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第 2 3届国际鸟类学大会于 2 0 0 2年 7月 1 2~ 1 7日在北京召开。来自世界各国的近千名鸟类学家围绕当前国际鸟类学的前沿、热点问题展开了讨论和交流。我国学者也首次在大会报告中介绍了我国古鸟类研究的最新进展。本届大会组委会主席由中国鸟类学会理事长郑光美教授担任。国际鸟类大会是较早开展的科学会议之一 ,1 884年首次在奥地利的维也纳召开。从1 92 6年的哥本哈根会议开始每 4年召开 1次 ,主要由欧美国家主办 ,本次会议是第一次在亚洲地区召开。本次会议提交的论文、报告共计 80 0多篇 ,其中包括 1 0篇大会报告。会议还就 4 0个专…  相似文献   

第 2 3届国际鸟类学大会于 2 0 0 2年 8月 11至 17日在北京国际会议中心举行。本届大会由国际鸟类学大会学术委员会主办 ,中国鸟类学会承办。到会代表有来自世界 5 0多个国家和地区的大学及科研单位的鸟类学研究工作者、自然保护区管理人员及其他业余观鸟旅游爱好者近千人 ,其中境外代表占绝大多数 ,中国大陆代表有 15 0多人。大会共收到论文 74 4篇 ,出版了大会论文摘要集。会议期间专业组分会交流 2 2 8篇 ;口头自由交流193篇 ;墙报交流 30 2篇 ;圆桌会议专题讨论交流 2 1篇。特邀大会报告的有 :①美国WalterBock“国际鸟类学三…  相似文献   

国际第十九届鸟类学大会(ⅪⅩ International Ornithological Congress),于1986年6月22日—29日在加拿大渥太华的“会议中心”举行。参加这次国际会议的有61个国家1361名代表,是历届国际鸟类学大会人数最多的一次学术盛会,同时,又是我国鸟类学工作者首次参  相似文献   

据中国动物学会鸟类学分会网站消息,第十届全国鸟类学术研讨会暨第八届海峡两岸鸟类学术研讨会将于2009年8月6~12日在哈尔滨市东北林业大学举行。会议由中国动物学会鸟类学分会和中国野生动物保护协会主办,东北林业大学承办。本次会议主题是鸟类进化与鸟类保护。会议将出版《第十届全国鸟类学术研讨会暨第八届海峡两岸鸟类学术研讨会论文集》,收录论文全文和摘要。  相似文献   

为了解中国鸟类学研究的状况和发展趋势,我们利用在线文献数据库(Web of Science)检索了1991-2010年间发表的与鸟类有关的文献,对中国和其他国家的鸟类学研究论文、研究领域、研究机构等进行了分析和比较。结果发现,中国鸟类学研究发展很快,专业研究人员数量在1991-2010年间增长了近四倍,在国际上发表的研究论文的数量近几年年均增长25%;论文数量占世界的比例已经由1991-2000年的0.46%上升到了2001-2010年期间的1.53%,世界排名由第27位上升至第16位,并且研究领域更加多元化,论文水平不断提高。在鸟类系统发育与演化、合作繁殖和婚配、禽流感、巢寄生等领域的许多成果开始在国际相关领域的高水平刊物上发表,在古鸟类以及雉类和鹤类等濒危鸟类的保护研究方面位居世界前列。但从整体而言,中国鸟类学研究与世界上一些发达国家相比还有很大差距。为此我们对中国鸟类学未来的发展提出了一些建议,包括需要更加关注鸟类的生活史对策、气候变化和城市化对鸟类的影响、鸟类迁徙、濒危物种保护生物学等领域的研究,进一步加强国际交流与合作,规范鸟类研究及数据保存和处理的方法,采取更有效措施加大对青年研究人员的支持力度等。  相似文献   

孙悦华 《动物学杂志》2007,42(6):107-107
“第21届国际保护生物学大会”于2007年7月1~5日在南非南部的伊丽莎白港市举行,以中国科学院动物研究所动物生态学及保护生物学院重点实验室为主的近20人的中国代表团参加了本届大会。经过2年的申办过程,最终国际保护生物学会执委会决定“第23届国际保护生物学大会”于2009年7月11~16日在中国北京举行,由中国科学院动物研究所主办。国际保护生物学大会是国际保护生物学界最高水平的会议,每年举办一次。大会的主题涉及气候变化及环境保护、濒危物种保护、生物多样性保护、海洋生物保护、生态经济学等各个方面。第23届国际保护生物学大会是…  相似文献   

于 2 0 0 0年 6月由中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所主办的第 5届国际古鸟类与进化大会暨热河生物群研讨会 ,被许多代表认为是该学会历史上最成功的一次会议。会后 ,《Nature》和《Science》等杂志都对这一会议进行了详尽的报道 ,在国际学术界产生了较大影响。作为这次大会的最后一项使命 ,会议论文集的出版工作现在也终于完成 ,为会议画上了一个圆满的句号。尽管历时两年多 ,但与前几届相比 ,本次会议论文集的出版还是较快的。该文集又恰好赶在 2 0 0 2年 8月 1 2日在北京召开的 2 3届国际鸟类学大会前夕出版 ,所以具有了…  相似文献   

国际古鸟类与进化学会每四年举办一次学术研讨会。2000年6月1—4日将在北京中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所举办第五届国际大会。这也是该盛会首次在亚洲举行 ,其规模和影响预计都将超过以往任何一届。古鸟类与进化协会的成员包括了世界所有有影响的古鸟类研究者 ,是该领域的最高学术机构。国际古鸟类与进化学会的英文全名是“TheSocietyofAvianPaleontologyandEvolution” ,简称“SAPE”。该协会成立于1984年 ,第一届会议在法国里昂召开。当时参加会议的代表并不算多 ,总共不…  相似文献   

[本刊讯]据中国动物学会鸟类学分会秘书处消息,今年10月,“中国动物学会鸟类学分会第九届学术研讨会”和“第四届国际鸡形目鸟类学术研讨会”(World Pheasant Association)将相继在四川召开。第四届国际鸡形目鸟类学术研讨会由世界雉类协会、IUCN雉类专家组、鹑类专家组主办,中  相似文献   

第13届欧洲生物技术大会将于2007年9月16日-19日在西班牙召开。此次会议将有众多的欧洲及国际生物学家出  相似文献   

Colin M Beale 《Ostrich》2018,89(2):99-108
Ornithology in Africa has a long history. I review trends in the ornithological literature since 1990 within the context of the 14th Pan-African Ornithological Congress. Using full text searches of papers on PubMed® and abstracts from main ornithological journals I found that most papers referencing African bird species are focused on medical-related research questions. Restricting the literature search to journals African ornithologists are most likely to publish in, I found 2 279 relevant papers. These describe work on 29% of African bird species from 82% of African bird families, in all but two African countries. Overall output has increased slightly over time, with more papers tackling more research topics. Most popular research topics were demography, conservation and climate, with disease ecology, physiology and ecological processes the least researched topics. I found that while many authors with African affiliations publish papers, outside of South Africa very few African-based authors reliably publish in the international research literature, perhaps indicating difficulties in establishing a productive research career in much of Africa. I conclude with a call to overseas ornithologists working in Africa and to organisations funding research in Africa to work together to build capacity outside of the few established research centres.  相似文献   

About 150 international scientists gathered in Turku, Finland, in August of 2017 for the eighth in a series of international congresses about the roles of stress proteins in biology and medicine. The scientific theme and title of the 2017 Congress was “Stress Management Mechanisms and Pathways.” The meeting covered a broad range of topics, reflecting the wide scope of the Cell Stress Society International (CSSI) and highlighting the numerous recent breakthroughs in stress response biology and medicine. The keynote lecturers included Marja Jäättelä, Richard Morimoto, Anne Bertolotti, and Peter Walter. The Executive Council of the CSSI elected new Fellows and Senior Fellows. The Spirit of Budapest Award was presented to Peter Csermely, Wolfgang Schumann, and Subhash Lakhotia in recognition of pioneering service contributions to the CSSI. The CSSI Medallion for Career Achievement was awarded to Larry Hightower and CSSI president Gabriella Santoro proclaimed Tuesday, August 15, 2017, Robert M. Tanguay Day at the congress in recognition of Robert’s many years of scientific accomplishment and work on behalf of the CSSI. Additional special events were the awarding of the Ferruccio Ritossa Early Career Award to Serena Carra and the Alfred Tissières Young Investigator Award to Ayesha Murshid. As is the tradition at CSSI congresses, there were social events that included an exciting piano performance by a trio of young Finnish pianists, at the Sibelius Museum.  相似文献   

Symposia and congresses (and similarly named conferences) provide a specific medium for scientific communication that should complement, not duplicate, published or circularized reporting. The total expenditure for presentation of results at a session of the International Geological Congress is at least in the region of 8 million dollars, and there are hundreds of smaller geological meetings every year. Progress in finding rational forms for meetings is slow, and elementary deficiencies in meeting organization are incessantly repeated. The fact that meetings have established themselves as a very viable institution in science provides no excuse for not watching and reviewing their structure and economy as vigilantly as, for example, publications.  相似文献   

ERNST MAYR  WALTER J. BOCK 《Ibis》1994,136(1):12-18
The past decades have been exciting ones for ornithologists interested in avian macrosystematics with many new ideas being proposed for consideration and further study. But this excitement should not blind ornithologists to the important distinction between the provisional classifications proposed by specialists in macrosystematics, no matter how convincing they may appear at first glance, and the standard sequence needed to maintain optimal communication among all students of avian biologists. An excellent standard sequence for Recent birds exists in Peters' Check-list . We urge that all ornithologists, authors and editors use this sequence until the time arrives, as it undoubtedly will, when enough is known about avian relationships to permit agreement on a new and better standard sequence.  相似文献   

Recent Ornithological Literature is a cooperative, volunteer project for the benefit of ornithologists the world over. The partnership began in 1983 ( Auk 100, Ibis 125) when the AOU and BOU combined their Recent Literature sections to publish a single supplement of or- mythological literature. The RAOU joined this partnership in 1987 ( Emu 87). The AOU covers journals published in the Americas and the Philippines. The BOU covers journals published in Europe, Africa, and mainland Asia. The RAOU covers journals published in Australasia and other island nations of the Pacific. More than 150 volunteers scan about 650 titles and contribute abstracts regularly. Authors' addresses are included, if the journal lists them, to facilitate communication between readers and authors.
Recent Ornithological Literature strives for comprehensive coverage of the world's periodical literature of interest to persons studying wild birds. Readers are encouraged to consult the "List of Journals Scanned published annually in the fourth supplement and to make recommendations for increasing journal coverage. Authors, editors, or publishers whose articles or journals are not covered by the ROL should send reprints, abstracts, or exchange issues to the editor responsible for covering the geographical area where the journal is published. Volunteer abstractors are welcomed.  相似文献   

第16届国际植物学大会于1999年8月1日至7日在美国密苏里召开,这是20世纪世界植物学家的最后一次盛会,大约有4500名代表出席了会议。会议围绕生物多样性的保护和利用、21世纪的植物科学等主题展开讨论,主要内容包括6个方面,即植物生物多样性:系统和进化;生态学、环境和保护生物学;结构、发育和细胞生物学;遗传和基因组学;植物生理和生物化学;植物的人类利用:经济植物学和生物技术。本文简要介绍了大会的概况,特别评述了有关植物多样性研究方面的进展,并对我国植物科学发展提出建议。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The Genus Rhipicephalus (Acari, Ixodidae): A Guide to the Brown Ticks of the World. By Jane B. Walker, James E. Keirans and Ivan G. Horak
Edited by N. J. Adams and R. H. Slotow. 1998. Proceedings of the 22nd International Ornithological Congress.  相似文献   

王荫长 《昆虫知识》2010,47(6):1294-1302,F0004
首届国际昆虫学大会1910年召开至今,已经100年了,本文通过邮票,回眸大会的发起与大会早期的情景;1910年到2008年间23届大会的概况,其中两次世界大战使大会受挫;在战后和平环境中,才获得日趋兴旺的发展。文章详细介绍了会期发行的邮票、邮戳、明信片和首日封。  相似文献   

Recent Ornithological Literature is a cooperative, volunteer project for the benefit of ornithologists the world over. The partnership began in 1983 (Auk 100, Ibis 125) when the AOU and BOU combined their Recent Literature sections to publish a single supplement of ornithological literature. The RAOU joined this partnership in 1987 (Emu 87). The AOU covers journals published in the Americas and the Philippines. The BOU covers journals published in Europe, Africa, and mainland Asia. The RAOU covers journals published in Australasia and other island nations of the Pacific. More than 150 volunteers scan about 650 titles and contribute abstracts regularly. Authors' addresses are included, if the journal lists them, to facilitate communication between readers and authors.
Recent Ornithological Literature strives for comprehensive coverage of the world's periodical literature of interest to persons studying wild birds. Readers are encouraged to consult the "List of Journals Scanned" published annually in the fourth supplement and to make recommendations for increasing journal coverage. Authors, editors, or publishers whose articles or journals are not covered by the ROL should send reprints, abstracts, or exchange issues to the editor responsible for covering the geographical area where the journal is published. Volunteer abstractors are welcomed.  相似文献   

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