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We investigated the regulation of the synthesis of the eight polypeptides of the Escherichia coli proton-translocating ATPase. A plasmid carrying the eight genes of the unc operon was used to direct in vivo and in vitro protein synthesis of the eight polypeptides. Analysis of these data indicates that the ATPase polypeptides are synthesized in unequal amounts both in vitro and in vivo. We identified several regions within the unc operon at which expression of a gene is either increased or decreased from that of the preceding gene. Since genetic information indicates a single polycistronic mRNA for all eight genes of this operon, the observed differential synthesis of the polypeptides is most likely the result of translational regulation. The effect of varying the temperature suggests that the secondary structure in the mRNA may affect the rate of translation initiation in the region between uncE and uncF.  相似文献   

The proton-translocating ATPase of Escherichia coli   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  

The translational roles of the Shine-Dalgarno sequence, the initiation codon, the space between them, and the second codon have been studied. The Shine-Dalgarno sequence UAAGGAGG initiated translation roughly four times more efficiently than did the shorter AAGGA sequence. Each Shine-Dalgarno sequence required a minimum distance to the initiation codon in order to drive translation; spacing, however, could be rather long. Initiation at AUG was more efficient than at GUG or UUG at each spacing examined; initiation at GUG was only slightly better than UUG. Translation was also affected by residues 3' to the initiation codon. The second codon can influence the rate of initiation, with the magnitude depending on the initiation codon. The data are consistent with a simple kinetic model in which a variety of rate constants contribute to the process of translation initiation.  相似文献   

Translation of the gene for the b subunit of the Escherichia coli proton-translocating ATPase has been examined. Oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis was used to mutate certain nucleotides in the intergenic region between uncE (c) and uncF (b). One of the changes was predicted to lower the stability of a proposed stem structure which blocked the ribosome binding site of the uncF mRNA segment. The result of the mutation is a nearly 3-fold increase in the rate of synthesis of the b polypeptide. Another mutation was introduced which changed the initiation codon for uncF from GUG to AUG. This change resulted in an approximately 2-fold increase in the synthesis rate of the b polypeptide. These results suggest that secondary structure in the mRNA and the use of a less efficient initiation codon play a role in restricting translation initiation of the uncF mRNA segment. These mechanisms may, in part, explain how the polypeptides of the ATPase complex are synthesized in approximately the same relative amounts as they appear in the assembled complex.  相似文献   

We have investigated both structural and functional assembly of the F0 portion of the Escherichia coli proton-translocating ATPase in vivo. Fractionation of E. coli minicells containing plasmids which code for parts of the unc operon shows that each of the F0 peptides a, b, and c insert into the cytoplasmic membrane independent of each other and without the polypeptides which form the F1 portion of the complex alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon. Assays of membrane energization indicate that, while formation of a functional proton channel requires the presence of all three F0 polypeptides a, b and c, they are not sufficient. Synthesis of both the alpha and beta subunits of the F1 are required for formation of a functional proton channel.  相似文献   

Assembly of the F1 portion of the proton-translocating ATPase of Escherichia coli was examined in vivo. Analysis of strains lacking genes which specify the Fo polypeptides a, b, and c showed that the F1 subunits were able to assemble into a complex in the absence of the Fo subunits. In addition we have investigated the effects of mutations in the individual genes which specify the F1 polypeptides on the assembly process. Mutations of the uncA(alpha), uncG(gamma), or uncD(beta) genes result in a defective assembly of the F1 complex. In contrast, mutations in the uncH(delta) or uncC(epsilon) genes did not prevent assembly of the core alpha beta gamma complex. In these cases, however, the partial F1 complexes were incapable of restoring energy-linked functions to F1-depleted membranes.  相似文献   

A mutation of the b subunit of the Escherichia coli proton-translocating ATPase and mutations in the gene for the a subunit that suppress its effects have been previously described (Kumamoto, C., and Simoni, R. D. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 10037-10042). In this paper, we describe the characterization of a new mutation that partially suppresses the effects of the original b mutation. The new suppressor mutation causes the substitution of serine for alanine at position 62 of the c subunit. Biochemical studies of double mutants, carrying both b and c mutations, demonstrate that the c mutation partially restores the function of the enzyme complex.  相似文献   

The function of the epsilon subunit of the Escherichia coli proton-translocating ATPase has been examined by using a mutant defective in the uncC gene. Strains with a defective uncC gene show a reduction in both growth yield and growth rate that is more severe than for other unc mutants; this deleterious effect is shown to be a result of the ATPase activity of the F1 complex which is missing the epsilon subunit. In addition, the epsilon-deficient F1 is bound less tightly to the membrane. These data suggest that, in vivo, the epsilon subunit is capable of inhibiting the ATPase activity of F1 and also functions in the binding of F1 to F0.  相似文献   

The amino acid substitutions in the mutant c-subunits of Escherichia coli F1F0-ATPase coded for by the uncE429, uncE408 and uncE463 alleles affect the incorporation of these proteins into the cell membrane. The DNA sequence of the uncE429 allele differed from normal in that a G leads to A base change occurred at nucleotide 68 of the uncE gene, resulting in glycine being replaced by aspartic acid at position 23 in the c-subunit. The uncE408 and uncE463 mutant DNA sequences were identical and differed from normal in that a C leads to T base change occurred at nucleotide 91 of the uncE gene, resulting in leucine being replaced by phenylalanine at position 31 in the c-subunit. An increased gene dosage of the uncE408 or uncE463 alleles resulted in the incorporation into the membranes of the mutant c-subunits. The results are discussed in terms of the 'Helical Hairpin Hypothesis' of Engelman & Steitz [(1981) Cell 23,411-422].  相似文献   

Activation of protein kinase C (PKC) in human T lymphocytes is an immediate consequence of mitogenic signalling via the antigen-receptor complex and CD2 antigen. In order to investigate further the signal-transduction pathways which result in PKC activation, we have established a novel PKC assay system using streptolysin-O-permeabilized T cells. Known peptide substrates of PKC were introduced into permeabilized cells in the presence of [gamma-32P]ATP, 3 mM-Mg2+ and 150 nM free Ca2+. The peptide found to have the lowest background phosphorylation had the sequence Pro-Leu-Ser-Arg-Thr-Leu-Ser-Val-Ala-Ala-Lys-Lys (peptide GS), and the phosphorylation of the peptide was increased up to 6-fold by direct activation of PKC with phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate. Induction of PKC activation with the UCHT1 antibody against the CD3 antigen, or with phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) or guanosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate (GTP[S]), increased peptide-GS phosphorylation by 2-3 fold. The specificity of PKC action on peptide GS was demonstrated by blocking increases in phosphorylation with a pseudosubstrate peptide PKC inhibitor. PKC activation by this technique could be detected within 1 min of adding external ligand. Dose-response curves revealed that PHA-induced production of inositol phosphates correlated closely with PKC activities, whereas only a partial correlation between these parameters was observed with GTP[S]. Our data are consistent with the presence of more than one G-protein-mediated pathway of PKC regulation in T cells. The quantitative PKC assay system described is both simple and reproducible, and its potential application to a wide range of cell types should prove useful in further investigations of PKC activation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Various hybrid plasmids carrying a portion of the gene for the gamma subunit of the H+-ATPase of Escherichia coli complemented five mutants defective in the enzyme in a genetic test, indicating that the mutants are defective in the gamma subunit. Since the nucleotide sequence of genomic DNA carried on the plasmids is known, the defective site(s) of the mutants could be located within the gene for the gamma subunit as follows: KF10 and NR70, KF1, and KF12 and KF13 have a mutation causing a defect(s) in amino acid residues 1 to 82, 83 to 167, and 168 to 287, respectively, of the gamma subunit. The biochemical properties of all these mutants except NR70 were analyzed in terms of proton permeability of the membranes and assembly of F1. Results suggested that KF1 and KF10 have defective F1 without at least the alpha and beta subunits on their membranes, whereas KF12 and KF13 have F1's of rather similar structure to that of the wild type. Attempts were made to purify F1 oF KF12 as a single complex. Although the F1 complex dissociated during purification, active alpha and beta subunits of KF12 were partially purified. On the basis of these biochemical and genetic results, it is suggested that structural alterations in the primary sequence of the gamma subunit corresponding to residues 1 to 167 cause more extensive defects in the assembly of F1 than alteration in the sequence of residues 168 to 287.  相似文献   

A liquid membrane electrode has been made which is selective for ethidium ion. The membrane is formed in a capillary by a 3-nitro-o-xylene solution of an ethidium-tetraphenyl borate complex. The electrode emf (vs saturated KCl-calomel reference) has a linear dependence upon the logarithm of ethidium concentration from 2 μM to 0.5 mM. The electrode is used here to measure free ethidium ion in mixtures with calf thymus DNA. The binding isotherms obtained are in general agreement with a control photometric titration and with literature results. Direct measurement of free ethidium concentration by convenient potentiometric methods is useful in the study of ligand binding to nucleic acids and to related compounds.  相似文献   

Photoaffinity labeling of the active site of the yeast plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase has been studied with 2-azido-AMP and 2-azido-ATP. The ATPase activity of the enzyme decreases as the time of photolysis of the photoactive nucleotides in the presence of the enzyme increases. The covalent incorporation of [alpha-32P]2-azido-AMP into the enzyme and the inhibition of ATPase activity have comparable time courses. ATP protects the ATPase from incorporation of and photoinactivation by 2-azido-ATP or 2-azido-AMP. In the dark, 2-azido-ATP inhibits the ATPase at concentrations comparable to the apparent Michaelis constant for MgATP. After photolysis and proteolysis of the protein, three overlapping peptides labeled by the nucleotide analogues were purified by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography and sequenced. The peptides are derived from a region of the ATPase that is highly conserved in related cation pumps forming a phosphorylated intermediate during the catalytic cycle. Labeling with both nucleotide analogues occurs in peptides containing residues from aspartate 560 to lysine 566. The amino acids in this region conform to a consensus sequence for ATP binding derived from phosphofructokinase.  相似文献   

The yeast vacuole is acidified by a vacuolar proton-translocating ATPase (H+-ATPase) that closely resembles the vacuolar H+-ATPases of other fungi, animals, and plants. The yeast enzyme is purified as a complex of eight subunits, which include both integral and peripheral membrane proteins. The genes for seven of these subunits have been cloned, and mutant strains lacking each of the subunits (vma mutants) have been constructed. Disruption of any of the subunit genes appears to abolish the function of the vacuolar H+-ATPase, supporting the subunit composition derived from biochemical studies. Genetic studies of vacuolar acidification have also revealed an additional set of gene products that are required for vacuolar H+-ATPase activity, but may not be part of the final enzyme complex. The biosynthesis, assembly, and targeting of the enzyme is being elucidated by biochemical and cell biological studies of thevma mutants. Initial results suggest that the peripheral and integral membrane subunits may be independently assembled.  相似文献   

D M Marquis  J M Smolec  D H Katz 《Gene》1986,42(2):175-183
To maximize expression of a eukaryotic gene in Escherichia coli, a series of plasmids were constructed containing various synthetic ribosome-binding sites (RBS). These sites consist of a Shine-Dalgarno (SD) region (with translation stop codons in all three reading frames) positioned at distances 5-9 nucleotides (nt) from the AUG initiator codon of the gene coding for human T-cell growth factor (TCGF or IL-2). The region encompassing the RBS through the TCGF structural gene from each of these plasmids was inserted as a 'cassette' into seven different E. coli expression vectors, and TCGF production was measured. Our results demonstrate a greater than 2000-fold range of TCGF synthesis dependent upon the promoter and the synthetic RBS used. The translational efficiency of the TCGF gene was found to be influenced by the quality of the RBS, which is in part determined by the external sequence context of this site. The synthetic RBS, containing the necessary information for the translation initiation process, readily accessible by restriction sites, should be of general usefulness in obtaining maximum expression of eukaryotic genes in E. coli.  相似文献   

A nucleotide sequence of 2328 base pairs comprising a portion of the gene cluster for the proton-translocating ATPase of E. coli was determined. The sequence covers most of the gene for α subunit, the entire gene for γ subunit and the amino terminal portion of the gene for β subunit, along with the flanking regions of these genes. The amino acid sequences of these subunits deduced from the DNA sequences indicate that the α and γ subunits have 513 and 287 amino acid residues, respectively. A possible secondary structure for each subunit was estimated from the inferred primary structure. The intercistronic regions between the genes for α and γ and between γ and β are 49 and 26 base pairs, respectively. The significance of codon usage in these genes is discussed in correlation with their expression.  相似文献   

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