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Small heat shock proteins (shsps) are molecular chaperones that are inducible by environmental stress. In this study, immunocytochemical analysis and laser scanning confocal microscopy revealed that the shsp family, hsp30, was localized primarily in the cytoplasm of Xenopus A6 kidney epithelial cells after heat shock or sodium arsenite treatment. Heat shock-induced hsp30 was enriched in the perinuclear region with some immunostaining in the nucleus but not in the nucleolus. In sodium arsenite-treated cells hsp30 was enriched towards the cytoplasmic periphery as well as showing some immunostaining in the nucleus. At higher heat shock temperatures (35 degrees C) or after 10 microM sodium arsenite treatment, the actin cytoskeleton displayed some disorganization that co-localized with areas of hsp30 enrichment. Treatment of A6 cells with 50 microM sodium arsenite induced a collapse of the cytoskeleton around the nucleus. These results coupled with previous studies suggest that stress-inducible hsp30 acts as a molecular chaperone primarily in the cytoplasm and may interact with cytoskeletal proteins.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the effect of hydrogen peroxide on the accumulation of various mRNAs encoding heat shock proteins (hsps) and proto-oncogenes in Xenopus A6 kidney epithelial cells. Hydrogen peroxide treatment enhanced the accumulation of hsp90, hsp70, hsp30, c-jun, c-fos, and actin mRNAs with distinct temporal patterns. Although hsp70, c-fos, and c-jun mRNA levels peaked at 1-2 h before declining, hsp30 and hsp90 mRNA levels were maximal at 4-6 h. Other mRNAs, including heat shock cognate hsc70, immunoglobulin binding protein, and ribosomal L8, were unaffected. Treatment of kidney cells with a combination of mild heat shock plus hydrogen peroxide resulted in a synergistic increase in the relative levels of both hsp70 and hsp30 mRNA, but not hsp90, c-fos, c-jun, or actin. This study suggests that analysis of hsp and proto-oncogene mRNA levels may be of value as molecular biomarkers of oxidative stress associated with various disease states and nephrotoxicity in kidney.  相似文献   

Cadmium is a highly toxic environmental pollutant that has been classified as a human carcinogen. Toxicological responses to cadmium exposure include respiratory diseases, neurological disorders and kidney damage. In the present study, we have characterized the effect of cadmium on the accumulation of the small heat shock protein (HSP), HSP30, in Xenopus laevis A6 kidney epithelial cells. Incubation of A6 cells with cadmium chloride induced the accumulation of HSP30 protein and hsp30 mRNA. While HSP70 protein and hsp70 mRNA accumulation were also induced, the relative levels of actin remained relatively unaffected. Elevated levels of HSP30 were detected in cells undergoing prolonged exposure of cells to cadmium chloride or in cells recovering from cadmium chloride treatment. Immunocytochemical analysis of cadmium chloride-treated A6 cells revealed HSP30 accumulation primarily in the cytoplasm in a punctate pattern supplemented with larger HSP30 staining structures. Also, HSP30 co-localized with the F-actin cytoskeleton at higher cadmium chloride concentrations. The combination of mild heat shock temperatures plus cadmium chloride concentrations employed in this study resulted in a synergistic accumulation of HSP30 protein and hsp30 mRNA. Finally, in contrast to heat shock, prior exposure of Xenopus A6 cells to cadmium chloride treatment, sufficient to induce the accumulation of HSPs, did not protect the cells against a subsequent thermal challenge.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic organisms respond to various stresses with the synthesis of heat shock proteins (HSPs). HSP110 is a large molecular mass HSP that is part of the HSP70/DnaK superfamily. In this study, we have examined, for the first time, the expression of the hsp110 gene in Xenopus laevis cultured cells and embryos. Sequence analysis revealed that the protein encoded by the hsp110 cDNA exhibited 74% identity with its counterparts in mammals and only 27-29% with members of the Xenopus HSP70 family. Hsp110 mRNA and/or protein was detected constitutively in A6 kidney epithelial cells and was inducible by heat shock, sodium arsenite, and cadmium chloride. However, treatment with ethanol or copper sulfate had no detectable effect on hsp110 mRNA levels. Similar results were obtained for hsp70 mRNA except that it was inducible with ethanol. In Xenopus embryos, hsp110 mRNA was present constitutively during development. Heat shock-inducible accumulation of hsp110 mRNA occurred only after the midblastula stage. Whole mount in situ hybridization analysis revealed that hsp110 mRNA accumulation in control and heat shocked embryos was enriched in selected tissues. These studies demonstrate that Xenopus hsp110 gene expression is constitutive and stress inducible in cultured cells and developmentally- and tissue specifically-regulated during early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Sodium arsenite (NA) and cadmium chloride (CdCl(2)) are relatively abundant environmental toxicants that have multiple toxic effects including carcinogenesis, dysfunction of gene regulation and DNA and protein damage. In the present study, treatment of Xenopus laevis A6 kidney epithelial cells with concentrations of NA (20-30 μM) or CdCl(2) (100-200 μM) that induced HSP30 and HSP70 accumulation also produced an increase in the relative levels of ubiquitinated protein. Actin protein levels were unchanged in these experiments. In time course experiments, the levels of ubiquitinated protein and HSPs increased over a 24h exposure to NA or CdCl(2). Furthermore, treatment of cells with NA or CdCl(2) reduced the relative levels of proteasome chymotrypsin (CT)-like activity compared to control. Interestingly, pretreatment of cells with the HSP accumulation inhibitor, KNK437, prior to NA or CdCl(2) exposure decreased the relative levels of ubiquitinated protein as well as HSP30 and HSP70. A similar finding was made with ubiquitinated protein induced by proteasomal inhibitors, MG132 and celastrol, known to induce HSP accumulation in A6 cells. However, the NA- or CdCl(2)-induced decrease in proteasome CT-like activity was not altered by KNK437 pretreatment. This study has shown for the first time in poikilothermic vertebrates that NA and CdCl(2) can inhibit proteasomal activity and that there is a possible association between HSP accumulation and the mechanism of protein ubiquitination.  相似文献   

Continuous exposure of a Xenopus laevis kidney epithelial cell line, A6, to either heat shock (33 degrees C) or sodium arsenite (50 microM) resulted in transient but markedly different temporal patterns of heat-shock protein (HSP) synthesis and HSP 70 and 30 mRNA accumulation. Heat-shock-induced synthesis of HSPs was detectable within 1 h and reached maximum levels by 2-3 h. While sodium arsenite induced the synthesis of some HSPs within 1 h, maximal HSP synthesis did not occur until 12 h. The pattern of HSP 70 and 30 mRNA accumulation was similar to the response observed at the protein level. During recovery from heat shock, a coordinate decline in HSPs and HSP 70 and 30 mRNA was observed. During recovery from sodium arsenite, a similar phenomenon occurred during the initial stages. However, after 6 h of recovery, HSP 70 mRNA levels persisted in contrast to the declining HSP 30 mRNA levels. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed the presence of 5 HSPs in the HSP 70 family, of which two were constitutive, and 16 different stress-inducible proteins in the HSP 30 family. In conclusion, heat shock and sodium arsenite induce a similar set of HSPs but maximum synthesis of the HSP is temporally separated by 12-24 h.  相似文献   

Elevation of the incubation temperature of Xenopus laevis neurulae from 22 to 33-35 degrees C induced the accumulation of heat shock protein (hsp) 70 mRNA (2.7 kilobases (kb)) and a putative hsp 87 mRNA (3.2 kb). While constitutive levels of both hsp mRNAs were detectable in unfertilized eggs and cleavage-stage embryos, heat-induced accumulation was not observed until after the mid-blastula stage. Exposure of Xenopus laevis embryos to other stressors, such as sodium arsenite or ethanol, also induced a developmental stage-dependent accumulation of hsp 70 mRNA. To characterize the effect of temperature on hsp 70 mRNA induction, neurulae were exposed to a range of temperatures (27-37 degrees C) for 1 h. Heat-induced hsp 70 mRNA accumulation was first detectable at 27 degrees C, with relatively greater levels at 30-35 degrees C and lower levels at 37 degrees C. A more complex effect of temperature on hsp 70 mRNA accumulation was observed in a series of time course experiments. While continuous exposure of neurulae to heat shock (27-35 degrees C) induced a transient accumulation of hsp 70 mRNA, the temporal pattern of hsp 70 mRNA accumulation was temperature dependent. Exposure of embryos to 33-35 degrees C induced maximum relative levels of hsp 70 mRNA within 1-1.5 h, while at 30 and 27 degrees C peak hsp 70 mRNA accumulation occurred at 3 and 12 h, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Heat shock protein (HSP) synthesis was studied in the Xenopus epithelial cell line A6 in response to heat and sodium arsenite, either singly or together. Temperatures of 33-35 degrees C consistently brought about the synthesis of HSPs at 87, 73, 70, 54, 31, and 30 kilodaltons (kDa), whereas sodium arsenite at 25-100 microM induced the synthesis of HSPs at 73 and 70 kDa. In cultures exposed to 10 microM sodium arsenite at 30 degrees C, HSP synthesis in the 68- to 73-kDa and 29- to 31-kDa regions was much greater than the HSP synthesis in response to each treatment individually. RNA dot blot analysis using homologous genomic subclones revealed that heat shock induced the accumulation of HSP 70 and 30 mRNAs. The sizes of the HSP 70 and 30 mRNAs determined by Northern hybridization were 2.7 and 1.5 kilobases, respectively. Sodium arsenite (10-100 microM) also induced the accumulation of both HSP 70 and 30 mRNAs. Finally, a mild heat shock (30 degrees C) plus a low concentration of sodium arsenite (10 microM) acted synergistically on HSP 70 and 30 mRNA accumulation in A6 cells. Thus sodium arsenite and heat act synergistically at the level of both HSP synthesis and HSP mRNA accumulation.  相似文献   

During renal development the cells in the medulla are exposed to elevated and variable interstitial osmolality. Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) is a major molecular chaperone and plays an important role in the protection of cells in the renal medulla from high osmolality. The purpose of this study was to establish the time of immunolocalization and distribution of HSP70 in developing and adult rat kidney. In addition, changes in HSP70 immunolocalization following the infusion of furosemide were investigated. In adult animals, the HSP70 was expressed in the medullary thin ascending limb of Henle's loop (ATL) and inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD). In developing kidney, HSP70 immunoreactivity was first detected in the IMCD of the papillary tip on postnatal day 1. From four to 14 days of age, HSP70 was detected in the ATL after transformation from thick ascending limb, beginning at the papillary tip and ascending to the border between the outer and inner medulla. The immunolocalization of HSP70 in both the ATL and IMCD gradually increased during two weeks. The gradual increase in HSP70 was associated with an increase in its mRNA abundance. However, furosemide infusion resulted in significantly reduced HSP70 immunolocalization in the IMCD and ATL. These data demonstrated that the expression of HSP70 was closely correlated with changes in interstitial osmolality during the development of the kidney. We suggest that HSP70 protects ATL and IMCD cells in the inner medulla from the stress of high osmolality and may be involved in the transformation of the ATL of the long loop of Henle during renal development.  相似文献   

Xenopus oocytes have a complex heat shock response. During transition of the oocyte into fertilized egg, the heat shock response undergoes several qualitative and quantitative changes culminating in its complete extinction. Heat shock induces oocytes to synthesize four heat shock proteins (hsps): 83, 76, 70, and 57. After ovulation, two additional proteins (hsps 22 and 16) are inducible. The heat shock response of spawned eggs can be modified by changing the ionic configuration of the external medium and by adding pyruvate and oxaloacetate to the media. Since Xenopus eggs do not synthesize mRNA, these modifications to the external medium apparently alter the utilization of preexisting messenger RNAs in protein synthesis. Artificial activation terminates inducibility of hsps 76, 57, and 16 and diminishes the hsp 70 response. Two new heat shock proteins-66 and 48-are also inducible in artificially activated eggs. Fertilization, on the other hand, terminates the heat shock response; no hsps can be induced. However, hsp 70 appears to be made constitutively in fertilized eggs. RNA blot analyses reveal that oogenic hsp 70 messenger RNA is retained in eggs and early embryos. This messenger is apparently used for heat-induced synthesis of hsp 70 before fertilization and for constitutive synthesis of hsp 70 in zygotes.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the heat shock response of Xenopus laevis embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have further characterized the heat shock response of Xenopus laevis embryos. Xenopus embryos respond to heat shock by consistently synthesizing four major heat shock proteins (hsps) of 62, 70, 76, and 87 kilodaltons. In addition to these hsps, heat-shocked embryos also exhibit the synthesis of several minor hsps. The synthesis of these hsps is often variable. We have monitored the effects of different temperatures and lengths of heat shock on the pattern and intensity of hsp synthesis. In general, the four major hsps are induced more strongly at higher temperatures and during increasing intervals of heat shock. The temperature and duration of heat shock can affect the synthesis of the minor hsps, however. Some hsps are synthesized at lower temperatures only (i.e., below 37 degrees C), whereas others are synthesized only at higher temperatures (i.e., above 37 degrees C). We have extensively examined the characteristics of hsp 35 synthesis, one of the most variably synthesized hsps. This hsp is characteristically synthesized at temperatures above 35 degrees C and usually during the first 40 min of heat shock, after which it becomes undetectable. In some experiments, its synthesis is restimulated during later intervals of heat shock. Hsp 35 is also under developmental regulation. It is not synthesized by heat-shocked embryos until the late blastula to early gastrula stage. After this brief period of inducibility, its synthesis is dramatically reduced in mid- to late gastrulae, but reappears in heat-shocked neurulae. We have previously demonstrated that hsp 35 is related to the glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). The induction of hsp 35 synthesis is inversely correlated with the constitutive levels of GAPDH specific activity. In this paper we document further correlations between the synthesis of hsp 35 and GAPDH specific activity during early Xenopus development.  相似文献   

HSP47 is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident molecular chaperone involved in collagen production. This study examined the stress-induced pattern of hsp47 gene expression in Xenopus cultured cells and embryos. Sequence analysis revealed that protein encoded by the hsp47 cDNA exhibited 70-77% identity with fish, avian and mammalian HSP47. In A6 kidney epithelial cells hsp47 mRNA and HSP47 were present constitutively and inducible by heat shock but not ER stressors including tunicamycin and A23187, both of which enhanced BiP mRNA. Furthermore A23187 treatment inhibited constitutive accumulation of hsp47 mRNA and retarded heat-induced accumulation of hsp47 and hsp70 mRNA. Interestingly, hsp47 gene expression but not hsp70 or BiP mRNA accumulation was enhanced by treatment with a procollagen-specific stressor, beta-aminopropionitrile. In Xenopus embryos hsp47 mRNA was present constitutively throughout development. In tailbud embryos hsp47 mRNA was enriched in tissues associated with collagen production including notochord, somites and head region. Heat shock-induced accumulation of hsp47 mRNA was enhanced primarily in embryonic tissues already exhibiting hsp47 mRNA accumulation. These studies suggest that the pattern of Xenopus hsp47 gene expression is similar to hsp70 in response to heat shock but also displays unique features including a response to a procollagen-specific stressor and preferential expression in collagen-containing tissues.  相似文献   

When cells and tissues of Drosophila are subjected to elevated temperatures, the pattern of protein synthesis shifts from the production of a broad spectrum of different proteins to the vigorous production of a small number of new, heat shock proteins. The intracellular distribution of these proteins has been investigated through autoradiographic analysis of cells labeled with 3H-leucine at 25° and 37°C. After examining sections of cultured cells from D. melanogaster and polytene cells of D. virilis by electron and light microscopy, we conclude that little (if any) heat shock protein becomes associated with mitochondria, despite the many lines of evidence linking the response to respiratory stress. Confirming earlier reports on the presence of heat shock proteins in nuclei, we find the proteins are very highly concentrated there and that their transport to the nucleus occurs very rapidly. Interestingly, their free concentration in the nuclear sap is extremely low; they are, in fact, quantitatively associated with chromosomes. This association occurs in a nonrandom manner, their concentration in highly condensed chromatin being very low relative to that of other chromosomal loci.  相似文献   

Intracellular localization of heat shock proteins in maize   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Cooper P  Ho TH 《Plant physiology》1987,84(4):1197-1203
The intracellular distribution of the maize root heat shock proteins (hsp) was studied as a step toward understanding their physiological function. Linear sucrose density centrifugation was employed to separate organelles so the relative quantities of hsp in different subcellular compartments could be analyzed in a single preparation. Gradient fractions were assayed for the presence of hsp by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and for marker enzyme activities. Analyses of 15 to 60% gradients showed five hsp to be organelle associated. Hsp 25 and 72 were in fractions containing closely equilibrating Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum marker activities, while hsp 18, 29, and 72 were in fractions containing overlapping plasma membrane, mitochondria, and glyoxysomal marker activities. Hsp larger than 72 kilodaltons were not present in gradient fractions. A second fractionation scheme achieved better separation of the two sets of closely equilibrating organelles. When a 13,000g centrifugation step to remove mitochondria was employed prior to gradient centrifugation, hsp 29 was absent from the gradient fractions. If the buoyant density of the endoplasmic reticulum was shifted by either maintaining the ribosomes on the membrane or removing them, a corresponding shift in the equilibrium positions of hsp 25 and 72 occurred. Hsp 18 and 70 remained in plasma membrane-containing fractions irrespective of these treatments.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of quercetin (3,3',4',5,7-pentahydroxyflavon) and KNK437 (N-formyl-3,4-methylenedioxy-benzylidene-gamma-butyrolactam), a benzylidene lactam compound, on heat-induced heat shock protein (hsp) gene expression in Xenopus laevis A6 kidney epithelial cells. In previous studies, both quercetin and KNK437 inhibited heat shock factor activity resulting in a repression of hsp mRNA and protein accumulation in human cultured cells. In this first study of the effect of these hsp gene expression inhibitors in a non-mammalian cell line, we report that both quercetin and KNK437 reduced the heat shock-induced accumulation of hsp30, hsp47 and hsp70 mRNA in X. laevis cultured cells. However, these inhibitors had no effect on the relative level of a non-heat shock protein mRNA, ef1alpha, in either control or heat shocked cells. Western blot and immunocytochemical analyses revealed that quercetin partially inhibited HSP30 protein accumulation. In contrast, HSP30 protein was not detectable in KNK437-treated cells. Finally, treatment of A6 cells with KNK437 inhibited the heat shock-induced acquisition of thermotolerance, as determined by preservation of actin filaments and cellular morphology using immunocytochemistry and laser scanning confocal microscopy.  相似文献   

In this study, we compared the effect of KNK437 (N-formyl-3, 4-methylenedioxy-benzylidene-gamma-butyrolactam), a benzylidene lactam compound, on heat shock and chemical stressor-induced hsp30 gene expression in Xenopus laevis A6 kidney epithelial cells. Previously, KNK437 was shown to inhibit HSE-HSF1 binding activity and heat-induced hsp gene expression. In the present study, Northern and Western blot analysis revealed that pretreatment of A6 cells with KNK437 inhibited hsp30 mRNA and HSP30 and HSP70 protein accumulation induced by chemical stressors including sodium arsenite, cadmium chloride and herbimycin A. In A6 cells subjected to sodium arsenite, cadmium chloride, herbimycin A or a 33 degrees C heat shock treatment, immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy revealed that HSP30 accumulated primarily in the cytoplasm. However, incubation of A6 cells at 35 degrees C resulted in enhanced HSP30 accumulation in the nucleus. Pre-treatment with 100 microM KNK437 completely inhibited HSP30 accumulation in A6 cells heat shocked at 33 or 35 degrees C as well as cells treated with 10 microM sodium arsenite, 100 microM cadmium chloride or 1 microg/mL herbimycin A. These results show that KNK437 is effective at inhibiting both heat shock- and chemical stress-induced hsp gene expression in amphibian cells.  相似文献   

G Guedon  D Sovia  J P Ebel  N Befort    P Remy 《The EMBO journal》1985,4(13B):3743-3749
Bisnucleosides polyphosphates are thought to be chemical messengers signalling to the cell the onset of various stresses. Diadenosine tri- and tetraphosphates (respectively, Ap3A and Ap4A) accumulate in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells under heat shock conditions, suggesting they could trigger the synthesis of heat shock proteins (hsps). In this study, Ap4A, Ap3A and, as a control, Ap4 (adenosine tetraphosphate) were injected into Xenopus oocytes. Whereas none of these compounds is able to trigger the synthesis of hsps in the absence of hyperthermic treatment, nuclear microinjection of Ap4A after a mild heat shock specifically enhances the synthesis of the 70-kd hsp, which is involved in the regulation and possibly the termination of the heat shock response. The microinjection of Ap4A prior to the hyperthermic treatment results in a strong inhibition of hsps synthesis (with the exception of the 70-kd hsp) suggesting that Ap4A is involved in the regulation and/or termination of the heat shock response. Ap3A and Ap4 do not induce any detectable modification of hsps expression.  相似文献   

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