaA15G2R1 from three samples, and one each of IIaA17G1R1, IIaA18G2R1, and IIdA22G1), demonstrating the utility of this method to sequence Cryptosporidium genomes directly from clinical samples. This development is especially important as it reduces the requirement to propagate Cryptosporidium oocysts in animal models prior to genome sequencing.


This represents the first report of high-quality whole genome sequencing of Cryptosporidium isolates prepared directly from human stool samples.  相似文献   

To assess the genetic diversity in Cryptosporidium parvum, we have sequenced the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene of seven Cryptosporidium spp., various isolates of C. parvum from eight hosts, and a Cryptosporidium isolate from a desert monitor. Phylogenetic analysis of the SSU rRNA sequences confirmed the multispecies nature of the genus Cryptosporidium, with at least four distinct species (C. parvum, C. baileyi, C. muris, and C. serpentis). Other species previously defined by biologic characteristics, including C. wrairi, C. meleagridis, and C. felis, and the desert monitor isolate, clustered together or within C. parvum. Extensive genetic diversities were present among C. parvum isolates from humans, calves, pigs, dogs, mice, ferrets, marsupials, and a monkey. In general, specific genotypes were associated with specific host species. A PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism technique previously developed by us could differentiate most Cryptosporidium spp. and C. parvum genotypes, but sequence analysis of the PCR product was needed to differentiate C. wrairi and C. meleagridis from some of the C. parvum genotypes. These results indicate a need for revision in the taxonomy and assessment of the zoonotic potential of some animal C. parvum isolates.  相似文献   

With the emergence of Cryptosporidium parvum as a major pathogen encountered in human and veterinary clinical practice, a need for increased knowledge of the cellular- and immuno-biology of this Apicomplexan parasite has developed. Initial work has used paradigms taken from other Apicomplexans, especially Plasmodium, Toxoplasma and Eimeria, as a starting point. In this article, Carolyn Petersen discusses the observation that in these organisms, molecular targets of antibodies (which have protective value, in vivo, against disease) have frequently been located in the apical complex or on the surface of the invasive stages of the parasite and appear to mediate biologically crucial processes including motility, attachment to the host cell, modification of the host membrane, and entry into the host cell. Molecular-biology approaches to the study of enzymes and of structural proteins which mediate motility are also considered. Invasion mechanisms, biochemical pathways and motility may involve molecules that will prove susceptible to immunotherapeutic or chemotherapeutic interruption of cryptosporidiosis.  相似文献   

Toxosplasma gondii is the model parasite of the phylum Apicomplexa, which contains numerous obligate intracellular parasites of medical and veterinary importance, including Eimeria, Sarcocystis, Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, and Plasmodium species. Members of this phylum actively enter host cells by a multistep process with the help of microneme protein (MIC) complexes that play important roles in motility, host cell attachment, moving junction formation, and invasion. T. gondii (Tg)MIC1-4-6 complex is the most extensively investigated microneme complex, which contributes to host cell recognition and attachment via the action of TgMIC1, a sialic acid-binding adhesin. Here, we report the structure of TgMIC4 and reveal its carbohydrate-binding specificity to a variety of galactose-containing carbohydrate ligands. The lectin is composed of six apple domains in which the fifth domain displays a potent galactose-binding activity, and which is cleaved from the complex during parasite invasion. We propose that galactose recognition by TgMIC4 may compromise host protection from galectin-mediated activation of the host immune system.  相似文献   

Pathogenesis of Cryptosporidium parvum infection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cryptosporidium parvum can be regarded as a minimally invasive mucosal pathogen, since it invades surface epithelial cells that line the intestinal tract but does not invade deeper layers of the intestinal mucosa. Nonetheless, infection can be associated with diarrhea and marked mucosal inflammation. This article briefly reviews in vitro and in vivo models useful for studying the pathogenesis of C. parvum infection and explores the role of innate and acquired immune responses in host defense against this protozoan parasite.  相似文献   

H Su  X Liu  W Yan  T Shi  X Zhao  DP Blake  FM Tomley  X Suo 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e40075
piggyBac, a type II transposon that is useful for efficient transgenesis and insertional mutagenesis, has been used for effective and stable transfection in a wide variety of organisms. In this study we investigate the potential use of the piggyBac transposon system for forward genetics studies in the apicomplexan parasite Eimeria tenella. Using the restriction enzyme-mediated integration (REMI) method, E. tenella sporozoites were electroporated with a donor plasmid containing the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) gene flanked by piggyBac inverted terminal repeats (ITRs), an Asc I-linearized helper plasmid containing the transposase gene and the restriction enzyme Asc I. Subsequently, electroporated sporozoites were inoculated into chickens via the cloacal route and transfected progeny oocysts expressing EYFP were sorted by flow cytometry. A transgenic E. tenella population was selected by successive in vivo passage. Southern-blotting analysis showed that exogenous DNA containing the EYFP gene was integrated into the parasite genome at a limited number of integration sites and that the inserted part of the donor plasmid was the fragment located between the 5' and 3' ITRs as indicated by primer-specific PCR screening. Genome walking revealed that the insertion sites were TTAA-specific, which is consistent with the transposition characteristics of piggyBac.  相似文献   

Purine salvage pathways in the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We have exploited a variety of molecular genetic, biochemical, and genomic techniques to investigate the roles of purine salvage enzymes in the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. The ability to generate defined genetic knockouts and target transgenes to specific loci demonstrates that T. gondii uses two (and only two) pathways for purine salvage, defined by the enzymes hypoxanthine-xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HXGPRT) and adenosine kinase (AK). Both HXGPRT and AK are single-copy genes, and either one can be deleted, indicating that either one of these pathways is sufficient to meet parasite purine requirements. Fitness defects suggest both pathways are important for the parasite, however, and that the salvage of adenosine is more important than salvage of hypoxanthine and other purine nucleobases. HXGPRT and AK cannot be deleted simultaneously unless one of these enzymes is provided in trans, indicating that alternative routes of functionally significant purine salvage are lacking. Despite previous reports to the contrary, we found no evidence of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) activity when parasites were propagated in APRT-deficient host cells, and no APRT ortholog is evident in the T. gondii genome. Expression of Leishmania donovani APRT in transgenic T. gondii parasites yielded low levels of activity but did not permit genetic deletion of both HXGPRT and AK. A detailed comparative genomic study of the purine salvage pathway in various apicomplexan species highlights important differences among these parasites.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium parvum and Cryptosporidium hominis are two related species of apicomplexan protozoa responsible for the majority of human cases of cryptosporidiosis. In spite of their considerable public health impact, little is known about the population structures of these species. In this study, a battery of C. parvum and C. hominis isolates from seven countries was genotyped using a nine-locus DNA subtyping scheme. To assess the existence of geographical partitions, the multilocus genotype data were mined using a cluster analysis based on the nearest-neighbor principle. Within each country, the population genetic structures were explored by combining diversity statistical tests, linkage disequilibrium, and eBURST analysis. For both parasite species, a quasi-complete phylogenetic segregation was observed among the countries. Cluster analysis accurately identified recently introduced isolates. Rather than conforming to a strict paradigm of either a clonal or a panmictic population structure, data are consistent with a flexible reproductive strategy characterized by the cooccurrence of both propagation patterns. The relative contribution of each pattern appears to vary between the regions, perhaps dependent on the prevailing ecological determinants of transmission.  相似文献   

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