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Symbiont choice in a fungus-growing ant (Attini, Formicidae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cultivars of fungus-growing (attine) ants are vertically transmittedthrough inheritance from parent to offspring nest, but horizontalcultivar transfer between ant nests occurs occasionally, resultingin cultivar replacement within ant lineages. Two mechanismscould theoretically prevent the invasion of suboptimal cultivarstrains and thus stabilize ant–cultivar coevolution: first,partner feedback inherent in vertical cultivar transmissionand second, partner (symbiont) choice if the ants differentiatebetween productive and inferior cultivars during replacements.To elucidate the nature of symbiont choice, we presented workersof Cyphomyrmex muelleri with novel cultivars representing aphylogenetic cline of close and distant relatives of the nativeC. muelleri cultivar. Workers invariably preferred their nativecultivar, discriminating against even very close relatives ofthe native cultivar. When given a choice between two non-nativecultivar strains, workers accepted the strain most closely relatedto their native cultivar. Two conclusions emerge. First, colonyswitches to distantly related cultivars are behaviorally unlikelyand may not be preference-based; rather, distant switches mayoccur under constrained choice, such as pathogen-related gardenlosses that force colonies to import novel cultivars. Second,the ability of attine ants to differentiate between closelyrelated cultivar strains suggests that the ant–fungusmutualism is stabilized evolutionarily not only by partner feedbackinherent in vertical cultivar transmission, but possibly alsoby symbiont choice through which the ants select against unwanted,presumably inferior, cultivars. The efficacy of symbiont choicenow needs to be tested experimentally. Such research may benefitfrom application of theory and experimental paradigms that havebeen developed within the areas of mate choice and sexual selection.  相似文献   

We describe the first observation of parabiosis between two Attini ants (Apterostigma urichii Forel and Cyphomyrmex faunulus Wheeler) found in northern Manaus, AM, Brazil. Complete, mature colonies of both species were found in a single cavity inside a rotten log, sharing and tending a single combined fungus garden, made up of two distinct halves, each cultivated by one species. Workers of one species often antennated workers of the other species and showed no aggression toward each other or toward each other’s workers, queens, or immatures. Laboratory observations suggest that immatures of both species feed on hyphae from either half of the fungus garden. We were not able to find other parabiotic pairs involving the same species in the same locality, although we found colonies of both species sharing trails and foraging territories. Received 30 July 2007; revised 1 February and 7 April 2008; accepted 18 April 2008.  相似文献   

We describe a bioassay for the quantification of cultivar preference (symbiont choice) of fungus-growing ants. The bioassay simultaneously presents mycelium of multiple pure cultivar genotypes to worker ants in a cafeteria-style test arena, and preferred versus non-preferred cultivar genotypes can then be identified based on the ants’ quantifiable behavioral tendencies to convert any of the offered mycelium into a fungus garden. Under natural conditions, fungus-growing ants are likely to express such cultivar preferences when mutant cultivars arise in a garden, or when colonies acquire a novel cultivar from a neighboring colony to replace their resident cultivar. We show that workers from different nests of the fungus-growing ant Cyphomyrmex costatus exhibit repeatable preferences vis-à-vis specific cultivar genotypes. The identified preferred and rejected cultivars can then be used in a performance assay to test whether the ants prefer cultivar genotypes that are superior in enhancing colony fitness (measured, for example, as garden productivity or colony growth), as predicted by symbiont-choice theory. Received 24 February 2006; revised 23 June 2006; accepted 26 June 2006.  相似文献   

We studied the process of offspring production in queenless colonies of Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus, and particularly evaluated the ovary development of workers as a function of their age. For this, subcolonies were set up and evaluated at different periods of isolation from the queen (2, 4 and 6 months), besides individually labeled age groups. The subcolonies were assessed according to offspring production and ovaries containing oocytes or not. The evaluations showed worker oviposition and development of males originating from worker-laid eggs. At 2 months' absence of the queen, eggs and larvae were found, with eggs in a higher proportion than larvae. After 4 months, the proportion of eggs had reduced while larvae had increased, and a pupa was found in one subcolony. At 6 months, besides a higher share of larvae, one pupa and one adult male were found. Dissection of workers revealed ovaries containing oocytes during the periods of evaluation. Only a group of medium-sized and large workers, 23.3%, 20.9% and 37.5% of the population from each period assessed in queenless subcolonies respectively, presented developed oocytes in the ovary. The same was observed in colonies with a queen, with 17.6%, 19.6% and 7.8% of the group of dissected workers from each time period, respectively. With respect to worker age, we observed by dissection of the ovary, that the greatest percentage of individuals with ovarioles containing oocytes occurred at 45 days (6 weeks) up to 90 days (12 weeks). These results probably are associated with the workers reproduction and the laying of trophic and reproductive eggs in colonies with and without a queen; these eggs have distinct functions in each situation.  相似文献   

Neotropical ants in the tribe Attini share the obligatory behaviour of cultivating fungi as an essential food source. Of this complex and well-studied mutualism, little is known about the biological traits of the phylogenetically basal attines, which may offer important clues to the origins and early evolution of this intricate symbiosis. In this paper we focus on the founding of new nests, a key to understanding evolutionary changes in many social insects, which has received comparatively little attention in attine ants. We present a comparative survey of nest-founding behaviour in Attini, based on 441 foundress nests of 20 species in eight attine genera. In general, attine queens are semiclaustral and haplometrotic when founding nests. We show that attine foundresses of most species use an inert platform (discarded forewings, roots, or rocks) on which the incipient fungal garden is physically isolated during nest foundation, and they conduct semiclaustral foundation. This behaviour is not shared with Atta , which places the incipient garden directly on the soil floor of the initial nest chamber, and conducts claustral foundation. Nest-founding maps congruently onto the major clades in attine phylogeny, suggesting that the behavioural mechanisms used to isolate the incipient garden may have been key innovations in the early evolution of attine fungiculture. The evolutionary sequence of gardening in Attini suggests a transformation series from retention and use of detached wings (suspended from the chamber ceiling or placed over the chamber floor) to root-suspension, and finally use of bare soil. We also discuss transitions from semiclaustral to claustral founding, as well as from haplometrosis to pleometrosis, from ecological and evolutionary perspectives.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 39–48.  相似文献   

  • 1 We studied the role of leaf-cutting ant workers (Atta sexdens (L.) in fungus garden maintenance, by temporarily excluding workers from the garden. This increased its subsequent attractiveness, as expressed by an increase in the numbers of workers licking it.
  • 2 The length of free mycelia on areas of the garden from which workers were excluded increased but was reduced again when workers were returned. Workers therefore removed hyphae from the garden surface.
  • 3 The maximum‘isolation effect’was obtained by preventing ant access for 2–3 days, after which the effect declined. Removing staphylae from portions of garden kept ant-free for 4 and 6 days restored the effect, as the ants were not distracted by harvesting staphylae. Portions of garden kept ant-free for longer than this were no more attractive than non-isolated control garden.
  • 4 Workers were highly efficient in detecting and removing contaminants from their fungus garden. Samples of garden could be isolated from workers for up to 12 days before major growth of contaminants occurred, and this contrasted with the maximum of 6 days for the isolation effect on licking. The isolation effect was therefore not a response to contaminant growths on the garden.
  • 5 Workers on the garden surface may remove hyphae for nutritional reasons, or to‘prune’their fungus and stimulate its growth. In either case, the result is a regulation of fungal growth.

A number of wasps in the family Diapriidae, subfamily Diapriinae (Proctotrupoidea), are parasitoids that specialize on ant larvae. These wasps are abundant and diverse in the Neotropics, but little is known about their biology. We studied parasitism rates by an array of diapriine wasps that attack the larvae of fungus-growing ants, Trachymyrmex cf. zeteki, in a single population (near Gamboa, Panamá). Relatively little is known about the biology and natural history of these ants, so we also present data on colony size and nest architecture. We excavated 136 colonies in central Panamá from June to September 2006, and 20 nests from July 2009. We reared six wasp morphotypes; two of them in the genus Mimopriella Masner and Garcia, one Oxypria Kieffer, two Szelenyiopria Fabritius and one Acanthopria Ashmead. The mean intensity of larval parasitism per ant colony was 33.9% (2006), and its prevalence across all ant populations was 27.2% (2006 and 2009). Parasitism rates were not positively correlated with host colony size. A single case of super-parasitism was documented in which two Oxypria males were reared from the same host larva.  相似文献   

Detailed measurements on nest architecture and colony size of the fungus-growing ant Mycetophylax simplex Emery, 1888 (Formicidae, Attini) are reported for the first time, based on excavations of 55 nests from two sites in southern Brazil. All nests were subterranean, with a single entrance hole. Most nests consisted of two chambers, an upper and a lower chamber, but one and three-chamber nests were also found. The chambers were more cone-shaped than rounded, and located at a depth ranging from 4.0 cm to 32.5 cm below the nest entrance. The chamber dimensions generally increased as the depth of the chambers increased, and the lower chamber was mostly wider than the upper one. The fungus garden was always found resting on the chamber floor. The average colony size was 264.1 workers, ranging from 67 to 610 workers. Colonies produced most sexuals during the summer (from December to March) and a few during the winter (July). Direct observations showed that colonies were mostly monogynous, but more than one queen was recorded in two nests, suggesting that polygyny may also occur in this species. Received 30 November 2006; revised 20 April 2007; accepted 23 April 2007.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic hypothesis of the fungus-growing ants (subfamily Myrmicinae, tribe Attini) is proposed, based on a cladistic analysis utilizing forty-four morphological characters (109 states) of the prepupal worker larva. The fifty-one attine species analysed include representatives of eleven of the twelve currently recognized attine genera, excluding only the monotypic workerless parasite Pseudoatta ; the non-attines include two outgroups (species of the basal myrmicine genera Myrmica and Pogonomyrmex ), two myrmicine species presumed to be distantly related to the attines, and twelve species representing taxa that have been proposed by prior workers as possible sister groups of the Attini. There is strong character support for the monophyly of the Attini and for a sister-group relationship of the Attini and the Neotropical Blepharidatta brasiliensis. The Attini are divided into two distinct lineages, an 'apterostigmoid' clade (containing Apterostigma and Mycocepurus) and an 'attoid' clade (containing all other attine genera except Myrmicocrypta). The attine genus Myrmicocrypta appears to be paraphyletic with respect to these two groups; the species M.buenzlii in particular retains many attine plesiomorphies.
These results indicate that the fungus-growing behaviour had a single evolutionary origin in the ants. They also indicate that mycelium cultivation is plesiomorphic and that yeast cultivation is derived within the Attini, overturning the long-standing assumption that the yeast-growing Cyphomyrmex species are the most primitive Attini. Behavioural and ecological investigations into the origin and evolution of the fungus-growing behaviour might more profitably focus on species in the attine genus Myrmicocrypta , as well as those in the closely related non-attine genera Blepharidatta and Wasmannia.  相似文献   

The digestive physiology and biochemistry of larvae of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex subterraneus were investigated here. The activity of digestive enzymes was evaluated in the labial glands, midgut epithelium (soluble and particulate fractions), and in the lumen contents, separated into endo and ectoperitrophic regions. Enzymes with high levels of activity were partially characterised using chromatography and electrophoresis techniques. Microscope observations were carried out and the anatomy of the larval digestive tract was described here for the first time. Larvae fed with pH indicator solutions showed the anterior portion of the midgut to be acidic and the posterior portion neutral to alkaline, indicating that the pH of the different regions of the midgut could optimise certain enzyme activities, whilst inhibiting others. The flow rate of the intestinal contents was also evaluated in larvae fed with a dye solution. The slow flow rate is probably due to closure of the rear end of the larval midgut. No compartmentalisation of digestive enzymes acting on oligosaccharides and disaccharides in the ectoperitrophic space and on polysaccharides in the endoperitrophic space was observed here, which could also be related to the closure of the midgut. The digestive physiology of these larvae is therefore similar to ancestral Holometabola, a paradox when considering the highly evolved nature of these insects. The larval midgut demonstrated a large diversity of enzyme activities with high levels of alpha-amylase, alpha-mannosidase, chitinase, alpha-glucosidase, beta-glucosidase and proteinase. High levels of chitinase and amylase activities were detected in the labial glands of larvae. The enzyme profile reflected the necessity of the larvae to degrade the fungal substrate, their sole diet, and a probable source of some of the digestive enzymes detected here. When compared to adults, the larvae had a greater diversity and higher levels of enzyme activity, highlighting their importance as the "digestive caste" of the colony.  相似文献   

Abstract. Apterostigma megacephala, a new species of attine ant, is described from Peru and Colombia. It is diagnosed by the following combination of worker characters: flattened compound eyes partially wrapped around conical tubercles, mesonotal denticles and erect rigid pilosity on the head, mesosoma and gaster. It is thought to be a basal species in relation to the rest of Apterostigma. Phylogenetic relationships among basal genera of the tribe Attini are discussed.  相似文献   

The ant Mycocepurus goeldii (Forel) is known for having a relict karyotype with low chromosome number and the present study help the understanding of this ant cytogenetics by describing the occurrence of pre-nucleolar bodies in their chromosomes using impregnation with silver nitrate (Ag-NOR) and the location of 45S rDNA sites by means of the FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization) technique. Several spots were observed surrounding all chromosomes when submitted to the Ag-NOR technique. These unusual markings were observed in both chromatids of metaphase and early anaphase chromosomes, and are associated to the presence of pre-nucleolar bodies, allowing the observation of the phenomenon of nucleologenesis. Although recent studies have shown that all chromosomes of M. goeldii exhibit centromeric or pericentromeric markings for the CMA(3) fluorochrome, the FISH technique indicated the presence of 45S rDNA in only one pair of chromosomes that differed in the number of CMA(3) markings observed for this species, pointing that the other markings observed with this fluorochrome do not match the sequences in ribosomal genes.  相似文献   

The genus Trachymyrmex is a key group in the tribe Attini because of its close phylogenetic relationship to leaf-cutter ants, Acromyrmex and Atta. Cytogenetic data are only available for five taxa of Trachymyrmex, with chromosome numbers of 2n = 12, 18, 20 and 22, and morphology with predominantly metacentric chromosomes. The aim of the present study was to characterize the karyotype of the ant Trachymyrmex fuscus Emery, 1934, by means of the number and morphology of its chromosomes, heterochromatin pattern, CMA3 and DAPI fluorochromes in the population of two nests collected at Paraopeba, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Nineteen females presented 2n = 18 chromosomes (16m + 2sm) and a single male presented n = 9 (8m + 1sm). A size chromosomal polymorphism involving the short arm of the submetacentric pair was confirmed by statistical analysis, with three character conditions: heterozygous SB (with a difference in size between the short arms), standard SS (smaller short arms) and homozygote BB (bigger short arms). In the first nest, both SB and SS workers were observed. The other nest contained heterozygous (SB), homozygous (BB), and a male carrying the B chromosome (larger size). The presence of heterochromatin on all centromeric and pericentromeric chromosomes of T. fuscus suggests that the size difference observed in the submetacentric pair in the SB and BB workers is not related to the heterochromatin but to a duplication of euchromatic regions through intra- or inter- chromosomal rearrangements. The fluorochrome CMA3 matched the C-banding markings, indicating that the heterochromatin is rich in GC base pairs. As far as we know, this is the first chromosomal polymorphism reported in the tribe Attini.  相似文献   

Abstract. Workers of Crematogaster inflata possess the largest metapleural glands (relative to body size) known among ants, with reservoirs extending anteriorly up to the junction between the pro‐ and the mesothorax, and with over 1400 secretory cells on both sides together. This large secretory capacity is related to the gland's defensive function, which, in members of this species, is directed against larger arthropod and vertebrate enemies, and apparently not against microorganisms, in contrast to other ants, where the gland produces antibiotics. The gland is not equipped with any direct musculature. Secretion release is probably caused by contraction of the oblique longitudinal thorax muscles or by passive expulsion caused by external pressure.  相似文献   

Histological examination of serial sections through the abdomen of workers of three species of Myopias ants revealed the presence of several exocrine glands. These include the common venom and Dufour glands as well as the pygidial gland, but also more specific sternal glands and glands associated with the sting base and the gonostyli. Two of these glands have not been reported previously among ants: one is the paired oblong plate gland, that occurs next to the oblong plate and may have a pheromonal function. The other novel gland is the paired sting shaft gland, that occurs at the dorsal side in the proximal region of the sting shaft. A remarkable characteristic of these Myopias ants is that all glands of class-3 show ducts with gradually widening internal diameter. Myopias emeryi shows a clearly more simple variety of abdominal glands than Myopias maligna and M. sp.1.  相似文献   

We examined how the information communicated by a scout worker influences the plant species transported by recruited workers in Acromyrmex balzani, Acromyrmex rugosus, and Acromyrmex crassispinus, three species of leaf-cutting ant that have different substrate and habitat preferences. We verified that certain plant species were more likely to be transported than others and that recruitment occurs. We found that recruited workers were more likely to transport non-preferred plant species when they were recruited to these by scout workers. The results suggest that the scout worker can communicate information about plant identity to recruited workers, but that recruited workers integrate the information communicated with their own experience during the decision-making process.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural cytochemistry study and the chemical analysis carried out to examine the fat body of workers of the basal Attini Cyphomyrmex rimosus and Mycetarotes parallelus and the derived Acromyrmex disciger and Atta laevigata revealed very electrondense protein granules of varied sizes and shapes distributed throughout the cytoplasm of parietal and perivisceral trophocytes and oenocytes. Lipids were present in the cytoplasm of trophocytes as very electrondense granules. In M. parallelus, A. disciger, and A. laevigata, lipids were present as droplets. In parietal as well as perivisceral oenocytes, lipid granules were very electrondense. In A. laevigata, lipids were present as droplets. The chemical analysis using gas chromatography showed that the main lipid compounds present in trophocytes and oenocytes were saturated (myristic, palmitic, and stearic) and unsaturated fatty acids (oleic and linoleic). Also, in basal species, lipid compounds consisted of mainly saturated fatty acids, while in derived species saturated as well as unsaturated fatty acids were observed.  相似文献   

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