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Haplosyllis xeniaecola sp. n. is described. It was collected by W. Kükenthal fromXenia viridis (Octocorallia) at Ternate, Molukken Islands.

Mitglied der Taxonomischen Arbeitsgruppe an der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland  相似文献   

The spermatophores of Amblypygi and Uropygi are complicated structurs and vary in different species. In Mastigoproctus, the size and shape of the spermatophores prevent bastardation between M. giganteus and M. brasilianus. Taxonomic and phylogenetical implications are discussed.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary An apochlorotic member of the genus Sphaerellopsis is described, devoid of chromatophores but having an eye-spot and depositing starch. The wide envelope, characteristic of the genus, is only formed in dilute media. When better nourished the cells appear like those of Polytoma. Doubts are expressed as to the validity of green species of the genus differing in minor details.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The olfactory organs of all recent genera from the Actinistia (Latimeria) and Dipnoi (Neoceratodus, Lepidosiren, Protopterus) were studied morphologically, and compared with each other. Whereas the olfactory organ of Latimeria resembles that of the Brachiopterygii, the olfactory organ of the Dipnoi is similar to that, of the Elaemohra.nnhii and ArtinnnfarAraii

Nit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary By comparison betweenParacoccidioides andDelacroixia, the former genus is adscribed to the Family Paracoccidioidaceae (Imperfect Entomophthorales).The relationship between the genera of Entomophthorales is discussed, together with the evolutive trend of the group.

Quest' argomento è stato oggetto di una nota presentata al III Congresso Internazionale di Microbiologia di Rio de Janeiro, Agosto 1950.  相似文献   

The integument of the Kinorhynch Trachydemus giganteus was investigated by means of electron microscope. It was found that the epidermis is composed of individual cells. The cuticle and receptor cells, which in part bear an apical cilium, exhibit arthropod characteristics.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

I. Isépy 《Plant Ecology》1978,37(3):187-189
Zusammenfassung Fünfjährige Dauerbeobachtungen von Transekten und Einzelquadraten an Dolomithängen des Transdanubischen Mittelgebirges (Ungarn) ergaben, daß neben den bereits beschriebenen Rasen-(Festuco-Brometum) und Waldgesellschaften (Fago-Ornetum) eine Übergangszone auftritt, in der montane und subalpine Reliktpflanzen vermchrt vorkommen. Extreme Boden. Mikroklima und Lichtverhältnisse sorgten in dieser Zone dafür, daß sich hier diese konkurrenzschwachen Arten bis heute behaupten konnten.
Summary Five years of investigations on permanent transects and single quadrats in the Transdanubian Mountains (Hungary) showed that a transition zone with many mountain and subalpine relict species occurs between the well-known grassland (Festuco-Brometum) and forest (Fago-Ornetum). Owing to the extreme soil, microclimate and light conditions of the studied dolomite slopes only here these species of low competitive value could survive.

Nomenklatur nach Sóo (1964–1972).

Contribution to the Symposium of the Working Group for Succession Research on Permanent Plots, held at Yerseke, the Netherlands, October 1975.  相似文献   

The olfactory organ of the Polypteridae (Brachiopterygii) was studied histologically. It differs fundamentally from the olfactory organ of the Teleostei (Actinopterygii) and resembles that of Latimeria (Crossopterygii). The size of the olfactory organ indicates that the Polypteridae are macrosmatic.

Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary We deal with a new variety ofAspergillus which we callAspergillus gracilis Bainiervar. sartoryi (Biourge) Batista, Lima and Vital.This variety appears to be very important under the phylogenetic point of view, apparently being an intermediate form betweenAspergillus andPenicillium.Its morphology resemblesA. gracilis but the conidia characteristics are distinct; we took the epithetsartoryi fromA. sartoryi Biourge which was not described by the respective author.We suggest, too, the transfer of the seriesA. restrictus, where we put our new variety, from the groupA. glaucus, to become independant, as a connective series in the phylogenetic development betweenAspergillus andPenicillium, since the type of the series and the other elements that it embraces does not produce sclerotia or cleistothecia and the conidial apparatus offers curious similarity toPenicillium. Besides, some fungi of the series grow well in certain culture media, in complete discordance with the members of the groupA. glaucus.

Publiçacão no 4

Chefe do Instituto de Micologia;

Diretor do Instituto de Antibióticos e Prof. de Microbiologia da Escola de Química;

Assistente micologista do Instituto de Micologia — (Todos da Universidade do Recife).

Os autores declinam o seu agradecimento ao Dr.Heraldo da Silva maia, Assistente micologista eD. Marilene Maranhão Moreira, Auxiliar-Técnico, do Instituto de Micologia, pela colaboração que lhes prestaram, durante a realização do presente trabalho.  相似文献   

Summary The procedure which leads to the restoration of the diploid chromosomal number in the egg of the parthenogenetic Luffia ferchaultella is similar in all the eggs laid by one female. But it may vary in the eggs of closely related females (mother and daughters or sisters). Therefore it is not a characteristic of the parthenogenetic strain.

Au Professeur Bauer, en témoignage d'admiration.

Travail subventionné par le Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the cerebral gland of the fresh water snail Planorbarius corneus has been described. The apical cell surfaces of the epithelium bordering the lumen are covered with short microvilli and in some parts with cilia. There is a remarkable enlargement of the basal surface of those cells underlying the perineurium by long branched cell processes. The fine structure and density of the substances in the lumen differ; inclusions of paracrystallin structure are found. The possible functional significance of these organs in Pulmonates is discussed.

Frau Prof. Dr. B. Scharrer zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The circulatory system of the leech Hirudo medicinalis was investigated by means of the latex method and in vivo experiments. For the first time the vascular configuration of the suckers and nephridia, and a unidirectional blood flow in all vessels are demonstrated.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The larvae of Cerura vinula L. and Notodonta anceps Goeze secrete formic acid for defence. The glandular protective system which forms the acid and changes of the cell structure were studied with the light-microscope.

Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das Organon vasculosum hypothalami von Rana temporaria wurde licht-, fluoreszenz- und elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Es besteht aus einem kleinen Kerngebiet catecholaminhaltiger Nervenzellen, deren apikale Zellausläufer das Ependym durchbrechen und im Ventrikel ein Geflecht bilden.
The fine structure of the organon vasculosum hypothalami of the frog (Rana temporaria)
Summary The organon vasculosum hypothalami of Rana temporaria was investigated with the light-, fluorescence-, and electron microscope. It consists of a small nucleus of catecholamine containing nerve cells, the apical processes of which perforate the ependymal lining and form an intraventricular plexus.

Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary Gordius vespae vulgaris Baird, 1853, is suppressed as a synonym ofMermis pachysoma Linstow, 1905.M. pachysoma is transferred to the collective groupAgamomermis Stiles, 1903. Examination of the head of the species revealed 16 papillae in six groups and small vase-shaped amphids.
Zusammenfassung In dieser Arbeit istGordius vespae vulgaris Baird, 1853 als ein Synonym vonMermis pachysoma Linstow, 1905, beschrieben.M. pachysoma Linstow ist in die kollektive GattungAgamomermis Stiles, 1903 gestellt. Sechzehn Papillen in sechs Gruppen und kleinen vasenförmigen Amphiden waren auf dem Kopf des Artes gefunden.

Sommaire Gordius vespæ vulgaris Baird, 1853, est un synonyme deMermis pachysoma Linstow, 1905.M. pachysoma est transféré au genre collectifAgamomermis Stiles, 1903. On rencontre sur la tête de cet animal 16 papilles réparties en 6 groupes et de patites amphides en forme de vase.

Contribution No. 3814, Entomology Division, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada.  相似文献   

The nervous systems of the cercaria of Catatropis indica and of the adult Diaschistorchis multitesticularis are described. Ganglion cells, myoblasts and large cells of unknown nature in Diaschistorchis are described and figured.

Für technische Hilfe danke ich Miss Lilian Liz, Mr. Teh Kox Leng und Mr. K. Balakrishnan. Durchgeführt im Zoology Department, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The histological larval anatomy of Oxygyrus keraudreni Lesueur, Carinaria lamarcki Péron and Lesueur, Pterotrachea coronata Forskal and Firoloida desmaresti Lesuour relating to the veliger organisation of Atlanta is described at the stages close to the metamorphosis.

Contribution n° 50 du Groupe Scientifique du Centre Océanologique de Bretagne.  相似文献   

Summary The authors describe an investigation of the occurrence ofSalmonella among animals in Aruba in 1954/55, embracing both slaughter cattle (beef and goats) imported from various countries, as well as indigenous animals (goats, sheep, pigs, dogs, cats, canaries and mice). The results of these investigations are summarized in Table 6. Although only one subculture was examined as a rule, no less than 32 differentSalmonella species were found.
Zusammenfassung Die verfasser beschreiben eine Untersuchung über das Vorkommen vonSalmonella bei Tieren auf der Insel Aruba w?hrend der Jahre 1954/55. Es handelt sich hierbei sowohl um importierte Tiere (Rinder und Ziegen) aus verschiedenen L?ndern, als um auf der Insel lebende Tiere (Ziegen, Schafe, Schweine, Hunde, Katzen, Kanariev?gel und M?use). Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen sind in Tabelle 6 zusammengefasst. Obwohl meist nur eine Subkultur untersucht wurde, konnten doch nicht weniger als 32Salmonella-Typen isoliert werden.

Resumen Los autores describen una investigación referente a casos deSalmonella presenciados en animales de Aruba, durante 1954/55, en que fueron implicados tanto reses de matanza (incluyendo vacunos y cabras), cuya importanción procedía de varios países, como animales procedentes del suelo aborigen (cabras, carneros, cerdos, perros, gatos, canarios y ratones). Los resultados obtenidos a raíz de estas investigaciónes quedan resumidos en la Tabla No. 6. Aunque, por regla general, se examinó un solo subcultivo, no fueron encontrados nada menos que 32 tipos diferentes deSalmonella

Résumé Les auteurs décrivent un examen de la présence duSalmonella dans les animaux de l'?le d'Aruba en 1954/55. Les animaux étaient d'une part d'origine étrangère (des bovins et des chèvres) et d'autre part d'origine intérieure (des chèvres, des brebis, des porcs, des chiens, des chats, des canaris et des souris). Les résultats de cettes recherches sont résumés dans la table 6. Bien que le plus souvent seulement une subculture f?t examinée, non moins que 32 différents types deSalmonella furent isolés.

Formerly Director of the Veterinary Department, Aruba (Netherlands Antilles)

Director: Prof. Dr.F. C. Kraneveld

Head: Dr.A. Clarenburg  相似文献   

From the Elbe estuary and the adjacent North Sea coast, 19 species ofVaucheria are on record. Their horizontal and vertical distribution pattern as well as their association with macrophyte communities are described. With regard to ecological salinity tolerance and distribution below or above mean high water, 7 ecological groups ofVaucheria species are defined. Dominating species which form extensive algal mats in the upper eulittoral zone areVaucheria compacta var.dulcis (freshwater and oligohalinic section of the estuary),V. compacta var.compacta (mesohalinic section) andV. velutina together withV. subsimplex (polyhalinic and euhalinic section). The rare speciesV. vipera is recorded for the first time from the German coast.

Herrn Dr. Dr. h. c. Peter Kornmann zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Adressat für Sonderdruckwünsche: Prof. Dr. L. Kies.  相似文献   

Dr. Günther Werz 《Planta》1964,63(4):366-381
Summary The genesis of dictyosomes has been studied on nucleate and enucleateAcetabularia cells.Dictyosomes differentiatede novo from prestages, the perinuclear bodies, which are synthesized under the actions of nuclear ribonucleoprotein. Consequently the formation of dictyosomes is nucleus (DNA) dependent.This was shown by experiments using actinomycin and puromycin and by experiments on darkened and enucleate cells.There is a relationship between dictyosome structure and function and the morphogenetic activities of a cell.

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