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Yeast mutants, snm1 (pso2-1), rev3 (pso1-1), and rad51, which display significant sensitivity to interstrand crosslinks (ICLs) have low relative sensitivity to other DNA damaging agents. SNM1, REV3, and RAD51 were disrupted in the same haploid strain, singly and in combination. The double mutants, snm1 Delta rev3 Delta, snm1 Delta rad51 Delta and rev3 Delta rad51 Delta were all more sensitive to ICLs than any of the single mutants, indicating that they are in separate epistasis groups for survival. A triple mutant displayed greater sensitivity to ICLs than any of the double mutants, with one ICL per genome being lethal. Therefore, Saccharomyces cerevisiae appears to have three separate ICL repair pathways, but no more. S-phase delay was not observed after ICL damage introduced by cisplatin (CDDP) or 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) during the G1-phase, in any of the above mutants, or in an isogenic rad14 Delta mutant deficient in nucleotide excision repair. However, the psoralen analog angelicin (monoadduct damage) induced a significant S-phase delay in the rad14 Delta mutant. Thus, normal S-phase in the presence of ICLs does not seem to be due to rapid excision repair. The results also indicate that monoadduct formation by CDDP or 8-MOP at the doses used is not sufficient to delay S-phase in the rad14 Delta mutant. While the sensitivity of a rev3 Delta mutant indicates Pol zeta is needed for optimal ICL repair, isogenic cells deficient in Pol eta (rad30 Delta cells) were not significantly more sensitive to ICL agents than wild-type cells, and have no S-phase delay.  相似文献   

Polyoma virus has three late mRNA''s: one for each virion protein.   总被引:18,自引:13,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Polyoma virus mRNA, isolated from the cytoplasm of 3T6 cells late after infection and purified by hybridization to HpaII fragment 3 of polyoma virus DNA, was separated on 50% formamide-containing sucrose density gradients, and the fractionated RNA was recovered and translated in vitro. Analysis of the cell-free products showed that the minor virion protein VP3 was synthesized from an mRNA sedimenting at approximately 18S betweeen the 19S VP2 mRN and the 16S VP1 mRNA. Other experiments showed that the VP2 and VP3 can be labeled with formyl methionine from initiator tRNA. We conclude that there are three late polyoma virus mRNA's, each directing the synthesis of only one viral capsid protein.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional 1H-NMR methods have been used to assign side-chain resonances for the tryptophan residues and for several amino acids located in the heme pockets of the carbon monoxide complexes of the major monomeric hemoglobins from Glycera dibranchiata. The NMR spectra reveal a high degree of conservation of the heme pocket structure in the different hemoglobins. However some conformational differences are evident and residues at positions B10 and G8 on the distal side of the heme pocket are not conserved. From the present NMR studies it appears that the monomeric G. dibranchiata hemoglobin examined by X-ray crystallography [Padlan, E. A. & Love, W. (1974) J. Biol. Chem. 249, 4067-4078] corresponds to HbC. Except that the orientation of the heme in solution is the reverse of that reported in the crystal structure, there is a close correspondence between the heme pocket structure in the crystal and in solution. The proximal histidine coordination geometry is almost identical in the CO complexes of the three monomeric hemoglobins studied. Distal residues are strongly implicated in determining the observed kinetic differences in ligand binding reactions. In particular, steric crowding of the ligand binding site in hemoglobin A is probably a major factor in the slower kinetics of this component.  相似文献   

Current chemiosmotic models of exocytosis ascribe an essential role to the influx of extracellular monovalent anions or cations into the secretory granules apposed to the plasma membrane. These hypotheses were tested by measuring insulin release in sucrose media devoid of monovalent ions. A small response to glucose (25% of controls) was still observed, which could be potentiated by isobutylmethylxanthine and suppressed by cobalt or low temperature. Substitution of Ba2+ for Ca2+ triggered a practically normal release of insulin that was inhibited by blockers of Ca2+ channels (cobalt or D 600) and abolished by low temperature. These results show that insulin release remains possible in the absence of extracellular monovalent ions and, therefore, that the chemiosmotic models of exocytosis do not entirely apply to insulin release.  相似文献   

Quenched molecular dynamics is used as a conformational search technique for the constrained cyclic analog [D-Pen2,D-Pen5]enkephalin (DPDPE) in a continuum solvent. The results show a Gaussianlike distribution of conformations as a function of energy, unlike the distributions found for simple liquids which have sharp bands for different crystal forms and broad glasslike states are found. The lowest energy conformers have structural features in common with those obtained from constrained searches based on energy minimization. (Hruby, V. J., L-.F. Kao, B. M. Pettitt, and M. Karplus. 1988. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 110:3351-3359). Many of the low energy configurations are amphiphilic with the carbonyl groups on one surface and the hydrophobic groups on the other. This supports the conclusions from the previous modeling study, which yielded amphiphilic structures as the most probable conformations of DPDPE when NOE data were included.  相似文献   

A number of reactive dichlorotriazine dyes specifically and irreversibly inactivate pig heart lactate dehydrogenase, yeast glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and yeast hexokinase at sites competitive with NAD+, NADP+, and ATP respectively. Monochlorotriazine dyes, including Cibacron Blue F3G-A, do not inactivate lactate dehydrogenase but display high affinity and thus inhibit the inactivation by dichlorotriazine dyes. These data are interpreted in terms of the ability of nucleotide-binding enzymes to bind polysulphonated aromatic chromophores.  相似文献   

Two new crystal structures of the Escherichia coli high affinity methionine uptake ATP Binding Cassette (ABC) transporter MetNI, purified in the detergents cyclohexyl‐pentyl‐β‐D ‐maltoside (CY5) and n‐decyl‐β‐D ‐maltopyranoside (DM), have been solved in inward facing conformations to resolutions of 2.9 and 4.0 Å, respectively. Compared to the previously reported 3.7 Å resolution structure of MetNI purified in n‐dodecyl‐β‐D ‐maltopyranoside (DDM), the higher resolution of the CY5 data enabled significant improvements to the structural model in several regions, including corrections to the sequence registry, and identification of ADP in the nucleotide binding site. CY5 crystals soaked with selenomethionine established details of the methionine binding site in the C2 regulatory domain of the ABC subunit, including the displacement of the side chain of MetN residue methionine 301 by the exogenous ligand. When compared to the CY5 or DDM structures, the DM structure exhibits a significant repositioning of the dimeric C2 domains, including an unexpected register shift in the intermolecular β‐sheet hydrogen bonding between monomers, and a narrowing of the nucleotide binding space. The immediate proximity of the exogenous methionine binding site to the conformationally variable dimeric interface provides an indication of how methionine binding to the regulatory domains might mediate the phenomenon of transinhibition.  相似文献   

Kinesin is a force-generating molecule that is thought to translocate organelles along microtubules, but its precise cellular function is still unclear. To determine the role of kinesin in vivo, we have generated a kinesin-deficient strain in the simple cell system Neurospora crassa. Null cells exhibit severe alterations in cell morphogenesis, notably hyphal extension, morphology and branching. Surprisingly, the movement of organelles visualized by video microscopy is hardly affected, but apical hyphae fail to establish a Spitzenkörper, an assemblage of secretory vesicles intimately linked to cell elongation and morphogenesis in Neurospora and other filamentous fungi. As cell morphogenesis depends on polarized secretion, our findings demonstrate that a step in the secretory pathway leading to cell shape determination and cell elongation cannot tolerate a loss of kinesin function. The defect is suggested to affect the transport of small, secretory vesicles to the site involved in protrusive activity, resulting in the uncoordinated insertion of new cell wall material over much of the cell surface. These observations have implications for the presumptive function of kinesin in more complex cell systems.  相似文献   

A model (NADH-phenazine methosulfate-O2) formally similar to pyridine nucleotide-dependent flavoprotein hydroxylases catalyzed the hydroxylation of several aromatic compounds. The hydroxylation was maximal at acid pH and was inhibited by ovine Superoxide dismutase, suggesting that perhydroxyl radicals might be intermediates in this process. The stoichiometry of the reaction indicated that a univalent reduction of oxygen was occurring. The correlation between the concentration of semiquinone and hydroxylation, and the inhibition of hydroxylation by ethanol which inhibited semiquinone oxidation, suggested the involvement of phenazine methosulfate-semiquinone. Activation of hydroxylation by Fe3+ and Cu2+ supported the contention that univalently reduced species of oxygen was involved in hydroxylation. Catalase was without effect on the hydroxylation by the model, ruling out H2O2 as an intermediate. A reaction sequence, involving a two-electron reduction of phenazine methosulfate to reduced phenazine methosulfate followed by disproportionation with phenazine methosulfate to generate the semiquinone, was proposed. The semiquinone could donate an electron to O2 to generate O2 which could be subsequently protonated to form the perhydroxyl radical.  相似文献   

Ecosystem engineers can strongly modify habitat structure and resource availability across space. In theory, this should alter the spatial distributions of trophically interacting species. In this article, we empirically investigated the importance of spatially extended habitat modification by reef-building bivalves in explaining the distribution of four avian predators and their benthic prey in the Wadden Sea—one of the world’s largest intertidal soft-sediment ecosystems. We applied Structural Equation Modeling to identify important direct and indirect interactions between the different components of the system. We found strong spatial gradients in sediment properties into the surrounding area of mixed blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) and Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) reefs, indicating large-scale (100s of m) engineering effects. The benthic community was significantly affected by these gradients, with the abundance of several important invertebrate prey species increasing with sediment organic matter and decreasing with distance to the reefs. Distance from the reef, sediment properties, and benthic food abundance simultaneously explained significant parts of the distribution of oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus), Eurasian curlews (Numenius arquata), and bar-tailed godwits (Limosa lapponica). The distribution of black-headed gulls (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)—a versatile species with many diet options—appeared unaffected by the reefs. These results suggest that intertidal reef builders can affect consumer-resource dynamics far beyond their own boundaries, emphasizing their importance in intertidal soft-bottom ecosystems like the Wadden Sea.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional model of presynaptic calcium diffusion away from the membrane, with cytoplasmic binding, extrusion by a surface pump, and influx during action potentials, can account for the rapid decay of phasic transmitter release and the slower decay of synaptic facilitation following one spike, as well as the very slow decline in total free calcium observed experimentally. However, simulations using this model, and alternative versions in which calcium uptake into organelles and saturable binding are included, fail to preserve phasic transmitter release to spikes in a long tetanus. A three-dimensional diffusion model was developed, in which calcium enters through discrete membrane channels and acts to release transmitter within 50 nm of entry points. Analytic solutions of the equations of this model, in which calcium channels were distributed in active zone patches based on ultrastructural observations, were successful in predicting synaptic facilitation, phasic release to tetanic spikes, and the accumulation of total free calcium. The effects of varying calcium buffering, pump rate, and channel number and distribution were explored. Versions appropriate to squid giant synapses and frog neuromuscular junctions were simulated. Limitations of key assumptions, particularly rapid nonsaturable binding, are discussed.  相似文献   

There has been a growing interest in the degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) over the last decade, ever since its removal from polluted sites was declared an international environmental priority. Certain aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms are capable of using TNT as an N source, although very few studies have proven the mineralization of this compound. An unexpected observation in our laboratory led us to discover that certain Escherichia coli bench laboratory strains have multiple enzymes that attack TNT. One of the NemA products is responsible for the release of nitrite from the nitroaromatic ring: among the metabolites observed in vitro include Meisenheimer dihydride complexes of TNT from which 2-hydroxylamino-6-nitrotoluene is slowly formed during their rearomatization under concomitant release of nitrite. Furthermore, NemA, together with NfsA and NfsB reduce the nitro groups on the aromatic ring to the corresponding hydroxylamino derivatives, which probably results in the release of ammonium ions which can, in turn be used as a nitrogen source by E. coli for growth.  相似文献   

A number of Leuconostoc spp. strains were screened for their ability to produce glucansucrases and carry out acceptor reactions with maltose. Acceptor products were analyzed by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and it was discovered that they could be grouped into four distinct categories based on oligosaccharide product patterns. These patterns corresponded with structural features of the dextrans each strain is reported to produce. Strains that produced a typical dextran—characterized by a predominantly linear (16)-linked d-glucan chain with a low to moderate degree of branching—produced a homologous series of isomaltooligosaccharides via acceptor reactions. Strains that produced dextrans with moderate to high levels of (12) branch points, exemplified by NRRL B-1299, synthesized the same isomaltodextrins as well as another series of oligosaccharides migrating slightly faster in our TLC system. Strains that produced dextrans with higher levels of (13)-branches, such as NRRL B-742, synthesized isomaltodextrins plus a series of oligosaccharides that migrated slightly more slowly on TLC. And finally, strains known to produce alternansucrase produced isomaltodextrins plus oligoalternans. Within a given type, variability exists in the relative proportions of each product. The data presented here may be useful in selecting strains for the production of specific types of oligosaccharides, for example as prebiotics.  相似文献   

Nebulin is a giant protein that spans most of the muscle thin filament. Mutations in nebulin result in myopathies and dystrophies. Nebulin contains approximately 200 copies of approximately 35 residue modules, each believed to contain an actin binding site, organized into seven-module superrepeats. The strong correlation between the number of nebulin modules and the length of skeletal muscle thin filaments in different species suggests that nebulin determines thin filament length. Little information exists about the interactions between intact nebulin and F-actin. More insight has come from working with fragments of nebulin, containing from one to hundreds of actin binding modules. However, the observed stoichiometry of binding between these fragments and actin has ranged from 0.4 to 13 modules per actin subunit. We have used electron microscopy and a novel method of helical image analysis to characterize complexes of F-actin with a nebulin fragment. The fragment binds as an extended structure spanning three actin subunits and binding to different sites on each actin. Muscle regulation involves tropomyosin movement on the surface of actin, with binding in three states. Our results suggest the intriguing possibility that intact nebulin may also be able to occupy three different sites on F-actin.  相似文献   

Miniature bilayer membranes comprised of phospholipid and an apolipoprotein scaffold, termed nanodisks (ND), have been used in binding studies. When ND formulated with cardiolipin (CL), but not phosphatidylcholine, were incubated with cytochrome c, FPLC gel filtration chromatography provided evidence of a stable binding interaction. Incubation of CL ND with CaCl2 resulted in a concentration-dependent increase in sample turbidity caused by ND particle disruption. Prior incubation of CL ND with cytochrome c increased CL ND sensitivity to CaCl2-induced effects. Centrifugation of CaCl2-treated CL ND samples yielded pellet and supernatant fractions. Whereas the ND scaffold protein, apolipophorin III, was recovered in the pellet fraction along with CL, the majority of the cytochrome c pool was in the supernatant fraction. Moreover, when cytochrome c CL ND were incubated with CaCl2 at concentrations below the threshold to induce ND particle disruption, FPLC analysis showed that cytochrome c was released. Pre-incubation of CL ND with CaCl2 under conditions that do not disrupt ND particle integrity prevented cytochrome c binding to CL ND. Thus, competition between Ca2+ and cytochrome c for a common binding site on CL modulates cytochrome c binding and likely plays a role in its dissociation from CL-rich cristae membranes in response to apoptotic stimuli.  相似文献   

Y Xie  Y Liu  Y Wang  S Wang  T Jiang 《Carbohydrate polymers》2012,90(4):1648-1655
Three dimensionally ordered macroporous (3DOM) chitosan (3D-CS) matrix with interconnected pores in the nanometer range was developed as a drug carrier for the first time. 3D-CS was prepared using a template-assisted assembly and characterized by SEM, TGA, N(2) adsorption and FT-IR. As a model drug, nimodipine (NMDP) was incorporated into the pores of 3D-CS matrix. The solid state properties of NMDP-loaded samples were characterized by SEM, XRD, DSC and FT-IR. Dissolution studies showed that release behavior of the drug was markedly affected by the particle size of the matrix. With a relatively small matrix particle size, formulations of NMDP-3D-CS-0.5 and NMDP-3D-CS-1 exhibited rapid release patterns. However, on increasing the amount of carrier, release rate of the drug decreased. The pH-dependent slow-release characteristic of 3D-CS matrix delivery system was demonstrated by investigating the release behavior of NMDP at different pH values.  相似文献   

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