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Functional redundancy in ecology and conservation   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Jordan S. Rosenfeld 《Oikos》2002,98(1):156-162
Multiple studies have shown that biodiversity loss can impair ecosystem processes, providing a sound basis for the general application of a precautionary approach to managing biodiversity. However, mechanistic details of species loss effects and the generality of impacts across ecosystem types are poorly understood. The functional niche is a useful conceptual tool for understanding redundancy, where the functional niche is defined as the area occupied by a species in an n-dimensional functional space. Experiments to assess redundancy based on a single functional attribute are biased towards finding redundancy, because species are more likely to have non-overlapping functional niches in a multi-dimensional functional space. The effect of species loss in any particular ecosystem will depend on i) the range of function and diversity of species within a functional group, ii) the relative partitioning of variance in functional space between and within functional groups, and iii) the potential for functional compensation (degree of functional niche overlap) of the species within a functional group. Future research on functional impairment with species loss should focus on identifying which species, functional groups, and ecosystems are most vulnerable to functional impairment from species loss, so that these can be prioritized for management activities directed at maintaining ecosystem function. This will require a better understanding of how the organization of diversity into discrete functional groups differs between different communities and ecosystems.  相似文献   

Although the contribution of community members to functional diversity is a key question of conservation ecology, its measurement and interpretation are rather problematic. In this paper, we suggest a novel method for decomposing functional diversity. To do this we consider functional units (i.e. species or a group of species with identical traits) as the functional building blocks of communities. Then we propose the use of a recently developed measure of functional diversity (called modified functional attribute diversity or MFAD) and suggest additive decomposition of MFAD into functional values contributed by the functional units. We point out that functional values are related to changes in MFAD if the functional unit is removed from the community. This property of decomposition allows the quantification of the contribution of community members to functional diversity. By studying artificial and actual communities we compare the performance of our new method with other recently developed contribution measures, which are based on dendrograms and ordinations. Both theoretical considerations and analyses of artificial and actual data sets suggest that the proposed method of calculating functional values expresses more explicitly the contribution of community members to functional diversity and hereby can be used as a simple, yet efficient method for searching for functional keystones in ecological communities or for quantifying the contribution of community members to functional diversity.  相似文献   

Fox's assembly rule, that relative dearth of certain functional groups in a community will facilitate invasion of that particular functional group, serves as the basis for investigation into the functional group effects of invasion resistance. We explored resistance to plant invaders by eliminating or decreasing the number of understory plant species in particular functional groups from plots at a riparian site in southwestern Virginia, USA. Our functional groups comprise combinations of aboveground biomass and rooting structure type. Manipulated plots were planted with 10 randomly chosen species from widespread native and introduced plants commonly found throughout the floodplains of Big Stony Creek. We assessed success of an invasion by plant survivorship and growth. We analyzed survivorship of functional groups with loglinear models for the analysis of categorical data in a 4-way table. There was a significant interaction between functional groups removed in a plot and survivorship in the functional groups added to that plot. However, survivorship of species in functional groups introduced into plots with their respective functional group removed did not differ from survivorship when any other functional group was removed. Additionally, growth of each of the most abundant species did not differ significantly among plots with different functional groups manipulated. Specifically, species did not fare better in those plots that had representatives of their own functional group removed. Fox's assembly rule does not hold for these functional groups in this plant community; however, composition of the recipient community is a significant factor in community assembly.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Extracting functional information from protein-protein interactions (PPI) poses significant challenges arising from the noisy, incomplete, generic and static nature of data obtained from high-throughput screening. Typical proteins are composed of multiple domains, often regarded as their primary functional and structural units. Motivated by these considerations, domain-domain interactions (DDI) for network-based analyses have received significant recent attention. This article performs a formal comparative investigation of the relationship between functional coherence and topological proximity in PPI and DDI networks. Our investigation provides the necessary basis for continued and focused investigation of DDIs as abstractions for functional characterization and modularization of networks. RESULTS: We investigate the problem of assessing the functional coherence of two biomolecules (or segments thereof) in a formal framework. We establish essential attributes of admissible measures of functional coherence, and demonstrate that existing, well-accepted measures are ill-suited to comparative analyses involving different entities (i.e. domains versus proteins). We propose a statistically motivated functional similarity measure that takes into account functional specificity as well as the distribution of functional attributes across entity groups to assess functional similarity in a statistically meaningful and biologically interpretable manner. Results on diverse data, including high-throughput and computationally predicted PPIs, as well as structural and computationally inferred DDIs for different organisms show that: (i) the relationship between functional similarity and network proximity is captured in a much more (biologically) intuitive manner by our measure, compared to existing measures and (ii) network proximity and functional similarity are significantly more correlated in DDI networks than in PPI networks, and that structurally determined DDIs provide better functional relevance as compared to computationally inferred DDIs.  相似文献   

Functional diversity (FD), species richness and community composition   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Functional diversity is an important component of biodiversity, yet in comparison to taxonomic diversity, methods of quantifying functional diversity are less well developed. Here, we propose a means for quantifying functional diversity that may be particularly useful for determining how functional diversity is related to ecosystem functioning. This measure of functional diversity “FD” is defined as the total branch length of a functional dendrogram. Various characteristics of FD make it preferable to other measures of functional diversity, such as the number of functional groups in a community. Simulating species' trait values illustrates how the relative importance of richness and composition for FD depends on the effective dimensionality of the trait space in which species separate. Fewer dimensions increase the importance of community composition and functional redundancy. More dimensions increase the importance of species richness and decreases functional redundancy. Clumping of species in trait space increases the relative importance of community composition. Five natural communities show remarkably similar relationships between FD and species richness.  相似文献   

Functional diversity is hypothesised as being beneficial for ecosystem functions, such as productivity and resistance to invasion. However, a precise definition of functional diversity, and hence a framework for its quantification, have proved elusive. We present a definition based on the analogy of the components of species diversity – richness, evenness and divergence. These concepts are applied to functional characters to give three components of functional diversity – functional richness, functional evenness and functional divergence. We demonstrate how each of these components may be calculated. It is hoped that our definition of functional diversity and its components will aid in elucidation of the mechanisms behind diversity/ecosystem-function relationships.  相似文献   

Functional regularity: a neglected aspect of functional diversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mouillot D  Mason WH  Dumay O  Wilson JB 《Oecologia》2005,142(3):353-359
Functional diversity has been identified as a key to understanding ecosystem and community functioning. However, due to the lack of a sound definition its nature and measurement are still poorly understood. In the same way that species diversity can be split into species richness and species evenness, so functional diversity can be split into functional richness (i.e. the amount of functional trait/character/attribute space filled) and functional evenness (i.e. the evenness of abundance distribution in functional trait space). We propose a functional regularity index (FRO) as a measure of functional evenness for situations where species are represented only by a single functional trait value (e.g. mean, median or mode), and species abundances are known. This new index is based on the Bulla O index of species evenness. When dealing with functional types or categorical functional traits, the Bulla O or any other accepted species evenness index may be used directly to measure functional evenness. The advantage of FRO is that it supplies a measure of functional evenness for continuous trait data. The FRO index presented in this paper fulfils all the a priori criteria required. We demonstrate with two example datasets that a range of FRO values may be obtained for both plant and animal communities. Moreover, FRO was strongly related to ecosystem function as seen in photosynthetic biomass in plant communities, and was able to differentiate sampling stations in a lagoon based on the functional traits of fish. Thus, the FRO index is potentially a highly useful tool for measuring functional diversity in a variety of ecological situations.  相似文献   

The functional feeding response forms of piscivorous fishes used in multispecies and ecosystem modeling have been questioned because they were mostly conjectural or solely based on laboratory studies. Here, we investigate the functional feeding response of seven species of piscivorous fishes on four species of their prey from the northeast US continental shelf using field data that spans 30 years. Our study confirmed that Holling’s types II and III functional responses are the most common functional responses for piscivorous fishes in this region. However, our analyses also revealed that differences exist between piscivorous fishes’ functional responses, and, therefore, combining functional responses of piscivores is probably not appropriate in multispecies and ecosystem modeling. In the absence of specific predator–prey functional responses, we suggest that, for cruising, actively attacking predators, a type II functional response is slightly preferable; for a sedentary, ambush predator, a type III functional response is slightly preferable; at low prey densities for a generic fish predator, a type III functional response should be used; and at moderate to high prey densities, either should work sufficiently. Because we have shown that the functional response of a particular predator to individual prey species varies, these relationships must be further evaluated as we continue to develop and employ multispecies and ecosystem modeling.  相似文献   

The current increase in Gene Ontology (GO) annotations of proteins in the existing genome databases and their use in different analyses have fostered the improvement of several biomedical and biological applications. To integrate this functional data into different analyses, several protein functional similarity measures based on GO term information content (IC) have been proposed and evaluated, especially in the context of annotation-based measures. In the case of topology-based measures, each approach was set with a specific functional similarity measure depending on its conception and applications for which it was designed. However, it is not clear whether a specific functional similarity measure associated with a given approach is the most appropriate, given a biological data set or an application, i.e., achieving the best performance compared to other functional similarity measures for the biological application under consideration. We show that, in general, a specific functional similarity measure often used with a given term IC or term semantic similarity approach is not always the best for different biological data and applications. We have conducted a performance evaluation of a number of different functional similarity measures using different types of biological data in order to infer the best functional similarity measure for each different term IC and semantic similarity approach. The comparisons of different protein functional similarity measures should help researchers choose the most appropriate measure for the biological application under consideration.  相似文献   

Functional diversity: back to basics and looking forward   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Functional diversity is a component of biodiversity that generally concerns the range of things that organisms do in communities and ecosystems. Here, we review how functional diversity can explain and predict the impact of organisms on ecosystems and thereby provide a mechanistic link between the two. Critical points in developing predictive measures of functional diversity are the choice of functional traits with which organisms are distinguished, how the diversity of that trait information is summarized into a measure of functional diversity, and that the measures of functional diversity are validated through quantitative analyses and experimental tests. There is a vast amount of trait information available for plant species and a substantial amount for animals. Choosing which traits to include in a particular measure of functional diversity will depend on the specific aims of a particular study. Quantitative methods for choosing traits and for assigning weighting to traits are being developed, but need much more work before we can be confident about trait choice. The number of ways of measuring functional diversity is growing rapidly. We divide them into four main groups. The first, the number of functional groups or types, has significant problems and researchers are more frequently using measures that do not require species to be grouped. Of these, some measure diversity by summarizing distances between species in trait space, some by estimating the size of the dendrogram required to describe the difference, and some include information about species' abundances. We show some new and important differences between these, as well as what they indicate about the responses of assemblages to loss of individuals. There is good experimental and analytical evidence that functional diversity can provide a link between organisms and ecosystems but greater validation of measures is required. We suggest that non-significant results have a range of alternate explanations that do not necessarily contradict positive effects of functional diversity. Finally, we suggest areas for development of techniques used to measure functional diversity, highlight some exciting questions that are being addressed using ideas about functional diversity, and suggest some directions for novel research.  相似文献   

The relationship between biodiversity and biogeochemical processes gained much interest in light of the rapidly decreasing biodiversity worldwide. In this article, we discuss the current status, challenges and prospects of functional concepts to plant litter diversity and microbial decomposer diversity. We also evaluate whether these concepts permit a better understanding of how biodiversity is linked to litter decomposition as a key ecosystem process influencing carbon and nutrient cycles. Based on a literature survey, we show that plant litter and microbial diversity matters for decomposition, but that considering numbers of taxonomic units appears overall as little relevant and less useful than functional diversity. However, despite easily available functional litter traits and the well-established theoretical framework for functional litter diversity, the impact of functional litter diversity on decomposition is not yet well enough explored. Defining functional diversity of microorganisms remains one of the biggest challenges for functional approaches to microbial diversity. Recent developments in microarray and metagenomics technology offer promising possibilities in the assessment of the functional structure of microbial communities. This might allow significant progress in measuring functional microbial diversity and ultimately in our ability to predict consequences of biodiversity loss in the decomposer system for biogeochemical processes.  相似文献   

We developed functional polymer latex particles that can catch and cleave mismatched DNA selectively and propose a new mismatch detection system using the functional particles. The aimed particles possess two functional units composed of mismatch binding protein (MutS) and an anthraquinone derivative (AQ), a light-activated agent that photocleaves dsDNA. Use of the functional particles made it possible to discriminate complementary and mismatched DNAs and photocleave mismatched DNA selectively. The efficiency of photocleavage of mismatched DNA by the functional particles increased with UV irradiation time. It was also found that the functional particles were reusable and had dissociation constants (K(d)) of 1000 and 68.5 nM for G/C homoduplex and G/T heteroduplex, respectively. Using the functional particles and a dsDNA-binding fluorescent dye, SYBR-Gold, we could construct the system for detection of mismatched DNA that was 40 base pairs. The functional particles prepared in this study will be an absolutely new tool for mismatch detection in DNA diagnosis.  相似文献   

Shifting cultivation is a major form of agricultural practice in most parts of tropical regions worldwide. In places where the bush fallow period is excessively shortened or the period of cultivation is extended for too long, the rate of vegetation recovery and biodiversity on abandoned lands of shifting cultivation would decline. The recovery of the secondary plant communities could even be inhibited for a prolonged period because of grass occupancy. Because of the vital significance of the early recovery communities to secondary succession, we studied the community characteristics of early recovery vegetation on abandoned lands of shifting cultivation in Bawangling of Hainan Island. Measurements were made of the community composition and structure of early recovery vegetation. The sprouting abilities of different functional groups and different species in the same functional group, and the effect of the grass functional group on the composition and quantitative characteristics of tree and shrub functional groups were analyzed. Results indicated that only a few families, genera, or species apparently dominated in the early recovery vegetation on the abandoned lands of shifting cultivation and that deciduous species occurred with a rather high percentage in this early recovery community compared with the natural secondary or old growth forests. Smallsized individuals dominated the woody community. The abundance and basal area of sprouting stems for species in the tree functional group were greater than those of seeder stems, whereas the abundance and basal area of resprouters and seeders for species in the shrub functional group did not differ. The total abundance of stems for the community, stem abundances for species in tree or shrub functional groups, and for seeder or resprouter stems were all negatively correlated with coverage of the grass functional group. The mean sprouting ability in the tree functional group was greater than in the shrub functional group. The sprouting ability for different species in the same functional group was also significantly different.  相似文献   

Plant functional response traits, which consistently respond to the environment, are useful for identifying drivers of vegetation change, particularly in response to disturbance gradients. Similarly, functional diversity indices have proven useful for investigating processes governing community assembly, particularly patterns of functional convergence/divergence. This study investigated the functional ecology of biodiverse, seminatural coastal grasslands (Scottish machair) at the national scale. We examined temporal shifts in functional response traits and functional diversity metrics using a series of null model, multivariate and regression analyses. The aim was to link temporal shifts in traits and diversity metrics to environmental variables in which to gauge the contribution of landuse change to plant functional composition and processes governing plant assembly. We observed significant shifts in the composition of 8 out of 12 functional response traits at the national scale, whereas at the regional scale all traits displayed at least one significant shift. Ordination of response traits found PC axis 1 (accounting for 39% of the variation) to be positively correlated to vegetation height and negatively correlated to specific leaf area, similar to that expected along a disturbance gradient. Significant changes in functional diversity indices were also observed at both national and regional scales, with varying convergence/divergence patterns observed across individual regions. We found functional richness (t = 4.87, p < 0.001) and divergence (t = 9.3, p < 0.001) to increase along PC axis 1, suggesting greater convergence and lower divergence along a disturbance gradient. This study demonstrates the potential for using functional diversity indices in combination with response traits as a sensitive method for detecting landuse change and its impacts on biodiversity. We conclude that landuse change, particularly management declines and intensification is a major driver governing change among the functional composition and functional diversity for machair grasslands, influencing convergence/divergence patterns, and subsequently community assembly processes.  相似文献   

Biotic homogenization, the decrease in beta diversity among formerly distinct species assemblages, has been recognized as an important form of biotic impoverishment for more than a decade. Although researchers have stressed the importance of the functional dimension to understand its potential ecological consequences, biotic homogenization has mostly been studied at a taxonomic level. Here, we explore the relationship between taxonomic and functional homogenization using data on temperate forest herb layer communities in NW Germany, for which taxonomic homogenization has recently been demonstrated. We quantified beta diversity by partitioning Rao’s quadratic entropy. We found a general positive relationship between changes in taxonomic and functional beta diversity. This relationship was stronger if multiple functional traits were taken into account. Averaged across sites, however, taxonomic homogenization was not consistently accompanied by functional homogenization. Depending on the traits considered, taxonomic homogenization occurred also together with functional differentiation or no change in functional beta diversity. The species shifts responsible for changes in beta diversity differed substantially between taxonomic and functional beta diversity measures and also among functional beta diversity measures based on different traits. We discuss likely environmental drivers for species shifts. Our study demonstrates that functional homogenization must be explicitly studied as an independent phenomenon that cannot be inferred from taxonomic homogenization.  相似文献   

Establishing a functional network is invaluable to our understanding of gene function, pathways, and systems-level properties of an organism and can be a powerful resource in directing targeted experiments. In this study, we present a functional network for the laboratory mouse based on a Bayesian integration of diverse genetic and functional genomic data. The resulting network includes probabilistic functional linkages among 20,581 protein-coding genes. We show that this network can accurately predict novel functional assignments and network components and present experimental evidence for predictions related to Nanog homeobox (Nanog), a critical gene in mouse embryonic stem cell pluripotency. An analysis of the global topology of the mouse functional network reveals multiple biologically relevant systems-level features of the mouse proteome. Specifically, we identify the clustering coefficient as a critical characteristic of central modulators that affect diverse pathways as well as genes associated with different phenotype traits and diseases. In addition, a cross-species comparison of functional interactomes on a genomic scale revealed distinct functional characteristics of conserved neighborhoods as compared to subnetworks specific to higher organisms. Thus, our global functional network for the laboratory mouse provides the community with a key resource for discovering protein functions and novel pathway components as well as a tool for exploring systems-level topological and evolutionary features of cellular interactomes. To facilitate exploration of this network by the biomedical research community, we illustrate its application in function and disease gene discovery through an interactive, Web-based, publicly available interface at http://mouseNET.princeton.edu.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Current projects for the massive characterization of proteomes are generating protein sequences and structures with unknown function. The difficulty of experimentally determining functionally important sites calls for the development of computational methods. The first techniques, based on the search for fully conserved positions in multiple sequence alignments (MSAs), were followed by methods for locating family-dependent conserved positions. These rely on the functional classification implicit in the alignment for locating these positions related with functional specificity. The next obvious step, still scarcely explored, is to detect these positions using a functional classification different from the one implicit in the sequence relationships between the proteins. Here, we present two new methods for locating functional positions which can incorporate an arbitrary external functional classification which may or may not coincide with the one implicit in the MSA. The Xdet method is able to use a functional classification with an associated hierarchy or similarity between functions to locate positions related to that classification. The MCdet method uses multivariate statistical analysis to locate positions responsible for each one of the functions within a multifunctional family. RESULTS: We applied the methods to different cases, illustrating scenarios where there is a disagreement between the functional and the phylogenetic relationships, and demonstrated their usefulness for the phylogeny-independent prediction of functional positions.  相似文献   

The relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function has increasingly been debated as the cornerstone of the processes behind ecosystem services delivery. Experimental and natural field‐based studies have come up with nonconsistent patterns of biodiversity–ecosystem function, supporting either niche complementarity or selection effects hypothesis. Here, we used aboveground carbon (AGC) storage as proxy for ecosystem function in a South African mistbelt forest, and analyzed its relationship with species diversity, through functional diversity and functional dominance. We hypothesized that (1) diversity influences AGC through functional diversity and functional dominance effects; and (2) effects of diversity on AGC would be greater for functional dominance than for functional diversity. Community weight mean (CWM) of functional traits (wood density, specific leaf area, and maximum plant height) were calculated to assess functional dominance (selection effects). As for functional diversity (complementarity effects), multitrait functional diversity indices were computed. The first hypothesis was tested using structural equation modeling. For the second hypothesis, effects of environmental variables such as slope and altitude were tested first, and separate linear mixed‐effects models were fitted afterward for functional diversity, functional dominance, and both. Results showed that AGC varied significantly along the slope gradient, with lower values at steeper sites. Species diversity (richness) had positive relationship with AGC, even when slope effects were considered. As predicted, diversity effects on AGC were mediated through functional diversity and functional dominance, suggesting that both the niche complementarity and the selection effects are not exclusively affecting carbon storage. However, the effects were greater for functional diversity than for functional dominance. Furthermore, functional dominance effects were strongly transmitted by CWM of maximum plant height, reflecting the importance of forest vertical stratification for diversity–carbon relationship. We therefore argue for stronger complementary effects that would be induced also by complementary light‐use efficiency of tree and species growing in the understory layer.  相似文献   

Low functional redundancy in coastal marine assemblages   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
The relationship between species and functional diversity remains poorly understood for nearly all ecosystem types, yet determining this relationship is critically important for developing both a mechanistic understanding of community assembly and appropriate expectations and approaches to protecting and restoring biological communities. Here we use two distinct data sets, one from kelp forests in the Channel Islands, California, and one from a global synthesis of marine reserves, to directly test how variation in species diversity translates into changes in functional diversity. We find strong positive relationships between species and functional diversity, and increased functional diversity of fish assemblages coinciding with recovery of species diversity in marine reserves, independent of the method used for classifying species in functional groups. These results indicate that low levels of redundancy in functional species traits exist across a suite of marine systems, and that fishing tends to remove whole functional groups from coastal marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

The potential population and community level impacts of fishing have received considerable attention, but little is known about how fishing influences communities' functional diversity at regional scales. We examined how estimates of functional diversity differed among 25 regions of variable richness and investigated the functional consequences of removing species targeted by commercial fisheries. Our study shows that fishing leads to substantial losses in functional diversity. The magnitude of such loss was, however, reduced in the more speciose regions. Moreover, the removal of commercially targeted species caused a much larger reduction in functional diversity than expected by random species deletions, which was a consequence of the selective nature of fishing for particular species traits. Results suggest that functional redundancy is spatially variable, that richer biotas provide some degree of insurance against the impact of fishing on communities' functional diversity and that fishing predominantly selects for particular species traits. Understanding how fishing impacts community functional diversity is key to predict its effects for biodiversity as well as ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

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