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Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O111:NM is an important serotype that has been incriminated in disease outbreaks in the United States. This study characterized cattle STEC O111:NM for virulence factors and markers by PCR. Major conclusions are that STEC O111:NM characterized in this study lacks stx2 and the full spectrum of nle gene markers, and it has an incomplete OI-122.  相似文献   

Cattle are an important reservoir of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O26, O111, and O157. The fate of these pathogens in bovine feces at 5, 15, and 25°C was examined. The feces of a cow naturally infected with STEC O26:H11 and two STEC-free cows were studied. STEC O26, O111, and O157 were inoculated into bovine feces at 101, 103, and 105 CFU/g. All three pathogens survived at 5 and 25°C for 1 to 4 weeks and at 15°C for 1 to 8 weeks when inoculated at the low concentration. On samples inoculated with the middle and high concentrations, O26, O111, and O157 survived at 25°C for 3 to 12 weeks, at 15°C for 1 to 18 weeks, and at 5°C for 2 to 14 weeks, respectively. Therefore, these pathogens can survive in feces for a long time, especially at 15°C. The surprising long-term survival of STEC O26, O111, and O157 in bovine feces shows that such feces are a potential vehicle for transmitting not only O157 but also O26 and O111 to cattle, food, and the environment. Appropriate handling of bovine feces is emphasized.  相似文献   

There is considerable diversity among Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) bacteria, and only a subset of these organisms are thought to be human pathogens. The characteristics that distinguish STEC bacteria that give rise to human disease are not well understood. Stxs, the principal virulence determinants of STEC, are thought to account for hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS), a severe clinical consequence of STEC infection. Stxs are typically bacteriophage encoded, and their production has been shown to be enhanced by prophage-inducing agents such as mitomycin C in a limited number of clinical STEC isolates. Low iron concentrations also enhance Stx production by some clinical isolates; however, little is known regarding whether and to what extent these stimuli regulate Stx production by STEC associated with cattle, the principal environmental reservoir of STEC. In this study, we investigated whether toxin production differed between HUS- and bovine-associated STEC strains. Basal production of Stx by HUS-associated STEC exceeded that of bovine-associated STEC. In addition, following mitomycin C treatment, Stx2 production by HUS-associated STEC was significantly greater than that by bovine-associated STEC. Unexpectedly, mitomycin C treatment had a minimal effect on Stx1 production by both HUS- and bovine-associated STEC. However, Stx1 production was induced by growth in low-iron medium, and induction was more marked for HUS-associated STEC than for bovine-associated STEC. These observations reveal that disease-associated and bovine-associated STEC bacteria differ in their basal and inducible Stx production characteristics.  相似文献   

To identify Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli genes associated with severe human disease, a genomic subtraction technique was used with hemolytic-uremic syndrome-associated O91:H21 strain CH014 and O6:H10 bovine strains. The method was adapted to the Shiga toxin-producing E. coli genome: three rounds of subtraction were used to isolate DNA fragments specific to strain CH014. The fragments were characterized by genetic support analysis, sequencing, and hybridization to the genome of a collection of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli strains. A total of 42 fragments were found, 19 of which correspond to previously identified unique DNA sequences in the enterohemorrhagic E. coli EDL933 reference strain, including 7 fragments corresponding to prophage sequences and others encoding candidate virulence factors, such a SepA homolog protein and a fimbrial usher protein. In addition, the subtraction procedure yielded plasmid-related sequences from Shigella flexneri and enteropathogenic and Shiga toxin-producing E. coli virulence plasmids. We found that lateral gene transfer is extensive in strain CH014, and we discuss the role of genomic mobile elements, especially bacteriophages, in the evolution and possible transfer of virulence determinants.  相似文献   

Novel and as yet rare non-O157 Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) serotypes are emerging in Europe. Two different sorbitol-fermenting STECs, O100:H- carrying the virulence gene stx2 and O127:H40 carrying stx1 and eae genes (found in two related subjects), were isolated from patients’ stool samples. Non-O157 STEC infections in humans are currently under-diagnosed. This report highlights the need for, and importance of, screening for Shiga toxins or serotypes other than just O157.  相似文献   

To examine the dissemination of Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) within cattle groups, dairy calves on two farms utilizing different calf-rearing practices were exposed to a traceable STEC strain. Test strain dissemination differed significantly between farms, with a higher prevalence being associated with group penning. Pen floors and calf hides may be the main environmental mechanisms of transmission. Dairy calf husbandry represents a control point for reducing on-farm STEC prevalence.  相似文献   

Forming biofilms may be a survival strategy of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli to enable it to persist in the environment and the food industry. Here, we evaluate and characterize the biofilm-forming ability of 39 isolates of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli isolates recovered from human infection and belonging to seropathotypes A, B, or C. The presence and/or production of biofilm factors such as curli, cellulose, autotransporter, and fimbriae were investigated. The polymeric matrix of these biofilms was analyzed by confocal microscopy and by enzymatic digestion. Cell viability and matrix integrity were examined after sanitizer treatments. Isolates of the seropathotype A (O157:H7 and O157:NM), which have the highest relative incidence of human infection, had a greater ability to form biofilms than isolates of seropathotype B or C. Seropathotype A isolates were unique in their ability to produce cellulose and poly-N-acetylglucosamine. The integrity of the biofilms was dependent on proteins. Two autotransporter genes, ehaB and espP, and two fimbrial genes, z1538 and lpf2, were identified as potential genetic determinants for biofilm formation. Interestingly, the ability of several isolates from seropathotype A to form biofilms was associated with their ability to agglutinate yeast in a mannose-independent manner. We consider this an unidentified biofilm-associated factor produced by those isolates. Treatment with sanitizers reduced the viability of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli but did not completely remove the biofilm matrix. Overall, our data indicate that biofilm formation could contribute to the persistence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and specifically seropathotype A isolates in the environment.  相似文献   

Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) infections are a critical public health concern because they can cause severe clinical outcomes, such as hemolytic uremic syndrome, in humans. Determining the presence or absence of virulence genes is essential in assessing the potential pathogenicity of STEC strains. Currently, there is limited information about the virulence genes carried by swine STEC strains; therefore, this study was conducted to examine the presence and absence of 69 virulence genes in STEC strains recovered previously from finishing swine in a longitudinal study. A subset of STEC strains was analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to examine their genetic relatedness. Swine STEC strains (n = 150) were analyzed by the use of a high-throughput real-time PCR array system, which included 69 virulence gene targets. Three major pathotypes consisted of 16 different combinations of virulence gene profiles, and serotypes were determined in the swine STEC strains. The majority of the swine STEC strains (n = 120) belonged to serotype O59:H21 and carried the same virulence gene profile, which consisted of 9 virulence genes: stx2e, iha, ecs1763, lpfAO113, estIa (STa), ehaA, paa, terE, and ureD. The eae, nleF, and nleH1-2 genes were detected in one swine STEC strain (O49:H21). Other genes encoding adhesins, including iha, were identified (n = 149). The PFGE results demonstrated that swine STEC strains from pigs raised in the same finishing barn were closely related. Our results revealed diverse virulence gene contents among the members of the swine STEC population and enhance understanding of the dynamics of transmission of STEC strains among pigs housed in the same barn.  相似文献   



In 2008, children playing on a soccer field in Colorado were sickened with a strain of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O157:H7, which was ultimately linked to feces from wild Rocky Mountain elk. We addressed whether wild cervids were a potential source of STEC infections in humans and whether STEC was ubiquitous throughout wild cervid populations in Colorado.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We collected 483 fecal samples from Rocky Mountain elk and mule deer in urban and non-urban areas. Samples testing positive for STEC were higher in urban (11.0%) than non-urban (1.6%) areas. Elk fecal samples in urban areas had a much higher probability of containing STEC, which increased in both urban and non-urban areas as maximum daily temperature increased. Of the STEC-positive samples, 25% contained stx1 strains, 34.3% contained stx2, and 13% contained both stx1 and stx2. Additionally, eaeA genes were detected in 54.1% of the positive samples. Serotypes O103, and O146 were found in elk and deer feces, which also have the potential to cause human illness.


The high incidence of stx2 strains combined with eaeA and E-hyl genes that we found in wild cervid feces is associated with severe human disease, such as hemolytic uremic syndrome. This is of concern because there is a very close physical interface between elk and humans in urban areas that we sampled. In addition, we found a strong relationship between ambient temperature and incidence of STEC in elk feces, suggesting a higher incidence of STEC in elk feces in public areas on warmer days, which in turn may increase the likelihood that people will come in contact with infected feces. These concerns also have implications to other urban areas where high densities of coexisting wild cervids and humans interact on a regular basis.  相似文献   

Pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli, such as E. coli O157:H7, have a low infectious dose and an ability to survive in acidic foods. These bacteria have evolved at least three distinct mechanisms of acid resistance (AR), including two amino acid decarboxylase-dependent systems (arginine and glutamate) and a glucose catabolite-repressed system. We quantified the survival rates for each AR mechanism separately in clinical isolates representing three groups of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) clones (O157:H7, O26:H11/O111:H8, and O121:H19) and six commensal strains from ECOR group A. Members of the STEC clones were not significantly more acid resistant than the commensal strains when analyzed using any individual AR mechanism. The glutamate system provided the best protection in a highly acidic environment for all groups of isolates (<0.1 log reduction in CFU/ml per hour at pH 2.0). Under these conditions, there was notable variation in survival rates among the 30 O157:H7 strains, which depended in part on Mg2+ concentration. The arginine system provided better protection at pH 2.5, with a range of 0.03 to 0.41 log reduction per hour, compared to the oxidative system, with a range of 0.13 to 0.64 log reduction per hour. The average survival rate for the O157:H7 clonal group was significantly less than that of the other STEC clones in the glutamate and arginine systems and significantly less than that of the O26/O111 clone in the oxidative system, indicating that this clonal group is not exceptionally acid resistant with these specific mechanisms.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli O26:H11 strains were able to outgrow O157:H7 companion strains in planktonic and biofilm phases and also to effectively compete with precolonized O157:H7 cells to establish themselves in mixed biofilms. E. coli O157:H7 strains were unable to displace preformed O26:H11 biofilms. Therefore, E. coli O26:H11 remains a potential risk in food safety.  相似文献   

An increase in the number of cases of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O157 phage type 2 (PT2) in England in September 2013 was epidemiologically linked to watercress consumption. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) identified a phylogenetically related cluster of 22 cases (outbreak 1). The isolates comprising this cluster were not closely related to any other United Kingdom strain in the Public Health England WGS database, suggesting a possible imported source. A second outbreak of STEC O157 PT2 (outbreak 2) was identified epidemiologically following the detection of outbreak 1. Isolates associated with outbreak 2 were phylogenetically distinct from those in outbreak 1. Epidemiologically unrelated isolates on the same branch as the outbreak 2 cluster included those from human cases in England with domestically acquired infection and United Kingdom domestic cattle. Environmental sampling using PCR resulted in the isolation of STEC O157 PT2 from irrigation water at one implicated watercress farm, and WGS showed this isolate belonged to the same phylogenetic cluster as outbreak 2 isolates. Cattle were in close proximity to the watercress bed and were potentially the source of the second outbreak. Transfer of STEC from the field to the watercress bed may have occurred through wildlife entering the watercress farm or via runoff water. During this complex outbreak investigation, epidemiological studies, comprehensive testing of environmental samples, and the use of novel molecular methods proved invaluable in demonstrating that two simultaneous outbreaks of STEC O157 PT2 were both linked to the consumption of watercress but were associated with different sources of contamination.  相似文献   

The complexity regarding Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in food safety enforcement as well as clinical care primarily relates to the current inability of an accurate risk assessment of individual strains due to the large variety in serotype and genetic content associated with (severe) disease. In order to classify the clinical and/or epidemic potential of a STEC isolate at an early stage it is crucial to identify virulence characteristics of putative pathogens from genomic information, which is referred to as ‘predictive hazard identification’. This study aimed at identifying associations between virulence factors, phylogenetic groups, isolation sources and seropathotypes. Most non-O157 STEC in the Netherlands belong to phylogroup B1 and are characterized by the presence of ehxA, iha and stx 2, but absence of eae. The large variability in the number of virulence factors present among serogroups and seropathotypes demonstrated that this was merely indicative for the virulence potential. While all the virulence gene associations have been worked out, it appeared that there is no specific pattern that would unambiguously enable hazard identification for an STEC strain. However, the strong correlations between virulence factors indicate that these arrays are not a random collection but are rather specific sets. Especially the presence of eae was strongly correlated to the presence of many of the other virulence genes, including all non-LEE encoded effectors. Different stx-subtypes were associated with different virulence profiles. The factors ehxA and ureC were significantly associated with HUS-associated strains (HAS) and not correlated to the presence of eae. This indicates their candidacy as important pathogenicity markers next to eae and stx 2a.  相似文献   

Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) serotype O145 is one of the major non-O157 serotypes associated with severe human disease. Here we examined the genetic diversity, population structure, virulence potential, and antimicrobial resistance profiles of environmental O145 strains recovered from a major produce production region in California. Multilocus sequence typing analyses revealed that sequence type 78 (ST-78), a common ST in clinical strains, was the predominant genotype among the environmental strains. Similarly, all California environmental strains belonged to H28, a common H serotype in clinical strains. Although most environmental strains carried an intact fliC gene, only one strain retained swimming motility. Diverse stx subtypes were identified, including stx1a, stx2a, stx2c, and stx2e. Although no correlation was detected between the stx genotype and Stx1 production, high Stx2 production was detected mainly in strains carrying stx2a only and was correlated positively with the cytotoxicity of Shiga toxin. All environmental strains were capable of producing enterohemolysin, whereas only 10 strains were positive for anaerobic hemolytic activity. Multidrug resistance appeared to be common, as nearly half of the tested O145 strains displayed resistance to at least two different classes of antibiotics. The core virulence determinants of enterohemorrhagic E. coli were conserved in the environmental STEC O145 strains; however, there was large variation in the expression of virulence traits among the strains that were highly related genotypically, implying a trend of clonal divergence. Several cattle isolates exhibited key virulence traits comparable to those of the STEC O145 outbreak strains, emphasizing the emergence of hypervirulent strains in agricultural environments.  相似文献   

Variations in time and space of a clonal group of Escherichia coli O165:H25 on a cattle farm were monitored. The virulence marker pattern (stx genes, eae gene, hlyEHEC gene, katP gene, espP gene, efa gene) suggests that E. coli O165:H25 of bovine origin may represent a risk for human infection.  相似文献   

An automated fluorescence-based PCR system (a model AG-9600 AmpliSensor analyzer) was investigated to determine whether it could detect Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC). The AmpliSensor PCR assay involves amplification-mediated disruption of a fluorogenic DNA signal duplex (AmpliSensor) that is homologous to conserved target sequences in a 323-bp amplified fragment of Shiga toxin genes stx1, stx2, and stxe. Using the Amplisensor assay, we detected 113 strains of STEC belonging to 50 different serotypes, while 18 strains of non-Shiga-toxin-producing E. coli and 68 strains of other bacteria were not detected. The detection limits of the assay were less than 1 to 5 CFU per PCR mixture when pure cultures of five reference strains were used and 3 CFU per 25 g of food when spiked ground beef samples that were preenriched overnight were used. The performance of the assay was also evaluated by using 53 naturally contaminated meat samples and 48 raw milk samples. Thirty-two STEC-positive samples that were confirmed to be positive by the culture assay were found to be positive when the AmpliSensor assay was used. Nine samples that were found to be positive when the PCR assay was used were culture negative. The system described here is an automated PCR-based system that can be used for detection of all serotypes of STEC in food or clinical samples.  相似文献   

To determine the prevalence of Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in slaughter animals in Dhaka, Bangladesh, we collected rectal contents immediately after animals were slaughtered. Of the samples collected from buffalo (n = 174), cows (n = 139), and goats (n = 110), 82.2%, 72.7%, and 11.8% tested positive for stx1 and/or stx2, respectively. STEC could be isolated from 37.9%, 20.1%, and 10.0% of the buffalo, cows, and goats, respectively. STEC O157 samples were isolated from 14.4% of the buffalo, 7.2% of the cows, and 9.1% of the goats. More than 93% (n = 42) of the STEC O157 isolates were positive for the stx2, eae, katP, etpD, and enterohemorrhagic E. coli hly (hlyEHEC) virulence genes. STEC O157 isolates were characterized by seven recognized phage types, of which types 14 (24.4%) and 31 (24.4%) were predominant. Subtyping of the 45 STEC O157 isolates by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis showed 37 distinct restriction patterns, suggesting a heterogeneous clonal diversity. In addition to STEC O157, 71 STEC non-O157 strains were isolated from 60 stx-positive samples from 23.6% of the buffalo, 12.9% of the cows, and 0.9% of the goats. The STEC non-O157 isolates belonged to 36 different O groups and 52 O:H serotypes. Unlike STEC O157, most of the STEC non-O157 isolates (78.9%) were positive for stx1. Only 7.0% (n = 5) of the isolates were positive for hlyEHEC, and none was positive for eae, katP, and etpD. None of the isolates was positive for the iha, toxB, and efa1 putative adhesion genes. However, 35.2% (n = 25), 11.3% (n = 8), 12.7% (n = 9), and 12.7% (n = 9) of the isolates were positive for the lpfO113, saa, lpfAO157/01-141, and lpfAO157/OI-154 genes, respectively. The results of this study provide the first evidence that slaughtered animals like buffalo, cows, and goats in Bangladesh are reservoirs for STEC, including the potentially virulent STEC strain O157.  相似文献   

The presence of a hemolysin-encoding gene, elyA or hlyA, from Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) was detected by PCR in each of 95 strains tested. PCR products of elyA from human STEC isolates of serovars frequently detected in Germany, such as O157:H−, O103:H2, O103:H−, O26:H11, and O26:H−, showed nucleotide sequences identical to previously reported ones for O157:H7 and O111:H− strains. Compared to them, four elyA amplicons derived from human isolates of rare STEC serovars showed identity of about 98% but lacked an AluI restriction site. However, the nucleotide sequence of an amplicon derived from a porcine O138:K81:H− STEC strain was identical to the corresponding region of hlyA, encoding alpha-hemolysin, from E. coli. This hlyA amplicon showed 68% identity with the nucleotide sequence of the corresponding elyA fragment. It differed from the elyA PCR product in restriction fragments generated by AluI, EcoRI, and MluI. Of the 95 representative STEC strains, 88 produced hemolysin on blood agar supplemented with vancomycin (30 mg/liter), cefixime (20 μg/liter), and cefsulodin (3 mg/liter) (BVCC). The lowest added numbers of two to six STEC CFU per g of stool or per ml of raw milk were detectable on BVCC plates after seeding of the preenrichment broth, modified tryptic soy broth (mTSB) supplemented with novobiocin (10 mg/liter), with 16 STEC strains. These strains represented the seven prevailing serovars diagnosed from German patients. However, with ground-beef samples, PCR was essential to identify the lowest added numbers of two to six STEC CFU among colonies of hemolyzing Enterobacteriaceae, such as Serratia spp. and alpha-hemolysin-producing E. coli. We conclude that preenrichment of stool and food samples in mTSB for 6 h followed by overnight culturing on BVCC is a simple method for the isolation and presumptive identification of STEC.  相似文献   

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