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R Dikstein  D Heffetz  Y Ben-Neriah  Y Shaul 《Cell》1992,69(5):751-757
The enhancers of several distinct viruses contain a common functional element, termed EP. This element binds ubiquitous cellular proteins and generates specific complexes in gel retardation analysis. Ultraviolet cross-linking and Southwestern analysis showed that a 140 kd polypeptide is the major EP DNA-binding protein. Using a combination of DNA binding and immunological techniques, we have identified the c-abl protein in a nuclear complex that binds to the EP element. abl was found to have both a specific and high affinity DNA binding activity. The ability to bind DNA is abolished in the mutant abl protein, p210bcr-abl, consistent with its cytoplasmic localization in chronic myelogenous leukemia.  相似文献   

A plasmid containing the adenovirus E2 gene, a gene normally requiring E1A-mediated induction during viral infection, is expressed very poorly upon transfection into mouse L cells. If the same plasmid is transfected into 293 cells, which constitutively express the adenovirus E1A gene, or into L cells together with a plasmid containing the E1A gene, the E2 gene is expressed at higher levels. Cotransfection of the E2 plasmid with a plasmid containing the pseudorabies virus (a herpesvirus) immediate early gene results in an even higher increase in the level of E2 expression. In addition, efficient E2 expression in the absence of trans induction was obtained by inserting E1A upstream promoter sequences at the 5' or 3' end of the E2 gene, indicating that these E1A sequences possess enhancer properties. Thus the efficient expression of the E2 gene can be obtained either by a structural change in the gene itself or by a trans-acting induction.  相似文献   

The adenovirus terminal protein (TP) is covalently linked to the 5' ends of the adenovirus genome and enhances DNA replication in vitro by increasing template activity. To study the effect of TP in more detail we isolated short origin fragments containing functional TP using anion exchange chromatography. These fragments were highly active as templates for DNA replication in a reconstituted system. Employing band-shift assays we found that the affinity of the precursor terminal protein-DNA polymerase complex for the TP-containing origin was increased 2 to 3-fold. Binding affinities of two other replication stimulating proteins, NFI and Oct-1, were not influenced by the terminal protein. Upon DNaseI footprinting we observed, unexpectedly, that the breakdown pattern had changed at various positions in the origin, notably in the area 3-6 and 41-51 by the presence of TP. Some differences in the footprint pattern of NFI and Oct-1 were also found. Our results indicate that TP induces subtle changes in the origin structure that influence the interaction of other replication proteins.  相似文献   

Calcium binding to proteins containing the 'EF-hand' structural motif regulates a variety of biochemical processes including muscle contraction. Techniques such as protein crystallography, site-directed mutagenesis and domain transplantation experiments are being used to unravel the conformational changes induced by calcium binding.  相似文献   

A functional analysis of exon replacement mutations was performed in parallel with RNA-protein binding assays to gain insight into the role of the exon in alternative and simple splicing events. These results show that constitutive exons from unrelated genes contain strong signals that promote splicing in multiple sequence contexts by enhancing 3' splice site activity. A clue to the nature of the relationship between the exon and adjacent 3' splice site is indicated by the binding properties of exon variant RNAs when tested with different biochemical preparations of the essential splicing protein, U2AF. In the context of a complete nuclear extract, U2AF binding to the 3' splice site is stimulated by the presence of an adjacent constitutive exon. In contrast, highly purified HeLa U2AF binds equivalently to the exon variants under conditions in which differential polypyrimidine tract binding is evident. These results provide support for an assisted binding model in which positive-acting signals within exons, exon enhancers, direct the binding of accessory factors, which in turn increase the intrinsic affinity of U2AF for the adjacent 3' splice site. Further support for an assisted binding model is indicated by biochemical complementation of U2AF binding and by the localization of a novel exon enhancer, which, when introduced into a weak exon, stimulates splicing activity in parallel with U2AF binding. Immunoprecipitation analysis identifies the splicing factor, SC35, as a constituent of the exon enhancer binding complex. These results are discussed in the context of current models for functional exon-bridging interactions.  相似文献   

Analysis of regulatory sequences in androgen-responsive genes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have analysed the effect of androgens on the activity of promoters from MMTV, and the rat prostate C3(1) and mouse secretory protease inhibitor genes. MMTV promoter activity was stimulated by testosterone as well as progesterone and dexamethasone but not by oestradiol. Deletion analysis indicated that the three steroids acted through DNA sequences between nucleotides -201 and -69 upstream of the MMTV cap site. In contrast, the promoters for the C3(1) gene and the protease inhibitor gene were unaffected by testosterone in a number of cell types, including prostate cells, despite the fact that the MMTV promoter was stimulated in such cells.  相似文献   

Multiple enhancers govern developmental and tissue-specific expression of the H19-Igf2 locus, but factors that bind these elements have not been identified. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation, we have found two FoxA binding sites in the H19 E1 enhancer. Mutating these sites diminishes E1 activity in hepatoma cells. Additional chromatin immunoprecipitations show that FoxA binds to E1 in fetal liver, where H19 is abundantly expressed, but that binding decreases in adult liver, where H19 is no longer transcribed, even though FoxA proteins are present at both times. FoxA proteins are induced when F9 embryonal carcinoma cells differentiate into visceral endoderm (VE) and parietal endoderm (PE). We show that FoxA binds E1 in VE cells, where H19 is expressed, but not in PE cells, where H19 is silent. This correlation between FoxA binding and H19 expression indicates a role for FoxA in regulating H19, including developmental activation in the yolk sac and liver and postnatal repression in the liver. This is the first demonstration of a tissue-specific factor involved in developmental control of H19 expression. These data also indicate that the presence of FoxA proteins is not sufficient for binding but that additional mechanisms must govern the accessibility of FoxA proteins to their cognate binding sites within the H19 E1 enhancer.  相似文献   

Lens-specific expression of the delta 1-crystallin gene is governed by an enhancer in the third intron, and the 30-bp-long DC5 fragment was found to be responsible for eliciting the lens-specific activity. Mutational analysis of the DC5 fragment identified two contiguous, interdependent positive elements and a negative element which overlaps the 3'-located positive element. Previously identified ubiquitous factors delta EF1 bound to the negative element and repressed the enhancer activity in nonlens cells. Mutation and cotransfection analyses indicated the existence of an activator which counteracts the action of delta EF1 in lens cells, probably through binding site competition. We also found a group of nuclear factors, collectively called delta EF2, which bound to the 5'-located positive element. delta EF2a and -b were the major species in lens cells, whereas delta EF2c and -d predominated in nonlens cells. These delta EF2 proteins probably cooperate with factors bound to the 3'-located element in activation in lens cells and repression in nonlens cells. delta EF2 proteins also bound to a promoter sequence of the gamma F-crystallin gene, suggesting that delta EF2 proteins are involved in lens-specific regulation of various crystallin classes.  相似文献   

Basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) regulatory proteins are known to bind to a single DNA consensus sequence referred to as an E-box. The E-box is present in the regulatory elements of many developmentally controlled genes, including most muscle-specific genes such as troponin I (TnI). Although the E-box consensus is minimally defined as CANNTG, the adjacent nucleotides of functional E-boxes are variable for genes regulated by the bHLH proteins. In order to examine how E-box regulatory regions containing different internal and flanking nucleotides function when placed within the context of a single regulatory element, the E-box region (14 bp) present within the TnI enhancer was substituted with the corresponding E-box sequences derived from the muscle-specific M-creatine kinase (MCK) and cardiac alpha-actin regulatory elements as well as from the immunoglobulin kappa (Ig kappa) enhancer. Within the TnI enhancer, the E-box sequence derived from cardiac alpha-actin was inactive whereas the corresponding sequence from the MCK right E-box efficiently restored wild-type enhancer activity in muscle cells. Intermediate levels of gene activity were observed for TnI enhancers containing E-boxes derived from the MCK left E-box site or from the Ig kappa E2 E-box. DNA binding studies of MyoD:E12 protein complexes with each substituted TnI enhancer confirmed that DNA binding activity in vitro mimics the relative strength of the enhancers in vivo. These studies demonstrate that the specific nucleotide composition of individual E-boxes, which are contained within the regulatory elements of most if not all muscle-specific genes, contributes to the complex regulatory mechanisms governing bHLH-mediated gene expression.  相似文献   

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