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Neurexins are cell adhesion proteins that interact with neuroligin and other ligands at the synapse. In humans, mutations in neurexin or neuroligin genes have been associated with autism and other mental disorders. The human neurexin and neuroligin genes are orthologous to the Caenorhabditis elegans genes nrx‐1 and nlg‐1, respectively. Here we show that nrx‐1‐deficient mutants are defective in exploratory capacity, sinusoidal postural movements and gentle touch response. Interestingly, the exploratory behavioral phenotype observed in nrx‐1 mutants was markedly different to nlg‐1‐deficient mutants; thus, while the former had a ‘hyper‐reversal’ phenotype increasing the number of changes of direction with respect to the wild‐type strain, the nlg‐1 mutants presented a ‘hypo‐reversal’ phenotype. On the other hand, the nrx‐1‐ and nlg‐1‐defective mutants showed similar abnormal sinusoidal postural movement phenotypes. The response of these mutant strains to aldicarb (acetylcholinesterase inhibitor), levamisole (ACh agonist) and pentylenetetrazole [gamma‐aminobutyric (GABA) receptor antagonist], suggested that the varying behavioral phenotypes were caused by defects in ACh and/or GABA inputs. The defective behavioral phenotypes of nrx‐1‐deficient mutants were rescued in transgenic strains expressing either human alpha‐ or beta‐NRXN‐1 isoforms under the worm nrx‐1 promoter. A previous report had shown that human and rat neuroligins were functional in C. elegans. Together, these results suggest that the functional mechanism underpinning both neuroligin and neurexin in the nematode are comparable to human. In this sense the nematode might constitute a simple in vivo model for understanding basic mechanisms involved in neurological diseases for which neuroligin and neurexin are implicated in having a role.  相似文献   

In these studies the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans was used as a model to investigate ways to reverse the effects of mechanosensory deprivation on behavior and development. Rose et al. (J Neurosci 2005; 25:7159-7168) showed that worms reared in isolation responded significantly less to a mechanical tap stimulus, were significantly smaller, and expressed significantly lower levels of a postsynaptic glutamate receptor subunit on the command interneurons of the tap response circuit and a presynaptic vesicle marker in the tap sensory neurons compared with worms raised in groups. Here, brief mechanical stimulation at any time throughout development reversed the effects of isolation on the response to tap and on postsynaptic glutamate receptor expression on the command interneurons, suggesting there is no critical period for these measures. In contrast to the high level of plasticity in glutamate receptor subunit expression on the interneurons, low levels of stimulation only rescued vesicle expression in the tap sensory neurons early in development and progressively higher levels of stimulation were required as the worm developed, suggesting a sensitive period immediately after hatching, followed by a period of decreasing plasticity. Stimulation during the first three stages of larval development, but not later, rescued the effects of isolation on worm length, suggesting there is a critical period for this measure that ends in the third larval stage. These results indicate that different effects of early isolation required different amounts and/or timing of stimulation to be reversed.  相似文献   

EA De Stasio 《Genetics》2012,191(4):1031-1035
An article by Polley and Fay in this issue of GENETICS provides an excellent opportunity to introduce or reinforce concepts of reverse genetics and RNA interference, suppressor screens, synthetic phenotypes, and phenocopy. Necessary background, explanations of these concepts, and a sample approach to classroom use of the original article, including discussion questions, are provided.  相似文献   

We create and share a new red fluorophore, along with a set of strains, reagents and protocols, to make it faster and easier to label endogenous Caenorhabditis elegans proteins with fluorescent tags. CRISPR-mediated fluorescent labeling of C. elegans proteins is an invaluable tool, but it is much more difficult to insert fluorophore-size DNA segments than it is to make small gene edits. In principle, high-affinity asymmetrically split fluorescent proteins solve this problem in C. elegans: the small fragment can quickly and easily be fused to almost any protein of interest, and can be detected wherever the large fragment is expressed and complemented. However, there is currently only one available strain stably expressing the large fragment of a split fluorescent protein, restricting this solution to a single tissue (the germline) in the highly autofluorescent green channel. No available C. elegans lines express unbound large fragments of split red fluorescent proteins, and even state-of-the-art split red fluorescent proteins are dim compared to the canonical split-sfGFP protein. In this study, we engineer a bright, high-affinity new split red fluorophore, split-wrmScarlet. We generate transgenic C. elegans lines to allow easy single-color labeling in muscle or germline cells and dual-color labeling in somatic cells. We also describe a novel expression strategy for the germline, where traditional expression strategies struggle. We validate these strains by targeting split-wrmScarlet to several genes whose products label distinct organelles, and we provide a protocol for easy, cloning-free CRISPR/Cas9 editing. As the collection of split-FP strains for labeling in different tissues or organelles expands, we will post updates at doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3993663  相似文献   

Micro fabricated fluidic devices provide an accessible micro-environment for in vivo studies on small organisms. Simple fabrication processes are available for microfluidic devices using soft lithography techniques 1-3. Microfluidic devices have been used for sub-cellular imaging 4,5, in vivo laser microsurgery 2,6 and cellular imaging 4,7. In vivo imaging requires immobilization of organisms. This has been achieved using suction 5,8, tapered channels 6,7,9, deformable membranes 2-4,10, suction with additional cooling 5, anesthetic gas 11, temperature sensitive gels 12, cyanoacrylate glue 13 and anesthetics such as levamisole 14,15. Commonly used anesthetics influence synaptic transmission 16,17 and are known to have detrimental effects on sub-cellular neuronal transport 4. In this study we demonstrate a membrane based poly-dimethyl-siloxane (PDMS) device that allows anesthetic free immobilization of intact genetic model organisms such as Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), Drosophila larvae and zebrafish larvae. These model organisms are suitable for in vivo studies in microfluidic devices because of their small diameters and optically transparent or translucent bodies. Body diameters range from ~10 μm to ~800 μm for early larval stages of C. elegans and zebrafish larvae and require microfluidic devices of different sizes to achieve complete immobilization for high resolution time-lapse imaging. These organisms are immobilized using pressure applied by compressed nitrogen gas through a liquid column and imaged using an inverted microscope. Animals released from the trap return to normal locomotion within 10 min.We demonstrate four applications of time-lapse imaging in C. elegans namely, imaging mitochondrial transport in neurons, pre-synaptic vesicle transport in a transport-defective mutant, glutamate receptor transport and Q neuroblast cell division. Data obtained from such movies show that microfluidic immobilization is a useful and accurate means of acquiring in vivo data of cellular and sub-cellular events when compared to anesthetized animals (Figure 1J and 3C-F4).Device dimensions were altered to allow time-lapse imaging of different stages of C. elegans, first instar Drosophila larvae and zebrafish larvae. Transport of vesicles marked with synaptotagmin tagged with GFP (syt.eGFP) in sensory neurons shows directed motion of synaptic vesicle markers expressed in cholinergic sensory neurons in intact first instar Drosophila larvae. A similar device has been used to carry out time-lapse imaging of heartbeat in ~30 hr post fertilization (hpf) zebrafish larvae. These data show that the simple devices we have developed can be applied to a variety of model systems to study several cell biological and developmental phenomena in vivo.  相似文献   

Y14 is a component of the splicing-dependent exon-exon junction complex (EJC) and is involved in the mRNA quality control system called nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. It has recently been shown that together with another EJC component, Mago, the Drosophila homologue DmY14/Tsunagi is required for proper localization of oskar mRNA during oogenesis, a process critical for posterior formation in Drosophila development. Here we show that the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans Ce-Y14 and MAG-1 (Mago homologue) are required for late embryogenesis and proper germline sexual differentiation. Like in other organisms, Ce-Y14 preferentially binds to spliced mRNA and specifically interacts with MAG-1. Consistent with the evolutionarily conserved interaction between Y14 and Mago homologues, suppression of Ce-Y14 by RNAi resulted in the same phenotypes as those caused by RNAi of mag-1 lethality during late embryogenesis and masculinization of the adult hermaphrodite germline. Our results demonstrate that the evolutionarily conserved interaction between two EJC components, Ce-Y14 and MAG-1, has critical developmental roles in C. elegans.  相似文献   

The kinetic properties of type A and type B monoamine oxidase (MAO) were examined in guinea pig striatum, rat striatum, and autopsied human caudate nucleus using 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine (dopamine, DA) as the substrate. MAO isozyme ratio in guinea pig striatum (28% type A/72% type B) was similar to that in human caudate nucleus (25% type A/75% type B) but different from that in rat striatum (76% type A/24% type B). Additional similarities between guinea pig striatum and human caudate nucleus were demonstrated for the affinity constants (Km) of each MAO) isozyme toward DA. Endogenous concentrations of DA, 3-methoxytyramine, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, and homovanillic acid were also measured in guinea pig and rat striatum following selective type A (clorgyline-treated) and type B (deprenyl-treated) MAO inhibition. In guinea pig, DA metabolism was equally but only partially affected by clorgyline or deprenyl alone. Combined treatment with clorgyline and deprenyl was required for maximal alterations in DA metabolism. By contrast, DA metabolism in rat striatum was extensively altered by clorgyline but unaffected by deprenyl alone. Finally, the deamination of DA in synaptosomes from guinea pig striatum was examined following selective MAO isozyme inhibition. Neither clorgyline nor deprenyl alone reduced synaptosomal DA deamination. However, clorgyline and deprenyl together reduced DA deamination by 94%. These results suggest that the isozyme localization and/or isozyme affinity for DA, rather than the absolute isozyme content, determines the relative importance of type A and type B MAO in synaptic DA deamination. Moreover, based on the enzyme kinetic properties of each MAO isozyme, guinea pig striatum may serve as a suitable model of human DA deamination.  相似文献   

Spinal muscular atrophy is a common neuromuscular disorder caused by mutations in the survival motor neuron (SMN) gene. In mammals, SMN is tightly associated with Gemin2. To gain further insight into the functions of SMN and Gemin2, we have cloned and sequenced smi-1 (Survival of Motor neuron-Interacting protein 1), a C. elegans homologue of the human Gemin2 gene. We show that the SMI-1 expression pattern and RNA interference phenotype show considerable overlap with that previously reported for SMN-1. Finally, we demonstrate that the SMN-1 and SMI-1 proteins directly interact. Having demonstrated the utility of the C. elegans genetic model for investigating genes encoding SMN-interacting proteins, we have undertaken a yeast two-hybrid screen of a C. elegans cDNA library to identify novel proteins that interact with SMN-1. We show the direct interaction of SMN-1 with nine novel proteins, several of which may be involved in RNA metabolism.  相似文献   

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