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不同温度对中华蟾蜍早期胚胎发育的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文探讨了温度与中华蟾蜍早期胚胎的发育速度、器官分化、畸形率、死亡率、增长速度之间的相互关系,并同相近温度下几种蛙卵的发育速度进行了比较。证实:中华蟾蜍早期胚胎在6—29℃范围内均能发育,最适发育温度为17—23℃,最高限温32℃,1℃时不能发育,完成早期发育的蝌蚪也不能持续耐受34℃的高温和1℃的低温;变温对胚胎发育有益;原肠胚期和神经胚期是胚胎发育中对温度最敏感的时期。  相似文献   

温度,盐度,碱度对池沼公鱼胚胎发育的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李勃 《生态学杂志》1992,11(2):18-21
池沼公鱼(Hypomesus olidus Pallas)是亚冷水小型经济鱼类,栖居于淡水、河口咸淡水中。近年来国内池沼公鱼移植广泛展开,为探讨池沼公鱼对不同生态条件的生存适应能力和  相似文献   

饶小珍  林岗  张殿彩  陈寅山  许友勤 《生态学报》2010,30(23):6530-6537
龟足(Capitulum mitella Linnaeus)在我国主要分布于长江口以南海浪剧烈冲击的暴露型岩相海岸的中、高潮区,是一种颇具养殖潜力和市场前景的新品种。研究温度(24、27、30、33℃)和盐度(28,31,34)对龟足胚胎发育和幼虫生长的协同影响,可为龟足的人工育苗提供依据。结果如下(1):33℃-28温盐度组合胚胎发育时间最短144h,27℃-28温盐度组合胚胎相对孵化率最高。温度与盐度对胚胎发育时间没有显著影响;但温度和盐度对胚胎孵化率有极显著影响,温度与盐度间的交互作用显著。胚胎发育最适宜的温盐度组合是27℃-28。(2):27℃的3个盐度组、30℃-31温盐度组合无节幼虫持续时间最短。在同一盐度条件下以27℃的存活率较高,在同一温度条件下以盐度31的存活率较高,其中以27℃-31温盐度组合的存活率最高;存活率1和存活率2分别高达99.0%、90.7%。27℃-28、27℃-31温盐度组合变态率最高,变态率分别为81.8%、73.7%。34高盐组幼虫的存活率和变态率均很低甚至为零。温度和盐度对幼虫存活率和变态率有极显著影响,两者的交互作用极为显著。综合无节幼虫持续时间、存活和变态情况,27℃-31温盐度组合为幼虫生长发育的最佳组合条件。龟足胚胎发育、无节幼虫的生长和变态对温度盐度的敏感性有所不同,这是由龟足的自身繁殖特点及生活环境决定的。  相似文献   

盐度对条石鲷胚胎发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了确定条石鲷胚胎孵化的适宜盐度,在试验水温为23.0℃~25.2℃条件下,设置了8个盐度组进行条石鲷胚胎孵化试验,研究了盐度对条石鲷胚胎发育的影响。结果表明:低盐度和高盐度对胚胎有持续性伤害,均可造成胚胎和卵黄球在卵裂期收缩而死亡,一部分胚胎在原肠期之后收缩死亡;低盐度可造成初孵仔鱼畸形率增加,主要引起仔鱼脊柱L形和C形弯曲,而高盐度可导致胚体胚孔关闭以后尾部的畸形发育;通过分析各盐度组的孵化率、仔鱼畸形率和盐度之间的关系,得出健康仔鱼比例(PHL)和盐度(S)的关系式为PHL=-0.0018S2-0.1135S-0.8853(R2=0.948),以PHL70%为适宜孵化盐度范围,以PHL90%为最适孵化盐度范围,由此确定在23.0℃~25.2℃条件下,条石鲷的适宜孵化盐度范围为21~42(PHL70%),最适为30~33(PHL90%)。  相似文献   

海洋生物种群繁衍目前面临着严峻的环境压力.胚胎期作为生命发育的起始阶段,极易受环境因素的影响,温度和盐度则是影响生物生长发育的两大关键要素.为探明中间球海胆早期胚胎发育对温度和盐度的耐受性及其最适温盐条件,采用中心复合设计(CCD)和响应曲面法(RSM),开展温度(12~26aC)和盐度(22~34)对中间球海胆胚胎早...  相似文献   

盐度和温度对中华虎头蟹(Orithyia sinica) 存活和摄饵的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
廖永岩  吴蕾  蔡凯  潘传豪 《生态学报》2007,27(2):627-639
进行盐度和温度对中华虎头蟹存活和摄饵影响的试验,结果发现,盐度骤变时,盐度15—408d后蟹存活率100%。盐度10—45蟹能摄饵,日平均摄饵量达1.31g以上;盐度20—40是蟹适宜摄饵盐度,日平均摄饵量达3.65g以上;盐度30—35蟹摄饵最佳,日平均摄饵量达5.24g以上。盐度渐变时,盐度15—55蟹8d后存活100%;盐度5—50蟹能摄饵;盐度25—35为蟹摄饵适宜盐度,日平均摄饵量达4.13g以上;盐度30为最佳盐度,日平均摄饵量达4.53g。温度骤变时,10—30℃7d后蟹100%存活。10—35℃蟹能摄饵,日平均摄饵量达1.10g以上;20—30℃蟹摄饵最佳,日平均摄饵量逐渐增加,达8.76g以上。温度渐变时,0—30℃蟹7d后100%存活,35℃蟹存活率达80%。10—35℃蟹能摄饵;20—30℃蟹摄饵较佳,日平均摄饵量达12.61g以上;250C蟹摄饵最佳,13平均摄饵量达14.35g。  相似文献   

温度对中华鳖卵孵化和胚胎发育的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在25℃,27.5℃,30℃,32.5℃和35℃条件下,分别研究了中华鳖(Trionyx sinensis)卵的孵化和胚胎的发育。卵黄和卵壳的湿重分别占卵重的85.10%和14.90%,含水量分别为76.63%和21.01%。中华鳖胚胎重随孵化时间呈逻辑斯谛曲线增长,孵化温度越高,胚胎发育速度r越大。25℃-30℃的胚胎发育仅表现为‘S’型生长曲线的前,中段,在孵化后期发育速度未受到明显的抑制,32.5℃和35℃温度条件下,后期发育速度受到了较大的影响。孵出稚鳖湿重和干重均与初始孵重存在极显著的经性相关关系。孵化温度对孵出稚鳖湿重没有显著影响,但对孵出稚鳖干重的影响极显著。随孵化温度的升高,孵出稚鳖干重吾‘U’形变化,在适中温度下,胚胎的生长效率最低。卵黄干重随孵化时间呈指数递减,温度越高,孵黄的利用速度越快。在孵化过程中,卵重,卵干重和卵内水总量都随孵化时间的延长,孵化温度的上升而略有下降。孵化期随温度升高呈双曲线缩短,其相关关系可用方程I=30.6+109/(T-22.5)来表示。中华鳖卵的最适孵化温度在32.5℃左右,胚胎孵化后期比早期对温度的需求可能要低一些。  相似文献   

2015年10月,河南省鱼类资源调查队在河南省林州市进行鱼类资源普查时,采集到30尾刺鱼目Gasterosteiformes鱼类,综合采用形态学和分子系统学的方法确定其为中华多刺鱼Pungitius sinensis,为河南省新纪录种,标本保存于河南师范大学水产学院鱼类标本室。本文对该鱼的主要鉴定特征、分布区域、可能的来源、生存环境等做了初步分析。该鱼在我国北方(辽宁、黑龙江、吉林、天津、河北等省市)及韩国、日本北方均有分布,记录最南分布区域为北京市,为北京市二级保护鱼类。此次报道进一步扩大了该鱼最南端分布界限,为进一步开展该鱼的基础研究提供了重要参考资料。  相似文献   

温度和盐度对卤虫生物学特性的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王睿  张闰生 《生态学报》1995,15(2):214-220
本实验以产自美国旧金山湾,我国山西运城盐湖,河北张北,新疆阿勒泰的两性生死卤虫,及产于天津塘沽、新疆艾比湖的孤雌生殖卤虫,计3种6个品系卤虫为实验材料,分别测量它们在不同温度下的孵化率、生长、发育及生殖的情况,并比较了各品系卤虫以坑盐的耐受性。通过全长的测量,得出了各品系卤虫在不同温度及协度下的生长方程。除了旧金山卤虫为耐低温高盐的种外,张北卤虫也具此特性。在生殖特征方面,我斩5个地理品系卤虫之间  相似文献   

不同水温对中华绒螯蟹胚胎发育的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
本文研讨了各种人控恒温和自然水温对中华绒螯蟹胚胎发育周期,各发育阶段以及卵裂同步率等的影响,在水温9.6±3.6度到23度之间,中华绒螯蟹的胚胎均能发育;最适发育水温为18-23度,29度以上,胚胎不能发育,变温对胚胎发育有益,胚胎在卵裂阶段对水温特别敏感,水温越高,卵裂虽然越快,但卵裂期同步率越低;胚胎处在自然水温中,经过低温,卵裂期同步率最高。  相似文献   

The authors evaluated the adaptability of male nine-spined sticklebacks (Pungitius sinensis) at three salinity levels (0, 5 and 10 psu) by comparing nest building success rates with nest structures. Successful nest building decreased as salinity increased. In addition, nests built in fresh water (i.e., 0 psu) were glued together, whereas those built in brackish water (5 and 10 psu) broke easily and fell from the nest site to the gravel bottom. Based on these findings, the authors suggest that P. sinensis adapts to freshwater environments.  相似文献   

Incubation temperature and the amount of water taken up by eggs from the substrate during incubation affects hatchling size and morphology in many oviparous reptiles. The Brisbane river turtle Emydura signata lays hard-shelled eggs and hatchling mass was unaffected by the amount of water gained or lost during incubation. Constant temperature incubation of eggs at 24 °C, 26 °C, 28 °C and 31 °C had no effect on hatchling mass, yolk-free hatchling mass, residual yolk mass, carapace length, carapace width, plastron length or plastron width. However, hatchlings incubated at 26 °C and 28 °C had wider heads than hatchlings incubated at 24 °C and 31 °C. Incubation period varied inversely with incubation temperature, while the rate of increase in oxygen consumption during the first part of incubation and the peak rate of oxygen consumption varied directly with incubation temperature. The total amount of oxygen consumed during development and hatchling production cost was significantly greater at 24 °C than at 26 °C, 28 °C and 31 °C. Hatchling mass and dimensions and total embryonic energy expenditure was directly proportional to initial egg mass. Accepted: 18 March 1998  相似文献   

We tested the effects of salinity and water temperature on the ecological performance of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in culture-experiments to identify levels that could potentially limit survival and growth and, thus, the spatial distribution of eelgrass in temperate estuaries. The experiments included eight levels of salinity (2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35‰) and seven water temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 27.5 and 30 °C). Low salinity (i.e. 5 and 2.5‰) increased mortality (3–6-fold) and had a strong negative effect on shoot morphology (number of leaves per shoot reduced by 40% and shoot biomass reduced by 30–40%), photosynthetic capacity (Pmax—reduced by 30–80%) and growth (production of new leaves reduced by 50–60%, leaf elongation rate reduced by 60–70% and production of side-shoots reduced by 40–60%), whereas eelgrass performed almost equally well at salinities between 10 and 35‰. The optimum salinity for eelgrass was between 10 and 25‰ depending on the response parameter in question. Extreme water temperatures had an overall negative impact on eelgrass, although via different mechanisms. Low water temperatures (5 °C) slowed down photosynthetic rate (by 75%) and growth (production of new leaves by 30% and leaf elongation rate by 80%), but did not affect mortality, whereas high temperatures (25–30 °C) increased mortality (12-fold) and lowered both photosynthetic rate (by 50%) and growth (production of new leaves by 50% and leaf elongation rate by 75%). The optimum water temperature for eelgrass appeared to lie between 10 and 20 °C. These results show that extreme conditions may affect the fitness of eelgrass and, thus, may potentially limit its distribution in coastal and estuarine waters.  相似文献   

The primitive pulmonate snail Amphibola crenata embeds embryos within a smooth mud collar on exposed estuarine mudflats in New Zealand. Development through hatching of free-swimming veliger larvae was monitored at 15 salinity and temperature combinations covering the range of 2-30 ppt salinity and 15-25 °C. The effect of exposure to air on developmental rate was also assessed. There were approximately 18,000 embryos in each egg collar. The total number of veligers released from standard-sized egg collar fragments varied with both temperature and salinity: embryonic survival was generally higher at 15 and 20 °C than at 25 °C; moreover, survival was generally highest at intermediate salinities, and greatly reduced at 2 ppt salinity regardless of temperature. Even at 2 ppt salinity, however, about one-third of embryos were able to develop successfully to hatching. Embryonic tolerance to low salinity was apparently a property of the embryos themselves, or of the surrounding egg capsules; there was no indication that the egg collars protected embryos from exposure to environmental stress. Mean hatching times ranged between 7 and 22 days, with reduced developmental rates both at lower temperature and lower salinity. At each salinity tested, developmental rate to hatching was similar at 20 and 25 °C. At 15 °C, time to hatching was approximately double that recorded at the two higher exposure temperatures. Exposing the egg collars to air for 6-9 h each day at 20 °C (20 ppt salinity) accelerated hatching by about 24 h, suggesting that developmental rate in this species is limited by the rates at which oxygen or wastes can diffuse into and from intact collars, respectively. Similarly, veligers from egg capsules that were artificially separated from egg collars at 20 °C developed faster than those within intact egg collars. The remarkable ability of embryos of A. crenata to hatch over such a wide range of temperatures and salinities, and to tolerate a considerable degree of exposure to air, explains the successful colonization of this species far up into New Zealand estuaries.  相似文献   

研究了温度、相对湿度和光照时间对真水狼蛛(Pirata piraticus)胚胎发育的影响。结果表明,温度不仅影响真水狼蛛胚胎发育的全过程,也对胚胎发育的各阶段有影响,在20℃-35℃范围内,随着温度的升高,胚胎发育加快,卵的发育起点温度为11.9℃,低温下,卵的孵化整齐度高温下要高,28℃时,孵化率最高。为探讨真水狼蛛胚胎发育的影响因子和合适条件,考虑温度、相对湿度和光照时间3个因子的综合作用,按照二次正交旋转组合设计的要求安排实验,得出了影响胚胎发育历期、胚胎成形率和孵化率的二次回归模型,并分析了其影响因子,利用孵化率的回归模型,得到了真水狼蛛卵孵化的最优条件为温度为27℃-28.5℃,相对湿度为94%-97%,光照时间为14-17h。  相似文献   

Marine toxic dinoflagellates of the genus Gambierdiscus are the causative agents of ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP), a seafood poisoning that is widespread in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of the world. In the main island of Japan, distributions of Gambierdiscus australes, Gambierdiscus scabrosus and two phylotypes of Gambierdiscus spp. type 2 and type 3, have been reported. To discuss the bloom dynamics of these Japanese species/phylotypes of Gambierdiscus, first we tested six culture media to optimize growth conditions and then clarified the effects of temperature and salinity and temperature–salinity interactions on growth. All strains of the species/phylotypes tested showed the highest cell yields when they were cultivated in IMK/2 medium. G. australes, G. scabrosus and Gambierdiscus sp. type 2 grew in the range 17.5–30 °C, whereas Gambierdiscus sp. type 3 grew in 15–25 °C. The semi-optimal temperature ranges (≥80% of the maximal growth rate) of the former three species/phylotypes were 19–28 °C, 24–31 °C and 21–28 °C, respectively, whereas that of the latter phylotype was 22–25 °C. Hence, Gambierdiscus sp. type 3 may be adapted to relatively lower water temperatures of ≤25 °C. In contrast, G. australes, G. scabrosus and Gambierdiscus sp. type 2 presumably possess adaptability to relatively high water temperatures. The optimal temperature for G. scabrosus was 30 °C, whereas the optimal temperature for the others was 25 °C. G. australes and Gambierdiscus sp. type 3 grew in a salinity range of 25–40 whereas G. scabrosus and Gambierdiscus sp. type 2 grew in salinity 20–40. Furthermore, the semi-optimal salinity range of G. australes, G. scabrosus, Gambierdiscus spp. type 2 and type 3 were salinity 27–38, 24–36, 22–36 and 29–37, respectively. Among the species/phylotypes, G. scabrosus and Gambierdiscus sp. type 2 grew even at salinity 20 where the others did not grow, thus possessing adaptability to low salinity waters. Our results clearly demonstrate that the optimal and tolerable temperature–salinity conditions differ among Japanese Gambierdiscus species/phylotypes. Considering these results, temperature–salinity interactions may play an important role in bloom dynamics and the distribution of the Gambierdiscus species/phylotypes in Japanese coastal waters.  相似文献   

寡齿新银鱼胚胎发育及其与温度的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在平均水温分别为14.2、15.6、16.5、23.4和24.5℃时,寡齿新银鱼胚胎孵化时数依次为142、119、108、68和61h.胚胎发育时序可分为10期.温度与胚胎孵化时间呈幂函数关系,H=6861.1988×T-1.4717;积温与胚胎孵化时间亦呈幂函数关系,H=1.6081×10-8×A3.0151.  相似文献   

The brackish water copepod Eurytemora affinis is the most abundant copepod species in the low salinity zone (2-15) of the Seine estuary. Despite its ecological importance, little is known about its population dynamics in the Seine. We studied the effects of temperature (10 °C and 15 °C) and salinity (5, 15 and 25) on reproduction under non-limiting food conditions. We used experiments to determine multiple reproductive parameters for E. affinis. In all experiments, we fed E. affinis a mixture of Rhodomonas marina and Isochrysis galbana. Couples of pre-adult females (C5) and adult males were mated until the female extruded a clutch of eggs and then individual females were observed every 6-12 hours until death to determine (a) embryonic development time, (b) inter clutch time and (c) clutch size throughout their adult lifespan. All reproductive parameters were negatively affected by low temperature (10 °C) and by high salinity (25). At 10 °C and a salinity of 25, mortality during the post-embryonic period was extremely high (85%). Differences in all reproductive parameters between salinities 5 and 15 were minimal. From 15 °C to 10 °C mean latency time (time between hatching of eggs and extrusion of new ones) increased from 0.8 to 2.25 days, the mean embryonic development time from 2.2 to 3.2 days and the mean clutch size decreased from 38 to 22 eggs female- 1. The mean clutch size decreased when females reached a critical age. The hatching success was high (near 95%) under all conditions except at high salinity. Egg production rates showed no significant differences between salinities 5 and 15 and were significantly higher at 15 °C (13 eggs female- 1 day- 1 at salinity 5 and 15) than at 10 °C (4 eggs female- 1 day- 1). These values at 15 °C were higher compared to those from other populations of E. affinis in estuaries or lakes. The high reproductive potential of E. affinis from the Seine estuary at 15 °C and low salinities explain its high densities in the low salinity zone during spring and early summer.  相似文献   

温度对瓦氏黄颡鱼胚胎发育的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
受精卵的孵化率、胚胎发育各阶段的存活率及发育速度是鱼类胚胎发育过程的重要生物学参数,各种内、外环境因素对这些参数均有不同程度的影响(Paninietal.,2001;ZachariaandKakati,2004)。水温、溶氧、pH值、光照及遗传变异等对鱼类胚胎发育均有影响(曹振东、谢小军,1994;吴贤汉  相似文献   

Benthic dinoflagellates Ostreopsis spp. are known as producers of palytoxin and its analogs, resulting occasionally in human health problems worldwide. Although distribution of Ostreopsis spp. along the Thai coasts has been reported, little is known about their growth characteristics. To discuss the bloom dynamics of Ostreopsis spp. in Thailand, first we tested four kinds of media to optimize growth conditions and then clarified the effects of temperature, salinity and temperature–salinity interaction on the growth of strains of the O. cf. ovata Thailand subclade, O. cf. ovata South China Sea subclade, Ostreopsis sp. 6 and Ostreopsis sp. 7. We showed that the f/2 medium was a suitable medium which gave the highest cell yields for all the strains tested. The strains of the O. cf. ovata Thailand subclade, O. cf. ovata South China Sea subclade and Ostreopsis sp. 6 grew in the temperature range 20–32.5 °C, whereas the strain of Ostreopsis sp. 7 grew in 20–30 °C. The semi-optimal temperature ranges (≧80% of the maximal growth rate) for the former three strains were 22.7–27.4 °C, 27.9–30.8 °C and 23.5–26.4 °C, respectively, whereas that of the latter strain was 23–27.2 °C. The optimal temperature for the O. cf. ovata South China Sea subclade was 30 °C, whereas for the others it was 25 °C. All the Ostreopsis strains tested could grow in a salinity range of 20–40. The semi-optimal salinities for the O. cf. ovata Thailand subclade, O. cf. ovata South China Sea subclade Ostreopsis sp. 6 and Ostreopsis sp. 7 were 28.7–35, 23.8–30.8, 29.8–36 and 28–36, respectively. The optimal salinities for the O. cf. ovata Thailand subclade and O. cf. ovata South China Sea subclade were 30 and 25, respectively, whereas for Ostreopsis sp. 6 and Ostreopsis sp. 7 it was 35. In this study, our results suggested that the optimal and tolerable temperature–salinity conditions differ among the Thai Ostreopsis species/clades/subclades. Tolerances of the O. cf. ovata Thailand subclade, O. cf. ovata South China Sea subclade and Ostreopsis sp. 6 to the high temperature of 32.5 °C may allow these organisms to be distributed in the tropical areas, where the water temperature often reaches >30 °C.  相似文献   

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