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Summary The zymogram phenotypes of glucose-phosphate isomerase (GPI), alcohol dehydrogenase-1 (ADH-1), glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), lipoxygenase (LPX), esterase (EST) and the banding patterns of gliadin and glutenin seed storage proteins were determined for Triticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring (CS), Dasypyrum villosum, the octoploid amphiploid T. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring D. villosum (CS × v) (2n=8x=56; AABBDDVV), and for five CS-D. villosum disomic addition lines. The genes Gpi-V1, Adh-V1, Got-V2, and Sod-V2 coding for GPI-1, ADH-1, GOT-2, and SOD-2 isozymes were located in D. villosum on chromosome 1V, 4V, 6V, and 7V, respectively. Genes coding for gliadin- and glutenin-like subunits are located in D. villosum chromosomes 1V. There are no direct evidence for chromosomal location of genes coding for GOT-3, EST-1 and LPX-2 isozymes. The linkage between genes coding for glutenin-like proteins and GPI-1 isozymes in chromosome 1V is evidence of homoeology between chromosome 1V and the chromosomes of homoeologous group 1 in wheat.Research supported by the National Research Council (Italy) and National Science Foundation (USA). International cooperative project, Grant No. 85.01504.06 (CNR)  相似文献   

Summary Six monosomic addition lines were produced in which different Dasypyrum villosum (L.) Candargy chromosomes were added to the chromosome complement of Triticum durum Desf. cv. Creso. Each added alien chromosome was found to have a specific effect on plant morphology and fertility. Transmission rate varied widely (from 7.5 to 27.7%) among the six univalent chromosomes. Different monotelosomic addition plants derived by a relatively high frequency of chromosome misdivision were isolated. The addition lines should be useful for studying Dasypyrum chromosome homoeology and the introduction of alien variation into durum and common wheats.Research supported by a grant from the Italian Research Council for Finalized Project IPRA. Sub-project Plant Breeding, Paper No. 1095  相似文献   

Dasypyrum villosum (L.) Candargy (2n=14, V genome) is a wild, allogamous, diploid grass species that is a potential genetic resource for wheat improvement. The diversity of high-molecular-weight (HMW) glutenin subunits of the seed storage proteins of this species was examined in populations sampled in their natural habitats in Italy and Yugoslavia where the species is widely distributed. The results of selfed progeny tests confirmed that the allelic variation of HMW-glutenin subunits in D. villosum is controlled by a single locus (Glu-V1). Fourteen alleles at Glu-V1 were found among 982 individuals representing 12 populations from Italy and two from Yugoslavia, with a mean of seven alleles per population. Among the 14 Glu-V1 alleles, one produced no HMW-glutenin subunits, ten coded for a single subunit, and three for two subunits. The mobilities of all the subunits in SDS-PAGE gels were greater than that of reference subunit 7 of Triticum aestivum cv Chinese Spring. Eight of the alleles were relatively abundant (mean frequency over all populations ranged from 0.08 to 0.17) and distributed widely among the 14 populations (8 to 14); five of the alleles were rare (0.003 to 0.021) and found in only 1 to 5 populations. The frequencies of two alleles could not be individually estimated because of the similar electrophoretic mobility of their subunits. The multiple-allelic diversity at Glu-V1 was high (He ranged from 0.700 to 0.857) but similar from population to population. Overall, about 7% of the total allelic variation was distributed among populations (Gst=0.072), and more than 90% within populations. Whether the allelic variation at Glu-V1 is subject to natural selection is unknown, but the discovery of the homozygous null Glu-V1 alleles in the present study may be useful in pursuing this question. The multiple-allelic diversity in Glu-V1 presents the plant breeder with an opportunity to evaluate and select the most useful alleles for transfer to wheat. The importance of an evaluation genetic diversity in a wild species before interspecific gene transfers are attempted is well illustrated in this study.  相似文献   

鹅观草和簇毛麦属间杂种的形态学和细胞遗传学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过幼胚离体拯救培养,成功地获得鹅观草Roegneria kamoji Ohwi(2n=6x=42,StStHHYY)和 簇毛麦Dasypyrum villosum(L.)Candargy(2n=2x=14,VV)属间杂种,对这两个种及其杂种Fl的形 态学、繁育学和减数分裂配对行为进行了研究。结果表明:(1)鹅观草和簇毛麦形态差异极大,杂种F1 的形态特征介于父母本之间;(2)杂交结实率低,为11.63%;经幼胚组织培养,获2株杂种苗;杂种Fl高 度不育,表明亲本间存在极强的生殖隔离,是独立的生物学种;(3)杂种Fl体细胞染色体数目为稳定的 28条,减数分裂中期I染色体配对很低,其构型为:26.72Ⅰ+0.62Ⅱ+0.02Ⅲ。表明鹅观草的St、H、Y染色体组与簇毛麦的V染色体组部分同源性很低,它们的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   

Dasypyrum villosum (L.) Candargy is a weedy annual diploid (2n = 14, VV genomes) allogamous grass species (Poaceae, Triticeae). Genetic variation for 12 traits was studied in 43 natural populations (31 from Italy and 12 from Croatia and Montenegro of former Yugoslavia) grown in a common field environment in California. Although 7 of 12 traits followed the theoretical prediction that a larger proportion of genetic variation was distributed within populations than among populations, exceptions were found for spike length, plant height, and days to flag-leaf emergence, heading, and anthesis. Covariate analysis showed that developmentally closely related characters were more likely correlated at both population and family within population levels. Geographically closer populations shared more genetic similarity than distant populations as indicated by mean coefficients of variation and cluster analysis of the Euclidean distances among populations. As few as five populations, each population with five or more half-sib seeds taken randomly from 5 plants, is expected to capture more than 95% of the total genetic variation of this species in the region sampled, but sampling a much larger number of seeds per population (> 1000) for long-term storage would supply research and plant breeding needs for several decades. If seed regeneration is required, populations can be sampled from clusters having similar genetic variation, and grown in reproductive isolation or bulked seed samples from all populations of each cluster group can be grown in isolation. The former is recommended if population integrity is desired while the latter is sufficient to provide genetic resources for plant-breeding purposes.  相似文献   

The intergeneric hybrids between Roegneria kamoji Ohwi and Dasypyrum villosum (L.)Candargy were successfully obtained by means of embryo culture in vitro. Studies on morphology, fertility and chromosome pairing behavior in meiosis of the parents and their hybrid Fl were carried out in the present work. The results showed that: (1) there were ob vious morphological differences between R. kamoji and D. villosum, and spikes of Fl plants were morphologically intermediate between the two parental species; (2) the seed set of the cross was 11.63%; the hybrid plant was infertile, which indicated that strong repro ductive isolation existed between the parents and R. kamoji and D. villosum were inde pendent biological species; (3) The somatic chromosome number in root-tips of Fl hybrids was 28. Chromosome pairing at MI of PMCs in Fl hybrids was quite low. The meiotic con figuration was 26.72 Ⅰ + 0.62 Ⅱ + 0.02 Ⅲ, which indicated that very low homoeology was detected between the St, H, Y genomes of R. kamoji and the V genome of D. villo- sum, and the relationship between the parental species was remote.  相似文献   

Summary Genes coding for glutenin-like subunits and for several prolamin subunits with electrophoretic mobilities (lactate-PAGE) corresponding to those of omega- and gamma-gliadins of wheat were located inDasypyrum villosum chromosome1V. Genes controlling four gliadinlike subunits with electrophoretic mobilities corresponding to those of alpha- and gamma-gliadins were located on the short arm of chromosome6V and on the long arm of chromosome4V. N-terminal amino acid sequences of these four components were also determined and homology with alpha-type gliadins was demonstrated. The presence of genes coding for glutenin- and gliadin-like subunits on chromosomes1V and6V demonstrates homoeology between theD. villosum chromosomes1V and6V and the chromosomes of homoeologous groups 1 and 6 in wheat. It is likely that the additional locusGli-V3 on chromosome4V originated by translocation from theGli-V2 locus.  相似文献   

H J Li  B H Guo  Y W Li  L Q Du  X Jia  C C Chu 《Génome》2000,43(5):756-762
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was applied with total genomic DNA extracted from Dasypyrum villosum (L.) Candargy as a probe to characterize chromosome translocations arising from tissue culture in hybrids of Triticum aestivum x (T. durum - D. villosum, amphiploid). Chromosome translocations between wheat and D. villosum occurred in callus cells at an average frequency of 1.9%. Translocations existed not only in callus cells but also in regenerants. Three plants with translocation chromosomes were characterized among 66 regenerants of T. aestivum 'Chinese Spring' x 'TH1W' and 'NPFP' x 'TH1'. One of them proved to be a reciprocal translocation with an exchange of about one third of a wheat chromosome arm with about one half of a chromosome arm of D. villosum. The breakpoints of the other two translocations were located at, or near centromeres. The results are similar for both callus cells and regenerants and provide further evidence that translocations take place in tissue culture. Other structural chromosomal changes, for example, fragments, telocentrics, dicentromeres, and deletions, as well as numerical alterations including aneuploidy and polyploidy were recorded both in callus cells and regenerants.  相似文献   

Summary The biochemical complexity and its consequence has been investigated in the amphiploids M x v and CS x v derived from crossing the tetraploid wheat Triticum turgidum var durum cv Modoc and the hexaploid wheat T. aestivum cv Chinese Spring, respectively, with Dasypyrum villosum. Electrophoretic analysis of variation in six enzyme systems (GOT, ADH, GPI, SOD, EST, and LPX) and in high molecular weight glutenin seed storage proteins indicated that in the amphiploids these proteins were specified by a minimum of seven sets of homologous genes on wheat and D. villosum chromosomes and that in each set there were allelic differences. The enzymes detected in each amphiploid were fully accounted for by simple additivity of protomers specified by the homologous genes inherited from their parents. The amphiploids also expressed novel oligomeric enzymes not produced in either one of their parents. The ascertained expression for all the alleles inherited by both parents and the resulting biochemical complexity suggested that some peculiar feature of the amphiploids such as high nitrogen content in the plant and in the kernels and their immunity to the powdery mildew disease caused by both Erysiphe graminis f.sp. tritici and E. graminis f. sp. haynaldiae may be the consequence of the indicated complexity but specified by other sets of genes. The biochemical complexity of the M x v amphiploid may be the basis for its versatility as new crop species.  相似文献   

节节麦-簇毛麦属间杂种的形态学和细胞遗传学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过远缘杂交,结合杂种幼胚离体培养,获得了节节麦(Aegilops tauschii,2n=14,DD)和簇毛麦(Dasypyrum villosum,2n=14,VV)的属间杂种F1。对杂种F1花粉母细胞减数(PMC)分裂中期Ⅰ (MⅠ)染色体配对行为进行观察发现,“节节麦×簇毛麦”杂种F1平均每PMC有1.25个棒状二价体, 染色体的平均构型为2n=14=11.49Ⅰ+1.25Ⅱ (Xta=1.25), 大部分被观察的细胞出现1~5个二价体, 表明节节麦D染色体与簇毛麦V染色体间具有相对较高的部分同源配对, D和V染色体之间存在一定的部分同源性。F1植株高度自交不育,经染色体加倍处理后能够自交结实。Abstract: ‘Aegilops tauschii×Dasypyrum villosum’ F1 hybrids were obtained by the combination of hybridization and embryo culture in vitro. Chromosome pairing behavior in meiosis of the hybrid F1 was carried out. Results showed that in an average , 1.25 rod bivalents were observed in one PMC, meiotic configuration was 2n=14=11.49Ⅰ+1.25Ⅱ(Xta=1.25) and most of PMCs possessed 1~5(rod) bivalens, indicating that the relatively high homeology was detected between the D genome of Ae.tauschii and the V genome of D.villosum. The morphological differences between F1 hybrids and their parents were significant. F1 plants were highly self-sterile, but partially self-fertile after treated by chromosome doubling technique.  相似文献   

Dasypyrum villosum (L.) Candargy (sin. Haynaldia villosa) is an annual wild diploid grass species (2n = 2x = 14; genome VV) belonging to the Poaceae family, which is considered to be an important source of biotic and abiotic stress resistance genes for wheat breeding. Enhanced characterization of D. villosum chromosomes can facilitate exploitation of its gene pool and its use in wheat breeding programs. Here we present the cytogenetic identification of D. villosum chromosomes on slide by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), with the GAA simple sequence repeat (SSR) as a probe. We also describe the isolation and the flow cytometric analysis of D. villosum chromosomes in suspension, resulting in a distinguished flow karyotype. Chromosomes were flow sorted into three fractions, according their DNA content, one of which was composed of a single type of chromosome, namely 6 V, sorted with over 85% purity. Chromosome 6 V is known to carry genes to code for important resistance and seed storage characteristics, and its isolation represents a new source of genetic traits and specific markers useful for wheat improvement.  相似文献   

The wild form of bitter vetch, Vicia ervilia , grows mainly in Turkey. Wild and cultivated V. ervilia have the same chromosome number (2n =14), share the same karyotype and are interfertile. Pod dehiscence in V. ervilia is governed by two loci and the domesticated phenotype is obtained with the homozygous recessive condition in either locus.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to assess intraspecific variability and relationships in aerial yam (Dioscorea bulbifera L.). A total of 23 accessions from different geographic locations in Africa, Asia, and Polynesia were analyzed by 10 arbitrarily chosen GC-rich decamer primers. Using cesium chloride purified genomic template DNA, highly reproducible polymorphic fingerprints were generated by all 10 primers, resulting in a total of 375 informative characters. Only eight bands were monomorphic among all investigated accessions. A binary character matrix was generated by scoring for presence/absence of a band at a particular position, transformed into a matrix of pairwise distances using either the Jaccard or a simple matching coefficient, and analyzed by neighbour joining, UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averaging) cluster analysis, or split decomposition. All methods of data evaluation resulted in similar groupings that reflected the geographical origin of the samples. The African accessions formed a distinct isolated group, whereas Asian and Polynesian accessions proved to be more heterogeneous. With two exceptions (var. suavior and var. sativa), the RAPD data supported previous varietal classification based on morphological characters. Stepwise reduction of the number of evaluated characters did not affect branching patterns of the trees above a minimum threshold of 150. Key words : Dioscorea bulbifera, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), genetic variation, genetic relatedness.  相似文献   

A comparative chromosomal evaluation was carried out between Vigna unguiculata (cowpea) and V. radiata (mung bean) with chromomycin A3 (CMA3)/4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) banding and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) using 5S/45S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) probes. Both species had symmetric karyotypes (2n = 22), with prevalence of centromeres in chromosomes at median (m) and submedian (sm) regions and chromosomes ranging in size from 2.1 to 1.25 μm (V. unguiculata) and 2.18 to 0.93 μm (V. radiata). Three different banding patterns were identified for V. unguiculata: CMA3+/DAPI0, CMA3++/DAPI, and CMA3+/DAPI. The CMA3+/DAPI0 bands were observed in the pericentromeric regions of all chromosomes, while the CMA3++/DAPI and CMA3+/DAPI bands were co-localized with the 45S rDNA in the subtelomeric position (chromosomes B, G, and D, J, respectively) and in the proximal position in chromosome F. Two pairs of chromosomes (D and I) bearing interstitial 5S rDNA have been also identified. Vigna radiata displayed CMA30/DAPI+ bands distributed in the centromeric region of chromosomes B, C, and F, while CMA3++/DAPI bands were co-localized with the 45S rDNA sites in the subtelomeric position of the short arm in the F and K chromosome pairs. Three pairs of 5S rDNA sites were identified, the first in the proximal region of the long arm in chromosome E and the two others in the proximal and subterminal positions in the long arm of chromosome J. These data highlight some divergences regarding the amount and composition of the heterochromatin in both species, allowing the identification of individual chromosomes in V. unguiculata and V. radiata, and a comparison with other members of the Phaseoloid clade.  相似文献   

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