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美国白蛾的天敌——日本追寄蝇   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
史永善 《昆虫学报》1981,(3):342-342
美国白蛾Hyphantria cunea Drury隶属鳞翅目灯蛾科,是一种世界性检疫对象,近年来在我国辽宁省丹东市发现。日本追寄蝇Exorista japonica Townsend经饲养,由美国白蛾幼虫中育出,现将该种寄蝇的生物学和利用途径介绍和探讨如下。 一、生物学特性 日本追寄蝇系大卵型寄蝇,雌蝇将尚未完成胚胎发育的卵,产于寄主体表,待幼虫孵化后,钻入寄主体腔。据北京地区初步观察,每年发生3—4代。7—9月饲养观察,完成一个世代需经16—17天。10月中旬最后一代脱蛆化蛹于土壤中越冬。卵期4—5天,幼虫期4—6天,蛹期7—8天。羽化后的成蝇能多次交配,每次所历时间长短不一,长的可达6小时,短的为2小时;雌蝇在自然界中较雄蝇迟数日出  相似文献   

伞裙追寄蝇和双斑截尾寄蝇对草地螟的寄生特性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
李红  罗礼智  胡毅  康爱国 《昆虫学报》2008,51(10):1089-1093
为认识寄生蝇对草地螟Loxostege sticticalis L.的寄生特性,调查了河北康保田间两种寄生蝇——伞裙追寄蝇Exorista civilis Rondani和双斑截尾寄蝇Nemorilla maculosa Meigen对草地螟各龄幼虫的寄生率、寄生部位及着卵量,并通过室内饲养对寄生蝇的存活率与寄主龄期、着卵部位及着卵量的关系进行了研究。结果表明: 两种寄生蝇在田间主要寄生草地螟5龄幼虫;寄生蝇可在每头寄主幼虫上着1~8粒卵不等,其中以1粒的居多(45.3%),2粒的次之(33.6%),但1头寄主幼虫中仅能羽化出1头寄生蝇;寄生蝇以寄生寄主幼虫头部和胸部较多,腹部较少,并且以寄生侧面居多,背面次之,腹面最少。寄生蝇的存活与寄主幼虫着卵量之间呈相关关系,在着卵量为1粒的寄主幼虫中,寄生蝇的存活率仅为66.7%,在着卵量为2粒及以上的寄主幼虫中,单头幼虫羽化出寄生蝇的比例为100%。  相似文献   

赵建铭  汪兴鉴 《生态学报》1985,5(4):357-363
本文报道1983—1984年我国利用自然寄主亚洲玉米螟(Ostrinia furnacalis)幼虫人工大星繁殖玉米螟厉寄蝇(Lydella grisescens)的技术和方法。研究结果表明:在正常的玉米螟人工饲料配方中添加0.05克维生素E后,饲养和累代繁殖的供试玉米螟幼虫对提高寄蝇的生活和生殖力效果显著;温湿度、光照和风是影响寄蝇交尾的三因素,温度28~30℃,相对湿度70—80%,日光光照和微风吹拂为寄蝇交尾的适宜条件;掌握羽化1天以上的雄蝇与当天羽化的雌蝇这一有利时机,交尾率可达80—90%;受精雌蝇以5%稀蜂蜜液和牛奶喂饲后,寿命延长,胚胎发育良好;在温度25—30℃及相对湿度80—90%的条件下,子宫内的卵经9—11天全部成熟,采用人工剖腹取蛆,以蛆与寄主幼虫的密度比为3:1或4:1,使其充分接触的接蝇蛆方法,寄生率一般为80—90%,最高可达98%;根据同一寄主幼虫体内寄生1—4个蝇蛆的不同营养和发育情况,测定其蛹重,观察和比较成虫抱卵量、寿命和生殖力的强弱,证明1头玉米螟幼虫体内寄生1—2厉蝇蛆较为有利。 玉米螟厉寄蝇人工大量繁殖研究的成功,不仅有利于我国玉米螟防治工作,而且将为我国生防领域开辟出一条利用寄蝇的有效途径。  相似文献   

稻虱跗蝙Elenchinus japonicus Esaki et Hashimoto属(捻翅目)跗蝙科,在稻田寄生于白背稻虱、褐稻虱和灰稻虱。稻虱跗蝙在母体血腔中发育、孵化产生三爪蚴,三爪蚴通过生殖沟、生殖孔、育道和育道开口离开母体。三爪蚴离开母体在稻株上活动。一旦靠近寄主,用足抓住寄主,爬在它们身上。它通过节间膜进入寄主,变成蛆状蚴,开始取食。幼虫在寄主体内继续发育,达到足够大小,它们羽化成虫。雌成虫留在寄主体内,仅露出“帽子”(即头胸部),雄虫离开寄主,自由飞翔、雄成虫寿命很短(<12小时),它们积极寻找雌虫,进行交配,发现交配位置在育道口,支配时间约1—2秒钟。雄成虫体长1.33mm;展翅约2.25mm;雌成虫体长1.6—2.6mm,宽0.88—1.35mm;头胸部长0.2mm;育道口宽0.15mm,卵在雌成虫体内形成,而卵母细胞在雌幼虫体内发育。卵长75μm×宽40μm。第1期幼虫(三爪蚴):体长0.2mm;尾须为体长1/3。第Ⅱ期幼虫(蛆伏蚴)足和附肢都退化;第Ⅱ期幼虫分成4个龄期,具口和消化道,蛹属围蛹。卵历期7—8天,而三爪蚴历期仅1天。蛆状蚴(2—5龄)历期10—11天,蛹历期约3—4天,雌成虫历期7—8天。在实验室,每世代历期约20—23天。稻虱跗蝙的寄生作用较低,由于三爪蚴找不到稻虱很快死亡。在浙江1983—1986年调查,稻虱跗蝙对白背稻虱成、若虫寄生  相似文献   

稻虱跗(虫扇)的个体发生研究:生活史和寄生作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
顾秀慧  贝亚维 《昆虫学报》1990,33(2):174-181
稻虱跗蝙Elenchinus japonicus Esaki et Hashimoto属(捻翅目)跗蝙科,在稻田寄生于白背稻虱、褐稻虱和灰稻虱.稻虱跗蝙在母体血腔中发育、孵化产生三爪蚴,三爪蚴通过生殖沟、生殖孔、育道和育道开口离开母体.三爪蚴离开母体在稻株上活动.一旦靠近寄主,用足抓住寄主,爬在它们身上.它通过节间膜进入寄主,变成蛆状蚴,开始取食.幼虫在寄主体内继续发育,达到足够大小,它们羽化成虫.雌成虫留在寄主体内,仅露出“帽子”(即头胸部),雄虫离开寄主,自由飞翔、雄成虫寿命很短(<12小时),它们积极寻找雌虫,进行交配,发现交配位置在育道口,支配时间约1—2秒钟.雄成虫体长1.33mm;展翅约2.25mm;雌成虫体长1.6—2.6mm,宽0.88—1.35mm;头胸部长0.2mm;育道口宽0.15mm,卵在雌成虫体内形成,而卵母细胞在雌幼虫体内发育.卵长75μm×宽40μm.第1期幼虫(三爪蚴):体长0.2mm;尾须为体长1/3.第Ⅱ期幼虫(蛆伏蚴)足和附肢都退化;第Ⅱ期幼虫分成4个龄期,具口和消化道,蛹属围蛹.卵历期7—8天,而三爪蚴历期仅1天.蛆状蚴(2—5龄)历期10—11天,蛹历期约3—4天,雌成虫历期7—8天.在实验室,每世代历期约20—23天.稻虱跗蝙的寄生作用较低,由于三爪蚴找不到稻虱很快死亡.在浙江1983—1986年调查,稻虱跗蝙对白背稻虱成、若虫寄生率5—7%,灰稻虱的寄生率为2%,褐稻虱为1%.有时白背稻虱的寄生率可达20—40%.  相似文献   

张丽峰 《昆虫学报》1959,(6):540-547
一、大叶黄杨尺蠖(Abraxas miranda Butler)是重要的园林害虫之一,为害卫矛科的两种植物,即:大叶黄杨与爬行卫矛。在中国分布于江苏、浙江、贵州及东北等地。 二、大叶黄杨尺蠖在上海一年发生三代,但在室内饲育可完成四代,以蛹在土中越冬。第一代成虫自4月上旬开始羽化,幼虫自4月下旬开始为害,至5月下旬进入蛹期。第二代成虫自6月上旬开始羽化,幼虫自6月中旬开始为害、直至8月下旬进入蛹期。第三代成虫自8月中旬开始羽化、幼虫自9月上旬开始至11月中旬进入蛹期。 三、根据室内饲养,成虫的寿命第一代雄虫平均7.8天,雌虫平均9.6天;第二代雄虫平均11天,雌虫平均15.4天;第三代雄虫平均9天,雌虫平均10天;第四代雄虫平均12天,雌虫平均14.5天。卵期第一代为14.5天,第二代8.6天,第三代9天,第四代12天。幼虫期第一代平均34.9天,第二代平均23.4天,第三代平均25天,第四代平均58天。蛹期第一代平均11.4天,第二代平均45.8天,第三代平均15.9天,第四代为越冬蛹。 四、成虫飞行力很弱,白天栖息在大叶黄杨树下或附近草丛中,晚上活动,趋光性不强。成虫羽化多在下午3—5时,羽化后即可交尾,一般交尾时间为6—7小时,最长可达11小时,交尾后7小时即行产卵,每一雌蛾可产卵360余粒。 五、幼虫共五龄,羽化后3、4小时就开始取食,受  相似文献   

榆角尺蠖卵跳小蜂生物学及林间应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柴希民  吴正东 《昆虫知识》1993,30(2):99-102
榆角尺蠖卵跳小蜂在浙江省杭州市一年7~8代,以幼虫在寄主卵内越冬。在生长季节,完成一代需14~27天。发育起点温度9.9±0.5℃,有效积温241.9±9.2日度。组合试验结果表明:14粒马尾松毛虫卵接种1头雌蜂,其寄生率较高(78%)、羽化出的子蜂数较多(24头)、每个寄主卵羽化出的子蜂数较少(1.5头)。林间放蜂寄生率26.0%。  相似文献   

1.据1954年考查,东安马尾松毛虫的天敌很多,尤其是寄生天敌,它是限制或抑制松毛虫大发生的决定性因素。 2.卵期的寄生天敌有:松毛虫黑卵蜂,赤眼蜂,平腹小蜂,白角小蜂,名和小蜂及金小蜂等六种,其中以前三种较为重要。 3.第一代松毛虫的卵寄生率为12.76%,其中黑卵峰的寄生率达5.83%,第二代松毛虫的卵寄生率为40.61%,其中黑卵蜂的寄生率达33.45%。 4.松毛虫各种卵蜂羽化时期及数量的观察,使我们初步了解卵蜂的一些生物学特性,对于今后饲放卵寄生蜂防治松毛虫的措施提供了重要依据。 5.幼虫期的寄生天敌有:两色瘦姬蜂,黑胸姬蜂,红头小茧蜂,黄甲腹小茧蜂,毒蛾绒茧蜂,寄生蝇类及白僵病菌等,其中以白僵病菌及寄生蝇类较为重要。 6.三次幼虫期寄生天敌的考查可以看出:越冬代老熟幼虫的死亡率(包括寄生率)达56.62%,第一代幼虫的死亡率(包括寄生率)达82.83%,第二代幼龄幼虫的死亡率(包括寄生率)达40.83%,幼虫期的死亡率(主要是寄生率)相当高。 7.蛹期的寄生天敌有:日本黑点姬蜂,大腿蜂,花胸姬蜂,黑瘤姬蜂,松毛虫瘤姬蜂,寄生蝇类及白僵病菌等,其中以日本黑点姬蜂、寄生蝇类及白僵病菌等较为重要,但需指出,可能是因为病菌寄生的原因,未羽化蛹的比例很大,如在越冬代占36.68%,第一代占40.11%,这是值得今后深  相似文献   

胡建  刘峰  张文庆 《昆虫学报》2008,51(2):126-131
多胚发育的幼虫内寄生蜂腰带长体茧蜂Macrocentrus cingulum的卵、胚胎和幼虫在寄主亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis幼虫血腔内发育,通常1枚卵可以分裂增殖为数百只胚胎。本文通过定时解剖寄生的寄主幼虫,初步了解了腰带长体茧蜂多胚的形成过程及其在寄主体内的发育情况。结果表明:以4龄末期亚洲玉米螟幼虫为寄主时,寄生蜂卵产入寄主体内10 min左右开始卵裂,1天左右,初级胚胎从卵壳中被释放出来。之后胚胎在胚外膜内持续分裂产生大量二级胚胎形成桑葚胚。寄生后3天左右,二级胚胎从胚外膜中被释放出来,进入胚胎发育阶段。寄生后6天左右,胚胎进入胚带形成阶段。寄生后8天左右,胚带伸长,头尾形成。寄生后9天左右,身体分节完成,部分幼虫孵化,蜕去胚外膜。寄生后13天左右,蜂幼虫从寄主体内啮出。胚胎在发育初期体积变化不大,但从胚带形成开始,体积则迅速增大。腰带长体茧蜂与另一多胚发育寄生蜂佛州点缘跳小蜂Copidosoma floridanum在胚胎发育进程上明显不同,体现了它们对各自寄主的适应。  相似文献   

<正> 莫尼(Mesnil)曾主要根据成蝇外部形态同时结合寄生方式,把寄蝇科Tachinidae归纳成三大类: 1.蜉寄蝇族Phorocerini,该族大部分为大卵型寄蝇; 2.撒寄蝇族Salmaciini为微卵型奇蝇; 3.寄蝇族Tachinini(或称Larvaevorini)为伪胎生寄蝇。在他所分的各个族中,除有些个别种类与本族的其他种类迥然不同外,基本上能反映出寄蝇的各主要寄生方式。我们依据寄蝇产卵特性和侵入寄主体腔的途径,择要分两大类五种类型:一、“外侵入”类  相似文献   

Xia Z  Zhuang J 《Luminescence》2012,27(5):379-381
A novel blue‐emitting Sr3.5Y6.5O2(PO4)1.5(SiO4)4.5:Eu2+ phosphor was synthesized via a solid‐state reaction. Powder X‐ray diffraction (XRD) analysis demonstrated that the Sr3.5Y6.5O2(PO4)1.5(SiO4)4.5 host had a hexagonal crystal structure in the space group P63/m and unit cell parameters a = 9.418 Å, c = 6.900 Å. The as‐prepared phosphor showed a blue emission and all the main emission peaks were located at around 466 nm for different excitation wavelengths of 297, 333 and 391 nm. The temperature dependence of the photoluminescence property was investigated in the range 20–250 °C, and the emission intensity decreased to 71% of the initial value at room temperature on increasing the temperature to 150 °C. According to the classical theory of fluorescent thermal quenching, the activation energy (ΔE) for the thermal quenching luminescence of the as‐prepared Sr3.45Y6.5O2(PO4)1.5(SiO4)4.5:0.05Eu2+ phosphor was determined to be 0.20 eV. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For the rational design of a stable collagen triple helix according to the conventional rule that the pyrrolidine puckerings of Pro, 4-hydroxyproline (Hyp) and 4-fluoroproline (fPro) should be down at the X-position and up at the Y-position in the X-Y-Gly repeated sequence for enhancing the triple helix propensities of collagen model peptides, a series of peptides were prepared in which X- and Y-positions were altogether occupied by Hyp(R), Hyp(S), fPro(R) or fPro(S). Contrary to our presumption that inducing the X-Y residues to adopt a down-up conformation would result in an increase in the thermal stability of peptides, the triple helices of (Hyp(S)-Hyp(R)-Gly)(10) and (fPro(S)-fPro(R)-Gly)(10) were less stable than those of (Pro-Hyp(R)-Gly)(10) and (Pro-fPro(R)-Gly)(10), respectively. As reported by B?chinger's and Zagari's groups, (Hyp(R)-Hyp(R)-Gly)(10) which could have an up-up conformation unfavorable for the triple helix, formed a triple helix that has a high thermal stability close to that of (Pro-Hyp(R)-Gly)(10). These results clearly show that the empirical rule based on the conformational preference of pyrrolidine ring at each of X and Y residues should not be regarded as still valid, at least for predicting the stability of collagen models in which both X and Y residues have electronegative groups at the 4-position.  相似文献   

The enzymes chlorocatechol-1,2-dioxygenase, chloromuconate cycloisomerase, dienelactone hydrolase, and maleylacetate reductase allow Ralstonia eutropha JMP134(pJP4) to degrade chlorocatechols formed during growth in 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate or 3-chlorobenzoate (3-CB). There are two gene modules located in plasmid pJP4, tfdC(I)D(I)E(I)F(I) (module I) and tfdD(II)C(II)E(II)F(II) (module II), putatively encoding these enzymes. To assess the role of both tfd modules in the degradation of chloroaromatics, each module was cloned into the medium-copy-number plasmid vector pBBR1MCS-2 under the control of the tfdR regulatory gene. These constructs were introduced into R. eutropha JMP222 (a JMP134 derivative lacking pJP4) and Pseudomonas putida KT2442, two strains able to transform 3-CB into chlorocatechols. Specific activities in cell extracts of chlorocatechol-1,2-dioxygenase (tfdC), chloromuconate cycloisomerase (tfdD), and dienelactone hydrolase (tfdE) were 2 to 50 times higher for microorganisms containing module I compared to those containing module II. In contrast, a significantly (50-fold) higher activity of maleylacetate reductase (tfdF) was observed in cell extracts of microorganisms containing module II compared to module I. The R. eutropha JMP222 derivative containing tfdR-tfdC(I)D(I)E(I)F(I) grew four times faster in liquid cultures with 3-CB as a sole carbon and energy source than in cultures containing tfdR-tfdD(II)C(II)E(II)F(II). In the case of P. putida KT2442, only the derivative containing module I was able to grow in liquid cultures of 3-CB. These results indicate that efficient degradation of 3-CB by R. eutropha JMP134(pJP4) requires the two tfd modules such that TfdCDE is likely supplied primarily by module I, while TfdF is likely supplied by module II.  相似文献   

Sim GE  Goh CJ  Loh CS 《Plant cell reports》2008,27(8):1281-1289
We analysed the endogenous cytokinin levels of Dendrobium Madame Thong-In seedlings grown in vitro during vegetative and flowering-inductive periods. HPLC was used to fractionate the extracts and radioimmunoassay (RIA) was used for assay of zeatin (Z), dihydrozeatin (DZ), N(6)-(Delta(2)-isopentenyl)-adenine (iP) and their derivatives. Coconut water used in experiments was found to contain high level (>136 pmol ml(-1)) of zeatin riboside (ZR). Protocorms and seedlings cultured in medium with coconut water were found to contain 0.5-3.9 pmol g(-1) FW of the cytokinins analysed. Seedlings (1.0-1.5 cm) cultured in flowering-inductive liquid medium containing 6-benzyladenine (BA, 4.4 muM) and coconut water (CW, 15%) contained up to 200 and 133 pmol g(-1) FW of iP and iPA, respectively. These levels were significantly higher than all other cytokinins analysed in seedlings of the same stage and were about 80- to 150-folds higher than seedlings cultured in non-inductive medium. During the transitional (vegetative to reproductive) stage, the endogenous levels of iP (178 pmol g(-1) FW) and iPA (63 pmol g(-1) FW) were also significantly higher than cytokinins in the zeatine (Z) and dihydrozeatin (DZ) families in the same seedlings. Seedlings that grew on inductive medium but remained vegetative contained lower levels of iPA. The importance of the profiles of iP and its derivatives in induction of in vitro flowering of D. Madame Thong-In is discussed.  相似文献   

The biology of the fruit fly Bactrocera tau, an important horticultural pest, was studied under laboratory conditions at 25°C and 60–70% relative humidity on Cucurbita maxima. The duration of mating averaged 408.03 ± 235.93 min. After mating, the female fly had a preoviposition period of 11.7 ± 4.49 days. The oviposition rate was 9.9 ± 8.50 eggs and fecundity was 464.6 ± 67.98 eggs/female. Eggs were elliptical, smooth and shiny white, turning darker as hatching approached, and measured 1.30 ± 0.07 mm × 0.24 ± 0.04 mm. The chorion has polygonal microsculpturing and is species-specific with polygonal walls. The egg period lasts for 1.3 ± 0.41 days. The duration of the larval period is 1.2 ± 0.42, 1.7 ± 0.48 and 4.0 ± 0.94 days for first, second and third instars, respectively. Pupation occurs in the sand or soil and pupal periods are 7.0 ± 0.47 days. The life cycle from egg to adult was completed in 14.2 ± 1.69 days; the longevity of mated females and males was 130.33 ± 14.18 and 104.66 ± 31.21 days, respectively. At least two to three generations were observed from June 2008 to June 2009.  相似文献   

R M Wartell 《Biopolymers》1972,11(4):745-759
Helix–coil transition curves are calculated for poly (dA) poly(dT) and poly (dA-dT) poly (dA-dT) using the integral equation approach of Goel and Montroll.5 The transitions are described by the loop entropy model with the exponent of the loop entropy factor, k, remaining an arbitrary constant. The theoretical calculations are compared with experimental transition curves of the two polymers. Results indicate that the stacking energies for these two polymers differ by about 1 kcal/mole of base pairs. Also, a fit between theory and experiment was not possible for k > 1.70.  相似文献   

This article reports on the optical properties of Er3+ ions doped CdO–Bi2O3–B2O3 (CdBiB) glasses. The materials were characterized by optical absorption and emission spectra. By using Judd–Ofelt theory, the intensity parameters Ωλ (λ = 2, 4, 6) and also oscillatory strengths were calculated from the absorption spectra. The results were used to compute the radiative properties of Er3+:CdBiB glasses. The concentration quenching and energy transfer from Yb3+–Er3+ were explained. The stimulated emission cross‐section, full width at half maximum (FWHM) and FWHM × values are also calculated for all the Er3+:CdBiB glasses. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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