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The Streptomyces glaucescens beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) synthase III (KASIII) initiates straight- and branched-chain fatty acid biosynthesis by catalyzing the decarboxylative condensation of malonyl-ACP with different acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) primers. This KASIII has one cysteine residue, which is critical for forming an acyl-enzyme intermediate in the first step of the process. Three mutants (Cys122Ala, Cys122Ser, Cys122Gln) were created by site-directed mutagenesis. Plasmid-based expression of these mutants in S. glaucescens resulted in strains which generated 75 (Cys122Ala) to 500% (Cys122Gln) more straight-chain fatty acids (SCFA) than the corresponding wild-type strain. In contrast, plasmid-based expression of wild-type KASIII had no effect on fatty acid profiles. These observations are attributed to an uncoupling of the condensation and decarboxylation activities in these mutants (malonyl-ACP is thus converted to acetyl-ACP, a SCFA precursor). Incorporation experiments with perdeuterated acetic acid demonstrated that 9% of the palmitate pool of the wild-type strain was generated from an intact D(3) acetyl-CoA starter unit, compared to 3% in a strain expressing the Cys122Gln KASIII. These observations support the intermediacy of malonyl-ACP in generating the SCFA precursor in a strain expressing this mutant. To study malonyl-ACP decarboxylase activity in vitro, the KASIII mutants were expressed and purified as His-tagged proteins in Escherichia coli and assayed. In the absence of the acyl-CoA substrate the Cys122Gln mutant and wild-type KASIII were shown to have comparable decarboxylase activities in vitro. The Cys122Ala mutant exhibited higher activity. This activity was inhibited for all enzymes by the presence of high concentrations of isobutyryl-CoA (>100 microM), a branched-chain fatty acid biosynthetic precursor. Under these conditions the mutant enzymes had no activity, while the wild-type enzyme functioned as a ketoacyl synthase. These observations indicate the likely upper and lower limits of isobutyryl-CoA and related acyl-CoA concentrations within S. glaucescens.  相似文献   

beta-Ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase III (FabH) is a condensing enzyme that plays central roles in fatty acid biosynthesis. Three-dimensional structures of E. coli FabH in the presence and absence of ligands have been refined to 1.46 A resolution. The structures of improved accuracy revealed detailed interactions involved in ligand binding. These structures also provided new insights into the FabH mechanism, e.g. the possible role of a water or hydroxyl anion in Cys112 deprotonation. A structure of the apo enzyme uncovered large conformational changes in the active site, exemplified by the disordering of four essential loops (84-86, 146-152, 185-217 and 305-307) and the movement of catalytic residues (Cys112 and His244). The disordering of the loops leads to greater than 50 % reduction in the FabH dimer interface, suggesting a dynamic nature for an unusually large portion of the dimer interface. The existence of a large solvent-accessible channel in the dimer interface as well as two cis-peptides (cis-Pro88 and cis-Phe308) in two of the disordered loops may explain the observed structural instabilities.  相似文献   

Mycolic acids (alpha-alkyl-beta-hydroxy long chain fatty acids) cover the surface of mycobacteria, and inhibition of their biosynthesis is an established mechanism of action for several key front-line anti-tuberculosis drugs. In mycobacteria, long chain acyl-CoA products (C(14)-C(26)) generated by a type I fatty-acid synthase can be used directly for the alpha-branch of mycolic acid or can be extended by a type II fatty-acid synthase to make the meromycolic acid (C(50)-C(56)))-derived component. An unusual Mycobacterium tuberculosis beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) synthase III (mtFabH) has been identified, purified, and shown to catalyze a Claisen-type condensation between long chain acyl-CoA substrates such as myristoyl-CoA (C(14)) and malonyl-ACP. This enzyme, presumed to play a key role in initiating meromycolic acid biosynthesis, was crystallized, and its structure was determined at 2.1-A resolution. The mtFabH homodimer is closely similar in topology and active-site structure to Escherichia coli FabH (ecFabH), with a CoA/malonyl-ACP-binding channel leading from the enzyme surface to the buried active-site cysteine residue. Unlike ecFabH, mtFabH contains a second hydrophobic channel leading from the active site. In the ecFabH structure, this channel is blocked by a phenylalanine residue, which constrains specificity to acetyl-CoA, whereas in mtFabH, this residue is a threonine, which permits binding of longer acyl chains. This same channel in mtFabH is capped by an alpha-helix formed adjacent to a 4-amino acid sequence insertion, which limits bound acyl chain length to 16 carbons. These observations offer a molecular basis for understanding the unusual substrate specificity of mtFabH and its probable role in regulating the biosynthesis of the two different length acyl chains required for generation of mycolic acids. This mtFabH presents a new target for structure-based design of novel antimycobacterial agents.  相似文献   

Thiolactomycin [(4S)(2E,5E)-2,4,6-trimethyl-3-hydroxy-2,5,7-octatriene- 4-thiolide] (TLM) is a unique antibiotic structure that inhibits dissociated type II fatty acid synthase systems but not the multifunctional type I fatty acid synthases found in mammals. We screened an Escherichia coli genomic library for recombinant plasmids that impart TLM resistance to a TLM-sensitive strain of E. coli K-12. Nine independent plasmids were isolated, and all possessed a functional beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase I gene (fabB) based on their restriction enzyme maps and complementation of the temperature-sensitive growth of a fabB15(Ts) mutant. A plasmid (pJTB3) was constructed that contained only the fabB open reading frame. This plasmid conferred TLM resistance, complemented the fabB(Ts) mutation, and directed the overproduction of synthase I activity. TLM selectively inhibited unsaturated fatty acid synthesis in vivo; however, synthase I was not the only TLM target, since supplementation with oleate to circumvent the cellular requirement for an active synthase I did not confer TLM resistance. Overproduction of the FabB protein resulted in TLM-resistant fatty acid biosynthesis in vivo and in vitro. These data show that beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase I is a major target for TLM and that increased expression of this condensing enzyme is one mechanism for acquiring TLM resistance. However, extracts from a TLM-resistant mutant (strain CDM5) contained normal levels of TLM-sensitive synthase I activity, illustrating that there are other mechanisms of TLM resistance.  相似文献   

A universal set of genes encodes the components of the dissociated, type II, fatty acid synthase system that is responsible for producing the multitude of fatty acid structures found in bacterial membranes. We examined the biochemical basis for the production of branched-chain fatty acids by gram-positive bacteria. Two genes that were predicted to encode homologs of the beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase III of Escherichia coli (eFabH) were identified in the Bacillus subtilis genome. Their protein products were expressed, purified, and biochemically characterized. Both B. subtilis FabH homologs, bFabH1 and bFabH2, carried out the initial condensation reaction of fatty acid biosynthesis with acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) as a primer, although they possessed lower specific activities than eFabH. bFabH1 and bFabH2 also utilized iso- and anteiso-branched-chain acyl-CoA primers as substrates. eFabH was not able to accept these CoA thioesters. Reconstitution of a complete round of fatty acid synthesis in vitro with purified E. coli proteins showed that eFabH was the only E. coli enzyme incapable of using branched-chain substrates. Expression of either bFabH1 or bFabH2 in E. coli resulted in the appearance of a branched-chain 17-carbon fatty acid. Thus, the substrate specificity of FabH is an important determinant of branched-chain fatty acid production.  相似文献   

Acyl carrier protein (ACP) is a required cofactor for fatty acid synthesis in Escherichia coli. Mutants lacking beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase II activity (fabF1 or fabF3) possessed a different molecular species of ACP (F-ACP) that was separated from the normal form of the protein by conformationally sensitive gel electrophoresis. Synthase I mutants contained the normal protein. Complementation of fabF1 mutants with an F' factor harboring the wild-type synthase II allele resulted in the appearance of normal ACP, whereas complementation with an F' possessing the fabF2 allele (a mutation that produces a synthase II enzyme with altered catalytic activity) resulted in the production of both forms of ACP. The structural difference between F-ACP and ACP persisted after the removal of the 4'-phosphopantetheine prosthetic group, and both forms of the protein had identical properties in an in vitro fatty acid synthase assay. Both ACP and F-ACP were purified to homogeneity, and their primary amino acid sequences were determined. The two ACP species were identical but differed from the sequence reported for E. coli E-15 ACP in that an Asn instead of an Asp was at position 24 and an Ile instead of a Val was at position 43. Therefore, F-ACP appears to be a modification of ACP that is detected when beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase II activity is impaired.  相似文献   

Assays of beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthases III (KASIII; FabH), a key enzyme initiating bacterial type II fatty acid biosynthesis, usually involve incubation of radiolabeled acetyl-coenzyme A and malonyl-acyl carrier protein (MACP). The radiolabeled acetoacetyl-ACP product is precipitated and separated from the substrate before quantitation. We have developed a scintillation proximity assay (SPA) where use of biotinylated MACP (BMACP) allows the generation of a biotinylated acetoacetyl-ACP. This product, when captured by the streptavidin-coated scintillant-impregnated microspheres, generates an SPA signal. A BMACP K(m) of 7.1 microM was determined using this SPA with the Streptomyces glaucescens FabH. A similar MACP K(m) (6 microM) was determined in a precipitation assay, demonstrating that BMACP is an effective substrate for FabH. IC(50) values of 15.2 microM (SPA) and 24.8 microM were obtained with iodoacetamide and the S. glaucescens FabH. Comparable IC(50) values of 160 microM (SPA) and 125 microM were also obtained with the antibiotic thiolactomycin and the Escherichia coli FabH. These observations demonstrate that FabH inhibitors can be readily detected using a SPA with BMACP and that the effectiveness of inhibitors in the SPA is comparable to that obtained using MACP and a standard TCA precipitation assay. A FabH SPA adaptable to high-throughput screening should facilitate the discovery of potential novel antibiotics.  相似文献   

In the biosynthesis of fatty acids, the beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) synthases catalyze chain elongation by the addition of two-carbon units derived from malonyl-ACP to an acyl group bound to either ACP or CoA. The enzyme is a possible drug target for treatment of certain cancers and for tuberculosis. The crystal structure of the complex of the enzyme from Escherichia coli, and the fungal mycotoxin cerulenin reveals that the inhibitor is bound in a hydrophobic pocket formed at the dimer interface. Cerulenin is covalently attached to the active site cysteine through its C2 carbon atom. The fit of the inhibitor to the active site is not optimal, and there is thus room for improvement through structure based design.  相似文献   

Beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase III (FabH), the most divergent member of the family of condensing enzymes, is a key catalyst in bacterial fatty acid biosynthesis and a promising target for novel antibiotics. We report here the crystal structures of FabH determined in the presence and absence of acetyl-CoA. These structures display a fold that is common for condensing enzymes. The observed acetylation of Cys(112) proves its catalytic role and clearly defines the primer binding pocket. Modeling based on a bound CoA molecule suggests catalytic roles for His(244) and Asn(274). The structures provide the molecular basis for FabH substrate specificity and reaction mechanism and are important for structure-based design of novel antibiotics.  相似文献   

The enzyme FabH catalyzes the initial step of fatty acid biosynthesis via a type II fatty acid synthase. The pivotal role of this essential enzyme combined with its unique structural features and ubiquitous occurrence in bacteria has made it an attractive new target for the development of antibacterial and antiparasitic compounds. Predictive hologram quantitative structure activity relationship (HQSAR) model was developed for a series of benzoylamino benzoic acid derivatives acting as FabH inhibitor. The best HQSAR model was generated using atoms and bond types as fragment distinction and 4-7 as fragment size showing cross-validated q2 value of 0.678 and conventional r2 value of 0.920. The predictive ability of the model was validated by an external test set of 6 compounds giving satisfactory predictive r2 value of 0.82. The contribution maps obtained from this model were used to explain the individual atomic contributions to the overall activity. It was confirmed from the contribution map that both ring A and ring C play a vital role for activity. Moreover hydroxyl substitution in the ortho position of ring A is favorable for better inhibitory activity. Therefore the information derived from the contribution map can be used to design potent FabH inhibitors.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model of the Streptomyces coelicolor actinorhodin beta-ketoacyl synthase (Act KS) was constructed based on the X-ray crystal structure of the related Escherichia coli fatty acid synthase condensing enzyme beta-ketoacyl synthase II, revealing a similar catalytic active site organization in these two enzymes. The model was assessed by site-directed mutagenesis of five conserved amino acid residues in Act KS that are in close proximity to the Cys169 active site. Three substitutions completely abrogated polyketide biosynthesis, while two replacements resulted in significant reduction in polyketide production. (3)H-cerulenin labeling of the various Act KS mutant proteins demonstrated that none of the amino acid replacements affected the formation of the active site nucleophile.  相似文献   

The beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthases are members of the thiolase superfamily and are key regulators of bacterial fatty acid synthesis. As essential components of the bacterial lipid metabolic pathway, they are an attractive target for antibacterial drug discovery. We have determined the 1.3 A resolution crystal structure of the beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase II (FabF) from the pathogenic organism Streptococcus pneumoniae. The protein adopts a duplicated betaalphabetaalphabetaalphabetabeta fold, which is characteristic of the thiolase superfamily. The two-fold pseudosymmetry is broken by the presence of distinct insertions in the two halves of the protein. These insertions have evolved to bind the specific substrates of this particular member of the thiolase superfamily. Docking of the pantetheine moiety of the substrate identifies the loop regions involved in substrate binding and indicates roles for specific, conserved residues in the substrate binding tunnel. The active site triad of this superfamily is present in spFabF as His 303, His 337, and Cys 164. Near the active site is an ion pair, Glu 346 and Lys 332, that is conserved in the condensing enzymes but is unusual in our structure in being stabilized by an Mg(2+) ion which interacts with Glu 346. The active site histidines interact asymmetrically with Lys 332, whose positive charge is closer to His 303, and we propose a specific role for the lysine in polarizing the imidazole ring of this histidine. This asymmetry suggests that the two histidines have unequal roles in catalysis and provides new insights into the catalytic mechanisms of these enzymes.  相似文献   

Bacterial beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) synthase III (KAS III, also called FabH) catalyzes the condensation and transacylation of acetyl-CoA with malonyl-ACP. In order to understand the mode of enzyme/substrate interaction and design small molecule inhibitors, we have expressed, purified, and crystallized a selenomethionyl-derivative of E. coli KAS III. Several lines of evidence confirmed that purified selenomethionyl KAS III was homogenous, stably folded, and enzymatically active. Dynamic light scattering, size exclusion chromatography, and mass spectrometry results indicated that selenomethionyl KAS III is a noncovalent homodimer. Diffraction quality crystals of selenomethionyl KAS III/acetyl-CoA complex, which grew overnight to a size of 0.2 mm(3), belonged to the tetragonal space group P4(1)2(1)2.  相似文献   

Wu J  Kinoshita K  Khosla C  Cane DE 《Biochemistry》2004,43(51):16301-16310
The beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase (KS) domain of the modular 6-deoxyerythronolide B synthase (DEBS) catalyzes the fundamental chain building reaction of polyketide biosynthesis. The KS-catalyzed reaction involves two discrete steps consisting of formation of an acyl-enzyme intermediate generated from the incoming acylthioester substrate and an active site cysteine residue, and the conversion of this intermediate to the beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein product by a decarboxylative condensation with a paired methylmalonyl-SACP. We have determined the rate constants for the individual biochemical steps by a combination of protein acylation and transthioesterification experiments. The first-order rate constant (k(2)) for formation of the acyl-enzyme intermediate from [1-(14)C]-(2S,3R)-2-methyl-3-hydroxypentanoyl-SNAC (2) and recombinant DEBS module 2 is 5.8 +/- 2.6 min(-)(1), with a dissociation constant (K(S)) of 3.5 +/- 2.8 mM. The acyl-enzyme adduct was formed at a near-stoichiometric ratio of approximately 0.8:1. Transthioesterification between unlabeled diketide-SNAC 2 and N-[1-(14)C-acetyl]cysteamine gave a k(exch) of 0.15 +/- 0.06 min(-)(1), with a K(m) for HSNAC of 5.7 +/- 4.9 mM and a K(m) for 2 of 5.3 +/- 0.9 mM. Under the conditions that were used, k(exch) was equal to k(-)(2), the first-order rate constant for reversal of the acyl-enzyme-forming reaction. Since the rate of the decarboxylative condensation is much greater that the rate of reversion to the starting material (k(3) > k(-)(2)), formation of the acyl-enzyme adduct is effectively irreversible, thereby establishing that the observed value of the specificity constant (k(cat)/K(m)) is solely a reflection of the intrinsic substrate specificity of the KS-catalyzed acyl-enzyme-forming reaction. These findings were also extended to a panel of diketide- and triketide-SNAC analogues, revealing that some substrate analogues that are not converted to product by DEBS module 2 form dead-end acyl-enzyme intermediates.  相似文献   

Beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase III (FabH) catalyzes a two step reaction that initiates the pathway of fatty acid biosynthesis in plants and bacteria. In Mycobacterium tuberculosis, FabH catalyzes extension of lauroyl, myristoyl and palmitoyl groups from which cell wall mycolic acids of the bacterium are formed. The first step of the reaction is an acyl group transfer from acyl-coenzyme A to the active-site cysteine of the enzyme; the second step is acyl chain extension by two carbon atoms through Claisen condensation with malonyl-acyl carrier protein. We have previously determined the crystal structure of a type II, dissociated M.tuberculosis FabH, which catalyzes extension of lauroyl, myristoyl and palmitoyl groups. Here we describe the first long-chain Michaelis substrate complex of a FabH, that of lauroyl-coenzyme A with a catalytically disabled Cys-->Ala mutant of M.tuberculosis FabH. An elongated channel extending from the mutated active-site cysteine defines the acyl group binding locus that confers unique acyl substrate specificity on M.tuberculosis FabH. CoA lies in a second channel, bound primarily through interactions of its nucleotide group at the enzyme surface. The apparent weak association of CoA in this complex may play a role in the binding and dissociation of long chain acyl-CoA substrates and products and poses questions pertinent to the mechanism of this enzyme.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas aeruginosa fabA and fabB genes, encoding beta-hydroxyacyl-acyl carrier protein dehydratase and beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase I, respectively, were cloned, sequenced, and expressed in Escherichia coli. Northern analysis demonstrated that fabA and fabB are cotranscribed and most probably form a fabAB operon. The FabA and FabB proteins were similar in size and amino acid composition to their counterparts from Escherichia coli and to the putative homologs from Haemophilus influenzae. Chromosomal fabA and fabB mutants were isolated; the mutants were auxotrophic for unsaturated fatty acids. A temperature-sensitive fabA mutant was obtained by site-directed mutagenesis of a single base that induced a G101D change; this mutant grew normally at 30 degrees C but not at 42 degrees C, unless the growth medium was supplemented with oleate. By physical and genetic mapping, the fabAB genes were localized between 3.45 and 3.6 Mbp on the 5.9-Mbp chromosome, which corresponds to the 58- to 59.5-min region of the genetic map.  相似文献   

The synthases that produce fatty acids in mammals (FASs) are arranged as large multidomain polypeptides. The growing fatty acid chain is bound covalently during chain elongation and reduction to the acyl carrier protein (ACP) domain that is then able to access each catalytic site. In this work we report the high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) solution structure of the isolated rat fatty acid synthase apoACP domain. The final ensemble of NMR structures and backbone (15)N relaxation studies show that apoACP adopts a single, well defined fold. On conversion to the holo form, several small chemical shift changes are observed on the ACP for residues surrounding the phosphopantetheine attachment site (as monitored by backbone (1)H-(15)N correlation experiments). However, there are negligible chemical shift changes when the holo form is modified to either the hexanoyl or palmitoyl forms. For further NMR analysis, a (13)C,(15)N-labeled hexanoyl-ACP sample was prepared and full chemical shift assignments completed. Analysis of two-dimensional F(2)-filtered and three-dimensional (13)C-edited nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy experiments revealed no detectable NOEs to the acyl chain. These experiments demonstrate that unlike other FAS ACPs studied, this Type I ACP does not sequester a covalently linked acyl moiety, although transient interactions cannot be ruled out. This is an important mechanistic difference between the ACPs from Type I and Type II FASs and may be significant for the modulation and regulation of these important mega-synthases.  相似文献   

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