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A recent hypothesis concerning the function of uncoupling protein-3 (UCP-3) depends upon a positive relationship with mitochondrial thioesterase (MTE-1) in situations where fatty acid beta-oxidation is increased. MTE-1 mRNA levels are raised in transgenic mice overexpressing UCP-3 in skeletal muscle and we sought to extend these findings by quantifying in vivo expression of endogenous MTE-1, UCP-1, UCP-2, and UCP-3 mRNA levels in white adipose tissue, interscapular brown adipose tissue, and skeletal muscle in db/db mice. In this study we show that changes in MTE-1 mRNA levels as a result of differences between db/db vs db/+ mice or following long-term treatment of db/db mice with rosiglitazone or Wy-14,643 were more closely correlated with changes in UCP-3 than either UCP-1 or UCP-2 mRNA levels in the tissues examined. The present data contribute to the argument that UCP-3 and MTE-1 are linked within the same metabolic pathway either in response to, or as regulators of, fatty acid beta-oxidation.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) is expressed in skeletal muscles. We have hypothesized that increased glucose flux in skeletal muscles may lead to increased UCP3 expression. Male transgenic mice harboring insulin-responsive glucose transporter (GLUT4) minigenes with differing lengths of 5'-flanking sequence (-3237, -2000, -1000 and -442 bp) express different levels of GLUT4 protein in various skeletal muscles. Expression of the GLUT4 transgenes caused an increase in UCP3 mRNA that paralleled the increase of GLUT4 protein in gastrocnemius muscle. The effects of increased intracellular GLUT4 level on the expression of UCP1, UCP2 and UCP3 were compared in several tissues of male 4 month-old mice harboring the -1000 GLUT4 minigene transgene. In the -1000 GLUT4 transgenic mice, expression of GLUT4 mRNA and protein in skeletal muscles, brown adipose tissue (BAT), and white adipose tissue (WAT) was increased by 1.4 to 4.0-fold. Compared with non-transgenic littermates, the -1000 GLUT4 mice exhibited about 4- and 1.8-fold increases of UCP3 mRNA in skeletal muscle and WAT, respectively, and a 38% decrease of UCP1 mRNA in BAT. The transgenic mice had a 16% increase in oxygen consumption and a 14% decrease in blood glucose and a 68% increase in blood lactate, but no change in FFA or beta-OHB levels. T3 and leptin concentrations were decreased in transgenic mice. Expression of UCP1 in BAT of the -442 GLUT4 mice, which did not overexpress GLUT4 in this tissue, was not altered. These findings indicate that overexpression of GLUT4 up-regulates UCP3 expression in skeletal muscle and down-regulates UCP1 expression in BAT, possibly by increasing the rate of glucose uptake into these tissues.  相似文献   

Uncoupling protein 3 (UCP-3), a member of the mitochondrial transporter superfamily, is expressed primarily in skeletal muscle where it may play a role in altering metabolic function under conditions of fuel depletion caused, for example, by fasting and exercise. Here, we show that treadmill running by rats rapidly (30 min) induces skeletal muscle UCP-3 mRNA expression (sevenfold after 200 min), as do hypoxia and swimming in a comparably rapid and substantial fashion. The expression of the mitochondrial transporters, carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 and the tricarboxylate carrier, is unaffected under these conditions. Hypoxia and exercise-mediated induction of UCP-3 mRNA result in a corresponding four- to sixfold increase in rat UCP-3 protein. We treated extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle with 5'-amino-4-imidazolecarboxamide ribonucleoside (AICAR), a compound that activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an enzyme known to be stimulated during exercise and hypoxia. Incubation of rat EDL muscle in vitro for 30 min with 2 mM AICAR causes a threefold increase in UCP-3 mRNA and a 1.5-fold increase of UCP-3 protein compared with untreated muscle. These data are consistent with the notion that activation of AMPK, presumably as a result of fuel depletion, rapidly regulates UCP-3 gene expression.  相似文献   

Damon M  Vincent A  Lombardi A  Herpin P 《Gene》2000,246(1-2):133-141
Uncoupling proteins (UCPs) facilitate proton transport inside the mitochondria and decrease the proton gradient, leading to heat production. Until now, the presence of UCP1 or other UCP homologs had not been detected in tissues of pig, a species where evidence for the presence of brown adipose tissue has only been provided in 2-3 month old animals. In the light of the improving knowledge on the UCPs family, we decided to examine both UCP2 and UCP3 mRNA expression in piglet skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. Using RT-PCR we have successfully cloned a partial UCP2 sequence and a complete UCP3 cDNA. UCP3's open reading frame (936bp) shares 90, 89 and 85% similarity with bovine, human and rat UCP3 nucleotide sequences, respectively. In 3-5 day old piglets, these genes are expressed in adipose tissue and in both longissimus thoracis (LT) and rhombo?deus (RH) muscles, without any effect of muscle metabolic type. This is in good agreement with the measurement of the same membrane potential in mitochondria isolated from both types of muscles. In triiodothyronine-treated piglets, UCP3 mRNA is more expressed in LT than in RH muscle. These genes may be involved in the control of the energy metabolism of the piglet.  相似文献   

本试验用高、低浓度虾红素日粮饲喂昆白系小鼠和处理原代培养小鼠骨骼肌细胞,提取总RNA,检测各时段UCP3、LXRα基因mRNA表达量,探讨虾红素对小鼠个体发育、肌肉能量代谢相关基因表达变化规律的影响。结果表明:高浓度组与对照组相比,小鼠体重增长明显减慢,肌肉组织第10天、30天以及骨骼肌细胞作用24h时UCP3mRNA表达量均显著下降(P<0.05),LXRα基因mRNA表达量均显著上升(P<0.05),72h达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。低浓度组与对照组相比,肌肉组织中UCP3、LXRα基因mRNA表达差异均不显著(P>0.05);虾红素作用骨骼肌细胞24hUCP3基因mRNA表达量显著下降(P<0.05),LXRα基因mRNA表达量显著上升(P<0.05)。结果提示虾红素对小鼠肌肉的能量利用有一定的调控作用。  相似文献   

Toyomizu M  Ueda M  Sato S  Seki Y  Sato K  Akiba Y 《FEBS letters》2002,529(2-3):313-318
Although bird species studied thus far have no distinct brown adipose tissue (BAT) or a related thermogenic tissue, there is now strong evidence that non-shivering mechanisms in birds may play an important role during cold exposure. Recently, increased expression of the duckling homolog of the avian uncoupling protein (avUCP) was demonstrated in cold-acclimated ducklings [Raimbault et al., Biochem. J. 353 (2001) 441-444]. Among the mitochondrial anion carriers, roles for the ATP/ADP antiporter (ANT) as well as UCP variants in thermogenesis are proposed. The present experiments were conducted (i) to examine the effects of cold acclimation on the fatty acid-induced uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation in skeletal muscle mitochondria and (ii) to clone the cDNA of UCP and ANT homologs from chicken skeletal muscle and study differences compared to controls in expression levels of their mRNAs in the skeletal muscle of cold-acclimated chickens. The results obtained here show that suppression of palmitate-induced uncoupling by carboxyatractylate was greater in the subsarcolemmal skeletal muscle mitochondria from cold-acclimated chickens than that for control birds. An increase in mRNA levels of avANT and, to lesser degree, of avUCP in the skeletal muscle of cold-acclimated chickens was also found. Taken together, the present studies on cold-acclimated chickens suggest that the simultaneous increments in levels of avANT and avUCP mRNA expression may be involved in the regulation of thermogenesis in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

To assess the correlation between hyperglycemia and glucose catabolic gene levels in diabetic and healthy mice, we determined mRNA levels of pivotal proteins such as glucose transporters, hexokinase II, glycogen synthase, glutamine:fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase and uncoupling proteins. Both KK and KKAy mice showed marked decreases of Glut1 and Glut4 mRNA levels in soleus compared to C57BL; db/db and ob/ob mice exhibited significantly decreased Glut4 mRNA levels, but not Glut1, in soleus. KK and KKAy mice showed a decrease of soleus HKII gene level, which may indicate decreased intracellular catabolism of glucose. Likewise, GS mRNA level was decreased in soleus muscle tissue in KK and KKAy mice. GFAT mRNA levels was no different between hyperglycemic and normoglycemic mice. In contrast, UCP2 and UCP3 mRNA levels were higher in KK and KKAy mice. Conversely, db/db and ob/ob mice showed a significant decrease in UCP3 mRNA. Individual correlation analysis indicated that the decrease in Glut4 gene levels was only observed in hyperglycemic mice. The more important observation is that the glucose catabolic genes do not exhibit any clear coordinate expression. Abnormal expression of glucose catabolic genes may contribute to hyperglycemia and muscle insulin resistance in these four strains.  相似文献   

The physiological role of mitochondrial thioesterase 1 (MTE1) is unknown. It was proposed that MTE1 promotes fatty acid (FA) oxidation (FAO) by acting in concert with uncoupling protein (UCP)3. We previously showed that ucp3 is a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPAR alpha)-regulated gene, allowing induction when FA availability increases. On the assumption that UCP3 and MTE1 act in partnership to increase FAO, we hypothesized that mte1 is also a PPAR alpha-regulated gene in cardiac and skeletal muscle. Using real-time RT-PCR, we characterized mte1 gene expression in rat heart and soleus muscles. Messenger RNA encoding for mte1 was 3.2-fold higher in heart than in soleus muscle. Cardiac mte1 mRNA exhibited modest diurnal variation, with 1.4-fold higher levels during dark phase. In contrast, skeletal muscle mte1 mRNA remained relatively constant over the course of the day. High-fat feeding, fasting, and streptozotocin-induced diabetes, interventions that increase FA availability, muscle PPAR alpha activity, and muscle FAO rates, increased mte1 mRNA in heart and soleus muscle. Conversely, pressure overload and hypoxia, interventions that decrease cardiac PPAR alpha activity and FAO rates, repressed cardiac mte1 expression. Specific activation of PPAR alpha in vivo through WY-14643 administration rapidly induced mte1 mRNA in cardiac and skeletal muscle. WY-14643 also induced mte1 mRNA in isolated adult rat cardiomyocytes dose dependently. Expression of mte1 was markedly lower in hearts and soleus muscles isolated from PPAR alpha-null mice. Alterations in cardiac and skeletal muscle ucp3 expression mirrored that of mte1 in all models investigated. In conclusion, mte1, like ucp3, is a PPAR alpha-regulated gene in cardiac and skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Hypoxia affects mammalian mitochondrial function, as well as mitochondria-based energy metabolism. The detail mechanism has not been fully understood. In this study, we detected protein expression levels in mitochondrial fractions of Wistar rats exposed to hypobaric hypoxia by use of proteomic methods. Adult male Wistar rats were randomized into an hypoxic (4,500?m, 30 days) group and a normoxic control group (sea level). Gastrocnemius muscles mitochondria were extracted and purified. Mitochondrial oxygen consumption was measured with a Clark oxygen electrode; mitochondrial transmembrane potential was detected with Rhodamine 123 as a fluoresce probe. Using 2-DE and MALDI-TOF MS analysis, we identified eight mitochondrial protein spots that were differentially expressed in the hypoxic group compared with the normoxic control. These proteins included Chain A of F1-ATPase, voltage dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC), hydroxyacyl Coenzyme A dehydrogenase α-subunit, mitochondrial F1 complex γ-subunit, androgen-regulated protein and tripartite motif protein 50. Two of the spots, VDAC and ATP synthase α-subunit, were confirmed by Western blotting analysis. Oxygen consumption during State 3 respiration, as well as the respiratory control ratio (RCR) was significantly higher in the control than that in the hypoxic group; mitochondrial transmembrane potential was significantly higher in hypoxic group than that in the control. With successful use of multiple proteomic analysis techniques, we demonstrates that 30 days hypoxia exposure has effects on the expression of mitochondrial proteins involved in ATP production and lipid metabolism, decrease the stability of mitochondrial membrane, and affect the mitochondrial electron transport chain.  相似文献   

To address the role of nerve growth factor (NGF) in diabetes mellitus (DM)-induced cardiac autonomic neuropathy, we quantitated and compared the expression of NGF mRNA in the cardiac and the skeletal muscle in experimental DM mice with the RT-PCR-HPLC method, which we have developed previously, using a NGF deletion mutant RNA as an internal standard. DM was induced in ICR mice via intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. RT-PCR was performed using total RNA extracted from left ventricle and soleus muscle, and the levels of NGF mRNA were quantitated by HPLC analysis. NGF mRNA content of the cardiac muscle was 17-fold higher than the skeletal muscles in control mice. NGF mRNA content of the cardiac muscle in diabetic mice at 6 weeks was 4.0-fold higher than that in the control mice, while that of the skeletal muscle in diabetic mice was not different from the controls. These results indicated that the DM-induced increase in NGF mRNA content was higher in cardiac muscle than skeletal muscle, and that NGF might play an important role in cardiac autonomic neuropathy.  相似文献   

The uncoupling protein-3 (UCP3) is a mitochondrial protein expressed mainly in skeletal muscle. Among several hypotheses for its physiological function, UCP3 has been proposed to prevent excessive production of reactive oxygen species. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of an oxidative stress induced by hyperoxia on UCP3 expression in mouse skeletal muscle and C2C12 myotubes. We found that the hyperoxia-mediated oxidative stress was associated with a 5-fold and 3-fold increase of UCP3 mRNA and protein levels, respectively, in mouse muscle. Hyperoxia also enhanced reactive oxygen species production and UCP3 mRNA expression in C2C12 myotubes. Our findings support the view that both in vivo and in vitro UCP3 may modulate reactive oxygen species production in response to an oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS), especially mitochondrial ROS, are postulated to play a significant role in muscle atrophy. We report a dramatic increase in mitochondrial ROS generation in three conditions associated with muscle atrophy: in aging, in mice lacking CuZn-SOD (Sod1(-/-)), and in the neurodegenerative disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). ROS generation in muscle mitochondria is nearly threefold higher in 28- to 32-mo-old than in 10-mo-old mice and is associated with a 30% loss in gastrocnemius mass. In Sod1(-/-) mice, muscle mitochondrial ROS production is increased >100% in 20-mo compared with 5-mo-old mice along with a >50% loss in muscle mass. ALS G93A mutant mice show a 75% loss of muscle mass during disease progression and up to 12-fold higher muscle mitochondrial ROS generation. In a second ALS mutant model, H46RH48Q mice, ROS production is approximately fourfold higher than in control mice and is associated with a less dramatic loss (30%) in muscle mass. Thus ROS production is strongly correlated with the extent of muscle atrophy in these models. Because each of the models of muscle atrophy studied are associated to some degree with a loss of innervation, we were interested in determining whether denervation plays a role in ROS generation in muscle mitochondria isolated from hindlimb muscle following surgical sciatic nerve transection. Seven days post-denervation, muscle mitochondrial ROS production increased nearly 30-fold. We conclude that enhanced generation of mitochondrial ROS may be a common factor in the mechanism underlying denervation-induced atrophy.  相似文献   

Muscle biopsy homogenates contain GLUT-3 mRNA and protein. Before these studies, it was unclear where GLUT-3 was located in muscle tissue. In situ hybridization using a midmolecule probe demonstrated GLUT-3 within all muscle fibers. Fluorescent-tagged antibody reacting with affinity-purified antibody directed at the carboxy-terminus demonstrated GLUT-3 protein in all fibers. Slow-twitch muscle fibers, identified by NADH-tetrazolium reductase staining, possessed more GLUT-3 protein than fast-twitch fibers. Electron microscopy using affinity-purified primary antibody and gold particle-tagged second antibody showed that the majority of GLUT-3 was in association with triads and transverse tubules inside the fiber. Strong GLUT-3 signals were seen in association with the few nerves that traversed muscle sections. Electron microscopic evaluation of human peripheral nerve demonstrated GLUT-3 within the axon, with many of the particles related to mitochondria. GLUT-3 protein was found in myelin but not in Schwann cells. GLUT-1 protein was not present in nerve cells, axons, myelin, or Schwann cells but was seen at the surface of the peripheral nerve in the perineurium. These studies demonstrated that GLUT-3 mRNA and protein are expressed throughout normal human skeletal muscle, but the protein is predominantly found in the triads of slow-twitch muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Uncoupling protein (UCP)-1 expressed in brown adipose tissue plays an important role in thermogenesis. Recent data suggest that brown-like adipocytes in white adipose tissue (WAT) and skeletal muscle play a crucial role in the regulation of body weight. Understanding of the mechanism underlying the increase in UCP-1 expression level in these organs should, therefore, provide an approach to managing obesity. The thyroid hormone (TH) has profound effects on mitochondrial biogenesis and promotes the mRNA expression of UCP in skeletal muscle and brown adipose tissue. However, the action of TH on the induction of brown-like adipocytes in WAT has not been elucidated. Thus we investigate whether TH could regulate UCP-1 expression in WAT using multipotent cells isolated from human adipose tissue. In this study, triiodothyronine (T(3)) treatment induced UCP-1 expression and mitochondrial biogenesis, accompanied by the induction of the CCAAT/enhancer binding protein, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1α, and nuclear respiratory factor-1 in differentiated human multipotent adipose-derived stem cells. The effects of T(3) on UCP-1 induction were dependent on TH receptor-β. Moreover, T(3) treatment increased oxygen consumption rate. These findings indicate that T(3) is an active modulator, which induces energy utilization in white adipocytes through the regulation of UCP-1 expression and mitochondrial biogenesis. Our findings provide evidence that T(3) serves as a bipotential mediator of mitochondrial biogenesis.  相似文献   

Fibrates are hypolipidemic drugs that are also able to improve glucose tolerance in animals and diabetic patients through an unknown mechanism. Since uncoupling proteins (UCP) seem to play an important role in the pathogenesis of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), we examined whether treatment of rats with bezafibrate for 3, 7, or 15 days modified UCP mRNA levels. Using RT-PCR, we observed a weak ectopic expression of UCP-1 and a 2-fold increase in UCP-3 mRNA levels in white adipose tissue after 7 and 15 days of treatment. Moreover, bezafibrate administration caused a 1. 7-fold induction in UCP-3 mRNA levels in skeletal muscle on day 7. Since UCP-3 mRNA levels are reduced in skeletal muscle of diabetic patients, this effect may be involved in the improvement of insulin sensitivity caused by bezafibrate in NIDDM.  相似文献   

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