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Verticillium psalliotae isolates Taiw and Thai C are effective parasites of the soybean rust fungus. Cell-free culture filtrates of these fungi, prepared after growth on autoclaved uredospores, contained β-1,3-glucanase, chitinase and protease activities and caused degradations, when rust spores were treated with them for 24 or 72 h. During these lytic processes carbohydrates, amino compounds and N-acetylhexosamine were released. The carbohydrate fraction was composed of mannitol, arabitol, trehalose, glucose and unidentified substances showing low Rf-values during thin layer chromatography. The amino compounds consisted of 10 amino acids (leucine and/or isoleucine, phenylalanine, glutamic acid, valine, arginine, asparagine, glutamine, serine, aspartic acid, histidine) and 5—7 substances which could not be identified. Verticillium lecanii isolate Konz is a weak parasite of soybean rust. During growth on uredospores the fungus produced culture filtrates without chitinase activity and with low total activities of β-1,3-glucanase and protease. Compared with V. psalliotae, culture filtrates of V. lecanii exerted lower lytic activities on soybean rust uredospores. The results are consistent with the aspect that the rapid growth of V. psalliotae on soybean rust fungus is primarily based on the secretion of lytic enzymes which make nutrients available to the mycoparasite.  相似文献   

Two isolates of the mycoparasite Verticillium psalliotae grew rapidly in liquid cultures on autoclaved uredospores of the soybean rust fungus (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd.) as sole carbon source and secreted β-l,3-glucanase, chitinase, and protease activities into the medium. One isolate of Verticillium lecanii grew slowly, failed to produce measurable chitinase activity and secreted lower specific activities of β-l,3-glucanase and protease, compared with V. psalliotae. The tested isolates of V. psalliotae and V. lecanii produced comparable levels of lipolytic activity. Amylolytic activity was secreted by V. lecanii but not by V. psalliotae. The isolates of V. psalliotae and V. lecanii used in our experiments differed clearly in protein and protease pattern, determined by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels. The results indicate that the rapid growth of V. psalliotae on autoclaved uredospores in liquid culture and on uredosori is probably based primarily on nutrients made available to the mycoparasite by activities of β-1,3-glucanases, chitinases and proteases.  相似文献   

Teliospores of the soybean rust fungus (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd.) germinated after treatment with 10—12 wetting and drying cycles at room temperature. Spores swelled, vacuolated and germinated with a slightly curved basidium bearing 1—4 sterigmata with basidiospores. High germination rates were observed when telia were stored at 5 °C for 5—6 months before breaking dormancy.  相似文献   

Walls of uredospores, infection structures, intercellular hyphae and haustoria of the soybean rust fungus (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) were studied by electron microscopy using gold-labeled wheat germ lectin (WGL) and Concanavalin A (ConA) as cytochemical probes. Receptors for WGL (probably chitin) were detected in all fungal walls included in this study. WGL-binding occurred throughout the entire walls (uredospores, appressorial cone, penetration hyphae, haustorial mother cells) or only to the inner wall layers (germ tubes, appressoria, intercellular hyphae).  相似文献   

The development of infection structures by the directly infecting soybean rust fungus of different artificial membranes was followed by light and scanning electron microscopy. On water agar uredospores developed germ tubes without appressoria. On dialysis membranes more than 80% of the uredospores formed appressoria. With low frequencies (1–7%) also primary hyphae and/or penetration hyphae were present. When cellulose nitrate membrane filters with pore diameters ≤ 0.2 μm were used, uredospores germinated but showed a strongly reduced appressoria formation. Membranes with pores ≥ 0.1 μm allowed a development of infection structures similar to that on dialysis membranes. In experiments with paraffin oil incorporated into collodion membranes more than 90% of the uredospores formed appressoria, about 50% of the appressoria developed hyphae. Ungerminated spores and germ tubes always contained 2 nuclei. In fully developed appressoria 4 nuclei were present. Compared with stomata entering rust fungi appressoria formation by Phakopsora pachyrhizi occurred more frequently and seemed to be less dependent on specific stimuli. Moreover, in most cases only few of the appressoria formed penetration or primary hyphae. The induction of these structures seemed to be dependent on further unknown stimuli.  相似文献   

Growth and development of two races of the soybean rust fungus (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd.) were compared on host and nonhost plants. Both groups had several lines of defense, each of which could stop a part of attacking uredospores. Germ tubes and appressoria were produced equally well on hosts and nonhosts. A reduced formation of penetration hyphae contributed to the resistance of nonhosts and resistant host genotypes. In the epidermal cells of wheat and barley leaves, lower frequencies of penetration hyphae coincided with the production of papillae-like structures which were not penetrated. The last line of defense of all nonhosts was localized in the epidermal cell where the growth of the penetration hyphae was arrested definitively. The colony development in these species was suppressed completely. In highly resistant host genotypes the last defense reaction occurred later as a hypersensitive cell collapse which interrupted the growth of the rust colony.  相似文献   

The effect of light on uredospore germination and germ tube growth of Phakopsora pachyrhizi was studied. Frequency of uredospore germination was only partially reduced by high light intensity (> 1,9 * 104 mW * m?2). In uredospores unilaterally irradiated with polychromatic light germ tubes always emerged from the shadowed side. Already developed germ tubes showed a negative phototropic response. Both effects were inducible by low light intensities. Negative phototropism of germ tubes was a blue light effect. Light of 441 nm was more effective than that of 422 nm or 372 nm. Red light (> 600 nm) was ineffective, green light (513 nm) induced medium responses. In half-side illumination studies longitudinal halves of germ tube tips and spores were irradiated under a microscope. The tips of the germ tubes bent into the illuminating beam. In half-side illumination studies germ tubes always emerged from the illuminated spore halves. Under unilateral illumination liquid paraffin reversed this light “polarization” of spores and the negative phototropism of germ tubes. These results suggest that during unilateral illumination spores and germ tube tips act as a lens focussing the light on the wall farthest away from the light source., There, in uredospores emergence of germ tubes is stimulated and in germ tubes growth is inhibited. As a consequence, under unilateral illumination germ tubes emerge at the shadowed side of the spores and grow away from the light.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to quantify the yield loss attributable to soya bean rust, a relatively new disease in Uganda. This was carried out for three consecutive seasons in the central, eastern, northern and western parts of the country, using three commercial varieties (Nam 1, Nam 2 and Namsoy 3) and two elite varieties (UG‐5 and GC‐00138‐29). The commercial varieties recorded higher yield losses (26.9–36.3%) and higher rust severities >50%, whereas the elite varieties recorded lesser yield losses of <10% and rust severities of <30%. Yield losses were highest in the central region (22.9%), and lowest in the northern region (15.1%). Yield losses differed significantly between seasons and were associated with reduction in seed weight and filled pod per plant.  相似文献   

The pattern of development of the floral parts of Longan flower was followed using scanning electron microscope. Floral initiation begins with the formation of calyx protrusions around the floral apex. After the calyx protrusions have appeared, the petal primordia at the base of the floral apex start to appear and then followed by the androecium primordia which appear at the periphery of the floral apex. Gynoecium formation begins much later (at about 30 days after floral initiation). In the male flower, androecium develops normally forming anthers and filaments. Anthers also develop in the female flowers but they are smaller and the filaments much shorter. Gynoecium in the female flower is well developed and when mature it produces a long style, a two-prong-stigma and two ovaries. In the male flower the gynoecium is poorly developed the style is short and the stigma seldom splits. Ovaries are also poorly developed in the male flower. In addition to male and female flowers, Longan also forms a number of abnormal flowers with poorly developed androecium and gyn6ecium. Male and female flowers only become apparent at about 40 days after the initiation of flower differentiation. Prior to this it is difficult to know whether a particular developing flower is going ultimately to become a male or female flower. The formation of abnormal flowers also become obvious' at about 40 days after the initiation of flower differentation.  相似文献   

The pattern of development of the floral parts of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) flower was followed using scanning electron microscopy. Before making scanning electron microscopic observations, specimens were tannin-osmium impregnated and critical point dried. In the bisexual flower, floral organogenesis starts with the formation of protrusions near the floral apex. The two to three protrusions present at the apical region of the floral apex later expand and fuse to form the ovary. At the upper middle region of the ovary another protrusion develops which later becomes the style and the stigma. When the flower matures the tip of the style not only splits but also becomes twisted. On the upper side of the stigma there are numerous papillate cells. These cells are covered with mucilage when fully mature. The development of the filament and anther begins a little bit earlier than the gynoecium. The first sign of androecium development begins when protrusions start to develop around the floral apex. Each litchi flower possesses 6 to 10 anthers. In addition to forming bisexual flowers, litchi also produces a large number of male and female unisexal flowers. But under the scanning electron microscope it is very difficult to distinguish accurately between male and female flowers, because both flowers invariably give rise to some poorly developed organs of the opposite sex. Thus it seems that all flowers in litchi are potentially bisexual and only at the final stage of development (i.e. about 50 days after floral initiation) sex organs fail to develop properly in some flowers.  相似文献   

Deformed leaves of CLRV-infected ash trees exhibited hyperplasia of mesophyll cells, multilayered palisade parenchyma, undulated lower epidermis, and meandering vascular bundles. The development of phloem and xylem cells was greatly inhibited. In tissues from chlorotic ringspots and line patterns, chloroplasts were highly inflated by starch grains and phloem necrosis could be observed. Plasmodesms in these tissues were dilated and revealed enhanced contrast. Fingerlike protrusions of polysaccharidic material enclosed the elongations of plasmodesms. Vesiculated paramural bodies were connected with altered plasmodesms. Virus-like particles could neither be observed in altered plasmodesms nor elsewere in the cytoplasm. Chloroplasts in infected tissues frequently were deformed as a result of cytoplasmic invaginations. The outer chloroplast membrane protruded into the cytoplasm at several locations. Thylakoid membranes were partly dilated.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the head end and surface structure of the cuticle of Syphacia petrusewiczi, S. nigeriana, S. frederici and S. stroma was studied. These species may be easily separated on the basis of the differences in their morphology: S. frederici possesses longitudinal septa on the body surface, a row of denticles on each of the three main teeth, and cervical alae; S. nigeriana has longitudinal septa and denticles but lack cervical alae; S. petrusewiczi has longitudinal septa and cervical alae but lacks denticles; S. stroma lacks these three characters.  相似文献   

The structure of micronemata arising from the surface of the bloodstream form of Trypanosoma gambiense was studied by electron microscopy. In order to produce micronemata, trypanosomes were incubated in either 1) phosphate buffered saline supplemented with glucose (PBSG), 2) immune mouse serum or 3) PBSG after passage through a DEAE-cellulose column. Electron microscopic examination of the parasite revealed the presence of thread-like micronemata arising from the anterior end and from the flagellar pocket regardless of the incubation conditions. Negative staining revealed a distinct peripheral fringe layer with nodular protrusions covering the entire surface of the micronema. The distribution and number of intramembrane particles (IMP) on the P and E faces of the micronema were similar to those of the flagellum of T. gambiense, indicating a close relationship between the membrane structure of the micronema and the flagellum. Micronemata became fragmented and adhered to each other after incubation of the parasite in the media for 12 h. Since micronemata tend to have the characteristics of adhesiveness and fragmentation, fragments of these structures might adhere to various host organs. Dispersal of potential antigenic material might be responsible, in part, for the induction of the host immune response.  相似文献   

The appearance and continuing growth of extracellular material on Streptococcus mutans HS6 cells in sucrose-containing Merthiolated buffer was observed in a scanning electron microscope and was found to be related to the glucan synthesis on the cell and to adherence of the cell to a smooth surface. Cells grown in broth completely deprived of sucrose by invertase (HS6-IV) had a characteristic, slightly rugged surface structure. On incubation of HS6-IV in the sucrose-containing buffer, a few small globular particles appeared on the surface and grew to an irregular shape (globular to fibrilar) after several hours. The increase in the total glucan content of the cells paralleled the growth of the globular material, to which ferritin-conjugated anti-dextran globulin was found to bind. On the cell surface of cells harvested from conventional broth, both small globular and irregular structures, which possibly formed from sucrose in the broth, existed originally and continued to grow during incubation, along with the material newly appearing on the surface. The accumulation of glucan on the cells resulted in their adherence to a glass surface. The inhibition of growth of the extracellular material on the cells by trypsin, dextranase or anti-glucosyltransferase corresponded to the decrease in glucan synthesis and the loss of adhering ability. These results indicated that the material growing on the cell surface was glucan synthesized by glucosyltransferases.  相似文献   

Sulaiman  I. M. 《Annals of botany》1995,76(3):323-326
Scanning electron microscopic studies of seed coat patternswere carried out on 16 populations of the endangered genus Meconopsis,the Himalayan poppy. Two different types of testa can be distinguishedin the five species of Meconopsis (M. horridula, M. paniculata,M. simplicifolia, M. sinuata, M. villosa ) investigated: (a)rugose, and (b) reticulate. The results indicate the absenceof intra- and inter-population variation in all five speciesof Meconopsis. However, seed coat patterns show a marked inter-specificdifference suggesting that they are species-specific.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Himalayan poppy, Meconopsis horridula, Meconopsis paniculata, Meconopsis simplicifolia, Meconopsis sinuata, Meconopsis villosa, endangered species, seed coat patterns, scanning electron microscopy  相似文献   

Morphological changes of the surface of eggs of the silkworm Bombyx mori L. were studied during early developmental stages by scanning electron microscopy. The egg surface was covered with numerous microvilli at least until 4 h after oviposition. At 6 h the microvilli were replaced by ruffle-like microprojections. This suggests that developmental changes of the surface structure may occur without direct influence of cleavage nuclei. Immediately before blastoderm cell formation, microvilli reappeared in the presumptive groove area. The ruffles seen on the apical portion of newly-formed blastoderm cells gradually became flattened, while microvilli developed on the lateral side of the cells. The mode of blastoderm cell formation is different from the typical one seen in most species of insects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The morphology of Blastocrithidia triatomae, when colonizing the rectum of Triatoma infestans, was studied by scanning electron microscopy. The posterior end of the epimastigote's body is tapered and often rolled up. The “straphangers” (cyst stages) are connected with the flagellum by “cytoplasmic bridges”; after “straphanger” detachment these bridges persist as remnants. A comparison of colonization densities of B. triatomae and Trypanosoma cruzi shows that both prefer to colonize the rectal gland, but minor density differences are apparent for B. triatomae in other rectal regions. The colonization density in established infections of B. triatomae is always greater than that of T. cruzi, especially near the midgut exit.  相似文献   

Two crystal forms of calcium carbonate were observed: calcite (utricle) and aragonite (saccule, lagena, endolymphatic sac). The first step in otolith formation is the appearance of organic structures in the macula. The subsequent step is characterized by fast growing primitive crystals with a prismatic habitus that successively transform into adult or mature crystals. With the metamorphosis, the aragonite crystals of the endolymphatic organ show clear signs of erosion that can be related to a process of CaCO3 mobilization from such deposits.  相似文献   

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