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We determined the gonadal histology, reproductive characteristics and implications for management of Oxygymnocypris stewartii from individuals collected in the Yarlung Zangbo River. Based on the analyses of gonad development and the size distribution of oocytes, O. stewartii spawns just once each year. Peak spawning occurred between late March and early April, when water temperature exceeded 5°C. The standard lengths and the ages at 50 % maturity for males and females were 273 mm and 357 mm, and 5.1 year and 7.3 years, respectively. The mean fecundity of 34211 and mean relative fecundity of 25.4 eggs per gram of fish body weight suggest that O. stewartii might be especially vulnerable to exploitation.  相似文献   

Seasonal, ontogenetic and sexual feeding habits of Schizothorax oconnori in the Yarlung Zangbo River were studied using percentages by number, weight and index of relative importance (IRI). The Schoener overlap index was applied to compare diets related to season, fish size and sex. The feeding intensity exhibited seasonal trends, with a minimum food intake in summer. Overall, 103 prey taxa belonging to seven prey categories (diatoms, green algae, cyanophytes, other algae, small invertebrates, macroinvertebrates and remains) were identified in 136 guts. Highest feeding diversity and evenness were recorded in summer, while lowest values of both indices occurred in autumn. S. oconnori fed almost exclusively on periphyton. Diatoms were the most important prey in terms of number, weight and IRI, followed by macroinvertebrates; other prey were also occasionally ingested. S. oconnori is a generalized and opportunistic feeder relying upon a wide trophic spectrum, but mainly feeds on diatoms as they are the most prevalent periphyton. There were high diet overlaps among seasons, fish sizes and between sexes. S. oconnori showed no dietary preference for any of the other prey available in the periphyton community.  相似文献   

The length–weight relationships were estimated for five endemic fishes (Schizothorax curvilabiatus, Schizothorax molesworthi, Garra kempi, Neolissochilus hexagonolepis, Exostoma labiatum) from the Yarlung Zangbo River in Tibet, China. Fishing gear used for sampling included 4 cm mesh gill nets (100 m long × 1.2 m high) and electrofishing, from December 2015 to January 2016. Three of the species have new records of maximum length in FishBase.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of Glyptosternum maculatum populations from Nyang River, Lhasa River, and Shetongmon Reach of Yarlung Zangbo River was assessed using six microsatellite markers. Overall, the genetic diversity across the three populations was low. The Shetongmon population exhibited the highest level of genetic diversity in terms of number of alleles and effective alleles, heterozygosity, and polymorphic information content value, followed by the Nyang population and Lhasa population. The analysis of molecular variance demonstrated that almost the variation (86.64%) occurred within populations. The differentiation among populations was not significant, and population structure was weak. These results revealed that three natural populations of G. maculatum are not genetically differentiated and the large disparity of living altitude did not caused genetic differentiation between different populations. Our observations will help identify the genetic relationship among populations to understand the genetic diversity of G. maculatum.  相似文献   

The focus was on the length–weight relationships of three schizothoracinae species endemic to Tibet, including Schizothorax oconnori Lloyd, 1908, Ptychobarbus dipogon (Regan, 1905) and Schizopygopsis younghusbandi Regan, 1905, all of which are characterized by slow growth, late maturation and vulnerability to the environment (Ma et al., 2010, 2012; Duan et al., 2014). Among them, Schizothorax oconnori is an endangered fish and listed in the China species Red List (Wang and Xie, 2004, 2009). Samples were obtained by drift net fishing (mesh size 2 cm × 3 cm; 50 m net length) in November 2008. The r2 value was 0.94, 0.97, 0.98 and the b value 3.51, 3.12, 3.16, representing Schizothorax oconnori, Ptychobarbus dipogon, and Schizopygopsis younghusbandi, respectively.  相似文献   

Length‐weight relationships (LWRs) were determined for two endemic fish species from the Maquan River, the upper of the Yarlung Zangbo River: (Ptychobarbus dipogon Regan, 1905, Schizothorax waltoni Regan, 1905). All the specimens were collected between May and September of 2014. Length–weight relationships for these two fish species were determined for the first time, and new maximum body weights were recorded for these two species. These results will be useful for fishery research, management and conservation of the Yarlung Zangbo River.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships and length–length were evaluated for three fish species (Schizopygopsis younghusbandi Regan, 1905; Ptychobarbus dipogon Regan, 1905 and Oxygymnocypris stewartii Lloyd, 1908) from the Yarlung Zangbo River in Tibet. Specimens were captured monthly using floating gillnets (mesh size 7.5 cm), bottom gillnets (mesh size 6.5 cm), and trap nets (mesh size 1.5 mm) from August 2008 to August 2009, March to August 2012, and March to April 2013. Regression coefficient (b) values of length–weight relationships (LWRs) ranged from 3.045 for P. dipogon to 3.193 for O. stewartii, whereas the a values ranged from 0.0040 to 0.0168 for O. stewartii and P. dipogon, respectively.  相似文献   

Schizopygopsis younghusbandi younghusbandi is an endemic species whose distribution is restricted to the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River, being one of the most important commercial fishes in this area. Age and growth of 606 specimens captured between October 2002 and April 2005 were studied. The range in standard length (L) was 65.7–387.3 mm and total weight (W) was 3.3–772.0 g. The relationship between L and W was W = 0.000909L2.2493 for males and W = 0.000259L2.4781 for females. Age, determined from anal scales and lapillus otoliths, ranged from 3 to 18 years. The parameters of von Bertalanffy growth functions, estimated by back-calculated length, were L = 442.7mm  LL_\infty = 442.7mm\;L, k = 0.0738 year−1 and t 0  = −1.4 year for males, and L = 471.4mm  LL_\infty = 471.4mm\;L, k = 0.0789 year−1 and t 0 = 0.2 year for females. Males and females exhibited statistically significant differences in growth. χ 2-test indicated that von Bertalanffy growth functions could well describe the growth of S. y. younghusbandi. The longevities were 39.2 and 38.2 years for males and females, respectively. Growth inflexion points were 10.2 and 12.0 years for males and females, respectively, but 84.8% of the captures were at the smaller ages. So conservation and management schemes for this population should be considered urgently. In addition, we found that populations from the upstream of the Lhasa River, the downstream of the Lhasa River and the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River showed statistically significant differences in growth patterns.  相似文献   

从雅鲁藏布江中游地区采集土壤样品35份,主要涵盖农田、城市花园、高山草甸、湿地和防护林带五种生态类型,从中分离获得土壤淡色丝孢菌12属。利用种群优势度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、均匀度、生态位宽度、群落相似性等指标对该地区不同生境的土壤淡色丝孢菌物种(属级)的生态多样性及物种生态位进行了分析。结果表明,土壤淡色丝孢菌的数量和类群分布在该地区不同生态类型土壤中差异明显。农田生境中土壤淡色丝孢菌物种多样性指数最高,均匀度较高;防护林带生境中土壤淡色丝孢菌物种多样性指数最低,均匀度也最低。对不同生态类型土壤中淡色丝孢菌的相似性分析发现,农田和防护林带生境的相似性系数最大,说明这两种生境具有较多的共同物种;湿地和城市花园生境的相似性系数最小。物种生态位结果分析表明,在上述五种生境中,拟青霉属Paecilomyces、刺座霉属Volutella、曲霉属Aspergillus和青霉属Penicillium具有较宽的生态位宽度,属于广适性物种;而白僵菌属Beauveria和绿僵菌属Metarhizium生态位很窄,只存在于某个生境中,属于狭适性物种。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江河岸植物物种丰富度分布格局及其环境解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沿环境梯度物种多样性的分布格局及其环境影响因子的研究是生态学研究的重点内容之一。雅鲁藏布江是我国海拔最高的大河, 目前还没有针对其流域的河岸植物群落物种丰富度分布格局的系统研究。作者沿海拔梯度从雅鲁藏布江上游源头区至下游共设置了15个海拔样带, 在每个海拔样带随机取6个5 m×5 m样方, 共对90个样方的河岸植物群落物种组成和植被类型进行了调查, 共记录到238种维管束植物。DCA排序结果表明物种组成变化主要受海拔和经度控制。CCA排序区分出5种大的植被类型, 即高寒草甸或高寒草原、高山草原、两种亚高山灌丛草原和林缘灌丛植被。各植被类型的分布和变化主要受海拔和经度影响。雅鲁藏布江河岸植物物种丰富度沿海拔和经度梯度呈浅“U”形分布格局, 物种丰富度与年均降水量和植被盖度成显著正相关。  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWRs) were determined for three small fish species, Glaridoglanis andersonii (Day, 1870), Glyptosternum maculatum (Regan, 1905) and Pseudecheneis sulcatus (Mc‐Clelland, 1842) from the Yarlung Zangbo River basin, China. A total of 285 specimens were collected from the Yarlung Zangbo River in May and October 2017(frequency of sampling during the study period: once per month).The specimens were caught with fishing gear including drifting gillnets (nets: 10 × 1.0 m; mesh size: 3.0 cm) and shrimp cages (nets: 4.0 × 0.5 × 0.4 m; mesh size: 0.5 cm).  相似文献   

以雅鲁藏布江中游河岸带几种主要沙生植物为研究对象, 采用相邻格子法分别在不同生境条件下的藏沙蒿(Artemisia wellbyi)、藏白蒿(Artemisia younghusbandii)和砂生槐(Sophora moorcroftiana)种群设立4个20 m × 30 m的样方, 运用点格局分析方法, 研究了这几种沙生植物的种群结构、空间分布、空间关联及其影响因素, 以期为西藏高寒河谷风沙化土地植被恢复提供依据。结果表明: 1)藏沙蒿种群结构呈增长型, 藏白蒿和砂生槐种群结构呈衰退型。藏沙蒿和藏白蒿种群在所有尺度上均呈集群分布, 砂生槐种群随着尺度增大表现为集群→随机→集群→随机分布。沙生植物种群分布格局主要是由较小的大小级决定的, 而较大的大小级是造成种群分布格局波动的主要因素。2)这几种沙生植物种间正关联往往存在于一定的尺度范围内, 种间关联时常出现不同关联方式交替出现和摆动的现象。半裸露砂砾地和半固定沙地藏沙蒿-砂生槐种间关联均表现为无关联→正关联→无关联→正关联, 半裸露砂砾地藏沙蒿-毛瓣棘豆( Oxytropis sericopetala)种间关联表现为正关联→无关联→正关联→无关联→负关联, 藏白蒿-砂生槐种间关联表现为正关联→无关联。3)这几种沙生植物种群均随植株形体增大, 聚集强度减弱, 大小级较小时表现为集群分布, 随着大小级增大, 表现为随机分布或随机与集群分布交错出现。不同大小级的空间正关联随着植株形体大小差异的增大而减弱, 甚至会转变为负关联, 各大小级在较小的空间尺度上易表现为正或无空间关联。  相似文献   

正2016年4月,在西藏雅鲁藏布江中游干流下段的派镇段(29°31′9″N,94°52′12″E,海拔2 897 m),6月在米林段(29°12′1″N,94°5′16″E,海拔2 947 m),2017年7月在里龙段(29°8′32″N,93°54′34″E,海拔2 960 m),使用定置刺网共捕获到15尾疑似黄斑褶(Pseudecheneis sulcatus)的鱼类标本(图1a,b)。2017年4月在雅鲁藏布江下游墨脱段(29°18′10″N,95°16′52″E,海拔682 m)采集到一批黄斑褶标本(图1c,d),并与中游的黄斑褶进行了形态学比较鉴定。  相似文献   

西藏"一江两河"流域鸟类资源调查初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2006年以来对西藏"一江两河"流域的鸟类资源进行了观测与考察,共记录鸟类15目37科125种,约占全国鸟类的9.4%.该区域鸟类以古北界成分为主,达78种,占总数的62.4%,此外还有东洋界鸟类22种,广布种25种.鸟类中多为留鸟,种类达84种,占到总数的67.2%,冬候鸟29种,夏候鸟12种.该区域有多种被保护的鸟类资源,其中IUCN收录6种,CITES收录19种,中国濒危物种红皮书收录13种;中国重点保护动物名录收录20种.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWRs) were evaluated for four fish species from the MoTuo reach of the Yarlung Zangbo River, southwest China: Exostoma labiatum (McClelland, 1842), Schizothorax curvilabiatus (Wu & Tsao, 1992), Nemacheilus subfusca (McClelland, 1839), and Garra kempi Hora, 1921. The a values ranged from 0.0094 (Schizothorax curvilabiatus) to 0.0151 (Exostoma labiatum), b values from 2.698 (Exostoma labiatum) to 2.974 (Schizothorax curvilabiatus), and r2 values from 0.976 (Nemacheilus subfusca) to 0.995 (Schizothorax curvilabiatus). A total of 427 fish specimens were collected by electrofishing in April 2015, with LWRs previously unknown to FishBase for four of the species. New maximum lengths are recorded in FishBase for three of these species: Schizothorax curvilabiatus, Nemacheilus subfusca, and Garra kempi.  相似文献   

Length‐weight relationships (LWRs) for four species are presented, captured in the Dogxung Zangbo River, a main tributary of the Yarlung Tsangpo River, Tibet, China. Fish were captured in summer and autumn between May 2006 and September 2017 with three fyke nets from six sites.The results of LWRs for Schizothorax oconnori Lloyd, 1908, Schizopygopsis stoliczkai Steindachner, 1866, Triplophysa orientalis (Herzenstein, 1888), and Glyptosternon maculatum (Regan, 1905) provide basic data useful in fisheries science. They can assist in converting length data in to weight and biomass in cases where weight can not be taken during field studies. If regularly taken in an annual monitoring programm together with other parameters, using a standardized sampling procedure, they can also helpful in stock assessment of fish species in the Dogxung Zangbo River and the upper reaches of the Yarlung Tsangpo River basin.  相似文献   

生态系统中生境斑块并非孤立存在,而是嵌于周边景观基质中。生境内种群赖以生存的资源和环境条件不仅取决于生境本身,更与景观基质组成与结构紧密关联。黑颈鹤是青藏高原的旗舰物种,雅鲁藏布江中游河谷高寒湿地是全球最大的黑颈鹤越冬地,为其提供了良好的觅食生境。厘清该区域黑颈鹤觅食生境选择如何受景观基质组成结构的影响,对于青藏高原旗舰物种保护以及流域生态系统综合治理具有重要意义。运用景观生态学原理,以遥感影像和实地黑颈鹤种群调查数据为基础,结合景观基质多尺度缓冲区构建、相关分析以及Maxent模型,分析2000-2020年雅江中游河谷黑颈鹤国家级自然保护区(日喀则片区)景观格局时空变化和觅食地生境特征及其与黑颈鹤种群的关系,探究景观基质对黑颈鹤觅食地选择的影响,并利用关键生境因子模拟黑颈鹤生境适宜性分布。通过分析发现:(1)时间尺度上,雅江中游河谷耕地面积先增加后下降,滩地持续减少;空间尺度上,觅食黑颈鹤种群呈东多西少的集群分布特征,其分布范围与河谷内耕地分布基本吻合;(2)景观基质对黑颈鹤觅食地选择影响显著。景观结构上,黑颈鹤偏好连通性好、优势度高的景观基质;景观组成上,偏好基质中耕地和水域类型,这与黑颈鹤的觅食习性及对环境安全的生态位需求有关;(3)景观基质结构组成对黑颈鹤觅食地选择的影响具有显著的尺度效应。景观基质结构影响最显著的空间尺度为1500-2000m。但基质中耕地、草地和水域等景观组成要素对黑颈鹤的影响具有不同空间尺度效应,分别为1500m、3000m和4000m;(4)通过模型模拟,揭示出黑颈鹤适宜生境面积先增后减,但总体较2000年呈上升趋势,且基质中觅食地与耕地的距离、水域斑块密度和偏好景观组成的优势度始终是生境适宜性解释率最高的景观因子。本研究揭示出,该区域乡村规划应该统筹优化黑颈鹤栖息生境及其景观基质中的作物生产以及居民生活,形成以黑颈鹤旗舰物种保护为核心的高寒湿地生态系统综合管理模式,从而增强青藏高原高寒生态系统的稳定性和可持续性,同时也为深入研究物种生境选择机制提供了思路。  相似文献   

西藏雅鲁藏布江中游河谷砂生槐种群种子库特征   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
对西藏特有豆科灌木砂生槐种子库特征研究表明 :雅鲁藏布江中游河谷阶地天然砂生槐种群种子库平均密度变化于 6 .8~ 2 5 .2粒 /m2 。相距 1 0 0 km以上的地区、相隔 1 0 0 m以上的样地以及 2 0 cm× 2 0 cm的连续小样方间种子库密度均存在显著差异 ,不同地区的种子库密度的变异 4倍左右 ,而样地间的变异 3倍左右 ,但样地内小样方间的变异则更大 ,在调查的 90 0个小样方中 ,种子库密度为 0、2 5、5 0、75、1 0 0粒 /m2 分别占 6 3%、2 6 %、8%、2 %、1 % ,种子库密度大于 1 2 5粒 /m2 不足 1 %。地区、样地和小样方尺度上的方差分别为总方差的 3% ,2 1 .2 %和 75 .8%。种子库中种子主要集中在地表 ,占 70 %左右 ,0~ 2 cm土层占 1 7.9% ,2~ 5 cm占 1 1 .9% ,5 cm以下基本没有种子存在。在地形较平坦的相对封闭的丘间低地 ,风力、流水和重力对种群的干扰相对较轻 ,可以近似地视为无干扰生境。在这种生境砂生槐种群发育较好 ,以 2 0 cm× 2 0 cm的小样方为单元 ,85 %的小样方都有种子分布。风、流水和重力都不同程度地搬运砂生槐种子 ,其中风力搬运的距离一般在 6 m左右 ,重力搬运的距离一般在 1 0 m左右。流水搬运的距离因地形、水流强度而变化较大。风力和重力搬运的距离虽然相对较短 ,但为流水的搬运  相似文献   

A 95‐day experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of a visible implant elastomer tag (VIE) versus a coded wire tag (CWT) implanted in juvenile Tibet fish Oxygymnocypris stewartii (Lloyd, 1908; total length 5~7 cm) under laboratory conditions. Mortality, tag retention and growth in three groups of juvenile O. stewartii (VIE‐tagged, CWT‐tagged and control) in duplicate were determined in six indoor tanks (300‐L/tank volume, 100 fish/tank) at 15.6 ± 0.5°C water temperature. Results showed that neither tagging method had a significant difference on the mortality of the experimental fish, but that the growth rate in the VIE group was significantly lower than in the CWT and control groups. Mean tag retention in the VIE group was 95.2%, and 98.9% in the CWT group, with no significant differences in tag retention in the two methods. The study indicates that both VIE and CWT are suitable short‐term tagging methods for hatchery O. stewartii juveniles.  相似文献   

李海东  沈渭寿  蔡博峰  纪迪  张晓勇 《生态学报》2013,33(24):7729-7738
运用1982-2010年的两种NDVI数据集(Pathfinder AVHRR和SPOT VEGETATION),以及1975、1990、2000和2008年4期遥感数据,通过GIS技术、人工目视解译和灰色关联分析方法,研究了雅鲁藏布江流域NDVI变化和风沙化土地演变的耦合关系,结合1957-2007年降水和气温逐日气象资料,探讨了气候变化对其耦合关系的影响。结果表明:(1)流域内1982-2010年NDVI的年际变化总体上呈波动式增长的趋势。NDVI空间分布呈现由下游向中上游逐渐降低的趋势,以米林宽谷最大、马泉河宽谷最小。(2)2008年流域内共有风沙化土地273 697.54hm2,呈现由江源区马泉河宽谷向中下游递减的趋势。1975-2008年流域内风沙化土地呈缓慢增长趋势,以1990-1999年增长率最高,2000-2008年的增长率最小。(3)对于NDVI年变化和植被生长季(7-9月份)的变化,马泉河宽谷受平均气温的影响最大,日喀则宽谷和山南宽谷受年降水量的影响最大;米林宽谷NDVI的年变化受风沙化土地扩展的影响最大,植被生长季变化受年降水量的影响最大。(4)不同宽谷段NDVI与风沙化土地年变化的关联度自下游向中上游呈总体减小的趋势。流域尺度NDVI植被生长季变化主要受平均气温和年降水量的影响,非植被生长季(10月-翌年6月)变化主要受风沙化土地扩展的影响。  相似文献   

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