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This study investigated whether monkeys recognize when a human experimenter imitates their actions towards an object. Two experimenters faced 10 pigtailed macaques, who were given access to an interesting object. One experimenter imitated the monkeys' object-directed actions, the other performed temporally contingent but structurally different object-directed actions. Results show a significant visual preference for the imitator during manual object manipulations, but not mouthing actions. We argue that the ability to match actions could be based on both visual-visual and kinaesthetic-visual matching skills, and that mirror neurons, which have both visual and motor properties, could serve as a neural basis for recognizing imitation. However, imitation recognition as assessed by visual preference does not necessarily imply the capacity to attribute imitative intentionality to the imitator. The monkeys might implicitly recognize when they are being imitated without deeper insight into the mental processes of others.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that observation of everyday rhythmical actions biases subsequent motor execution of the same and of different actions, using a paradigm where the observed actions were irrelevant for action execution. The cycle time of the distractor actions was subtly manipulated across trials, and the cycle time of motor responses served as the main dependent measure. Although distractor frequencies reliably biased response cycle times, this imitation bias was only a small fraction of the modulations in distractor speed, as well as of the modulations produced when participants intentionally imitated the observed rhythms. Importantly, this bias was not only present for compatible actions, but was also found, though numerically reduced, when distractor and executed actions were different (e.g., tooth brushing vs. window wiping), or when the dominant plane of movement was different (horizontal vs. vertical). In addition, these effects were equally pronounced for execution at 0, 4, and 8 s after action observation, a finding that contrasts with the more short-lived effects reported in earlier studies. The imitation bias was also unaffected when vision of the hand was occluded during execution, indicating that this effect most likely resulted from visuomotor interactions during distractor observation, rather than from visual monitoring and guidance during execution. Finally, when the distractor was incompatible in both dimensions (action type and plane) the imitation bias was not reduced further, in an additive way, relative to the single-incompatible conditions. This points to a mechanism whereby the observed action’s impact on motor processing is generally reduced whenever this is not useful for motor planning. We interpret these findings in the framework of biased competition, where intended and distractor actions can be represented as competing and quasi-encapsulated sensorimotor streams.  相似文献   

Influential theories of imitation have proposed that humans inherit a neural mechanism – an “active intermodal matching “ (AIM) mechanism or a mirror neuron system - that functions from birth to automatically match sensory input from others’ actions to motor programs for performing those same actions, and thus produces imitation. To test these proposals, 160 1- to 2½-year-old toddlers were asked to imitate two simple movements– bending the arm to make an elbow, and moving the bent elbow laterally. Both behaviors were almost certain to be in each child’s repertoire, and the lateral movement was goal-directed (used to hit a plastic cup). Thus, one or both behaviors should have been imitable by toddlers with a functioning AIM or mirror neuron system. Each child saw the two behaviors repeated 18 times, and was encouraged to imitate. Children were also asked to locate their own elbows. Almost no children below age 2 imitated either behavior. Instead, younger children gave clear evidence of a developmental progression, from reproducing only the outcome of the models’ movements (hitting the object), through trying (but failing) to reproduce the model’s arm posture and/or the arm-cup relations they had seen, to accurate imitation of arm bending by age 2 and of both movements by age 2½. Across age levels, almost all children who knew the word ‘elbow’ imitated both behaviors: very few who did not know the word imitated either behavior. The evidence is most consistent with a view of early imitation as the product of a complex system of language, cognitive, social, and motor competencies that develop in infancy. The findings do not rule out a role for an inherited neural mechanism, but they suggest that such a system would not by itself be sufficient to explain imitation at any age.  相似文献   

The budgerigar, a small species of parrot, can learn new vocalizations throughout life and is therefore widely used as a model system for studying various aspects of vocal learning. It is not known, however, why parrots imitate sounds. To test the hypothesis that vocal imitation in budgerigars is related to pair bonding, we recorded approximately 100 contact calls from each of nine male and nine female adult budgerigars that were unfamiliar with one another and then placed them into pairs. We sampled their contact call repertoire weekly and conducted twice-weekly behavioural observation sessions. We compared contact calls by sonagram cross-correlation and classified them by means of a hierarchical clustering algorithm. This analysis showed that all pairs developed a shared call within an average of 2.1 weeks. Further analysis revealed that eight of the nine male budgerigars imitated the contact calls of their assigned mates, while none of the females imitated the calls of their males. We conclude that contact call imitation in adult budgerigars probably contributes to pair bond formation and maintenance. Prior studies on budgerigars were limited by the lack of a behavioural paradigm to elicit vocal imitation reliably. Our study remedies this and thereby serves as a foundation for future studies on vocal learning in adult animals. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The present study examined the development of bimanual interaction during the imitation of a live demonstration. To this end, children of five different age groups observed an adult model performing in an object manipulation task consisting to open a box with one hand, taking out an object with the other hand, and closing the box again, before they were asked to imitate this motor task under different imitation conditions. The children's responses were videotaped, coded in dichotomous data, and then transformed in percentage scores. The main results showed that all children were able to imitate/attain the goal of the task. However, differences were observed for the different imitation conditions, which were also reflected in some age effects, while hand dominance was a strong constraint on imitation. Also, practice did not seem to increase the likelihood of model imitation. These findings confirm that imitation is a reconstruction mechanism hierarchically organized.  相似文献   

Computational approaches to motor learning by imitation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Movement imitation requires a complex set of mechanisms that map an observed movement of a teacher onto one's own movement apparatus. Relevant problems include movement recognition, pose estimation, pose tracking, body correspondence, coordinate transformation from external to egocentric space, matching of observed against previously learned movement, resolution of redundant degrees-of-freedom that are unconstrained by the observation, suitable movement representations for imitation, modularization of motor control, etc. All of these topics by themselves are active research problems in computational and neurobiological sciences, such that their combination into a complete imitation system remains a daunting undertaking-indeed, one could argue that we need to understand the complete perception-action loop. As a strategy to untangle the complexity of imitation, this paper will examine imitation purely from a computational point of view, i.e. we will review statistical and mathematical approaches that have been suggested for tackling parts of the imitation problem, and discuss their merits, disadvantages and underlying principles. Given the focus on action recognition of other contributions in this special issue, this paper will primarily emphasize the motor side of imitation, assuming that a perceptual system has already identified important features of a demonstrated movement and created their corresponding spatial information. Based on the formalization of motor control in terms of control policies and their associated performance criteria, useful taxonomies of imitation learning can be generated that clarify different approaches and future research directions.  相似文献   

The neural mechanisms mediating the activation of the motor system during action observation, also known as motor resonance, are of major interest to the field of motor control. It has been proposed that motor resonance develops in infants through Hebbian plasticity of pathways connecting sensory and motor regions that fire simultaneously during imitation or self movement observation. A fundamental problem when testing this theory in adults is that most experimental paradigms involve actions that have been overpracticed throughout life. Here, we directly tested the sensorimotor theory of motor resonance by creating new visuomotor representations using abstract stimuli (motor symbols) and identifying the neural networks recruited through fMRI. We predicted that the network recruited during action observation and execution would overlap with that recruited during observation of new motor symbols. Our results indicate that a network consisting of premotor and posterior parietal cortex, the supplementary motor area, the inferior frontal gyrus and cerebellum was activated both by new motor symbols and by direct observation of the corresponding action. This tight spatial overlap underscores the importance of sensorimotor learning for motor resonance and further indicates that the physical characteristics of the perceived stimulus are irrelevant to the evoked response in the observer.  相似文献   

According to the ideomotor theory, actions are represented in terms of their perceptual effects, offering a solution for the correspondence problem of imitation (how to translate the observed action into a corresponding motor output). This effect-based coding of action is assumed to be acquired through action-effect learning. Accordingly, performing an action leads to the integration of the perceptual codes of the action effects with the motor commands that brought them about. While ideomotor theory is invoked to account for imitation, the influence of action-effect learning on imitative behavior remains unexplored. In two experiments, imitative performance was measured in a reaction time task following a phase of action-effect acquisition. During action-effect acquisition, participants freely executed a finger movement (index or little finger lifting), and then observed a similar (compatible learning) or a different (incompatible learning) movement. In Experiment 1, finger movements of left and right hands were presented as action-effects during acquisition. In Experiment 2, only right-hand finger movements were presented during action-effect acquisition and in the imitation task the observed hands were oriented orthogonally to participants’ hands in order to avoid spatial congruency effects. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that imitative performance was improved after compatible learning, compared to incompatible learning. In Experiment 2, although action-effect learning involved perception of finger movements of right hand only, imitative capabilities of right- and left-hand finger movements were equally affected. These results indicate that an observed movement stimulus processed as the effect of an action can later prime execution of that action, confirming the ideomotor approach to imitation. We further discuss these findings in relation to previous studies of action-effect learning and in the framework of current ideomotor approaches to imitation.  相似文献   

Vocal imitation is a complex form of imitative learning that is well developed only in humans, dolphins, and birds. Among birds, only some species are able to imitate sounds in adulthood. Of these, the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) has been studied in most detail. Previous studies suggested that the vocal motor system in budgerigars receives auditory information from the lateral frontal neostriatum (NFl). In the present study, we confirm this hypothesis by showing that infusions of the GABA agonist muscimol into NFl reduce the strength of auditory responses in a telencephalic vocal motor nucleus, the central nucleus of the lateral neostriatum (NLc). To test whether the auditory information conveyed from NFl to NLc plays a role in vocal imitation, we lesioned parts of NFl and the overlying ventral hyperstriatum (HVl) in seven adult male budgerigars and then examined whether the lesioned males would imitate the calls of females with whom they were paired. We found that, compared to sham-lesioned controls, the lesioned birds were significantly impaired in their imitation of female calls. Yet, the lesioned males were clearly not deaf (e.g., their previously learned calls did not degrade as they do after deafening). Therefore, the data suggest that NFl/HVl lesions impair vocal imitation by reducing the amount of auditory information that reaches the vocal motor system. Interestingly, the females that were paired with lesioned males displayed more vocal plasticity than the females in the control group, and some even imitated their male's prepairing calls.  相似文献   

Song learning in oscine birds is often defined solely as a process of song imitation; nonetheless, not all songs produced by laboratory‐tutored birds are imitations of the model songs. If song learning were strictly a process of imitation, these non‐imitated songs (inventions) would be expected to contain no learned attributes. To determine whether species‐typical song attributes can be learned in the absence of imitation, we compared the imitations and inventions of laboratory‐tutored nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos B.) with the songs of wild nightingales and the songs of laboratory‐reared, untutored nightingales. The species‐typical song attribute measured was stereotypy. We quantified stereotypy by four variables: (1) percentage of notes shared between two renditions of the same song type (2) difference in repetition rates of the same trill in two renditions of the same song type (3) acoustic similarity of the same note in two renditions of the same song type, and (4) acoustic similarity of the same note repeated within a trill. Wild songs and imitated songs were significantly more stereotypical than the songs of untutored birds for all measures. For the percentage of notes shared (1), and the acoustic similarity of notes in two renditions of the same song type (3), invented songs did not differ from the songs of untutored birds, suggesting that imitation is necessary for the acquisition of these song characteristics. However, invented songs were significantly more stereotypical than the songs of untutored birds for measures of stereotypy related to trills (2 and 4), and neither imitated nor invented songs differed significantly from the songs of wild birds in terms of trill rate stereotypy (2). Thus, it appears that the process of learning to produce trills may differ from the process of learning non‐repetitive song components: increased stereotypy in trills occurs even when the trills themselves are not copied from song models. Strict imitation does not fully account for the acquisition of some learned song attributes.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the use of tracking studies to test a theoretical account of the information processing performed by the human CNS during control of movement. The theory provides a bridge between studies of reaction time and continuous tracking. It is proposed that the human CNS includes neuronal circuitry to compute inverse internal models of the multiple input, multiple output, dynamic, nonlinear relationships between outgoing motor commands and their resulting perceptual consequences. The inverse internal models are employed during movement execution to transform preplanned trajectories of desired perceptual consequences into appropriate outgoing motor commands to achieve them. A finite interval of time is required by the CNS to preplan the desired perceptual consequences of a movement and it does not commence planning a new movement until planning of the old one has been completed. This behavior introduces intermittency into the planning of movements. In this paper we show that the gain and phase frequency response characteristics of the human operator in a visual pursuit tracking task can be derived theoretically from these assumptions. By incorporating the effects of internal model inaccuracy and of speed-accuracy trade-off in performance, it is shown that various aspects of experimentally measured tracking behavior can be accounted for.  相似文献   

Bisio A  Stucchi N  Jacono M  Fadiga L  Pozzo T 《PloS one》2010,5(10):e13506
Automatic imitation is the tendency to reproduce observed actions involuntarily. Though this topic has been widely treated, at present little is known about the automatic imitation of the kinematic features of an observed movement. The present study was designed to understand if the kinematics of a previously seen stimulus primes the executed action, and if this effect is sensitive to the kinds of stimuli presented. We proposed a simple imitation paradigm in which a dot or a human demonstrator moved in front of the participant who was instructed either to reach the final position of the stimulus or to imitate its motion with his or her right arm. Participants' movements were automatically contaminated by stimulus velocity when it moved according to biological laws, suggesting that automatic imitation was kinematic dependent. Despite that the performance, in term of reproduced velocity, improved in a context of voluntary imitation, subjects did not replicate the observed motions exactly. These effects were not affected by the kind of stimuli used, i.e., motor responses were influenced in the same manner after dot or human observation. These findings support the existence of low-level sensory-motor matching mechanisms that work on movement planning and represent the basis for higher levels of social interaction.  相似文献   

Imitation of facial expressions engages the putative human mirror neuron system as well as the insula and the amygdala as part of the limbic system. The specific function of the latter two regions during emotional actions is still under debate. The current study investigated brain responses during imitation of positive in comparison to non-emotional facial expressions. Differences in brain activation of the amygdala and insula were additionally examined during observation and execution of facial expressions. Participants imitated, executed and observed happy and non-emotional facial expressions, as well as neutral faces. During imitation, higher right hemispheric activation emerged in the happy compared to the non-emotional condition in the right anterior insula and the right amygdala, in addition to the pre-supplementary motor area, middle temporal gyrus and the inferior frontal gyrus. Region-of-interest analyses revealed that the right insula was more strongly recruited by (i) imitation and execution than by observation of facial expressions, that (ii) the insula was significantly stronger activated by happy than by non-emotional facial expressions during observation and imitation and that (iii) the activation differences in the right amygdala between happy and non-emotional facial expressions were increased during imitation and execution, in comparison to sole observation. We suggest that the insula and the amygdala contribute specifically to the happy emotional connotation of the facial expressions depending on the task. The pattern of the insula activity might reflect increased bodily awareness during active execution compared to passive observation and during visual processing of the happy compared to non-emotional facial expressions. The activation specific for the happy facial expression of the amygdala during motor tasks, but not in the observation condition, might reflect increased autonomic activity or feedback from facial muscles to the amygdala.  相似文献   

Byrne RW 《Current biology : CB》2005,15(13):R498-R500
Monkeys recognize when they are being imitated, but they seem unable to learn by imitation. These facts make sense if imitation is seen as two different capacities: social mirroring, when actions are matched and have social benefits; and learning by copying, when new behavioural routines are acquired by observation.  相似文献   

Imitative behavior underlaid by perception and action links during children’s development in complex locomotor skills has been the object of relatively few studies. In order to explore children’s motor coordination modes, 130 children divided into five age groups from 3.5 to 7.5 years were instructed to imitate jumping tasks in spontaneous motor situation and in various imitative contexts by an adult providing verbal orders and gestural demonstrations. Their conformity to the model, stability and variability scores were coded from a video analysis when they performed jumps with obstacles. To evaluate their postural-motor control level, the durations of the preparatory phase and jumping flights were also timed. Results showed that all age groups generated the demonstrator’s goal but not necessarily the same coordination modes of jumping. In imitation with temporal proximity, the model helped the youngest age groups to adopt his coordination modes and stabilized only the oldest age groups’ performances starting from 5.5 years old, without effect on learning imitation. Differences between the youngest and oldest children in the jump duration suggested that the reproduction of a complex motor activity such as jumping with a one foot take-off would require resolution and adjustment of main postural stability.  相似文献   

The ventrolateral (VL) and anterior (VA) are the main thalamic relay for cerebellar and pallidal efferents going to the motor cortex. Four aspects of the function of these nuclei are briefly considered. (1) It is well known that these thalamic structures are not a simple relay on the way to the motor cortex, but that they have a gating function for the cerebellar afferents. The gating mechanism is active during slow-wave sleep, with deafferentation and with the use of various anesthetics. Possibly, it might play a role in the central organization of movement. (2) The organization at the unitary level of the projections between VL and motor cortex is examined and their role in the command of motor synergies through the motor cortex is strongly suggested. (3). It appears that unitary activity of VL neurons is not only related to movement but also to postural changes associated with movement. (4) The sensory input to VL nucleus is briefly analyzed. The inefficacy of exteroceptive stimulation in awake animals, in contrast with the effect of the same stimulation in anesthetized preparations, is discussed.  相似文献   

When your favourite athlete flops over the high-jump bar, you may twist your body in front of the TV screen. Such automatic motor facilitation, ‘mirroring’ or even overt imitation is not always appropriate. Here, we show, by monitoring motor-cortex brain rhythms with magnetoencephalography (MEG) in healthy adults, that viewing intermittent hand actions of another person, in addition to activation, phasically stabilizes the viewer''s primary motor cortex, with the maximum of half a second after the onset of the seen movement. Such a stabilization was evident as enhanced cortex–muscle coherence at 16–20 Hz, despite signs of almost simultaneous suppression of rolandic rhythms of approximately 7 and 15 Hz as a sign of activation of the sensorimotor cortex. These findings suggest that inhibition suppresses motor output during viewing another person''s actions, thereby withholding unintentional imitation.  相似文献   

A unifying computational framework for motor control and social interaction   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Recent empirical studies have implicated the use of the motor system during action observation, imitation and social interaction. In this paper, we explore the computational parallels between the processes that occur in motor control and in action observation, imitation, social interaction and theory of mind. In particular, we examine the extent to which motor commands acting on the body can be equated with communicative signals acting on other people and suggest that computational solutions for motor control may have been extended to the domain of social interaction.  相似文献   

The production of learned vocalizations such as in birdsong is often used to judge whether stimuli had been memorized upon their presentation. However, failures in the imitation of certain song patterns may also reflect impaired development of motor programmes or impaired memory retrieval rather than failures in stimulus memorization during auditory acquisition. To study this issue, we confronted adult hand-reared nightingales, Luscinia megarhynchos, with interactive playback experiments and used vocal matching as a behavioural tool to investigate their song type memories. Vocal matching is a common pattern-specific response that songbirds use in territorial countersinging. We distinguished two forms of pattern-specific matching: (1) song type matching (i.e. a bird replied with the same song type as the stimulus song), and (2) song group matching (i.e. the bird replied with a different song type which was, however, sequentially associated with the playback song presented earlier, i.e. during the tutoring). Some subjects used both song type and song group matching in response to song types they had not imitated from the tutor programme prior to the playback experiments. Our results indicate that nightingales store more song types in their sensory phase than they spontaneously recall from memory as adults. That is, memories of song types that were not performed in overt behaviour could be activated by vocal interactions, here induced by the interactive playback. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The combination of first-person observation and motor imagery, i.e. first-person observation of limbs with online motor imagination, is commonly used in interactive 3D computer gaming and in some movie scenes. These scenarios are designed to induce a cognitive process in which a subject imagines himself/herself acting as the agent in the displayed movement situation. Despite the ubiquity of this type of interaction and its therapeutic potential, its relationship to passive observation and imitation during observation has not been directly studied using an interactive paradigm. In the present study we show activation resulting from observation, coupled with online imagination and with online imitation of a goal-directed lower limb movement using functional MRI (fMRI) in a mixed block/event-related design. Healthy volunteers viewed a video (first-person perspective) of a foot kicking a ball. They were instructed to observe-only the action (O), observe and simultaneously imagine performing the action (O-MI), or imitate the action (O-IMIT). We found that when O-MI was compared to O, activation was enhanced in the ventralpremotor cortex bilaterally, left inferior parietal lobule and left insula. The O-MI and O-IMIT conditions shared many activation foci in motor relevant areas as confirmed by conjunction analysis. These results show that (i) combining observation with motor imagery (O-MI) enhances activation compared to observation-only (O) in the relevant foot motor network and in regions responsible for attention, for control of goal-directed movements and for the awareness of causing an action, and (ii) it is possible to extensively activate the motor execution network using O-MI, even in the absence of overt movement. Our results may have implications for the development of novel virtual reality interactions for neurorehabilitation interventions and other applications involving training of motor tasks.  相似文献   

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