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The apolipoprotein E (ApoE) epsilon4 allele is a major risk factor for neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer's disease. A role for ApoE is implicated in regeneration of synaptic circuitry after neural injury. In the in vitro mouse organotypic hippocampal slice culture system, we previously showed that cultures derived from ApoE-knockout mice are defective in mossy fiber sprouting into the dentate gyrus molecular layer. This sprouting defect was rescued in cultures from transgenic mice expressing ApoE3 under the control of the human promoter and in ApoE-knockout cultures treated with ApoE3-conditioned media. Although the ApoE3 transgene fully restored sprouting, ApoE4 restored sprouting to only 58% of ApoE3 levels. These data indicate that ApoE isoform-specific effects on neuroregeneration may contribute to its genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

The surface of Manduca sexta low density lipophorin (LDLp) particles was employed as a template to examine the relative lipid binding affinity of the 22 kDa receptor binding domain (residues 1–183) of human apolipoprotein E3 (apo E3). Isolated LDLp was incubated with exogenous apolipoprotein and, following re-isolation by density gradient ultracentrifugation, particle apolipoprotein content was determined. Incubation of recombinant human apo E3(1–183) with LDLp resulted in a saturable displacement of apolipophorin III (apo Lp-III) from the particle surface, creating a hybrid apo E3(1–183)-LDLp. Although subsequent incubation with excess exogenous apo Lp-III failed to reverse the process, human apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I) effectively displaced apo E3(1–183) from the particle surface. We conclude that human apo E N-terminal domain possesses a higher intrinsic lipid binding affinity than apo Lp-III but has a lower affinity than human apo A-I. The apo E3(1–183)-LDLp hybrid was competent to bind to the low density lipoprotein receptor on cultured fibroblasts. The system described is useful for characterizing the relative lipid binding affinities of wild type and mutant exchangeable apolipoproteins and evaluation of their biological properties when associated with the surface of a spherical lipoprotein.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that metallothionein (MT)-I and -II promote neuronal survival and regeneration in vivo . The present study investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying the differentiation and survival-promoting effects of MT and a peptide modeled after MT, EmtinB. Both MT and EmtinB directly stimulated neurite outgrowth and promoted survival in vitro using primary cultures of cerebellar granule neurons. In addition, expression and surface localization of megalin, a known MT receptor, and the related lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (LRP) are demonstrated in cerebellar granule neurons. By means of surface plasmon resonance MT and EmtinB were found to bind to both megalin and LRP. The bindings were abrogated in the presence of receptor-associated protein-1, an antagonist of the low-density lipoprotein receptor family, which also inhibited MT- and EmtinB-induced neurite outgrowth and survival. MT-mediated neurite outgrowth was furthermore inhibited by an anti-megalin serum. EmtinB-mediated inhibition of apoptosis occurred without a reduction of caspase-3 activity, but was associated with reduced expression of the pro-apoptotic B-cell leukemia/lymphoma-2 interacting member of cell death (BimS). Finally, evidence is provided that MT and EmtinB activate extracellular signal-regulated kinase, protein kinase B, and cAMP response element binding protein. Altogether, these results strongly suggest that MT and EmtinB induce their neuronal effects through direct binding to surface receptors belonging to the low-density lipoprotein receptor family, such as megalin and LRP, thereby activating signal transduction pathways resulting in neurite outgrowth and survival.  相似文献   

Inheritance of the apolipoprotein E (apoE) epsilon4 allele increases the risk for Alzheimer's disease and may also influence the pathogenesis of other neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The influence of apoE genotype on disease susceptibility must ultimately be explained by the fact that apoE proteins differ in only two amino acids: apoE2 has two cysteine residues, apoE3 has one cysteine residue, and apoE4 has none. We previously reported increased protein modification by the lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), which covalently binds to proteins on cysteine residues, in human ALS lumbar spinal cord. We now report increased levels of HNE-modified apoE in lumbar spinal cord samples from mice expressing an ALS-linked mutation in Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase relative to controls. Studies of interactions of pure apoE proteins with HNE showed that the isoforms differ in the amount of HNE they can bind, with the order E2 > E3 > E4. This correlated with the differential ability of apoE isoforms to protect against apoptosis induced by HNE in cultures of mouse spinal cord motor neurons and by the amyloid beta-peptide in cultures of rat hippocampal neurons. These data suggest that apoE plays a major role in detoxifying HNE, and the differential neuroprotective effect of its isoforms may help explain the relationship between apoE genotype and the susceptibility to neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

New and effective therapeutics that cross the blood‐brain barrier (BBB) are critically needed for treatment of many brain diseases. We characterize here a novel drug development platform that is broadly applicable for the development of new therapeutics with increased brain penetration. The platform is based on the Angiopep‐2 peptide, a sequence derived from ligands that bind to low‐density lipoprotein receptor‐related protein‐1 (LRP‐1), a receptor expressed on the BBB. Fluorescent imaging studies of a Cy5.5Angiopep‐2 conjugate and immunohistochemical studies of injected Angiopep‐2 in mice demonstrated efficient transport across the BBB into brain parenchyma and subsequent co‐localization with the neuronal nuclei‐selective marker NeuN and the glial marker glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Uptake of [125I]‐Angiopep‐2 into brain endothelial cells occurred by a saturable mechanism involving LRP‐1. The primary sequence and charge of Angiopep‐2 were crucial for its passage across the BBB. Overall, the results demonstrate the significant potential of this platform for the development of novel neurotherapeutics.  相似文献   

Liposomes equipped with cellular uptake-mediating peptidic vector compounds have attracted much attention as target-specific drug delivery systems. Aside from the development of the target recognition motif itself, vector coupling to liposomes while conserving the active conformation constitutes an important element in carrier development. To elucidate the most efficient way for adsorptive peptide binding to liposomes, we synthesized and characterized two-domain peptides comprising a cationic sequence derived from the binding domain of apolipoprotein E (apoE) for the low-density lipoprotein receptor and different lipid-binding motifs, that is, an amphipathic helix, a transmembrane helix, single fatty acids or two palmitoyl chains. Peptide properties considered relevant for peptide-liposome complexes to initiate an endocytotic cellular uptake such as lipid binding, helicity, stability of anchorage, bilayer-disturbing activity, and toxicity showed that the dipalmitoyl derivative was the most suitable to associate the apoE peptide to the surface of liposomes. The peptide showed pronounced lipid affinity and was stably anchored within the lipid bilayer on a time scale of at least 30 min. The helicity of about 40% in the lipid-bound state and the location of the amphipathic helix on the liposomal surface provided the prerequisites for interaction of the complex with the cell surface-located receptor. The concentration of the dipalmitoylated peptide to permeabilize neutral lipid bilayers (lipid concentration 25 μM) was 0.06 μM and a 2 μM concentration reduced cell viability to about 80%. Efficient internalization of liposomes bearing about 180 peptide derivatives on the surface into brain capillary endothelial cells was monitored by confocal laser scanning microscopy. The concept of complexation using dipalmitoylated peptides may offer an efficient substitute to covalent vector coupling and a prospective way to optimize the capacity of liposomes as drug delivery systems also for different targets.  相似文献   

Vasonatrin peptide (VNP), a novel manmade natriuretic peptide, is known as a cardiovascular active substance. However, its neuroeffects are largely unknown. Here, cultured dopaminergic neurons from ventral mesencephalon of mouse were exposed to N-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+), and the effects of VNP on the neurotoxicity of MPP+ were investigated. As a result, MPP+ caused injuries in the dopaminergic neurons. VNP significantly reduced the cytotoxicity of MPP+ by increasing axon number and length of dopaminergic neurons, and by enhancing the cell viability. Also, the MPP+-induced depolymerization of β-Tubulin III was attenuated by the treatment of VNP. In addition, VNP significantly increased the intracellular levels of cGMP. These effects of VNP were mimicked by 8-br-cGMP (a cell-permeable analog of cGMP), whereas inhibited by HS-142-1 (the antagonist of the particulate guanylyl cyclase-coupled natriuretic peptide receptors), or KT-5823 (a cGMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor). Taken together, VNP attenuates the neurotoxicity of MPP+ via guanylyl cyclase-coupled NPR/cGMP/PKG pathway, indicating that VNP might be a new effective reagent in the treatment of neuron degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson's disease (PD).  相似文献   

Previously we found that short peptides surrounding major autophosphorylation sites of EGFR (VPEY(1068)INQ, DY(1148)QQD, and ENAEY(1173)LR) suppress phosphorylation of purified EGFR to 30-50% at 4000 microM. In an attempt to improve potencies of the peptides, we modified the sequences by substituting various amino acids for tyrosine or by substituting Gln and Asn for Glu and Asp, respectively. Among the modified peptides, Asp/Asn- and Glu/Gln-substitution in DYQQD (NYQQN) and ENAEYLR (QNAQYLR), respectively, improved inhibitory potencies. The inhibitory potency of NYQQN was not affected by the concentration of ATP, while that of QNAQYLR was affected. Docking simulations showed different mechanisms of inhibition for the peptides: inhibition by binding to the ATP-binding site (QNAQYLR) and inhibition by binding to a region surrounded by alphaC, the activation loop, and the catalytic loop and interfering with the catalytic reaction (NYQQN). The inhibitory potency of NYQQN for insulin receptor drastically decreased, whereas QNAQYLR inhibited autophosphorylation of insulin receptor as well as EGFR. In conclusion, NYQQN is not an ATP-competitive inhibitor and the binding site of this peptide appears to be novel as a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. NYQQN could be a promising seed for the development of anti-cancer drugs having specificity for EGFR.  相似文献   

Soluble amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) exists in the form of monomers and oligomers, and as complexes with Aβ-binding molecules, such as low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (LRP-1) ligands. The present study investigated the effect of self-aggregation and LRP-1 ligands on the elimination of human Aβ(1–40) [hAβ(1–40)] from the rat brain across the blood–brain barrier. Incubation of [125I]hAβ(1–40) monomer resulted in time-dependent and temperature-dependent dimer formation, and the apparent elimination rate of [125I]hAβ(1–40) dimer was significantly decreased by 92.7% compared with that of [125I]hAβ(1–40) monomer. Pre-incubation with LRP-1 ligands, such as activated α2-macroglobulin (α2M), apolipoprotein E2 (apoE2), apoE3, apoE4, and lactoferrin, reduced the elimination of [125I]hAβ(1–40). By contrast, pre-administration of the same concentration of these molecules in the rat brain did not significantly inhibit [125I]hAβ(1–40) monomer elimination. Purified [125I]hAβ(1–40)/activated α2M complex and [125I]activated α2M were not significantly eliminated from the rat brain up to 60 min. MEF-1 cells, which have LRP-1-mediated endocytosis, exhibited uptake of [125I]activated α2M, and enhancement of [125I]hAβ(1–40) uptake upon pre-incubation with apoE, suggesting that [125I]activated α2M and [125I]hAβ(1–40)/apoE complex function as LRP-1 ligands. These findings indicate that dimerization and LRP-1-ligand complex formation prevent the elimination of hAβ(1–40) from the brain across the blood–brain barrier.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1993,330(3):265-269
The mature 19-amino acid STa heat-stable enterotoxin of E. coli has a preceding peptide of 53 amino acids which contains two domains called Pre (aa 1–19) and Pro (aa 20–53) sequences, proposed to be essential for extracellular toxin release by this host. The Pro sequence, however, has been proven not be indispensable for this process since Pro deletion mutants secrete STa. To find out if Pre and/or other unremoved natural STa flanking sequences are responsible for toxin secretion in those mutants we genetically fused mature STa directly to the leader peptide of the periplasmic E. coli heat-labile enterotoxin B-subunit (LTB). Expression of this gene fusion resulted in extracellular secretion of biologically active STa by E. coli independently of natural STa neighboring genetic sequences. Moreover, these results suggest that STa might be able to gain access to the extracellular milieu simply upon its entry into the E. coli periplasm once guided into this compartment by the LTB leader peptide. To test if extracellular secretion in this fashion might be extended to other disulfide bond-rich small peptides, the 13 amino acid conotoxin GI and a non-enterotoxic STa-related decapeptide were cloned. None of the two peptides was found in culture supernatants, in spite of high structural homology to the toxin. Failure to be secreted most likely leads to degradation as peptides were also not detected in bacterial sonicates. We hypothesize that cysteine-rich peptides must have an amino acid length and/or number of disulfide bridges closer to those in STa for them to follow this toxin secretory pathway in E. coli.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E (APOE) has been strongly implicated in the development of diet induced obesity. In the present study, we investigated the contribution of brain and peripherally expressed human apolipoprotein E3 (APOE3), the most common human isoform, to diet induced obesity.In our studies APOE3 knock-in (Apoe3knock-in), Apoe-deficient (apoe?/?) and brain-specific expressing APOE3 (Apoe3brain) mice were fed western-type diet for 12 week and biochemical analyses were performed. Moreover, AAV-mediated gene transfer of APOE3 to apoe?/? mice was employed, as a means to achieve APOE3 expression selectively in periphery, since peripherally expressed APOE does not cross blood brain barrier (BBB) or blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier (BCSFB).Our data suggest a bimodal role of APOE3 in visceral white adipose tissue (WAT) mitochondrial metabolic activation that is highly dependent on its site of expression and independent of postprandial dietary lipid deposition.Our findings indicate that brain APOE3 expression is associated with a potent inhibition of visceral WAT mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, leading to significantly reduced substrate oxidation, increased fat accumulation and obesity. In contrast, peripherally expressed APOE3 is associated with a notable shift of substrate oxidation towards non-shivering thermogenesis in visceral WAT mitochondria, leading to resistance to obesity.  相似文献   

Tapia E  Montes C  Rebufel P  Paradela A  Prieto H  Arenas G 《Peptides》2011,32(9):1909-1916
Antimicrobial peptides (AMP) have been widely described in several organisms from different kingdoms. We recently designed and evaluated a synthetic version of an AMP isolated and characterized from Argopecten purpuratus hemocytes. This study describes the generation of a chimaeric gene encoding for Ap-S, the use of this construct to transform E. coli strain BL21, and the evaluation of the purified recombinant Ap-S (rApS) as an antifungal agent. The proposed gene coding for rAp-S consists of 93 nucleotides arranged downstream from the IPTG-inducible T7 promoter. The best synthesis conditions were obtained after E. coli cultivation at 26 °C for 3 h, which allowed for the production of an rAp-S-enriched fraction containing the peptide at 249 μM. Mass spectrometry analysis of the purified rAp-S (3085.80 Da) showed the addition of a glycine residue on its N-terminal end derived from vector design and peptide purification. The purified rApS fraction was assayed for antifungal activity by direct addition of purified rApS elution to potato dextrose agar media at a final concentration of 81 nM. These assays showed important growth inhibitions of both biotrophic (Fusarium oxysporum, Trichoderma harzianum) and necrotrophic (Botrytis cinerea, Alternaria spp.) fungi in that the hyphae structures and spore count were affected in all cases. The strategy of cloning and expressing rAp-S in E. coli, the high yield obtained and its successful use for controlling pathogenic fungi suggest that this molecule could be applied to agricultural crops using various management strategies.  相似文献   

This study innovates an assessment technique to evaluate heavy metal toxic load (HMTL). Assessment of surface water in Durgapur industrial area, West Bengal India illustrates that heavy metals in majority of sampling locations exceed the drinking water quality standards. Therefore, pollution status and health impact were predicted by heavy metal pollution index (HPI) and hazard index (HI). More than 50% of sampling locations were marked as polluted. Moreover, 5% and 90% of sampling locations near the industries have health risk to adult and child on ingestion. The study of specific exposure-time and exposure-duration affirms the suitability of water for fishing and regular activities. However, HPI or HI does not quantify heavy metal concentrations that pose threat to human health. Therefore, the proposed assessment technique, HMTL, determines the concentration of heavy metals responsible for health hazard. HMTL identifies Mn, Pb, and Co as toxic metals and estimates 85%, 63%, and 70% removal of these metals from surface water to limit pollution. Origins of metals were also investigated through statistical techniques, which revealed that Fe has geogenic and anthropogenic source, while other metals originate by anthropogenic activities solely. This study demonstrates that HMTL will help the planning authority to document effective water quality management plan.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that deprive HDL of its cardioprotective properties are poorly understood. One potential pathway involves oxidative damage of HDL proteins by myeloperoxidase (MPO) a heme enzyme secreted by human artery wall macrophages. Mass spectrometric analysis demonstrated that levels of 3-chlorotyrosine and 3-nitrotyrosine - two characteristic products of MPO - are elevated in HDL isolated from patients with established cardiovascular disease. When apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), the major HDL protein, is oxidized by MPO, its ability to promote cellular cholesterol efflux by the membrane-associated ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) pathway is diminished. Biochemical studies revealed that oxidation of specific tyrosine and methionine residues in apoA-I contributes to this loss of ABCA1 activity. Another potential mechanism for generating dysfunctional HDL involves covalent modification of apoA-I by reactive carbonyls, which have been implicated in atherogenesis and diabetic vascular disease. Indeed, modification of apoA-I by malondialdehyde (MDA) or acrolein also markedly impaired the lipoprotein's ability to promote cellular cholesterol efflux by the ABCA1 pathway. Tandem mass spectrometric analyses revealed that these reactive carbonyls target specific Lys residues in the C-terminus of apoA-I. Importantly, immunochemical analyses showed that levels of MDA-protein adducts are elevated in HDL isolated from human atherosclerotic lesions. Also, apoA-I co-localized with acrolein adducts in such lesions. Thus, lipid peroxidation products might specifically modify HDL in vivo. Our observations support the hypotheses that MPO and reactive carbonyls might generate dysfunctional HDL in humans. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Advances in High Density Lipoprotein Formation and Metabolism: A Tribute to John F. Oram (1945-2010).  相似文献   

High density lipoprotein (HDL) has attracted the attention of biomedical community due to its well-documented role in atheroprotection. HDL has also been recently implicated in the regulation of islets of Langerhans secretory function and in the etiology of peripheral insulin sensitivity. Indeed, data from numerous studies strongly indicate that the functions of pancreatic β-cells, skeletal muscles and adipose tissue could benefit from improved HDL functionality. To better understand how changes in HDL structure may affect diet-induced obesity and type 2 diabetes we aimed at investigating the impact of Apoa1 or Lcat deficiency, two key proteins of peripheral HDL metabolic pathway, on these pathological conditions in mouse models. We report that universal deletion of apoa1 or lcat expression in mice fed western-type diet results in increased sensitivity to body-weight gain compared to control C57BL/6 group. These changes in mouse genome correlate with discrete effects on white adipose tissue (WAT) metabolic activation and plasma glucose homeostasis. Apoa1-deficiency results in reduced WAT mitochondrial non-shivering thermogenesis. Lcat-deficiency causes a concerted reduction in both WAT oxidative phosphorylation and non-shivering thermogenesis, rendering lcat?/? mice the most sensitive to weight gain out of the three strains tested, followed by apoa1?/? mice. Nevertheless, only apoa1?/? mice show disturbed plasma glucose homeostasis due to dysfunctional glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in pancreatic β-islets and insulin resistant skeletal muscles. Our analyses show that both apoa1?/? and lcat?/? mice fed high-fat diet have no measurable Apoa1 levels in their plasma, suggesting no direct involvement of Apoa1 in the observed phenotypic differences among groups.  相似文献   

ObjectiveLiver fibrosis is part of the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) spectrum, which currently has no approved pharmacological treatment. In this study, we investigated whether supplementation of nicotinamide riboside (NR), a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) precursor, can reduce the development of liver fibrosis in a diet-induced mouse model of liver fibrosis.MethodsMale C57BL/6 J mice were fed a low-fat control (LF), a high-fat/high-sucrose/high-cholesterol control (HF) or a HF diet supplemented with NR at 400 mg/kg/day (HF-NR) for 20 weeks. Features of liver fibrosis were assessed by histological and biochemical analyses. Whole-body energy metabolism was also assessed using indirect calorimetry. Primary mouse and human hepatic stellate cells were used to determine the anti-fibrogenic effects of NR in vitro.ResultsNR supplementation significantly reduced body weight of mice only 7 weeks after mice were on the supplementation, but did not attenuate serum alanine aminotransferase levels, liver steatosis, or liver inflammation. However, NR markedly reduced collagen accumulation in the liver. RNA-Seq analysis suggested that the expression of genes involved in NAD+ metabolism is altered in activated hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) compared to quiescent HSCs. NR inhibited the activation of HSCs in primary mouse and human HSCs. Indirect calorimetry showed that NR increased energy expenditure, likely by upregulation of β-oxidation in skeletal muscle and brown adipose tissue.ConclusionNR attenuated HSC activation, leading to reduced liver fibrosis in a diet-induced mouse model of liver fibrosis. The data suggest that NR may be developed as a potential preventative for human liver fibrosis.  相似文献   

N-myc down-regulated gene 1 (NDRG1) is a known metastasis suppressor in multiple cancers, being also involved in embryogenesis and development, cell growth and differentiation, lipid biosynthesis and myelination, stress responses and immunity. In addition to its primary role as a metastasis suppressor, NDRG1 can also influence other stages of carcinogenesis, namely angiogenesis and primary tumour growth. NDRG1 is regulated by multiple effectors in normal and neoplastic cells, including N-myc, histone acetylation, hypoxia, cellular iron levels and intracellular calcium. Further, studies have found that NDRG1 is up-regulated in neoplastic cells after treatment with novel iron chelators, which are a promising therapy for effective cancer management. Although the pathways by which NDRG1 exerts its functions in cancers have been documented, the relationship between the molecular structure of this protein and its functions remains unclear. In fact, recent studies suggest that, in certain cancers, NDRG1 is post-translationally modified, possibly by the activity of endogenous trypsins, leading to a subsequent alteration in its metastasis suppressor activity. This review describes the role of this important metastasis suppressor and discusses interesting unresolved issues regarding this protein.  相似文献   

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