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DNA within a cell is organized with unrestrained torsional tension, and each molecule is divided into multiple individual topological domains. Psoralen photobinding can be used as an assay for supercoiling and topological domain size in living cells. Psoralen photobinds to DNA at a rate nearly linearly proportional to superhelical density. Comparison of the rate of photobinding to supercoiled and relaxed DNA in cells provides a measure of superhelical density. For this, in vivo superhelical tension is relaxed by the introduction of nicks by either ionizing radiation or photolysis of bromodeoxyuridine in the DNA. Since nicks are introduced in a random fashion, the distribution of nicks is described by a Poisson distribution. Thus, after nicking, the fraction of topological domains containing no nicks is described by the zero term of the Poisson distribution. From measurement of the number of nicks introduced in the DNA and the fraction of torsional tension remaining, an average topological domain size can be estimated. Using this logic, procedures were designed and described for measuring supercoiling and domain size at specific sites in eukaryotic genomes.  相似文献   

DNA topology plays a crucial role in all living cells. In prokaryotes, negative supercoiling is required to initiate replication and either negative or positive supercoiling assists decatenation. The role of DNA knots, however, remains a mystery. Knots are very harmful for cells if not removed efficiently, but DNA molecules become knotted in vivo. If knots are deleterious, why then does DNA become knotted? Here, we used classical genetics, high-resolution 2D agarose gel electrophoresis and atomic force microscopy to show that topoisomerase IV (Topo IV), one of the two type-II DNA topoisomerases in bacteria, is responsible for the knotting and unknotting of sister duplexes during DNA replication. We propose that when progression of the replication forks is impaired, sister duplexes become loosely intertwined. Under these conditions, Topo IV inadvertently makes the strand passages that lead to the formation of knots and removes them later on to allow their correct segregation.  相似文献   

Spence JM  Mills W  Mann K  Huxley C  Farr CJ 《Chromosoma》2006,115(1):60-74
Chromosome engineering has allowed the generation of an extensive and well-defined series of linear human X centromere-based minichromosomes, which has been used to investigate the influence of size and structure on chromosome segregation in vertebrate cells. A clear relationship between overall chromosome size and mitotic stability was detected, with decreasing size associated with increasing loss rates. In chicken DT40, the lower size limit for prolonged mitotic stability is approximately 550 kb: at 450 kb, there was a dramatic increase in chromosome loss, while structures of approximately 200 kb could not be recovered. In human HT1080 cells, the size threshold for mitotic stability is approximately 1.6 Mb. Minichromosomes of 0.55–1.0 Mb can be recovered, but display high loss rates. However, all minichromosomes examined exhibited more segregation errors than normal chromosomes in HT1080 cells. This error rate increases with decreased size and correlates with reduced levels of CENP-A and Aurora B. In mouse LA-9 and Indian muntjac FM7 cells, the size requirements for mitotic stability are much greater. In mouse, a human 2.7-Mb minichromosome is rarely able to propagate a kinetochore and behaves acentrically. In Indian muntjac, CENP-C associates with the human minichromosome, but the mitotic apparatus appears unable to handle its segregation.  相似文献   

As rapid divisions without growth generate progressively smaller cells within an embryo, mitotic chromosomes must also decrease in size to permit their proper segregation, but this scaling phenomenon is poorly understood. We demonstrated previously that nuclear and spindle size scale between egg extracts of the related frog species Xenopus tropicalis and Xenopus laevis but show here that dimensions of isolated mitotic sperm chromosomes do not differ. This is consistent with the hypothesis that chromosome scaling does not occur in early embryonic development when cell and spindle sizes are large and anaphase B segregates chromosomes long distances. To recapitulate chromosome scaling during development, we combined nuclei isolated from different stage Xenopus laevis embryos with metaphase-arrested egg extracts. Mitotic chromosomes derived from nuclei of cleaving embryos through the blastula stage were similar in size to replicated sperm chromosomes but decreased in area approximately 50% by the neurula stage, reproducing the trend in size changes observed in fixed embryos. Allowing G2 nuclei to swell in interphase prior to mitotic condensation did not increase mitotic chromosome size, but progression through a full cell cycle in egg extract did, suggesting that epigenetic mechanisms determining chromosome size can be altered during DNA replication. Comparison of different sized mitotic chromosomes assembled in vitro provides a tractable system to elucidate underlying molecular mechanisms.Key words: mitotic chromosomes, Xenopus, egg extracts, intracellular scaling, spindle, embryogenesis, cell division  相似文献   

As rapid divisions without growth generate progressively smaller cells within an embryo, mitotic chromosomes must also decrease in size to permit their proper segregation, but this scaling phenomenon is poorly understood. We demonstrated previously that nuclear and spindle size scale between egg extracts of the related frog species Xenopus tropicalis and Xenopus laevis, but show here that dimensions of isolated mitotic sperm chromosomes do not differ. This is consistent with the hypothesis that chromosome scaling does not occur in early embryonic development when cell and spindles sizes are large and anaphase B segregates chromosomes long distances. To recapitulate chromosome scaling during development, we combined nuclei isolated from different stage Xenopus laevis embryos with metaphase-arrested egg extracts. Mitotic chromosomes derived from nuclei of cleaving embryos through the blastula stage were similar in size to replicated sperm chromosomes, but decreased in area approximately 50% by the neurula stage, reproducing the trend in size changes observed in fixed embryos. Allowing G2 nuclei to swell in interphase prior to mitotic condensation did not increase mitotic chromosome size, but progression through a full cell cycle in egg extract did, suggesting that epigenetic mechanisms determining chromosome size can be altered during DNA replication. Comparison of different sized mitotic chromosomes assembled in vitro provides a tractable system to elucidate underlying molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   

Effects of angiotensins II (AngII), angiotensin IV (AngIV, 3-8 fragment of angiotensin II) and losartan (an antagonist of angiotensin receptor type 1) on the proliferation of adrenocortical cells in ovariectomized rats have been studied. The incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) into cell nuclei was used as an index of cell proliferation. AngIV decreased BrdU labeling index mainly in the reticularis zone and losartan (Los) was able to partially reverse this inhibitory effect of AngIV. AngII had no effect on the adrenocortical cell proliferation when given alone, however Los given simultaneously diminished BrdU incorporation into nuclei of glomerulosa and reticularis zones as compared with AngII. These findings suggest that AngII and AngIV modulate adrenocortical cell proliferation in ovariectomized rats.  相似文献   

Summary It has been found that strains carrying mutations in the dnaA gene are unusually sensitive to COU, NAL or NOV, which are known to inhibit DNA gyrase activities. The delay in the initiation of chromosome replication after COU treatment has been observed in cells with chromosomes synchronized by amino acid starvation or by temperature shift-up (dnaA46). The unusual sensitivity of growth to COU of the initiation mutant runs parallel to a higher sensitivity to the drug of the initiation of chromosome replication.The double mutant, dnaA46 cou-110 has been isolated and mutation cou-110 conferring resistance of growth, initiation and elongation of chromosome replication to COU was mapped in the gene coding for the subunit of DNA gyrase. The reduced frequency of appearance of the mutants resistant to COU, NAL or NOV in the initiation mutant suggests that some mutations in genes coding for DNA gyrase subunits cannot coexist with the dnaA46 mutation. The possible mechanisms of the requirement of DNA gyrase for dnaA-dependent initiation of E. coli chromosome are discussed.Abbreviations used COU coumermycin A1 - NAL nalidixic acid - NOV novobiocin  相似文献   

The meiotic cohesin Rec8 is required for the stepwise segregation of chromosomes during the two rounds of meiotic division. By directly measuring chromosome compaction in living cells of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we found an additional role for the meiotic cohesin in the compaction of chromosomes during meiotic prophase. In the absence of Rec8, chromosomes were decompacted relative to those of wild-type cells. Conversely, loss of the cohesin-associated protein Pds5 resulted in hypercompaction. Although this hypercompaction requires Rec8, binding of Rec8 to chromatin was reduced in the absence of Pds5, indicating that Pds5 promotes chromosome association of Rec8. To explain these observations, we propose that meiotic prophase chromosomes are organized as chromatin loops emanating from a Rec8-containing axis: the absence of Rec8 disrupts the axis, resulting in disorganized chromosomes, whereas reduced Rec8 loading results in a longitudinally compacted axis with fewer attachment points and longer chromatin loops.  相似文献   

We investigated the acute effect of static magnetic fields of up to 8 T on skin blood flow and body temperature in anesthetized rats. These variables were measured prior to, during, and following exposure to a magnetic field in a superconducting magnet with a horizontal bore. The dorsal skin was transversely incised for 1 cm to make a subcutaneous pocket. Probes of a laser Doppler flowmeter and a thermistor were inserted into the pocket and positioned at mid-dorsum to measure skin blood flow and temperature. Another thermistor probe was put into the rectum to monitor rectal temperature. After baseline measurement outside the magnet, the rat was inserted into the bore for 20 min so that mid-dorsum was exactly positioned at the center, where the magnetic field was nearly homogeneous. Post-exposure changes were then recorded for 20 min outside the bore. Sham-exposed animals were submitted to exactly the same conditions, except that the superconducting magnet was not energized. Skin blood flow and temperature decreased significantly during magnetic field exposure and recovered after removal of the animal from the magnet. The rectal temperature showed a tendency to decrease while the animal was in the magnet. The microcirculatory and thermal reactions in the present study were consistent and agreed with some of the predictions based on mathematical simulations and model experiments.  相似文献   

In vitro, little specificity is seen for modulation of effectors by different combinations of Gbetagamma subunits from heterotrimeric G proteins. Here, we demonstrate that the coupling of specific combinations of Gbetagamma subunits to different receptors leads to a differential ability to modulate effectors in vivo. We have shown that the beta(1)AR and beta(2)AR can activate homomultimers of the human inwardly rectifying potassium channel Kir 3.2 when coexpressed in Xenopus oocytes, and that this requires a functional mammalian Gs heterotrimer. Modulation was independent of cAMP production, suggesting a membrane-delimited mechanism. To analyze further the importance of different Gbetagamma combinations, we have tested the facilitation of Kir 3.2 activation by betaAR mediated by different Gbetagamma subunits. The subunits tested were Gbeta(1,5) and Ggamma(1,2,7,11). These experiments demonstrated significant variation between the ability of the Gbetagamma combinations to activate the channels after receptor stimulation. This was in marked contrast to the situation in vitro where little specificity for binding of a Kir 3.1 C-terminal GST fusion protein by different Gbetagamma combinations was detected. More importantly, neither receptor, although homologous both structurally and functionally, shared the same preference for Gbetagamma subunits. In the presence of beta(1)AR, Gbeta(5)gamma(1) and Gbeta(5)gamma(11) activated Kir 3.2 to the greatest extent, while for the beta(2)AR, Gbeta(1)gamma(7), Gbeta(1)gamma(11,) and Gbeta(5)gamma(2) produced the greatest responses. Interestingly, no preference was seen in the ability of different Gbetagamma subunits to facilitate receptor-stimulated GTPase activity of the Gsalpha. These results suggest that it is not the receptor/G protein alpha subunit interaction or the Gbetagamma/effector interaction that is altered by Gbetagamma, but rather that the ability of the receptor to interact productively with the Gbetagamma subunit directly and/or the G protein/effector complex is dependent on the specific G protein heterotrimer associated with the receptor.  相似文献   

Altered body condition, increased incubation costs, and egg loss are important proximate factors modulating bird parental behavior, since they inform the adult about its remaining chances of survival or about the expected current reproductive success. Hormonal changes should reflect internal or external stimuli, since corticosterone levels (inducing nest abandonment) are known to increase while body condition deteriorates, and prolactin levels (stimulating incubation) decrease following egg predation. However, in a capital incubator that based its investment on available body reserves and naturally lost about half of its body mass during incubation, corticosterone should be maintained at a low threshold to avoid protein mobilization for energy supply. This study focused on the regulation of corticosterone and prolactin release in such birds during incubation, when facing egg manipulation (control, reduced, or increased) or a stressful event. Blood samples were taken before and after clutch manipulation and at hatching. Corticosterone levels were determined before and after 30 min of captivity. Female eiders exhibited a high hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal sensitivity, plasma concentration of corticosterone being increased by four- to fivefold following 30 min of captivity. The adrenocortical response was not modified by body mass loss but was higher in birds for which clutch size was increased. In the same way, females did not show different prolactin levels among the experimental groups. However, when incubation started, prolactin levels were correlated to body mass, suggesting that nest attendance is programmed in relation to the female initial body condition. Moreover, due to an artifactual impact of bird manipulation, increased baseline corticosterone was associated with a prolactin decrease in the control group. These data suggest that, in eiders, body mass and clutch size modification can modulate prolactin and corticosterone levels, which cross-regulate each other in order to finely control incubation behavior.  相似文献   

Cryptochromes are blue-light absorbing flavoproteins with multiple signaling roles. In plants, cryptochrome (cry1, cry2) biological activity has been linked to flavin photoreduction via an electron transport chain to the protein surface comprising 3 evolutionarily conserved tryptophan residues known as the ‘Trp triad.’ Mutation of any of the Trp triad residues abolishes photoreduction in isolated cryptochrome protein in vitro and therefore had been suggested as essential for electron transfer to the flavin. However, photoreduction of the flavin in Arabidopsis cry2 proteins occurs in vivo even with mutations in the Trp triad, indicating the existence of alternative electron transfer pathways to the flavin. These pathways are potentiated by metabolites in the intracellular environment including ATP, ADP, AMP, and NADH. In the present work we extend these observations to Arabidopsis cryptochrome 1 and demonstrate that Trp triad substitution mutants at W400F and W324F positions which are not photoreduced in vitro can be photoreduced in whole cell extracts, albeit with reduced efficiency. We further show that the flavin signaling state (FADH°) is stabilized in an in vivo context. These data illustrate that in vivo modulation by metabolites in the cellular environment may play an important role in cryptochrome signaling, and are discussed with respect to possible effects on the conformation of the C-terminal domain to generate the biologically active conformational state.  相似文献   

We have generated a panel of 55 somatic cell hybrids retaining fragments of human chromosome 4. Each hybrid has been characterized cytogenetically by FISH and molecularly by 37 STSs, evenly spaced along the chromosome. The panel can be exploited to map subregionally DNA sequences on chromosome 4 and to generate partial chromosome paints useful in the characterization of chromosomal rearrangements involving this chromosome. Furthermore, a panel of 84 YACs mapping on chromosome 4 has been characterized by FISH. A subset of this panel is recognized by STSs used in the somatic cell hybrid characterization. In this way a correlation between the genetic and the physical maps can be established. These resources have been used to investigate the conservation of the phylogenetic chromosome IV in great apes. The results indicate that all the pericentric inversions that differentiate chromosome IV in these species are distinct and that one of the breakpoints frequently lies very close to the centromere. In 4 instances, the YAC containing the breakpoint was identified. The breakpoint in IVq of PTR and MMU lies in the same YAC, suggesting that this breakpoint has been utilized twice in the evolutionary history of this chromosome.  相似文献   

Inhibitory Fc receptors modulate in vivo cytotoxicity against tumor targets   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Inhibitory receptors have been proposed to modulate the in vivo cytotoxic response against tumor targets for both spontaneous and antibody-dependent pathways. Using a variety of syngenic and xenograft models, we demonstrate here that the inhibitory FcgammaRIIB molecule is a potent regulator of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity in vivo, modulating the activity of FcgammaRIII on effector cells. Although many mechanisms have been proposed to account for the anti-tumor activities of therapeutic antibodies, including extended half-life, blockade of signaling pathways, activation of apoptosis and effector-cell-mediated cytotoxicity, we show here that engagement of Fcgamma receptors on effector cells is a dominant component of the in vivo activity of antibodies against tumors. Mouse monoclonal antibodies, as well as the humanized, clinically effective therapeutic agents trastuzumab (Herceptin(R)) and rituximab (Rituxan(R)), engaged both activation (FcgammaRIII) and inhibitory (FcgammaRIIB) antibody receptors on myeloid cells, thus modulating their cytotoxic potential. Mice deficient in FcgammaRIIB showed much more antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity; in contrast, mice deficient in activating Fc receptors as well as antibodies engineered to disrupt Fc binding to those receptors were unable to arrest tumor growth in vivo. These results demonstrate that Fc-receptor-dependent mechanisms contribute substantially to the action of cytotoxic antibodies against tumors and indicate that an optimal antibody against tumors would bind preferentially to activation Fc receptors and minimally to the inhibitory partner FcgammaRIIB.  相似文献   

Human monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) is a membrane-interacting enzyme that generates pro-inflammatory signaling molecules. For this reason, MAGL inhibition is a promising strategy to treat pain, cancer, and neuroinflammatory diseases. MAGL can hydrolyze monoacylglycerols bearing an acyl chain of different lengths and degrees of unsaturation, cleaving primarily the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol. Importantly, the enzymatic binding site of MAGL is confined by a 75-amino-acid-long, flexible cap domain, named ‘lid domain’, which is structurally similar to that found in several other lipases. However, it is unclear how lid domain plasticity affects catalysis in MAGL. By integrating extensive molecular dynamics simulations and free-energy calculations with mutagenesis and kinetic experiments, we here define a lid-domain-mediated mechanism for substrate selection and binding in MAGL catalysis. In particular, we clarify the key role of Phe159 and Ile179, two conserved residues within the lid domain, in regulating substrate specificity in MAGL. We conclude by proposing that other structurally related lipases may share this lid-domain-mediated mechanism for substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Vein graft failure remains an important clinical challenge, but factors contributing to vein graft failure have not clearly been defined. We investigated the role of the mechanical environment in vein remodeling in an ex vivo perfusion system. Porcine saphenous veins were subjected to five different ex vivo hemodynamic environments, including one mimicking an arterial bypass graft, for one week in order to independently assess the effects of shear stress and pressure on vein remodeling. The extent of intimal hyperplasia decreased with culture under increasing shear stress, with veins cultured under the lowest levels of shear stress exhibiting the greatest ratio of intimal/medial area, 0.15+/-0.03, which was greater than that of fresh veins (0.06+/-0.01, p<0.05). All perfused veins displayed characteristics of both medial hypertrophy and eutrophic remodeling, with those veins cultured under elevated pressures showing greater increases in mass and area than those cultured under venous pressures. Medial area correlated with the average pressure under which veins were cultured (R2=0.95, p<0.001), with veins cultured under bypass graft conditions, which were exposed to the greatest pressure during the one week culture, exhibiting the largest medial area (1.69+/-0.15 mm2), which was significantly greater than that of fresh veins (1.08+/-0.05 mm2, p<0.05). However, pulsatility was not a necessary stimulus for medial growth, as increases in medial area were observed in culture conditions in which steady flow and pressure were present. Our results suggest that pressure and shear stress act independently to regulate vein remodeling, influencing changes in vessel size as well as the nature of the remodeling.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses type IV pili to colonize various materials and for surface-associated twitching motility. We previously identified five phylogenetically distinct alleles of pilA in P. aeruginosa, four of which occur in genetic cassettes with specific accessory genes (J. V. Kus, E. Tullis, D. G. Cvitkovitch, and L. L. Burrows, Microbiology 150:1315-1326, 2004). Each of the five pilin alleles, with and without its associated pilin accessory gene, was used to complement a group II PAO1 pilA mutant. Expression of group I or IV pilA genes restored twitching motility to the same extent as the PAO1 group II pilin. In contrast, poor twitching resulted from complementation with group III or group V pilA genes but increased significantly when the cognate tfpY or tfpZ accessory genes were cointroduced. The enhanced motility was linked to an increase in recoverable surface pili and not to alterations in total pilin pools. Expression of the group III or V pilins in a PAO1 pilA-pilT double mutant yielded large amounts of surface pili, regardless of the presence of the accessory genes. Therefore, poor piliation in the absence of the TfpY and TfpZ accessory proteins results from a net increase in PilT-mediated retraction. Similar phenotypes were observed for tfpY single and tfpY-pilT double knockout mutants of group III strain PA14. A PilAV-TfpY chimera produced few surface pili, showing that the accessory proteins are specific for their cognate pilin. The genetic linkage between specific pilin and accessory genes may be evolutionarily conserved because the accessory proteins increase pilus expression on the cell surface, thereby enhancing function.  相似文献   

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