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Drosophila limbs develop from imaginal discs that are subdivided into compartments. Dorsal-ventral subdivision of the wing imaginal disc depends on apterous activity in dorsal cells. Apterous protein is expressed in dorsal cells and is responsible for (1) induction of a signaling center along the dorsal-ventral compartment boundary (2) establishment of a lineage restriction boundary between compartments and (3) specification of dorsal cell fate. Here, we report that the homeobox gene msh (muscle segment homeobox) acts downstream of apterous to confer dorsal identity in wing development.  相似文献   

Subdivision of proliferating tissues into adjacent compartments that do not mix plays a key role in animal development. The Actin cytoskeleton has recently been shown to mediate cell sorting at compartment boundaries, and reduced cell proliferation in boundary cells has been proposed as a way of stabilizing compartment boundaries. Cell interactions mediated by the receptor Notch have been implicated in the specification of compartment boundaries in vertebrates and in Drosophila, but the molecular effectors remain largely unidentified. Here, we present evidence that Notch mediates boundary formation in the Drosophila wing in part through repression of bantam miRNA. bantam induces cell proliferation and we have identified the Actin regulator Enabled as a new target of bantam. Increased levels of Enabled and reduced proliferation rates contribute to the maintenance of the dorsal-ventral affinity boundary. The activity of Notch also defines, through the homeobox-containing gene cut, a distinct population of boundary cells at the dorsal-ventral (DV) interface that helps to segregate boundary from non-boundary cells and contributes to the maintenance of the DV affinity boundary.  相似文献   

Yu JX  Guan Z  Nash HA 《Genetics》2006,173(1):243-253
In addition to their well-known effects on the development of the mushroom body, mud mutants are also female sterile. Here we show that, although the early steps of ovary development are grossly normal, a defect becomes apparent in meiosis II when the two component spindles fail to cohere and align properly. The products of meiosis are consequently mispositioned within the egg and, with or without fertilization, soon undergo asynchronous and spatially disorganized replication. In wild-type eggs, Mud is found associated with the central spindle pole body that lies between the two spindles of meiosis II. The mutant defect thus implies that Mud should be added to the short list of components that are required for the formation and/or stability of this structure. Mud protein is also normally found in association with other structures during egg development: at the spindle poles of meiosis I, at the spindle poles of early cleavage and syncytial embryos, in the rosettes formed from the unfertilized products of meiosis, with the fusomes and spectrosomes that anchor the spindles of dividing cystoblasts, and at the nuclear rim of the developing oocyte. In contrast to its important role at the central spindle pole body, in none of these cases is it clear that Mud plays an essential role. But the commonalities in its location suggest potential roles for the protein in development of other tissues.  相似文献   

Centrioles and basal bodies are cylinders composed of nine triplet microtubule blades that play essential roles in the centrosome and in flagellar assembly. Chlamydomonas cells with the bld2-1 mutation fail to assemble doublet and triplet microtubules and have defects in cleavage furrow placement and meiosis. Using positional cloning, we have walked 720 kb and identified a 13.2-kb fragment that contains epsilon-tubulin and rescues the Bld2 defects. The bld2-1 allele has a premature stop codon and intragenic revertants replace the stop codon with glutamine, glutamate, or lysine. Polyclonal antibodies to epsilon-tubulin show peripheral labeling of full-length basal bodies and centrioles. Thus, epsilon-tubulin is encoded by the BLD2 allele and epsilon-tubulin plays a role in basal body/centriole morphogenesis.  相似文献   

SPD-2 is a C. elegans centriolar protein required for both centriole duplication and pericentriolar material (PCM) recruitment [1-4]. SPD-2 is conserved in Drosophila (DSpd-2) and is a component of the fly centriole [5-7]. The analysis of a P element-induced hypomorphic mutation has shown that DSpd-2 is primarily required for PCM recruitment at the sperm centriole but is dispensable for both centriole duplication and aster formation [5]. Here we show that null mutations carrying early stop codons in the DSpd-2 coding sequence suppress astral microtubule (MT) nucleation in both neuroblasts (NBs) and spermatocytes. These mutations also disrupt proper Miranda localization in dividing NBs, as previously observed in mutants lacking astral MTs [8-10]. Spermatocyte analysis revealed that DSpd-2 is enriched at both the centrioles and the PCM and is required for the maintenance of cohesion between the two centrioles but not for centriole duplication. We found that DSpd-2 localization at the centrosome requires the wild-type activity of Asl but is independent of the function of D-PLP, Cnn, gamma-tubulin, DGrip91, and D-TACC. Conversely, DSpd-2 mutants displayed normal centrosomal accumulations of Asl and D-PLP, strongly reduced amounts of Cnn, gamma-tubulin, and DGrip91, and diffuse localization of D-TACC. These results indicate that DSpd-2 functions in a very early step of the PCM recruitment pathway.  相似文献   

The Drosophila immune deficiency (IMD) pathway mobilizes c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), caspase, and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) modules to counter infection with gram-negative bacteria. Dredd is an essential caspase in the IMD pathway, and it is widely established that NF-κB activation depends on Dredd. More recent cell culture studies suggested a role for Dredd in the activation of dJNK (Drosophila JNK). However, there are no epistatic or mechanistic data on the involvement of Dredd in dJNK activation. More importantly, there is no in vivo evidence to demonstrate a physiological requirement for Dredd in the IMD/dJNK pathway. We performed a comprehensive analysis of the role of Dredd in the IMD/dJNK pathway, and we demonstrated that Dredd is essential for the activation of IMD/dJNK in cell culture. We positioned Dredd activity at an early point of the IMD/dJNK pathway and uncovered a series of interactions between Dredd and additional proximal IMD pathway molecules. Mechanistically, we showed that the caspase activity inhibitor p35 blocked dJNK activation and the induction of dJNK-dependent genes in cell culture and in vivo. Most importantly, we demonstrated that dredd mutant flies are completely inhibited in their ability to activate dJNK or express dJNK-responsive target genes after bacterial infection in vivo. In conclusion, we established Dredd as an essential component of the IMD pathway required for the full activation of IMD/dJNK in cell culture and in vivo. Our data enhance our appreciation of Dredd-dependent IMD signal transduction events.  相似文献   

Notch is a transmembrane receptor that mediates the cell-cell interactions necessary for many cell-fate decisions. Endocytic trafficking of Notch plays important roles in the activation and downregulation of this receptor. A Drosophila O-FucT-1 homolog, encoded by O-fut1, catalyzes the O-fucosylation of Notch, a modification essential for Notch signaling and ligand binding. It was recently proposed that O-fut1 acts as a chaperon for Notch in the endoplasmic reticulum and is required for Notch to exit the endoplasmic reticulum. Here, we report that O-fut1 has additional functions in the endocytic transportation of Notch. O-fut1 was indispensable for the constitutive transportation of Notch from the plasma membrane to the early endosome, which we show was independent of the O-fucosyltransferase activity of O-fut1. We also found that O-fut1 promoted the turnover of Notch, which consequently downregulated Notch signaling. O-fut1 formed a stable complex with the extracellular domain of Notch. In addition, O-fut1 protein added to conditioned medium and endocytosed was sufficient to rescue normal Notch transportation to the early endosome in O-fut1 knockdown cells. Thus, an extracellular interaction between Notch and O-fut1 is essential for the normal endocytic transportation of Notch. We propose that O-fut1 is the first example, except for ligands, of a molecule that is required extracellularly for receptor transportation by endocytosis.  相似文献   



Aspergillus fumigatus is the most common agent of invasive aspergillosis, a feared complication in severely immunocompromised patients. Despite the recent commercialisation of new antifungal drugs, the prognosis for this infection remains uncertain. Thus, there is a real need to discover new targets for therapy. Particular attention has been paid to the biochemical composition and organisation of the fungal cell wall, because it mediates the host-fungus interplay. Conidia, which are responsible for infections, have melanin as one of the cell wall components. Melanin has been established as an important virulence factor, protecting the fungus against the host's immune defences. We suggested that it might also have an indirect role in virulence, because it is required for correct assembly of the cell wall layers of the conidia.  相似文献   

Secreted signaling molecules such as Wingless (Wg) and Decapentaplegic (Dpp) organize positional information along the proximodistal (PD) axis of the Drosophila wing imaginal disc. Responding cells activate different downstream targets depending on the combination and level of these signals and other factors present at the time of signal transduction. Two such factors, teashirt (tsh) and homothorax (hth), are initially co-expressed throughout the entire wing disc, but are later repressed in distal cells, permitting the subsequent elaboration of distal fates. Control of tsh and hth repression is, therefore, crucial for wing development, and plays a role in shaping and sizing the adult appendage. Although both Wg and Dpp participate in this control, their specific contributions remain unclear. In this report, we analyze tsh and hthregulation in the wing disc, and show that Wg and Dpp act independently as the primary signals for the repression of tsh and hth, respectively. In cells that receive low levels of Dpp, hth repression also requires Vestigial (Vg). Furthermore, although Dpp is required continuously for hth repression throughout development, Wg is only required for the initiation of tsh repression. Instead, the maintenance of tsh repression requires Polycomb group (PcG) mediated gene silencing, which is dispensable for hth repression. Thus, despite their overall similar expression patterns, tsh and hth repression in the wing disc is controlled by two very different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Cofilin is an essential component of the yeast cortical cytoskeleton   总被引:13,自引:17,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
We have biochemically identified the Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologue of the mammalian actin binding protein cofilin. Cofilin and related proteins isolated from diverse organisms are low molecular weight proteins (15-20 kD) that possess several activities in vitro. All bind to monomeric actin and sever filaments, and some can stably associate with filaments. In this study, we demonstrate using viscosity, sedimentation, and actin assembly rate assays that yeast cofilin (16 kD) possesses all of these properties. Cloning and sequencing of the S. cerevisiae cofilin gene (COF1) revealed that yeast cofilin is 41% identical in amino acid sequence to mammalian cofilin and, surprisingly, has homology to a protein outside the family of cofilin- like proteins. The NH2-terminal 16kD of Abp1p, a 65-kD yeast protein identified by its ability to bind to actin filaments, is 23% identical to yeast cofilin. Immunofluorescence experiments showed that, like Abp1p, cofilin is associated with the membrane actin cytoskeleton. A complete disruption of the COF1 gene was created in diploid cells. Sporulation and tetrad analysis revealed that yeast cofilin has an essential function in vivo. Although Abp1p shares sequence similarity with cofilin and has the same distribution as cofilin in the cell, multiple copies of the ABP1 gene cannot compensate for the loss of cofilin. Thus, cofilin and Abp1p are structurally related but functionally distinct components of the yeast membrane cytoskeleton.  相似文献   



Thus far, a handful of genes have been shown to be related to the wing maturation process in insects. A novel heme peroxidase enzyme known as curly suppressor (Cysu)(formerly CG5873), have been characterized in this report because it is involved in wing morphogenesis. Using bioinformatics tools we found that Cysu is remarkably conserved in the genus Drosophila (>95%) as well as in invertebrates (>70%), although its vertebrate orthologs show poor homology. Time-lapse imaging and histochemical analyses have confirmed that the defective wing phenotype of Cysu is not a result of any underlying cellular alterations; instead, its wings fail to expand in mature adults.


The precise requirement of Cysu in wings was established by identifying a bona fide mutant of Cysu from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Centre collection. Its requirement in the wing has also been shown by RNA knockdown of the gene. Subsequent transgenic rescue of the mutant wing phenotype with the wild-type gene confirmed the phenotype resulting from Cysu mutant. With appropriate GAL4 driver like engrailed-GAL4, the Cysu phenotype was compartmentalized, which raises a strong possibility that Cysu is not localized in the extracellular matrix (ECM); hence, Cysu is not engaged in bonding the dorsal and ventral cuticular layers. Finally, shortened lifespan of the Cysu mutant suggests it is functionally essential for other biological processes as well.


Cysu, a peroxinectin-like gene, is required during the wing maturation process in Drosophila because as a heme peroxidase, Cysu is capable of utilizing H2O2, which plays an essential role in post-eclosion wing morphogenesis.

Tight control of transposon activity is essential for the integrity of the germline. Recently, a germ-cell-specific organelle, nuage, was proposed to play a role in transposon repression. To test this hypothesis, we disrupted a murine homolog of a Drosophila nuage protein Maelstrom. Effects on male meiotic chromosome synapsis and derepression of transposable elements (TEs) were observed. In the adult Mael(-/-) testes, LINE-1 (L1) derepression occurred at the onset of meiosis. As a result, Mael(-/-) spermatocytes were flooded with L1 ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) that accumulated in large cytoplasmic enclaves and nuclei. Mael(-/-) spermatocytes with nuclear L1 RNPs exhibited massive DNA damage and severe chromosome asynapsis even in the absence of SPO11-generated meiotic double-strand breaks. This study demonstrates that MAEL, a nuage component, is indispensable for the silencing of TEs and identifies the initiation of meiosis as an important step in TE control in the male germline.  相似文献   

Formation of a constriction and tissue separation between parent and young polyp is a hallmark of the Hydra budding process and controlled by fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) signaling. Appearance of a cluster of cells positive for double phosphorylated ERK (dpERK) at the late separation site indicated that the RAS/MEK/ERK pathway might be a downstream target of the Hydra Kringelchen FGFR. In fact, inhibition of ERK phosphorylation by the MEK inhibitor U0126 reversibly delayed bud detachment and prevented formation of the dpERK-positive cell cluster indicating de novo-phosphorylation of ERK at the late bud base. In functional studies, a dominant-negative Kringelchen FGFR prevented bud detachment as well as appearance of the dpERK-positive cell cluster. Ectopic expression of full length Kringelchen, on the other hand, induced a localized rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton at sites of constriction, localized ERK-phosphorylation and autotomy of the body column. Our data suggest a model in which (i) the Hydra FGFR targets, via an unknown pathway, the actin cytoskeleton to induce a constriction and (ii) FGFR activates MEK/ERK signaling at the late separation site to allow tissue separation.  相似文献   

The even spreading of mesoderm cells in the Drosophila embryo is essential for its proper patterning by ectodermally derived signals. In how germline clone embryos, defects in mesoderm spreading lead to a partial loss of dorsal mesoderm derivatives. HOW is an RNA-binding protein that is thought to regulate diverse mRNA targets. To identify direct HOW targets, we implemented a series of selection methods on mRNAs whose levels were elevated in how germline clone embryos during the stage of mesoderm spreading. Four mRNAs were found to be specifically elevated in the mesoderm of how germline clone embryos, and to exhibit specific binding to HOW via their 3' UTRs. Importantly, overexpression of three of these genes phenocopied the mesoderm-spreading phenotype of how germline clone embryos. Further analysis showed that overexpressing one of these genes, miple (a Drosophila midkine and pleiotrophin heparin-binding growth factor), in the mesoderm led to abnormal scattered MAPK activation, a phenotype that might explain the abnormal mesoderm spreading. In addition, the number of EVE-positive cells, which are responsive to receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling, was increased following Miple overexpression in the mesoderm and appeared to be dependent on Heartless function. In summary, our analysis suggests that HOW downregulates the levels of a number of mRNA species in the mesoderm in order to enable proper mesoderm spreading during early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Fos is an essential component of the mammalian UV response.   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文

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